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what's up YouTube today I'm going over three rare Freeze Frame transitions these are transitions that are super clean and I don't think are utilized enough and yeah I just definitely think these effects should be being used because I think they're super clean this video is going to be sponsored by my editing packs Essentials presets did get an update so if you did purchase that you'll have a new updated version in your email all the sales on those packs just fund me and help me keep putting that content for you guys thank you so much for supporting me through my packs and watch my videos but yeah let's get straight into it so here I've just got some clips of one Alfredo bangs music videos and uh Premiere Pro I'm gonna go ahead and throw this in After Effects using Dynamic link you guys know I'm a big fan of it so I'm just gonna go ahead right click all of these and go ahead and replace with After Effects composition and just like that you'll see all of our Clips have been placed into After Effects the first effect I wanted to go over is this flying object effect and you basically just Freeze Frame whatever object out you want and animate it and when you see it used with chains and other things like that you guys can make it whatever you want so the first thing is we want to go ahead to the clip that we're transitioning to and find the object that we want to fly in in my case I want it to be dependent on his chain but I'm just going to go ahead and duplicate my clip it's duplicated I'm gonna go to the top layer right click go to time in Freeze Frame and move this on top of my other clips and here I'm just going to go ahead and grab the pen tool zooming in I'm just going to make a rough mask around this pendant so now hiding that background layer you can see we have just the pendant masked out and it looks pretty clean make it a little bit cleaner I'm gonna go down into the masks in that mask one I'm just going to go ahead and increase that mask feather a little bit maybe something like 12 and decrease the mask expansion just a slight bit next I'm going to drag that pendant over top just like so I'm going to go ahead and drag a transform onto it what I'm going to do is actually put the Anchor Point in the center of the pendant then I'm just going to go ahead and adjust it back to where it should be and this way now if I mess with the rotation it will rotate directly around the center of the pendant what we're going to do is just go to right where it Transitions and keyframe that rotation so that way it's up right and in the right position then going to the very beginning of this clip I'm just going to go ahead and rotate it back a few times uh pretty good right there I play that back you see we just have a simple spin animation what I'm going to do is go down into the effects transform highlight both of these keyframes in F9 to easy ease them or you could right click go to keyframe assistant and easy ease then I'm also going to go ahead and tick this motion blur box that gives you a little bit of a smoother animation next I'm just going to drag another transform on and now we're going to make it fly up and down I'm gonna go ahead and set the position and scale at the end where it transitions then I'm going to go towards the beginning I'm going to scale it down a little bit maybe something like 70 and I'm also going to position it down here about halfway through I'm going to go ahead and move that position so it's higher than it's supposed to be so something up here playing that back you see we have a little bit of a flying animation but it's not very smooth I'm going to go ahead and do is go down into the transform two and highlight all of these keyframes in F9 to easy use them as well now just take a step further I'm actually going to go ahead and highlight the position keyframes and go to the graph editor and here I'm just going to go ahead and make a graph that Smooths out the motion a little bit it makes it look a little bit more realistic now that we've got a graph that looks like this you can see it looks super sick the pendant flies into frame and then transitions perfectly so we can close out of that graph editor and that's pretty much the finished transition to leave our right here but I'm going to go ahead and throw a little bit of extra sauce on it one thing I like to do is just grab a drop shadow and drag that onto whatever the object is when I'm making this drop shot I'm just going to go ahead and increase that softness quite a bit I'll just do this because I think it adds a little bit more of 3D realism to it so pulling that back you can see with the drop shot it looks like it's actually kind of like 3D and in the scene so now that we've gone ahead and made all those changes I'm going to go ahead and command s and hop back into Premiere now you can see everything we just did got automatically saved in Premiere and in here I'm actually going to go ahead and add a little bit of shake to this transition so I'm going to do is just go to the project and create an adjustment layer I'm just going to go ahead and drag this onto my clip so what we want to do is just go ahead and find the part right where it transitions from here I'm going to go one two three frames back and drag my adjustment layer from one two three frames forward and do my adjustment layer like that so we get a small little hit and we do have these new rotational shakes but I think we need something more subtle for here much good with the diagonal settle and see what that looks like on here and just like that I think that looks super clean with that subtle Shake we could also go ahead and try with a shake flash so I'm just going to go ahead and try these subtle Shake flasks and see what that looks like this is one of the new presets and just like that we've got a super subtle shake with the Flash and I think this one looks pretty clean as well yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and save this and hop back in After Effects for the second transition the second transition I wanted to go over is one of my favorites and I have showcased it a little bit on my channel before but I just really wanted to go over it again and kind of give you guys some extra sauce that I've gotten and this is going to be the zoom out transition now you can use a freeze frame for this and basically zoom out of anything you want I think it's gonna look super clean if we zoom out of the artist pendant so we're gonna go ahead and teach you guys how to do that I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate my layer then drag this on top I'm gonna go ahead and right click time and of course freeze frame this and I'm just going to go ahead and get my pen tool zoom in and I'm on this top layer I'm going to go ahead and make a mask of his pendant now I'm scrubbing over you see we've just got a rough mask of that pendant what I'm gonna go ahead and do is actually go down into the mask and I'm going to go ahead and click invert so now we've got everything but the pendant actually masked out what I'm going to do is just drag this on top of the first clip now that we've got