THE Silent Vehicle KILLER at Ningaloo Beach Camps / fishing and 4x4 Ningaloo coast

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his middle name must be Postman Pat this guy cuz he's absolutely sending it welcome back to SKT this week we are showing you the most famous off-grid remote beach camp in wa and let me tell you it's an absolute belun is a tingle a we also get a random unidentified drone coming to our personal space with a secret message nor we be a bit mad at this a drone flying over it's not ours saw how excited we were about having an absolute Waterfront site is a downfall to that and we're about to show you what it is strap in guys cuz this video is going to be one of our best [Music] righto we made it through the famous yardi Creek now we're on the long road out to the ningo National Park normally there is a shortcut Road off the main highway but because there was a big fire here about a year ago I believe it got shut then uh heap of sand on the track and yeah the road's closed now so everyone has to come through Kate range pretty much and uh it is a good fun track especially Talent like it is a lot of fun to do it I love it like I love doing this track we have got a brand new product we're testing out and we will show you what it is today but it is a touring uh hack SL tip SL sick product that you can carry that's going to let you go off grid for a lot longer now little sneaky uh hint would be it looks like a water bed for a dog that's all I'm going to say right now can you hear that in the back we're going to be off grid for a whole month like we're going out now for a whole month so so um carrying this bit of equipment is essential if you do want to do long trips out off grid and uh we're going to show you all about it anyway we're so pumped to get into this bloody Camp spot it is one of the best on the ningaloo coast yeah I just pulled over for a sec I just want to show you guys this so if you are coming out to ningo station this is what you can expect from the track cuz we always like to give little tips and hints and insights into the track and that way you guys can decide whether you want to pull your van out to this spot because everyone's got different setups the size of the Cor ations I don't know if you guys can see that um yeah they're good size corrugations I'm not going to lie to you if you don't want to endure like I think it is about 40 something K if you're going all the way to ningaloo station maybe even 60 if you can't do 60k of this stuff yeah it's probably not the best spot for you but um it's definitely an adventure and we're in the absolute desert here there's absolute nothing around no facilities no reception no phone signal and and uh yeah we're absolutely living it up out here and uh we're going to jump back in Leroy here and uh keep going on this these corre like literally feels like you're driving on cabon day like it's freaking bumpy like you're driving on top of a Tin Shed So as a lot of you guys would know and if you weren't aware we are doing some R&D testing for urban Caravans so we've been given the teror Glide um new airbag terog Glide suspension so it's got new SAR technology um yeah this is pretty much the duck nuts of suspension it's like Caravan race suspension so I'm going to hit this little whoopsies I'm going to hit this track a little bit harder than someone normally would just to see how the ter Glide will handle it all myON disloc I just [Music] keeping wow that ated up there's a little bit of testing for you so I that handled it pretty good now as you can see here this isn't a full Flex by any stretch of the imagination it flexes way more than this I need a bigger Rock but I just wanted to show you the the travel um difference in the suspension it's pretty cool to see look at that one wheel's fully tucked up with in the the actual Caravan itself and then the other Wheels still on the ground normally what would happen even with ATX um one wheel does lift up off the ground because it doesn't have that travel in the suspension um because we've got bigger long travel shocks bigger bags um and obviously that that roll bar sway bar underneath the Caravan we are able to get this new flex so that is one thing that we are saying we've compared the ATX next to the terroride and the terog Glide has twice as much travel as the ATX twice as F radio you guys know that we're no BS and a lot of people on YouTube make claims but they don't want to back it up with hard evidence or experience so here it is this is a sneaky clip of us flexing out our cruise Master ATX to the max in the NT on a jump up have a look the back wheels are fully off the ground so the suspension is at full Flex look at the distance between the top of the tire and the bottom of the Caravan versus the uh the terror Glide shop uh between the top of the tire and the Caravan how much more Flex this new suspension has keeping in mind the terroride is nowhere near to maxing out like we had on the ATX in this shot so we've still got a lot more in the kitty there so uh this this shot really proves how much Flex this new ter Glide suspension really has and full disclaimer we are not sponsored by any stretch of the imagination by teror Glide um we are just purely testing this out because Urban want to start putting this on their vans so we're making sure it's really really good before people are