Ep #038 | Nassim Haramein On the Science Behind Spirituality

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we can visualize a specific future that we desire and then work the information backward to make us today what we need to be to achieve that future but that okay that but that sounds that sounds insane so how how are you how are you doing that this interview was filmed in a stage talk at mine Valley University by the spiritual physicist Nasim Harin watch it because it's controversial yes and you don't have to agree with everything Nim says but some of his ideas might absolutely Fascinate You Nasim said this spirituality is nothing more than physics we have yet to find an equation for love him or disagree with him Nim haramain is worth listening to check this out hi firstly I want to say it's such an incredible honor to have you here at mine Valley University in talin thank you it's an honor to be here and for those of you who don't know the background of this Nasim got on stage and delivered 6 hours of in of an incredible Workshop to some 650 M Valley students here at curri catel in talin Estonia and it was amazing and so let's start with this question what is consciousness to you um to me Consciousness is the fundamental information structure of the universe uh information moving through its Cycles um feed forward feedback information throughout the whole network of creation that produces complexity like a 100 trillion cell human being that eventually becomes self-aware uh it's something fundamental to creation and it's occurring everywhere and it's occurring in the chair it's occurring in the table and it's occurring in us so what makes us different then from a chair or a table if Consciousness is everywhere the structure and the complexity of the information in us um reach a level in which we became self-aware we like all the minerals and the water like we big sacks of water with minerals in it um kind of got together in in a particular way with particular level of complexity that made us um uh have a b R so high like have so much information moving through that we eventually became aware that we were aware so that leads to an interesting question right which is which came first did Consciousness come first and then Consciousness create the universe thus God or Universal energy or Universal intelligence or did the universe start and then Consciousness emerged from the universe what what is your view um my view is that whenever you you have a chicken or an egg problem right it's most likely both um that is there's no the the concept of a beginning and an end is a human concept uh in fact in the universe we haven't seen any such thing ever meaning we don't see protons just disappearing uh going away we don't see energy just disappearing we don't see information just disappearing we just see things going to Cycles so um so the idea that there was a beginning and there will be an end is really a linear concept that we've made up um the universe is probably and this is something when I discovered this I was um I was alone in in a van for some five years and uh it was the conclusion of some approximately four years into it of of writing physics and studying and all this and and I I had to actually stop researching for a while because it took me a while to be able to deal with that concept to to um to integrate I don't think that it's Consciousness creating matter or matter creating Consciousness in fact when you study matter you have a hard time finding something like like a billiard ball you call a particle or something you just see field interaction you just see information exchange and so really I think it's just a it's a feedback for feedback and feed forward Loop that continues to Infinity right I've never thought about it this way so even if so in other words it's an irrelevant question because if the Big Bang started and matter was produced by The Big Bang matter is ultimately energy that energy has a form of Consciousness cuz energy contains information and since time doesn't exist at that Consciousness plane that Consciousness can EX extend its existence back Beyond The Big Bang Yeah or you can think of the Big Bang coming from an earlier Big Bang coming from an earlier big bang I mean it's constantly banging and and could but now that Consciousness could extend itself back to the point of origin of the Big Bang could that Consciousness then direct the big bang and evolve itself okay but yes I the the difficulty there is that when you use the terminology Consciousness it's typically undefined you know what what do you mean by Consciousness um you know in a dictionary it's defined as something like a a level of self-awareness but um so so are you saying that the universe is self-aware I believe so I think it is I think it's self-aware at all levels but what is self-awareness what is the mechanics of like this is this is the key to understanding what we mean when we say Consciousness otherwise we we basically replace the word god from religions to Consciousness which doesn't say much more so in order for systems to self-organize in order for matter to come to be in order for matter to organize in such a way that produce the complexity of a human being with a a thousand billion billion chemical change every second a million cell division every second all this stuff that's happening for you to be alive right now and in order for that to happen there must be feedback in the system it has to be able to learn about itself because under random functions it doesn't happen like if you do the math right uh if the universe completely random there's no way not even microbial life would be here at this point I mean it the complexity is so high so so but if you have feedback then the complexity occurs very rapidly what I'm asking is the speedback loop okay like let's say the the the the evolution of our species this feedback loop can it extend backwards