THE SHADOW OF THE WIND ๐ŸŒฌ| The Late Night Book Club Live โœจ

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hello everyone how's it going welcome to the i want to say eighth live show for the book club where oh right yeah i think that's the eighth one um we are reading well we read the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz saffron so please let us know in the comments your star ratings for this book it was very polarizing in the discord oh yeah and after you guys let us know your star ratings we'll give you we'll give you our ratings for this i want to see the stars roll in before i say mine i'm already seeing some good points oh my god okay we're seeing some stars we have we have a good i feel like we have actually some a good variety some people dnf'd one star two stars some people really loved it all five wow okay good to know so and while in joel please go and forth give us 6 star ratings for the shadow of the wind so um for me i think this sits at a 3 out of 5 for me because i think that there were so many points of like really beautiful writing i love the idea of like book a book about books and a book about kind of like watching a book unfold in a book and just how that all reflected between the like reality and the fiction i thought that was really fun um there were a lot of times where um the narrative almost felt like it was spinning out of control for me and i was feeling very disoriented within the story um and i think for that reason i think that if i ever go back and read this again which i feel like i definitely will because i feel like there's a lot that i missed the first time through just because there's so much to take in um i'll be i'll feel more grounded in the story um so i'm excited to see how i feel about it on the next reread but um overall i thought that the the a book within books within libraries within you know bookstores and everything was really fun so yeah i thought you were going to give it a lower rating noelle but okay pleasantly surprised okay all right joel thank you i'm the same i gave it a three i thought i was gonna love this a lot more than i actually did i mean you saying oh really gets me like a bit thing about your rating because i feel like you're gonna rate it like two or one stars elias but we'll see um um i just felt like it was a it took a bit to get into i feel like it was very dense in the beginning um but i agree with noel that it does feel like a book that needs to be reread in order to like understand a lot of what's going on and i don't like there are good things to that but there are also bad things that because it's just like why do i need to like reread it to understand it like i should be able to understand the first time around from a reader's perspective but also i felt like a lot of the stuff in this book just felt like was the setting was like amazing i just felt like a lot of the characterizations were very male gazy and i wasn't like the biggest fan of that so yeah that's basically all i have for like general thoughts okay i thought you're gonna rate it lower as well um i'm actually conflicted because i don't know whether to give this book four stars or five oh my god i'm so glad you liked it that is so good being here i don't think i have read such a beautifully written atmosphere book yet sets this book in my entire life oh this is yet to be like there were so many things i didn't like about it you know when i started it i thought i actually really loved it like five stars immediately i loved the way it started super eerie atmospheric i felt like i was like living during that time and then i slowly got into the middle with all these different characters and i went to a different direction than i thought it would go in and i wasn't the biggest fan of that direction it was like different but i was okay with it because i think it was while it was slowly unraveling i appreciated sort of the other plot points more towards the end of the book when everything started to come together um that's when i realized that i was like oh my god maybe i do love this book maybe not in the middle maybe in the middle it was like a journey a roller coaster for me because i don't think i didn't think i would like this book like at all i thought at the end by the end i would give this like a two stars because um you know so many things happened you know it was really sexist yep objectification of women this book was very heavy i feel like almost every female character but i'm pleasantly surprised like to say that i really really like this book like towards the end like the beginning and the end were really strong for me so i don't know whether to give it a four or five so we'll see i'm excited that you loved it so much and you're gonna love may's book so i know so we've got two strong months for you we love that so i had two kind of like fun questions for you two and then everyone in the chat um and i you know i didn't prep them with these questions so i hope it's just like a fun thought if you were to go into the summit the cemetery of forgotten books what book like what cover of a book or spine of a book would you gravitate towards and you feel like you'd pull off that was like that's such a great question that's for everyone in the chat too i i wanted to see like what are the aesthetics of books that pull you oh sure you can go first i think i think about this one i feel like if it was either a leather bound or it was like one of those nice like naked um books that just had like an intricate design on like the spine i feel like that would draw me and sprayed edges also draw in but you can't really see that from a glance but i think in terms of design if it looked like mystical magical mythological because you know i can accidentally pick up a spellbook and can summon demons and stuff and draw them to my bidding like why can't i do that um so i feel like those would be the books that i gravitate towards um yeah i think it's really interesting to see like how like different designs of books can draw different people and i think it's really fun with that way a good answer uh so for me one of the things that i do when every single time i go into like a new used bookstore that i've never been before is to go what i feel like