ordering it on their Vans and so far it's uh it's proving to be pretty sick suspension and uh it's literally Caravan race suspension so anyway I thought I'd show you that um pretty bloody cool [Music] [Music] [Music] still going on the track still bloody good it's a bit corrugated still but we're going to be at Camp soon and we're going to bang the Drone straight up oh yeah we got a new drone too cost us 1,800 bucks that bust up that I had the other day crash the Drone oh my God that's brand new came from Perth all the way up to X in one day from JB high five that's Snappy gun our drone ran into the other day that Bloody destroyed our drone and yes it cost us $1,800 $ to replace which is a massive hit to our bank account and hopefully we don't crash it I'm a bit worried right we' made it down to wind Bandy and old M showing us how to bloody rip it up with the bloody kodo look at him he's taking off even keep up with him I'm in low range mate I've got to bloody kick it back a gear and feed it he's bloody his middle name must be Postman Pat this guy cuz he's absolutely sending it we cannot wait to show you this in all seriousness this is me being serious and I'm being dead ser ious about this place being so good and uh we never even been here before it's that good we've never been able to get a booking here so anyway look at old mate bloody lost him he's uh he's halfway to Perth I reckon this blow okay the bloody caretaker here is such a good blow okay we didn't we didn't realized how good a bloke he was he's like jump on the Kabota and I'll take you for a rip anyway I got in his Kabota and he's like literally everyone gets bogged on this side so what we got to do is I'll show you the track but we swing in here and this is like powder I'm just six nights too as long as we can get the car in we will be laughing thank you to whoever canel this booking we this is a this is a cancellation so you've got to just constantly be looking on that website trying to get bookings but anyway this should be a lot of fun to film this so anyway let's bring it through righty here we go here goes nothing this sand is freaking soft and uh this should be a lot of fun hopefully we can get Leroy and beig K 3.0 into this joint myun is a tingling a that's what happens when I get to these sick spots they just start tingling right here we go here goes nothing I did it first shot got it in body o hey look at this super soft look at this you I always prefer this spot over all those ones right up the front this is unbelievable I cannot believe this a van right there now they're just going to watch the tides yeah the Tide's been coming up but that's all right we'll just build a big old sand cast in front of the van so we can't oh a few scratches few scratches on the van but that's why you buy an off-road van look at that is pretty scratched oh well at least we're using it and getting to places like this this is freaking unbelievable how sick is this this is literally why you travel Australia like to get places like this this is absolutely insane and there's yeah there's no surprises we've never been able to get in here cuz it's always booked out but yeah it's just so freaking nice but the only thing is that tide level's coming up it's actually a bad day today would you believe it it's windy um the swells up so surging up like people actually around here are saying it's a bad day but I don't agree with them I think it's a freaking sick day and uh how how epic is this I just can't believe day it's just insane hopefully it's coming through the camera how often can you just like do this straight out from your a ready that was a bad one let me do it again here we go ready down the beach put what the hell that was a bad one let me try one more here we go time it sting on Stone at the edge of my gra sending my love your way [Music] my selling my soul to keep it satisfied waiting on the call for your War last [Music] time I say it again it cross my [Music] mind how good is this spot so nice itch world are having an end of financial year up to 85% off sale and with the our discount code SKT you can make that up to 90% they're selling everything from bloody solar blankets solar panels lithium batteries and we've even got bloody jump starters coming out the wo here they're bloody red hot um they're going to be some serious Bargains guys and now is the cheapest and best time to update any of your 12vt gear it's going to be the cheapest anyway guys jump on it's only while stocks stocks last grab a bug we've all heard of the ad ladin story and the man that rides on the magic car now I'm a huge fan I've always wanted a Magic Carpet of my own and today we finally got one and I want to show you this magic carpet cuz it is pretty cool now this is the newest addition to our um our touring setup and that is called the seag gear mat now you're wondering where the magic part comes in check this out now our matate hay and Brad actually got us onto this mat um and it is super cool for this reason check this out so you grab some sand and you throw it on the mat like that and as you can see there's actually let's do more look at that that's a huge amount of sand and then if you just like Shuffle the sand fourth on it bang no more sand so sand can go through but it can't come back up which is life-changing it's going to keep your Caravan cleaner which is a huge issue of mine