THE SECRET OF DISCERNING | Apostle Joshua Selman

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lord we declare a fresh anointing upon these teachings in the name of jesus a fresh dimension of the workings of the holy ghost upon these teachings let them go far farther than we can imagine and produce great wonders in the lives of people in the name of jesus christ i like you to shout a big amen shout it again a big amen [Music] amen all right pick up your writing materials let's get to the business of the night amen and amen and amen [Music] it is god's desire that among the many things that happen to us that we move from one dimension of grace to another there are seven blessings that jesus received in redemption and gave them to the church it says worthy is a lamb that was slain to receive power riches honor and at least all of them a complete and a balanced christian life please pay attention it's a christian life that has through the grace of god accessed all these dimensions are we together now and um in the last maybe the last few months i've been like [Music] i would call it a spiritual archaeologist there has been such a renewed passion in my heart to study the church the ecclesia to study the body of christ afresh this strange entity called the body of christ i've had a renewed passion to study the body of christ and to study the untapped riches please pay attention that are locked in in this mysterious entity called the body of christ one of the things that i've been sharing with us and we had a revision on that last week is the power of the body the ability to discern the body the bible tells us in a very uncomfortable way how that the reason why there is a lot of weakness in the body the reason why there is a lot of limitation please listen in the body the reason why we are unable to to um to not represent the full dimension of the glory and the power of god is because we have not been trained largely to discern the body and what it represents first corinthians 11 let's just look at that scripture first corinthians 11 don't look at the project or screen open your bible first corinthians 11. if you don't have a bible buy one it's a gold watch setting cancel the money for your hair and by bible jordan is in front here it's available the shop can be opened after koinonia we we buy nonsense we buy things that don't contribute overall to our spiritual growth and we ignore the things that have life the bible listen jesus himself giving a parable he says the kingdom is like a treasure listen someone had a farm and there was a treasure in that farm but he did not know what treasure he had are we together and he said one found that treasure and when he found that this land had treasure he went and sold what every other thing to raise the money to buy that land so it's worthy to make whatever sacrifice that will give you access you see in the spirit i'm digressing for a reason don't major on the minors and then minor on the majors there are some things where you hold them other things must follow are you getting the point now so don't chase foolish and mundane carnal things this one thing when you get it other things must follow for instance the bible says get wisdom get wisdom when you get wisdom with wisdom comes wealth with wisdom comes security with wisdom comes divine direction so instead of praying for wealth praying for divine direction you cry for wisdom are we together now you have to learn that certain things in the kingdom are contained in others by getting certain major things you get others to i'll give you an instance if the governor of cardona state is to come to zaria for instance trying to bring the governor the commissioner the emir is a very foolish thing just try to bring the president are we together in bringing the president every other person down that kedah must come are we together so when you seek the presence of god other things follow when you seek first the kingdom and his righteousness if you are truly doing that other things follow so what you are receiving in connection listen i'm saying this because there are people who think we are neglecting certain levels of spiritual growth you may say ah but apostle why are we not teaching on this dimension and this dimension what i'm teaching you is a superior dimension it's a master key i guarantee you when you hold it you will not need to look for other things because they will come are we together now it's very important oh god give me tea give me bread that's the key to frustration there are certain things when you have that's the end of it may you have it in jesus name may god open your eyes to have it in the mighty name of jesus christ so let's look at first corinthians i was saying something about the body of christ um [Music] 29 and 30. thank you it says for he that eateth now he was talking of communion right the holy communion paul was helping them because theologically speaking many of them you know the wines those days did not have a system of preserving it like we do now so after a while the wine would become alcoholic and sudden people started helping themselves with that alcoholic wine so communion that should just be just a short of it enough to help you certain people in the body of christ who were custodians maybe in the welfare department started going out of the normal context of communion and they were drinking in the house of the lord are we together so those who think god did not talk about drinking here it is he says for he that eateth and drink it unworthily unworthily without respect foolishly without revelation of what it means it says drink it onto what eat it and drink it damnation unto himself but then broadly speaking it says not discerning the lord's body so the extended understanding of this is not just the bread and the cup but that if you do not discern the lord's body there is a danger for this cause not for many causes for this singular reason that god has a body that needs to be discerned for a man to succeed and the inability to discern that body has produced this for this cause how many how many it is a few for this cause the inability to understand this mystery entity called the body of christ it says many are weak the word weak there does not just mean weak like you don't have energy trust me it means weakness in every fashion it says for this course many are what seek among you and many sleep the words sleep there's the word die is god speaking to us that means somewhere in the body of christ is a key that corrects weakness somewhere in the body of christ is a key that can turn sick people to become healthy somewhere in the body of christ is a mystery that can keep men long listen please there are certain dimensions of spiritual reality that your personal work with god cannot deliver unto you you have to learn this everything is not delivered to you on the platform of your personal alter and work with god there are certain dimensions of god that only come on account of the corporate release the the treasures that come they are not giving to a person they are only giving through a person but they are for the body there are certain dimensions of god that will never show up when you are alone that dimension only comes when believers are gathered together if believers are not gathered together that dimension of spiritual activity cannot happen for instance if no one man could bring the holy spirit to the earth are we together 120 people had to be gathered together that spiritual formation created the room for the holy ghost to come are we together now when the church was being threatened right the church was being threatened the bible says that they prayed but they came together so there are certain levels of persecution that comes upon the church the prayer of one man cannot stop it it takes the prayer of a body and in god's economy two or more people from the body one man there are certain possibilities he says where two or three are gathered in my name is god helping us please one of the things that i really want us to have is spiritual intelligence say spiritual intelligence it is the secret that helps men to do business in god's economy you have to understand how god's system operates so there are treasures locked up in the body ah you know while i was preparing to come the holy ghost gave me a revelation that touched my heart and this is what he said the bible tells us um that when jesus was born listen there was a star is that true a star that was shining so bright at the east and the magi those we call the wise men they saw that star and they followed that star and came where jesus was is that true and then they bowed down and they worshipped him now listen a savior was born on earth listen who could do a lot of things but there were people who did not know so on that earth there was someone who was born but they could not know however certain people decided to pursue and say let's find out and they found out that savior and it blessed them do you know that when jesus walked upon the earth there were people who were never healed i believe they were not interested in healing because in that dispensation there was a man who had the ability to solve their problem jesus did not heal every sick person he healed those who came to him he healed those who pursued him and sought after him he didn't just come and volunteer and say i'm concerned about this your situation no when people were hungry jesus said feed them and the production of the miracle andrew had to come with five loaves and two fish and jesus said okay you have come to me he always responded to people's hunger and passion let me tell you something god is not a welfare officer he responds to faith and a heart that believes you're coming to god is proof that you know he is he exists and then that is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him say amen are we together now let me have um come i need the guys four or five gentlemen please come [Music] just stand here watch this i want to teach you something very powerful stand everybody open your eyes your ears your spirit two more people please [Music] this is the body of christ listen this is the body of christ hold this patrick hold this you are here touching every life i worship you let me have this i worship you you are here [Music] thank you sir everybody lift project out what i've given you watch this this is the body of christ are we together in the body of christ there is a fall true or false in the body of christ there is a bible true or false in the body of christ there is a handkerchief true or false so when god speaks he speaks based on the provision that is in the body so god says anyone who wants to make a call make a call and now this guy wonders is there ever a phone in the body of christ somewhere in the body is somebody who represents a dimension of god that can help men make calls follow me are you here what i'm saying now when god looks he does not see what's your name he does not see brother kingsley he sees his body representing all the possibilities in him so god tells you where is the piece of paper that contains the blessings on your life and you say oh god all i have known in my life is that the body of christ has pure water and god says no way check there is a paper there is a dimension that holds this possibility but that it has not happened in your life does not mean it's not here here what i'm saying are we together this is the power that is vested upon the body the body is part of christ so this is a modem a modem helps you to access the internet and god says there is a possibility in me for that dimension but because you do not know the spiritual system that can help you access this are we together now you may be suffering for this cause for not discerning what this mystery entity called the body is some people will remain jobless forever listen please some people will remain sick forever [Music] hear what i'm teaching you hear what i'm teaching you i spoke was it last week or two weeks ago about spiritual tribes the system of god that represents his possibilities i told you that our personal spiritual growth is based on relationship but kingdom advancement is based on covenant you must understand this so every time god wants to reveal his dimension to a dispensation there is a mantle backed up by a throne in heaven that is responsible for that operation it is those mantles that are represented as lampstands are you following me now they are dimensions of the operation of the spirit so what happens is god finds one man enters a covenant with that man and the covenant is such that it can authorize the spirit to communicate certain dimensions of spiritual reality through that man to that dispensation and every other person who must work in this dimension cannot ignore both the person and the office of this man are we together so i am god watch this you are tested and you are saying oh god quench my test and god says i refer you to my body it's no longer a prayer point somewhere in my body there is a system that was designed to quench your test but through ignorance arrogance the lies that we passed as teach people are we together we pastors come and because of our ego with these people that single-handedly encountering us is encountering the body so they come around the dimension of what we have and do not open up themselves to the multifaceted dimensions let me tell you something every custodian of this dimension is imperfect with fault now this is usually where we are cheated because we are sensing that the vessels that hold this perfect gift must be perfect themselves so we are looking for patterns that look like what we can appreciate before we open up our hearts are we together so you get to a church and they may have all kinds of imbalances maybe criticizing a pentecostal church or whatever it is and they may not allow praying in tongues publicly and when you see that pattern is not what you are used to you were not trained that way you were trying to pray and blast and roll on the floor but the man of god has that limitation however in spite of that limitation there is a spiritual possibility committed to him that if you approach that meeting with an open heart you will still live with that grace are we together now watch this there are people who who have opened up themselves to certain men of god certain meetings certain encounters you can come to a church like this and a meeting like this and even be angry why are they um why are they playing instruments like this and just because you identified with that system certain possibilities come upon you you were not opening your heart to believe hope just because you found yourself in that environment hear me your life becomes accelerated when you understand the law that governs reception from the body you may not have the physical privilege to meet all these tribes one-on-one but there is a system provided for in christ that will help you to contact all the possibilities that they have please hear what i'm teaching you and you will rise like an edifice [Music] so call this the prophetic call this the healing ministry sorry guys just bring your hands down so you can rest can imagine what you are going through call this the teaching ministry call this the prayer ministry call this the prosperity ministry call this wisdom and excellence call this leadership it's called the body of what [Music] to teach that this should not be in the body of christ is apostasy that it was not committed to you does not mean it was not given to the body now let me tell you where we preachers destroy the body of christ because of our ego and i understand it's not easy for women of god so be careful while you are criticizing us understand that we are humans too but then a true servant of god must be able to have the unashamedness to hide your individualism and say look this is the beacon of life this is the lamb stand that i present to a generation however god's desire is that we open up our spirits to the multifaceted possibilities that exist in his body not a ministry by the time i as a man of god who represents leadership and excellence tries to give the body a picture that the prophetic is not useful are we together now so you hear me anybody that prophesizes is nonsense all these commercial prophets they are just nonsense and stupid now watch this when the time comes in my life to need this grace my heartiness will stop the holy spirit from flowing in that dimension because i have refused to admit that it is a possibility that should be received so my life is limited for this course many are weak are we together and so this guy has been giving the grace for wealth and prosperity but now this prophet or apostle knows how to speak and then god opens doors of wealth so he will look at this guy and say all these business guys they are nonsense come to me so he said i lay hands on you your door will open he's also in apostasy and arrow any move you make that distorts the full representation of the body is apostasy a deviation from the truth are we together so i need the prophetic i need the word ministry for a great meeting but i need this ministry to run generator and run and and marry and are we together so ministry is going well and now you are ready for introduction it's 400 000 your eyes are clearing you are trying to use this ministry to get this result and god says not so you must find way in the body is already a provision it will require humility but because you have made too much mouth that you don't need this ministry now the ego to now humble yourself and say how do i now read this business book when i've told everybody that all