The secret to success that new Etsy print on demand sellers skip

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if you've ever struggled with finding the time to grow your Etsy print on demand shop or if you're not entirely sure how to maximize the time that you do have welcome to part one of a new series where I walk you through the time blocking strategies I use to efficiently build my six figure Etsy print on demand shop in just pockets of time what makes this different from other strategies you've probably heard about when growing a business from scratch well I happen to run an entirely other six-figure handmade business full-time which means when I set out to grow an entirely brand new Etsy print on demand shop last year in 2022 so that it would be ready to go in time for Q4 I needed to be super strategic with the small amounts of time that I had to work on it in case we haven't met yet my name is Mandy and as the owner of multiple six-figure businesses including Etsy print on demand shops My ultimate goal is to be able to provide you with strategies to simplify the journey and scale your business faster so that you can Thrive with print on demand now this series is going to cover how I spend my time even today in what I call time blocks in the very intentional activities that I accomplish in those time blocks in order to be able to move my shop forward not only quickly but effectively while also not sacrificing time with my other business or time with my family as well these various activities include researching Trends designs and keywords then using that research as the basis for creating designs then getting all of those designs transferred over to mock-ups Super efficiently and then finally getting them actually created into products with my print on demand provider and listed out on Etsy so that they can sell so let's dive in with part one how do you know what to design or sell on Etsy particularly if you're like me and you primarily design for clothing like t-shirts and sweatshirts you may not like my answer or the activity for this first time block and that's because it requires the least glamorous part of the whole process process research so many sellers whether it's print on demand or any other type of Etsy seller skip over this important step particularly with print on demand where it's really easy to Simply grab whatever design you can find on places like creative Fabrica or canva or make a simple text-based design with some sort of cute phrase on it and simply call it a day unfortunately if you're in that boat you've now spent your precious time taking that generic image or phrase uploading it to your print provider possibly even doing the work of making a mock-up listing it out on Etsy and maybe even run a few ads to try and get some views on it sadly that's a lot of time wasted on a listing that's probably not going to sell and what's worse is when I see this process repeated with hundreds if not thousands of listings thanks to the power of AI as in creating lots of designs but with no real regard for the designs or Style files that are actually going to sell and be in demand and you've now spent hundreds of hours building a shop to get those listings up and you're probably getting little to no views let alone sales and so this becomes about the point where most sellers simply throw up their hands in complete frustration and say see I told you so you can't make any sales on Etsy and it's this exact frustration of not seeing success with their shop that becomes the point at which so many give up this is unfortunately one of the most common life cycles of an Etsy seller particularly with print on demand and especially now with technology and AI that has made creating fast designs easy but just because you can create a lot of designs in a short amount of time doesn't mean they're going to be good or that they're going to sell and if not that these sellers aren't spending a lot of time in their shops quite often they're spending hours and hours it's that they're spending this time on creating designs and listings that have been no Market validation and no real understanding of what's in demand or going to appeal to specific Target audiences the same can be true for sellers who simply just want to make designs that they like or only design when an idea strikes for them and there's nothing wrong with that as I've said before if you simply just like designing and want to just keep creating the designs that you like and enjoy designing or simply want to list whatever AI comes up with because you like making things with AI go for it but just be aware that without validating demand or having a clear Target customer or niche in mind your odds of success are going to be greatly diminished and in many ways this is also the big difference between designing and creating something as a hobby versus really building it as a business because if you are putting in Hobby level effort you're probably going to get hobby level results for me personally and with a lot of the sellers that I've worked with I built my six figure Etsy print on and Shop with the intention of a building faster and gaining revenue and to do that is where my first time block comes into play because it's all about researching and flexing our mental muscles to learn and absorb information so that this process can become more of a habit over time and with research it doesn't have to be a huge block of time in one sitting give yourself like 30 minutes to start with the point of research is not to grind your designing process to a complete halt or get to the point where you're completely overburdened and spending all of your time in research but not actually putting that research into play you have to be able to do both but it's really about building an understanding of market trends and Designs when it comes to the things that you're wanting to sell ultimately if you want to be able to make a good design you need