is like the most underused underrated section of the bookstore where i feel like a lot of people don't go to and i would usually typically browse and then the very top and the very bottom and i would just you know see the titles what uh like uh what is there so there isn't a huge uh i guess like a requirement for me to pick out a book but usually colorful books tend to stick out more often than not than say simple designs or intricate designs but i don't tend to go to look for colorful books i just like seeing old books that people don't really take out you know and that shifter of dust that blows out um i think that's really magical i guess their answers were so sweet i like to know your answer immediately i thought of when i was growing up my mom had like a big wall of books and there was one book that looked like if you guys have seen beauty and the beast the cartoon version there's like a blue book that bell reads right at the beginning so my mom had a blue book with like little gold writing on the side and i always picked up i didn't know what it was i was just always picking it up and it's still on her bookshelf today and it's like the book that i just want to steal from her but it's like so it's so much a part of her collection that i i always just stare at it i think it's so pretty so that if a book looks like that on the bookshelf i would probably pick up the one that looked like a movie that's so amazing nostalgic so my second question which is more fun in my opinion for everyone in the chat as well um if so like we know that in this book like towards the end you find out that it's not really the villain of the book that comes out of the book you know like that's kind of how it's explained that the the i feel like we can just go into spoiler territory now it's like almost 10 minutes into the last show so yeah bye so we can totally dive into spoilers okay so if you like if if a villain from a book came out of the book what would be the scariest villain that could come out and like haunt your actual life because that's what kind of happens to him oh my god wow these are such great questions i thought of the second one and then didn't think of an answer for it so i'm also thinking about that [Music] i don't know scariest villain i mean there's the commandant from the number in the ashes oh it's pretty scary that's scary one i i feel like for me it would it would either have to be like a supernatural like entity or something that i forgot about that i've read about that would come out and actually scare and haunt me because you know they can't be killed in a way um or an actual like serial killer um from a thriller book i've read i mean the scariest serial killer that i've ever read and encountered is probably in pretty girls by karen slaughter i think terrifying disgusting um but yeah i can't really think of any anything really i honestly can think of maybe like a witch i've read here and there but maybe um the white witch from the chronicles of narnia or sorrow or the wrong one okay joel do you have one um i mean i'm trying like i have the amber in the ashes villain um i mean if we're going on villains as well we could always go with our favorite villain from uh addy larue dear old devil even though he's not like scary but i guess like we could make a deal of some sort and i don't know that's like that's the scary part um but no i can't really think of any like villains that would like scare me in that way i think like elliot said i think it would have to be something like supernatural or from like a thriller and yeah i'm trying to just i don't know that was a really good question noelle sorry literally could i take this villain on yes or no and are they scary um i keep thinking about movie villains like what would it be like if like um texas chainsaw leather face was in my life but that's a movie and i feel like that's cheating um so i going along with your pretty girls i'm gonna say sharp objects i saw someone else say it in the chat and sharp objects was just so good at the end that or what is that one what's the one you read it too the one that's like high school takes place they go to a high school they leave the family dinner everything i never told you oh yeah i'm thinking of anything spending things yes just that's the hunting party so that's not gonna be it um yes somebody said pennywise you know i agree with this too that's he's terrifying this one have you read this one yet elias yes i have okay well this creeped me out okay so those are my two little fun those are my two little fun questions okay those are that was i really questions thank you so i guess speaking of spoilers we can just like go ahead and dive into full spoiler territory now so um who are your guys's least and most favorite characters and moments in the book if you haven't had anybody um i think i'll go first so i initially thought daniel will be a really strong protagonist but i i feel like he was my least favorite character in the book for me in terms of like the lead protagonist there are so many choices that he made that just annoyed the hell out of me there were so many instances where he could have set up for failure for him for himself and be so stupid when he answers the phone on the um on the other line he's like b i'm like are you dumb what if it was like thomas or the dad he did it not once i think he did like three times or something i think he was so stupid um my favorite character by far even though i i think we can all objectively agree that every male character in this book was super sexist but yeah for me feminine was my favorite he was so he was so good he was so funny oh my god i like love and hate him at the same time like things that he said just like made me laugh out loud so many times but totally agree yeah yeah romero was my least favorite of course yeah yeah yeah i just anytime he came up and i know like he was a good villain but anytime i was like i could actually feel myself like start to turn in because i was so like whenever he was around i was like guys just like please leave them alone please just let them be um for me was so funny i agree i really liked daniel's dad i just like whenever he was there he was just a sweetheart i wanted him to be okay when daniel tries to