The Shroud of Turin w/ Dr. Wayne Phillips - Sacred Heart Church, Tampa

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thank you so much mace and vicki and for the invitation it's just awesome the chance to be able to speak at my grammar school i graduated with betty right there and dale right there and uh i'm so glad they're here on this really fun night so i've been speaking about this um for almost 11 years and this is over 200 presentations on the internet and in person and ewtn and i have a lot of my recordings are just google and you can google shroud phillips and a lot of that shows up so why did this all start it started because i raised catholic but when i got to notre dame i was a smart aleck and i thought i knew everything and my face started wavering a little bit and then i met this wonderful lady my wife bridget who never wavers in her faith and then i married her and one day i had 19 i married in 69 one day around 1975 i saw on television for the first time the shroud of turin so i said hmm i have a woman that i love i'm wavering in my faith maybe this is something that's going to kick me in the jaw so i said well the first thing i have to do is convince myself this is not baloney so i had one way to think about it and that's with my highest level of education is an allergy immunology so the shroud just happened to have pollen on it so i said all right so i've been served this on a silver platter 1975. i'm a doubting snow at all physician okay so i'm going to really unmask this as a fraud because i'm going to read everything on the pollen and i did and i did not unmask anything i got convinced it could not be faked so you're going to see later this individual pollen on it that i'm super familiar with that is in jerusalem and then later in constantinople and then later in france every place the shroud has been there's sample pollen no place else on earth but those places so that convinced me all right then it became a lifelong fan and i read everything and then my kids were i trained and not trained them but coached them in soccer and baseball and then they all graduated had a nerve to disappear so they disappeared and had nothing to do and i said why don't i give talks so 11 years ago i started it and here i am all right so what we're dealing with here is obviously a miracle the resurrections a miracle but it's even more jesus has left us a sample of what miracles are about and this sample is the most important part of christianity he resurrected from the dead and my humble opinion now science is overwhelmingly backing that up not that you guys need it but i bet you have some relatives or some grandchildren that need a little boost well if you get them interested in thinking about the shroud science they're going to start thinking maybe they should give this this christianity thing another chance that's why i do this to pick up the unbelievers and to foster stronger faith from all of us we always doubt everything but of course if you're sitting here you probably doubt less but this little wavering thing is out the window when you hear all these details so after we get through i'm going to answer any questions you want until i pass out on the floor okay all right so i feel truly as now i'm going to divorce myself from my faith just for a second and i'm just going to become a pain in the neck know it all doctor all right all right so i think there's scientific proof that the first time in history as of 2005 and again you're going to see why i pick on that date that the shroud is real all right so here's the premise the premise is either it is or it isn't it either represents part of the resurrection where jesus on purpose left an image for us to secure our lousy faith abilities and make it a little more aggressive and do things better or is it a medieval fraud all right so i'm going to go through all the points of science and i like to refer to the physicists in the back there who's an atheist okay hey john thanks for following me i'm joking of course but the physicist obviously knows more than me because he's a physicist not a lowly doctor but i'm going to say everything that that physicist cannot disagree with except the conclusion every single point i make is irrefutable not lying to you at all you're my patient i'm not lying to you as a doctor okay so so hang in there and you know remember your questions or write them down all right here we go so who's on my side here with the pope's through history let's just talk about modern history the last 20 30 years the popes have never come out and said the shroud is real but my favorite pope is the wily john saint john paul ii who said he believes in it without saying it look at the quote instead of icons made by man well if you have an icon and it's not paid by man who made it okay so he's saying without saying it directly this is an icon not made by man let us venerate the holy face of jesus so my interpretation of that sentence is he's saying he believes it's real all right so what we're going to see now is scientific elements on the shroud of the passion the crucifixion and the resurrection it's all there in plain english god slapped us in the face again here i am i did this for you here's your proof all right now what you hear about the shroud on tv is always limited it's gonna and you'll never hear the things you're gonna hear tonight you're gonna hear things tonight that will just astonish you but if cnn or history channel actually said those in detail you would be overwhelmed to believe it so they always leave stuff out but tonight nothing is going to be left up all right so we can begin with the cloth itself this is a picture of a piece of it cut off for carbon dating back in 1988 so it's a first century style herringbone weave cloth now for this to be 2 000 years old does that look like old cloth no it looks like somebody just did it yesterday all right so that's a little these are