How to get motivated and get more done!

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in today's video I'm going to show you exactly what it looks like when you have perfectionism paralysis and procrastination and I'm going to share an awesome tip to help you overcome it Joe is reluctantly in this video because the truth is he's taking over this space this is his office I wanted to surprise him and redo it for him he thinks I'm bad at building and hanging and everything will be crooked I'm going to I'm going to zip my lip do I think you're going to fail yes is is it going to be ugly yes but let's see what he can do you scared yeah he's terrified all right let's jump in so Joe started by taking out all of the furniture There was a desk that was here when we bought the house the homeowners left it for us but it was kind of big and he didn't love it so we moved that out and painted the walls he chose this really nice like gray color then it was all about the desk he spent weeks and weeks researching standing desks and finally realized that it was a lot cheaper to just buy the legs for the standing desk and then get a top separately so we went to Home Depot and we found this beautiful piece of like Live Edge wood on sale and this is going to make an amazing standing desk for a fraction of the price he knew he wanted more storage so again he spent weeks and weeks researching and trying to find a credenza that kind of fit the style that he was going for it was a lot of time on Wayfair and the internet but he finally settled on this one it was really inexpensive and it kind of had the same tone as his standing desk so he built that and this is where this becomes a very different video I thought this was going to be a really quick couple of day office makeover but what I'm seeing here is a really good opportunity to talk about perfection paralysis and overwhelm so when you have a really big job to do and you just seem to be procrastinating or putting it off or you just are like I'll do it someday in the future when I have the time or I have more whatever how do you actually get started it has been friends drum roll six long months that this office has sat like this and it's not that Joe hasn't wanted to work on it and he's been working on tons of other projects I think what's Happening Here is first of all it's for him and only for him so he's much more motivated when he's helping someone else instead of like doing something just for him but the other thing is the list is really big and for some reason his brain has told him he has to do the hardest thing first he's like I can't work on the office till I file the taxes and organize all the paperwork that's a horrible horrible job that he's been procrastinating understandably you might relate to this have you ever told yourself I have to do this before I can do that and you're struggling to get the motivation to get started in the first place so why have you picked the hardest most ickiest thing and I know eat that frog right this is what all the experts say to do but this actually doesn't work when you are in a state of overwhelm or a state of chronic procrastination instead because the hardest thing is getting started grab your list look at all the things you want to get done and pick the fun thing pick the easy eest thing there is no rules that say there it has to be done in a certain order hang a picture or I don't know do something that feels good in the space because as soon as you get started the momentum is going to keep you going of all the things on the list I feel like building the bookcase is the easiest it's an Ikea bookcase I might change my mind and curse in a minute but Emily and I are just going to see how fast we can whip this bad boy together [Music] Emily and I are amazing we built it in record time we're actually going to add some wallpaper to the back of the bookcase and then to the back of the matching bookcase so we're going to do it before we nail it on this is just leftover peeling stick from Milo's room but I feel like it's going to just I don't know make it look fancy let's do this [Music] Emily you know when you have a project and you take two steps forward and then life kicks you three steps back that's what happened there was some scuffs on the wall after we painted and Joe and I were like we'll just touch it up except there was nothing left in the can it was exactly one gallon when this got painted so we bought the exact same paint exact same color exact same Sheen touched up the wall and it looks completely different so now we have to repaint this entire space Joe's graciously offered to do that so Emily and I are going to carry on and recover the back of this Shelf with some leftover peel and stick wallpaper Poor Joe [Music] so yesterday my evil plan worked after six months of really no progress Emily and I we were just going to build a shelf check one thing off the list and it did exactly what I thought it would do which was motivate Joe started working on his desk he cut the piece of wood he sealed it I feel like it's working so I don't want to take over I do want to take over but I'm not going to take over because he's done 90% of the work he planned everything he bought everything I'm just going to help keep the momentum going by checking another thing off the list and doing a little organization but like a cricket so instead of organizing the way I want to which is everything in rainbow colors I'm going to organize his books the way he would want to organize them by genre so all the self-help together all the finance books together and a little section for all the books he hasn't read yet that's definitely how his brain works I organized your books so nice yes uh I want to have to talk with you but first know how much I love you I love you as