The Sims 4 - Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location - Ep 1 (Create A Sim & House Build)

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hey guys and welcome to a new but old Sims 4 series that's gonna be starting on the channel that's right five nights at freddy's season two if you've only just stumbled upon my channel then feel free to go back and watch season one of five nights at freddy's sims 4 edition but for the rest of you who have seen season 1 and have been long awaiting season 2 your wait is over and I am so excited because I have found some awesome downloaded content to make these new five nights at Freddy's characters with so without further ado I'm just gonna jump right into it first character I'm gonna be making the star of the new five nights at Freddy's sister location circus baby now I thought about making circus baby a child however the downloaded content that I got to make her look super awesome only works from teen to elder and plus kids can't do much in the sims 4 so I know I'm gonna get yelled at for this but I'm gonna make circus baby a team and before I do my little speed up thing that I normally do while I'm making the Sims so you can watch I'm gonna show you the new downloaded content that I got that's gonna make this awesome ready oh yes look it's got the ball joints and everything it's a robot skin okay get ready for the speedup create-a-sim did you knew that I was on stage it wasn't for very long [Music] what a wonderful day potatoes but children will from being bailed out so we're afraid of me others enjoyed my son's count the children I was always acutely aware of how many there were in the room with my two and three and two and three and four and two alright guys and this is circus baby I think she came out awesome actually hey purple eyebrows red hair this amazing robot skin that I found just like makes her and I gotta make her a little broader as you can see I kind of made her head boxy too not trying to make these Sims attractive by the way I'm just trying to make them look as close to the real ones as possible alright I think she's good now the traits are gonna be hard because I haven't finished the game yet okay I was looking up the character while trying not to ruin the story of the game for me but it says that she is the primary antagonist which means she's the primary bad one I'm gonna say she's public enemy I'll say she's a music lover but I will also say that she is evil not gonna read any more about her character because I don't want to ruin the rest of the game for me so we're gonna move on I think that's good enough for her alright next I'm gonna make funtime Freddy and on this wiki page that I found that I'm facing this stuff off of it says that he's actually a male so let's go with that I didn't think any of them were male but I was wrong alright let's get to work on funtime Freddy the one difference with the men for the robot skin I had to get this other one that doesn't do it to his face but at least this should be good enough the face one is only for girls right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this may be the weirdest sieve I've ever made and I've made a lot of weird soups I baited the ears really big to stimulate bear ears I gave him a pink hair because I realized he didn't have enough pink for being a pink and white character and I gave him the pink mustache because funtime Freddy has a pink snout which I obviously can't give him then I wanted to give him a bowtie but the only way I could get a boat I was with this tuxedo outfit I'm gonna try and find a downloadable content where I could just add a bow tie I gave him purple gloves I want only give him one but I couldn't because he's got that bonny puppet and then I gave him shorts cuz I want to be able to see the robot skin that I gave him or else you're not gonna see any robotic stuff and then it looks like he doesn't even wear shoes so I left him barefoot then I gave him big creepy animatronic eyes and yeah that's funtime Freddy he's a real weirdo I'll put him as deviant too but as a lower level deviant than her she's supposed to be public enemy I'll say - oh my god so I'm reading on the wiki as the blueprint showw funtime Freddy was specifically designed to assist in the murder of children by storing their bodies inside his belly okay so he clearly hates children and because he's got a microphone I'll just say he's music lover - all right moving on from this weirdness so next I'm going to continue the funtime characters to do funtime foxy now this one's a little tricky I was trying to look online whether it was a male or female and apparently it's up for debate it hasn't really been proven one way or the other yet that's what I found online that Scott never really said whether funtime foxy was male or female so being that funtime Foxy's gender is not really known I am going to make her a female solely because now I can use this which matches the cheeks that I need and just makes them look a whole lot more like animatronics than the male tattoo one sound cool cool you guys can have a gender to be in the comments below if you feel necessary but just keep in mind they are animatronics with no real gender this is just a spec you alright time to speed things up [Music] [Music] alright guys so this is funtime foxy so I found an ear download which I was really excited about but I was trying to find a tail download and I couldn't made her a little bit bulkier okay fun time foxy is going to be deviant - and also hates children because as blueprint showw fun time foxy was specifically designed to assist in the murder of children by mimicking the voice of parents to lead children away like children evil so I'm trying to figure out the last trait I can give and I was reading that Scott said on Steam that fun time Foxy's jump-scare is the scariest worst jump-scare ever great I look forward to that but I'm gonna put ambitious then and lastly yes lastly I know there's a couple other characters but I want to try and add them later on in the series like I did for the first season of 5 minutes at freddy's so for now we're just doing the four main ones is of course below uh I had her last name oh maybe I don't have to give her last name [Music] and this is BA Laura I can't believe there's no tiara in the sims 4 so I'm gonna definitely have to find that to download for the next episode and there was no ballet flats or anything that resembled that in purple at least so I gave her these purple heels and then I did these purple fishnet stocking things that kind of simulate the crisscross down here so I'll try to see if I could find that too but otherwise I really like the way she came out she's super cute I also tried to find a tutu to download but I could not