The Shootist | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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his trademark is gunfire [Music] his goal grab the cash no matter who gets in the way in his wake he leaves terrified victims fleeting glimpses and few clues for the fbi agents on his trail but they are determined to find him and end this gunman's reign of terror [Music] [Music] [Music] in the late 1980s the fbi match wits with a cunning bank robber a lone gunman responsible for the longest string of unsolved bank robberies in fbi history i'm jim calstrom former head of the fbi's new york office the robber's planning was meticulous he executed his crimes with military precision it would take the combined skills of local police and dozens of agents to catch a criminal mastermind they called the shootest san diego california on november 5th 1987 the late morning quiet shatters with a gun blast in a local bank a gunman orders customers to the ground threatening to shoot whoever disobeys [Music] the robber forces the teller to fill his bag with money from all the cash drawers warning against allah's die packs or marked bills he avoids the vault which would take more time this robber hits hard and gets out fast employees call police immediately but even in the best case scenario it takes several seconds to get through to an operator and several minutes for dispatch units to arrive by then the gunman is long gone authorities conduct a full crime scene investigation although the man wore no gloves he was careful enough not to touch any surface and left behind no fingerprints bank robbery is a federal crime the case goes to the fbi bank robbery coordinator special agent jack kelly considers this gunman a top priority he's a takeover robber taking command of the entire bank rather than slipping a teller a note it's a rare style used in less than five percent of bank robberies even on the takeover style robbers uh most of them didn't fire weapons in the bank so he was again even a smaller percentage of the small percentage of take over robbers that we had at the time so from that aspect he was considered to be much more aggressive and much more dangerous also he doesn't use a partner inside the bank as most takeover robbers do his violence has a profound effect on his victims victims in a in a takeover style robbery are pretty traumatized by the event especially when there's shots fired in the bank and consequently you're your descriptions can vary dramatically i mean as far as the age the height the weight everything some victims say he was wearing a disguise others disagree the differing descriptions are of no real help so agents turn to the bank's security camera photos we did have some surveillance pictures of mediocre quality at that time and it was not a great deal of assistance to us and trying to identify who this individual might have been the photos show only that the robber is a white male about six feet tall with a beard and mustache agents face a serious challenge no evidence left behind no reliable description of the robber special agent kelly believes it's not the man's first time robbing a bank reviewing unsolved cases for similarities kelly suspects the same man robbed another san diego bank a year earlier the modus operandi was identical with someone coming to the bank firing the gun in the ceiling vaulting the counter similar description the gunman left no evidence behind the fact that there were so few clues was an indication that this guy was pretty good and he he really probably planned these robberies very well soon agents learn the gunman is not finished in the area after he robbed the second time in san diego he actually came back a month later and robbed a third time in san diego using the identical mo and firing the shots into the ceiling the robber's choice to fire his weapon makes him a deadly threat i don't think a robber that does something like this would hesitate to shoot somebody if somebody actually tried to stop him california as a rule special agent kelly attaches code names to serial bank robbers to allow for shorthand communication among agents also a catchy nickname increases publicity the media would be more willing to pick up the story and to show pictures in the newspaper on television which would hopefully help us generate some leads kelly dubs this one the shooters for his distinctive and dangerous ammo on december 14 1987 the shootist robs a fourth california bank in mission viejo 70 miles north of san diego it was my responsibility to review all the robberies that would come in from the surrounding regional fbi offices fbi agents respond to the bank when and then robbery occurs you do an investigation inside the bank itself for any evidence but you also do an investigation outside the bank to look for evidence or any possible witnesses that may have seen this individual and we did both on all these robberies yet they get nowhere like they're chasing a ghost so far the shooter stolen at least 44 000 but it's not just about the money agents worry that at some point he'll shoot someone we're dealing with somebody we thought that was going to become more more aggressive during the course of his robberies and consequently more and more dangerous and it was something that definitely needed to be identified and stopped after a year-long absence from california the shooter struck three times in five weeks kelly suspects the shooters must have hit somewhere in that year absence he's got to be somewhere else he's got to be robin banks somewhere else besides california checking with other fbi field officers kelly discovers a string of similar unsolved robberies in texas with dates that fit neatly into the gap between california robberies during one of the unsolved heists the gunman used the sort of violence agents had feared in july 1986 a white male with a beard and sunglasses hit a bank in abilene texas after firing his gun into the ceiling