well listen if you were my client right I would say you have a tendency to pile okay so I would like to create dedicated piling spot so it's not on your desk but it's still visual I know you're going to hate it so much let me just finish so it's not desk but it's super clearly labeled that this is obviously like I got to file these later or I have to get to these cuz in your brain you're going to do it in the pile is the reminder but it I'm saying you can't see your desk and if everything's visual nothing's visual if something goes in that basket yeah it will disappear there 3 to 5 years before I get to it to unstack it so this is my current pile this is it this is all I got okay this right and it lives on my desk so I have this pile yeah of which this is the thing I need to do stuff when I have my space set up the way that I want I'm actually really good at flying right I don't I don't need to basket I I trust you but also know that this is what every perfectionist says every perfectionist says I just need a system and then I'm going to use it and I'm never going to procrastinate I'm going to be really super diligent and that is the biggest freaking lie I don't need a label you need a label you seen my workshop I know where every single thing is done to there it is a dumpster fire it is a dumpster fire it is a dump I had to go by painting things yesterday because we couldn't I'm not going to argue with me I love you so much I love you so much thank you for your organizing wisdom I'm GNA organize your can I organize your closet uh I I don't know what's in there let's Embrace good enough and then you can tweak it cuz that's I mean I don't go with to organizing here yeah it's real nice there's stuff that just doesn't belong in there here that's well there's handles for doors which should not be in your office this is valuable real estate so you have construction materials in here and it doesn't belong just let me just let me just let me you do you I do me we meet in the middle that's why we're a perfect team because we're both a combination let's do this but I think we should get the desk together building a desk um is he still behind me viewers want to know why are you always Barefoot for construction Joe you should start a channel called the Barefoot Builder the Barefoot Builder it's good right it's got a ring uh because I'm always Barefoot that's I'm not taking my socks off for the video I'm just I know you are always what we're doing is building the desk so that piece of wood that you cut and you sealed you got a standing desk for why no why standing Des cuz you're going to like work out are you getting one of those walking pads I'm not working out while I'm sitting at it no I'm not no I I don't get the state because when you sit for a long period of time you get stiff especially as I'm old so you get stiff so it's just changing the changing it up a little bit I have no desire to do that but good for you man okay let's I think the best way to build it yeah would be if I built it and you cheered me on from a two feet that way I think that would be the best I'm gonna go make a [Music] three this is the moment of Tru try it out you want to go desk goes up go desk goes down goes up oh you hardly even have to touch it the perfect Builder slowly Rises on his pride of Joy only took you six months to build just go down it's very nice can we move on friend yes time for the rug this is my favorite part the decor part drum roll let's see your taste if this rug is you pick it if it's nice I picked it okay let's just get our story straight look it's so nice you're right I picked this rug you're welcome originally you were going to get artsy right that time he was going to like make something and I was like we have this painting that didn't fit in Milo's room but I think it's perfect for here uh it's similar to what I was going to make to be honest with you but you don't like the frame color no I think frame color is just I don't know what do you think I think there's too much different wood tones going on in I think you're right I think we paint it black I'm going to tuck paper in here and tape this all off and spray paint you trust me no what if I try to just tape along here and then spray spray paint in the hole Emily says no if you rip it it's just going to get all stuck to it what it feels good rip it like an idiot rip it like an idot tell you um yes it I don't know how I'm going to get it back in but I got it you did awesome good job we're going to spray paint this high five for another project almost done D all right the paint it looks good looks good looks good it's passible it's pass it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done now how are we going to reattach it inside here oh it looks nicer with a black frame oh that looks good so well we have two options hot glue was actually option one was it was it really yeah I gonna say super all day let hot glue well I don't know if it's easier or I just take it up to the shop and I just take an air nailer and I hot glue bro hot glue hot glue hot glue hot glue well I don't think hot glue I think hot glue you're gonna fight it I think you can super glue it but I think it'd actually be more work than just to nail this whatever you want to do you you nail it nail it I will continue organizing while he Nails this and I organize a little bit Joe does not have enough stuff no I have no things he's a minimalist apparently it's really empty you know what this is though I've realized yeah it's been 23 years yeah since I had a space that was mine been living out of a backpack true story but um how do you feel if I fill it with things like you got your own space how do you feel if I fill it with my stuff my stuff I'm taking you shopping you're going to experience the thrill of fluffing