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Ahh, The Sims. A life simulation game. The newest  instalment of the game, which is The Sims 4,   is already 8 years old as the time I’m recording  this. This is the longest running time for a sims   game so far. So, what is it that makes The Sims 4  still up and running ‘till this day? That’s right,   DLCs. Or what we call packs in this case.  Packs have been a staple to the sims since   the very first game, but the number seems  to be much more exponential in the fourth   instalment. As of 8th of January 2023,  The Sims 4 already has 12 expansion packs,   12 game packs, 18 stuff packs, and 17 kits  and these numbers are still counting. Heck,   in the last sims announcement, it was stated  that there’s going to be at least 2 new expansion   packs this year. Hmm I wonder what’s their  motivation to keep pumping these packs up…  Obviously, each pack adds a plenty of new features  to the game and of course, there’s bound to be   some type of integrations between different packs,  and this video is going to cover them. Hello guys,   this is onlyabidoang and today I’m gonna  be showing you 50 cross-pack features in   The Sims 4. For this video, the packs that’s  gonna be showcased will appear on this section   of the video so you won’t miss them out. So  with those out of the way, let’s get started.  Seasons and weathers will apply to all worlds  from other packs, but each world will usually   have different types of climates. Selvadorada  will be hot and sunny on summer and be warm and   rainy on fall, winter, and spring with no snow,  Brindleton Bay will have a more stormy summer,   there’s no snow in Strangerville and  Tartosa so it’ll be rainy on winter instead,   Sulani also doesn’t have snow, but instead it  has this exclusive monsoon weather with way   harsher thunderstorm on summer and fall, Del Sol  Valley will mostly be cool and rainy on winter,   the climate varies in Mt. Komorebi depending  on the season except for the mountainside where   it’s always cold and snowy, Henford on Bagley will  always be cloudy and rainy throughout the season,   especially on Spring and Summer, and many other  types of climates that I can’t mention all here.  If you own the robot vacuum cleaner from Cats and  Dogs pack and have the Bust the Dust kit with the   dust feature enabled, activating the robot  will reduce the room’s dust level as well.  With Nifty Knitting stuff pack, you can also  knit animal clothing for cows, llamas, chickens,   foxes, and rabbits. You can also use llama wool  as materials for knitting to knit with less cost.  The club feature from Get Together can have  member requirements from other packs, such as   having certain level of skills, traits, occult  status, careers, and even fame level. You can   also set the club activities to be activities from  other packs. There are many types of activities   that can be set here so you can integrate  your clubs with features from other packs.  If you’ve obtained the “Frequent Traveller” hidden  lifestyle, the option to “Ask about Home Region”   will appear if you’re talking to the locals of  the world you’re visiting. Doing this social   interaction will give you a description of their  home region and each world will have their own   unique descriptions. Apparently, this doesn’t  apply to worlds released after Snowy Escape,   like Henford-on-bagley, Tartosa,  Moonwood Mill, and Copperdale,   because four of them will have the same template  description. Guess the devs forgot about them.  The fame system introduced in Get Famous allows  you to obtain fame points by doing activities   from other packs. For example, you can earn fame  points from singing, using the DJ booth, doing   science experiments as a scientist, updating your  social media status , having a basketball duel,   sharing vampire knowledge, licensing songs  from the pipe organ or lyrics from singing,   starting a protest as a politician, getting  the best outcome after wishing for money in the   wishing well, selling archaeology artifacts,  publishing a research paper, creating and   uploading snowboarding video, and many more. When managing a restaurant, you can set the menu   of your restaurant with foods and drinks  from other packs, such as grilled meals,   ice creams, popcorns, pastries, grand meals,  pies, scones, insect meals, werewolf meals,   boba tea, Halloween meals, cottage living meals,  and even school lunches. You can also put meals   that are only exclusive to some food stalls from  City Living, Jungle Adventure, and Snowy Escape.  If you use the climbing wall  treadmill from Fitness Stuff pack,   you can also improve your rock-climbing  skill from Snowy Escape expansion pack.  By using the Bits n Bobbles  vending machine from Snowy Escape,   you can also buy various Voidcritter cards from  Kids Room stuff that can be used by children.  When a fox is targeting your chickens or rabbits,   dogs with the aggressive trait can  bark at them and chase them off.  Cats and dogs can interact with various  animals like rabbits, foxes, chickens, cows,   llamas, and bird flocks by meowing or barking at  them. They can even be scared of them as well.  