because I just walk everywhere with dirty fet I never clean the bloody tootsies and we've always been against carrying extra gear and we've never carried a map before but after we did that like 2 week stint on the beach there was just always sand in the Caravan so we're being converted how cool is that so C gear Matt this is available at Outback equipment and if you use the code SKT 5 you're going to get 5% off a sear mat so pretty cool stuff plus let me show you this secretive touring hack as well that we were talking about before now this is going to keep us off grid for longer magic carpets are awesome but this is pretty sick this might look like a water bed for a shih tzu but I can guarantee you it's not this blue thing right here is what you heard slushing around in the back there and that is 150 L bladder which is actually about 200 L cuz I I reckon I got way more than 150 l in it but uh We've also got that as well which is super cool and uh all you have to do to fill it up is uh you've got your hose here you fill up hose you connect it up and then I've just put a oneway valve on it that's it simple as that you fill it up so we got 300 l in the van I reckon I've got 200 L here so that's 500 L plus 40 on the back so we got 540 L of water on board now so we can stay off for a lot longer and we're out here for 4 weeks so that's going to do us the whole time now I know what you're thinking now ke the hell are you going to get that water from that bladder into your Caravan now that's where this next bit comes in there's B going on isn't there we got this seaflow bloody water pump kit so all you have to do is plug in the 12vt it goes off a Siggy socket obviously you plug that side into your pickup and then on the other side you've got your bloody hose down put that into the tank or you could use it to squirt things off whatever you want but uh yeah it's super cool that's a pressure pump all this gear is available to Outback equipment so that water bed for a shih tzu this pump and that sear Mt we have craved for years now it's so good we have it so if you want any of that stuff Outback equipment to your shop SKT 5 will save you some do too put that back in your pocket and go buy some beers but yeah speaking of beers it's probably time how could you not have a beer here just looking at that makes me crave a beer for some reason all right so you saw how excited we were about having an absolute Waterfront site literally with the water right on our awning however there is a downfall to that and we're about to show you what it is uh over here in wa we do get quite big tides and this isn't even a big tide so right now we're at 1.1 and I'll show you how close we are to the awning see the seaweed line here just above that is where the water has come up to and that's only at 1.1 so right now we're just discussing how we're going to manage when it gets up to 1.5 and we're thinking we'll just move the van from that spot up into this little bit and have out warning out to the side so then we're still by the water radio we're going to try to move the setup around back over to the other side so it's a bit higher ground for that tide but yeah this is going to be pretty soft I don't know if you can check that out she's bloody soft and powdery so hopefully we don't get buged cuz I don't really want to pack everything up in the van or be too violent cuz yeah we've left all the laptops coffee machine everything out on the bench so see how we go [Music] if I had kept turning I would have got buged so I'm just going to do a three-point turn do want me to tell you when you can start don't run our boite over I'm going to turn a little bit more do you want me to move okay keep going yep keep going oh first well problems eh at that still good [Music] all right normally we'd be a bit mad at this a drone flying over our camp it's not ours but they've got a message for us hook to the bottom of the Drone what if he can't take it off from there no way don't want to break their dry a grant tomorrow will be like drink six probably can't take off from there all right so we've got a secret note it says and it's from g&t so Grant and tomorrow so it's not some weirdo which is every day is a Sunday they must be parked down the beach and they seen us all sorted here don't want to bug your plenty of room here if the high tide comes in oh that's so nice internet works here too if you need it cuz our starling's broken what Legends there that's such a funny way to um they knew they couldn't text us cuz we got no reception and they've got reception but normally they can text us cuz we got starlink they had to go old pigeon mail with um the Drone do we send them one back oh I don't think our drone's going to make it and with my track crashing him I don't reckon I'm Keen enough to do that but D the oh well I'm framing that that's that's the coolest thing that's ever happened to me bit of bush mechanics but we um got given like a foot pump that you'd have to go that for like 20 minutes to pump this thing up so what I do is I bastardize this so like the ARB compressor um hose actually I just tape it up with some Gorilla Tape just speed duct tape and yeah it works the treat so all I have to do now is just stand here and go how good is that takes about probably 5 10 minutes to blow up it's just way easier you get it way harder and it's way quicker and cuz we got