he forced the manager to fill his bag as in california he wanted only cash from the teller drawers and warned against alarms dye packs or marked bills the employees followed all instructions to survive but then don't you move [Music] the robber ran off leaving the bank manager writhing in pain from a gunshot to the abdomen we've been robbing the manager's been shot [Music] texas rangers the fbi and emts responded immediately the manager was gravely injured but she survived the other witnesses couldn't provide a solid description it happened so fast and they were so terrified they didn't get a good look at the gunman the crime scene investigation came up empty and the security cameras provided only more photos of a robber with obscured features special agent kelly contacts the texas rangers who are working the unsolved robberies and investigators in the two states pooled their information they know the shooters targets branches near highway on-ramps for a quicker escape the investigators agree the shooter likely has a getaway driver but no car has been spotted each heist is as clean as the last and no solid leads emerge [Music] the shootist pulls off six more heists in texas and california in 1988. investigators hope the media attention would continue they need someone who recognizes the gunman to call in a tip but because of the danger of this individual we were hoping to get as much cooperation as we could and we did local newspapers would run pictures of this individual the local television stations ran pictures of this individual with the ongoing media coverage the shootest rises to infamy his is an astonishing spree 14 known bank heists in three years all perfectly planned and executed the shootist is destined to make fbi record books a cunning adversary like they've never seen before by 1988 a man called the shootist has robbed at least 14 banks in texas and california special agent jack kelly he was well organized and planned things out well enough where he didn't leave a lot to track him with what he does leave behind are bullets fired into the ceiling if forensic examiners can find rifling marks on the slugs they can run them through their ballistics database and if the gun has been used in other crimes they might get a lead on the gunman's identity but that's a lot of ifs ballistics experts determined the slugs came from a 38 caliber revolver but there's a problem with finding traceable rifling characteristics the rounds that we did find were pretty well damaged they weren't really going to be much benefit for identification as far as the rifling was concerned the shootist continues his spree his 17th known robbery is in the san diego suburb of university city [Music] once again no hard evidence remains in the bank but outside investigators find signs of just how meticulous the shootist is it appears that before the heist he loosened fence boards across his escape route so that after the robbery he could reach his getaway car faster special agent kelly has chased more than 100 robbers but this one's the most professional he's encountered by far and he had to give him some credit he was good but you always had the hope that maybe there was some piece of evidence or some witness some other part of the puzzle that you could put together yet despite a full neighborhood campus agents come up empty by the middle of 1989 the shootist is made off with nearly two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and he's struck in at least ten different cities anytime an individual is mobile and he's able to move from not only city to city but state to state it really kind of complicates the investigation because there are multiple jurisdictions kelly brings together law enforcement from around the country california and texas fbi agents local police and texas rangers work together determined to find that one clue that is eluded the more eyes and ears you have out there at the time the more likely you are to get a break and and uh and catch this individual because the shooter acts like a professional agents suspect he has an arrest record for robbery one of the logical leads to take is to look for people that just recently are released from prison and maybe going back to their old ways again [Music] investigators asked about bank robbers released from prison in 1986 when the shooter's spree began but it's a dead end no one recognizes the man in the surveillance photos it's difficult to determine what the man really looks like and the hair the mustache didn't appear to be real it was extremely dark in color the task force concludes the shootist likely uses elaborate disguises wigs mustaches even makeup to change his complexion when we first realized that he was probably wearing disguise as we actually took a number of the surveillance pictures to different costume shops agents show shop employees the photos asking if they recognize the man or the disguises but it's another dead end investigators analyzed the shootists bank robberies hoping to find a pattern they compare the amounts taken to the frequency of the heists and determined the shooters spends about three thousand dollars a week when he runs low on money he hits another bank you were able to seek not necessarily a pattern but you knew that he was going to need x amount of money after a certain period of time investigators note the shooter usually strikes on mondays and fridays and often robs different branches of the same banking companies there are hundreds of bank branches in the general area where he hits he was he was just a kid in a candy store out there with trying to select where he wanted to rob next and it was our job to try to outguess him the team sets up surveillance on branches of the banks the shooter seems to favor they watch on mondays and fridays the robbers favorite days it's a long shot and the problem we had was we had absolutely no idea where exactly it would hit there were so many branches so many targets