just a little hints these aren't the big things but it looks too new all right so what's interesting about it is as i said it's linen it's high quality which fits the story of the bible of uh joseph arimathea the rich person may be providing the cloth has blood on it which is extremely important but number one all is the image the image is everything because it's a pixelated photograph 3d image did you hear that before maybe not and guess what we've been trying for a long time the scientists of the world to duplicate it and they can and they cannot so 2011 i was invited to be a member of the 137 international child science group those are real scientists around the world two or three of us are communication people that's why i'm in it so i get their emails all the time and i keep updating my talk all right so let's get a feel for what happened that the shroud gives us information on what happened scientifically at the moment of the resurrection all right so to understand it we have to understand the image so the rigor mortis body of a nude christ was laid on a cloth in the tomb and the top of the cloth was furled over the top of his body so when the moment of resurrection happened the image generates to this piece of the cloth and that piece of the claws so it's a front image and a back image and if it was faked in the time of the middle ages the bishop had to hear from the faker that i have a nice picture of jesus nude was that going over well no all right so that is a little odd that a person in the middle ages would have done such a thing all right this is a picture that i took when i went to see the shroud with my wife and tour in italy 2015. there's the guard and you can see it's a full length front image head to head with a back image so here's the face the arms the chest the leg you're going to see this a lot better just showing you the whole thing and there's the back of the head his back buttocks and legs and feet now here's an enhanced computer i've turned up the gain on the dark side and you see the front image a lot better with the gains turned up so it's a 14 foot long cloth three feet wide which is exactly cubit eight and two so it's cubit measurement where they cut this thing out all right now these are just superficial information so what do you see long beard burn marks the burn marks are the shroud in 1500 was in the ray france and was um chambery france and was uh in a reliquary and somebody tried to burn the church down to destroy the shroud so the fire the cold the embers of burning wood dropped on the corners of the shroud that was folded up and the miracle is it didn't hit the important parts of the image but it did knock out the shoulders so these are burn marks that you can ignore and you can see how it was folded up so this was all folded up into four four sections all right now you can also appreciate without me showing you a better picture yet of scourge marks all over the front back water stains of them trying to throw the print out the fire the fact that he's nude and there's blood coming out of his wrist coming down his arms all over his face chest and this is really interesting see if you can pick this up because of the position the cloth is touching his knees but he's in rigor mortis so the back of the knees are about four or five inches off the cloth so the energy that came out of that cloth at the moment of resurrection cannot go through that much distance it couldn't go five six inches so the back of the knees don't have any image just light but the touching part of the cloth of the knees you can see is dark can you appreciate that i mean it's so far away can you appreciate it or just have to take my word for it okay so you can see how the cloth makes sense for the rigor mortise position okay these are all this tremendous number of details that some guy in the middle ages never would be smart enough to do all right so where's the shroud been obviously in jerusalem that's where it starts we think after the roman war with the uh the people there in 70 a.d it was whisked out of town for safe keeping to odessa turkey which is now urfa uh urfa and was there from 70 to 944 now there's a lot of reasons we're going to explain why but nobody was taking pictures and proving it and it wasn't shown to the public so why would the the apostles take a an endearing relic of jesus's crucifixion and show it to the public somebody would destroy it somebody would steal it so it was in secret until about 500 600 when artists would come in it was under the control of the kings and artists would come in and draw pictures of us you're going to see the pictures all right so we have that we have information that it was in constantinople i'll prove that to you then our guess is from 1204 to 1355 the knights templar were in charge of it because that's all the hidden years well we have no idea where it was it just shows up in lyrae france in 1355. so 1204-1355 our guests it's a nice templar and there's some little things along the way that may show that historically but we don't have time for that i could talk for six hours all right so it shows up in literary france and there it's in white because it's documented because hundreds of thousands of people were shown the thing and they wrote about it so that's that definitely is proof that was there then it makes its way to turin italy where it's been since 1578. all right so now we're going to go along the way of history and we're going to show the little way we can prove it without having anything other than pictures painted human pictures done by humans all right so the time of the dustus from 70 to 944 a.d so what do we have we have mosaics and these mosaics are at time frame right around 500 and you can see the image of christ with a long nose a long hair of the beard changes from the pre 525 when the shroud was in an exhibition so all the years before the public thought jesus was a young guy no beard