Dead Run | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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two deadly fugitives are on the run from justice authorities follow an electronic trail the suspects are moving fast determined to avoid capture the police and fbi must track them down before they take another life [Applause] [Music] [Music] in pennsylvania an inmate escaped with the help of his female accomplice following a trail of fraudulent credit card receipts and death authorities track the pair but always find themselves one step behind i'm jim calstrom former head of the fbi's new york office the fbi and police race to capture the deadly couple who seem to be running with no direction no sense of fear and nothing to lose 107 at iambo september 25th 1993 friends of 74 year old guy goodman contact the palmyra pennsylvania police they're concerned because they have not heard from him in over a week goodman's landlord meets an officer at his rented house you have a key for the door there i do okay let's go check it out okay if you just want to step back there all [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] the officer observes shards of broken porcelain on the floor and dried blood on the floor and walls blood spatter trails down the hall and leads to the basement stairs [Music] in a storage room he discovers a body the officer calls for assistance headquarters code 3 code 3 requesting backup go ahead detective paul zeckman of the lebanon county detective bureau takes the lead in the investigation 10-4 i'll be enroute to that location the county-wide bureau helps township police departments with major crime investigations [Music] it was evident that the house had been ransacked the kitchen drawers were open things were screwing around on the floor going down into the basement area you could see drag marks led from the stairway to a small storage room [Music] the crime scene is gruesome the victim's hands and feet are tied behind his back [Music] several layers of plastic bags sheets and blankets and shroud his head coverings are tightened at his neck with makeshift bindings these items were either duct taped or tied with electrical cords the plastic bag was duct taped over the cloth covering hoping to find a trace of the perpetrator crime scene investigators carefully processed the house they dust every surface for latent fingerprints and collect a roll of duct tape left on a table [Applause] likely the same tape used in the bindings with no witnesses only the careful examination of every item can help the detectives understand this crime we were trying to not only obtain the forensic evidence but we were also trying to determine if any of the property was taken from the residents we were able to establish that mr goodman's wallet was missing they find american express charge statements oh but the card itself is missing statement here the account numbers get that in the bedroom investigators discover an open box of checks a series of checks from the middle of this box had been removed we also knew that the vehicle of mr goodman was also missing at this point what do you have to do out here yet guy goodman seemed like an unlikely target for this type of attack like most of the palmyra pennsylvania community chief michael weyman knew of the victim guy goodman was a retired florist he was a lifelong resident of the of the palmyra area well known within the community and liked by uh everyone in the community it was apparent that either the motive for this crime was a robbery that had gone bad or that there was a robbery after the fact after mr goodman was assaulted and died [Music] palmyra pennsylvania is located in lebanon county this peaceful community sees fewer than three murders per year in most cases the victim knows the killer at the autopsy the victim's face is unrecognizable the medical examiner uses dental records to confirm it is guy goodman based on the body's decomposition he concludes goodman has been dead for about a week although the victim was severely beaten his wounds were not fatal an examination of his respiratory tract reveals he died slowly from suffocation [Music] leighton prince recovered from goodman's house are processed at the lab examiners check the prints against local arrest records and find a match when the forensics report arrives on zekman's desk he isn't surprised by the results fingerprints that we had obtained at the crime scene matched bradley martin zechman knows the name all too well i just entered him as a wonder person charging him with the escape from the county prison so i knew he was on the run many of lebanon county's inmates are part of a work release program bradley martin a repeat thief and drug user is one of these work-release prisoners over a week earlier martin used a two-hour pass a weekly perk of the work release program to meet his new girlfriend carolyn king 27 year old king worked at a factory where she met the 21 year old work release prisoner when martin failed to return prison officials launched a fugitive investigation they called the lebanon county detective bureau after obtaining a fugitive warrant for martin the detectives checked carolyn king's apartment concerned for her well-being but king is not there and they find nothing to indicate where she is gone or even if she is with martin the detectives entered martin in ncic the national criminal information center once the murder of guy goodman is discovered there is a greater urgency to find martin than to determine if carolyn king is unharmed the detectives interview martin's friends and co-workers what they learn surprises them through interviews we were able to establish that bradley martin and carolyn king were together several days after guy goodman who was murdered we were able to establish that they were together in the palm our area and then it was just blank detectives face the possibility that carol and king may be martin's accomplice earlier when detective zekman ran a statewide background check on king she came up clean he tries again this time using a national database he learns she has a long criminal history including theft and check forgery she has outstanding warrants for her arrest and is also a suspect in two murders in virginia the detectives have no idea where the two suspects are if they left town right after the goodman murder they have more than a week's head start detectives hope to track