Is a Heat Pump Cheaper to Run Than a Gas Boiler?

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hello I'm Roger Bisby from the skill Builder Channel and I'm back with Adam from heat geek and John who had a heat pump from hell and Adam came in and he had a look at it and the heat geek team descended changed the whole thing for a new heat pump but now we're back here 6 weeks later to ask John honestly what he thinks about it and to just find out the figures the all important data because I've looked at that data quite honestly some of it are follow some some of it I don't so over to you guys first of all John it's been a rock solid 20° almost since day one and it just hasn't changed really it's been pretty impressive from that point of view you know it's it's completely different to what we had before what's surprising is the bit about the 9in brick wall house the old bit which Adam assured me at the time you want to have a problem with it and I didn't believe him but I do know because it it seems to just hold the Heat and of course we put the insulation in which I think if I was to offer anyone advice before you spend any money on peat pumps do the insulation because that seems to be uh a considerably important one of the most important factors so we got insulation in The Loft but not in the old part of the house and yet the heat is constant I mean even on the my office which is the corner of the house upstairs where the wind is whistling around it it's just locked at 20° it's quite extraordinary and 20° on the radiator you don't actually feel it being warm this is the old thing I I came in this morning it's pretty bitter out there this morning it's windy and it's not pleasant at all when I came in I felt that cuz you know that's me I'm the dad I always feel the radiator as soon as I come in put my hand on the radiator nothing coming out of it it's just very very slightly warm you know that was warmer today than it has been for the past week I mean it's just hasn't felt warm at all but I know it's a 20 cuz I got one of those temperature guns what that is saying is that all it's doing is replacing the heat losses from the house and just by putting that little bit in 247 is just keeping Pace with the heat losses now I know that when I arrived here this morning I also pointed out that your front door has got a big gap and you could feel the wind I know feel the wind breezing through I got to apologize to Adam here because I said i' do it and I haven't done it I'm sort of the chimne there got a hole upstairs in the office actually wall which is ventilation thing which needs sorting out but you do need some ventilation let's be fair you do need ventilation I've been seeing your videos so well no but what I'm saying is you know you can you go around and seal all those up and at some point you're going to have to reintroduce it aren't you that bit of insulation uh or that ventilations from an old gas or an old fire or something that's a big you know 6 in by 6 in hole it's beyond what's needed I'd say for this I think I think the other thing uh the experience is leaving all the doors open internally because before we were sort of zoning them off yeah you know to try and capture the heat for the rooms we were using now we just left them all open and even the rooms we're not using we got the radiators on so we got bedrooms we got six bedrooms obviously we only use the one cuz we there's only the two of us yet all the others are being heated now you think intuitively you turn all the radiat off I'm going to ask you a question John um about your wife Allison and what she thinks of it and I want to say to you before you answer me I've spoken to her privately I had a little word with her this morning said tell me how honestly Allison what do you think of it so you tell me what Allison thinks of it I think she's quite impressed by it she's certainly impressed by the heeks guy who who came in and their enthusiasm for the job and she felt very confident that they knew what they're doing but of course the proof of the puddings in the heat in the heating literally and uh I think yeah generally I think she's pretty uh happy with it I don't know what she said to you she said that she will keep the gas boiler she's not going to get rid of that gas boiler and the reason is two things one it could break down at some point so it's great to have a backup there but the other thing that I thought was quite astute is that she said if we come to sell the house say 5 years time you decide you want a downside you're going to sell this place somebody might come in and they might have a really negative view of heat pumps but if I see the gas boiler there they go we're covered both ways so she said from from that point of view alone you're not going to get much for it on eBay anyway you're cooking with gas so the standing charge isn't an issue unless you change that so as you said there's nothing really to gain from getting rid of that gas but it's not working it's zoned off and the valves are closed but it's there isn't it and she can rest easy because the one thing she doesn't want to do is go back to that stress that you had before yeah and the point at which you and her were parting you know ideologically parting because you were hell bent on making this thing work proving it could work and she was going I don't know you know well to a point yeah even I Cav in at the end which is why I contacted you to yeah see whether I could find a way of blowing the bloody thing up and getting rid of the thing because it was such a a painful experience be fair to be fair when you contacted me you weren't really looking for a solution as such you were just saying I've seen your video I've seen all the things you said about heat pumps and they have proved to be absolutely my experience yes the whole point was we were going to get rid of it and that was it we weren't going to have another heat pump that's where Adam came into I'm Keen to know if Allison finds the house more comfortable now with a heat pump than she did when you were heating it with a gas boiler I mean we haven't had long conversations about it going back to the office I got upstairs it was a complete Nightmare on gas the temperatures were going up and down up and down I I've