sanchos manpower is limited predicting which bank he'll hit next proves impossible bank robbers often use casinos to launder stolen the task force sends bank surveillance photos to casino security offices one california casino responds with a good lead a regular high roller there looks a lot like the shooters they were willing enough to give us the uh their surveillance photos of the individual that they had suspected agents track down the man and interview him he does resemble the shooters but he has solid alibis for the robbery dates investigators eliminate him as a suspect another lead crossed off the list on june 23 1989 the elusive shooters strikes in arlington texas his 18th known heist he has now hit banks over a fourteen hundred mile area this time a telus slips an exploding dye pack into his bag when it blows it renders the stolen money unusable a few hours later the shooter robs another bank he's never struck twice in one day it's a reckless move agents fear he's becoming more desperate [Music] special agent kelly fears it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt [Music] the more robberies that he did in the more times he shot the weapon including the time he shot the teller down in texas that's a great concern to law enforcement obviously because this individual we thought would had a lot of potential for possibly killing someone eventually and the way the shootist operates he could take his next victim anywhere at any time [Music] in the late 80s a team of investigators from texas and california hunts the shootist a cunning bank robber who begins each heist with gunfire grabs the cash fast then disappears without a trace as the robberies pile up the shooter becomes infamous in the western u.s police community everyone's on the lookout special agent jack kelly anytime in any jurisdiction that the shooters hit a bank we would send out our communications to the other offices as quickly as possible providing them with whatever information we have in the way of maybe some new clues or new witnesses or for any better surveillance photographs from the photos the task force determines the shooters likely uses a smith wesson 38 revolver a handgun popular with police departments investigators also notice he indexes his finger on the side of his weapon just as officers are trained to do it's an ominous possibility the shooters might be a cop you come here even if he's not an officer he seems to know how they operate [Music] investigators suspect he goes as far as surveilling local officers to learn their patrol routes and then chooses targets away from those routes to increase police response time the elusive gunman treats bank robbery like a profession and his planning is paid off in more than 20 robberies [Music] investigators welcome the continuing media coverage they know their best chance of finding the shooters might be through the public's help one witness in particular provides an interesting lead after the 1989 heist in mission viejo a resident near the robb bank saw a man climb into the trunk of a car which then sped off he described the car as a red four-door with california plates but he didn't see the driver or get the plate number agents run checks on every car that fits the description in california but there are thousands it would take months to track down each car but the sighting does confirm one suspicion when we found out that uh he was getting into the trunk of a vehicle we knew that he obviously had an accomplice in these robberies on march 30th 1990 the shootist robs the same texas bank he hit a year earlier to investigators the repeat job means he's getting even more brash unafraid of being recognized by anyone by the end of 1990 the task force ties the shooters to 27 robberies that have netted him nearly four hundred thousand dollars all without a single usable print left behind he was very cautious about vaulting the counters not to touch things even going out the doors he would hit the doors with his elbows or his hip to push him open somehow agents need to find a way into the shooter's secretive world they take the case to behavioral profilers at the fbi academy in quantico virginia it's not that it's going to be able to place a name on the individual but it'll kind of give us a little bit more about the guy's personality studying details of each known robbery the fbi profiler creates a behavioral sketch of the shooters because most criminals start working in their comfort zone the profiler suspects the shooters is from texas where the first robberies occurred the gunman's level of precision indicates possible military training has gone so long without anyone turning him in the profiler suggests the robber has only one fiercely loyal accomplice and experience with other takeover robbers makes the profiler believe the shooters will grow more violent as his spree continues it's possible the gunman will choose a shootout over surrender this guy's going to be willing to shoot his way out of the bank or even take hostages to make an escape from the bank if he's cornered in april 1991 did you actually see a gun the shooter expands his turf into northern california robbing a san jose bank of fifteen thousand dollars san jose detective sergeant jack baxter we never found a witness as to where he went what kind of car he had did he have accomplices we had no idea this time the shooters leave something behind a partial palm print is found on the counter but investigators can't make a match law enforcement agencies don't include palm prints in their files the task force is back to square one two months later the shooter robs a bank in bellevue washington just outside seattle he's expanding his territory seattle was now in the loop now we knew that he was broadening his horizons and moving on to other states the elusive bandit is one of the most prolific and widespread robbers in modern fbi history by 1991 the five-year statute of limitations expires on his