in time and and improve itself yes in other words what I'm saying is can Consciousness go back in time and direct its own self-evolution right I mean there there's another few key Concepts there that have to be put in place for instance when you say the word time you know what what do you mean by that it's it's a comple complex Concepts in in physics even um you know it's undefined really in physics what is time do you mean tick tick tick on the clock what what do you mean and so I actually changed this terminology from and I modified Einstein sorry Einstein I'm sure he's happy with it um but I modified space time to space memory because no memory ah no time you know if you can't remember what happened before you don't know that there's a linear function of time that there's a linear Arrow of time and if time is fundamental to the universe that means memory is fundamental to the universe and that means that information is embedded on the structure of space and this is actually the root of the question you're asking that is information is embedded on the structure of space as the dynamic of space happen meaning as things happen in the universe it leaves imprints of what has happened before that makes it appear to be a linear structure of time Evolution imprint right so this means the the any species that's evolving into its next version already knows the version that's going to become so it's in a way self-directed it is it's self-directed fundamentally from the universal level and that's why it's it's organized meaning the universe didn't make a be on another planet somewhere and the flower on this one because they would never meet and it would be terrible but they it puts it on the same planet right okay that that that's that that that's a really interesting idea um and so and so guys I know we we went into a completely different direction but it's an intriguing Direction so now now the question is can a Consciousness go back into our timeline and correct things can we is there a way or is there um um a method you found where one's human consciousness can can somehow influence the trajectory from the time that human being is born and influence our our future into now directly yeah I think I think we do it all the time I mean I think we that's what we do we modify the past to produce the next moment in our future so we modify our past to produce the next moment in our future in our future and and that leads as well to the possibility of modifying our future to uh to produce a specific occurrence in our present um so that we can visualize a specific future that we desire and then work the information back to make us today what we need to be to achieve that future wow that's a very interesting way of of observing what people call the law of attraction right uh but it it's it's a deeper level of it because now you start to get the mechanics on how you can get it to do yeah and so it's really important um I mean that's the base of psychology isn't it that uh you think of your past you discuss your past and certain events of your past with someone else that might give you a different Optics on it maybe give you some suggestion on how you can experience that moment that happened in the past in a different way and when you do then that has a forward impact on your present which will influence your future um so yeah I totally believe we influence the past because the past is really information on the structure of of of space that we have left like a like a record on the electromagnetic fields of space in in SpaceTime literally um and I mean it literally just like information on a CD ROM that's been laid on the electrom on the magnetic uh structure or on the uptake structure of the of the CD ROM so it really um it really um changes The View that we have of um past present and future uh because it puts it in the context of information so we're in a particular timeline of self-awareness right now yes and what you're saying is our Consciousness has the potential to influence our past thus evolving our timeline that's right but if it did so we wouldn't realize it would we because we would be in a different timeline right well we basically have we we would re realize it because by the time you've made the modification and changed your timeline you still have a link to that moment before when you were someone else and that's what makes your Evolution so it is the same timeline it's just that you're feedb back feed forwarding forwarding to that moment that keeps changing and that makes up your timeline so that that that that's so intriguing and at the same time we can move our Consciousness into the future yes through what through visualization through thoughts of the future yes to um you know so so think of first of all you're laying information on the structure of SpaceTime because you're never in the same coordinates in SpaceTime uh every billionth of a second you're moving in coordinates in SpaceTime literally like you're on the earth you're this the Earth is spinning around the sun the sun is spinning around the Galaxy so you're making a huge spiral in space right So within a year you're billions and billions of kilometers away from where you were last year in space and you've lay the information on that spiral all the way through and that's still linked to you it's it's entangled with you so you can go backwards and visualize the past but you can and and that's what you call your memory by the way that's why they can't find it in the brain it's because it's not in the brain it's you're like an antenna tuned into that set of information so so so firstly this is this is intriguing to help you understand the spiral I'm going to play a short video clip that shows the visualization of how you as an entity are moving through SpaceTime it really is as a spiral you'll see because the Earth's going around the sun and the sun itself is moving so okay so that again opens