convince him to like fall in love again he's like you don't understand like it was that was it for me and it was just like so sweet and so i really really liked him and i think i liked isaac the owner of the cemetery of oh um nuria's uh father right yeah i just like that he owned it and he was cranky and that he like loved his daughter and there was obviously like unfinished business there i liked learning about i guess i just liked the fathers and like how they played a role in the people's lives okay i also really like i mean i think he was funny it was just it was just great and like when femero like kept coming in i was like oh here we go again i'm like um you i just i just didn't want him there i was like no like leave go away um i think one of my favorite moments and like it's so like well it's the very first scene within the book is like when um daniel's like dad takes him to the bookstore and he's like it's your turn to like pick a book now i just thought it was so like mystical and so like magical because it's just kind of like it kind of reminded me a lot of when like um i used to be taken to the bookstore by my mum and she was like okay like you go like you can go pick a book and it's just like one of those like things where it's just like it's it means so much more to dinner because obviously it's a it's a book um but it's like it just i don't resonate with me in such a way that i was just like this is just such like a really cute moment within this book and like after everything else happens it's just like one of like the most cutest parts of the book mm-hmm totally somebody said somebody asked what do we think about carrick's though i have so many feelings about him very true did anyone call it that the uh the burn guy was julian um carrick's at all dude i feel like when he first appeared i was like you're julian you're sucks i'm calling it now and that's right yeah when he popped up i was like when when it was revealed i was like maybe i should have seen that coming and i totally did not see that coming that was a mood i was like i was like i have an inkling but then i was like i'm just gonna ignore that and then when it was revealed i was like oh okay maybe i should have listened just like i feel like at first i don't think like in his like initial childhood i don't think i felt the draw that everyone felt um they had towards him i didn't really get why he was such a special character um i feel like sort of the relationships that he had didn't really warrant his affection like i don't understand why people were infatuated with him other than his writing so i think that to me i feel like all the characters sort of like um didn't really stand out to me as much but julian i didn't really understand why so many people gravitated towards him in general at all but i mean speaking yeah you just said something that totally pinged something in my brain and i've lost it now all right ignore me speaking of twists though um you guys what the did we all see it coming did we all see julian and penelope being half half siblings no having a relationship with each other no i think my jaw just dropped like i was so shocked i was like kind of mad at myself for not seeing this coming i was like what the don't you remember that julian was like a product of like another relationship i sat up in bed i was like no please god no it shocked me i threw my book because i was like why is it that like authors just feel like oh i need a plot twist i need something to spice it up let's just throw in a little bit of insight like why it was it was so jarring to me because i i don't think i was expecting that reveal to like happen like at all um the reveals in this book was just one of the things i really enjoyed the aspect of the book in general like the way that um that twist was revealed in the way that julian's story was revealed and the way that nurius told everything you know wrapped everything up in a neat little bowl regardless in like a letter form which i don't typically like like when it comes to like books like everything's just told out in this like really convenient way but i think for the purpose of this book and the setting and everything it was fine for me but the twists man who i was just wow you got me one of the few times you got me yeah and it's like you learn that information and then you like get a scene of like how penelope dies and you're just like i'm like i felt like the author was taking you into like this really big plot twist and then taking you out and like showing how horrible penelope's death was and i was just like i am getting thrown so much at once and i don't know how to feel i know that i'm disgusted i'm so heartbroken um and then julian just like it's his like rage of redemption right at the end that's like what pushes him forward and he doesn't know what really was going on and i was like you shouldn't know but also we all know you know what i mean would you have okay so i think in the end of his life um julian never knew that penelope was his half-sister right never know would you have told him would you have been like yo that girl sorry to say it she's related to you oh i think because she is dead there's no need for him to know that so that it will haunt his life no like i was talking about like before like before like when she was alive like do you think if they had told him he could have done something and saved her saved his son you know um what would you have done i think he should definitely know that information 100 but i don't maybe just because like i'm taking it as like the story is like what happened so i can't see the other reality of like what if she lived and like would they have raised the sun together like it's too big of a question for me to feel like i feel like you should definitely know but what that would do for his child i don't know oh my god i mean who knows maybe they could have all died maybe you know because that father was crazy um he was such an but who knows things could have ended like way differently and worse in the long run but oh also i loved mikhail uh he was like one of the better characters in this book that i really rooted for and i again i didn't see why how why he was so loyal to julian i don't get why i guess friendship but he