there is to breakthrough is prophecy if you are getting blessed say amen [Applause] there are many people's confusion that can end look for incense there may be someone sitting here now who is praying and say oh god fill me with the holy spirit something as cheap as the baptism of the holy spirit let me tell you the day of your breakthrough is the day you choose to believe the body it's not just the day god wants you the bible says today if you hear his voice that today is the day you read that scripture and believe there are people who you know when people call me and say man of god i i i cannot imagine i want to be filled with the holy ghost i said something as basic as that in the realm of the spirit that that's that's kind of gotten but because you have ignored that the body of christ can bring these possibilities all you need to do is to know that a house like koinonia has been committed these dimensions of the holy spirit you don't even have to see me you don't even have to ask the prayer leaders to pray for you just find your way on tuesday stay in that atmosphere and let that possibility you may just go and i mean before the prayer starts you've received your own [Music] when the donkey kiss was missing they said let's try to look for that donkey and when they tried it and it looked like nothing will happen i hope you know they would have said kai there is no hope being found let's go back just the same way you said kai i feel too much i can't rise no you do not know what provision in the body was assigned for the rising of people so because you do not know your ministry will remain grounded forever whereas you are sharing testimonies every day that there are people who encounter these graces and rules as i look at preachers as i look at churches the privilege of the apostolic office is such that you have the opportunity to bring governmental order to a system and a territory i can step into a meeting or travel to a territory for a conference and look at the pastors and at once i cannot the spiritual dimension missing in that territory which is a reflection of how they have closed their heart to certain possibilities in the spirit so i can step into a meeting and see excellence but men do not pray five minutes prayer you just see them pray and they are sipping tea taking this i know that they have ignored this dimension out of the body through their preaching to their same prayer is not everything get knowledge get knowledge and because the man of god does not pray he has created a theological explanation to justify he's not praying and the members have followed suit so i look at them lean and hungry i know they are weak when they talk you don't hear that echo that comes from the prayer life there is there is an action that only prayer can deliver bible study will not bring it when you hear a man speak his ultra resonates to his voice i'm not talking of a husky voice i'm speaking spiritual languages only men of prayer understand what i'm saying so they come up and say it doesn't matter is there excellence yes are there balloons absolutely is there a nice projector yes but are their healings no is their transformation no people come with their bodies and go back and i look at that body and part of the apostolic ministry please hear me that's why let me tell you something the apostolic office is not named the apostolic ministry you know how anamoyba is biology basic biology the apostolic ministry is designed such that when you enter a territory you can assume any shape by god to let him introduce what is missing in that territory you have to believe that's why the true dealing of an apostle is transgender and is almost unbearable because your job is to supply the dimension of the spirit that is missing that sometimes you yourself are not called into that dimension but because you occupy the officer of an apostle god will tilt you for that meeting to force you to introduce that dimension this god speaking to us learn this and you will rise as if the devil does not exist the body is still rich the healing anointing is still in the body [Music] it just left your church because your pastor is not willing to accept that he needs impartation of the healing anointing are we together your person has been lying that is having a heavy healing anointing and is not telling in the stories and we men of god hate submission we hate the fact that we can say i was minister to and this ministration opened me to this new possibility we would rather say i laid body in the secret place and god gave it to me meaning i am the custodian of it is a lie when jesus appeared to paul he told paul i recommend you to somebody in the body of christ go and wait there three days you will think that jesus is appearing will mean paul did not need any man again but god still drove him so there are people who have gotten the dimension of the holy spirit but they have ignored papakumui simply because they do not like him and the lapse of what he represents to the body is killing them there is a lot of canality and on seriousness because they have refused to know that there is such a proficient in the body there are men who have insulted bishop poetical and do not know ah god said my people be rich no we are going to heaven they are poor they are broke the ministry can increase they are finished all their prayer all that is needed for the ministry to drive his finances but they have ignored this provision in the body who is god speaking to you tonight see let me tell you why suffer forever when the remedy has been paid for why not open your eyes and humble yourself and allow the spirit of god to show you the system he has built to tapping in the multifaceted possibilities look at me i say this without humility there are important men and barring women who would die important and diabetic forever i say it with every sense of apology and i said with every sense of honor the the humility to tap the provision that is in the body of christ i once met a woman years ago i think he was in a meeting quite a long time let me tell you i don't know what kind of grace was on this mama but if she prays for you for pregnancy just go and start buying baby clothes because you must give birth is the question now is whether it's twins or driplets not that you'll be pregnant there is a provision like that in the body [Music] is god speaking to us have you heard people here look at that lady saying she made her papers she knew what she wrote sometimes it's not your effort sometimes it's the cloud that provides certain possibilities see that those who know this never get arrogant you know let me tell you something i have seen there's one man of god outside of this country he's been his son true son not just fake stories true son that guy is not educated that guy you will know that this guy does not understand the system of church growth but because he has been able to identify with what benihin represents to the body that guy carries a tangible healing anointing you see the testimonies in his church we think he's a charm because he has identified that grace and that office so let me tell you how satan destroys us the devil creates a system that covers away these possibilities are we together through pride hatred for the body resentment and through pastors we may be well-meaning and sincere but he covers us so as far as your spiritual growth is concerned and the path of spiritual progress that a person has a mark for you this is all he has shown you to be the possibilities in christ so you have to respect what you have been given but you know you are dying of test you know you are not communicating there is no revelation in your life there is no prayer there is no access to the prophetic now you can stand there your progress is based on how much of the body of christ you have been open to you will see somebody will come overnight who does not even have he has not paid half the price you have paid but he's foolish enough to contact this guy he will carry a grace and jump and move and you say no way how can a young man be a millionaire in four months i don't believe this these guys are for one night don't say they are four one niners you have not tapped into the provision in the body of christ is he not a prophet that said by this time tomorrow have you not read it to your bible not to a person to a nation [Music] israel a nation that is a desert land until today is still exporting food and nigeria 80 percent of the food we eat is exported israel is in a desert land because there is something upon abraham that landed upon them do they believe in god no you will imagine let me tell you those who have gone to israel you know those who are helping you in the facilitation they are not born again when they watch africans come and cry on the wailing wall they wonder oh jesus my savior they are just waiting for you to give them their money they don't believe in god but they are part of a tribe that god has covenanted with himself that they will keep seeing certain possibilities [Music] are you hearing what i'm saying i give you a guarantee if you pay attention to what i'm saying your life will rise like day and night my only prayer is that you will not suspect yourself when you are rising there is a way you rise too fast that you turn and say i hope i didn't put my hand in anything that is ungodly i can't understand why my life is rising like this listen [Music] whatever you see happening in the life of one man in christ came from the body is reproductive it is it has the ability to be transferred and it has the ability to be recreated if you understand the laws that govern it [Music] people kept criticizing william branham i didn't used to work so much in the prophetic here and there one word of knowledge everybody teaches on william branham and they made it look as if the guy backslided went to hell he's in fact he's i've read william branham's books have explored this materials left right and center including those where there were a lot of erroneous propositions but let me tell you something the earth will hardly find a mick man like william branham very few prophets on earth today have come near the shoes of william branham it's just that there was no mechanism of preserving their audios and their videos like we do now so you may just watch one or two videos where you don't see anything those men live like gods upon the earth they are the ones the bible says the earth is not worthy of are we together william branham every time people criticize him he brought error to the body yes there were imbalances but he's a man one day i was watching his video i think it was a retreat happily under the anointing i was watching his video and something happened as i was looking at him i said oh god but there is we have we have insulted the anointing out of this man there are there are possibilities that are supposed to come to the body that we ignored because of our our attitude of of that judgmental cynical attitude we inherited from our parents that is still destroying people and churches today while i was watching something happened now i have a lot of encounters i live in this realm but then it was like it was like you know how you pour oil on someone but it was such a cold sensation not just the sensation you have i knew something was happening i was looking at this man my eyes were heavy with tears and it's as simple as a machine going down your body slowly it took maybe about 30 minutes to go down and reach my feet i didn't know what had happened and every time let me teach you a secret whenever you have an encounter you don't understand praying tongues praying tongues praying in tongues we'll begin to give meaning to it not not pray for five minutes and sleep i mean stand up and pray it's like a shell you are opening it up spiritually and your mind will begin to receive the impulses that have been communicated to your spirit i began to pray and the next meeting i would go for it was it was like it was like somebody just washed my eyes with water and all of a sudden i saw that there was a heightened prophetic dimension a heightened ability and i said wow something happened i believe i have not even started tapping into 100 of that impartation that i got so i'm still aligning more by the time i align fully my life will release the full potential of what had come because let me tell you mantles depend on certain atmosphere to walk um i can receive a man to listen i can receive a mantle but if my mind is not developed i will limit the access to that man to find an expression are we together so i can function and you may see me you can carry the anointing upon my life and produce more results because the anointing is coming on a body that has been better prepared moses was his camera so he could not manifest a prophetic anointing on him so much but when that anointing now came on 70 people they could not stand that's what one man was carrying yet he didn't prophesy [Music] are you hearing what i'm saying now self-taught me the body of christ has been vested with every dimension required to represent god say it again the body of christ has been vested with every dimension required to represent christ are we together now is your is up to you to choose one dimension you desire to see in your life ebay share the testimony her family who at this time of nigeria's economy will call you to send money free that is not happening in your life does not mean it's not happening let me tell you there are people this is the happiest year of their life i can tell you that now it's always insulting when results are not happening in your life and are happening close to you so you react to it with criticism you react to it with resentment but the key is to find out what are you doing someone sent me a text and said um apostle i want you to confirm this it's like the love of man is waxing cold in the body of christ i said that's an error one think again the church is rising powerfully you are the only one going down find out what you are not doing people are praying more than ever before oh come on revelation is coming upon the body more than before don't come up with your misguided that the church is going down who is the church don't say the truth say i as a member of the church is hot like you can say i have headache and then the body can come together and help you and say it is true you have headache let's bring you out don't use your headache to say the body is sick because let me tell you the church is rising what i'm teaching you will change your life look at our our brother this gentleman come sir you're the person who gave that testimony come this guy came from benue state all the way about to destroy come come from how are you this guy about to destroy himself to commit suicide are you seeing that now if this guy committed suicide and died what do you think will happen we're going to sing thus will we pass from the earth and it's totally that's we're carrying his grave now remember by what here lies what's your name our brother james he died it's a warning to all of us no no i'm not mocking pay attention to what i'm saying this guy whereas one message one message held the possibility of reviving his life please listen i'm saying this with every sense of passion because we still need to press we have stopped there are some of us who carry these mantles but they are not developed enough to start serving the body so your lack of prayer is making the body die in a certain way this message is a it's a call to rise and develop your contribution to making the body rise imagine if i was a drunkard or imagine that i started drinking january 1st because i'm wearing the message that would need to help this guy do you know standing here maybe a pastor or a prophet to nations so as i refuse to manifest and he dies the nation tied to him dies the purposes of god for that nation dies look at the ripple effect are we together he has come now and you can see that this guy is going to catch fire tonight no no no he will it's not we have it this what i'm saying you must know what you have as given by god it's not for pride is to distribute to the body it's as such as i have this is you can pray for it somewhere else because it's not part of the spiritual composition of that ministry but here we have it it was given it's an office the same way there are some things that are not in koinonia if we need it here we must open our hearts to other members of the body with all humility there are some things that don't happen as a gift here in california they happen to prayer we pray and tap but there are ministries it happens like breathing some of you receive a lot of testimonies if you see someone rolling under the anointing in koinonia you will not be surprised because it's an office there are churches if one person is rolling the pastor says i've been telling you that god has increased me i've been saying this thing now it's not to mock it's not it's not mercury i'm saying there are spiritual possibilities how you know what is available in a ministry is what the people in that ministry trivialize because they've seen it so much it's in abundance you don't pray for it you don't fast for it you enter this place and you are shaking like a leaf because there is a covenant that makes this possible this is a gentleman now if i'm a stupid man of god i'm going to do two things and this is a warning to many pastors when this guy comes now because he has come to calinonia let me tell you what most foolish men of god do they try to say you have gone to every other pastor are you are you saying where we destroy the body now you have gone to every other