up a whole can of So you you're doing a spiral so now you can you can visualize what the spiral is going to be forward in time and you can visualize what you'd like to be like at a certain moment of time you could you could lay that information on the structure of time forward in those coordinates and and that will have a backward impact from that moment that future moment to your present and start changing your present to achieve that result result in that future moment so so the point of a so Point Consciousness the point of our Consciousness in this particular time is able to influence our future but also influence our past that's right and this is another way and I know personal growth philosophers call this law of attraction or thought creating reality so you accept that idea absolutely in the context of the mechanics of the physics that I just described but let's go deeper because this is really interesting cuz we we a lot of us watching would I'd say 99% of the people watching believe that their thoughts of the future will influence their future and you described it in a in a particularly beautiful way taking into account what we know about quantum physics but what I think is a is a is a harder concept to grasp is how our thoughts of the past can influence the present if if their memory imprint on the structure of space they're still there each moments each plunk seconds which is 10 to minus 24 seconds can can can one be trained to go back in time influence childhood memories and childhood events so that say today we have higher self-esteem or we have more confidence absolutely I I I totally believe that and again it's the it's have you have you done it yes I have and I've trained people to do it and I got amazing result in some cases so so this sounds really intriguing is this something you could share with us um sure I uh at one point uh I lived with two young beautiful little girls that were you know the daughters of my partner and um they were making fun of my nose all the time because I had a larger bump on my nose right and um I made a very um bold statement one night at supper time I told them that I would change my nose by morning and by morning time time and they just start laughing and they said what you going to go and get plastic surgery tonight or you know and they were making fun of me and I I said I I'll bet you uh that I can do it so they gathered they they broke their guinea pig and their no their um their piggy bank their piggy bank and they gathered like $20 and something and bet me everything they had that I couldn't change my nose and uh I thought it was cute so I I um I worked that night uh in my meditation at going backwards and so you can follow the spiral backwards of your timeline and eventually if you go far enough you'll end up in the belly of your mom where you were and that'll connect you to the spiral of your mom um and uh since your dad was in your mom for a few minutes uh when you conceived then you can connect to that spiral as well and so you can go backwards into the spirals and and I did I I went backwards into the spirals um as far as I could see um and found the gene that produced that larger bump on my nose uh and I modified it I I put an intent of changing the information there right and it had a forward effect that was so dramatic that when I when I walked into the kitchen in the morning for breakfast the the girls started screaming and walked out the door they were scared of me because your nose had changed my nose had changed yeah but that okay that but that sounds that sounds insane so how how are you how are you doing that what it was a little while I didn't think it was going to work how long in meditation did that take a good hour maybe an hour and a half I don't a good hour and a half and and is that a technique that you can teach people yes um I think in general people naturally can do it because it's a physical occurrence that's occurring like every second in their day so it's actually the way things work so people naturally can visualize it when they have the right mechanics when they understand mechanics uh it's natural for people to be able to to visualize it and go backwards and it it really literally for me anyway looked um like a thread through space like a crystal thread through space like um like a geometric Crystal thread and uh and I could see for instance moment of trauma in my life and so on I could see the thread being fractured or you know have being more opaque in those in those regions and um and and I could see that I could by changing the angles of the crystals by changing the vectors in the crystals I could I could repair the thread I could I could make it more consistent more crystalline more more translucent so so you're visualizing the thread and and I believe you're setting an intention to see a representation of TR or representation of anything that's something you might might want to fix as a distortion in the crystal right but I'm guessing someone who's doing this could ask for any other sort of representation they could ask for a representation in terms of color or anything else right because it's the subconscious mind that's delivering that maybe yeah maybe you could V you could see the the change in colors I mean there was definitely from what I could visualize what I can visualize a change in um in op opacity opacity um you know like more um where there was more trauma the crystal look more opaque than uh where it was uh more smooth and more translucid so there might be color change you could you could see as well I think that it's not so much what you intend to see but it's just trying to link in to the to the thread just experiencing it you know following the tread and experiencing it how often do you do that how often do you go back and rewrite your past to shape your current your present reality well I I think do you just do it to make 20 bucks from little kids