no mustache clean shaven all of a sudden at 5 25 5 50 a.d these things appear so we think they appear because the king at the time said we're going to have exhibitions now we're going to talk about this one because this is a 550 a.d painting that has almost exact duplicate measurements it's called points of congruence from the shroud face all right so what is the point of congruence so if you measure distance on the painting between eye pupil to pupil if you measure length of nose if you measure lip to tip of nose with the mouth and you put the shroud right on top of it it's exactly the same measurement so nobody painted this picture out of his brain out of his memory of his creation he was looking at the shroud and he was one heck of an exact painter you get my point right all right and this was done in 550 a.d it is exactly 120 points of congruence if you add them all up he was looking at the shroud all right so that's where it was up to 944 944 the king of uh constantinople istanbul is a modern name 944 wanted this round he sent an army over to odessa and he took it give me the shroud or i will kill everybody in your city but then constantino became the owners of the shroud 944-1204 now why do we think it's in constantinople because there's a painting and bridgette and i when we went to budapest saw this painting so in this painting it dates to 1196 the time it was in constantinople the trial and it has details that are just impossible for a human to come up with the painter didn't come up with this it's because he's looking at the details of the shroud but let's go over it so here we have good friday the body's being anointed incorrectly i don't think they did it on good friday father stephen can help me with that but i kind of think that they were a little late so they didn't do it but anyway that's the painting and then easter sunday there's nobody the shroud's there and the women come to i guess anoint him again but he's not there all right so it's very strange that this is exactly the the right thing that the shroud shows so let me show you the crazy findings that didn't happen by accident so why did this painter decide to draw jesus's hands with no thumbs because the shroud of turin has no thumbs the image of his thumbs are missing i'm going to explain what happened all right we also have he's nude again so why did he do that the arms are crossed the same the long hair is there now you messed up on the beard you can you can fight me on that one all right now you go to the second half of the painting on the lower side the mathematics of this being of faith is astronomical this is a herringbone weave but look at the four burn holes that the man put in the drawing l-shaped four circles how come it matches the shroud l-shaped four circles so perfectly how did he invent that out of the clear blue sky how did he invent no thumb all right so i'm convinced that was not an accident he was looking at the shroud and there's bridget and i september 2018 looking at this hungarian prey manuscript so then it travels on and ends up where it is now in turn italy and it was owned by all the kings of savoy not the catholic church not the pope the kings of italy for 405 years finally the last king of italy that had power gave it to the pope 1983 willed it to the sitting pope so it's just passed on as ownership pope to pope this is where it is saint john the baptist cathedral and you can only see it when there's an exhibition which about every 15 to 20 years so it's in a right now bomb-proof case argon gas fills it not oxygen because it oxidizes the blood and the and the color of it and this is where you go to turin italy now you can see it behind a glass kind of a bomb-proof glass but what's bomb-proof glass anymore but that's where it is it's inside of this area with glass here all right now we're going to go into the science of what's there the science starts in 1898 because photography is a science it's a science of light in capturing light on a photographic chemical plate all right so this is the first time science was ever used on the shroud so they took a picture so to understand what you're going to see you have to get a little review on photo negativity all right so when you in the good old days took your picture on film and took it to the pharmacy and got it developed your picture came back you dark in the background light then you would get a print and you would then be light and the background would be dark so this is a photographic negative and there's a photographic positive so let's go over to the medieval forger to get all this right and to create the image on the shroud as a photographic negative knowing that in 1898 we would know how to do a photography positive he did this in the year 1200 when there was no photography that's called a leap of faith so this is the original photographic negative face of the man of the shroud he is dark because the image is quote unquote for now burned on background nothing so this is a positive image but because it's reverse it acts like a negative so when you go to the dark room and you put a negative of a negative you get a positive you get a human face and that's what they got so this should make you quite impressed compared to the one before so this happened in 1898 and went all through the newspapers of the world you can see teeth mustache lack of ears oh he had no thumbs he has no ears oh he has no cheeks hmm the medieval painter he forgot a lot there's blood in his hair so hair bleeds that's interesting all right so i hate to be so sarcastic but this is not a fake so here we go medieval fraud 1290 before photography photographic negative photographic positive all right then in 1931 the camera gets better and now you have tremendous detail now you can see real clear except it's too far away the no ears and no cheeks blood in the hair you can see he died with an expansion of chest he took a breath in and his heart