man but when you came to koinon everybody rises and me who is the champion you are talking about i now rise those who do that god is soon coming for them because that attitude is part of why the body does not grow so when this brother comes now i do not isolate my impact to his life as though i'm different from the body i just tell him no no no whatever you receive here i hide my individualism so that the body of christ will be glorified it does not matter that it is joshua sermon the most important thing is i have represented christ properly your kingdom reigns through this place so this brother right now we're all looking at him what a foolish man of god would do is to make him hate every other man of god who has talked to him are you seeing now i can make this guy hate every other man of god in ben wasted or whoever so the next time he's watching tv and he sees maybe a living faith or any ministry there what he's going to say is all of you are rubbish you are wasting our time only coinonia now it looks like it's glorifying me but it's destroying the image of christ i must leave this guy with an impression that makes him love the body of christ because although he found an anointed man although he found an anointed ministry we hide our individualism that christ be lifted so as he's going to bend away i will tell him okay take messages but open your heart god is doing great things in benue he's doing great things in lagos don't even in a city where you think there are no people i've gone to cities where you think god is not doing anything but there are dangerous people in that city that god is lifting so he comes here tonight and leaves loving the body he comes here tonight he receives the graces and the mantles that have been committed to this ministry but he goes back loving the body the next time he enters a church where the man of god is preaching and honestly what the man of god is saying is nothing to write home about he will understand the limitation of that man but not hates the man so the body has risen because a man of god with spiritual intelligence has been able to minister to this listen the ministry of the spirit is very important that's why you must be thoroughly walked upon by the spirit i can be anointed but i will still destroy him [Music] are we together how many of us have been destroying the body of christ with our misguided understanding and there are many more who want to rise and so god says calm down before you rise let me walk on you and say god i laid hands on somebody that and the person fell down i'm ready to go and then god says i'm still walking on you the body of christ every one of them holding possibilities like you have a doctor doctors write certain things and recommend other people to a hospital in india they say there is the world renowned eye surgeon is in india although i'm a consultant i refer you to that guy because this situation i want you to go and whatever he tells you to do we can execute it here that's the medical field that's why you're helping people but in the church i can claim i'm an anointed man now and then i look at this guy and say in the name of jesus i cast out that spirit and then i say it's done you two you know nothing happened here are we together the man said if i be a man of god go and launch into new dimensions this guy goes back and starts smoking as soon as he gets the bad way because the spirit was there unmoved by the arrogance of the man of god that's how we destroy many people someone comes and tells you i have i am ss and it's in the name of jesus it is done go the person comes back and said nothing happened i said well you see faithless people like you i don't know why there are too many testimonies in my life no no that's a foolish man of god a man of god who really loves god will say look i will keep praying for you but i want your heart to be open there are still possibilities in the body so when god says all things are possible they are not possible just because you are a christian they are possible because he has distributed these dimensions to the body is god speaking to you please hear me brothers and sisters you may be born again and still die in poverty if you ignore what god represents the systems he has built you are not going to create look this guy will not pray himself into becoming excellent no his prayer life will not suddenly manufacture into this his prayer life will give him the revelation that will make him come and meet this person are we together this guy is excellent but he's not going to heal the sick with balloons and stickers he's going to heal the sick when his spirit is alive and strong and that will happen when he acknowledges the ministry of this listen meeting the people is not necessarily how to receive just being open to the body alone let me tell you something there are ministries that i have received from even more than the members of that ministry i have never seen their pastors i have never gone to those ministries but just because my heart is open i have received wisdom from people like dr mike murdock i've never been to the wisdom center i've never sat down one-on-one under his administration but my heart has been opened to what he represents to the ministry he's an apostle of wisdom whether you say seed seed seed is collecting money i take what i believe is consumable for me and whatever part i think is an excess i lovingly just drive it but i don't throw the baby on the bad water i know how to receive from ministries i tell you [Music] this is a message for us and god is helping us we are going to really pray tonight [Music] discerning the body give us a scripture again for this course not for these courses for this course you have written jam 10 times who told you there is no way out but sir i always read that's what you think is responsible for success alone but there is a provision in the body [Music] do you believe this i remember the doctor when he was giving his testimony when he came and met me he said he's going to go and write exams i said go and be a doctor listen corey komaya many of you may know him he passes a church in worry the wife of um bishop what's his name in living faith not abuye bishop aramu they have twins and so he came to greet the woman and bishop aramu's wife looked at corey komaya's wife and he looked at her and took what the field she was putting threw it on her and said what are you doing go and get to his jaw immediately she was pregnant with twins she's giving back to twins now now you have been crying for twins but there is a woman with the mantle she's even playing with it go and get to his jaw in the body but there are some people saying lord one child whether the child is well or not just give me something that comes out of me whereas the but please i want you to take what i'm saying very seriously i am a product of many anointings i keep rising because i love the body not just because i'm anointed i was not born with every possibility in my life i honored my way through them and the key is to love the body the body may be imperfect i know there are false prophets but the the prophetic mantle is still in nigeria i know there are false apostles but the prophetic mentalist i know there are money mongers but there are still people with the prosperity mantle don't just because you have one or two case studies throw everything in the body of christ and you destroy yourself [Music] is god speaking to us you have to change your perception we make a miracle work a promise light in the darkness that is [Music] you can choose the way people are trying to be established and be established at 45 and build your first house at 55 and die at 60 of high blood pressure or you can find out lord is there a system you have created that can help man run elijah told ahab sat to your ass i always knew that if you must run you run on donkeys so he had the best donkey but there was another system falling to ahab but the prophet knew it the bible says the hand of god came upon him let me tell you something all the methods you know is not all there is there are faster and more effective routes to anything i have seen men brothers and sisters within two years of their work with god they have carried crisis and actions that will make other people angry and say i sought god for 10 years before the healing anointing came i don't know how you sought him but this brother sought him in a system that made two years become like 20 years this is the key to advancement if god says this is our your multiplied grace then there is a technology he wants to give you to run let me tell you we have been working but it's time to run it's time to run the key is discerning the body the key is discerning the body [Music] the lord instructed me to empty my account and so it into a particular ministry when i did that i was shocked it was like charm one month of non-stop favor permit me to use the word wicked favor i've seen favor in my life [Music] the same way i have seen pastors who just came and sat down some of you are like that they came from other ministries they never got to see me but they went back and all of a sudden their next meeting things just changed [Music] one man of god went to i think it was bishop or so and saw the seed i shared with you the story well because the noun that you have come is recognized that you have a church in your area you know that looks arrogant isn't it but the man knows what he's saying the man went back and in one service they had 500 newcomers 500 500 listen the men of god and the spiritual structures that carry these systems may have their arrogance they may have their imperfections but create a system to look beyond it you know what you are finding if you find god you will find him if you are finding a loudness you will find him but for you to think all you have seen is all there is in god you are joking please hear me this thing called favor does not just fall on people because you read it in scripture there are men carrying this team bodily is like a mantle on their head anywhere they go anywhere they go we were at the airport i was just sitting down we were waiting for a boarding call and while we're sitting a gentleman just came a man of god he said sorry are you opposed to joshua salman i said ah somebody has come to embarrass me again and then the person you know we just spoke and he just said excuse me he just went and put money in an envelope and brought it and dropped it just like that is it working in your life some of you know why because you think it must come through your personal secret place look god has created do you know the spiritual discipline it takes for a man to carry some of these things people have labored for you so that by the grace of god and through the power of a corporate life you can enter into certain possibilities trying to dig the well afresh your lifetime is not enough to enter every dimension by yourself if it takes 10 years to catch a particular spiritual possibility how long do you have to live to get all of them so god has created men your honor and your love for the body opens you up automatically to that dimension those of us who have the art of criticizing the body you on your television and everybody you keep scrolling channel after channel insulting everybody you go to church and your pastor you look at him saying all these anglican people said they are about just keep quiet look for christ and you will find him look for excellence you will find it look for anointing look for prayer look for these graces and you will find them that's what i've chosen to do i'm like that's why i told you i'm like a spiritual archaeologist i go around the body of christ with my bag of treasures when i find it he said they are life to those who find them that's how we found a grace for long life that we transported like gold from equity state to calinonia we landed it here i know how it came it came from a city and a territory that had a covenant of long life 141 years still alive i said no way we must receive this our seed went for it but those people prayed for us with their with the mama prayed on barefoot when it landed on my life i knew we're coming back from yola there was so much trouble turbulence in the air they had to turn back the plane turned back from yola back to abuja because the turbulence was too much now when they carried us i mean it was as if we're going to drop god is my witness i was sleeping the mysteries that surround my life are many what you see is not all that there is you try it and see it's like obama you know how obama is walking you want to shoot him and you just die somebody shoots you from where you do not know because they are watching the keeper of israel he never sleeps no slumber he's watching over me that's my testimony the keeper of israel he never sleeps no slumbers yeah he's watching over me there are men that have a covenant of deliverance with god they will enter trouble as if there is no tomorrow quarter to same god will show up when you have even concluded david was such a person some tree many are there he said how many are they that trouble me many are dead that rise up against me many are dead that say where is his god he said but thou o lord at a shield for me listen it's not every man that said that they didn't have it david had it it's called the covenant of peace in the hebrews called the covenant of shalom peace the covenant that makes god show up when a man has struggled there is such a covenant there is such a mantra you need it in this nigeria you don't need to look for trouble you just need to be in nigeria trouble will come and find you but sometimes you cannot defend yourself but when that mystery is at work you will see god turn things it's like well jordan they said no no no but i know this person is supposed three causes i understand waving one but three causes why you there is something they do not understand more than the senate of apu i want you to believe this men walk upon mysteries that's why two people can go through the same thing another person would die but another person said i don't know what happened i was right at the edge of a breakthrough but couldn't see [Music] my troubles held me down depression let me down god kept me [Music] so i wouldn't let go his mercy kept me [Music] listen there are lots of ladies who are saying no man has come to ask me out i know i'm not preachy it's a lie it's a lie there are married women with 10 children and somebody is still saying sorry can we have dinner it's a grace well you can argue it because you went to school i'm telling you it's a grace you see this education is good but you have to be careful the realm of the spirit is far superior to the intellectual realm there's a gentleman in this ministry i've never seen somebody with that grace there is nothing he does not do that doesn't prosper he has done all kinds of things if that guy sells pampers i don't mean it in a shop from his house there are no children here but you will buy it something will make you just say let me buy it and give somebody as a gift that's the kind of grace it has i know people who have their shop they sit down alone and eat everything in the shop because you have business intelligence but you have not opened up yourself to that dimension please as we begin to pray let your prayer lift you in the spirit where you scan for where you have ignored and let's cry out and say lord there is no prosperity in my life i've been trying to fake it but this thing is not there let it come do you know if it comes before miracle service you can have a testimony that dwarfs everything is because you think everything you walk you work for is what you must get there are people who have worked for things the grace can direct them to you [Music] for this course for this course there are women who desire men they have six ladies and their about their home is about to scatter because they are looking for a man and the man is saying this is your last chance if you ever give me a girl you are following that girl to go out of the house of course that's a stupid reason but do you know there is a woman with 12 boys why don't you exchange it [Music] who taught you that these things are not transferable [Music] you can transfer the charge card empty and cheer but you can't transfer spiritual version who lied to you you break your 2000 era charge card and give somebody 500 and he receives it and you don't believe you can transfer spiritual virtues who lie to you that i cannot impart upon you grace for prayer that my agreement with god can come on you listen listen guys i don't know how we think sometimes honestly [Music] i can tell you i want to browse i have five thousand arrive my phone true or false and i can say okay send one thousand you just need to press a code and your your amount will be deducted and then it will come to somebody and he's just sitting down and his phone rings credited with one thousand error did he work for it you could share it because you are willing to share and he was willing to accept who told you you cannot do that spiritually you can transfer health not healing health you can transfer it believe me if you can transfer sickness why can't you transfer health please answer me biology teaches us airborne disease what's the other one waterborne disease and whatever you want to call you can transfer it you can transfer wealth these things are first spiritual you can receive it [Music] if you don't believe what i'm saying get said it to struggle in this life because it's not by power it's not by might we have ignored god's system of making things easy for us god is not a wicked god if