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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Joel I'm Eric I'm Daniel I'm Megan I'm Grandpa I'm Aunt Becky I'm Matt I'm pity and we're some of the veggie boys and we'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here please consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of stuff on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help welcome back everyone it's so nice to see you we're getting our morning started off heading into the farm market first things first we are working on getting the farm market all cleaned and set up Matthew has got the floor all vacuumed and now he's getting everything pulled out of the cooler and I've got to get all our tables cleaned off and sanitized so before we get moved on to any other jobs we're gonna get that taken care of Matthew and I have now got the farm market all set up there is a few things that we need to harvest this morning to make sure that we have plenty of produce though so after Dad gets back from the wholesaler and we have the animals all taken care of we're gonna head out to the fields and pick now yesterday we did all of our picking in the morning and then we spent the afternoon unveiling strong we might end up doing that again today we are concerned there might be some showers in the afternoon and that would stop us from bailing but whatever the case we do need to get the vegetables picked this morning that way we can be concerned with that other stuff in the afternoon now I'm not sure what all exactly we're going to need to pick today I know we have an order for sweet corn I know we have an order for broccoli and then we have a rotation set up for our pickling cucumbers our regular cucumbers and zucchini and today I believe is the straight eight cucumbers and zucchini need to be harvested but before we get moving on to other jobs I'm gonna get some breakfast because I am hungry well I just got finished talking with Joel he went down around back to start taking care of the animals I have a little order for broccoli that I need to run and grab this morning I need a bushel of broccoli and I also need some Chinese cabbage if I can find it and I'm getting ready to leave and I can see Dad just got back from the wholesaler so Matthew will be helping him with that never mind we've had a little change of plans because Cali wanted to come with us so now dad myself and Callie are going to get the broccoli [Music] now the reason why we had to come out right away is like I mentioned we have an order for a bushel of broccoli and while we don't have enough broccoli at home to fill that order so we're out here getting it this morning are you ready to pick some broccoli foreign there we go we just got all of our broccoli harvested now before we head back to the farm I just need to run over here and see if we have Chinese cabbage now we planted our Chinese cabbage quite some time ago we just haven't had much time to look at it to see if it was ready to harvest we have Savoy over here the Savoy's not ready to harvest and down here is our Chinese cabbage yeah I think I can get a header too one head that's nice and there's another head these are the only heads that I was able to find that were ready to harvest they look really really nice but it is still a little bit early for that cabbage now that we've got our broccoli and our Chinese cabbage we're ready to head back to the farm Cali look once we got back from picking that broccoli and cabbage we took everything into the farm market we then took some time to get the truck unloaded from the wholesaler and fill everything up inside the farm market so the farm market is all taken care of for the morning and once I got finished with that I came down around back to help with the animals they've got everything mostly done they're just finishing off with the cattle and I might take some of this straw that we have and put it in for the chickens we are now on our way out to the fields we gotta get started right away with picking some sweet corn because we are all out people are going to be showing up all day for sweet corn because the weekend is coming up and they're gonna need it [Music] now in our last video we were out here harvesting sweet corn and we talked a little bit about some of the crop damage we were getting from the skunks and raccoons I'm seeing a little bit more today but it's not fresh it's stuff that's happened a few days ago so we don't need to be too concerned about that right now come on this one won't let go but if we started seeing any more damage then that would start being a concern for us um planting this first planting under the biodegradable mulch has really helped us out the stuff that we didn't plant under the biomulch we planted as early as we could and it's still going to be about two weeks out which to be completely honest with you would not have been the end of the world but the fact that we have sweet corn now well that helps us out a lot sweet corn is one of those vegetables that draws people to the farm market so when they come to the farm market to get sweet corn they also pick up other things so the fact that you have sweet corn really draws in more customers I will say I thought it was going to be a lot cooler today but I think because the humidity is so high it's making it feel much warmer than it is see the thing is when you pick in these fields especially sweet corn because you're surrounded by the corn that's always giving off moisture it's a lot more humid in the field so yeah I mean it causes you to sweat pretty bad when you're working already out in this humidity but then you add being in the corn fields on top of it but even though it can be quite bothersome to be out in this humidity and heat we do get kinda used to it and it's not as bad as it could be bad is Daniel sink when you got out of your combine [Applause] let's do a test here this morning let's make sure this stuff still tastes good oh yeah Joel let's go ahead oh yeah that's a good breakfast yeah well maybe this is a good second breakfast some of the sweet corn is right so you got to be careful while you're picking that's why I squeeze the top and then I twist it and pop it out [Music] on the truck we now have 17 baskets of sweet corn it's not technically a full bin but it's the most we've picked this year so far now