stopped beating and he didn't breathe out you can see the right-sided womb where the spear went in you can see a bloated abdomen of a person who's breathing hard and swallowing air you can see the nail in the wrist not on the palm but in the wrist so physicians and everybody that has any knowledge of anatomy knows you can hang 90 pounds on one palm of hand nail and 90 pounds on the other palm of the hand nail it has to go through the wrist or it won't support the body so the shroud backs that up the evidence says the nail was in the wrist because that's where the position is all right this is the back you can see that his hair is a natural style ponytail of the time of the jewish people of the time scalp blood not necessarily just on a crown but all over his scalp so the crown of thorns was really kind of a cap of thorns i'll show you some depictions of that you can see the burn marks again you can see the blood and water now remember since he's lying on his back he's this is gravity pulling blood out of the right side of his chest mixed with fluid plural flow which is like water and now it's flowing evenly across the shroud as it pours out of his lance wound so you were essentially if this is a glass table you're he's lying down on the glass table and you're looking up so you can see how the gravity would take this fluid and spread all the way across so just look at the details that the other alternative to being authentic of medieval fake is just getting out of sight impossible there's his knees again flexed all right so now nothing happens from 1898 until 1976. and what happened in 1976 america took over america why because we had put people on the moon nasa was famous that the vatican knew it they said hmm america is pretty smart i think i'm going to let them touch the shroud so they're the first country on the planet to get permission from the vatican to do some studies on israel so they had invented this is how they the pope um i think it was the one before john 23 uh yeah pope paul got the idea because nasa had a vpa digital analyzer that went into the satellites around the moon and it would send back 3d images of the surface so they know how tall the mountain is how deep the valley is and the closer you were to the vp8 and the satellite the stronger was the image that's why the top of the mountain gave a stronger image so this camera was then picked up by the miracle grace of god well let me explain this before i talk about who did it all right so here is a picture of a two-dimensional girl put into the vp8 image analyzer she's two-dimensional like all pictures we have are two-dimensional they don't have three-dimensional information so this is what you get if you put it in the vpn image analyze you get distortion there's nothing there recognizable but if you take the shroud of turin and put it in the vp8 as professor jackson of the u.s air force academy physics professor did in 1976 the joke is i went to a meeting once and he's my hero so i was talking to him i said where'd you get the information where'd you get the idea to do that he says i don't know that was it but he spent an hour and a half giving me physics so here's what happened whoever said oh my god is right that's a 3d image that a medieval forger figured out or this is authentic so america forms a team there you go paul paul vi got permission to do the team and all these scientists from los alamos lockheed ibm propulsion lab all these people about 32 of them got together and flew to turn italy for five days and studied the shroud and put their hands on it and did everything they did all these uh specialties were represented by that group of 32. all right let's talk about their beliefs 38 were smart alec scientists agnostics some of them a couple were atheists two were believers in christianity three were raised catholic 34 race protests and three raised jewish jewish jewish on this little scientific trail and they all arrived thinking the shrouds are fake they were just there to prove it have a little fun in italy and that's it all right they all left as honest scientists would say i don't know if that's jesus but it's not a fake i can't explain how that image got there and they have a long tree to see all their findings and there's no explanation they can give other than heat oxidation light and all that what you're going to see this is the group and that's dr jackson this is when they first had the ability to see the shroud and touch it this is some of the equipment they had all right and this is where the pollen came in so when they took samples on slides they finally got back to america so i was just going to tell you this is what got me interested three types were only found in israel 14 the middle east 58 and other parts and of course this was faked by somebody 376 years before they invented a microscope this is the pollen so it's either candelia turn a fourteen or it's helichrysum but we're not sure they look so similar but that's the one that's all the pollen especially around his head and gundalia turner 40 and helichrysum have sharp thorns bushes all right then we look at the blood and they figured out as human blood a b and just as a little side joke might have come from jesus a b is the universal receiver of blood transfusions and guess who's the universal receiver nuclear dna strands are found x and y chromosomes are identified mitochondrial dna is there but we haven't checked it out to try to do any matching so we got x and y chromosomes all right another little point that the medieval faker was so intelligent he didn't just want to have human blood he wanted to torture the blood first because he know we can measure bilirubin 400 years in the future so tortured blood is high in bilirubin so if a person is beat up the red blood cells are getting smashed by getting beat up while the person's alive and the red blood cells are breaking down in circulation and leaking out of