find a tutu so this is as close as I got also I made for Laura's eyes red she keeps them closed most of the time but I've seen a couple YouTube videos or theories where her eyes were red so I left them red she again is gonna be a deviant and she's gonna be a dance machine I also say she's active because she's always dancing then I guess I'll say she's equal to oh I guess I do have to give her a last name I'm just gonna put fanfare I don't know actually I changed it up because I realized that she just has like a top shirt on but has her stomach showing I think okay now we're done all right so I think I'm actually gonna have to build the new location myself because nobody else has yet six and a half hours later as you can see I tried to follow the map and build the exact replica of five nights at Freddy's sister location see I'll put the map up here so you can see what I was doing I spent a ton of time trying to make these rooms and look as close as possible to the real ones so let me show you five nights at Freddy's sister location in The Sims 4 when you first walk through the front doors you'll find yourself in the here's the red buttons and the posters and the speaker from which that voice talks to you and pipes lots of pipes and then when you go through the door is the vent system that you crawl through of course I could not make that in the Sims where it would be walkable by my sims so I simulated it by putting metal all over and putting the vents and then when you get through the vents you get to the main control module which there was no big giant fan which kind of stinks but I found these little things they kinda emulate like having the light in shock panels here and then this was supposed to simulate the three heads I couldn't do that and this is simulating that weird guy that has his arms out and smiling at you and then this is that weird clown face that's up there and the whole room looks kind of green so everything is this green and the speaker for the voice to talk to you and of course the vents simulate crawling through this air-quote vent to get to the next room but first let's turn our attention to the left this is BA Laura's gallery and it's got the windows and everything just so you can see through to see if she's there or not and of course right now she is not because she's standing outside but if we go through this vent aka the door we get into Laura's gallery which in the game you can't really see what it looks like is it's so dark so just to go along with boo Laura I put her bed in here this is gonna be her room where she sleeps put a bunch of dance floors this is all dance floors except at this part and then this is the door that you crawl to with the little poster and through this door is the breaker room which again is really dark and all you can really see is wires in the real game I'm gonna try and repurpose this room because right now there's not much Sims can do I put like the fake panel again some pipes pipes lots of pipes all over but there's not much you could do in here back in the main control module room we're gonna turn our attention to the right this time and this is the fun time auditorium now I haven't gotten this far in the game to have gone in there but I have seen snippets of people being in there and it just pitch black but I did see that during the jump scares there's this checkered floor so I kept that but the rest I decided to use my imagination going through the fake vent slash door and I made it fun in here I put pastel rainbows all over and rainbow pictures whose bed is this this is funtime Foxy's bed this will be his room or her room he's very confused about its gender identity and if you make your way straight through the funtime room to this side you get to the parts and service rooms which as you can see has all different parts and things more pipes more pipes this is where funtime Freddy is gonna be and then if you go to the right here through this evil looking door this is the scooper room so it's been really hard for me to not ruin the end of the game I haven't yet but I did have to skip through other people's gameplays I just didn't listen to the actual storyline to see what things look like so I know the scooper room in the game does not have a toilet in the shower and a sink however in The Sims 4 I need necessities so I had to repurpose some of the rooms so this is gonna be bathroom slash scooper room and then if you go back into the funtime room and this way this is the private room which is supposed to have three TVs and a fan but I couldn't do that in the Sims and pipes more pipes all over an event and then back in the control module we are gonna go straight this time and again I made another makeshift vent that you have to go through and then on this side is the circus control room and then I also stuck the desk that you hide under here and then of course there's the windows there we go the windows so you can look out at circus baby who's not there and then you may be wondering what the heck is this room well I'm right there with you I I don't I'm not quite sure what this room is it's supposed to be the circus gallery which I could not figure out if if there was any level in the new five minutes Freddy's where you were actually in this room I don't think you ever actually go in this room so I tried to make it circus II and this was the only circusy propagate fun twist this creepy clown and then I put the checkered floor again and these cool lights so I have to figure out what kind of purpose this room can serve to maybe I should just turn it into a party or a kidnap room that would actually probably be an awesome kidnap room for people to stare at super creepy clowns until they die whoa ha ha and there you have it this is the start of season 2 of five nights at Freddy's sister location and you know what somebody's missing a bed I just realized circus baby so good this is a circus baby's bedroom good enough for now if you are looking forward to the new season of five nights at Freddy's Sims 4 make sure to leave a like before you go as always if you have any suggestions comments hate what I did love what I did leave it in the comments below and I will see you guys soon you [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 9,689,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Sims 4 Five Nights at Freddy's, Sims 4 FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location, FNAF Sister Location, The Sims 4 Sister Location, Sims 4 FNAF Sister Location, Create a Sim, CAS, Ballora, Circus Baby, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, house build, Sister Location Create a Sim, Season 2, Episode 1
Id: UVmm7NU9hwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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