the suspects using the american express charge card and the checks stolen from the victim's home okay let me call a guy at the american express security department that's great detective wayman asks american express global security in new york to help joe gannon a chief investigator in amex security works to assist the police and i'll be back to you as soon as i can got it we flagged mr goodman's account because he was the victim of a homicide and the chances were that the perpetrators of that homicide were in possession of that card a review of goodman's account shows purchases made after goodman's death the transactions leave a trail that may lead to goodman's killer we discovered that the charges began in western pennsylvania and continued out through the ohio valley down into iowa and kansas and then they turned north and the last transaction we had on record was in rapid city south dakota armed with a solid lead the pennsylvania detectives waste no time they catch the next available flight to rapid city south dakota the killers had disappeared but the victim's charge card had become the investigator's best informant [Music] police hope the trail of surfacing transactions will lead them to the [Music] murderers within hours the pennsylvania detectives arrive in rapid city accompanied by local police they visit the last stores where the charge card was used interviews with clerks verify their suspicions up until this point we were speculating that bradley martin and carolyn king were the two people that were using goodman's american express card then investigators catch their first real break some of the individuals were able to identify bradley martin as the user of the card some were able to identify carolyn king as the user of the car the revelation confirms their theory it was no longer a who-done-it we knew for certain who had done it now it was a matter of changing the focus of the investigations to apprehending them the pennsylvania detectives circulate photos of detailed information about the suspects to all south dakota law enforcement agencies the rapid city police fraud unit or bunko squad tells them of an interracial couple who've been passing bad checks at local stores rapid city police department had a black and white bunko team who are trying to do a con game within the area it was a black female and a white male driving a vehicle with virginia plates we knew that this fit the description of carolyn king and bradley martin we knew that carolyn king had a vehicle with virginia plates we felt that they were there working in the rapid city area the pennsylvania detectives assist as rapid city police pull over the couple in the car with virginia plates they confirm the couple is the team rapid city detectives have been hunting but not the suspected killers the black female and the white male were in fact not martin and king they were just simply another couple that matched the description and who were doing their own criminal activities american express informs the detectives there have been no new charges in over a week the investigation appears to be back at the beginning with no leads but king and martin are having trouble using their murder victims out of state checks let me get my manager for you ma'am [Music] they need another source of cash [Music] their next victim a 59 year old woman traveling alone donna martz the terrified woman implies when they force her to take them to her car the next day the pennsylvania detectives learned that someone passed several of guy goodman's checks in north dakota the bank had cleared checks written in a number of locations in the bismarck north dakota area this supports the detective's theory they had used the credit card now they were utilizing the checks stolen from guy goodman at the time of his homicide that further validated that they had to have been the persons who committed the homicide you take the valentine please zechman phones authorities in bismarck from the road i'm a sergeant zachman from lebanon county pennsylvania i made contact with a detective within the bismarck police department i told him of locations that i had had checks passed and i gave him the rundown of the guy goodman homicide and who was involved and what evidence we had discovered up to this point and there was a long pause from the detective and i asked him what was wrong and he said well we're investigating a missing person's from that same hotel where one of these goodman checks were passed donna martz's family called police when she did not return home from bismarck they described martza their chrysler new yorker police combed bismarck for any sign of mart's or her car but find nothing the detectives fear martin and king have grabbed donna martz the case has a new urgency a woman's life is at stake police investigate the death of 74 year old retired florist guy goodman who was severely beaten then murdered in his rural pennsylvania home investigators determined that the victim's charge card and a book of checks were stolen fingerprints at the scene identified two likely perpetrators 21 year old bradley martin and his 27 year old girlfriend carolyn king pennsylvania detectives paul zechman and michael weyman follow the pair of fugitives to bismarck north dakota and learn authorities there are investigating the disappearance of a woman from the same hotel where one of goodman's checks was passed donna martz a traveling tour guide for an interstate bus line was last seen at the hotel where the suspects were staying when march didn't arrive home as scheduled her family reported her missing local authorities issue an apb on march's chrysler new yorker the bismarck fbi joins the case led by special agent craig welkin the fbi and the north dakota bureau of criminal investigation set up a task force which was joined by other agencies including the bismarck police department and the local sheriff's department when the pennsylvania detectives arrive in bismarck they share the information on the fugitives that they gathered over the past week they became an integral part of the task force on this case the linking of king and martin was very critical in the investigation with potential suspects identified in the abduction of donna martz the task force still struggles for viable leads [Music] they continue to search the hotel we spoke with the clerks at the hotel in bismarck where dynamo arts was last seen they were able to