and and Feathering a nest some plants some manly looking things you know because it looks depressing it needs more things right it needs more things okay you nail this I'm gonna organize then we go shopping do you know what's hilarious his air gun didn't work so guess what we're actually using to uh do this hot glue Bros hot glue I feel like I've won the internet today you know Joe I feel like I feel like this is a win it's a win on Epic oh oh oh okay Joe how you feel about the hot glue [Music] great so I just moved the long-term files and the taxes up at the top the safe at the bottom and then he had a short-term file that I just moved into this little filing cabet so now I know Joe said he doesn't like baskets and labels but I'm going to show him how it's going to change his life because he has a lot of like random categories of stuff and if we contain them in these baskets and label them it's going to be really easy to find what he needs really easy to put away but also when he opens this closet his Cricut brain is going to like Simplicity that's what it's all about okay so the printer is going to go up here so what I'm going to do is keep printer paper and kind of like office supplies under the printer here folders and all that type of stuff and then over here I'm going to make him a shipping station because we do ship a lot of stuff back to Amazon and that way the stuff that needs to be returned can have a place to go and then all the shipping supplies can be down here I know he doesn't want it but it's better than what I usually do which is piling everything up here so I'm going to make it a home with something it looks [Music] fabuloso Joe found something that is very Joe we don't have no idea how long it goes for it's 1 hour you don't know it's an hour it is an hour there it's it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be an approximate it's just the coolness okay is cool it's just a sand in the thing this you picked it up because I would have picked this up for you too this screams Joe Joe and I went shopping last night wasn't that nice it was blast it was so fun we got blinds and we hung them when we got back we went shopping for accessories there was not a lot not a lot of accessories nothing that said Joe and I just I just wanted to buy whatever random stuff there was but Joe had a really good point you were like I want I'd rather rather just use what we have and Shop the house and then fill it with things that are special so that's what we did we got some plants but we really just shopped your stuff and accessorized but this is where things got sad MH we wanted floating shelves here do deep this way this is coming out to so then I was like pressuring you to what are we going to do on this wall but here's the thing it doesn't have to be perfect that's the whole point of this video it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be 100% done for you to enjoy the space so we're just going to like put the little accessories out and then we're going to show you the transformation [Music] so in less than 2 days this space is pretty much done and it looks so much better and I'm happy for you because you haven't really had a space that's yours and now you can put whatever you wanted and I can shut the door it's glorious it's amazing you feeling good glad it's done he's glad it's done and I think that this is such a good example of how sometimes the traditional ways to get motivated and to get things done like eat your frog doesn't always work because if your frog is big and ugly and nasty like doing taxes you're going to stare at it forever sometimes it's okay to start by eating ice cream right do the fun thing first because getting started is the hardest part and that's exactly what we did in here and guess what guys not only did everything get checked off the list but he also did the taxes I have it you haven't you told me you did the tax some it's done yeah okay you should I was like you did the you're like I did all the tax personal tax or D oh for p he did most of the taxes we'll see you guys next time I seriously thought you did the taxes hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end this week has sucked like donkey balls bad okay listen working with my husband makes me want to a little bit of maybe a pillow in the you know what I'm saying so frustrating we are very opposite and this is his space so he like really wanted to be in charge and in control but he works at a snail's pace okay friends he works at a snail's pace so I'm trying to like you know he's a control freak I'm a control freak freak together it's chaos but we got it done it looks great I can move on to other things that do not involve Joe except in a couple weeks we're doing the garage together it's going to be like this it's like going to be like Groundhog Day all over again but maybe no it's going to be bad let me know in the comments below if when you do big projects with your spouse if you also want to just just you know or if you're like all sunshine and rainbows and Friends actually if it's sunshine and rainbows keep your comments to yourself I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 196,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, procrastination, overwhelm, how to stop procrastinating, how to get more done, how to overcome overwhelm, how to get started, how to get motivated, mel robbins, mel robbins procrastination, clutterbug tough love, clutterbug decluttering, how to get more done in a day, how to get more done during the day, how to get more things done, how to stop procrastinating and get work done, how to stop procrastinating and be productive, procrastination motivation
Id: bSHzUtiLU4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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