you do not walk with the body and this is all you have you will make god look like a wicked god because you'll be like oh god help me let me tell you the answer is not in heaven someone on earth is walking in your prayer point and if only your heart will be open prayer was not just desired for petitions alone it was designed as a spiritual system to help you grow but most of our prayer life has been channeled towards bleeding because we have ignored the body are we together there are people in life they may not be so spiritual but there is there is no time they cry for help the help does not arise there are people like that because their grandmother bless them and say may you always find help she transferred something from her and it landed on that little baby who could not say amen the baby grew not knowing there was such a possibility but the baby noticed that every time i go somewhere help us arrive brothers and sisters he said grace there are people who their grandfathers were herbalists [Music] but they laid hands on them and said mayo i see they grew up as children from age 4 5 they started seeing they are not born again because originally from god they were called to walk in a prophetic dimension but it was corrupted until the transference came through divination when they get born again god does not cancel it it only corrects it there is a switch of kingdoms upon which that possibility operates that's why when an occultist gets born again he doesn't stop seeing vision it only comes back under the authority of christ he's speaking to you by the spirit there are dimensions of the spirit that are possible see this house coinonia is a great house this house called nunonia is a great house there are all kinds of possibilities for your taking now you can sit down and argue it is this is real is this possible or you can say lord i'm tired it's not this hard and it is not this heart [Music] from thank you i will for the next 10 minutes [Applause] we're going to pray listen your prayer you are not asking god for anything you are just going to pray in the spirit i want you to prepare your spirit for a distribution of mantles a distribution of mantles a distribution of possibilities possibilities possibilities [Music] possibilities [Music] if it is me if it is in the body of christ it must be yes uh i oh my tv my my teeth me first um results are possible in the kingdom results are possible in the kingdom results are possible in the kingdom results are possible in the kingdom [Music] hallelujah listen to me listen listen [Music] listen let me teach you something there are pastors here you have never seen the hand of god show up in your meetings it's an insult on yourself it's not it's not about prayer and fasting there are cheap possibilities you can step into [Music] there are churches there are prayer groups for years you are four five you become 20 you come back to three why punish yourself it's not so hard why don't you open up your spirit to receive there are people there's no man in your life to help you you work for everything it's a cause don't think you are making progress just because you have a job it's a cost to not have helpers show up for you [Music] there is a place called zion and god can send help to men we're a ministry that has been greatly helped by god do you believe that we are going to pray [Music] the next two to three minutes i want you to pray listen [Music] anointing is not just a spiritual thing that lands on your head no an anointing is simply an impartation that opens a dimension of spiritual possibility please hear what i'm saying an anointing does not do everything your request direct its operation are we together now you don't just say god anoints me it's not a wise prayer father everything is working in my life but this prosperity thing lord i don't see helpers arise for me i beg and i struggle for everything i get in trouble and pay for it by myself there is an anointing for exemption lord i see that there is no influence in my life you know the area you need grace for i'd like you to pray like your heart will come out of your body cry for the dimension you will see in your life please help us hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to give us three prayer points i want you to pray it with fire because as you pray it god will answer it number one father the anointing for speed the anointing for speed that i will run everybody will see that this is speed release it upon me in the name of jesus me hallelujah let me tell you brothers and sisters what you are receiving in this prayer will speak i assure you it will it will please don't think god is playing games with you we are not serving an idol i show you a mystery that has made and is making my life i know what i'm saying prayer point number two lord multiply my results multiply my results list your voice and pray multiply my results financial resources oh impact myself oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] listen listen [Music] look at me [Music] when listen have you seen a man who wears this attire of masquerade some of us where we come from you know men who are also masquerade there is a language they use when you see men who are masquerade they say they cook them [Music] they say they cook the man that's why he can speak that's what is happening to you now that that thing that they said they cook a man that you come out and it will be like charm is on you that's what is happening [Music] the last prayer point [Music] or at least the next one listen people hear me hear me i don't know how to beg you to pray this prayer point but you've heard me say it i'd like you to call your helpers listen [Music] you listen until your helper shows up you can remain in one position for decades listen a helper is not a volunteer a helper is a man anointed to rescue you listen you may die and not be able to move to certain dimensions until the helper arises listen listen there are many families with no helpers there are many lives with no helpers there are people who need jobs no helpers intelligence no helpers it's a prayer i pray every day listen there is no helper that comes on his own accord they are called i have seen financial helpers in my life i have seen all kinds of helpers any good information that can help caution they call me man of god there is so and so have you considered it listen you need them to move forward say in the name of jesus salted coin in the name of jesus tonight by the anointing of the holy ghost i speak with the spirit of my helpers hear the word of the lord show up in my life lift your voice and pray lift your face help us foreign so hallelujah hallelujah look up everyone please listen why is he praying that prayer point hear me i know what helpers can do where a man shows up from nowhere and says i came to help you there is such a thing listen listen [Music] many ladies are married because a helper showed up many people have gotten jobs there are people i have been a destiny helper to many people i remember someone who was trusting god for promotion and in a meeting i met somebody who was like um a representative of that company and i called the person i said i know this person please if there is any assistance they can render honestly out of respect for me that guy was promoted to a position that even surprised me help us somebody needs to talk to somebody about you you can talk to them say in the name of jesus whoever needs to talk about me for my help to come i release you to speak on my behalf go ahead and pray go ahead and pray from hallelujah hallelujah listen listen what's he praying over help us there are many of us the trouble you are in now you can't bring yourself out it's not just by praying fasting you need a human vessel to show up we are going to pray say in the name of jesus every mountain standing before me every close door standing before me whoever holds the key by prophecy i call the person open that door for me mr voice and pray i wish hello hallelujah hallelujah yeah look up the bible says very librarian i say unto you if you have faith as small as a monster city he said thou shall say to this mountain listen every challenge in your life has a spirit component to it we're so rounding up but make sure you pray this prayer pray it with everything you have say in the name of jesus every disappointment everything every challenge in my life sponsored by hell i declare that the powers behind those problems you come on that judgment now mr joyce and pray for every power we pray one more prayer point listen there are many of us god wants to bless you but your heart has been closed so you do not receive other blessings from the body this prayer is going to open you up to the possibilities in the body say in the name of jesus i repent from criticizing the body saying the name of jesus my heart is open to every blessing every dimension every possibility in the body therefore i call every anointing every grace every mantra every answer required for my next level come upon my life begin to pray begin to pray every man [Music] hallelujah except you're under the anointing please lay your hands on your head i want to speak to you listen the bible says they know not neither will they understand please listen he told abraham he said look eastward southward not words it says everywhere the soul of your feet threads upon listen there is a mystery of dominion that men can hold firm grasp of territories and dimensions [Applause] [Music] i've taught you there are five elements upon which the supernatural finds expression number one is light number two fire number three wind [Music] number four the earth are we together one of the mysteries that we're using listen the earth is a universal point of contact no matter how high a building is it must make contact with the earth i want to pray for you this is a very deep mystery very deep mystery [Music] it's time for you to come into supernatural dimensions of influence this is an impartation for influence [Applause] [Music] listen listen when it was time [Music] listen when it was time for jacob to bless his sons he said put your hand under my time i'm about to speak to you and impart grace for influence there is a grace there is a grace i pray for you you are stepping up on the ground i'm not speaking to you now i speak to the earth you have ears and you have doors hear the word of the lord i speak to you according to the measure of grace that has been given to me i pray in the name of jesus that every time your people are in trouble for as long as the earth their feet is upon the earth let the head fight for them said job said in times of war you will be accepted because you are made a covenant with the stones i pray for you for as long as your feet is on the ground may no man be able to defeat you may no man be able to defeat you may no man i pray for you [Music] as you are stepping your feet on this ground go where new in the spirit new territories in finances new territories new territories in the name of jesus new territories new frontiers [Music] hallelujah listen the last prophetic act still with your feet listen ayah the bible says jericho was a fortified city no man could break into it but man there the israelites were not strong in themselves and the lord said you are going to use your feet as a prophetic act to bring that city down it says walk around it is a sink it is a clap use your leg and match the head make contact with the head from which you came seven times hold on i'm not telling you to do it and the moment they did it the bible says on the seventh day go around seven times and then he said after that seven times shout and when they shouted the world did not fall it sunk [Music] i pray for you the same way every physical mountain is connected to the earth there is no mountain hanging in the space it makes contact with the head i pray for you in the name of the lord god of heaven as your feet is stepping upon this ground any human agent any spiritual agent responsible for the predicament in your life if i become that god this this night i declare angels [Music] [Music] i say it again whoever is responsible for the tears of any man standing here as surely as there is a god please hear me i'm speaking prophetically in the name that is above all names that force that will refuse to let you rise by the lord god of heaven that name called the man of war suffer the adventure of men right now i command those altars wherever they are as we are standing on the ground may they catch fire now right now i release a miracle hallelujah in one minute i like to prophesy and say i'm rising to another dimension no force go ahead and pray no force no power no spirit are you praying no force no power no spirit no force no power no spirit [Music] hallelujah every family under shame and disgrace here i declare in the name of jesus that that plague of shame and disgrace comes to an end now it comes to an end now whatever has made a mockery of your family before men they look at you and it's like a subject of apology by the mystery of the body i pray right now let things change let things change by the supply of the spirit let things change everybody here who has written an exam who ordinarily you are supposed to fail it would have been a carryover now i pray for you i change it from the realm of the spirit i change it from the land of the spirit by the mercy of the god of david by the goodness of the god i change it in the name of jesus every academic breakthrough you desire that ordinarily would not have happened to you i pray by the grace that is upon this house step into that desire step into that desire step into that desire in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah amen god bless you please be seated good evening everybody luke 24 good evening everybody inside and outside all those following us online good evening or whatever time it is in the nation you are streaming from luke 24 [Music] blessed be the name of the lord who has given us wisdom and access to the mysteries of his kingdom lord we acknowledge you we thank you we are very grateful you have made us wise wise through your word luke 24 are you there i'd like us to read verse 45 luke 24 and we read verse 25 luke 24 45 then open he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures i like us to read it together one to read it means that the understanding of a man is like a gate in the spirit until it is open you cannot comprehend truth you can look at it you can hear it but you will never receive anything that's why the bible says the canal man cannot receive anything of the spirit because it is spiritually discerned and the secret to that discernment is that your understanding be opened are we together now um you can come and sit down and hear us teach and hear us talk no matter how anointed [Music] the communications of the spirit is until your understanding is open it cannot profit you that's why you can be sharing a testimony with someone that should bless the person and the person will turn and say so what i mean what about it they are understanding the bible says who the god of this world has blinded their minds their understanding so that they will not comprehend these things lord give me understanding lord give me understanding can you lift your voice and pray in one minute i'm not here to argue with you [Music] i already see the way my life is rising nothing will interrupt that ascension i already see you making [Music] and bringing beauty and glory out of my life [Music] hallelujah praise the lord you can't believe the song that i'm hearing in my spirit [Music] don't mind me it's spiritual listen listen you know if you are not spiritual sometimes you will think we're just playing here the bible says the spirit and the bride tells the world to come are we together so the spirit hears what the world wants to do so when the spirit says come the bride must echo e2 and say come so you are reflecting what the spirit is saying if he says come you say come to you an echo so if there is a sound of melody and thanksgiving i'm only a conduit trust me it's because someone's breakthrough someone's lifting [Applause] you can feel motivated and just sit down but for someone else he knows that this this is not can we sing that song [Applause] we're going to sing that song and we're going to dance to the glory of god are you ready let's get the devil mad hey victory i oh one more time oh everybody everybody everybody [Applause] foreign [Applause] hallelujah god uses listen god uses the foolishness listen hold on hold on hold on god uses the foolish things just this two three minutes praise you may think that it was just an entertainment or some youthful things but no it was the key to someone's breakfast hallelujah hallelujah we're going to shout one more time listen hold on you have shouted calm down relax [Applause] i know when the spirit of god is behind what is happening i can assure you that we are sensitive people to the spirit listen listen calm down please relax now this shout is not an ordinary shout listen to me i'm speaking to you there is an anointing on the shout and this is a shout of warfare listen this is a shout of breakthrough this is a shout of lifting this is a shout that will tone captivity [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] me such an anointing i pray that we'll be able to do something today honestly the waters have been scared the waters has been stirred the waters has been steered do you know why god does these things let me tell you some of the people you see under the anointing is not just impartation the prophetic word of the lord is coming upon