no uh but uh I um I definitely I think that we do it naturally continuously um on a micro level meaning we do little things like we keep thinking about things that we did this morning or things that we did you know yesterday and so on and we're constantly kind of massaging it and it's changing Us in the moment or even or or or even personal growth modalities like rescripting thinking about a past trauma or abuse and rescripting you're saying that that's a that that that's a micro change in what we'll experience exactly like maybe we had a rough morning you know um the kids were sick we couldn't get to work you know then there was tra you know maybe we had a rough morning and we arrive at work and maybe we're in a bad mood or we're having a difficult time and maybe we stop for a second and we decide we're we're not going to continue you're going to reframe it we're going to reframe all this and so when you do that basically you're changing the information in the past right in that morning so that you're having a different experience of the same event so that you know right so that that's that's bizarre but it's but it's it's so intriguing it's profound I think it has profound meaning in our and I think the the the the one thing that the audience needs to grasp which which is might be slightly challenging is the concept of of time or as you call it space memory right that time doesn't exist that we as Homo sapiens perceive time as being linear but time is happening all the time everywhere everywhere the same time and that links very much with many of the ancient cultures um you know tradition the Western um you know the Eastern traditions and all this that talk about every moment being present you know that there's only presence and and so yeah there's only presence because every moment is just information on on the structure of space so every bit of information is a present in that l in that coordinat in space time and all these presence one after the other makes up a linear concept of time and and and it reminds me of that time so many of you watching may have heard of Neil Donald Walsh and Neil Donald Walsh in his book's conversations with God talks about a similar concept um the idea that time doesn't exist right that we exist all at once all the time he does it in in in the concept in the metaphorical concept of conversing with the universe with God now what was really interesting is one of the most fascinating if not the most fascinating dinner I ever had was when Nasim and Neil were at dinner together with me um and some of my friends and observing them talking about this Neil Donald Walsh the spiritual philosopher Nasim the scientist it was one of the first times in my life I was just sitting there quiet not able to interject anything but it was amazing to see how you're coming from a science angle Neil is coming from a spiritual angle and both you guys can we arrive at the same place that's why I told him that the god that that he was having conversation with is probably a good physicist brilliant right and and I remember you were you were telling Neil that you thought it was brilliant how in his writing he takes complex physics and he simplifies it into something so easy to understand now why I'm why I'm bringing this up is because a good interview to listen to after this one a good session is the one I had with Neil Donal Walsh it's also part of the same program listen to that and um it's it's a good followup because it'll go deeper on this topic so we spoke about influencing the past with our mind right what about influencing the future right so influencing the future um so you can imagine you are going to lay information on the structure of SpaceTime As you move through space to a spefic specific future those those coordinates in space that you're going to move to they're going to be defined by your movement in the space from this moment to that moment in the future and those movements you do in the structure of space are going to be defined by your actions how you do things what you do and how you do them and how you feel about yourself and everything else so you can imagine that you can lay a set of information in the future an intent of a specific uh outcome in the future and then and that SpaceTime then would have to um to coordinate all the moments in between that moment and your current present to make that specific event occur so so we would start changing the information back backwards to your present and that would change your present so so you would become um what you need to be mhm uh it it gives you an idea of a deeper understanding of of how to produce or how to to create a specific outcome soim next question multiverses let's say me and my son Hayden have different intentions for the future okay and I want to live in Spain he wants to end up living in London now what happens in that scenario if we are both directing our thoughts towards this reality that's the universe split and he ends up with a version of me in London and I end up with a version of him in Spain um okay well you know I I actually don't believe that I I believe that the Universe resolves always to the highest energy level and so and so that's why when you intend something in the future um it typically doesn't occur exactly how you had intended it right maybe you intended intended to have this wonderful red Camaro and you end up with you know some like a Camaro but it's a blue one or you know and and and you learn to learn to love blue Camaros instead of red ones because all our Consciousness are influencing a shared future that's right and this is why we cannot choose to win the lottery that's right or choose to turn down the heat on the sun because it's too hot today because the guy in Alaska would freeze right so so they we have a com common uh we live in a common Universe a common reality and so the universe resolve to the highest energy level and so group