got electric heater which is still sitting there at the moment to try and variate the uh temperatures even with the thermostatic valve I couldn't make it work and that's completely changed I got a thermometer on my desk it's 20.3 locked on that if I sit in there for a while it goes up to about 22 23 with the heat of the computer and me in there it's quite extraordinary so it's a more comfortable heat for quite a few reasons one you haven't got radiators blasting on and off um two cuz the radiators aren't as hot you haven't got the heat gradient across the room um and it's heating up the walls so the walls are reflecting the heat back into the p that's a thermal store isn't it yeah exactly so we're using less convection which is where we're heating the air and more radiant heat which is a much more comfortable heat where you just you heat the objects around you basically uh and and the reason the radiators may feel cooler obviously you're touching it with a 37.5 Dee hand that's our body temperature if it's only 30° radiator it feels cooler but actually you know it's warmer than the room so it is emitting heat even though it may not feel we've had a couple of days since the installation where the temperature drop really rapidly you know a couple of cold fronts came in they went from about 9° to about 2° and I was sort of expecting to see the a change in the room temperature didn't move I think in the first week that you had it you were saying that the hot water wasn't getting hot enough that's right so we tweak the settings on it with Adam's help and that's been a joy I mean did you tweak them or were they tweak remotely how did that work no what it was was um when we filled it there was an air lock in the hot water cylinder oh right and we had to blast out the air out there's a normal thing could have happened on the gas boil or anything but the water I mean that's that's a bit of an eye opener I mean I never I I thought if there was going to be a failure it was going to be with the hot water but it it's brilliant and you can see it on the on the the data on the graph can't you there's that daily rise in temperature where it it does the hot water so when it's doing the hot water Adam is it just doing the hot water and nothing else at that point that's right so um because we want as low flow temperature to the radiators as possible to maximize efficiency we um we only heat the heating uh alone and when it comes to uh moving over to the hot water the heat pump needs to produce a slightly higher temperature we don't want to waste that in our radiators um uh the house is nice and warm anyway and it's sort of soaked up some of the heat as a thermal store like you said uh before and it just heats the hot water that takes um uh half an hour or so heats up the hot water then moves back to heating what advice would you give to anybody looking to have a heat pump well apart from as I said earlier they sort have the insulation in The Loft I think that's really the the first 500 quid or whatever it is to sort out this second thing has got to be the quality of the installers because it's quite clear like verying mind out at MCS approved installers 5 years ago that unless you find the right people it's not going to go well for you so MCS isn't a guarantee of quality as far as well certainly as are 5 years ago it wasn't and I I he the MCS guy talking the other day at the electric show in London and uh I I must admit I was a bit skeptical so I don't know enough about the scheme so I don't really want to comment about it as it is today yeah but certainly 5 years ago wasn't a guarantee of quality uh and that's the problem you need a quality installation planning and execution planning design and execution it's all that is so so so important and this is where going back to the original video I was moaning by the government shoving money into heat pumps they need to put all their effort into making sure the standards of installation are the of the highest quality put money into training it's great to have somebody that you can talk to that's a human being for a start not a bloming bot because when you phone these big companies up all you get is computer computer computer you never get to talk to anybody and then you the guy comes around may not be the guy who installed it it's so frustrating for people so finding a local guy that you can trust that you like you say Tom up the road now you've got a relationship with him now he will pop around and have a look and sort things out he sent me a note to say I'm away this weekend away I'm not available so if you have a problem contact so and so now that wasn't a message just for me it was obvious it was going to all his clients I mean yeah I I wouldn't have even thought of it yeah yeah you know so yeah that's that's Quality Service you know so I'm getting Tom in to do some other stuff for me as soon as I can as soon as he can so yeah it's really good um and that's what you want that was part of the problem with the the old system the the company installed it went bust as I said the company then came into the rescue were very helpful to a point but then they contracted out the maintenance and those guys were good but I could never get them in when I wanted them and there was no continuity so yeah it's it's it's been a good experience from the the moment the heat Geeks gu has got involved they just you know committed to their trade and that's brilliant that's why Alison's so confident I've got to say you know I've been in the game for quite a long time and I was very impressed by those folks even just standing there listening to them talk to each other I thought wow these guys have have read the manual and eaten it for breakfast well I think people like Tommy were having a chat like tweaking this or that and there was a thirst for knowledge there I think there is still an issue finding the right people there are other Engineers out there that are as good as heat Geeks definitely and perhaps some even better but there's no way of recognizing them that's why heat geek exists to give them the badge to say right yeah we've checked them they've passed our uh our examinations with 100% pass Mark they are good guys and we have a code of conduct that they have to work to if they don't work