The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

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hi everyone here's the become response again today I'm reviewing the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz i found a book that was incredibly popular in italy and i'm guessing in the rest of the world when I was in high school when I was starting uni and I had always heard conflicting opinions on the book I knew several people who loved dead some people who couldn't really see what all the fuss was about very recently I spoke to others who were worried huge fans of the novel and I decided to take a look for myself the shell of the wind starts from a pretty irresistible premise that revolves around a cemetery of Forgotten books which is this strange library / sanctuary hidden in Barcelona where the book is set and I let you discover about the cemetery or forgotten books by yourself but already starting from the name you can see how irresistible this is going to sound to book lovers and in many ways of the main characters in this book the protagonist is a young man the son of a bookseller he works in the bookshop all day in many ways the shadow of the wind is a love letter to passionate readers to people who live a good percentage of their lives in works of fiction it would be wrong to compare the two books because they do completely different things they are very different novels moving in very different genres for lack of a better term but shadow of the wind does something that Roberto bolaños savage detectives also does very well which is to create a world where literature fiction poetry the classics ruled the lives of these characters the characters in these novels leave their existence and react to what happens to them based on what they have learned based on their experiences in the world of literature and this world rather than sounding or looking self-absorbed or self referential is actually very believable instead and the phone speaks in very true very real double turns about the experiences of a younger reader evolving into a more mature more adult reader at the end of the books prologue there's this passage that goes once in my father's bookshop I heard a regular customers say that few things leave a deeper mark on a reader than the first book that finds its way into his heart those first images the echo of words we think we have left behind accompany us throughout our lives and sculpt the place in our memory to which sooner or later we will return is I think that's very true I think for me that guy that first author that left such an important mark of me was HP Lovecraft which backed me up in many different ways what about you who was the author who led that big mark on your reading experience other than this this is just an example of one of so many reflections that are scattered throughout the book and that are very incredibly stimulating I finished this book a week ago and I'm still thinking about many of these discussion points and still finding new ways to look at them and new things to say about them which is priceless in terms of plot shadow of the wind is that you lost manuscript novel or at least to be more precise I lost all four novel it revolves around the main characters wish to find out about the history of this writer who wrote beautiful nobles but who no one knows and what haven't we disappeared in the shadow of history and I'm a sucker for lost manuscript from so many of my favorite novels name of the Rose brief wondrous life of Oscar Wilde House of Leaves revolve around the search for a lost maybe non-existing manuscript and this search is interconnected with the fate of several different characters living in 1950s Barcelona under Franco's regime the city is portrayed in very green terms and the quotidian influence of the regime on the life of these people the way they live in an oppressive society where they have no real freedom is representing terrorists it's represented very well and in stark terms there's there are some alas in his book his actually revolving around a character that I'm sure you will come to love but especially in the second half of the novel I spend most of the time very anxious about the fate of the characters and about the terrible things that seemed very likely to happen to them which speaks one of the fact that I was hooked I really cared about the characters and she about the Fonz skills in portraying what it means to live in a fascist regime in fact I enjoyed the shadow of the wind so much that immediately I went and bought the angels game which is it's not really a sequel the way I understand it the four the four books in this series revolving around the cemetery of Forgotten books are kind of self conclusive standalone novels sharing certain elements and I have to admit I probably am enjoying the angels game even more than the shadow of the wind I'm not saying this to complain I think the shadow of the wind is truly a great book and I would definitely recommend it basically to anyone the one thing probably my the one doubt I had about shadow of the wind is that I didn't find the language too exciting the writing style very exciting again some of the reflections in here are priceless about being a reader fallen in love with books and falling in love period being a young person this book speaks very truly again about all those things but I wasn't necessarily in all of the prose whereas I find that much more exciting in the angels game with all that of course I read both books in the English translation and not in the Spanish originals so for all I know the Spanish original might be really very well written very original very interesting very stimulating in terms of its prose the difference here I guess is that I'm finding the angels game more entertaining and more stimulating and even more addictive than the shadow of the wind I'll go probably the shadow of the winds reflections aren't going to stay with me much longer again it's probably too soon for me if I have to be honest review shadow of the wind because every day I find myself going back to some of the I read in the book thinking about them under a different light and reshaping my opinion of the book which again is always a good thing the other thing I should mention is that I think I managed to crack the mystery of the heart of the book and to find out about the final lock twist halfway through the novel and I'm usually terrible with these kinds of things with Agatha Christie novels come in Lyra novels I never guess who the murderer is until the very last page and sometimes I don't get it either so well my baby was just me maybe I was just lucky this one time but again I absolutely recommend the shadow of the wind if you are looking for an entertaining read that tells you lots of things and makes you revisit your experiences as you were falling in love with reading and with books and people - why not it seems to me shadow of the wind seems to me like an entertaining spin on the tropes and the fiction of Boris or Umberto Eco there are clear echoes often calls pendulum in shadow of the wind and I realize as I say these things then it sounds as if I'm saying it's like those people but worse I don't mean that at all when I say that it's an entertaining spin I say that as a compliment I myself my favorite writers like Michael Chabon I've heard so many people tell me that sherry is entertaining as if that's a bad thing I don't think it is at all and even in like among Pinschers novels two of my very favorite bleeding-edge is possibly my very favorite I love inherent vice and there - people are like yes they are entertaining but they're not gravity's rainbow but cue people came definitely going to read the third and fourth volume in each series possibly not straightaway but that's mainly because I have other stuff on my shelf that I would like to read first and I'm very curious to hear what you think about the shadow of the wind because again I've heard so many different opinions on the book let me know in the comments below and thank you for watching the video bye guys [Music]
Channel: TheBookchemist
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Keywords: the bookchemist, bookchemist, the shadow of the wind, the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz zafon, the shadow of the wind review, review the shadow of the wind, review zafon, the shadow of the wind book review, carlos ruiz zafon the shadow of the wind, the shadow of the wind analysis, the shadow of the wind zafon, zafon the shadow of the wind, zafon review, carlos ruis zafon shadow of the wind
Id: 8dxcg610sTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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