them is bilirubin bilirubin is a pinkish red color so the pinkish red color is now saturating the other red blood cells so they're getting more red more red more red all right so the mid egypt meet of a forger thought to use tortured blood this was a jewish chemist and part of this disturb team atlan adler that figured that out that's called hemolysis breaking up the red blood cells so the medieval forager in 1290 knew photographic negative 3d imaging plant identification using blood not paint using human blood and then he thought to torture the blood all right now we're going to talk about the chemistry of the image this is what we know in 1978 2007. so here's dr jackson looking with the spectroscopy spectroscopy is a microscope that analyzes reflected light so when you reflect light or aim light at something and it comes back at a certain color of the prism you can identify which element of the periodic table it is so they aim the light at the image of the shroud and what came back is that's linen not paint not dye not pencil no crayon nothing it's linen all right so that was a great beginning because it identified there's nothing in the image but the cloth this is a microscopic close-up of individual fibers with no paint that's blood no paint on them and fibrils that make up a fire fiber this is under visible microscope this is an x-ray shooting through the image of the man and the x-ray is not stopped by anything but the blood so the image on the shroud doesn't have anything in it that stops an x-ray except blood 3d finally explained in 2007 all right hang in with this here's the body lying down there's the lower cloth there's the upper cloth so the cloth is touching his toe touching his knee touching his hand touching his chest but there's gaps here because it's kind of tight on the top where there's not touching of course it's touching along most of the bottom so we have image creation where there is no touching so what can do that can gases leak out of a deteriorating body do they go in a perfect perpendicular line or do they just spread out like a mist no gases don't do that only thing does that is radiation some form of light or radiation all right so that caused darker stronger radiation effects or light effects on the areas here which are darker on the shroud giving it the 3d quality so the image formed in areas where there was no contact and here's a typical fiber and that's where the image resides only on the very top surface one percent it didn't even have the power to go through the entire thread of course it didn't burn the shroud to death it just fringed it in a pixelated fashion 5.5 billion pixelations make that picture and it scrapes right off with a razor so what is it dehydrated flax dehydrated cellulose and this is the new ena italy eczema laser almost completely duplicating in 2012 the same effect of the shroud those are the pulses and the timing and they created an image on linen that's the same depth as the shroud and eczema laser so the summary is what is the image not not a painting not a drawing not a rubbing not a scorching not a photograph not a bleaching all right now what about the bible it agrees with the bible really well so we're going to talk about the passion the crucifixion and the resurrection scourging crowning nailing start right out here's the scourge marks over 120 scourge marks from a roman flagram leather strip with that with a barbell lead barbell on the end all over his back scalp blood with a better close-up there's a close-up on a life-size picture of the the scourge marks themselves there's a scourge mark it fits perfectly into it and here's the marks all over the head that looks more like a cap of thorns rather than a crown of thorns and this is a picture of the of the limb of a gundalia turn of 40. almost 30 bleeding sites this is what we really think the crown of thorns look like all right so now he was nailed to the cross so this is the typical picture we're used to the nail goes into the palm of the hand but not really because this man has no thumbs four fingers no thumb for fingers no thumb wrist now look at that look at this these are two blood marks they're going in two directions so he's hanging on the cross and he's breathing in and his hands are in this position and the drip the blood is dripping in one position but then he goes down and and the angle changes just a little bit so the rivlet of blood changes its angle as he goes up and down and up and down trying to breathe on that nail pushing himself up so the blood keeps dripping out of different angles you understand what i'm saying right all right so when the nail goes under the wrist it hits the median nerve median nerve provides the muscles that make the finger muscles contract so when the median nerve is is broken or bisected by the nail the spasm of hitting the median nerve makes the thumb hide behind the hand go into spasm so when the image is created there's no thumb all right so if you look hard enough and if you have time you look on the on the computer you can see a little darkness in the shape of a thumb that's in the middle of the hand a little bit hard to see so that's why it has no thumbs all right so i could go on and on and on but between 1978-88 there was over 100 facts scientific journals and they all point to no no medieval forger did this so everybody's very happy oh boy this is wonderful until pope john paul ii got courage to say okay do carbon dating it's okay i'm fine no problem so they do carbon dating and of course jesus doesn't make everything simple so he throws science which you're going to see didn't work out to be real science he throws a science of carbon dating at us just to cause us a little stress when we were so happy so the carbon dating comes back and these are three people of three different carbon dating labs that shroud came out of the ground in 1260 to 1390. that linen was made out of flax in those years