was such a great character i really i wish there was more because you know everybody in his life left him his family the woman that he loves doesn't really love him back as much and his best friend like pretty much screwed him over and left him to die see ya and he's like all right i'll take your place goodbye and i was like awesome dessert so much better i would write an entire like fan fiction just to like give him a better life oh that's cute oh i like that what was all of our oh sorry go ahead go ahead oh i was just gonna ask what was everyone's favorite moment oh at the very beginning so i'd love to hear what you like think my favorite my favorite moment is when in the beginning when i'm not julian danielle's father takes him to the cemetery forgotten books and in the end it sort of mirrors that with his own son and i thought that was such a cool tender moment i love the way it ended i was like oh my god you hit me in all the feels i'm here for it it was so beautiful i wanted more i guess on this happy ending like i loved how it ended but i would not mind if there were like you know 10 more pages just describing like what kind of book he got or something along the lines of in that end but i mean they're all sequels so there are and i do know that the third book is about daniel again yeah i think so because i know the second book is a prequel to it yeah because it's pretty cool and then the fourth one is about fair mean and how he helps a police inspector i don't know i don't know just like for me hello supposedly you can read each book as a stand alone too so oh cool i can cool [Laughter] i think my favorite moment was when um his dad gives him the pen that he wanted uh i like actually started crying i was like because i had like you knew that like the pen was gonna come up again but i thought maybe it'll like maybe he'll find it when he's an adult and it'll be like totally in the future and then i felt like it snuck up on me and he just gives it to him and like his dad it says like i don't think i'd ever seen him look as happy as he seemed to me at that moment and i just thought the love there the sweetness i loved it so cute and then that pen also came back full circle when didn't julian take it and use it as well to write a new book and dedicate that book to him and me yes i feel like you could write a paper about it i just don't know what the paper would say about this like traveling pen throughout the novel i just thought it was so cool and yeah the traveling pen the brotherhood of the traveling man speaking of bee what did you guys think of her and the love story i guess overall i maybe i was just too invested in like the overall story that i wasn't i wasn't like i didn't i thought b was fun to read but i wasn't particularly focused on the romantic aspect of the book so by the end of it i was just hoping that everything turned out right for everyone and um yeah i i i believed it right i believed the romance yeah i feel like for me overall it it wasn't so much as like being danielle's like love story it was all about everybody's just tragic love story i mean the more tragic love stories between julian and penelope like their history and how everyone's involved in that but i feel like it was it was less more so about books in general and then i feel like it was more about the stories that these people had to tell their histories and their relationships with each other and how it went like to like spread forth to um the next generation you know and all that so yeah i think there was like some sense of believability to it but like noel i wasn't really reading it for the romance i was more so really like the intriguing story and all of this stuff about like the book within a book and stuff so i feel like whilst the romance was there it just existed for me and like whilst i was like rooting for like a like positive relationship it wasn't something but like i was like if this doesn't happen i will throw this book away like no um what genre do you think that this book falls into i was my mom asked me and i didn't know historical literary fiction yeah i was gonna say it's probably like a blend of like historical and literary because i feel like this goes into that kind of philosophical soul-searching stuff about like our own stories and kind of how like you know oh someone said gothic too which i agree gothic yeah like especially with how atmospheric the writing was you can definitely see a lot of like the links to the gothic through it like very talented it was it was honestly this book was on par for me as the starless sea in terms of like the story like story storytelling i guess i feel like this book divided a lot of people because they either found the writing too dense two just long descriptive and too much prose versus the people who really loved it didn't really care much for i guess this book isn't really plot or story heavy or plot heavy in general it relied really heavily on sort of the writing um and the characters which i'm here for so which i really also like and very similar to most of the books that i really like anyway like the starlets yeah it's all about the writing the characters versus like less of the plot i was going to ask you did you feel like this was really close to the starless sea just because i felt like their plots were similar but i'm not i haven't read it yet so i feel like yes in terms of uh atmosphere writing and character development but they they both also are on par as like there aren't focus heavily on like plot like there isn't much going on there isn't a lot of things the story is very simple and straightforward it's all mostly about the characters and the writing and the setting that they're in and it was just equally beautiful to read i think i prefer the starlet c over this book though just because um i like the story better and everything okay i could listen to you for an hour to talk about the style of the office i know you're another person so much but i'm scared also at the same time that if you found this book to be like i don't know mediocre or living up to your expectations i would say maybe lower your expectations for the starless c because it's also very slow and also like i don't like i don't hear any less than five stars so that's