The Secret NEW Heating Tech Of ISH 2023

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back [Music] guys here we are in this 2023 in Frankfurt so we're gonna go around all these stores there's lots and lots of stalls to choose from and see what's available see where the future of heating is going to take us let's go check it out [Music] okay we've just got to um the beastman stand in the first Hall that we're going to see uh the first heating Hall and this is the just give you an idea of the scale this is just the wiesman stand there's this area here if we look in the distance it says leesman that's where the other half of the beastman sand is that's just one exhibitor [Music] the CTO still CTO of Eastman UK um I've known Christian for five six seven years yeah maybe longer much to his uh dismay he's going to give us a little tour and see what's available uh from basement uh this year the biggest highlight here Today's Show and you are the expert you may tell me whether it might be something for you or not yeah and we have got a new product there it's mainly for the new build Market it's called invisible invisible invisible you know the challenge with the housing market new build houses no space for putting it yeah yeah all the time yeah where to put this but I put the storage tank where I put this now the guys have developed this invisible solution it's basically hidden um in the wall oh wow yeah so you've got everything in there oh my God over there there's a see-through model there but you can have different surface finishes okay one you've got hot water cylinders in there you've got a heat pump in there you've got a ventilation system in there all integrated so mvhr heat pump battery I mean you know batteries maybe batteries that's why we will see it over there but it's it's all over there but yeah the idea is that the new bit Market also in Germany their space is premium as you know yeah yeah and with heat pumps and buffer baskets and everything else you need more space which we don't have even not in the amazing and uh so that's a brand new it's it's uh absolutely just been launched even even non-new builds existing older properties they've taken out the Airing cupboards there's nowhere left for cylinder you can take in a garage wall or yeah yeah absolutely you could do this amazing and you have different surface finishes as well so you can have it custom wide you can have it with wooden paneling or whatever or a mirror you can put it in a bedroom you know so you know don't go in there maybe okay natural this is going to be available in the UK why we we no I mean we don't know yet I mean we made it depends on what the customers are what they want to do here's a new bit Market in the UK as you know it's quite challenging yeah yeah but maybe maybe if you present that program that's great so it's it's a heating output is up to six kilowatts six kilowatts okay what let's go over there and does this have an extra external heat pump as well outside heat pump yes okay it's a split unit yeah okay it's a moment but it will be upgraded later on with the r290 as well as for next year and then what is it now which refrigerant do you know I say oh four uh you can have it you can have it as a corner Solution that's amazing really so you can see that there in that water water filter and then so all the way from water inlet all the way through to completely everything and you're just connecting it to your Building Services into your water tops well that's the idea good foreign [Music] heat pump systems is that right yeah yeah what do you see here is the latest generation of ground Source it is a speed regulated modulating up to 18 kilowatt which is quite a lot and we're achieving here a seasonal cop or performance which is going up to six in the end so that is really setting The Benchmark in the branch and what can it modulate down to if we can go up to eight the minimum is something like 1.5 kilowatt for the low one and then the big one maybe is four kilowatt in a limit and then 18 at the top okay okay so that really creates efficiency 18 for the base 18. so from 4 to 18 and for one size and the other one is from 1.5 to 8 and can be fed with uh brine or it can also be used with a PV panel and we're doing a lot of these installations in Germany meanwhile if you don't have place for the drilling or if you're doing a place for air water yeah yeah and it's also interesting to mention that you can run the system as Radiator systems so if you have a 55 degree in your heating system in your hydronic system it still can run on a very good efficiency and what gas what gas are you using in these now four five b version okay so it's already lower gvp yeah it's not naturally refrigerant yet but it's quite close to very low climate impact yeah okay 55 degree radiators yes yes you'll still get a minimum scop of four yes guaranteed yeah of course guarantee is a big word yeah if you follow the norm calculation of a scop that's amazing it's clearly about four how what what's the change I think it's the fifth generation of the same product becoming better and better also the new refresherent is quite good on high temperatures and niba is known for being the leader in ground Source heat pump so since ever thanks clients that's great yeah thank you good luck with that hello Adrian um he's going to tell us a bit more about the extend hybrid correct yes so what have we got in the inner unit you'll find a heat exchanger a pump and a PCB and when it's a split solution at the moment that the heat pump can supply enough uh energy the water will flow over these manifolds to the insulation at the moment that the heat pump needs to be supported by the boiler the boiler starts to operate and in the opposite sides of the central heating water we mix water from the boiler those cup of tea something like that yeah and at the moment that uh heat pump doesn't have to work because it's too cold outside you just run on the boiler what's the light for it it indicates some kind of operation mode ah okay yeah and we uh combine it with our intercase Combi complex boilers which have a very special heater changer with one coil for central heating and one coil for domestic or water and we don't need the free wave valve to shift from domestic hot water to central heating which makes it very reliable yeah yeah we're we're quite aware of the intergas on our Channel we've got a lot of fans of intergas in there come over to you guys plenty of times yeah yeah we're we're quite deep in the um and then do you guys manufacture the heat pump in Holland or no no no no no no no no resources from Asia I was trying to read this one from uh India okay and this is the second generation of the outdoor unit which looks very nice and it's also better for for let's say the noise level okay yeah do you know what refrigerant this uses this is R32 R32 Okay cool so it goes high temperature if needed yes okay that's amazing yeah yeah you like it was the maximum size this is five kilowatts and we're coming up with seven kilowatt as well amazing I think that's it for this one yep thank you very much you're welcome [Music] we're now at valence stand I'm joined by Sebastian uh and we found something slightly interesting here like a compact heat pump mvhr units yeah actually it's it's a compact heat pump including ventilation and domestic hot water storage so it's an all-in-one solution an indoor air water heat