to be able to understand what a good design is what it looks like some of the traits that it has as well as who your Target customer is so that you can have them in mind when you're designing so that you can ultimately have listings and designs that will resonate with them even if they're very simple designs in and of themselves all of this goes back to the principle of doing the research ahead of time in a designated time block whenever you can fit it into little chunks of time so that when you actually get ready to design in a subsequent time block your mind is already filled with lots of ideas and lots of information to draw from so that you can actually design a faster and more effectively in that amount of time again for today's video we're focused just on that first time block and how we do this research so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss out on the subsequent videos in this series where we walk through those other time blocks so where do you do this type of research let me walk you through my exact thought process as I'm actually doing it in a Time block you'll notice that sometimes I do this research outside of the virtual walls of etsy and then some of it I do with within Etsy and using some of the other tools that I've got available to me as you're doing research on Trends there's a few different approaches to do this I actually like to take some of my research off of etsy and we'll do it in a few different ways so depending on your Niche one of the places you can go is which is what I've got on the screen here this will give you an initial look into the top trending searches within the last 30 days so you can see a lot of Summer stuff some Festival Festival outfits could be a great place to go as people are looking for clothing there and then as we go down into the trending keyword searches you can see what some of the big ones are obviously Fourth of July it just finished up so that was highly trending leading up to it and we can start to see some of the other searches going on out on Pinterest a really popular one right now is this coconut core or some people call it the Coconut Girl aesthetic that's a really big one one out there same thing with C Core or the mermaid look that is a popular aesthetic right now as you continue searching you'll see a lot of food you'll see other stuff in here but it can give you some idea around what types of searches users are looking at on Pinterest because Pinterest is a search engine it is not social media so this can be a great resource for figuring out what people are looking at and actively searching for camping camping meals camping is a big one right now that's a great aesthetic outdoor Vibes that's always a great place to go and so you can really see what is going on and then if you click into any of these you'll get more information on it and you can see how that trend has performed over time see that it's starting to actually Trend down which makes sense as we're starting to get closer to fall we'll start to see some of that festival stuff drop off we'll start to see more Halloween and holiday stuff start to pick up the other place that I like to to observe for Trends are again other different trending websites or Trends often start and so I'm not looking to copy these designs as you'll notice a lot of these are Big stores I've got anthropology here up I've got Urban Outfitters you'll notice that a lot of what they designed for has trademark and copyright information we're not looking to copy any of that oftentimes these big shops have copyright licensing for these types of designs but what we're looking at here is the aesthetic so you can see this has been a very popular Trend that's been increasing in Etsy but as you can see a lot of these Trends started here first so as we search we're looking at the style so again it's a very much kind of that vintage style we've got that University lettering that vintage grunge look in the design itself the other place that I look is camping and hiking and mountains and travel are very popular niches and styles to draw from and so Patagonia is a great place for potential styles with that when we go to women's quite often you'll see they either have t-shirts or they have specific graphic design categories so with Patagonia for example they have a lot of that Sunset look that you tend to see that's got that retro look to it even as we look at anthropology for fall you can see that this prep look is going to still be very popular they don't have it out right now but it's one of those things much like other websites if you sign up for it you can get in on those new drops and yet I use this not because it's my aesthetic and now because these are the clothes that I wear it's because it's what's trending in the marketplace and what a large audience is actively searching for out on the marketplace not just on Etsy but when they type in their search into Google those same listings are coming up as well so being able to understand and look at these designs you can see it's got the Retro font you can see we've got more of the monochromatic colors in there you can see you've got that distressed look with the font again some of these you're going to see copyrighted trademark stuff and that's just part of it so ignore it when you see something tied to an artist or anything that's trademarked we're simply looking at this aesthetic and the types of fonts designs Styles messaging that are part of what's trending and in demand in the marketplace so this is one way to do that again we're looking at just scrolling absorbing this information letting our minds kind of a rabbit Trail and see what's out there see what's trending so that we've got something in the back of our minds when we're actually going to design and while I'm not necessarily sitting down and creating a design every time I look at this information I'm often doing this several times a week I'm looking at websites I'm looking