what i'm saying i mean like now that we're talking about like now that we're talking about this book like i feel like i might bump up my rating a little but it depends on how the rest of the slideshow goes so uh oh okay well you know i'm here for that also i i wanted to pin this comment like i feel like this is one of the best translated words the fiction i've ever read like i it was so beautiful and i can't even imagine how even like better it is um in spanish so yeah i feel like when i think i annotated the first book we read for this for the book club and then i just started just reading them and for this the language was so beautiful and the writing was so stunning that i couldn't help but like any time like a passage moved me i had to highlight it i had to put a tab in because of how i just felt like i couldn't not touch this book because of how beautiful it was written so i feel like this has really great read a bit uh re-readability so yes so lucia graves thank you so much for your translation so we would love to see it but yeah somebody go ahead joe i'm looking for a comment that's something cool i was gonna say yeah like i feel like this i'm definitely gonna reread it because i definitely want to highlight a lot of the passages that i love because i was going to but then i realized i ran out of taps so i feel the need to replenish my tap supply um for one and two i just yeah i feel like i very much wanted to like have like an atmospheric read for the first read-through but i think the second one is definitely a more analytical read and like i already see where i can use this in an essay and like i'm like i've literally almost finished university now and i'm already thinking about essays that i want to write so i know my finals are in two weeks and while i was reading this i was like am i because i already had to like you know you have to like tell professors your paper paper paper proposals and they have to approve it sometimes and i already got approval on another novel and i'm like is it okay if i just turn in another paper that you didn't approve but i just read this really fun book about books so honestly my last one is due on tuesday which is fun um that one is going to be a comparative essay on black women in space with like binti and the space between worlds very excited about that i love this both of you i cannot relate any foot shape way or form but i'm here for it oh so will you guys be reading you know sometime in the future from now you know who knows the rest of the books in the series i believe it's like four books um yes i i definitely i own all of them so it's funny because each book that i own is like a different edition like none of the books match you can't even tell they're in a series like at all so can you show us them yeah or is it too much to go find them go go go go go i love that okay so i have this edition of the or not shadow of the wind not comparing the two but i had this edition i really liked it because mainly in the spine it felt like an old like a charred book you know yours is better but mine kind of has it yeah yours is way better but yeah um and also like the in the inside i don't know it's like gold-foiling stuff and let's see i guess we're going in order this is the prisoner of heaven oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no god i went the wrong way i went the wrong this is the third book i think right but it's so beautiful i can google it yeah this is the third book because it's about daniel um and his wife can we see it again i got this outline recycle books noah that is so beautiful that is amazing i'm obsessed and kind of like with this one he's running there's like a lamp post love it and then this one also at the used bookstore is the angels game this is the prequel it's really big as well what i liked about this one is like it's like weird cover flap i guess for the library book yeah and then i think this is my favorite because it's so beautiful that is a beautiful title name i know oh wow so yeah his books are i guess really special and i really hope that it changes in like several aspects so hopefully hopefully i'll see that improvement but so to answer your question i would love to keep reading them i i'm excited to see i just think that his writing is so stunning and i can't wait to just continue to live in it um not to get super super cheesy but this was genuinely the first book i've read in my adult life where i was like i wish i could talk to my grandma about this because i knew she'd love the writing so much and so it was just like i can't i don't want to say goodbye to the writing because i kind of like i don't know it felt like the potential of having a conversation with my grandma you know so anyway yeah that's my answer would you have you guys in the comments like in the audience have you guys read all of the books like does it end well i know that it can be i know that you guys said it can be read in any order which like i don't know doesn't that change the perspective or your liking of a series you know especially like if you read like the shot of the wind as like the last book or something um but i feel like if you if you read the prisoner of heaven then you know it will spoil shot of the wind because you know he doesn't die because when i read the book when i like peeked at the blurb and said it's about daniel and his wife b so yeah um to me i definitely would be interested in reading the rest of the series purely because i just want to see what happens next i want to see all the adventures they go on all the like mystery the intrigue see like how the writing has like developed also because obviously this is like the first book so as you write more books your writing should get better so it'll be exciting to see this was like this was literally like yeah that's why i felt reading with this for me it was beautiful and i love fairy tales so yeah so if you i guess we can move on to like general q a questions now so if you guys have any questions for us regarding the book series or anything that happened in the shadow of the wind wouldn't even have to be in books bookish at all so just let us know true it is 100 years of solitude oh this was the book i was trying to find with you noelle um at the green apple