according to carbon dating all right now you're going to see why i'm standing here because it's wrong all right but when it came out all the big scientists of the world quit doing research for 13 years but the human beings called faithful christians wouldn't give it up so they kept calling all the scientists and they used to have thing called mail with a stamp and writing letters and saying this is why it happened this is why it happened this is why it happened and the scientists were all you know know it all smart alex and they said oh those crazy lunatic people they're always driving me crazy all their ideas don't make any sense one day one of the lunatics sue benford and her husband joe moreno proved that carbon dating was a fiasco here's how it happened first of all she's a nurse she's not a physicist he is a shroud fan but i think he actually was some kind of religious order before i mean slipping me tonight i'm getting too old all right so anyway this theory they developed in 2001. here's why she got a copy of the original sample for carbon data she got a copy of the picture and she looked under the microscope for just not the microscope she looked on the screen of the computer for days and days and days and all of a sudden it struck her that if she drew a line here this half looks different than this half so she had the idea that this half was linen more perfect woven material and this half was cotton that was her idea was published in chemistry today in 2008 so her theory then is based on international protocol of the carbon dating which took place here's what she proved and brought out for everyone to know the carbon dating itself when it was done was a travesty because sturp and the united states of america wasn't told it was happening we weren't invited all right editorializing we were not invited because the shrouds scientists that live in turin had their nose out to join a little bit because america came in and took over all their nice shroud and took over the science so they got even with us because they did the carbon dating on their own no stir no usa now the agreement of international protocol where they're supposed to take six little tiny smaller than a postage stamp samples they all agreed it and sent it to six labs they didn't do that they took one sample they sent it to three labs it doesn't matter much but they took one sample major mistake six samples spread all over the place has almost no chance of being wrong but they took a sample from a bad place so here you have the bottom of the body and the hands and the shroud goes all the way over here so over here in the middle ages this was cut out for some reason so of all the places on the shroud they took a sample where there was previous damage previous cutouts and this course if you're holding the shroud up to show to people your fingers and the wind blowing are going to cause the need for some repairs so their theory then there was a repair done here 14 1500 and the sample was of a repair job well they didn't use linen for repair they used cotton that was their theory so so next to the repair site the turin scientists on their own one guy on the planet earth made his own decision on where the sample would be we won't mention his name all right so close enough now with the microscope there's the line these are bright rectangular beautiful little white cartridges i would say of linen the spaces are small and the white is really impressively nice over here is jagged it's beat up and the spaces are very large so you do appreciate that right because you can tell the difference between this and this right okay all right if you were closer but just you can go on the internet and get better shots of this all right so this is this the thing that this is the sample they had so it was more cotton in it from the year 1500 than there was linen from the year 0 or 30 or whatever so when you put the two together and you burn it up you turn it into carbon powder and you carbon date it you now have 15 and zero added together divided by two is 12 15. all right so this is how this is the exact sample and this is really telling if i can get this across across to you all right so this is one carbon 14 lab arizona oxford zurich and arizona had a second piece let's just pick on arizona for a minute not that they did anything wrong so they took this piece of shroud turned it into powder and this piece of shroud turned it into powder and carbon dated it so the same lab from the far left of the sample said this came out of the ground in 1238 and over here the sample said it came out of the ground at 14 30. so four and a half inches across all of a sudden 192 years disappeared but there's something wrong with that that is not statistically clear and that wasn't that was shown by computers and high statistical analysis about three four years ago totally not statistical so oxford said 1246. zurich said 1376. so the amount left to right is more cotton as you get more cotton from 1500 the younger the shroud gets okay so this is now this is accepted by all the shroud scientists of the world now now when this data got to ray rogers from the original team he was the ultimate disbeliever scientist from the uh the jet propulsion lab and he used all these methods pyrolysis mass spectrometry microscopy microchemical analysis and published in 2005 in thermacoma actica his findings on whether the shroud was was uh carbon of course carbon dated because it was cotton or it was cotton in it so that was his theory so here's what he actually found he found threads that was so perfectly put together that a linen thread was sticking together with glue with a cotton thread that was in the c14 sample another piece showed where the linen was tried to be dyed cotton is usually white so they kind of over did and they were trying to match the yellow of the linen that was in the shroud sample so basically lots of examples and his conclusion