Consciousness is playing a role over here exactly that's why group Consciousness can have a large influence if that's that's that's very interesting and I can see how can this this can have implications in organizations as well so uh for those of you listening I predict that within 10 years business management experts will be talking about group Consciousness in organizations people meditating together and setting intentions together for the products and the services they want to bring to the market if you want to explore that topic as part of this Consciousness engineering program check out my conversation with Reagan ker she's a 28-year-old entrepreneur who has brought this into a company and she talks about what happens when you have an entire company practicing group Consciousness at the start of every month so so back to group Consciousness so this is intriguing now now how can we as human beings use group Consciousness to create a better shared future well and that's the thing so you can imagine that um you can think of these uh sets of information in you can call it in the morphogenetic field of the planet uh as uh group intentions you know Collective behavior that coordinates toward a a very specific future and you can become aware of which group you're participating it in you can become aware of which thread which information thread which energy you are particip fting in and then increase your influence in this particular direction uh for the planetary Evolution uh for the global social Evolution and so it's has uh it becomes very conscious uh engineering of um of the Global Evolution as an individual participating in it now is group Consciousness always moving us forward in the most efficient path because I mean we see examples of horribly dangerous group Consciousness I mean let's look at what happened with Nazi Germany right in the 1940s yes um so group Consciousness isn't always aligned along the best and most ideal path is it right it can be quite self-destructive and it can be hijacked absolutely and and it has been uh in our society right now definitely towards a very specific outcome well give us give us an example what do you mean by that uh well you know in our current Society there's been a very strong capacity to influence global awareness um by you know producing very specific information sets in our media and the way we think of things and so on and there's been a huge influence on the group consciousness of our planet that way right if you look at for example ex Le the um the mass amounts of um media ad spend on influencing politics uh right now that I was just speaking to some um it experts here uh who are studying this field and the number is 5 billion $5 billion are spent by political parties influencing human behavior and that is just in the United States alone and of that 5 billion the vast majority is on the right the left really is quite incompetent at using that um at least that's what the it experts are saying but $5 billion is being spent to sway the group consciousness of Americans right sure so so that's one way that you can look at it in a grosser way but but you have to uh make a distinction there because you're you know when you use the terminology not the most efficient way or destructive way you know we go through very important phases of evolution very important moments of of growth grow and these moments of growth are not always pretty you know they're not always nice they're they might be difficult moments and and that's when we grow the most so so in as for instance in a certain instant we can look at a certain moment in our history and say that was a horrible moment um but that but but if you look on a longer timeline on a longer evolutionary thread you can see that that moment was really critical for us to learn very critical lessons is that so right so so so the reason I'm I'm pressing on that point is because we are here in the city of talin and the reason I brought up Nazi Germany is because this city was invaded by the Nazis hundreds of thousands of people killed and then the Soviets invaded to fight the Nazis they killed 300,000 people and they bombed and destroyed one3 the city mhm and I think to the average Estonian living here including my family we lost family members we had um we we we had great grandparents murdered their bodies never found mhm it's horrible how do we see the good in that well that's the thing if you can't see the good in that then there's a good chance you're going to repeat it because then there will be you know frustration anger all kinds of things that you're pulling along with that thread but but surely we can we can forgive I mean um right I mean today here in talin you get people from all around the world we have World War II memorials but how can we see the good in what happened during World War II when our people were killed I think the only way you can forgive at the deepest level is to understand the lesson that it giv us ultimately right if if if you want to forgive at the deepest level some of the horrible thing that has happened in either in history or in your current lifetime you know somebody might have got raped they might have got you know beat up or whatever like to if we're able to forgive at the deepest level and you know in my life in my childhood I had some very traumatic moments that I had to go through that exercise with um I think is to see the the the lessons that even if I was a victim at the time meaning I was a child I didn't know what was going on um what was necessary in these moments for me to be who I am today if I'm able to do that individually or globally meaning in in history then I'm able to completely let go and of any feeling of resentment or you know anger and and frustration relative to those moments then I extract the lesson from the information set and so and so moments in history information on the structure of SpaceTime uh as a result