their lives some of them you see under the anointing is direction some of you the fact that you are not under the anointing you may think you are not receiving anything no there's no such thing as that the moment the word is coming it's just that the reaction of the word of god upon the human spirit differs sometimes the impact of the word upon your spirit that's what you see just carries people literally because the word of god is living it's not what your bible teaches it is living living things move living things i mean they have a form they can be felt [Music] hallelujah if there is nothing to learn tonight just the fact that the possibilities in god listen the possibilities in god are only limited by our level of alignment not god's power i was not born like this not god's power please listen god chooses to speak to people in different ways he can speak and communicate to his servant he can speak through situations and circumstances he can speak to signs and wonders what you see are not just miracles they are called signs and wonders why does he do this to the end that we will believe him we will trust him someone who is coming to colonia for the first time with all his you know knowledge about god will probably be seated now wondering i mean you are seated close to someone and you are watching god do these mighty things before them how could you say it's a lie i have made you too small in my heart [Music] forgive me and i have believed in a love that you i know [Music] [Applause] for the people who came out by the spirit of god i prophesied to them as the holy spirit has put in my spirit a new beginning a new beginning in your spiritual walk with god the lord is putting in you a fresh appetite for the things of the spirit he's putting in you a fresh appetite that will cause you to desire him above and beyond anything and the lord is saying that as you give him your time and give him your attention he will use you mighty he will use you mightily he will use you mightily in the name of jesus christ amen let's sit down let's try to study something wherever we stop are we together now i will start wherever we stop we can easily continue next week just be sensitive i believe that a lot more impartations will happen even as i teach one of the things that i have seen especially recently osha's that gentleman you are holding hold on he needs to be delivered [Music] just just don't worry he will go but as you were lifting him i didn't see him free lord let him be free in the name of jesus that gentle man there i cause every devil [Music] he came for coinonia and i speak to that spirit no matter how long you have prevailed over his destiny you must let him go this is a place of freedom it's a place of emancipation and lord i declare complete freedom for him in jesus name god bless you [Music] there's been a lot of confusion in the body of christ um even among mature believers personally i've had to take out time to study this subject and is the subject of discerning the will of god please pay attention what i'm teaching you now is very powerful very powerful one of the areas of confusion in our lives and in the body of christ is the inability to accurately discern the will of god for our lives hence confusion even among the most matured of believers are so many of us who are unable to make progress in different areas of our lives because of our inability to accurately discern the will of god i have taken our time in recent times to study this subject because i believe that is useful in my own life and in the body of christ and i think that which i will share will bless you is a very broad subject but wherever we stop because i want us to pray hallelujah i want us to really pray [Music] so there's been confusion lord should i stay in zaria or should i be in abuja lord should i do this should i do that the inability to create a system around our lives that helps us to discern what we believe god is communicating there are people right now who have gotten married they love god but in their minds they believe that their marriages were not according to the will of god are we together please pay attention this is very important there are people today who have been in regions where they believe it's not the will of god there are people who are in all kinds of confusion and these things can create a lot of tenseness a lot of worry um is there a system in god by which a man can accurately discern the will of god are we together [Music] because the bible tells us in matthew chapter 6 when you read from verse 10 jesus teaching the disciples how to pray he told them that the kingdom of god only comes when and if his will has been done are we together so he ties the manifestation of the kingdom of god to his will not your will in fact we see how much jesus christ so desired the will of the father to be done this is what he said in gethsemane he said father if it be possible this is my will now take this cup of me nevertheless not my will but your will be done there are so many lives that are in a state of perpetual dissatisfaction some is almost like a stigma and a guilt they carry for the rest of their life because they feel that at one point or the other they did not accurately discern the will of god businesses jobs marriages ministries there are many pastors who believe that they wrongly went to certain ministries they just felt that no i did not hear god well and the sad part of it listen is that there are people who took actions based on what at the time they were taking the actions they perceived and believed it to be the will of god is god helping us tonight so at the time they applied for the job at the time they went abroad for instance at the time they did what they did they believed and perceived at that time that it was the will of god so part of the things that i'm going to be discussing today is what exactly is the will of god what are the dimensions to the will of god can the will of god change are we together this is very important it will make us mature and it will make us be able to work circumspectly [Music] hallelujah because your advancement in life and my advancement in life will be tied to my understanding the will of god part time and the ability to take steps in that direction did you know i discovered especially recently that believers are not so rebellious if they know what the will of god is they have the stamina to follow along the challenge usually and largely is that the will of god is not known and so men are left in limbo as to what directions to take in their career in their lives and they've been all kinds of teaching and theories about the will of god so pay attention hallelujah the word logos write it down please l-o-g-o-s is the word that is translated in john chapter 1 verse 1 as word w-o-r-d is the word logos so when the bible says in the beginning was the word the word there is the word logos and the word logos means the thoughts of a man please write it down the thoughts the thinking of a man the word logos means the ideas of a man the thoughts of a man the ideas of a man number three the word logos also means the desire or the intention of a man so when we talk about the word logos we mean number one the thoughts of a man number two the ideas of a man number three the desires or the intention of a man then number four the communications of a man the speakings of a man which is consistent with what he's thinking the speakings of a man for most people is only number four that we know so every time we say the word of god what comes to our mind is just the communications the speakings of god that is correct but the bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks it says for i know the thoughts jeremiah 29 11 please give it to us jeremiah 29 11 it says for i know the thoughts that i think so we see that it does not start with god speaking it starts with god thinking are we together jeremiah 29 11 for i know the thoughts that i think to what you say at the lord right thoughts of good or of peace and not of evil right to bring you a what a future and an expected end not just an end an expected end i know the thoughts that i think towards you said the lord they are thoughts of good or thoughts of peace so god is thinking now listen the will of god represents his idea his desire are we together his thoughts for a man for a people that's the will of god so when we talk about the will of god there's no mysticism around it it's a communication of god's desire his intent his idea on that subject matter or on your life [Music] the will of god represents his thoughts his idea his desire for your life or for whatever subject it is that you're considering now i want you to know something about the will of god listen the will of god is applicable only as far as his purposes are concerned this is very important the will of god is applicable only as far as his purposes are concerned meaning that anything that does not directly culminates to the birthing of the purposes of god his will of his will is not committed there you are not going to hear god's opinion over a matter that is not directly tied to the advancement of his kingdom are we together let me give you an instance i can't remember what i ate today but i can assure you that it was not god that told me to eat it are we together if i decide to take this water now it was not the holy spirit that spoke to me are we together because com whether i take swan water or um ragoulis or whatever it is that activity does not in any way interrupt the advancement of god's kingdom are we together so the will of god in terms of his sovereign desire is not committed to act there he gave man a will also follow me now the will of man is also useful as far as our work in this kingdom is concerned so there are two wheels here there is the will of god or what i call the sovereign will of god because there are different theological explanations about the will of god there is what according to theologians when you read romans chapter 12 when you read um from verse one and two verse one specifically right it talks about verse two sorry it talks about the good the perfect the acceptable will of god that's not my subject of discussion today those are just theological understandings and there is a place for them but my my assignment is to help us understand how to discern the will of god to ask god whether you should bob your hair or not is silly because according to his wisdom that matter is within the jurisdiction of your human will to solve are you getting what i'm saying now whether i bob or i don't bob as far as my assignment and the advancement of the kingdom as committed to me is concerned it is inconsequential so really god does not care but for something it was a serious issue because his bobbin or no barbie contained the secret to his strength which made him a judge over israel and so because of that god had to put his mouth even in the issue of his hair so god is only committed and he will manifest his will along the dimensions where the advancement of his kingdom is concerned do you understand this is very important the third thing i want you to know is your human will is useful and it can make decisions also that are consistent with the will of god there is the human will in fact to be honest with you the one factor that makes us different from every other creation is that god gave us a mind and in that mind there is what we call um psychologically and theologically also will emotion intellect right the three components that make up our soul our will our emotions and then our intellect is god helping us now so in birthing the purposes of god there is a mutual interplay of the will of man and the will of god there are certain decisions please pay attention there are certain decisions where god will never allow the will of man to contribute in the decision because of the gravity of that activity with respect to his kingdom are we together there are certain activities that god will leave to the jurisdiction of man's will because regardless of what option the man takes it will not directly affect him listen if god took away the will of man then he will be wicked because man would not be serving him willingly so he made two trees in the garden of eden are we together one he called the tree of what life is that true and the other was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil why would god put two trees in the garden i mean he would have just annihilated everything that could cause man to fall but he put those two threes and then he told man he said man this is my option for you i want you to live eternally right and so on and so forth however of this tree do not eat it of this tree you can eat it freely eat of any tree and then man choose to violate the purposes of god that leads me to the next point the will of man can super impose over the will of god god is helping us tonight the will of man can super impose over the will of god that's not to mean the will of god is weak that's how much liberty that's how much dominion that's how much of the god class this man has been made to function an example of this according to god's divine order and predetermined council the nation of israel were never supposed to have an earthly king are we together it was god's design that his suffering to be felt even by man and so he always wanted to be their king a nation of people who had god only as their king so that they would not be tempted to get into human worship or idolatry or any of such kinds of things but the bible says the nation of israel themselves they came together and they said give us a kick are we together the crowning of saul as king was never god's intention read your bible the people pressured the prophet somewhere and he went to god and god said well if they want a king so be it and saul became the king and from there different kings started coming is god speaking to us are we getting blessed what then brothers and sisters is the key to accurately discerning the will of god at what point in my decision making process am i left to my will alone at what point in my decision making process should my will completely step aside at what point in my decision making process because there are things listen there are things that our human wills can execute and so leaving it up to god is a waste of time we may never get results in some of those areas i'll give you an instance of one of those fallacies financial prosperity for inserts here's what people say if it is the will of god to bless me he will bless me you get the point now so if i am not blessed my assumption is that what it is not the will of god to bless me so i am comfortable in poverty i am comfortable in failure i'm comfortable in mediocrity and when they ask me i say i have a a a premonition in my mind that if god wants to bless me he's so mighty he can bless me are we together now all through scripture listen there are times when we see through the character of the dealings of scripture and that's one of the importance of scripture right the bible says scripture is profitable so when we study scripture among the many things we get is we understand the character of god's dealings with man we know how god deals with man many times in scripture we see that prophets for instance prophesied as commanded is that true they prophesied as commanded you know that although um they played a role in speaking they did not contribute to altering what was communicated there were times when prophet spoke they spoke in their capacity as prophets it was never because god said it they stood upon the strength of their human wheels and prophesied is that true the transference of leprosy from what's the name of that man from naman to gehazi it was at the personal discretion of the prophet simply because the guy went and chased naman and said elisha has changed his mind he said you should give some of the money are we together so we now see that in that act at his discretion i'll give you another example when the children were laughing at elisha the bible says by himself he called a bear out and it ate them so we see all through scripture that the wheels of men found expression over certain matters now [Music] there are two dimensions of the will of god because that's our emphasis there are two dimensions of the will of god i want us to discern and i want us to understand and discuss tonight very briefly and then we pray number one is what i call the written will of god the written will of god that means the will of god as expressed in scripture i told us from the beginning of this discussion that the word logos is translated the thoughts of a man his intention his desire his speakings now look up please the bible is a compendium of god's dealings with man are we together it is the way he has been dealing with man for many years and this bible theologically speaking we are told it contains 66 books you know but of course there are lots of theological perspectives like the apocrypha another extra biblical text the books of joshua and the black sea scrolls and all of that there are other books that the book of enoch and several dealings other books that were written by other apostles like thomas and the rest that did not make it in the 66 books but theologically we accept that by the wisdom of god that this is a compendium of what we call the holy scriptures has given are we together now from genesis to revelation as we know is a recorded a documentation of the dealings of god with man you see the dealings of man within the dealings of god with individuals cities kings backsliders animals people in their the apex of their spiritual life