without on social media I'm looking at Pinterest I'm looking at these trendy websites because my brain is constantly absorbing that information and I'm constantly on the hunt for new ideas it's the way my brain processes it so I'm constantly looking for new ideas new information about the market that I can use in my shop and new ways to reach the various niches that I designed for whether that be teachers whether that is a dog mom's or whether that is someone who likes to hunt or whether someone who loves to read books there are all sorts of different designs and Aesthetics that fit those different markets but the only way to understand that is to do research and that way when it comes time to actually do the design that I'm working on to create activity is there and it just starts to flow because my mind has something to draw from based on something it's seen or noticed or picked up in any of the trends that I've seen it comes with practice and it comes with just repeating the process and making it a habit over and over again it's not an overnight process it's cumulative and it's honestly a big part of how my designs have improved over time so even like this one pickleball is really popular right now they've taken that and they've combined that with a popularity of like vegetables and they've also made it a very literal interpretation so again it's kind of funny things like that that stand out Farmers Market University Styles travel international travel and anything to do with mountains camping lakes I mean there's all sorts of different directions you can go and it's a matter of just kind of seeing what's out there and what you can apply to your Niche and to your Target customer so again with that we're looking at designs we're looking at font choices we're looking at color palettes we're looking at activities and hobbies and things like that people are actively searching for and engaged in that we can use as part of our design process so let's say I want to create a sub Niche for my shop if you follow this channel from the beginning you know that I created a new shop from scratch in a more Niche down approach versus my other main shop which is a much more General shop approach I created this new shop specifically so that I could do tutorials here and not have anything hidden behind blurred out images or things like that it just makes it easier to do that it's also a shop that if you've seen the name pop up in it I'm not worried about if someone goes and looks at it because quite frankly I'm not worried about the lowered conversion rates or anything like that because I am just using this as a tool to help others and teach with so for these time blocking activities I want to create a sub Niche within that existing dog mom shop if you've seen me build it out I've done it by different breeds and so I still have room to add more into my sections and so I want to create a new sub Niche within there and Target a different dog breed and create a bunch of listings within that section as I'm determining what approach to use for that I'm going to hop into my next tool for researching which is e-rank and while I have e-rank up I'm also going to have Google open because one of the things I want to look at as I'm creating a sub Niche is popular dog breeds in America and so by doing that I can actually get a list here and one of the things that I've done in my dog bomb shop if you've seen it is I have several of these breeds already in there and I chose them based on doing research here from this list and then using e-ring to kind of narrow down my focus and decide which ones I wanted to approach first for example I have a German Shepherd category I have a beagle category I have a newer French Bulldog category I have a few others that are in here a dachshund is a very popular one for me as is the Australian Shepherd or Aussies as they're often called so I've picked from a few of these already so I'm going to look at this a list get a few more ideas I kind of want to go for more of one of the bigger dogs so let's try that out we've got Labradors because we'll get some of these other breeds so then we're gonna head over to e-rank and let's start with the first one let's start with Labrador and we'll just run that search and so we can see even with a basic search there's a decent amount of searches there's also a pretty high competition even with just the general term and if we scroll down here we're looking at different Search terms so with e-rank the beauty of that is I can type in a broad general term which is generally how I start them and then as I get into related searches it can help me Identify some of those smaller niches or keywords that I can potentially use as I'm progressing towards a design and a listing so that was one option one of the other ones that we saw was the Bulldog if we run that search we can see that one has even higher competition for general term the French Bulldog is a little bit more narrow as you can see that is one that I've designed for in my shop it's got lots of different searches and so there's a few different ones here let's try a Great Dane and see what we come up with on that one so here's one where again we can see we're making progress so there's still a lot of searches but compared to 40 and 100 000 plus competition this is much lower 14 000 still seems really high but when you're getting on average over 1200 searches in about a month's time that is still very high and we can also see the information here too when we look at search Trend data we see not only Etsy which is seemingly decent but when you compare that to Google searches which are also important because Google crawls Etsy as well you'll see that searches are very high there so that is a great potential one to look at and then let's try one more let's try Doberman and see what that breed comes up with same thing here are still at about 1200 searches and even slightly lower on Etsy competition and if