The Shocking Incident That Ended This Cop's Career

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are waking up at three morning there were people in the bedroom I'm getting out of bed to tackle them there's no one there there's dead bodies screaming up floors the room stinks the blood I've got blood in my mouth I've been strangled at night this little boy he's in the bedroom wanting to know screaming around what saving my cat serving I've got to live with this all the time you've shared so many great stories so many um sad stories funny stories loads you've done a lot now you're still a fairly young man aren't you uh 21 tons of fun I've just turned 45 so I'm a reasonably youngish and you're you're out of the game yeah you're retired do you wanna do you want to tell the the listeners in the audience why why you are done at such a young age am I right and thinking that surely that's a young age for an officer to be retired right yeah yeah let's do like now 25 or 30 years and this sort of thing but basically cut the long story shorts hey my mum went in for a Munch operation 11 days later we switched a live spot off she just died that night and the disaster they said they were basically pumping and full of everything to get a keeper going New Year's Eve she her stomach ruptured so the rooster in and then eight days later she sat up in bed talking the night before she died I was there with her just oh I'm talking to you now and then she's literally because everyone Peaks before I die so they always Prime and then do they yeah so they always so like I sat there with mum talking and we're talking now and then seven o'clock oh six o'clock morning she got to work phone goes they've called us in um and then I I spot my dad and my brother and I made the decision I said there couldn't be a child perhapses you need to let go doctor's top inside I don't know what it is a job uh that's just like oh man she's gone and I knew as soon as I said this is ventilated I knew what had gone on I knew I said that she's already died and she went but she was still responsive and you talked to him like that because the brain's still working everything's still taking over but only because of what they're pumping with her so if they put stop pumping naturally into the day sorry to interrupt such a sad story but I never knew I never knew that so it's so she was so she's she's ill you're speaking to her the night before just not like normally yeah and then basically obviously basically all energy comes oh wow basically I do last things they need to be able to do you know when they always say you if someone's been shot in a film and like John did it yeah it's like just to get as much out as it can do so oh wow um so switch the ventilator off hold around and she dies she's gone within seconds um uh we have the funeral two weeks after the funeral I'm got back to work shouldn't have gone back to work I just shouldn't have done it but you guys were [ __ ] hero you know I need to be able to do this do I I don't ever let my colleagues down you'll help you you're a hard worker yeah and I went back to work um I just got told going out it was another thing to do with um State Police said just going around when I need sat in a car park looking at pictures of my mum and dad up for and stuff like that and they called me to an RTC to Sean Connor and literally the units that were on they were too far away to get there so can you go first of all and get there and we'll relieve you there's an artist yeah so I'm like I'm shouting at [ __ ] steering wheel don't don't [ __ ] leave me alone leave me you know me Ed's got in camps yeah I'm freely free sheets to win um and then it's a child and I'm like well I'm a dad if it were my kid I want someone there it's not about me it's about making sure kids got someone there to keep them safe so yeah yeah I'll go if I get upset I'm sorry um so I says yeah I'll go um driving's gonna wrap [ __ ] and I go Turn Down Road like I said 100 meters turn right funnel the cars uh and just as I got different little cars that I've seen come through come through I get there and then there's basically just say dot go Dot goge and it's a fail it's child fail got out corner and there's a fight farting truck there the driver he stood outside Road three seats to win don't know what's going on uh and then there's a two-year-old boy who's been he has been run over by this truck come outside that thing been in another back truck uh sorry um all right and I get out of care start asking for assistance um and uh I'll just I'm just I know something's happening I'm just not announcement's happening start walking towards this little boy I can see him they don't floor little Converse shoes on and it's rolled up our baby's doing asleep um unless I'm walking towards him just feel like I'm getting sucked in that floor walking through treacle um I'm getting slower and slower my chest is getting tight and Tighter and it's like all I can describe is like a elastic band attack going as tight as it can across your chest and then uh it just snapped and it just I could feel it go it was like being the other like I said it's like a band you were like someone whipping you with a towel it was just like that it's gone and just start crying this person it tears have seen yeah um I think I said before I think I know I've put my jacket on him and then just I'll just cry just wanted to look after him I just felt good for the fact that I didn't go the fact that I I feel responsible for the fact that I could have gone quicker I could have better than I could have saved him but I couldn't have been run over by a truck but the idea being is yeah I carried that that guilt on with me um so I just got told to go back to PlayStation just do some paperwork sign off his crying um and then within six months I told me he had terminal cancer eventually he dies uh Christmas time and then back to work fail fail fail negative negative [ __ ] you pig get a real job dead body dead body dead body all Trump drama uh go to Japan get out of trouble with a Baby Ben and this is to get out step out car and it's just like going through a Time Warp just got a car and I don't know who I am don't know what I'm doing the switch is gone yeah they always say you've got too much this is the breaking point switch is gone um straight referred straight to my GP just couldn't stop crying didn't know what we're going on and you know but I knew her in a place uniform your police car I didn't know what's going on uh straight to him GP referred straight to mental health unit straight to um a camera called in shipler like a specialist mental health Team long-term time trauma team then straight to uh another department and then passed the department I'm far too complex for all these people to deal with says you need to go to a specialist unit um and then it is the basically you've got complex plus magic stress disorder you've got severe depression anxiety and you've ride you just you've gone and you just basically you're not going to get back that's it your head's gone so outside now I've got to it's all right I'm having a