earliest robberies so he can't be charged for them agents are racing the clock well he was a violent multi-state bank robber who was very successful been hitting every six to eight weeks and no one had a a clue as to who he was or where he was from in august the shootist robs a bank in los altos california bringing his known total to 474 457 dollars investigators find a solid clue a false mustache it's the first evidence recovered that might be physically linked directly to the shooters but at the time dna analysis is expensive and time consuming and they have no suspect profile to compare it to unfortunately that wasn't of any evidentiary value to us other than the fact that we confirmed that he was wearing a disguise obviously by the end of 1991 investigators linked the shooters to 33 armed robberies in 18 cities investigators have nothing they need a break and soon investigating the longest string of unsolved bank robberies in modern fbi history agents have little but grainy photos of the man they call the shooters in them they see the robber as wearing something beneath his shirt fbi special agent jack kelly at first we thought it might have been body armor but under closer scrutiny it appeared that this thing was really covering the lower abdomen and back portion of his body it could be a brace meaning the shooters might have a bad back although he really didn't display that with his ability to to vault the teller counters but these back braces were probably just to support his ability to be able to do that determined to run down every lead investigators contact chiropractors in the areas near the banks but they have only blurry surveillance photos of a disguised man and they can't get to every doctor in three states there's quite a few chiropractors but we did cover as many as we possibly could and we really didn't have any luck it's another dead end in the years-long search for the mysterious bandit 1992 brings seven more shootist heists including the repeat robbery of the bank in bellevue washington new total nearly six hundred thousand dollars seattle fbi special agent don glasser tried to process the bank for fingerprints uh extensive interviews of the witnesses and uh of course our fondant wildest hope would did some would say yes i saw them get into a specific card oh i uh walked by i saw the people there is this concern that you're not serving the public well that here's a man that's allowed to come in and do a bank robbery and fire a shot and eventually there could be an accident or an intentional shooting and you know you feel it's frustration that you didn't do everything you could although you can't think of anything else that to be done they must stop the shoots before he graduates to murder during a heist in san jose the shooter's luck begins to wane this time before he vanishes the bank's security camera catches the best shots yet of his face a san jose police forensic artist uses the photos to build a composite sketch of what the shootist would look like without his disguises recreating features that are obscured requires a thorough knowledge of human physiology and a remarkable artistic eye agents blanket the target areas with the sketch asking crime stopper programs to air it regularly and placing it in dozens of banks [Music] san jose detective sergeant jack baxter we thought that in order to get this guy we needed the help of the community we needed somebody to call in with information something that they had seen or heard on may 11 1994 investigators get the break they need an anonymous caller says he knows the shooters though it's no slam dunk the information was fairly generic the name that was given was was johnny williams or john williams and then he also supposedly used the name of robert hall the caller says williams is about 40 years old drives a red four-door and has a devoted accomplice his wife he says williams is always armed has a hair triggered temper and has vowed never to be taken alive in fact he and his wife have a suicide pact if they're ever cornered this is a good tip but the case is far from over those names are so common that there were literally hundreds of johnny williams and robert halls that we had to go through and we tried to narrow the list down to the ones that were approximately the same age as our as the caller had given agents cull through california dmv records and find a johnny madison williams and a robert hall that appear in their photos to be the same man they then compare the photos to the composite sketch it was an exact match for the sketch done by our police artist just as if he had done it right off the picture so we knew that we had the right guy california fingerprints drivers dmv fingerprint records confirm paul and williams are the same man johnny madison williams is a former marine from texas and has a record for robbery theft there [Music] williams wife carol bought a 38 revolver like the one in bank security footage and carol drives a red four-door registered in her maiden name investigators find no legitimate source of income yet the couple lives in a 350 000 house overlooking the ocean in los osos california fbi special agent jim wilkins the area where he was living was on high ground overlooking morro bay it was an affluent area that actually had one road in it's an exposed area where agents might stand out as strangers we did not know where johnny williams was at the time despite the risk fbi agents have to check the house they find a spot they hope is obscured and set up surveillance we knew he carried a weapon we knew he would use it we also had information from the anonymous tipster that he carried that weapon all the time the agents see no sign that anyone's at the house the team watches and waits we had made a contingency plan if we saw williams returning in that vehicle we would do a felony car stop before he got into the neighborhood where we had safe fields of fire and where there were no escape routes