we look at Google their search is even higher and again this is a broad general term so this is just a generic Doberman search that's why Google searches are so high at the top but again you can see even with that General broad term the competition is already starting to get much lower and then if we even look at Doberman gifts which is another potential term for us we can start to identify early on some of those potential keywords that we'll have down the road and remember we're just in the research phase here so we're still just looking at this whole concept of researching not only the market with the website that we looked at for the design and style piece but also the actual demand for what we're seeing in terms of searches on Etsy as well as competition so as I'm an e-rank one of the things that I like to do is you can see I've got this little list on here that says dog Mom this is one of the keyword lists that I've created within e-rank and then what I do is as I find these keywords I like and want to potentially use I can click this little star and it's going to save it to that dog mom list so maybe I want to create an ornament that could have something along those lines these are all going to be interesting and helpful keywords I might want to refer back to down the line same thing with this sweatshirt because again I do a lot of apparel so we'll take a look at these so I think because this has great search volume as well as lower competition let's go with Doberman as the sub Niche that I'm going to use as the basis for the rest of this series of time blocking so what I'm going to do then is I want to understand a little bit more about this breed and the types of things that might resonate with owners and so one of the things I like to do for dogs for example is I want to know is there a common nickname for Doberman and so is there anything obvious it stands out these are obviously actual names is there an actual nickname so common nicknames Dolby okay so that is one thing that I want to have in the back my mind or often sometimes when I'm doing this time blocking is I'll just keep a running list of keywords ideas designs anything like that that's going to give me cues and help me remember in the design process what I might want to incorporate so Adobe might be one of them I might also look up common activities with Doberman and so we can see its top activities they need a lot of physical exercise and so the Dobermans you know being outdoors incorporating some outdoor themes and the design might be a possibility we saw a lot of that within our Trends and so perhaps incorporating some of those major Vibes with the Doberman or perhaps some of those retro themes so again the wheels start turning and this is again just kind of my thought process as I'm looking at this information it doesn't mean that it's all necessarily going to translate into a design down the road but my brain is processing and absorbing all of this as I look through this information and as I start to combine it with what I saw out on some of these other websites in terms of Trends and styles and themes and fonts and so this will all come into play as my brain is processing this and as I'm thinking through what could work for potential designs and then finally I'll cut over to Etsy when I come to Etsy I'm generally trying to be a much more intentional with the type of searches and what I'm looking for when I search so for example if I look up a general dog mom shirt I can get a sense of what is selling what is moving what is in demand so that I can validate the niche that I'm looking in if I've already done my Niche research and I already know I'm looking for it then I start to do the more specific searches but in this example if I was just starting out with dog moms I'd be looking at the Styles so again we saw with our other searches we've got that University style we've got the wavy style in my dog mom era having multiple colors within the design using the simple letters and small Graphics is very trendy right now be mindful when you're searching that some of these rows will be ads and so when I'm looking at demand and what is moving I generally will start to click into them and then I will be able to see are there any in carts if I see that a listing has active in cards especially it's if it's hitting that 15 or 20 plus range then I know that it is in demand it's actively hanging out in people's carts and when I find listings like this the other thing that I like to do within ever be is to click on this analyze listing because that will then give me a much more information about what's going on with this listing I can see estimated monthly sales specific to this listing I can see that it's got active reviews it's less than a year old so again that is a good movement even though I actually know just from experience that this is a store that's been around for at least a couple of years and so seeing this new listing tells me that this is something that they're actively designing for and have created recently and and is still getting some movement the other thing that I look at that is this information here and this is where you can start to see keywords you can see the volume of searches in a month and then you can see the competition so this is what I like to look for and just make a note of as I'm searching and looking at listings because then I might also come up here and copy some of them and I might just pop them into a document that I've got running or sometimes I'll just grab some of the main ones that have a good volume of search but lower competition and pull those out specifically and if we keep looking again that's kind of the repetition having a rainbow of colors and a design we can look and see how this customized version is doing for a listing again this is another in carts so taking note that personalization on a pocket design is what this one is we can see that it's on a Model mock-up not just a