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do you guys want to know how to create this insane slide effect inside of After Effects well in this video I'm going to be showing you guys exactly how to create this effect so let's get right into it [Music] all right so the first thing we want to go ahead and do is grab our rotoscope tool right here so let's go here and select the Roto brush and you just want to select this layer here just double click on it and it should open up another composition and in this little layer you can just like pretty much highlight your car uh I don't know just just highlight the car and you'll kind of see it do like a rough mask around it and just make sure that everything is inside your mask here so you can zoom in and kind of fine tune the edges here and if you want to like remove something from the mask selection just hold alt on your keyboard and it will remove the extra like mask here and try to select just the thing you're selecting and the rotobrush does a pretty good job especially if you have a quality on full here I actually forgot to turn it on full but yeah you want to have that on full and not like quarter or third a full just gives you the best results so yeah keep that on full while you're doing the Roto brush and yeah this isn't looking too bad for the first frame we're just I'm just going around trying to make these edges here look pretty smooth and that's looking pretty good so yeah we're just gonna go frame by frame by hitting the arrow key and just see if anything messes up along the way but it's looking pretty good and there isn't really much Motion in this clip so I don't expect the rotobrush to really mess up it also I'm just going to kind of skip this go kind of fast but yeah it looks pretty good so once you have gone through all your frames here you should see this line right here that is all green which means everything is good so you can go ahead and just freeze your Roto brush and it should take a few minutes depending on how long your clip is so I'll see you guys once this is done all right so my rotor brushes got done freezing so I can go ahead and just close this layer now we are back into our main composition here and we can just go back to our cursor and and now we can play this back and it's just on a black like background or you can like toggle this and see like the transparent background here not looking too great right now but we're gonna go ahead and duplicate this by hitting Ctrl D on it two times so one two now we got two more layers Above This bottom one and on this bottom layer right here we want to go ahead and just delete this rotobrush because we want to be able to actually see the background Here and Now on this middle layer we want to go ahead and add an effect called offset so just drag this onto our clip here and with this Offset you just want to keyframe it at the start of our clip here and then go to the very end and like you can either change the Y value here so it goes like up and down or whatever or you can change the x value so it goes left to right you know the basics but I'm just going to go ahead and change just the x value here so you can have it go left right I'll just have a go left here so I'm going to drag it to the left it may take a while to kind of drag it and get it to what you want it to look like so if I play it back we can see how fast the car is going here I kind of wanted to be a bit faster so I'm gonna hit you on my keyboard having this clip selected and now we can actually see the keyframes here so I'm just going to go to this very end keyframe and now you can see the value right here and I'm just gonna drag this some more around here so let's play that back yeah that's a pretty good speed I'm pretty happy with that but still it's not looking too great there's no motion blur and if you try to toggle a motion blur on here it doesn't do anything like you don't get any motion blurs so it's kind of weird so the way to fix this is you want to go to your effects and presets again and search up directional blur and it should be on the first one right here and just bring this onto your middle clip once again and we want to go up to right here where the direction is and make this 90 and make our blur length 100. so now when we play this back we have some like motion blur happening and depending on how fast your thing is like moving we can like crank out this blur length to like 200 or something crazy uh so yeah just kind of mess with that depending on your clip and how fast everything is moving moving but yeah this is pretty much done like this is all you have to do super simple and easy now if you want you can add some glow we can decide the basic glow built in the after effects here make our glow threshold like 50 make our glow radius like 200 and now we have some glow for our background clip there or our background car I guess so yeah this could be a finished result like I'm pretty happy with how this looks but if you guys want to go like a bit extra and add one more effect you can add this Effect called twirl that is also built in the after effects so we're going to drag this into our clip once again this middle one as you can see once again there's nothing there but we want to make our twirl radius like 100 and now when we move this like angle here you can see that the car like twists around so if we just like play it back here it's at like a different angle which is pretty cool I'm gonna start this at let's say like 30. so we're going to keyframe the angle here at the start of the clip by 30 move over here and make it to negative 30. now when we play that back you can see it like rotating which is pretty cool it's not just like straight left and right kind of has a cool little look to it that you don't usually see so yeah that's pretty much it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you guys want to see more videos like this in the future make sure to subscribe and drop a like down below and I'll see you guys on the next video peace out
Channel: Tylo FX
Views: 67,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy music video effects premiere pro, easy music video effects, easy music video effects after effects, after effects, music video, premiere pro, music video tips, after effects tutorial, after effects for beginners, after effects music video, after effects music video tricks, after effects music video tutorial, music video tutorial after effects, smooth slide, insane slide, slide effect, slide effect after effects, insane slide effect, warp effect, slide warp, warp slide
Id: XaGaOaCa2B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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