The SECRET to Background SLIDE Transitions [AFTER EFFECTS]

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I hope you all having a great day today we're gonna be going over this super easy and clean background slide transition that anyone can pretty much do with stock plugins in Adobe After Effects if you guys do enjoy this video please leave a like and a sub and yeah let's hop straight into this tutorial so with this background slide transition there's so many different variations there's just so many different ways to do it there's so many situations where it could apply and I think it's a very versatile transition to have in your pocket so here I've just got a clip from Cole Bennett and Lil yachty's Poland music video and as you can see there's not really a transition here so I thought I'd take this clip and spice it up a little bit with some of the sauce so first thing I'm just going to control shift d that frame that's going to split up the two clips uh very nicely so now I've got them split I really want this to Overlay over the first clip so I'm just gonna have it I don't know about how many friends is that eight frames over the first clip so now it appears that the transition is a little bit faster so now we're going to double click and open this up and we're going to get our Roto brush tool now if you guys have never wrote a brush before I'll give you a quick rundown so with the Roto brush tool you get this little Green Dot and you just want to drag over your subject like so or whatever you want to mask out and now we'll automatically rot a brush and as you can see it is not perfect so we're gonna have to go back and change that get the Roto brush tool again if you hold alt you will see it'll turn to a negative it'll turn red and what this is doing is subtracting anything we don't want so subtracting that I don't want this here and I don't want this here now we've got our first frame good I'm just going to keep hitting frame forward page down is my binding and just go through make sure everything is rotoscoped correctly and just masking the whole way through so I'm going to speed this up once you've got all your frames rotor brushed out as you can see you're just going to want to hit the freeze right here you want to hit freeze and this is just going to lock in your rotor brush make sure that everything is masked out and uh yeah this might take long depending on the quality of your clip how long your clip is so mine's all Frozen now if we close out of this layer we can see that now we just have yachty rotoscoped out and this is all we have um and we just want to go back and Define this so if your rotoscope's a little bit choppy in some places like right here it's not a good Edge uh where you can see the background like right here you just want to get a shift Edge and make that all the way down and it can really fix up some of those mistakes another thing you can do is increase the feather if you're still not happy with your product as you can see it just looks a lot smoother a lot cleaner and a lot better now what we're going to do is as soon as this clip comes in we're just going to Ctrl shift d again and make another layer now with this layer we're going to go in and go to the effects rotoscope and actually delete it from this layer and I'm just going to drag it out to the same length there we're actually going to put underneath our Roto brush here we have three layers the bottom layer is the clip that we're transitioning from in this layer is our original transition to clip and now on top we have our Roto brush clipped uh radar brushed out so the first thing that we want to do for this transition is actually make yachty pop into the scene instead of just showing up like that we want to make them pop in tons of way to do this but one of my favorite ways is definitely just to have them slide up from the bottom I think it looks really clean especially with his torso being cut down right here so now I'm going to go to the effects and presets tab over here on the right type in transform here we'll get distort Transformer we're just going to drag that onto our clip now we can see on the effect controls we have transformed so we're going to keyframe position hit this little ticker symbol and at the first frame we don't want to be in frame so we're just going to drag the height to the right and that is going to put yachty down there now I'm saying one two three maybe four might be enough and I'm just going to reset this to 540. so in these four frames as you can see pops up and that is our animation from here there's a couple things we can do number one those are linear key frames and linear keyframes are just trash in general it's gonna get rid of those we're gonna go to our top layer effects transform and you're going to see our two keyframes right here highlight both of those right click go to keyframe assistant and easy ease and this is just going to give it a very smooth transition instead of a linear motion it's just going to be smoother get the motion blur and this is just going to make it a lot smoother when he pops in as you can see that's already looking so much better so now that we have yachty popping in we are going to go to our background layer and do something very similar we are going to get to the frame where yachty actually fully pops in and merges which is right here and we're just gonna drag on transform now I'm just going to crop mine to here to where yachty fully comes in and this is where I'm going to start my transition of the background slide so this is the actual background slide so once you guys have dropped transform on here we're going to again ticker symbol of the position but this time we're going to make this height value down and we're actually going to raise it up like so until it's out of frame now we're going to go forward one two three frames and keyframe it back to 540. and if you play that through you'll see the effect yachty comes in and the background slides down and I just love how that looks uh but again if you want to add a little bit extra sauce and make it look just even better if you put that motion blur on now we've got an animation of yachty coming from the bottom in the background from the top you want to go into the drop down effects transform and just look at these keyframes highlight them right click and easy ease them so there we have it guys that is our basic background slide transition you already see that just looks so clean the transition is so much better than it was before if you guys do want to add a little bit of extra sauce just want to look up Curves in your effects and presets and drag that onto your rotoscoped clip um and what we're going to do is want to keyframe the curves and we're just going to drag this brightness up quite a bit now you can mess with this to get the look that you want but I think that's a good color right there and as he comes in I'm just going to reset this back to the default so as you can see as he pops in he kind of flashes color there and I think that just adds a little bit more to this transition one thing you can do is make it longer or shorter so you go into the drop down and go to your curves and you can see if I want it to be longer I can just drag it a couple frames longer and now the animation is a little bit longer than it was and he's flashing glowing whatever you want to call it for a little bit longer and if you want we can actually do the exact same effect to our background so we can copy those curves and we can paste it onto our background here now we might have to go and adjust where the keyframes are and yes we will but just drag them to where wherever the background initially slides so it'd be like right here I'd have the curves there we have it we have a little Flash and a flash now what I say this effect is easily customizable it is very easy to customize if we just want it to go let's say we want it yachty to come from the right instead of coming from the bottom it's really easy to do all we have to do is go to our initial keyframe I'm just going to reset it to make it easier and I'm going to make him come in from the left going to the right so I'm just going to drag him all the way to the left and as you can see now he's coming from the left and it's just a whole different feel now I might actually make that transitional a little bit longer as you can see but yeah you can play around with which direction you want everything coming how fast you want everything to take place and just let me know what you guys want to see next drop suggestions make sure you go follow mission and all their socials we just dropped a video uh for p Jersey I'll have the P Jersey video Linked In the description if you guys want me to go over any effects from the P Jersey video just let me know down below and I will be happy to help you guys out other than that I'll see you guys in the next video later
Channel: m33ch
Views: 74,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects transitions, after effects, background slide effect, slide transition, music video after effects, music video tutorial, music video transitions
Id: 04drjXSPfI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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