plain white background which they do have over here as kind of a more simple mock-up but we can take a note and be aware that what they're using as their primary listing photo to grab the customer attention is this main mock-up you'll notice that this one they have a different pricing strategy it is not seven dollars for a sweatshirt this is a pricing strategy that some sellers use where if you actually click in you can see exactly what that is associated with sometimes the seller will create what's called a loss leader meaning it's a size or it's a product or it's a variation that they're not intending on making money off of they might just be selling it at Cost so that as he shows that lowest price here I'm personally not a fan of it I've been asked many times about that pricing strategy yes it's one that's used commonly especially by some of these bigger stores however it's not one that I've personally put into practice and I haven't felt that it's in necessary to in order to still be able able to get sales because a good design will still draw a customer in the other thing that we'll be noting about this is that it is a personalized listing if we go back in and look at analyze listings here again we can see this information again it's a newer listing lots of sales and we can start to take a peek at what they're using for their keywords in this listing and again these are ones that will want to make a note of like there's a dog name shirt for example would be a good one to include and make a note of as we're doing our research same thing with cat lover sweatshirt this is a workout petition so it would be a great one to make a note of as we're doing our research and again the point of this exercise is to not copy a listing because these best sellers these listings that are in demand and in carts we want to figure out and study what's unique or different about them that makes them in demand are they something that's a different and we saw with the personalization that's unique and different we saw with this one is something simple but it's still colorful and on Trend we see that this University one again based on some of our other research is on Trend but it's not something we're going to copy and we're essentially competing with a market leader and trying to compete with a market leader for a design or is generally not going to be successful because they've already established themselves as trusted shops in that Niche or with a design and so having an exact replica standing up right next to a trusted shop is not going to do you any good but what will work is being able to look at these Trends look at what's selling compare that to some of the other Trends and research that we did and try and come up with something new and different and that is what ultimately helps you stand out with your listings so one of the things that I can do is if I'm going to go for the Doberman I'm just going to type in Doberman nothing else no nothing specific I want to see what pops up on here again typically that first row is going to be adds and so if we keep looking we'll see some of the other variations that are out there and if I click on product analytics just with this General search pulled up I can actually start to see what's happening with these listings on this first page so if I sort by monthly sales I can actually see what types of products on this first page are actually moving and selling and so Azure and candles are obviously very popular there's a basic design here there's some movement with some of the shirts they're sweatshirts selling we can see that there's a doberman Mom sweatshirts new puppy mom get there is some movement happening with these listings and again I tend to not shy away just because it's not a ton there is movement here and we can also see that some of these listings are actually fairly new at least within the last year or so so this is a good sign that for this a niche there are people out there searching and buying specifically for Doberman items and Doberman gifts and so that is a good sign then what I do within Etsy is I want to look at some of the other trends that I saw on those other websites and potential demand for themes and so for example maybe mountains in it if we had kind of a hiking or running style theme Dobermans like outdoors and they like a lot of activity is there somehow we can play into that theme so I'm gonna go to product analytics and then I'm going to click on monthly sales and source that by the top again we'll get a few different mock-ups in here that's okay I want to specifically look at listings that aren't as old so if we look at this one this is a flower shirt so again kind of that Wildflower nature it gives a little bit of that vintage Cottage core style an interesting concept of media combine it with States so if we have dog bombs in popular states for example Colorado or California or Texas those tend to be states that come up in a lot of bigger searches that have lower competition so there's a few different options that we could play around with there so here's another one we've got kind of that boho Wildflower outdoorsy Farmers marketing style anything in very much a vintage or Outdoors again Rocky Mountain kind of thinking about Colorado is a potential incorporating mountains in there and thinking about it in my mind combining a dog mom who also loves to hike or be out in nature thinking about how we can cross Niche this with designs and themes that will really resonate with a variety of different audiences so again when I think about thought process and just you're really getting a passenger side view of how my brain works as I'm looking at this and as I'm thinking out loud in this research process and thinking about the directions I could potentially go with this and so the last thing that I'm going to give my brain more information to chew on is to actually look towards AI but I want to use it in a very specific way so I'm here in