for him in his vehicle agents watch the house for several days but the couple fails to show the end of the shift investigators suspect the shootist is off preparing for another heist jack kelly has a hunch it will be in the seattle area the shootist is robbed there in one year intervals and the year is up kelly contacts seattle special agent don glasser he said it's definitely going to happen he's going to definitely rob in your area so be on the lookout it's just a hunch but it's all they have glasser hits the streets looking for the red car i was out of the office and on the street so i could be in the vicinity of the bellevue area getting very antsy very excited about being prepared to respond to a dispatch saying that there was a 91. a bank robbery july 1 1994 the shooter strikes again he robs a bank in kirkland washington just 10 miles north of where special agent glasser is on patrol looking for him after his trademark gunshot the shooter orders a teller to load his bag with cash as before he warns against bait bills or die packs and threatens to shoot if she tries anything the teller accidentally drops wooden paper weights in the bag which the shooters mistakes for dye packs he's enraged [Music] july 1 1994 the shooter commits his 48th bank robbery a frightened teller angers the robber but she is spared the gunman runs out without firing another shot and disappears before police and the fbi can respond investigators get word of the latest robbery special agent jack kelly's hunch about seattle was right we knew where he was at this point at least what vicinity of the country he was in in the general seattle area kelly has already flagged williams credit cards so he'll be notified if one is used just after the kirkland robbery the plan works i was fortunate to be able to get some information from one particular credit card company that had a recent transaction up in the state of washington at a particular hotel up there seattle special agent don glasser rushes to the hotel i went up there very excited i know now we've got some real good information the hotel is in battle 10 miles from the latest robbed bank johnny williams used a credit card in the name of his alias robert hall to check in but there's no guarantee he's still there i drove through the parking lot i saw the red car sitting in a parking lot nose in in the parking space when glasser calls in the plate number it comes back registered to carol williams under her maiden name of hawkins if williams is still in the hotel they must be careful not to tip him off or create a barricade or hostage situation what i really need from you is i need you to look at this picture okay the manager recognizes suspect johnny williams as robert hall and says he and his wife have not checked out so i immediately called jack kelly back he gave him the news and suggested he get an airplane and fly north and he was already packing his bags at that point in the investigation i was very excited i contacted my counterpart jack baxter from san jose pd told him they had the guy not only we got him identified but also we know where he is so jack hopped on a plane and i hopped on a plane glasser also calls for reinforcements from the seattle police and fbi we made sure that none of our agents wore radios guns rape jackets fbi ball caps any kind of identifying ask them to act normal when they were moving around within minutes more agents and detectives quietly arrive and set up a perimeter we made sure that no fbi four-door as we call them g-rides were visible to this guy but we would use surveillance vehicles if we happen to casually look out his window he wouldn't see anything unusual happening outside we set up locations completely surrounding the the hotel we rented a couple rooms that would give us a base to operate from so there was no way he would walk out if he detected us then he might try and escape we made sure we had it really covered rather than rush the room the investigators decide to wait until they get a visual id of williams we had made sure we had an eyeball on his door at all times by nightfall detective baxter and special agent kelly arrived from california detective jack baxter we didn't want to move too fast we had to have patience and we wanted to make sure we could arrest him in a way that nobody was going to get hurt the agents want to take williams into custody outside his room in case he has guns inside he's definitely here as dinner time approached we hoped that we'd see him come down and go to eat or something like that and that we were prepared to arrest him if he did that but hours pass with no sign of williams or his wife while they watch investigators have to stay under the shooter's radar and not use police radios we had been told he had a scanner so we had to be careful what we said on the radio for fear of tipping him off that that we were there it does appear someone is in the room special agent jack kelly we knew that there was a light on in there we could see the light with all the drapes were drawn we could see the flashing of the television in there after seven years agents and police may finally have the shooters cornered [Music] after an eight-year search the fbi believes they have traced johnny madison williams the shooters to a washington state hotel room a full day and night of surveillance passes with no movement from the room in the morning agents devise a roof to see if their suspect is actually there they recruit a hotel employee to help look around investigators show the man what their target looks like and ask him to knock on the door to ask a maintenance question and get a good look at whoever's inside despite the danger the employee has to act natural if williams gets spooked he could turn violent i need to change when the door opens the hotel employee asks when would be a good time to change the room's air filters detective jack baxter our suspect told him that he was going to leave in an hour so