pump with warm water storage and ventilation unit that's really cool and then is this to be installed internally or extra yes yeah it's it's internally right and you just have an exhaust either on the left hand side or right hand side you need a space to the wall and then you have an outlet yes to the outer area and then you draw the air inside this unit and then it's this is inside the house then yeah okay so this is a heat pump obviously we pull in via the heat pump via the mvhr then boost through the heat pump right excellent absolutely then here is the the heat exchanger basically so the compressor and the heat exchanger yeah and then this is basically the the the the the heart of the unit yes and then this is uh the the hot water storage for your for your hot water for comfort so um this is air to air is there an option it's air water it's not air-to-air so it's not an air duct system this is just the vent the the ventilation unit is for fresh air yes but the the the heating engine is air to water right right so it doesn't boost the air back into the house that's just done via normal mdhr methods yes it just delivers to radiators absolutely yes yes usually this is a made for uh meant for new builds so then it's for underfloor heating yes and then you you exchange it to the to the water circuit amazing well that's really cool uh Dimensions we're looking like that's why I don't have it in mind but I can tell you it's about one point 1.8 yeah 1.8 by 1.8 maybe yeah if you lay down you can measure it as well so if you don't know I say it's two but I'm not 700 deep yeah that's really cool r219 no it's it's it's it's 14a still tonight so um yeah plans to move to r290 or is that the new yeah absolutely so need to be future proof yeah yeah cool yeah it's it's actually it's it's a heat pump it's a heat pump it's a heat pump it's a domestic or water heat pump yep um indoor as well okay then you have the heat pump and the storage so how does it take it this is this is built into the heating circuit so you you use the heating circuit uh which runs around the house yeah the water you use for your underfloor heating or your radiators and then you build it inside and then it turns the temperature out of the the heating circuit and then uh combined with this uh with the heat pump it it warms up your water yeah so okay let's assume we had a scope of three on our uh on our heating our water and this might add do you get a scope of six like because you're yeah so so it depends on the system but this system it serves as it has a cop of five right so yeah but it adds it adds it adds to the overall um wow that's really Innovative and then um so uh how how big is this store how many liters so this is I think it's a 150 liters so uh I think this is the 200 one but I'm not quite sure I think yeah I think it is 270 to 100 and for for individual Flats um uh we have a 150 wall hang solution wow so you see these These are the three sizes and then here um r290 so I can see flexi connection so just take this into your flow and return Yes yes we have to make sure that there's a constant flow so the efficiency doesn't drop but you have to make sure that there's a constant flow because you just the pump is on yes you'd only be feeding this with 20 degrees Yeah Yeah so it would be cooling your house in the summer if it's too warm outside and then of course yeah it helps you if you have an underwater heating it's it's natural cooling because it takes it takes the the temperature out of the floor this is incredible climate change if valent UK are watching this you need to bring this one over please quick correction on this um the scops don't multiply or add up although it might be a five to one uh efficiency that's a five to one electrical usage to heat the heat is taken from the heating system which will probably be an air source which has already been generated by an air saw so it doesn't add scop uh it only works as a five to one unit but a still really crazy cool thing um that I could see loads of applications for first name please my name is Christian I'm from Berlin I'm on Instagram at Instagram you can follow me and look what we enjoyment making a plumbing crazy stuff and then what sort of like content do you make like what's your thing my content is a bundling completely uh Craftsman in Germany Austria and Switzerland wow and we show look here on on this TV we make one year in the events that's completely Craftsman and coming together I have a good time and speaking and networking and make a big things this is loss of funtrack it's a it's a it's a project I started for five years and it's growing growing growing growing it's it's amazing I haven't heard about it before I don't know how but how do we find out more about it is there a website or do we follow is or is that connected to your main yeah that's connected to the main thing and then so the networking is all from different trades people coming together completely no and there's beer yeah yeah yeah lots of most of hand pack you can come in check this out and when you would like oh my God my English it's not the yellow from the egg you know yeah you got my hat I've got a t-shirt for you in there as well yeah very nice to meet you thank you have a good time here in Frankfurt and uh yes yeah subscribe and thank you bye guys I'm here with um Marcel from shk I've been following these guys for probably about a year and a half uh two years they produce amazing YouTube content uh on heating and plumbing you have to use Google Translate uh or get the translator app if you want to understand what's being said but the content is amazing very nice to meet you can you just tell us a little bit more about what you make and like what what you teach on your Channel that's everything about shk as a HVAC it's on in the UK and we have the biggest YouTube channel in Germany with 60 000 followers and a half million views per month and we tell everything about heat pumps about um sanitary climatization uh yeah that's our terms and uh yes thank you for visiting us on our creative space and greetings from Germany nice to meet you and it's a wonderful time here on East High on Frankfurt [Music] okay that's it for ish 2023 from Frankfurt we've had an amazing time seen some great new tech and done lots of steps we've got sore feet saw heads heads and it's been yeah it's been great if you can come over here you really should come I would say that there's only one main hall uh today was 12.1 which is heating uh Innovation the rest are more piping fittings has been interesting though um don't forget to like subscribe and if you found anything specifically interesting don't forget to comment in the comment section below and we will see you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Heat Geek
Views: 95,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air source heat pump green homes grant, air source heat pump system, boiler, climate change 2022, climate change solutions, combi boiler, condensing boiler, electric heater, electric water heater, heat loss, heat pump, heat pumps, heat pumps explained, heating system, heatpump, how does a heat pump work, how heat pumps work, natural gas forecast, new technology 2023, renewable energy, renewable energy documentary, renewable energy sources, tankless water heater
Id: d_MFjNjMMbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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