chat gbt chat and we're going to give it a prompt we're going to say what are 10 interesting things to know about oh Doberman ensure owners and then we're gonna let it chew on that for just a second and let it come up with 10 different interesting things and the reason I'm using this is because I'm going to again make some notes and I'm going to have some ideas that I can use to Fast Track the next time block so the next prompt I'm going to give it I'm not terribly concerned about what's in here I'm going to give it another prompt so that it works off of the answer it already gave me and I'm going to say what are 20 trendy shirts designs that I could create based on that information and then we're going to submit that and here are a few different things that again we're just going to save and have as a potential as part of our research process so as we can see a protector at heart we could do some something along those lines with having a heart in there and then remember we saw a lot of those University designs so it's even got a doberman University as a concept in there fit with my Dobermans around the whole active lifestyle so this could even be connected to like a fitness mom who has a doberman who could have something along the lines of adopt love and protect and so there are a few different ideas there I might even say shorten these to shorts catchy phrases and see what happens there as it pulls together some different prompts and so there's a few different ideas sometimes with tragedy BT it's all going to come down to the prompts that you give it and so sometimes I will ask a few different questions like this but again sometimes depending on what the topic is sometimes I get a ton of great results and sometimes you have to play around with it a little bit but again this is just one of those other resources and avenues that I've used in the path to really help me come up with some different ideas and Concepts especially once I've already got in my mind either some themes or some design Styles or trends I've plugged in cottage corn here before and asked if some for some specific designs I've Plugged In The Coconut Girl aesthetic to come up with some different designs so there's different ways that you can actually plug in information here it's not going to go out to the internet and find new information but if you give it prompt and if you tell it what you want to incorporate chat GPT can actually give you some pretty decent results but again you have to be willing to spend the time to play around with it and use it in a creative and effective way so we know from that initial search that Dobermans have a lot of energy they need to get outside and move a lot so something around the idea of running or hiking or even swimming might be a way to incorporate that but you probably notice that when I ran the Doberman search on Etsy there's not a lot of sort of Unique Designs out there there wasn't really a ton that hit that retro Niche there wasn't really anything that combined with the concept of wildflowers or or getting Outdoors or hitting any of those kind of cottage core or vintage style themes that we saw when we were looking at what's in demand in terms of design and so that could be a potential Gap in the marketplace and that is what you want to be looking for as you're researching and really connecting those dots because if you can find a trend and a niche and combine those two in a way that hasn't been done before you then start to appear in more searches if you can capitalize on the keywords associated with those different Trends so if I could design for a shirt that has kind of a vintage or retro style to it but appeals specifically to a doberman mom then I might be able to cross Niche and show up in multiple searches within the Etsy algorithm or even the Google algorithm depending on the keywords that I'm using same principle applies if you're creating shirts that are specific for travel if you can combine that with searches for states that are popular among searches whether that be Colorado or if you created something specific for the Rocky Mountain area or if you created something specific for camping or hiking in certain destinations and if you can design those in a way that appeals to that vintage or retro style or appeals to kind of that Wildflower Cottage core style we saw a variety of those different trending Styles out on the other websites you can Target those niches and hit them with trends that are designing and in demand then you are really utilizing that research and applying it in a way that's going to appeal most to your target audience if you have a target audience that likes to Camp or hike or run head on out to Patagonia website or REI or do a search for nature t-shirts and head towards some of the other websites out there that have a lot of those really trending designs and you can see right away what will do well quite often they mark them on their websites as best seller even it's not on Etsy do that research and understand what is working and trending within your desired Niche and even more so out in the general Marketplace and you can really hone in on what is going to appeal to your target audience and again this really becomes all about building habits and building information that exists in your mind that you can draw from as you're getting into the design we're not here at this point to lock in any keywords we're not locking in a design we're not looking at a concept we're just really researching absorbing making notes coming up with some ideas coming up with some themes so that when we actually get to that design time block we are ready and have lots of ideas to draw from but remember and the point of this is that the only way you can start to build this information and learn about what is trending what's in the market what's in demand what niches rather is by spending time doing research up front and building that in as a habit as part of running your