of a Global Evolution towards higher level of Consciousness will most likely involve moments that are not beautiful that are not pretty that are very difficult but if we can see the larger cont text then I think we can we can totally see the beauty even in those moments so so if Consciousness from the future is going back and writing history as it moves along what you're saying is that that Consciousness has a plan and sometimes in the process of writing this history there is a beautiful destruction to use a terminology for my book that is created to create a more beautiful future that's right and from the perspective of the people on that timeline will War II or even further back the Mongol invasion of of the Muslim empire in um 1220 those things are horrible times yes however as much suffering as happens over here and while we should not we we we should not forget that suffering and we remember the suffering there is a a a positive path forward that's going to emerge from that and we should trust that positive path forward exactly for example World War II um led to the creation of the European Union mhm and this new borderless society that we are in right now right right and you know it you it it it begs a deeper question and a deeper answer with is is there evil no is is this such a thing as evil and and I've always because I've been asked that question many times I've always answered um absolutely not you know no baby is ever born evil you know like you don't have uh it's not a fundamental structure of the universe that there is evil but there's Evolution and so there's Shades of Gray right there's there's a there's Shades of Gray and so um you know this there's levels of Confusion And there's levels of awareness you know and and they're they're related to each other in that in order to reach higher levels of consciousness higher levels of awareness there is certain moments of you know deep uh darkness that right that occurs along the way so that the that the light can shine through them okay but this this opens up another can of worms right what this what this means when you say you don't believe there's evil and by the way this this is not an unusual statement Neil Donal Walsh um I'm bringing back Neil because we we all know each other in his famous book The little soul and the sun which is actually a children's book suggests something similar right one of the phrases he uses is in the words of God I have sent you nothing but Angels everyone who has abused you who have hurt you was an angel in disguise helping you get to the next level of your Evolution now it's it's it's a hard idea to grasp you got to read this book um it's a 30 minute read but and it's an uncomfortable idea you can tell if you're watching this that I'm feeling uncomfortable right now because I know the suffering that my my wife's family EXP experien during World War II and to think that there was a greater plan for that makes me uncomfortable but it's part I guess it's it's part of us understanding yeah it it doesn't undermine the you know the tragedy and the difficulty that people went through and and the suffering that they went through it just it just says that this led to actually a growth in human awareness in human consciousness so actually each it extracts from it uh the the beauty the sacrifice these these events and these people experience for us to be where we are today so this brings us to another understanding that whether Obama is the president or Trump is the president there is a plan and a design in everything and so on an individual base I mean for me when I remember these principles when I even in times of Darkness meaning when I'm having a lot a hard time if I remember these principle then even in the moments when I'm feeling down or I'm having a really hard day or a hard time I can remember remember okay this is going to what is the lesson where is this bringing me why is this coming in my life and why am I experiencing this because there must be a higher purpose for me to experience this there must be something I need to learn right right now what would be your advice for the human race okay let's say let's say a billion people were watching this and we wanted to come together using group Consciousness to create a better future for the human species and for all life on Earth what would be your advice how do we better direct our Evolution as a species and as a planet um I think um for me I mean just because of what I do so I'm going to give you an answer that' be a little more technical because of what I do I would love if I could get a billion people on the planet to visualize us being able to birth um uh overun technology into the world that is uh devices that what technology overunity technology into overunity technology what is overunity technology overunity technology is um technology that extracts energy directly from the structure of SpaceTime that is it creates more energy than it takes to run them so is that similar to zero point field energy yeah exactly and it um it extracts the energy from this so-called Zero Point Energy field um that is the structure of space time is fluctuating with information with energy and we can extract that energy now we've succeeded many inventors have succeeded around the world but we've failed at bringing it into the public so far because of various political and financial interests and so I would love for a billion people to put their intent in the free the overunity technology entering the world um so so so let's talk about that because that's fascinating as well zero point field energy or overunity uh or overunity energy it's the idea that within SpaceTime within space in this tiny this tiny little bit of space in between my fingers there's a massive amount of energy that's just sitting there exactly enough energy to run the world in that little but we can't it yet actually you're saying we can yeah inventors have been