tell us that bradley martin and carolyn king and stayed at the same hotel hotel personnel also recall that around 9 00 a.m on september 26th king and donna martz were only a few feet apart they were able to confirm that carolyn king had been in the lobby at the same time that that donna martz was in the small dining area having her continental breakfast no one noticed mart's leaving the hotel with anyone but investigators fear she's been kidnapped now they need to find out where the fugitives went next then police discover guy goodman's car abandoned outside bismarck there is no sign of donna and marts search reveals only receipts from stores along the suspect's route and several unused checks bearing goodman's name once again the suspects have left authorities with no leads fbi special agent craig welkin knows they must find march before her kidnappers decide to kill her everybody in an investigation like this is extremely busy lots of information coming in including information that really is extraneous but you don't know that at the time so there's a lot of sifting and sorting of information a lot of trying to prioritize and make sure that your primary emphasis is in the right direction to recover the victim alive and well and apprehend the suspects sleepless hours pass with no leads then a break working with donna martz's bank detectives learn her credit card was used in a shopping mall more than 100 miles away she had no relatives out there there was just absolutely no reason for her to go that way the m.o matches that of goodman's killers mart's credit card started showing charges on it a day or so after she had gone missing we were fairly certain that she was not the one doing the charges the fbi dispatches teams to interview sales clerks at the mall none of the clerks can positively identify martin or king as the user of the card but they are sure march did not make the purchases which were for young men's clothing when you're working the case you become very much aware that the clock is working against you particularly when you have a situation like this where we know that guy goodman was murdered the next significant lead comes when marx's account posts a withdrawal in montana it occurred days earlier at an atm in the small town of shelby montana fbi agents bring the atm surveillance tape to the command post in bismarck detectives weyman and zekman positively identify bradley martin using march's credit card it is the first definitive proof linking the suspects to donna martz the tape confirms martin and king traveled west but there is still no sign of march the evidence is building yet investigators main concern is not prosecution but finding donna alive and although we had an ideal that they were heading in a general direction of west they could change that direction at any time so it was very frustrating because we felt that there was a short time frame in which if donna march was still alive that we would be able to apprehend them and save her special agent welkin knows they must speed up the process of tracking the victim's credit card usage i contacted ben patty a retired fbi special agent who was employed by a major credit card company issuing donna martz's card at visa's san francisco headquarters international fraud control director ben patty agrees to help normally when a cardholder uses their credit card that bank that issued the card will not see that transaction information for two to three days that's when it's posted and the bank would then know where the transaction occurred craig walken was really wanting to find out when the card that belonged to donna martz was used in real time which we could not do with the systems as they were at that time to locate the suspects the instant they use the card visa must create a complex reporting system for a single credit card but donna mart's life is on the line we contacted the systems people in the computer center and explained to them what we wanted they said okay we'll go into our systems make the necessary changes in the mainframe computer so that this specific cardholder number could be captured as it came through our systems the programmers estimate it will take at least 24 hours to create and implement the new program fbi agents hope that the computer program will finally put them closer to the murder suspects and to donna martz before she too is killed the coroner for lebanon county pennsylvania determined that retired florist guy goodman was savagely beaten and then slowly suffocated to death his face was unrecognizable at the autopsy the suspects 21 year old bradley martin and 27 year old carolyn king have more than 20 felony convictions between them [Music] and are now fugitives on the run across the heartland of america authorities believe the couple is holding their latest victim donna mart's captive and using her credit cards the last charge was recorded in montana the fbi and police from across the country are in pursuit tracking the suspects through the victim's credit card usage investigators remain one step behind led by special agent craig welkin that was due to the flow of the information from the merchants to the credit card company and then when that information was actually available from the computer database in 1993 banking computers take days to post each transaction investigators await a new visa program that will trap any activity on martha's card [Music] pennsylvania detective paul zechman chased the pair from the beginning of their flight it was very frustrating being days behind locating places that marx's credit card had been used because we knew that number one this couple had killed guy goodman we knew that donna martz potentially was going to be the next victim if she had not already been killed there's nothing we could do more than what we were doing to try and locate them and stop this from happening investigators try to estimate where the suspects will go next they alert all law enforcement agencies on the suspect's possible routes they post descriptions of the suspects in their vehicle in the national crime information center's nationwide database we entered both bradley martin and carolyn king in ncic they were also entered in as kidnapping suspects in addition to that regional messages had gone off to all the police departments to be on the lookout for donna martz carolyn king or bradley martin if any police force in the country runs into the couple