bookstore but i couldn't find it i want to read that i i think i'm reading it i joined how many months i'm reading it because of reasons but i'm gonna read it eventually the intrigue i'm just like yeah it's for a video but it's i don't know how long away it is [Music] intrigue oh this is a good question do you think the hypersexualization of woman is justified if you put the book in its historical context i think that yeah okay so um it can be said for like you know any books we're in this period of time i think that it was so heavy-handed in a way where it just made me like ultimately feel uncomfortable and also just work some to read from i guess maybe it was more subtle and it's like message and delivery um but what do you what do you guys think curious to know i think the first couple times it happened i was hoping that we were only going to get that type of dialogue from more villainous characters and then when i saw that it was more of a general thing i was like oh this is just like it's happening a lot um i don't know i think that um i don't yeah it was someone just said it like it wasn't justified and i think now that we're in 2021 we can read it and have like really um productive um criticism and conversations around [Music] yeah i agree i think it wasn't justified and i think like personally like if you are going to include it like i think definitely like have some other binless characters like do it but i think that also if you're going to do it there's ways to do it that it isn't so heavy-handed and so like like alice was saying i think like if you're going to do it there are much more nuanced ways to explore this um but yeah that's like my two cents agreed here with this oh true wait somebody said have you picked up books for future live shows i guess we can talk a little bit about this because we're actually going to announce the next three books for the live show for the book club um for the future live shows yes yes yes so i guess we'll save that towards like um the end of live show yeah we could do it like ten two i guess because we can probably like talk a little bit oh we're gonna talk about that yeah yeah so oh that was a good uh point if um i think christian said it i think if you're going to show the misogyny of the time you should counter it with the criticism by working protagonists or even like just like a female character within the novel as well just being like yo like what and literally every single female character was objectified killed off mishandled and every male character didn't do anything or was part of the problem so i really hope that changes in his future books otherwise even though i really loved it it was just one of the few things that i really hated about it um in general but yeah it was very much like oh no and just pop the down no yeah no agreed yeah true oh this is a good one talking about fumero i feel like he was just a troubled kid and in his past and just uh what is that ins lindsay love i guess man it wasn't i don't know it was just i feel like he has like sociopathic tendencies and they just fully blossomed into a horrible character so i i liked the twist of when you're was it you were reading a letter when you figured out or no you were listening to a conversation when you figured out who he was in the story oh you that's right one of the friends was recounting the past experiences of the childhood yeah with different people in their friendship yeah i liked how we learned who he was right like you're just learning about this character and like who is this like why does this how is this adding into the story and then when you find out at the end of the chapter i was like whoa did not see that coming so um yeah it was really shocking to me how it was like a good surprise in a way where i was like okay that's how you're connected to this whole bigger picture and how they had to hit him in to be like the push to be this really big villain yeah i definitely think it aided in his like building of as like a character and just kind of like getting a sense of um just his motivations and i think it just saved really well i think if you're going to like kind of build this villain it's like a great way to do that and just to like even from like having it be through a conversation i think writing wise it was so well done and i think like again like the writing like whilst sexist was very very like done well wow the english there um it just yeah i just feel like it it spoke a lot to like femare's character and just the power that he has wow i'm like scrolling through there was one question but i can't find it i'm just looking at all the comments people are having such good points oh someone has to make the silvery book behind noel that one is that one i don't know i can't find it it might have been oh no someone asked who we would cast in a movie adaptation and i love these questions but i never feel prepared to answer them because there's so many writers there's so many characters in this too oh my god there were a lot of characters like in the beginning i was like i have no idea like it was really confusing i had to re-read some parts wait so before we go into this question did you guys read this book mostly like in physical form or an audio form i read it with the audiobook while i was annotating it so yeah okay i listened to it both as well um audio i think it really helped the audiobook was so good i thought it was awesome it was very good i just did not like oh my god the piano was stressing me out i was like getting this i don't know what's happening i don't know who i would cast honestly i saw someone say antonio banderas is feminine and i completely agree with that yeah this is always such a good question i always just feel like so many characters so many actors i feel like every time we read a book now i'm going to have to come prepared with like my fan cast oh my god in case someone asks who i would cats like for the next like four books like has this ruling c and the three books that we'll be announcing soon i definitely think i'll probably try to have a list ready because you know it's probably needed oh who else would i count i think i would cast i don't know his name but he's from the tv show elite on netflix i know if you guys ever watched