the 400 cuz we got the 400 a ITC lithium in the back of the car like we don't have to run the car to do any of this we just sit here all day pumping if we want to so yeah it's good having all that battery power in the car so he can do things like this that are a bit [Music] silly and how you [Music] the love you have got to give look at this these dolphins are playing with us have a [Music] look that's so C oh they were hunting but now they're playing 100% this is too good enough to get [Music] is it out of here oh nice you scared them off wow oh this one's got a baby killing yeah oh look at this one coming up behind us oh it's just sitting on the top look at it out oh wow I feel like I'm I feel like I'm a part of the dolphin pack the pod I'd be the hairiest dolphin theyve ever seen all right so we had a massive day out on the boat we got absolutely smashed coming back in about halfway home kill like I think we went too far in the boat and I was like yeah never again it literally took us I re that probably took us like what 40 minutes to go just around the point it was so got bruised bums anyway we're traing ourselves to a roast and believe it or not we actually have never done like a big roast in the Weber and obviously had a Weber for like 2 years we're doing a rolled chicken it's got apricot and a cranberry it's got apricot and cranberry in the middle cranberry it's only been in there for like 40 minutes so look at that definitely needs we didn't have any Al oil left just chucked extra tray on top of it and then we've got some potato sweet potato and then some greens to go with it it's going to be so good this spot it is amazing and everyone's been kicked out from the point cuz of the um ti so we literally have like the whole point to ourselves radio it's time for a bloody Pam cker throw it down the gallet let's do a slowmo this the Tide's fully low right now as you can see and then look up there that's normally packed like literally on that point there's normally packed full of people and everyone's had to go because the Tide's going to come up too far and thank God we moved cuz look the Tide's bloody there and it's getting higher tomorrow morning tonight so tonight I'm going to have a fish I'm going to throw in a few big few big lollipops for the spango and fers cross we can get a big spango or something off the beach here in front of Camp literally I could fish under the awning check this out it's right here so sick we could have fished under the awning when we had it right here I I could have caught a big spango under the awning I have absolutely nailed it you nailed it or maybe the chicken's a little bit overcooked but I was scared I'd give us like food poisoning so I sort of just left it in for a little bit longer but tastes good that looks delicious Rose chicken bang and with a view got the rod down there all set up if a big fish takes that we're in trouble oh yeah how good is this that's living Shaz R having a fish right in front of camp and uh bang it's right behind me there got the rod out using a bit of fish bait tonight and uh yeah hopefully we get a couple there's some big spango getting around and we've got a storm coming in as well so I got the best seat in the house tonight and I'll probably sit out here to high tide I reckon and just see what happens cuz last time I did that I was rewarded heavily you're joking me you have got to be f look at this look at the size of this that is a monster spanger [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rio if that's not the most unexpected insane Sunset you've ever seen it's like a storm coming I was like the sunset will be tonight and then it does that so I'm putting the Drone up we'll get some sick shots how good is this wasting time quick put it up quick I remember everything just like it was yesterday and how you used to turn around to me and say that love no game you play to win love it doesn't come by by itself so [Music] [Applause] e right going to try out L and get some squid but it is a little bit windy so we might get blown away so it might be successful or unsuccessful we see check this Sandbar out it's insane we just scooting along the edge of it it's like the most pretty water you've ever seen look at thato Rio does this just happen to us cuz literally there's bugger all squid around and we catch more Charlie courts these bloody little cods up here than bloody squid look at that he's just engulf that thing does anyone else catch fish on squid jigs or is it just us comment down below if you did enjoy today's video we guarantee you you're going to love this next video right here [Music]
Channel: Sarah and Keelan Travels - Offroad Caravanning Aus
Views: 40,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keelan, sarah, Sarah and keelin, Trip in a van, explore life, 4wd, 4wd247, offroad, explore, surfing, hunting, catch and cook, vlog, travel australia, bucket list, toyota, prado, landcruiser, Australia, touring, offgrid, hybrid caravan, full time travellers, seafood, fishing, diving, 4x4, lithium, solar, DJI, gopro, sharks, dolphins, DIY, OFFGRID, 12v, 600ah, river crossing, wet season, nolans, bogged, nsw, beach camp, free camping, overland, overland vehicle, touring vehicle, the ultimate tourer, fish, ningaloo
Id: 9mcHBbE1Yp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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