shop doesn't need to be all day every day and it certainly shouldn't hold you back from actually getting to the design process and the listing process but it absolutely has to be part of your habits so that you can understand the best places to be spending your time when it comes to designing and when it comes to identifying niches for your products and over time the more you practice it the more you do it the more your brain will start to really remember and identify those things that make a good design that make a trending design so you can apply them to whatever Niche you end up designing for so with that I've now spent probably about 30 minutes or so in the actual process itself of using this time block to really spend some time researching and absorbing information about what I'm seeing in terms of Trends design fonts color palettes all of that related to the actual design Trend itself and then combining that with a potential sub Niche for my shop and starting to think about ideas around how I could combine those two concepts typically in this amount of time when I'm doing this type of time block I can cover a lot of ground because again I'm moving at a generally Fast Pace I don't necessarily spend a lot of time of questioning or thinking about what if it's just think about it kind of capture that information that piece of information and move on and I just keep that good Rhythm and again I've done this so many times that I can do it at a fairly fast pace and you'll get there too it's one of those things that it just takes practice and creating it as a habit a lot of times if I'm sitting and waiting for a doctor's appointment I'll have my phone out and I might just be browsing through and searching and seeing what's out there seeing what's new seeing what's coming out from some of these big retailers in terms of a new trend or a new design style and then thinking about how can I potentially apply that to the various niches that I have in my shop or how can I potential actually create a new sub Niche for something that I've already got that's existing and I wanted you to be able to kind of hear me talk through this process as I'm going through it as I did in this video because not only am I now armed with lots of information about my target audience which in this case is going to be those Doberman Pinscher owners but I'm now also equipped with the knowledge around the Styles and designs that are going to be in demand in the marketplace in general outside of just that Niche and by combining this concept of understanding the design and the trend and understanding what's going to resonate with your Niche you can become a designing Powerhouse over time this comes with repeated practice and developing this as a skill set in order to continuously improve the quality of your designs and your listings it's not going to happen overnight your listings and Designs will evolve over time and so the important part then is as you're doing this information don't just get stuck there take what you've learned take what you've seen and just start applying it and trying different things as a concept and as a design and get them listed which means that our next time clock together will be designing in batches based off of this research that we did in this time block and what I identified as potential designs and styles to work within and the beauty of this is now I can go into my design time block with tons of Concepts around nature and hiking and Outdoors and personalized options for dog moms other UniQue Ideas around Doberman ownership retro designs and more so make sure you come back for part two of this series where I will bring you along for my design time block and give you a peek into then how I use this information to fully build out the sub Niche section in my shop and create several designs in one sitting that will be directed toward this Target customer I hope this has been helpful for you and again make sure you're subscribed so that you can stick around on for the rest of my time blocking a series and if you want to learn more about my strategies for thriving in your print on demand business make sure that you've got notifications turned on for my channel so that you don't miss out on any of the content and in the meantime be sure to check out the dedicated playlist that I have with my master class course right here on YouTube thanks for watching I'm so glad you're here and I'll see you on the next one if you're looking for more helpful ways to continue the work and stay connected I invite you to join me over on patreon where I provide a membership to get exclusive access to my Google Drive with all sorts of wonderful tools and resources that I've created and continue adding to every month it's also a place to join conversations as I think about future content and how I can serve you with the most amount of value I also hope that you'll smash that subscribe button so that you don't miss out on all the exciting upcoming content that I've got planned for this Channel and finally I invite you to check out my brand new website where you can subscribe to my own email list follow along on new blog content that I will be building and access other freebies that I have available on there to support you on your journey foreign foreign
Channel: SimplyPOD with Mandy
Views: 39,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, Etsy seller tips, how to start print on demand, how to start Etsy, Printify help, how to sell on Etsy, etsy profitable niches, etsy print on demand, print on demand etsy, printify and etsy, how to make money online, how to make money on etsy, selling on etsy for beginners, etsy success 2023, passive income ideas, what to sell on etsy, how to list on etsy step by step, etsy print on demand tutorial, how to create a printify listing, passive income side hustle
Id: ySRyLWqcJWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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