he could come back in an hour and change the filters well he ran back to us and positively identified him as being in the room we had the room secured so there's no way he was going to get out now they know the shootist is definitely there and in an hour he should emerge i want everybody in place in 45 an hour passes then two williams could be on to them but then opportunity presents itself special agent jack kelly there was a phone call from that room down to the front desk and he had asked if he could borrow a typewriter because he wanted to write a letter to someone and he was asking the people at the front desk if they could bring the typewriter up to the room we instructed him not to do that on the fbi's order the manager tells williams he's welcome to use the typewriter in an office near the front desk which he agreed to say be down shortly the small office is a good place for an arrest away from the public no chance of escape [Music] special agent don glasser we quickly go to the room decide where the typewriter is going to be do a little quick rearranging of furniture so that we can go into that room once he's in there and not be obstructed by furniture we have a nice clean path to get to him as a final touch investigators place a sheet listing the miranda arrest rights in the typewriter then hide in an adjacent room and wait for the word from their men outside after 40 tense minutes a man leaves the room and heads toward the front desk it's johnny williams we saw him walking across the parking lot absolutely no question in our mind that is him we recognized him as if he were our best friend he just left his room he's on his way to the lobby this is it the culmination of an eight-year chase [Music] he walked into the front desk and they instructed him to go over to this office mr williams so we walked behind the front desk and went over there [Music] williams is cornered cut off from escape agents know he is dangerous they are prepared for the worst [Music] but he is completely caught off guard agents take him into custody without a struggle he is unarmed because of the investigator's careful planning it's a perfectly quiet arrest i called him by his true name i said you know johnny madison williams jr you know it's over and his head kind of dropped next agents have to get william's wife carol we figured there was no reason to charge into the room but we just wait long enough and she would come down in fact she did [Music] right now she came out of the room and she was going to her car and we just stepped out and took her into custody there without incident freeze fbi you're under arrest place your hands where i can see them place them on top of the card okay there you go [Music] once again a safe arrest [Music] now agents go looking for evidence he provided a consent to search his room and um in that room he had a couple scanners he had handy talkies he had disguises he had they also discovered the shootist's own notes a log of all his robberies there was a gray briefcase that had a a detailed record of the bank robberies very very organized the date the day of the week information on the total the address of the bank the name of it has been very very very uh incriminating evidence investigators find more in william's car he had two pistols they were in the trunk of his car we recognized the four 38 revolver from the pictures surveillance pictures we knew we had the right weapon he had a two-inch revolver that we hadn't seen before both of them were loaded the investigators separate williams and his wife while they await transport to an fbi office for booking williams agrees to talk we linked them to i think a total of 48 robberies and when i did the interview that he asked me that he says how many do you have before i said well how many do you think we have a fortune he says oh he says you know you wouldn't be here the rest of me and know my name and everything else you probably have all 56. williams goes on to detail each of the 48 robberies the fbi know about plus eight they don't the entire interview eventually lasted about 12 hours and i was writing constantly i mean i had writer's cramp at the end of the the 12 hours with all the information he was providing johnny madison williams took his work seriously casing banks for weeks outlining intricate escape plans he says he wore the brace after injuring his back in a car accident and frequented chiropractors just not the ones investigators got to knowing the fbi would try to trace his disguises he stocked up in dallas before he started his robbery spree he tells agents he studied police routes radio dispatch codes all that work brought him close to a million dollars in stolen cash until authorities stopped him yet it wasn't just the agents and officers working the case who solved it many times it's the assistance of the public that that leads to the capture and uh successful resolution of these cases it's very important i think no more so than now with the terrorism threat is that important carol williams pleads guilty and receives 20 years for her role in the shootest robberies her husband johnny madison williams the shootist himself also pleads guilty to the 27 robberies still under the statute of limitations he is sentenced to 92 years in federal prison his unprecedented reign finally over you
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 616,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime documentaries, Crime evidence analysis, Crime investigation, Crime laboratory, Crime scene experts, Crime scene reenactments, Crime stories, Criminal documentary, FBI crime lab, FBI investigations revealed, FBI's crime-solving team, Investigation drama, Investigation process, Johnny Williams crimes, Police investigations, Real crime stories, Season, Serial crime investigation, The FBI Files, True crime
Id: llvXrb6w1dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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