the bismarck task force will be notified to further increase their chances investigators fax descriptions of the suspects and the victim to police agencies along martin and king's likely roots [Music] but there are no incoming leads beyond the sporadic credit card purchases [Applause] [Music] detectives weyman and zekman returned to pennsylvania to reinterview everyone who knows the fugitives they hope martin and king have made contact with someone back home we continually talked to individuals in the palm area area who were associates of bradley martin trying to find out if there was recent contact with him or carolyn king if there was where were they at where did they call from but no one offers new information despite every effort investigators still have nothing the fbi receives an update from the visa corporation in san francisco visa fraud investigator and former special agent ben patty had asked the company systems programmers for a way to trace march's credit card transactions as they are made and i told the fbi and we set up a system of contact between our systems people in virginia myself been in the fbi and their command post after the system was in place the first transaction that came through was a service station gas transaction in southern california [Music] it was in los angeles several hours earlier [Music] investigators are closer but still too far behind while the task force notifies authorities in the la area lisa gets another hit on donna march's card the transaction came through our systems in real time as soon as it came through the systems we notified the fbi's command post with and it would have been within our two-hour time that the transaction actually occurred then a transaction is made at a hotel in national city outside san diego agents at the command post contact the fbi's san diego field office and the lead goes to supervisory special agent sam stanton we received information that uh that the donna mart's credit card had been used at the hotel in national city so immediately i dispatched agents over to the hotel offer interstate five agents interviewed the manager and the security guard and employees at the hotel and was able to determine that a couple matching martin and king had stayed at the hotel using donna march's credit card but the couple checked out two hours earlier paying for the room with the visa police officers and fbi agents swarmed the area checking hotel parking lots convenience stores and gas stations for donna martz's chrysler new yorker or any sign of martin and king special agent stanton knows finding the car is a long shot [Music] especially when that car has a two-hour lead on authorities where san diego is a very large city and i try to find a vehicle in a city that size would be almost impossible but we did put out an all points bulletin and notified the state judicial police and the federal police in mexico and the border patrol thinking that maybe the individuals were headed toward mexico the tijuana border is the busiest in the world in 1993 nearly 40 thousand americans cross into mexico every day without having to show even an id if the fugitives make it past the border it is unlikely they will ever be found all right i know it's been a couple of days but have you heard from brad or carolyn well then the pennsylvania detectives finally catch a break that narrows the search what do you have to say according to chief michael weyman we received information from a associate of bradley martin's indicating that they had received a phone call from bradley and that bradley was in san diego that he was with carolyn king and that they were headed back towards pennsylvania we took that information we notified the san diego office of the fbi and they in turn notified the california highway patrol the fugitives made the call as they checked out of the hotel in san diego martin and king still have a two-hour lead but authorities continue closing the gap soon a hunch and a bit of luck will bring the investigation to a violent and dangerous conclusion fall 1993 authorities chase bradley martin and carolyn king suspected of murder in pennsylvania and kidnapping in north dakota investigators from both states are frustrated that for weeks they have been one step behind the suspects they hope to find the pair before the abducted woman donna martz is killed [Music] then a new program created by the visa corporation at the fbi's request puts investigators only two hours behind the suspects investigators learned the two have just checked out of a san diego area hotel based on their checkout time and the tip that the fugitives are heading east fbi agents try to estimate their position special agent stanton has a hunch that the suspects will use interstate 8 the southernmost highway going east he determines that martin and king will soon be approaching el centro california near the arizona border called agent paul vick in the ill central office of the fbi and asked him to send out an all points bolton stanton hopes he has picked the right route as el centro special agent paul vick takes it from there i called the california highway patrol dispatchers and asked them to broadcast the mart's car description that just left a hotel in san diego and we suspect they might be headed east on interstate 8 and even stopped the all points bulletin about 187 suspects police code for murder is transmitted to every officer on interstate 8 including california highway patrolman richard chambers chp unintel central continuing i stand by copy information on 187 suspects possibly enter out to uh cal central i went check my section of the freeway like i normally would in the beginning of my shift and i went west on interstate 8. as chambers drives he receives the suspect's descriptions first suspect is a bradley martin white male 6 foot 160. second subject is a carolyn king black female awarded by the fbi within minutes chambers believes he has spotted the car i was driving west on the freeway through the desert and there's not that much traffic i saw the car go by eastbound and i believed it matched the description the chambers cannot see the car's license plate i wasn't sure so i made a u-turn through the center divider and overtook the vehicle and verified the license plate and it was in fact bearing the north dakota license plate that we had received well central 116.84 i think i'm behind the 187 vehicle could you send me back up