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what's up my friend Abbi here and welcome back to writers life Wednesdays I hope you're having an awesome Wednesday so far or whatever day it is you're watching this on and if so I hope this video is about to make it even awesomer awesomer is that a word it needs to be today to wrap up our little romance series in February we're talking about the meet-cute what the heck even is a meet-cute well according to Google it's an amusing or charming first encounter between two characters that leads to the development of a romantic relationship between them pretty essential to any romance and any fangirls heart of course the way you do a meet-cute is totally up to you and the perfect meet-cute is totally subjective and so what I'm gonna share with you today is a few elements that I think make a meet-cute even cuter like the cutest it can possibly be okay first ingredient to a super-cute meet-cute is reader sees the meeting coming characters do not there are quite a few really cute meet coots that don't do this essentially you and the reader the character and the reader doesn't see it coming but I just really really love meet cutes that do this it's like that sense of rising dread only you know something good is gonna come out of this chance encounter and you see it coming before the characters do for example in tangles I saw hair I can't make a video without mentioning this movie when Flynn is running from the law and decides to seek refuge in this conveniently hidden tower we know that Rapunzel is waiting inside or like in Roman Holiday when Audrey Hepburn runs away from her royal responsibilities and eventually falls asleep on a street when the focus switches to Gregory Peck we just know he's going to run into her somehow we see it coming which makes the meet-cute even better I always love doing this because a it's fun and B it makes the reader feel smarter because they're in on something that the characters know nothing else ingredient number two characters don't know until after the meet cute that they're going to be seeing a lot more of each other this one's always fun especially those awkward or embarrassing first encounters you know how when you do something stupid in public or like even make eye contact with a total stranger and it's like so awkward and then you're like you know what I don't what are the chances of seeing that person ever again well imagine if come to find out you have to see that person a lot oh yeah awkward is cute for example in the movie Belle one of my all-time favorites Dido first runs into John when she's out walking at night she's startled and pretty brusque when she learns he comes with a message for her uncle but she's even more startled when she realizes that her uncle is actually John's tutor and they're going to be seeing a lot more of each other or-or-or in Jane Eyre when Jane first meets mr. Rochester he doesn't tell her who he is but later when Jane returns to the house she recognizes his dog and realizes the true identity of the guy she ran into on the road this is always such a good ingredient for a meet-cute because it just introduces this whole new level of awkward and of course that makes everything more adorable for our OTP next up we have the most popular ingredient for a meet-cute irony aka something happening emotionally between the two characters that would never happen later on in the story this is just a must it makes every meet cute like five hundred times better because when these two characters are in love someday it's gonna be so funny to look back and see how ironic their first encounter was I think you know what I mean by irony but a good example is Anne of Green Gables oh and again Roman holiday keep your mind off the poetry on the pajamas everything ingredient number for the first meeting makes the second meeting super awkward this is kind of a given especially if something ironic happened in the first encounter and the characters expected to never see each other again the meet-cute is now over and done but the second meeting so that just has so much so much potential for just as much comedy and cuteness and drama for instance in Downton Abbey when Mary and Matthew meet for the first time Mary overhears him saying some offhanded things to his mother you're gonna push one of the daughters at me never fixed on that when they heard I was a bachelor ready Mary Crawley I do have have not interrupting which of course makes their next encounter pretty awkward okay and finally this isn't really part of the meet cute but bonus points if later when your characters are in love you sneak in a little call back to their meat queue if you've been watching my channel for a while now you know I love callbacks I don't even know if that's the technical term for it but that's basically what I call a line or an event that happens at the beginning of the story and then it's repeated or referenced towards the end of the story again in a completely different context essentially calling it back to the reader or viewers mind some particularly cute ones thanks for asking and of Green Gables and Roman Holiday and Jane Eyre which and I'll stop fangirling now those are just a few of my favorite things about some of my favorite meet cutes it's the little things that make these moments iconic and just plain adorable comment below and tell me what are some of your favorite meet cutes in fiction or film and what is the most important ingredient to a perfect meet you tell me in the comments below smash that like button if you like this video and be sure subscribe to this channel if you haven't already because I post writing videos every Wednesday and I would love to have you here in the community until next week my friend rock on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abbie Emmons
Views: 38,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meet cute, romance, author, writing, writing tips, writing advice, ya, fiction, abbie emmons, abbiee, writerslife wednesdays, authortube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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