people at the lowest level the the goal is that by studying this among the many other things i receive i can be able to see the synergy of god's character are we together so by my my intimacy with the word i come to a point where experientially i can discern what would have been the dealings of god in this matter based on what he has written is called the written will of god everybody say the written will of god say it again the written will of god it says forever o lord thy word is settled and then he says your word is a lamb unto my feet and a light to my path is that true very very important it says heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot will come out of his word and so we believe that the scriptures are holy they were not written by perfect men but then the bible says holy men wrote it as they were moved of the spirit so regardless of their temperament regardless of the the manipulations in translation i don't want to begin to give you all the the church history behind the formation of these 66 books because it's a lot of stories are we together certain editings in this bible as we know were not done by those who wrote it it was done by a class of theologians and different people who translated the bible and made it consumable for us like the king james version being one of the earliest versions the story of king james is a very old story the man who authorized that this be translated purely in english and be communicated to people say long story are we together now but then as we know it because there are many people who would argue that these scriptures are not complete and truly speaking when you study the theological dimension of the word you will find out that there are certain translations or communications that were an error of the translators are we together it did not hold the original thoughts of those who are speaking for instance when you read the encounter of john the baptist i mean john the revelator where he says the lord speaking to him i am alpha and omega the word an omega there is an error in translation there is no end it is i am alpha omega but the communication of um the old testament was written in hebrew and the greek test the new testament was largely written in greek and aramaic so that was the communication and sometimes in these translations the men who did the translation themselves um judge certain things based on their spiritual limitations however the holy ghost has been able to breathe upon this such that even with the imperfections it is enough to be able to guide you to understand god are we together so the imperfections in the bible notwithstanding they are not so grave as to confuse a christian is that true now look up please before this book this bible as we know was released to believers because our generation we were born and we grew knowing the bible to be available is that true but that's not the way it was in the old times in ancient times they were not giving you did not go home with a bible the bible as we know were called scrolls are we together and this cross contained the pentatons the five books of moses called in the hebrew the torah are we together these five books were kept together with the prophets and other writings of these people they were kept and uh other documents that we call the annuals of the kings the dealings of kings they were kept in the temple the priests were the custodians of this crows because they were precious so what would happen is that it's still practicing the anglican sometimes you see that they have um different pulpits and with one there is a big bible that is permanently left there if you are taking the first reading or the second reading you don't come with your own bible you just come and it's open you look for the scripture you read and go back that was the way it was in luke chapter 4 for jesus because the bible says that one time he came to the temple and it was given to him he didn't come with it are we together it was given to him the prophecy of messiahs the messianic prophecy isaiah 61 was a messianic prophecy it was speaking about jesus but then prophetically to the church is god helping us now and so when um jesus began to read that one the bible says he folded the scroll when he finished and kept it back and said this day right is this fulfilled in your ears so the first operation or the first dimension to discerning the will of god is the understanding of the character of god as communicated through scripture that's what i mean by the written will of god the written will of god entails understanding his character not necessarily his unique instructions his character to know how god would have operated over certain matters [Music] now listen whether you read the old testament you read the new testament you read the law the prophets the gospels the epistles or the book of revelation it doesn't matter what dimension every book of the bible contains um either directly or prophetic representations of god's dealings with man now when i study the bible listen what is happening to me is that i'm bringing my spirit to oneness with the way god does these things are we together that's what we call righteousness there is the gift of righteousness but there is an operation of righteousness where you understand god's ways of doing things are we together then the second dimension of this written word are direct instructions that are written in the bible direct instructions there are certain opinions of god he did not live in the dark it was clearly stated one example there is nobody who gets up right now a man wanting to marry a man are we together and then he's trying to pray or find out is it really the will of god for me to marry james or to marry junior or to marry whoever the will of god on that matter was not left in the dark therefore shall a man a what leave his father and mother command and cleave to his [Music] are we together and they too shall become one flesh so two men scripturally cannot become one flesh two women cannot become one flesh are we together so you do not attempt to use any other strategy to seek the will of god on that matter the will of god is written is clear it's up to you to align with that will or rebel against it let me tell you something about the will of god as written in scripture god does not necessarily punish people his laws were designed with consequences attached to them so violating those principles expose you by default to certain things [Music] it says he that breaks the hedge it is i will bring a serpent he that breaks the hedge the serpent with what strike bringing all the tights into my storehouse that there may be meat that is my will i want to increase you but this is what i have put and if you refuse you can choose to refuse but the moment you choose rebellion you also choose the consequence that comes with it the devorah so god will never cast the devourer out of it the devorah is roaming around your own assignment is to exempt him from your vicinity but he's there are you getting what i'm saying now the written will of god now let me tell you the truth there are many aspects of our lives where by faithfully studying the bible or being open to quality teachings of the word of god we are brought into an experiential comprehension of the will of god all that we teach that we call the laws of the kingdom are a communication of god's will to prosper us now you may be asking is it god's will for me to prosper you go to the bible right i know the thoughts that i think towards you say it who not a prophet the lord thoughts of good and thought of peace to bring you joshua chapter one verse eight this book of the lord shall not depart from out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou mayest observe to do all that is written hearing then shall down make your way prosperous and thou shalt have good success so is my prosperity left in the hands of god no it left the hands of god sins he said thou shalt make your way prosperous and thou shalt have good success can i go to heaven poor yes will i live in heaven on earth no are we together now the will of god now let me tell you something every time you desire to know the will of god the first place to find the will of god i know why i'm taking our time to teach this because when i talk about the second dimension then we're going to talk about a lot of other things if there's time there's no time we continue next week the word of god or scripture is the primary instrument for discerning the will of god please write it down scripture is the primary instrument given to men by god to discern the will of god your chances of working in error are greatly minimized when you consult the bible first as the basis for your comprehension of the will of god concerning a matter i say this because our generation is gradually drifting away from our perception of the will of god as written in scripture to other extra biblical methods and while they are useful they are only secondary and inferior as a matter of fact to the written word of god say the written will of god look up please do you know why many christians are largely confused almost about everything let me admit to you that many christians including preachers don't study their bibles they don't study their bibles if they want to teach on faith they just go online and google faith any material that comes out they just click the scriptures for the teaching but they don't set you down to study the bible not studying the bible will keep you in the dark as regards god's will that has already been written there are so many people years ago when we were a lot fewer before caledonia started um all of us used to participate in holy ghost baptism you know we used to pray for people every night that was how we socialized by getting people filled with the holy spirit and um i remember most times people would come and they would complain and say i wasn't filled i was prayed for in church and i was not filled with the holy spirit the pastor was even angry with me and he said maybe i'm possessed or whatever it is or i should go and come back but that recognition i remember one of the key things god gave me as a revelation was the fact that he desired for everybody to be filled with the holy spirit with evidence of praying in tongues i searched these things scripture after scripture until i came to a point where i was absolutely convinced that everyone should be filled with the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues regardless of denominations and that culminated into a dimension of confidence in me because every time i prayed for people regardless of your hardness i knew and i expected them to be filled you see when the will of god is not known your confidence shakes when the will of god is not known over any matter your confidence shakes [Music] the word of god was given to us as an instrument of discernment to help us understand his perspectives quickly let's look at the second dimension the second dimension to the discernment of the will of god is his revealed will or the second dimension if you want to look at the will of god his revealed will revealed will revealed will revealed will and the nature and the oppression of this will please look up is on matters where you directly would not get a direct word for from scripture and you get what i'm saying issues that concern maybe business issues that concern marriage issues that concern certain things that are personal and unique to you now there are times that you will need to make decisions please listen and these decisions you may not find a direct scripture so that you can get clarity as to what god will want you to do there's no place written in scripture that says that you should remain in zarya and be planted in zaria are we together now you can find scripture about isaac remaining in a land sowing and you can find scripture about people remaining in the land and dying so you see that's confusing on different occasions people did the same thing let me tell you something about the bible that's why we need the second dimension there are a lot of things that seemingly look conflicting about the will of god that's why we need his revealed will is that true [Music] the revealed will of god communicates his unique desire over the personal issue of concern in your life the revealed will of god communicates his personal desire you must understand this it is unique to you look up let me just go ahead of myself very fast the unique will of god for me may not be the unique will of god for you it is dangerous to transfer the communications of god as given to you to someone else because his revealed will comes taylor made to address the unique situation in your life are you getting what i'm saying now for instance in the meeting when we're about to start you saw us doing a lot of foolish things it was the reception my discernment on the will of god he wanted to touch people and bring breakthroughs and the method through which it will be carried out was also revealed are we together the moment i received it all that it was left was that i obeyed and then god brought the performance now if you get up and copy what i did and go to a meeting tomorrow and tell everybody shout they may shout and jump up and down and they pass a paper to you and say you have five more minutes you have wasted time and wasted people's time and then you are angry the revealed will of god is for our personal advancement you do not create doctrines out of the revealed will of god to you because the revealed will of god to you is as a result of so many things there are many factors just follow me we're going somewhere [Music] so we have established the fact that there are two dimensions to the will of god there is the written will of god as communicated in scripture the written will of god does not have exceptions everybody who must walk with god in that area must subscribe to what he has said god will not create an exemption to the rule just for you as far as it is communicated in the bible but the revealed will of god describes his unique communication to you based on your personal need are we together am i are we following together please hallelujah an example of situations that will require the review will of god number one [Music] i'm giving you a few examples you don't have to write them but number one imagine that shadrach is trusting god now for where to settle down as a man i hope you know that if you do not love god and you don't know god usually you walk with your instincts and guess your way around if it's not god's will you pay for it if your instinct suddenly leads you to god's will you enjoy breakthrough most people use instincts and instincts i provision from god but when with the knowledge he knows now he wants to descend the will of god you can take your bible and open it and not directly find where it is written or shadrach wants to ask oh god when do you want me to settle down maritally there's nowhere in the bible written where you will find and share that married 2016. are you getting what i'm saying now so at that point you will need to tap into another source of supply to communicate to you what god wants let me tell you something brothers and sisters i submit to you it pays to walk in the will of god don't ever let anybody preach you into believing that you can compromise the will of god and make progress in life no matter what price it takes to be confident that you are walking in the will of god paid it pays knowing the will of god gives us confidence that's why we cast out devils because his will is communicated to us that's why we walk in the anointing we saw it we read it we understood it we believed it but the confusion in the body of christ now is on the revealed will of god and it's a very technical dimension of working with god and so i came up with a few ways i'm going to give us very quickly three ways three ways the revealed will of god three major ways there may be many you may find them in many textbooks but three major ways to discern the will of god ready number one peace and joy write it down believe me brothers and sisters don't trivialize what you are hearing peace and joy the bible says look up it says the kingdom of god when it is manifested it is not a meat and drink right but it is in righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost many believers have walked out of the will of god the revealed will of god because they neglected the peace of god the bible says the peace of god that surpasses all understanding let it garrison your heart that means the moment i'm about to take a decision or i am trusting god for a revelation over a decision and your peace supernaturally ceases and there is no joy let me tell you joy is not happiness hear me there are times you will be weeping and yet have joy joy don't confuse joy with happiness happiness is circumstantial if i give you one thousand error i expect you to be happy not necessarily joyful there's a song that we used to sing i still have joy i still have joy after all i've been through i still have joy i still have peace i still have peace after all i've been through i still have peace so joy and peace let me tell you there is no man who is not born again who can have peace he says peace i give you peace is only truly experienced not is is not just the word shalom shalom just means a state of rest right nothing missing nothing broken no that's not the word that is used there [Music] it's a the best way to describe that kind of peace was a description of the psalmist he makes me lie down in steel waters peace and joy there are many of us look up please as pastors as leaders as