capable of doing it for quite a bit of time so so why aren't those inventions coming forth um it has been um uh it's been arrested or slowed down significantly because of special interests in other forms of energy like oil and and natural gases and so on and as well because um humanity and and so that's one level of analyzing the the the history but as well and because I mean since Tesla we were on our way to having this kind of Technology uh but as well because if Tesla would have succeeded or the inventors after him I don't think Humanity was ready for it and what was so we're talking here about Nicola Tesla for those of you watching not Tesla cars um so we're talking about Nicola Tesla uh I believe he died in 1933 yeah some sometime around there yes but what did he do to prove zero point field energy um or or to show it that it was extractable well he he succeeded partially at extracting some of it or to at using this field uh that he described as well um outside the context of Zero Point Energy as classically described in physics but um he used it to transmit energy uh without cables uh he had multiple inventions uh in which he was interacting with this field or he believed he was interacting and he certainly bir uh a whole um investigation into the possibility of extracting that energy from the field then and people might think well how is that and he came close right but then he died in poverty right even he he he those of you who don't know invented radio it was credited to G gimo Marone but Tesla first theorized radio yeah correct and Tesla invented almost most of the things we have in modern uh technology today um some over 900 patents and um you know the alternative um uh uh current AC and and so on but as well he um you know remote controls all this stuff but he as well invented many things at you know at one point in his life that went against um the social and economical interest right of his funders and the people around him and so he was um he was thought literally and and he lost everything he was sued he died in poverty he died in poverty almost unknown right uh and his name was revived only in the last few decades by Elon Musk who named the Tesla car after him right so so so so let's go in a different in a different direction but let's talk about connection for a moment well that's the thing is when you when you try to uh describe the physical world at the deepest level you always run into this problem where you have to try to isolate the system that you're analyzing and when you do when you you when you theoretically isolate it you lose something you can't understand the system at its most fundamental level if it's isolated and that led me to write physics in which systems are not isolated but they're connected right and when I did that when I showed that the proton the nuclear of atoms are actually all connected across the whole universe um and and I extracted how the information is exchanged um in this field of information um I got the right answer I got the right answer for the mass of the proton the radius of the proton very very very precisely more precise than any other theory on the planet today um and and the standard model is off by 4% so so it's it's a long shot away from how precise what I was able to extract and so it says that everything is connected everything is entangled all particles are entangle everything is in this metric of space that connects everything together and uh and what we call Energy what we call Mass what we call gravity what we call electromagnetic fields is actually different modality on how the information is moving if it's moving in we call it gravity if it's moving out we call it electromagnetic field and so on and uh and so it really gives us a different picture of the universe and it gives us a picture of the universe in which it starts to make sense that it would self organize that it would that Consciousness would emerge from it that that um that uh that systems would have high level of relationship and complexity and produce biospheres um so the according to this view not only everything is connected but life should be theming all over the universe wow now speaking of gravity I know you're doing some work on anti-gravity yes I I don't call it like that I call it gravity control because anti-gravity would be like saying anti light no so what gravity control gravity control tell us tell us briefly cuz cuz this is so fascinating I know we've had this conversation before but tell us briefly about what you're doing with gravity control well um the equations I wrote says something very specific about gravity um Einstein described gravity um as in general relativity by describing SpaceTime as being curved in a region of space where there's energy or mass so so if you put a mass on a trampoline it will curve the surface and another mass will appear to be attracted because the surface is curved that's how Einstein described it but he never said what SpaceTime was made of that so at the fundamental level we still don't know what gravity is my equations showed that actually SpaceTime is made of these little grains these fluctuation of SpaceTime pixels of SpaceTime bits of information and these bits of information when they rotate together when they're coordinated in their rotation produce curvature just like the surface of water going down the drain in your bath uhhuh appears to be curved and a a rubber ducky would orbit there right but it's only curved because all the water molecule the bits of water are rotating in that region of space that's what I discovered and so you can imagine that very quickly you can go towards engineering a curvature in space you can you can think if I can couple to the space to those bits of information and get them to rotate in this region of space I can create curvature and th you create gravity then I can control gravity you can control gravity and how do you curve SpaceTime