to the code of conduct and we find out about it they're remove the map well the other thing of course is the gu guarantee that you introduce because if yeah a guy has a bad day for whatever reason you've still got then the guarantee to fall back on so if the works guarantee that's a that's a big that's a big thing I mean I couldn't go as far as I were I couldn't go back to MCS and say like my heat's a complete mess are you going to give me the money back I said this in my original video about eight pumps to say that there will be a melling issue in the future where they say well look the government talk me into this we took the grant 5,000 quid as it was then we now have a system that doesn't work we can't go back to a gas boiler because apparently that's against the rules you can't change so they said what do we do now we can't get another Grant we've had the grant but who's going to help us now and that that I think will be an issue in the future you know for all those people who have been victims of bad installations I still feel that the initial criticisms I made they don't work well enough in our poorly insulated old housing stock now Adam would say they can be made to work but it's still going to cost you a fortune and I still like having the flexibility of the gas boiler which means in the very cold weather you can turn it up and then you can turn it down because there no reason what Adam said about the low temperature and all the rest of it there's no reason why you can't have a gas boiler working in a similar way at very low flow rates just keeping the house warm now for some people that's going to work very well indeed and it will cut their bill so yeah but like you said it's all about insulation get those drafts sorted out get the insulation sort that out and then at least you've got a fighting chance so going back to that point you've got to have companies who come in and say no I don't think you should have the heat pump we can't guarantee it the solution is there for the heat pump industry and he Kinks with the the guarantee is a big step forward from a practical point of view the the only things that are really needed from insulation uh are Loft insulation which is as we do and double glazing yes nothing else really matters this is single skin solid well that that that's the conclusion I was coming to I've been looking at skill Builder videos on the external insulation and all that and as you said in one of the early videos that's quite a big expense I've been pleasantly surprised by over the last month that it doesn't seem to need it now it comes down then how much are you saving you know is it's really expensive now that's where it's quite difficult and I need you know Adams guidance in particular that does mean um well over 90% of the properties in the UK actually I think it's above 95% um are capable of a heat pump because most the vast majority of homes have double glazing and LOF insulation already one more thing John that came up time and time again in the comments people said it's all very well for you you've got a garage you've got room for all this kit I live in a tiny house I there's nowhere I could put that even my garden isn't big enough to put that Bloody gra thing on the outside so from that point of view I think the hot water is always going to be an issue because there's lots of people 60% of people run on Combi ballers they got no stored hot water so there are still things to be overcome for people that are living in smaller houses or flats oh yeah some major problems absolutely you hav mentioned the noise issue that you know we had before and how is that now the Noise by away well I can't hear it even when I go up to it it's let alone in the house yeah it's extraordinary front yeah oh yeah yeah no literally I was walking past it yesterday and thinking it's just silent so veon have cracked it there's no doubt about that there's a lot of solutions here we're not talking about so for flats for example um I don't know if you've seen the radiators that hang on the inside of uh on the inside of the house two um ducks that go outside it takes in cold air has a heat heat pump inside it and spews out the the cold air the other side and blows warm into the so there are flat Solutions um we're releasing a cylinder um in two weeks time that fits under your kitchen um work toop that will do a house this size and in the kick space yeah not in the kick space it has to it's it's 8 850 high so um uh you have to take out your cupboard and have a 500 wide cupboard but that will do a house this size it won't be quite as high efficiency as yours but it will be up at 400 450% efficiency um so we've got solution there there's Solutions coming out all the time um but maybe that'll be for another video you know I said years ago Adam uh to a couple of cylinder manufacturers if you can make a cylinder that goes under the kitchen units a long thin horizontal cylinder that just sits in that kick space nothing is being done the only wasted space in the kitchen is that little bit under the the units or on top of the units even along the top the one thing that hasn't happened yet I haven't had any uh builds I changed over to oo uh because they were doing the heat pump deal with uh ve long we'll have to see how overdue cuz they've got a um cheap rate for heat pump usage or the power used on heat perms because they monitor the veon boiler which is amazing whatever saving ISO is going to make it's even more so because of that particular tariff people would need to do their research and get good installers and then you know as I say plan it and design it and execute it properly and that's not for your normal plumber i' say as Tommy was saying when he was here I'm not a plumber Adam I've got to say thank you very much I you and I started off you know at loggerheads and hopefully we still are slightly but cuz I like the argument you know but um thanks for getting involved here and you know sorting this out for John and I hope it does heat geks some good in in as much as John's recommendation and people can watch the videos we're going to produce his videos as a one condensed volume that people go and watch because some people didn't watch the first one so they didn't understand why Jon had the gas boil