individuals as business people we have been praying and trusting god over certain decisions or we are on our way executing certain decisions and your peace is lifted let me tell you the absence of peace is the absence of the presence of the kingdom which is the absence of the will of god being done because connecting these two scriptures the will of god dawn his kingdom comes and his kingdom is made of peace and joy so wherever the will of god is finds expression there is peace and there is joy say amen the peace of god that surpasses all understanding he says is to garrison our hearts [Music] praise the lord so a lady is about to get married please listen what i'm saying is very serious i want us to pay attention god put this in my heart and i believe it's a blessing for all of us are we together you may be born again you may be tongue talking now watch this um my dear come let me use any of you come now watch this this lady watch this please i come and ask this lady out as an anointed man and she loves god she knows i'm a responsible person are you hearing what i'm saying i'm using a case study now to show you how to communicate and to discern the reviewed will of god and then all of a sudden she wants to tell me yes now listen but in her place of prayer something is happening to her peace and her joy let me tell you when your peace and joy leaves especially when there is no physical reason for it it's a language in the realm of the spirit don't you ever ignore it when you lack explanation as to why you do not have peace over a matter it's a sign to go to god no matter what you are doing stop where you are and find out i don't know why i started with the issue of marriage but let's continue god is speaking listen listen carefully do you know that this lady may have her peace and joy being threatened every time she she thinks of saying yes to me now it's up to her to numb the peace and bind it and cast it and get married to me and then after many years what her peace was saying later plays out have you seen people who say i knew it every time they get into trouble they say honestly and i knew this thing god was telling me i didn't listen let me tell you something the language of peace and joy are standard spiritual languages standard spiritual languages of communication god is helping somebody this night now listen do you know that god may be speaking to this lady and say there are three things have been afraid of answering me based on what she's feeling can mean three things number one it can mean that as good as i am as good as she is we are not the will of god for ourselves it's as simple as that you don't have to be bad number two listen it can be that i am of god for her however there are issues in my life that can implicate our marriage in the days to come so the peace refuses to leave you until that issue is dealt with assuming there is a covenant and i come from a family where all the women that marry men die that's what is about to happen to that lady and so god is that lack of peace god is saying this may be your will but there are issues to resolve now is not the issue of marriage there is a spiritual issue or for instance god forbid but god may be speaking and said joshua salman if you marry this lady now she may have a problem with barriness there is a spirit that is roaming around this life that may cause bloodiness and he's saying i am seizing your peace so that you will deal with that issue have you not seen people when they are delivered they can get up and fall in love are fresh it's like after that deliverance they get up and they're ready to move because the barrier has given way we ignore these things and we pay for it [Music] are we together a businessman is about to get into trouble and he's calling you to come and partner with him and you love him sincerely but every time you want to move something in your spirit just tells you hold up i just say no way anything that will stop my breakthrough you see let me tell you don't just be too scientific with god there are times you must maintain your spirituality at all times one little communication of peace can help you there are many ladies as you are looking at me right now you have gotten into needless troubles if only you listen to the prompting of peace and joy peace was speaking your eyes were seeing money and you followed your way to the grave are we together peace [Music] peace i remember one time a lady who was getting married they had even gone very far very fast and it was almost that time and the lady called me i was crying her life and said for over three days she had not slept she said it's as if she's entering hellfire literally you get up sometimes she says she can shake physically i said something is wrong wrong to your pastor go and talk to him to say ah but too many people are being committed i said who are the people who are the people they will dance on that day and leave you let me tell you something be strict about walking in the will of god i'm only using marriage as a case study but it applies to every area of your life [Music] please i love you and i want to be your roommate and the moment you you move something in you just says no and you are wondering ah but this brother or this sister is i mean the sweetest person can ever be they don't have to be bad for your peace to leave you we're talking of the will of god here the will of god is as designed by god many of us think that when our peace and our joy leaves over an issue it simply means it's wrong you want to travel and your peace and joy leaves it doesn't mean you are going to have accident you will arrive safely it's just not consistent with the will of god for your life danger does not have to happen to prove that a thing is not the will of god for your life it can happen as planned which is even more dangerous is god speaking to someone here [Music] peace and joy number two [Music] dreams visions and prophetic experiences dreams visions and prophetic experiences i wish i didn't have to talk about this because i can spend thank you my dear i can spend a whole night vigil talking about this a whole night vigil talking about these dreams visions do you know satan are so metamorphosed in his technology of manipulating dreams and visions right now to an extent that many people are even afraid of their dreams and visions the devil is a liar in the name of jesus christ let me tell you something anything that is written in the bible is still being used by god is still a valid tool i know that there are all kinds of perversions there are many of us if you hear dream ambition resentment comes in your heart because almost 95 percent of everything you have seen as dreams and visions either did not happen in your life or backfired on you so because of that you hate dreams and visions that's not true the bible says joel chapter 2 he says i shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh are we together and then he says your young men shall what see visions your old men shall dream dreams so visions and dreams and supernatural experiences though being perverted is still a tool that god uses to communicate his revealed will to people if i begin to tell you how and why dreams are perverted we'll have to go into the subject of demonology the operation of demons and i'm not sure our time is up practically so we'll just leave it for another time but let me tell you something dreams can be manipulated visions can be manipulated prophetic experiences can be manipulated however however listen to me there is a way you walk with god to an extent that your dreams and visions become express revelations i know people today who are working effortlessly in the will of god thanks to dreams visions and solid notice my use of word solid prophetic experiences not opinions solid prophetic experiences not all god if it's your will let boss carry us after calling you that's not a wise that's not a wise riddle that you play with god a lot of us do a lot of stupid things lord if it is your will as i'm coming out charles must tell me good evening that means i should i should go home after exams you know all those kind of things are not wise we we fool ourselves when we do that look at me when herod was planning to kill baby jesus did you know that it was a dream [Music] imagine if joseph got about a dream killed with jesus jesus they would have they would have they would have butchered him into pieces the only thing is he wouldn't have died because he's the word are you getting the point now but he would have sabotaged his agenda because he was wearing a human body he wasn't always tempted like us meaning he could face our limitations [Music] a dream joseph was going to divorce mary he found out that mary was pregnant and joseph said you too you know i'm not part of this i don't know what happened to you i'm about to leave you quietly the bible says he was going to leave her quietly and it was in a dream the angel said do not be afraid to take this woman right it's this and that for that which is in her that holy thing it shall be called the son of the highest and on the strength of that dream joseph came and said no problem he continued with her dreams dreams the salvation of egypt was in a dream the king slept and he had a dream seven seasons of plenty seven seasons of luck he caught up with that dream someone interpreted the dream built a strategy around the dream and salvaged the destiny of a nation [Music] are we together dreams and visions are real in fact the salvation of we the gentiles happened through a vision is that true i hope you know before acts chapter 10 no gentiles was saved it was the jews right it was in acts chapter 10 when peter was caught up in a trance and then something came down from heaven imagining peter saw the trance and said god forbid no cornelius house no salvation of the gentiles all of us will be going to hell fire we're spiritual jews but physically we're gentiles i assure you it was a salvation that happened in cornelius house that spread to us dreams visions there are certain decisions i've taken over my life over this ministry by the grace of god that were on the strength of dreams and visions god continues to show me visions today directions communications of the spirit so it is one way to know the revealed will of god now let me tell you something very quickly about dreams and visions you don't have them at will you have to learn this because through witchcraft and scientology you can be manipulated to start having and seeing things at will that is rubbish and jargons it is exclusively the ministry of the holy spirit communicating things to you according to the purposes of god not according to your desire so whether god reveals to me to a vision a prophetic experience a dream it is i can ask him right and then pending on the gravity of the confirmation he can use multiple spiritual channels however it is exclusively of the spirit my calling to ministry the peace and the joy the conviction and all of that but then visions dreams prophetic experiences have added to support my conviction and today millions of people are benefiting from that the last dimension of the speakings of god over his revealed will is the prophetic now i said prophetic experiences before i mean just any supernatural experience but the prophetic let me say that and then we pray and tie it up have you been blessed listen carefully please the prophetic now we just finished dealing on the subject of the body of christ and i told us remember our teaching last week a charity of faith that every provision about the will of god or every provision about the possibilities of god are embedded in the body is that true remember the teaching it may not be at work in your life it may not be a dimension open to you as a person a unique member in the body however that possibility is where in the body is that true now [Music] there are people scattered all around that god has committed and he's still trusting with the gifts of prophecy and others being called into the prophetic and all kinds of prophetic and apostolic offices that are helping the body communicate what is supposed to be the will of god so we see from the bible agabus was one of the prophets who god used to speak to paul is that true saul and and all of that and and then to speak to him and all through scripture we see that god has used prophets to speak to people the prophetic is real and it can give direction the prophetic is real and can give direction the prophetic is a system and a ministry that god designed to help men access the mind of god and access the will of god there are times here by the grace of god that we have called people through the agency of the prophetic and communicated words for them i have counseled people and communicated things to them by the grace of god they have run with these things and their lives have changed so the prophetic is very powerful in communicating the revealed will of god the unique will of god however however let me say this and then we'll tie it up for tonight there is or there are two big limitations to the prophetic in themselves number one is that the accuracy of reception and interpretation write it the accuracy of reception and interpretation is subject to the man of god's personal world content the accuracy listen of both reception of the vision of the world and its communication is largely subject to the man of god's degree or his word content now please look up this is very important i was teaching in enugu and and i said this to them i think it was during the ministers session i told them that the danger with the prophetic is this the manifestation of the gifts of the spirit whether prophetic or any other manifestation will never replace the place of getting the word of god seated in your heart are we together because i told you that one of the things we receive from the word of god is the character of god say the character of god and the operation of god when you study the bible you know how god works so with that knowledge of how god works you will be able to interpret prophetic happenings in the light of the way god works but most of the largely apostolic and prophetic voices that we've had especially in recent times are men and women who either transited from i don't worship are we together they also had their prophetic dimensions and then they now stepped into the prophetic and so there is that corruption because of the absence of the word of god that inability to process spiritual things from the lens of the word of god is responsible for the error in both reception and communication remember when jesus spoke to the man and his eyes were open the bible says he laid hands on him and he said what do you see the man did not see correctly he said he saw men like trees so if you were to ask that man to prophesy you say these three stand up was that a tree it was what is i saw son of man watch yes thou an almond tree you have seen correctly meaning a man can see wrongly that does not mean you are of the devil but that it is your what content that accelerates your degree of reception number one and to your interpretation do you know that if i do not understand the scripture for instance god can open my eyes right now and i can look at shalhoma are we together let's assume for instance that there is witchcraft in our family now i have not studied the bible to understand the dimensions of the operations of demon spirit in the lives of people any vision i see like that i would call it demon possession because that is what my understanding has given me so when i see a spiritual thing wrong with her life instead of separating it from her i now look and say shahoma stand up you are possessed based on what i'm seeing you are possessed and i pray for her and she starts manifesting and she will go back wondering what her prayer and fasting has done and she's now saying so i cannot understand i love god i am born again i'm feeling the holy spirit what is this one that i'm possessed again the name is not possession my inability to understand the word of god is what made me name it possession but the recipient now has received this as possession are you seeing the number one error with the prophetic so most apostles and prophets don't study the bible because they think they are open and inclined to perceptions in the realm of the spirit and they feel if i can see why should i read it [Music] let me tell you something every time you attempt to operate the prophetic without the word of god your chances of doubling into witchcraft and error is very high no matter who you are you don't have to be fake the word of god is what gives they are the guidelines for operating the prophetic so you operate the prophetic within the jurisdiction of the word of god are we together if i look at pastor alpha and his wife for instance and god reveals something to me about paso alpha or his wife that is quite serious and i know is capable of destroying their marriage now watch this i am seeing a vision something for instance about pastor alpha and his wife are we together but i also know that god is not the author of confusion he will not come and destroy a family that understanding will help me in the communication i may tell the wife please see me after service and i discuss it personally are you seeing that now my inability to understand that i can open my mouth and just say something and say to the man and think i'm communicating prophetically and after service they march straight to the court and get a divorce courtesy the prophetic are you getting what i'm saying now there are many women that have been made to leave their husbands so