was the c14 labs were accurate with the material they were given the sample was flawed they sampled a re-weaving patch now that was accepted and now since because that was accepted the scientists got back into action and have done more studies we're coming to the end now all right so our enthusiasm restored so now we have information on how the resurrection physically scientifically happen so that jesus gives us a gift of the image on the shroud how did he pull it off with our knowledge of science now all right so of course this is hypothesis because we haven't been able to duplicate a man turning into energy okay so i went to the 2015 shroud science group saint louis and i was talking to john jackson then i got back on the plane and i was looking at two or three different studies and and theories on what happened at the moment of the resurrection to make an image right so i was coming and hawing and humming and hawing and all of a sudden on my cell phone the next thing you're going to see is a picture that answered my question and i fully believe with a lighthearted little joke that jesus told me which one was right that's me and that's the head scientist and jesus put a halo over his head so i'm sticking with it this man is my hero jesus told me so so what did he say this is what he theorized now to make his theory he's got a lot of enemies here all these are requirements that have to fit his theory he has to have no contours of the body no outlines of the body blood and the hair fine pixelated focus 5.5 billion pixels his teeth have to appear through obviously a closed mouth he has to have no cheeks or ears okay all right so all that has to be incorporated so now you have the fact that this man is lying in a tomb with a cloth over him with blood oozing from his skin into the cloth becoming one with a cloth and a clot so if he stands up at the moment of the resurrection rips the cloth up all these things and clots are going to fall apart they're pristine unmoved clots they are perfect rivers not one edge is affected so the blood is embedded in the fibers so in order to get a body out of a cloth without messing up the exact image of the of the of the blood there's look how exact that is that has not been broken by a man ripping off a cloth there's the wrist again undisturbed pristine clots clots so so the shroud has another requirement other than undisturbed blood it has to change positions it's wrapping in a circle but the picture is a flat it's a flat photographic plate but the shroud has to go from circle to flat without ripping the blood here's what dr jackson thinks so back to that same picture the shroud is on the top of course the bottom i didn't bother drawing in but during the resurrection and whatever number of milliseconds the shroud falls through the disappearing dematerializing body matter is turning into energy and energy is doing whatever god wants to do with the energy or resemble it he can reassemble it as the glorified body of course but who knows what happened at that moment but this is what happened according to the shroud so he calls it the fall through theory so as the body dematerializes gravity takes the shroud through the dematerializing body and as it's falling through the body the image is created so it starts out this is the top of his head he's looking up shrouds over the nose and cheeks the blood is sticking to his cheek and sticking to the cloth that's touching his cheek all right but at the moment of the resurrection the body starts de-materializing so with gravity this thing falls down to whatever rates dictated and when it reaches this point the blood is moved from here to here that's why it looks like it's in his hair because when the image is created it's created when the blood is moving on the cloth into the hair area so somewhere around here the amount of mass in the body is starting to run out of mass so the energy is dissipating and we don't get any cheek registration or ear registration because the body's mostly disappeared already so it can't put an image on the cloth did i say that clear okay so the upper cloth falls through the body and generally becomes flat giving us a photographic image not a distorted picture of a curve and then finally it falls all the way through the body body's gone shroud has a picture so what is this dematerialization some backwards form of mass atomic bomb blows up and energy comes out except this didn't blow up jerusalem it just put a little heat on a shroud and didn't even go all the way through the thread it only went to the surface so this is what happened in my simple-minded way all right so we're going to have questions in a second so what have i proved to you i didn't prove 100 but i did prove i'm pretty sure that a dead human body vacated the shroud that a dead human body affected an image on the shroud that we don't have a hundred percent evidence the body was jesus but we do know this man had scourging crown of thorns and lance inside fits the crucifixion we also will never have 100 evidence me talking as a scientist doctor not lying we'll never have it because the only way to get 100 evidence is we have to match the dna on the shroud with a sample from jesus who shows up in the lab and gives us a fresh dna sample i think we'll be waiting a long time for that so we have that element of faith that has to take us to 100 percent even though i showed you just a little small amount of details that are not explainable all right so what is the purpose of all this my opinion return people over 30 to the faith help the youth keep their faith and bring new faith to everyone that's my opinion and this is what the shroud is so i thank you very much and i have the floor open to questions
Channel: Sacred Heart TPA
Views: 90,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K91jWtBTOFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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