the time will come where we're picking bins and bins and bins of sweet corn but it's still a little bit early for that and now that we have the sweet corn we got to get it back to the farm market so that the customers that are waiting for it can pick it up I'm here with Dad and Matthew right now and we're pulling fertilizer out of our tank now the fertilizer in here is a 5 15 15. we're actually going to be giving this to our vegetables and tomatoes we're going to be running this fertilizer into this tank taking it out to the fields and then putting it into a location that we can run our drip lines through it as well we have a little tank system set up back there this is just going to be to transport it we wanted to give our plants a little extra boost and this is one of the best ways we can do it we got our fertile eyes are loaded onto our wagon we also have plenty of baskets for harvesting cucumbers and zucchini so now we're going to be working our way out to the field and we're going to get started and now we've got a full side by side and we're ready to go first order of business before we start picking we're going to get our fertilizer moved in fact so this is what we have a little injector that ties into our main line as the water comes through the injector pumps the fertilizer into the main line and then disperses it to all the crops as you can see there is plenty of crops here that need to be fertilized tomatoes peppers eggplant watermelon cantaloupe zucchini pickling cucumbers regular cucumbers and there's probably something that I missed I always miss something but anyway it's a lot of crops back here that need fertilizer it's like we're giving all these plants a good snack all right now that we're all out here in the field we're gonna get started picking cucumbers we do have someone special with us today this is Eric Joel had brought him this morning to help out a little bit we also ended up finding a PD out here in the field that's always crazy but we're gonna hop right into it we're gonna get started with the cucumbers and finish off with zucchini at the other end and check it out Petey and I both got haircuts so now we're both looking fresh please now there isn't too much of a difference when it comes to picking the regular cucumbers and the pickling cucumbers I will say it is a little easier to find the larger cucumbers so I'd say these are easier to pick they do fill up the baskets a lot faster though those are gorgeous foreign now with these cucumbers they're not at Max production just yet this is only our second time harvesting so these plants still have plenty of time to grow uh since it is only the second time picking we're not getting the production that we see towards the middle of the year but what we're seeing now is promising signs and the amount of cucumbers coming in blossoms is making us happy now if you remember underneath these plants is that mulch that we had laid earlier it has the drip line running underneath so everything that we're harvesting right now is getting water and fertilizer now with these plants if you look at the top you'll notice these little Runners and this light green growth this is New Growth that is coming for these cucumbers so even though the plants are huge they're still not done growing they're going to continue to Branch off and push out and while the Cucumbers continue to push out that means it's going to continue putting on new fruit which is what we will be harvesting now what's interesting is that this is actually a whole new variety of cucumber for us our first year trying it and listen to this the name is Dominator I think that's a perfect name for these cucumbers foreign with the one row of cucumbers because this is where the zucchini roast starts so once Daniel and I meet up right here we will only have one more row of cucumbers to harvest [Music] Daniel and Petey just got finished moving the side by side up and on the way they grabbed all the Cucumbers that we had already harvested and Dad and Eric got started with the zucchini now they're just picking the zucchini down through the same as we're picking the Cucumbers down through now we do have a harvesting schedule that we are following we are harvesting zucchini every Monday Wednesday and Friday we're also harvesting cucumbers every Monday Wednesday and Friday now the pickling cucumber or the pickles we're harvesting every Tuesday and Thursday it's a lot to pick out here and if you were to do everything in one day oh that would be very difficult on you and it'd take a very long time however by following our schedule it makes it a lot easier on everybody and it allows us to tend to all the other jobs that we have now as we're harvesting the Cucumbers there's plenty of things that we're looking for number one we're looking for cucumbers that's why we're out here number two we're looking for New Growth we like to make sure that our plants are continuing to put on new growth but then the third thing we're looking for is blossoms now we have two different types of flowers that we will see here we'll have a male Blossom and a female Blossom now the difference between a male and a female Blossom the female blossoms will have cucumbers that come behind them like this one and then the male blossoms will look like this on the back side now that's the best way for me to explain how you can tell a male Blossom from a female Blossom here we have another female blossom now the interesting thing is that we need pollen from the male flowers to get to the female flowers to produce those cucumbers now there are a few ways that this is done number one is through insects we have a lot of bees that are always in our cucumbers and plenty of other insects that help with that pollination and I'd say probably our second best pollinator would be the wind that helps us out a ton along with birds and sacks and then probably the third pollinator is us as we're going through here and picking moving the plants around we are spreading pollen and thus helping us to get amazing cucumbers that look like this there is plenty of stuff to think about while you're out here harvesting and this is one of the coolest opportunities to see how stuff grows especially when you have all different types of crops Everything grows differently and it's just it's so interesting and cool to see how it all works