said the prophet madam this your husband is is irrecoverable the way he has already left the things of god into witchcraft and the solution is to leave the man or to tell the man the solution is to leave the woman including men of god including different kinds of people the prophetic that compromises the character of the world is not accurate any prophetic communication that compromises the character of the word of god is not accurate it should be re-edited and reconsidered both by the communicator and the recipient [Music] any dimension even if it's from joshua salman if it is not consistent with the character of the word of god why am i teaching you this look at me you are going to go for meetings in your lifetime you are going to meet great and mighty men prophets of god are we together and they are going to speak to you at one point or the other they are not fake they are not devils but you must have a discernment the moment you look at a prophet you should have discernment to process the spiritual level separate the gift from his spiritual growth that he's operating in the prophetic does not mean he's matured spiritually he's a gift are we together so chances are that he can speak to you and you know what part of the prophecy to receive and what part to throw into the dustbin otherwise you will be in trouble and then there are certain aspects of prophetic communications that are true but they are coming to you so that you will change it not just sit down helplessly and make it happen are we together yesterday i was when we were these guys did not even know i'm sure they'll be surprised to hear it now we're coming back and when we're going to the airport to come back you know someone called me and um she was telling me that she had a dream and she saw a plane crash you know this and that a plane crash and truly truly this is somebody that i know that the the word of the lord i know that she has a track record truly truly when she sees something or says something it happens and so she was afraid she said are you people going you know this and that and that and i said yes and uh i know what imagine that i did not have the bank of the word of god till today i'll be in any way waiting for the day another word will come and say now the road is clear but now what the person saw may not be wrong but there is a more short word of prophecy are we together now so that may be the plan of the devil for me to die yesterday in the air [Music] are we together but i knew that if i enter it will not crash now that's another level of conviction it's not about bragging my strength is not on the written word of god that is more exalted above his name and any prophecy because we see in part and we prophesy in part [Music] are we together now [Music] a man of god once prophesied to a woman a very accurate man of god young man and all of that i don't know which of the cities he's in and all of that he prophesied to a woman and um he told her she was going to have a baby girl and the woman was trusting god for a baby boy she had sewn seats and then she went to god and she said lord i i respect and honor that prophet but he said baby boy i tell you there is a solid bouncing baby boy came out look let me tell you the part of scripture you believe is the part that works for you if someone tells me today you are going to die it may be true god opened his eyes to see demons plotting on how to die like how our one i'll go and die but i'm not even going to pray about it i'm going to go home quietly and sit down even if the devil dries my car he will take me home are you getting what i'm saying you must you must have a set now don't brag for nothing i know the burning bush i have seen that gives me audacity to make that statement [Music] i've seen that eyeball to eyeball i know it i know how it looks it knows how i look so it's not that i'm just talking for nothing honestly tomorrow we're off to abaddon again who knows what the devil is planning this night maybe they are planning us okay we lost our chance now is the next chance are free to plan the bible never stop them from planning the power of performance is where the sovereignty of god comes in he says surely they will gather but because your gathering is not of the lord [Music] otherwise you will land into trouble someone will look at you and say oh you do not have a fallopian tube based on what god is revealing to me kite there's no fallopian tube no child and you go back saying talk the way this sin is i will just go and adopt a child and the man who married you is regretting and angry and wondering why but the bible says and god opened the womb of leah it's none of your business where the child will grow whether it's your head wherever let the child grow and come out after nine months it's none of your business where the child grows [Music] history has recorded women who gave birth to twins with no womb twins not even a child are we together the will of god [Music] finally there is a system that god built in the body to help us grow to a point of discernment where we can receive his revealed will and that system is called praying in the spirit please write it down there are not many systems to discernment praying in the spirit i didn't know time had gone so much oh my god everybody say praying in the spirit say it again say praying in tongues now let me tell you something look up please first corinthians chapter 14 when you read verse 2 you read verse 4 it says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue listen please believe us it says a defy yet himself a defiant himself he that speaketh in an unknown tongue does what a defiant himself the believer who does not pray in the spirit i guarantee you will have a hard time discerning the revealed will of god you can check scripture and see but when it comes to your everyday decisions as far as the advancement of your life is concerned you will find out that you've not been able to build your spirit to rise beyond the level of the flesh so the devil can manipulate your dreams are we together today you would dream and see yourself in abuja just where you are you want to find out the next day you will see yourself in a good the devil is playing with your mind because god is not an author of confusion are we together next tomorrow you see yourself in london after seeing yourself four times you give up using dreams and you sit down and you don't move forward again satan can manipulate dreams but brothers and sisters there is a level to which your spirit will rise that no power of darkness will near anything that is a channel for spiritual communication in your life there is no devil who will come to me in my dreams and manipulate me no no no no no no even in my sleep there is a charism of the word of god [Music] praying in the spirit praying in the spirit praying in the spirit when you cultivate the art of praying in the spirit you are not only granting access for your petitions you are not only challenging the powers that be listened you are defying yourself and one of the ways to edify yourself is to build yourself to a point where you sustain the ability to discern many believers do not have discernment many believers do not have discernment god will want to communicate certain realities to us but our spirits are too doubled in the flesh we cannot receive the promptings of the spirit when his will is done his kingdom comes the will as written from scripture should be obeyed to the latter without any compromise but that part of the will that has to be revealed is accessed largely through discernment discernment will also help you to dream correctly not dream foolishly you are trusting god for direction a serious direction you have a dream and you saw yourself drinking ice cream how does that relate to what you are laboring and fasting for don't laugh in the bible when men slept god showed them dreams that were consistent with their desires but right now dreams have been devalued because we are communicating carnally the devil is a liar in the name of jesus rise up on your feet we are going to pray shabrandosi calabria three quick prayer points very quickly three quick prayer points make sure you pray them with all your heart prayer point number one lord grant me grace to be obedient to your will as revealed in scripture go ahead and pray go ahead and pray there are dimensions of his will that has been revealed in scripture you don't have to ask god all you need is the grace all you need is the grace to walk in it are you praying on your inside and outside pray grant me grace shabba ratoka talaba grant me grace it is your will for me to prosper it's already revealed in scripture grant me grace to live by the principles [Music] it is your will for me to succeed in my exams is revealed in scripture grant me grace grant me grace it is your will for me to rise and be world class may i never doubt your written will for me let the consciousness of what you have written in the bible give me confidence it is your will for me to be healed i receive grace to never accommodate sickness in my life it is your will for me to give back grant me grace to never accommodate barriness in my [Music] [Music] life please pray pray you are building yourself if you must fulfill destiny it will only be according to the will of god and the first dimension of his will is his written will access from scripture hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen never ask god if is his will over something that has been clearly stated in the bible don't ever ask god if it's his will to heal you don't ever ask god if it's his will for you to live long are we together don't ever ask god if it's his will for you to prosper don't ever ask god if it's his will for your business to expand [Music] is his written will second prayer point you're going to pray and say lord every direction i need that i have not directly found in scripture i pray that you reveal it to me please pray every direction i need for the next level of my life for the next level of marriage relationship for the next level of business for the next level of ministry reveal it to me it is within your power [Music] lord use the instrument of peace and joy use the instrument of peace and joy use the instrument of dreams visions prophetic encounters lord even use the prophetic ministry to me let my confusion of decades melt away with one a short direction from you [Music] let my confusion of decades melt away let my confusion of decades melt away let my confusion of months let my confusion of years melt away [Music] where to go what job to do what business to take who to marry how many children to have lord i believe you your revealed will i'm at a sensitive period in my life i cannot make mistakes pray i need a clear direction i cannot afford to make mistakes over my academics i cannot afford to make mistakes over my marital destiny i cannot afford to make mistakes over the business that i should be engaged in i should not be at a loss because of lack of knowledge of your will over the geography the geography my location reveal your will to me oh god reveal your will to me oh god [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah let me tell you many of you will return with testimonies from this teaching [Music] because so many of us right now do you know listen let me tell you do you know why many christians don't move forward because they have been brought to the awareness that taking a step outside of the will of god will cost you so most christians are marking time because they want to make sure they are sure of their decisions which is why you must pray because it is the devil's plan to manipulate the revealed will of god so that when you don't hear it you don't move forward are we together i'd like you to pray and say lord build my spirit man to a point where i receive your will without error and without manipulation lift your voice and pray build my spirit man build my spirit man build my spirit man build my spirit man build my spirit man [Music] build my spirit man in the name of the lord jesus build my spirit man so that i can discern your will i can discern your will build my spirit man no manipulation of my dreams build my spirit man no manipulation of my visions built my spirit man no manipulation of the prophetic experiences that come to me my god and my king give me sound experiences that will convince me of your will beyond the shadow of a doubt [Music] hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus christ may the confusion over where to be located may the god of heaven settle that matter in our lives made a confusion over when to marry who to marry where to marry be settled once and for all in our lives in the name of jesus made the confusion over what business to do and where to do it and with whom to do it be settled in the name of jesus christ [Applause] anyone here who is currently in a season of strange confusion it looks like everything is confusing your life you are a christian you love god but you are confused about marriage you are confused about career you want to leave zarya you don't know whether you should live or not you don't know whether you should get into ministry or get a job i pray tonight in the name that is above all names i pray that through your dreams and the visions of the night may the will of god be revealed to you may the will of god be revealed to you may the will of god be revealed to you i pray for you anyone here who is in any business any relationship any association [Music] any ministry whatever it is that you are currently involved in that is not the will of god and you are seeking answers to no i'm praying for you in the name of jesus whether to walk with a certain man of god or not whether to walk with a certain ministry or not whether to have a ministry of yourself or be under someone may that refill will be communicated to you expressly may that revealed will be communicated to you expressly there are a number of us who are asking god whether to just be entrepreneurs or take jobs or combine both we don't know what we want some of us want to go to the military some of us want to go to the banking sector some of us want to even go and start studying fresh degrees again it's important that you hear god don't just do things because you want to do it there is a way that cement right onto a man the bible says for the end thereof are the ways of death tonight we agree in this place that in the name of jesus everyone here who has a an issue of confusion between now and the end of next week may my god clear those areas of confusion may my god clear those grey areas of confusion may my god clear those areas of confusion hallelujah lift your hands and give god praise thank you jesus thank you jesus please let's keep standing very quickly hallelujah we're rounding up now our time is almost gone keep standing um please permit me to make an altar call i know our time is gone but i don't want us to assume that everybody here is saved and please if if by now you should know whether you are saved or not or whether you want to rededicate your life to christ so if you are here brothers and sisters you're inside outside in any of the overflows and those following us online you're here and you heard me speak and you know that your life has been a state of confusion first and foremost you are not even in christ you have not genuinely surrendered your heart to god or number two you have done so but for some reason you are saying lord i'm tired of this confusion daily darling between god and other things and i want to make my way straight with god it will be my pleasure to lead you right now in one minute so wherever you are please someone the courage to make it to the front right now wherever you are appreciate them if there are any people like that god bless you god bless you god bless you they are coming god bless you god bless you god bless you don't be ashamed don't be afraid it is the will of god that you'll be saved it's the will of god that you start a fresh journey god bless you please hurry up if you are coming coinonia celebrate them they have heard the word of the lord tonight and it's the beginning of a new chapter in their lives make sure you don't sit back when the lord is speaking to you you're spoken about the will of god you know that is the will of god for you to be saved is the will of god for you to have a fresh start make your way to the front hallelujah thank you so much for coming out some of you are making a decision for jesus for the first time some are rededicating themselves lift your hand high i'm just one any of them your right hand is enough self timing lord jesus i love you say it from your heart i love you i believe in you that you died for me you shed your blood for me and tonight i receive you as my savior and my lord i am tired of living my life by myself and by my own terms i hand over everything to you i choose to walk in your will i choose to walk in your light i choose to walk in your love from today i receive eternal life into my spirit i'm a child of god i am born again in the name of jesus christ congratulations thank you so much for making that decision i'd like you to follow the gentleman waving his hands please make sure you do follow him he will have your details and you'll be back to your seat let's honor them honor them coinonia you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 41,048
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: 2pSU_2pgFFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 59sec (12659 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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