here dispatch advises officer chambers that there is no backup immediately available only one unmarked unit races to catch up to the suspects that's sergeant riley come responding to the pursuit uh police know the suspects are desperate and probably armed two suspects of black female driving uh well attempted contact that's when they know but so far the suspects appear calm as they approach state route 186. [Music] on route 186 the chase intensifies [Music] the suspects tried to shake officer chambers but he maintains pursuit even as they escalate to 90 miles an hour [Music] [Applause] the suspects cross into arizona with chambers on their heels although a california officer outside of his jurisdiction chambers continues his pursuit he relays information to arizona authorities then the danger increases the male passenger did come out of the right front window with a handgun they're shooting they are shooting like they're shooting chambers stays on them intent to capture the deadly suspects [Music] as the cars speed toward the town of yuma arizona dozens of officers listening in race to cover chambers [Music] october 5th 1993 california highway patrol officer richard chambers engages in a high-speed chase with murder and kidnapping suspects carolyn king and bradley martin near el centro california the pursuit crosses into arizona backup is responding but as the suspects barrel toward the town of yuma arizona officer chambers is on his own and under fire he knows he must capture the pair before they kill again the suspects exit onto a smaller road this one with intersections chambers radios their position they're going into human now get my units out there they run through two stop signs without incident then [Music] when they crash the suspects flee on foot i got out of my car and drew my uh my pistol and ordered them to stop and i told him if i didn't stop i'd shoot and at that time the female did stop then carolyn king orders martin to stop right get down and i was able to handcuff the female i just had one pair of handcuffs with me at the time and i held the male passenger at gunpoint until uma pd arrived it was probably only a minute or two but it seemed longer than that when the backup officer arrives he helps take the suspects into custody after a two-week cross-country flight pursued by police of the fbi carolyn king and bradley martin have finally been stopped what investigators first concern is the safety of the kidnapped woman donna martz she is not inside the car on the floorboards lies the handgun martin fired at chambers they opened the trunk [Applause] [Music] inside police find duct tape a knife and donna martz's glasses but nothing indicating where she is martin and king are taken to the yuma police department but they refused to tell officers what happened to the kidnapped woman fbi agents arrive and interrogate the suspects separately carolyn king is defiant from the start refusing even to admit her real identity she claims no knowledge of donna mort's another agent is unsuccessful with bradley martin as well when special agent paul vick reaches the station he learns that martin has refused to talk rally martin was pacing back and forth with his hands handcuffed behind him he appeared to be in some kind of discomfort vic decides to try another approach martin told me that his neck hurt and he had pain extending down into his right arm hoping to win martin over and get him to cooperate vic offers to re-cuff him in front so he will be more comfortable his strategy works martin told me that he would speak with me the agent reminds martin he had earlier invoked his right to an attorney but the suspect says he is now waiving that right vic drafts a statement to ensure martin's waiver will hold up in court once he agreed to that he signed this piece of paper that i wrote out that he agreed to talk to me even though he had invoked earlier after he signed that document i looked him straight in the eyes and i told him that i knew that he killed somebody in pennsylvania but that i wanted to know that martz was okay and then i told him is she okay and martin looked at me and he told me no i killed her martin says they kept mrs martz for over a week but after several close calls with police he decided to get rid of her they stopped in the nevada desert he got her out of the trunk and walked her to a ditch at gunpoint he says she knew he was going to kill her she said one thing before he fired that she loved her children the news devastates everyone who would hope to save donna at the conclusion of the interview with martin we obtained a map which showed approximately where warts could be located in nevada and we then faxed the map to the elko nevada fbi office at which time late at night the search was initiated to look for donna martz's body but martin was doing drugs during his fugitive trek his memory is unclear and his map inaccurate several times during the night search crews call in for more information the desert area near elko nevada is hundreds of square miles the crews do their best searching through the night and into the morning then on october 7th investigators find the body of donna martz about a mile and a half off interstate 80. in a case like the guy goodman dunamart's homicides the drive is to keep anyone else from getting hurt secondly it's solving the case get them off the street and into jail and then successfully prosecute them in nevada martin and king plead guilty to the kidnapping and murder of donna martz and receive life sentences in pennsylvania they are found guilty of the murder of guy goodman both martin and king are sentenced to death this case is an excellent example which showed the interagency cooperation between the fbi and local county and state officials in california arizona north dakota nevada pennsylvania and numerous other states from working together we were able to solve this case and apprehend king and martin and get them convicted for donna martz's 11 grandchildren three children family and friends the convictions bring a sense of closure even today they are comforted in knowing police and the fbi caught martin and king before they could claim yet another victim [Music] you
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 888,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail
Id: PQF0lloVJ2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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