it it's so good it's so dramatic have you guys in the comments like have you guys worked have you guys watched the show elites it's about um these uh three working-class students teens who enroll in an exclusive private school in spain and it's there's like murder and intrigue and drama and slight incest so it's super dramatic and i loved it wait the guy who played pablo i think would be a good day daniel i think i don't know i'll have to do a quick google after this but also i feel like i'm gonna have to reread my audio now just like experience one the live piano music and also to what you experienced whilst reading it because i think it'll definitely help with the annotation yeah the narrator i felt like had a wonderful wonderful voice it was so so good oh my god aaron piper i love him he's just kidding y'all don't know what i'm talking about you're missing out i would definitely googling i'm googling oh oh okay yeah i'll i'll watch anything with him in it you guys need so good like i feel like this the fourth season or third season is coming out this summer and i can't wait so it's super like there's so much drama so if you love that definitely give it a go but i guess we can sort of announce the next three books we'll be reading for book club oh before we do that um we kind of asked at the end of the last live show which weekend would work best in may so which weekend would work best for all of us but like maybe everyone in the chat do you guys prefer the saturday live shows sunday live shows and then um here let me see what the actual so there's like the last oh i say um i prefer monday oh monday i'm just kidding no oh i was like maybe like monday some people are saying sundays oh wow wow a lot of people are saying saturday's saturday okay so i guess either saturday or sunday i don't know yeah so are we thinking the very last week of weekend of may is better or do we all kind of like this like you have the full month to read and then we do the first weekend of the next month for the next one i feel like having like the full month and then the like the first week of like the next month yeah i feel like that is nice but yeah okay guys i'm just going to say houston sir lindsay is just going to be a live game changer okay it'll be like i know if you didn't like shadow the wind okay it'll be such a refreshing change of pace a story of characters if you don't love this book or even liking the characters i'm just watching one of us i'm just imagining coming to the live show i would there would literally be no reason why you were not if you okay if you gave this if you gave this book three stars then you can give this book no less than five that's oh my god if you give this one i will drag you to filth the entire live show but he doesn't know that i'm hosting so i can clearly kick him out if you guys can't do my candy my children dirty like this everyone i posted about the house in this relationship has said it's like a warm hug it's like whatever one needs that's literally that's literally what it is if you don't like warm hugs or if you don't like this book then literally you don't like anything completely [Laughter] oh people are like really what are the book pics okay maybe we should just not say okay we're ending this live show here thank you all for coming we'll see you all next month so see you guys later bye okay so i guess should we each announce a book for each month oh we could do i mean we could go yeah let's yeah everyone's telling me to stop oh mao noel do you want to announce the next or june's book i'll announce july and joel and well uh joel can announce august i love it all right okay so our june book is the only book that i own physically right now so yes song of the killings feel like i'm the only one here who has not read that book i feel like you you guys have already read it you guys loved it so many people have read it and loved it i don't know why i haven't picked it up yet and i love like greek mythology in history so you're waiting for the right all over again and it's here yeah people say i'm gonna people's people have cried and i don't think i'm gonna cry though because it's like a you know greek tragedy i feel like so just wait and see we'll see about it okay all right so you guys for the july pick wait do i have this book you do thank you i meant like basically like right here right in front of me so the july book will be the show's in the beautiful by me beau love it can't wait super excited to talk about this one with you guys i have something else right beside me i'm also going to be reading this is just like a little extra reading during the month but i'm going to be reading the great gatsby which is inspired wait have you read the grateful have you guys read the great gatsby oh yeah i read it in high school because um we're doing like an essay on it and so i love i love this i feel like every high school child has read that book or it's required reading i guess basically and it's very quick as well like it's 150 pages so like it's yeah it's quite a short read but i can't wait to read them both side by side it's it's cute um but you don't need to read gatsby before you read the chosen in the beautiful now and if you wanted like to understand i guess a lot of like where the characters are inspired from then yeah i would recommend it but you don't need to read it in order to read it um oh now it's my turn um okay so the uh book i don't have it physically but the book that we're going to be reading in august for the late night book club is the other black girl by a zakia delilah harris it is a adult thriller following um black women within the publishing industry which is like very apt for us reading books and discussing them so i'm very excited for that one is so those are the book club picks for the next coming months for the summer essentially so pretty excited so like next month will be so the next month will be on joel's channel and then will be song of achilles on the wells and then children beautiful online so we're pretty excited to talk about the next uh uh books with you guys but hopefully the next picks will also be uh better picks in my opinion well i mean i already know for like the next three it's gonna be it's gonna be a given so yeah yeah i'm