laugh and having a good time with you but like now I I carry as I said to people before I carry the trauma with me yeah so we all sink it down and I I trust plus it's a backpack analogy where I'm carrying a backpack and you'll all have one I got married you put things in or your grandize you'll put things in you're carrying your rucksack I got to point with my rucks that were falling I couldn't carry it anymore it would make me so tired except fact then now I'm carrying around this two-year-old they're buying me I've got my mum sat there in my backpack I've now got my dad and I can't I've got nowhere to turn I've got not to do and then basically what happens is your brain just collapses your brain collapses your body says I'm not if you carry on and want to kill you that's what your brain basically says and we're going through Junctions all blacking out I didn't know what was going on I've got no long-term memory I can't think 20 minutes 20 minutes front 20 minutes behind uh arriving sorry about rubbing hours as in like um they are waking up at three morning there were people in the bedroom men stood in the bedroom I'm getting out about the tackle them there's no one there there's dead bodies screaming up floors the room stinks applaud I've got blood in my mouth I've been strangled at night this little this little boy he's in the bedroom one you know screaming around what saving my cat saving man I've got to live with this all the time and I've got children as well and I'm trying to differentiate my life with my children and go back to my house and pick my daughter up and I've got to live the life of why have I got why have I got this jump to pick my daughter up and then I won't be able to save this boy does that matter I'm sorry if I no mate no don't apologize it's it's a I mean the the strength that you must have to to come here and and share those stories and to many people would have crumbled and I think you you've admitted that you have experienced that but to to make a YouTube channel and to share these stories and to share how the the mental health struggles you have is is it's a it's a hero's thing to do mate it really is and you don't need me or Stevie or anyone else out there to validate the break the brilliant work that you've done um to be honest like I know friends that are good lads that will slag off the police and stuff like that and they and they don't have bad bones in their body so why are we why are why are we in this culture that does instantly think Pig this when you're the heroes of the streets that's what that's what you are you're the people going around making sure we're safe so um I just want to say thank you so much mate for for sharing your story do you want do you want a tissue or anything no no I'm fine I won't be that week it's not weakness it's it's um it's nothing but strength I think your backpack analogy that you've come up with is is a beautiful one and one that needs to be heard and yeah you're you're a lovely person to your call Mate so um I'm I I don't really no I'm a bit lost for words I'll be honest it's like it's it's just a great laugh being weird and it's just I just think the main thing I want to say and suggest to people is everybody can fall I don't care who you are what job you do everybody can fall and the main thing that I didn't if I had someone like not like me but if I had someone be able to say to me these are the signs these are what's making you poorly open your mouth and talk I've got friends that have I've not people that I've worked with I've committed suicide I've got friends that are struggling now that are self-harming and you just think all you have to do is just open your mouth and say no no for me to do this now is me this is like as I was saying to you this is my therapy I'm Gonna Leave Here for me a little bit upset because I've had a cry but still invigorated I still feel alive I still feel lighter if that makes sense and I think that there's so many men out there and I just don't get it obviously women is all about I just don't get it why can you not just turn around so just say for instance you've got Harmony followers just say how many people watch this there I've been piercing I've got my health issues what is wrong with saying that I've been piercing I like to cry what's wrong with saying now I'm Ben Pearson and I will talk to anybody about anything so if you stop me and see me and just have a chat just do not feel afraid to be able to talk to people because talking gets out releasing so many demons and that might stop you that day from doing something stupid that's beautifully put you've had a life you've lived it you've hit rock bottom you've had the worst weeks and months and experienced things none of us YouTubers can even imagine and you've turned that into a positive and you've and and now you're on this kind of path to educate people about mental health and if if you can sit there a a hard police officer that used to fight with criminals on the street and and put your hands up and say you have mental health issues then I think you're saving a hell of a lot of people out there it's not a sign of weakness it's a it's a sign of strength and you're one of the strongest people I've ever met so I just want to say thank you for all the work you're doing now thank you for all the work you did when you was in the police force and maybe a few people out there that have listened to this episode all the way through that maybe hated the police for whatever reason before just think about it a little bit more think about the people that are having to pick up their children off the street and stuff like that then um where can people come and see more of your content because they need to see it they need to have their eyes open to this um I'll do the YouTube channel which is obviously um on YouTube ironically so so if you put in Ben Pearson or Ben Pearson it's up to I'm on Twitter uh I think it's BS underscore Pearson and I've released a book called handcuffed emotions which is um on Amazon and there's other places coming apart and the second book is released hopefully in September which is called Hotel Tango 2-3 uh which is my old call sign um and yeah it's just this is a journey that I'm just enjoying being on and these people like yourself that's making it possible so thank you and the look on his face were like this is serious now there's a dead body in there it's basically not Got No Effects it's been stamped to death it was in it was so violent it wasn't true and this is in there okay murder is in there what
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 434,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben pearson police interceptors, ben pearson traffic cops, ben pearson police, ben pearson interview, ben pearson podcast, happy hour ben pearson, happy hour police, happy hour cop, happy hour podcast, happy hour, ben pearson retired, The Job that BROKE ME | Retired Police Interceptor, ben pearson the job that broke me, retired cop
Id: iFY035X-sKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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