How American Farmers Harvest Thousands Of Tons Of Fruits And Vegetables #2

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hello my friends today we will continue  to visit some Fruit Farms in the United   States to see how Farm Workers here  Harvest thousands of tons of fruit the first place we will visit is a  cantaloupe Farm in the Lower Valley of Texas   thousands of cantaloupes will be picked and  packed right in the field by more than 30   workers from Guatemala according to statistics  from the United States Department of Agriculture   in 2021 cantaloupe acreage Nationwide is 63  000 acres and the yield is 1.4 billion pounds   while the revenue is 313 million dollars currently California is the largest producer of   cantaloupes in the United States a county  for 58 percent of the country's production   in addition Arizona Texas and Pennsylvania  are also states with many cantaloupe Farms the next place we will visit is an apple  farm in Yakima Valley in Washington State   in the winter of 2020 billions of  apples here have been covered with   snow and this creates a wonderful  scene when we look down from above   despite being an apple variety that  is resistant to cold about 25 percent   of the apples here are damaged before Harvest   when the snow melts billions of apples are  picked and sent to factories for Packaging   Jam production or apple cider vinegar making   currently Washington is the largest Apple  producing state in the United States with   about 12 billion apples per year and accounts  for 66 percent of Apple production in the country here's what's happening at a blueberry farm  in Florida from mid-april to May each year   about two and a half thousand workers flocked  to the blueberry farms in Florida to harvest   in 2021 in Florida about 5 200 acres of land  was used to grow blueberries and the yield was   about 21 million pounds for many years now the  United States has been the largest blueberry   producer in the world with about 589 million  pounds per year the majority of blueberries in   the United States are grown in States like  Michigan Washington Georgia and Florida currently we are at a cantaloupe  Farm in the state of Arizona   unlike the process of harvesting and packaging  cantaloupe at the beginning of the video consulate   melons at this Farm will be picked and sent to  the factory for processing before harvesting currently there are about 23 000 Acres of  cantaloupe produced in Arizona with a yield   of about 149 000 tons foreign place we'll visit  in this video is a pineapple farm in Hawaii   here millions of pineapples will be picked and  transferred to trucks thanks to this conveyor   system pineapple harvesting in Hawaii usually  starts from 6 a.m to 5 PM the average salary   these workers receive is about 16 dollars per  hour according to statistics in 2019 Hawaii   produces about 415 million pineapples and is the  largest pineapple producer in the United States   after harvesting millions of pineapples will  be transported to the factory for Packaging this is the ongoing harvesting process on a  watermelon Farm in Florida from April to June   each year about 4 200 workers from Mexico flock  to the watermelon farms in Florida to harvest in 2021 Florida has about 25 000 Acres used  for watermelon production and the yield is   959 million pounds this accounts for 25 of the  country's production in addition to Florida   California and Arizona are also states with large  total watermelon acreage in the United States   the seventh place we will visit today  is a table grape Farm in California in 2021 California produced 5.9 million tons of  grapes representing 95 percent of the country's   great production at a value of around 5.2 billion  dollars billions of grapes after being picked   will be moved to the outside of the farm and  packed right there would you like to go to   this farm and pick your own grapes this is what  is happening at a pear Farm in Washington State   currently there are about 10 different  varieties of pears grown in Washington   in 2021 Washington is the leading state in peer  production in the United States with around 347   000 pounds the beginning of August each year is the time when   thousands of workers flocked the pear  farms in Washington to harvest foreign after harvesting millions of pairs are  sent to the factory to be washed and packed   in the next part of the video  we will visit some Peach farms   in States like California New Jersey  and Georgia to see how the process of   cultivating and harvesting thousands  of tons of peaches happens foreign peach tree planting usually takes  place in late winter or early spring   these farmers will plant  about 142 peach trees per acre   immediately after planting these peach trees will  have the top cut off so that the nutrients are   concentrated to the roots foreign these are  the one-year-old peach trees most of these   varieties of peach now need more than three  years to be able to harvest the first crop in early spring some Peach Farms will  use probiotics to spray peach trees   to protect the young shoots from pest attacks late February and early March is the time when  flowers are in full bloom at most Peach farms in   the United States currently in the United States  there are about 34 different varieties of peaches   of which yellow peaches are the most popular   when the peach blossoms bloom these farmers   will prune the trees and leave  only 60 percent of the flowers   this helps maintain a reasonable fruit density and  that ensures the quality of the peaches at Harvest   after the pruning process is complete millions of   honeybees will be sent to Peach farms for  pollination currently the price to hire a   swarm of bees to pollinate fruit trees  ranges from 150 to 200 dollars foreign these are peaches that develop  one month after pollination   if the density of fruit is too much  these workers will proceed to remove them after about 100 days from flowering these  peaches are ready to start a new Harvest   would you like to go to these Peach  farms and pick your very own peaches at each annual Harvest thousands of workers  flock to these Farms to pick peaches   their salary is about 16 per hour in 2021 California was the largest peach producing  state in the United States with about 468   000 tons County for 75 percent  of the country's production   throughout recent years peaches grown in Georgia  have consistently been rated as having the best   taste in the United States it is true that  other States produce more peaches each year   but just take a bite of a Georgia Peach and you  will feel the difference in quality and taste   millions of peaches once harvested are  sent to factories to be packaged or   processed into other dishes such as canned peaches here is what happens at a  peach packing plant in Georgia   here these peaches will be washed  and disinfected before packing   the price of peaches in Georgia currently  ranges from 80 cents to 90 cents per pound foreign 13 to 15 years most peach trees in the United   States will be removed and new peach  trees will be planted to replace them how do you feel about the process of cultivating  and harvesting peaches in this video let us know   what you think in the comments section of the  video goodbye and see you in the next video foreign foreign
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 3,955,989
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Keywords: harvesting, fruits and vegetables, agriculture, farming, american agriculture, american farming, mass harvest, agriculture technology, farming technology, agriculte machine, harvest machine, harvesting technology, modern agricultural technology, cultivation technology, #tony98discovery
Id: zfHDkS31-0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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