this over the first clip I'm just going to trim it so that it transitions properly what I'm actually going to do on this Freeze Frame layer is go ahead and click this Cube icon and this is going to toggle the 3D layer and I found that this actually makes it a lot easier rather than messing with the scale what I'm going to do is go down into the transform I'm just going to go ahead and keyframe the position and where it transitions then go towards the beginning of where our Freeze Frame appears and just drag it back up we basically just want to move it so that we can see the entire background clip make sure none of this mask is showing once you guys have it like this if we play it back you can see that it just kind of zooms out from this Freeze Frame and right now it's not looking very clean but we can go ahead and adjust it make it a lot better or you can right click go to keyframe assistant and easy ease also going to go ahead and take the motion blur on my Freeze Frame layer click in the back you see it already looks a lot better I might go ahead into the graph editor and make it a little bit slower at first and faster towards the end I think that looks a little bit cleaner like that so you're just going to go ahead and trim it one frame because it seems to be behind a little bit last part of this is just going to go ahead and duplicate that Freeze Frame layer on into the mask and we're going to go ahead and uncheck at the invert as you can see because of the motion blur a little bit is showing through so we can go ahead and fix that but going into the mask and increasing that mask expansion just a little bit go to the very beginning down in the transform and keyframe the opacity and go ahead and set that to zero then as The Scene goes on I'm going to go ahead and right here probably set it to like 100. you can see we have just this super clean Freeze Frame zoom out transition I think it looks super sick guys do want to add just a little bit of extra sauce we can go ahead and F9 easy ease these we can also do is just kind of match the background's motion with the motion of the freeze frame and I think this makes a little bit better so what I'm going to go ahead and do is go to the bottom background clip and right here where the transition Stars I'm just going to go ahead and toggle that position and right here which is the last frame where you can see I'm going to go ahead and scale it down a little bit it and literally just go ahead and adjust and kind of match the movement of the transition so it looks like he's getting pushed down what we want to go ahead and do is actually throw a motion tile on top of this clip I'm just going to drag that on what I'm going to do is just increase the output height and the output width and mirror the edges on my background layer just so we aren't getting these transparent area right here not applying that backing so we have this super clean Freeze Frame transition I think it just looks super sick so this third transition I don't see that many editors using I have seen it used in the past but I really think it's going to be on the come up because it's just super sick and this is also going to involve rotoscoping so not completely Freeze Frame you are gonna have to do a little bit of rotoscoping so right here if I go ahead and hide my background layer you can see that I just went ahead and rotoscoped out my artist for the first clip and the second clip I just left it completely normal and this can be the basis of the effect the first step of this is actually just getting this clip situated so that the transition will work going to do is really sandwich the clip that we're transitioning from in the middle like this and then duplicate this layer I'm going to right click go to time and make a freeze frame and drag it even further between these clips and just kind of go ahead and adjust it so that it seamlessly transitions into our actual clip like that so now that I've got that done on gonna go ahead and throw a transform onto our Freeze Frame layer in the keyframe that scale and rotation I'm just going to go ahead to the beginning and scale it down until you can't see it behind the artist so I've got something like seven and then I'm just gonna go ahead and rotate it a couple of times like that playing that back you can see we kind of have the base of the effect where it kind of spins in and then we have our rotor brush still in the frame what I'm going to go ahead and do is just toggle the motion blur also go down into the effects transform highlight these keyframes in F9 to easy ease them and as you can see just by doing that it just made it a whole lot smoother now from here we just need to animate our subject kind of flying off the frame what I'm going to do is click on our subject layer which is our Roto brush layer I'm gonna go ahead and toggle that 3D I'm gonna go ahead and toggle the 3D mode again then I'm going to go ahead and keyframe the position then going towards the end of the clip I'm just going to go ahead and position him so that he flies out of frame like so dragging them forward into the left I'm gonna highlight these keyframes F9 to easy ease and toggle the motion blur now playing that back you can see we've got this super sick Freeze Frame transition where the freeze frame really flies in from the background and I think it just looks super sick it is super clean so now that we've gone ahead and done all that I'm going to go ahead and command s save that and hop back into Premiere now that I saved and I'm back in Premiere you can see we have our clip automatically in the scene like so I'm gonna go ahead and go right to where it transitions so right here I'm gonna go ahead and throw an adjustment layer in between so we've got an eight frame adjustment layer one I am going to use the new Shake which is the rotational to drag that on now playing that back and you see it just adds a whole lot of emphasis on that transition I think it looks super clean I'm also going to go ahead and try it with a flash so I'm going to throw the rotational flash on playing that back it just looks super clean but let me know what you guys think in the comments about these rare Freeze Frame Transitions and if you're going to be using them also comment down below with any suggestions you have there's one of the five essential music video transitions you need in 2023 click right here I think YouTube wants you to check out this video down here follow me on Instagram join the Discord and I will see you guys in the next one later
Channel: m33ch
Views: 24,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freeze frame clone after effects, freeze frame transition premiere pro, freeze frame transition after effects, freeze frame lone wolf, freeze frame music video, liquid effect music video, travis scott freeze frame, freeze frame after effects, freeze frame liquid effect, freeze frame transition tutorial, freeze frame awge, freeze frame clone, freeze frame effect, liquid freeze frame, freeze frame stretch, stretch freeze frame, liquid stretch effect
Id: yJ3T7FdwdDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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