glad i'm back on track or we're all over here hopefully it's out from here yeah truly this is alice's like redemption arc for books so if you guys have any last-minute questions for us regarding any anything at all with these topics let us know um in the next few minutes otherwise we'll end this in the shortly i didn't have the audiobook for the song of achilles the first time i read it but i do hear it's wonderful so i'm gonna try it this time around um okay i'll have to look into that then and i think i'm going to try to find an audio book for the house in the australian sea because i hear it's good i'm so excited to talk about the book i want to know your favorite moments your favorite characters if or if not you cried whether you loved it or loved it so excited oh i feel like i feel like i'm definitely going to have to like give you reactions within the group chat whilst i'm reading i need to know all the feels oh my god let's just it's not a real story um i don't know what do you guys think i personally feel like series are hard to do because it's like what if we didn't like the first book you know very yeah i don't know i feel like it's hard to do in general because there's just more than one book i feel like if it was a really prominent series maybe in the future or something like you know i mean this a shadow of the wind is part of a series yeah who knows maybe in the future i don't know but i don't think we would do a series like for example like a fantasy series and read it back to back like that oh no yeah maybe it would be something where we read one and then yeah because i think it wouldn't be accessible to people who like for example weren't available to read that book particular month and then we went on to the second and then they would get behind and it just yeah i don't think yeah i also feel like in terms of like popular books like i think we do like kind of with some of the books like pick like less popular or less talked about books as well sometimes which i think is quite nice because it does shed a bit of light on books that may not have been discussed in book clubs um so yeah i think like whilst we will kind of read some popular books um we will try and like vary um things um yeah just it's very interesting because i i feel like this popped up a lot but what do you guys think i mean we could but it just depends on like what we would discuss like it would have to be some a non-fiction book like we can just pick up a cookbook and be like oh i tried the recipe on page 37 and i found it to be amazing um like i feel like it would have to be something that's like thought-provoking but also something we can like talk about good just yeah yeah so fully um will we possibly get to vote for the one year anniversary club click you'll briefly discuss possibly doing that in last month's chat i mean yes yes so okay i was just looking at the birthday like how can i say it okay so we we were talking about how i guess we were gonna pick um a selection of books like another like three or five and then we let you guys pick out of those three or five selections it's not gonna be like a whole random question because i feel like we would get too many submissions yeah and everything so we're gonna for the one year anniversary we're gonna list out three to five books and we're gonna have the book club you guys uh pick out which book we'll be reading and participating in that um anniversary month so yes yep stay tuned for that uh we do we we did a meeting last week or last month where we talked to talk about that yeah we got some really good picks for that one so um i saw so i think the weekend that we're tentatively interested in for next month's live show is june 5th and 6th one of those days so like you have the whole month to like read it and then we'll check in the weekend after the month ends um so we'll figure out if saturday or sunday works best um we didn't remember that mother's day was tomorrow at least the united states we didn't realize that until like this week so that's what we switched to saturday so um we usually announce it within the week of the live show of like the date and time um but to end this off if you guys aren't aware already just popped in if you're new we have a discord channel discord server where um all the uh book clubbers book clubbers oh my god i can't even all hang out and chat about different things not even like it doesn't even have to be bookish um there's a silent rave yeah it's a really great fun time i mean appropriate for the panorama that we're living in now so please join us i do have a link down below i did link it down below in the description box so you know please join um the community um try to make it as a safe space as possible so it's been so amazing to have the discord as well and just seeing everyone like interacting there's been a lot of fun so we so instagram uh we will try to update you guys as much as possible but discord will might will mainly be our main source of um platform in terms of things because that's where most of the audience is but yeah okay but now they're attacking my sweet pattern hey i mean it's you yeah i was gonna say like alia sends me messages at like 12 o'clock my time which is like 4am his time so i'm not alone but all right well i guess this um ending a live show for the shadow of the wind but thank you so so much for being here for um you know talking about book with us and we'll see you next time next month on um joel's channel for house in cerulean sea so extremely excited to talk about this with you guys i'd like to have this whole thing so lots of things to just have now definitely you have to get tabs i'm going to order tabs alright guys thank you so much for being here talk to you guys later goodbye oh my god now let's end the broadcast make sure i ended it correctly ghost there you go
Channel: ellias
Views: 6,499
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The late night book club, April books, Shadow of the wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafron, Book club, Historical fiction, Reading, Booktube, Ellias, Books, Book review, Cemetery of forgotten books
Id: nDrc8b0U77o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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