I know you told me it's about it's about plasma yeah so you so how are you gonna coupled to SpaceTime well um plasma which is some 99% of the universe is plasma um and and plasma is one of the states of matter yeah it's like a highly energized state of gas um you can um get it in a certain state in which uh it it starts to couple to SpaceTime and and in that state if you rotate it at very high velocity space time will start to orbit in that region of space and you will start curving SpaceTime so since 1999 I've been doing experiments taking plasma rotating plasma at rapid velocity to curve SpaceTime exactly what what was the result well I've got really good results so far um and so I'm on my way but I have not been able to finish to get it to the next level yeah so I I'm in the middle of doing that right now now if we were to if decades from now we were able to fully harness the power of of of um plasma rapidly rotating and curving SpaceTime what would that look like to the human species what would that allow us to do okay well so it's not going to be decades from now it's going to be um in the next 10 years right and um I'm not the only one working on it NASA is working on it and you know Sunny White at Nasa is being somewhat successful with it as well and other Laboratories around the world what it will it look like it will look like what you think of uh when you think of spaceships so we're talking about it'll give us the warp drive it will give us the warp drive exactly wow it will allow us to travel at least through our solar system most likely inside our galaxy even and maybe across galaxies in our universe and um and it's not far off I mean and it's the next important evolution in human in humankind so so so it gives us the war drive so we now are able to control gravity so at a lower cost send at a lower cost that even SpaceX send cargo and spaceships to space yeah but what about time what about the distance between us and our closest Stars I mean that's still a lot of light years I don't know the exact number right well it will allow us to have cars that levitate it will you know gravity control will change everything we do so you will be able to go to Jupiter for the weekend and come back but how long would that trip take um well to Jupiter not very long um you know so it's not just gravity control but it's it's it's acceleration acceleration very high level of acceleration with no um no gForce um no inertia inertial Force inside the craft and would we be able to break the speed of light um or the speed of light exceed the speed of light I think 186282 m/ second right um I believe it will uh it will in so you think we can exceed light speed yes so what you're saying Nim is that the intersection of these two technologies um gravity control and harnessing energy from the zero point field will really create this spectacular new age of Star Trek for Humanity absolutely and you know you mentioned Star Trek all of our technology we we have today was in um was in science fiction long before it was invented and discovered I mean in Star Trek you guys remember the the um what's it called the tricorder we have that now with with our iPhones ex exactly and so you know that's what I was saying earlier is that what we visualize in our future we achieve right and so you can look at science fiction today and War Drive and space travel and all this and you can imagine that we're going to it's inevitable we're to get there and we are getting there and it is the next step in the evolution of humanity you know we learn to control electromagnetic fields to get to the point where we are today and the next step is to learn to control gravitational fields and until recently we didn't know how gravity is actually um produced by the universe how gravity and what is mass and these new equations that we are writing are starting to give us a be bigger and deeper understanding of mass and gravity and that leads to the technology of being able to control gravitational fields bring our society birth our society into a space colony and you know and beyond amazing the see so uh let's end on that note uh that was one of the uh most mind expanding conversations I've had hopefully for you guys as well thank you so much for joining us here in M Valley uh thank you for having me and where can people find out more about your work um they can go to um resonance and we have a website there where we publish a daily uh science news they can participate in our course online at the residance Academy and there's like 90 countries involved thousands of students and it's a lot of fun amazing yes awesome thank you Nasim thank you guys for tuning in if you enjoyed these ideas why not dive into mind Valley spiritual category for the price of M Valley membership Which is less than a dollar a day you get access to hundreds of the top programs in the world and mind Valley spiritual category is actually one of our biggest categories you will learn from incredible spiritual teachers the Reverend Michael beckin Donna Eden Jeffrey Allen Christy Marie Sheldon Marie Diamond all on one platform and the best part about mind Valley is look when I was getting started with personal growth I remember buying individual courses for almost $2.49 to 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Channel: Vishen Lakhiani
Views: 52,339
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Keywords: mindvalley, vishen lakhiani, impact theory, entrepreneurship, be inspired, motivationGrid, Nassim Haramein, Science behind Spirituality, connections between physics, quantum mechanics, anthropology, ancient civilizations, science behind spiritual concepts, present reality, world's best entrepreneurs, biohackers, The Mindvalley Show, Ep #037 | Nassim Haramein on the Science behind Spirituality
Id: jN3Sg42-6-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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