When applying to university, you or another  household member that’s at least a 4-star   celebrity can flaunt their fame to boost their  admission chance for university. If successful,   they’ll be accepted into several  distinguished degrees, but if failed,   they will have lower chance to be  accepted into distinguished degrees  Enrolling in certain university majors will  also give you a big boost on many careers   from other packs once you’ve earned a degree, like  detective, scientist, doctor, politician, critic,   social media, gardener, conservationist,  civil designer, fashion photographers,   freelance crafters, and salaryperson. With the flower arranging skill, you   can arrange a wedding bouquet by your own which  can then be used in your wedding ceremony later.  If you hire a butler from  the vintage glamour stuff,   they can also do laundry and use  the vacuum cleaner if there’s one.   The same goes if you summon Bonehilda using  the séance table to take care of your chores.  Cats and dogs can sometimes be seen observing the   washing machine. Cats can even jump on  washing machine or dryer. Additionally,   playful cats can play with water droplets  that fall from clothes hung on a clothesline.  Cats can play with the yarn basket from  Nifty Knitting stuff. After doing this,   a yarn ball will come out of it and they can  play with it as well. And yes, technically they   can keep playing with the basket and produce  an infinite amount of yarn balls from it.  If you have a dust bunny around your dusty home  and tell them to search for some valuables,   they can also find item and collectibles from  other packs, such as insects, ancient relics,   fruits from other packs, geodes,  robot upgrade parts, and many more.  If there’s a sim that’s possessed and  a vampire tries to drink their plasma,   the vampire will get infected  as well and become possessed.  With the juice fizzing skill, sims can  use the fizzing station to make unique   juice with ingredients from other packs. Making  a drink using the bizarre fruit will make those   who drink it become infected and possessed,  drinking a juice made out of plasma fruit   will make vampires happy and fill their thirst  need but other sims will be uncomfortable, and   drinking a juice made out of honey will make sims  resistant to freezing or burning temperatures.  Spellcasters can bind their cats and dogs  to become their own magical familiar.   After being set as one, the spellcaster  can then summon them anywhere at will.   You can also send them foraging so they can  return with random collectibles or magical items.   Additionally, they can sometimes talk or give  you advice and can even revive you from the dead.  Vampires who work as a veterinarian can  extract plasma packs from pets using the   vet surgery machine for their own consumption Cats and dogs can be afraid of thunderstorm.   They will feel tense, and cats will  even hide under the bed sometimes.  Besides animals introduced in the pack,  sims with the Animal Enthusiast trait from   Cottage Living pack will also get the special  energized moodlet when interacting with cats,   dogs and the rodents from My First Pet stuff  pack. They will also gain relationship boost when   interacting with these pets as well. Sadly, it  doesn’t apply to dolphins from Island Living pack  When you’re making candles, an activity from  Eco Lifestyle pack, instead of buying regular   wax blocks, you can also use beeswax that you’ve  harvested from beehives as the candle material.  Vampires can protect themselves  from the sun by using the   umbrella when going outside during the  day. Also, they don’t even have to use   one when it’s cloudy or rainy outside  since the sunlight will be blocked.  Cats and dogs can sometimes be  seen interacting with pet rodents.  When the weather is bad outside, animals from  Cottage Living such as chickens, rabbits,   cows and llamas will go back to their homes  to seek shelter from the weather. They’ll   go out again once the weather gets better. If you have Parenthood game pack, kids and   teens can do yoga or meditate to increase  their emotional control character value.  If you’re enrolling in a university,  when selecting an elective class,   you can choose to enrol in class  about skills from other packs,   like knitting, DJ mixing, flower  arranging, pipe organ, vampire lore,   etc. Participating in these classes or doing  its tasks will increase the skill you’ve chosen.  With Seasons also installed, mermaids will have  the magical ability to influence weather. They   can summon rainstorm, thunderstorm, or even clear  the skies in exchange for their hydration need.  Still talking about mermaid’s hydration  need, besides swimming or showering, it   can be increased slowly when mermaids are outside  on a rainy weather. The same goes when they play   with a sprinkler, play on the lawn water slide,  use the sauna, take a dip in the hot spring,   use waterfall in a bottle, jump into a water  garden, and other water-related activities. Also,   when it’s hot outside, their hydration  need will decrease faster instead.  Mermaids will increase their singing skill  much faster if compared to other sims  Spellcaster will learn the medium skill from  Paranormal stuff pack much faster than other sims.   They’ll also gain this special focused moodlet. If a sim is skilled enough in knitting and then   tries out cross-stitching from Cottage  Living expansion pack, they’ll get this   focused “Nifty Stitching” moodlet and  get boosted cross-stitching skill gain.  