together I don't know who did this but anyway this is what we've got so far we've got a good little Harvest going on they're just about finished I need to pull the side by side up the boys got the rest of the Cucumbers harvested off so all that we need to finish with is the zucchini yellow squash and yellow zucchini Daniel right now is picking the yellow squash this is not too hard to harvest you don't need a knife you just grab the squash and twist them and they pop right off it was only a little yellow squash but at least it look comers which dad and Matthew are grabbing I'll show you what we all got harvested today we got some zucchini yellow zucchini cucumbers and yellow squash I don't know about you but that sounds like a productive morning and we have got a beautiful Harvest I don't know Eric how do you feel about this Harvest today it was great that's what we like to hear [Applause] see we already started moving stuff in but we gave the Cucumbers a quick bath now that they're all cleaned up we're gonna take everything inside all righty all righty it is lunch time here on the farm oh and it looks like we are having BLTs for lunch check that out I'm excited are you excited smells good in here Andrew Andrew I found Matt's head that's a big old cabbage it's mostly brain we just dropped off Eric here with Daniel Daniel is about to start bailing Eric's never seen bailing done before so this is a good opportunity for him to see it so I'm also going to leave the camera with Daniel as we go stack straw inside the barn falls off of the Bales when they're getting kicked on we kind of just throw off into the next throw and then rebail it up again [Music] looks like you guys are with me haha let's get some sick Baylor footage huh [Music] foreign welcome back guys to the barn it is warm in here but we have made some progress we put a big fan up here to try and move air around I think it's helping uh we're about three or four bales from the peak so we're getting pretty close we are against the roof to this point we're probably about 28 30 feet in the air it is pretty high once you start looking at the difference between the height this will be our second wagon of the day that we've moved up into here and it's uh quite a lot we are we're moving Bales I don't know what to say I'm warm I'm sweating I'm having a good time well we've got a little update for you we just moved another wagon full of straw into the barn we've been filling up this front section here we have this space right here which is pretty big and then where I'm standing we can fill also and then if worse comes to worse right over this beam we have a nice spot where we can fill as well in my last video I filmed quite a bit of us working in here through time lapse I wasn't planning on doing that today I just don't feel like running the camera you know I'm tired what can I say hey I'm back another update we're uh following this section now we only I don't think a full wagon will fit up there but it'll be close getting kind of difficult to stack up there it's probably about 10 degrees warmer from the bottom of the mouth all the way to the top and it's probably about 20 degrees warmer in here compared to outside and we got a big fan running because there's no Breeze I'm not complaining I'm just saying it's warm and I'm feeling it but every time we get done dad yells up one wagon closer to being finished and I said huh good to know oh it's good to know I'm happy about it right yeah that's so dark in here I can't really tell what you can see in here but we got stacked to the peak Against the Wall came out about halfway Matthew had to go home he had something he needed to take care of so now it's just Joel and I so we're moving over to the other side of the mound worst comes the worst with two people we can fill in this little section right here but it's going to be a little easier on us filling this new section now this section we used to put hay in it but we rounded all the hay now so we were able to put straw in and we never emptied it throughout summer and fall and winter so we're gonna just be stacking on top of some older stuff we don't normally like to do that but the straw is only a year old it's not old by any means so it's not going to be too big of a deal but if we can get finished today I'll be very happy because I am starting to get tired we just finished unloading our last wagon for the day I'm not even sure how many wagons we've done six or seven but we're pretty tired uh it's stacked pretty full up here could fit a few more wagons because of this extra section but I'm happy to be done I can't wait to get out of this Barn it's cold out here let me just say I'm happy to be done and I cannot wait to go swimming in the pool tonight we got a lot of straw moved up in there that's a good thing because feels like there's thunderstorms rolling in maybe I won't be swimming the pool but anyway I'm uh I'm happy with what we got done today dad and I were hide but it's over to where the boys are bailing we just want to see how everything is going and how close they are to being finished [Music] you can see they just got started with our last wagon and there is the other one they've got it completely stacked full but Dad and I need to get home because we need to get the animals all fed and we need to get the farm market closed well I shouldn't say close the farm Market's been closed for quite some time now we need to get everything put away that was in the farm market we are now all finished with work I took Cali for a little bit of a ride we went out to see the boys while they were working with the straw she really enjoyed that she likes seeing the machines work I think she's gonna be a tractor driver in the future but now that we're home we're gonna head on inside what'd you say you want to go in the pool maybe we can go in the pool in a little bit okay sound good okay sounds good now Callie and I have come into the house and you will notice there is no dinner on the table that's because it is date night and since it's date night that means this is where we're gonna end the video today I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I hope to see you next time bye bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 332,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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