Writing a Meet Cute — From Eternal Sunshine to La La Land, Romeo to Scott Pilgrim

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[Music] that's a nice place like you doing in the girl like this [Music] we've seen movie scenes like this many times it's when two characters who were later become romantically entwined meet for the first time [Music] what often their meeting happens in a comedic or cute way farmer it's time to put balls in holes and that's why it's called a meet-cute mean let's go I'm gonna meet you yes sir the meet-cute is a staple with in the romantic comedy sub-genre the love is to be need to meet at some point and this initial encounter will set the stage for the rest of the relationship I said I love this myth there are countless ways to approach writing a meet-cute a pull pull push push push poll or neutral nervous but what are the rules to writing a compelling meet-cute will be using studio binders free screenwriting software to see how these meet cutes get written on the page before we jump in make sure to subscribe below and click the bell icon to stay in the loop [Music] we begin with option 1 the pull pull this is when both characters are equally and instantly drawn to each other and is there a more perfect example than Romeo and Juliet [Music] in Baz Luhrmann's remake of the classic we have a scene without dialogue but the performances give us all the information we need [Music] [Music] it works but the challenge with Popo is that love at first sight isn't the most realistic occurrence but most importantly it doesn't create much conflict and conflict is drama in this particular example the conflict comes very quickly after their first encounter [Music] what there's that slave competitive clear and spawn at our solemnity now buy the stock in honor of my kin to strike him dead I hold it not a sin once they realize they belong to rival families [Music] his name is a floor-mounted you're the only son of your great enemy so if you're going to write a meet-cute that's a pull pull make sure you have conflict lined up for the characters [Music] drama and conflict are exactly what we get with our second option the push push in this scenario the characters start as far away from love as possible let's look at an example from lala land to see how antagonism changes the romantic dynamics Mia and Sebastian actually have two quick encounters before their official meet cute once on the freeway and once after she attempts to compliment his playing I just heard you play and I wanted to the result of those negative encounters is what fuels Mears revenge at the pool party any other requests girl in the front I ran I ran a fantastic suggestion all right piano man tickle those ivories let's hit it one two three four [Music] sebastien confronts a-- and we get some clever and humorous verbal sparring I remember you and I'll admit I was a little Curt that night Curt okay it was an [ __ ] I can admit that okay but requesting I ran from a serious musician it's just it's too far my lord did you just say a serious musician I don't think so can I borrow what you're wearing why cuz I have an audition next week I'm playing a serious firefighter so you're an actress I thought you looked familiar have I seen you with anything uh a coffee shop on the Warner Brothers lot that's a classic oh I see yeah your barista and I can see how you could then look down on me from all the way up there I'm deaf next time he doesn't I don't he doesn't tell me what to do he just told you what I know I let him what's your name Mia yeah guess I'll see you in the movies what works about this example is how the personal attacks might seem playful my lord did you just say a serious music huh so you're an actress I thought you looked familiar have I seen you in anything but these characters are deeply invested in getting their careers off the ground they are both unsure about their career prospects this uncertainty is probably what sparks their mutual attraction so as you approach writing this type of meet-cute scene allow the scene to reveal deeper aspects to the character's personality [Music] guess I'll see you in the movies [Music] in our previous examples the couple had either a mutual attraction or repulsion but what happens when one pulls and the other pushes is the hero awkwardly infatuated is their love interest cold and unresponsive in this example from Scott Pilgrim vs. the world the character dynamics couldn't be more opposed hey what's up nothing hey you know pac-man I know of him a surefire way to communicate this type of meet-cute scene is an awkward conversation well pac-man was originally called puck land they changed it because not because pac-man looks like a hockey puck and Paku Paku means flap your mouth and that they were worried people would change scratch out the pee turn it into an F like yeah that's amazing am I dreaming [Applause] I'll leave you alone forever now thanks as you're writing keep in mind that the push-pull option allows room for many different characters and scenarios it gives a protagonist like Scott a challenge that he must overcome basically you can't win this fight so you're gonna have to give up on this girl cuz Todd's gonna kill you [Music] we've reached our final meet cute the neutral nervous in a typical example the protagonist is overwhelmed and either stumbles over their lines or literally stumbles meanwhile the object of their interest remains either neutral or completely oblivious to the situation let's look at a great example from Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind hi I'm sorry I just said hi hi hello hi hey if I said closer how far you gone Rockville sent her get out me too really what are the odds do I know you you never shot before in Sonoma that's it yeah I've seen you man oh Jesus I would thought over to remember years it might be the hair what might it changes a lot of the color that's why you might not recognize me it's called blue ruin right snappy name huh they're opposing personalities are laid out if Clementine wasn't such an extrovert their romance would never happen when you're writing your meet-cute remember that it all starts with the characters if your protagonist is an introvert like Joel the nervous neutral tends to be a great option as you're writing your script consider just how important the meet-cute is the meeting should lay the foundation for the entire relationship it should be memorable or exciting but above all things it should reflect their character traits its 10:33 what consider which meet-cute option best suits your characters and the tone you are aiming for choosing between a whole pole push push push pole or neutral nervous will allow to set them off in the correct direction check the description to sign up for studio binders screenwriting software it's free to get started and subscribe to our channel below click the bell icon for notifications and follow us on our Instagram page when it comes down to writing that first romantic encounter there's only one bit of advice you need what do you do if every time you see this one incredible woman you think you're gonna hurl I say hurl if you blow chunks and she comes back she's yours if you spew and she bolts it was never meant to be [Music]
Channel: StudioBinder
Views: 624,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saturday Night Live, MsMojo, As/Is, Meet cute, meet cute meaning, meet cute stories, best meet cutes, meet cute examples, movies, screenwriting, video essay, film analysis, love at first sight, best rom coms, best romantic movies of all time, movie couples, best rom coms of all time, first meeting, love at first sight in movies, best romantic movies ever, romantic movie couples, love at first sight scene, writing a romantic comedy, Film riot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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