If a sim plays with the doctor playset a lot  as a child, when they grow up and either join   the doctor career from get to work or start  their own veterinarian business from cats   and dogs, they’ll get a happy moodlet. If a vampire tries out the Sun Soothing   facial mask from the mini-fridge, after  taking it off, they’ll get this confident   moodlet for 12 hours that protects them from  burning when they’re out in the daylight.  Additionally, if a sim got sunburnt  after sunbathing for too long,   they can wear the same Sun Soothing facial  mask to get rid of their sunburn much faster  Mermaids can also benefit from one of these  facial masks. If they wear the Hydrating facial   mask and then take it off after some time,  it’ll fully replenish their hydration need   and the need will stay full for 12 hours,  even if they use it to do mermaid powers.  If you’re living in a lot with the industrial eco  footprint level and then it rains, it’ll be an   acid rain instead. Acid rain have a more greenish  water particle than regular rain. Sims will react   to the rain disgustingly. Your hygiene need will  also be reduced slowly as long as you stay in the   rain, and it’ll drop even quicker if you shower in  it. The acid rain will also produce this different   kind of mud puddle. If you play on it or have an  acid mud fight, they may get sick so be careful.  When a Servo robot is outside during a rainy  weather, their durability need will be reduced,   so it’s important for them to bring out an  umbrella so they won’t break. Their durability   need will also drop if they do water-related  activities from other packs that I’ve mentioned   before. Additionally, if a Servo is struck by  lightning, their charge need will be fully charged   and they’ll gain this 2 hour energized moodlet. Green energy and water source machines from Eco   Lifestyle expansion pack will be affected  by the weather. When the weather is windy,   wind turbines will produce more energy. Solar  panels will produce less energy when it’s cloudy   or rainy, and dew collectors will produce  more water supply when it’s rainy or snowy.  Werewolf will have new social interactions with  vampires, both friendly and mean interactions.   They can also have a “Supernatural Brawl” with  a vampire, where they will fight with a unique   animation until one of them loses. Also,  if a vampire drinks plasma from a werewolf,   they won’t like the taste and  will get angry because of it.  Werewolf with the enhanced smell ability unlocked  can sense different types of smells from occults   from other packs. Vampire’s scent will make  them angry, while spellcaster, mermaid, and   alien’s scent will make them dazed. Each occult  will have unique scent visual effect as well.  If a werewolf howls, any dogs  nearby will also howl along.  If a werewolf has the lunar epiphany ability  and then read one of the werewolf literature,   they’ll learn something about a magical  chamber. If they explore one of the cave   entrances in Moonwood Mill, choose to follow  the magical melody and then choose to howl   with the moon music, they’ll get the  chance to obtain the rare Moonwood Wand.   There are two types of them and these  wands can also be used by spellcasters.  With the “Natural Healing” ability unlocked,  werewolves can quickly heal not only the injuries   after fighting other werewolves, but also injuries  from other packs, such as malfunctioning vending   machine injury, rock-climbing injury, ski and  snowboard injury, hand injury from clearing paths   in Selvadorada, sunburnt, nausea after consuming  plasma fruit, the hypnotic effect of vampires,   soccer afterschool activity injury,  side effects of eating toxic herbs,   and many other types of debuffs. If a teenager performs well in high   school and then chooses to graduate high  school early, they can have the option to   apply to university. Because of that, it’s now  possible to be enrolled in one as a teenager.  When a teen is attending the Social Studies  class in high school, it will improve not only   the writing skill, but also Selvadoradian  Culture skill and archaeology skill from   Jungle Adventure game pack. Meanwhile,  besides painting and photography skill,   attending the Art class will also improve  their acting skill from Get Famous pack.  If you get expelled or drop out of high school  and grow up to adulthood, you won’t get accepted   to most of the degrees when trying to apply into  university. Some careers from other packs will   also be locked out. You need to get an online  diploma first to be able to apply to them.  So those are 50 cross-packs features in The  Sims 4. Of course, there’s more of them but   I’m only gonna be covering 50 of them for  now so the video won’t be too long. Also,   if you know any more cross-pack features  in Sims 4 that I haven’t mentioned here,   feel free to share it to the others down in  the comments below. Thank you so much guys   for watching this video. I hope you like it  and if you do like the video and want more,   be sure to subscribe to the channel for  more sims contents like this. See you later!
Channel: onlyabidoang
Views: 190,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, sims 4, the sims 4, the sims 4 packs, expansion pack, stuff pack, sims 4 game pack, sims 3, sims 2, sims 1, sims 4 vampires, sims 4 werewolves, sims 4 cross-pack features, sims 4 features, the sims 4 werewolves, the sims 4 collab, the sims 3, sims 4 kits, sims 4 update, cross-pack, sims 4 cross-pack integrations, onlyabidoang, EA, maxis
Id: sdGojSmKzUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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