and the heat pump and so on and so on so now we get to the nitty-gritty which is actually the cost everybody wants to know has John saved any money will he save any money we installed third party monitoring uh from a company called open AG monitor we can use the veent data to monitor it third party is the the sort of best best way to do it the most unbiased way and we know their kit is particularly accurate from John System since installation it's achieved over the last 6 weeks that's uh late February up until early April it's achieved so far a scop of 4.46 if you remember we guarantee 3.9 to be on the safe side as a minimum this is achieving 4.6 in the last 30 days it's actually um achieved a cop of uh 5.2 so what that means is 520 per efficiency or for every 1 Kow putting of electricity it's produced 5.2 Kow hours of heat that's 4.23 extra isn't it cuz that 5.23 extra energy includes the one the total heat output is 5.2 kilow the total uh in input would be 1 kilow hour um if you if you you know use it as a ratio so and that's why heat pumps are a lot cheaper or they can be a lot cheaper if L installed so if anyone wants to come and see this they can visit the skill Builder Link in the description and uh when when they come here you can pick kick on any particular day and you can see what it's been doing that day the flow temperatures return temperatures these are the hot water cycles here they're the big ones the spikes up the top of the where it's heating hot water yeah you can see it's got up to 50° there does it every day at the same time if I drag this out exactly you can actually see this has heated up the hot water at a scop of nearly four a cop of near four so even uh if it's if if it's taken 4 kilowatt hours or three and a half there if it's taken 4 Kow hours 3 and a half Kow hours to um heat that cylinder only one of those would have been from electricity the rest is from the ambient outside air you can see that if you if you go to each day it's had a slightly lesser efficiency and that's increased over time I've done some fine tuning um this system in my opinion is probably going to get at least a 4.5 scop throughout a whole year on I was going to say because at the moment we about mild weather aren't we it's not okay I said it was cold just but it's not that cold it's not we not getting Frost we did have dips um so down here it's uh 2° outside um you know um so yeah if we grab that sort of period there that's a scop of four during this time and that was down as low as 2.1 and as high as 10 degrees so it's achieving a scop of four around average winter temperatures average temperature in the UK is about 13° but it's the overall throughout the year year that accounts if you're perhaps losing money when it's minus two it's costing slightly more but for the other 99 days per of the year it's saving much more that you know far more than it counts John sent me his um readings from his old heat pump and it works out that his old heat pump was operating at a scop of basically two 1.96 uh or 1.96 up to 2.1 uh average scop there for his old heat pump 2 point as worked out 2.03 which means um half of the energy it was creating in heat was was uh created by electricity which is obviously very poor and goes to show it's how it's installed not that include water don't forget this doesn't include water we'll have to come back to that because that does add a bit of complexity I've just put this in um this table here and uh what this basically means is on the um energy price cap we had uh whilst we were doing the swap your poorly installed heat pump would have been costing around well over £3,000 a year when you switched over to a gas boiler to use to create the same amount of energy um you you it would cost around about 1,970 per year for the heat geek upgrade at an efficiency of 4.5 scop that is only going to cost 1,440 at the energy price cap um so that's a saving of £500 a year over the gas boiler if you switch the OVO tariff heat pump plus that only charges 15 P per Kil and that will only cost you £ 754 to to run your heating um which is obviously a vast saving about 1,300 um off off a gas boiler which obviously returns over time and if you got rid of your gas standing charge that would save you an additional 108 so nearly ,500 a year saving uh by upgrading to a heat pump quarter the price of the old heat pump yeah so um uh it it an in still cost for a house of this magnitude this is a big big this is not a normal house so people saying it's so very well to have that sort of room in your garage Etc you're not normally trying to hait um a castle like yours um um this would have been an well what what did you pay for your original install do you remember uh it was 9 over9 Grand and then we spend another six on top six seven on top of that I think to this property would have cost more like let's say 20K take the bus Which would have been 13 a half which is the boiler upgrade scheme for those who don't know so that's the grant the government is now given us £75,000 with with 13 uh 1,300 a year savings this would have paid off in 10 years um if it was installed properly the first time round um and then after that you're just getting 1,300 a year for being uh you know Carbon friendly um so I mean the results speak forsel uh have a poor install it'll cost you more to run um you might save a tiny bit of carbon but you're going to be paying for it get it installed properly uh even without tariff you are saving money every single month um so yeah yeah resounding success uh and my prediction now maybe we return in a year's time is that this is going to have a scop of 4.5 or 450% efficiency uh over its um over a year this way of heating is more comfortable people often say heat pumps are more comfortable they're not weather compensation is more comfortable you can get that a gas boiler uh and a gas boiler will actually save energy um with weather compensation as well um it's just that the the amount of efficiency a gas boiler has is slightly less than the gains added from putting on a heat pump it is more comfortable because your house is that constant temperature the whole time you haven't got to try and time it with your lifestyle which may change um you might say that you could save a bit of energy with a gas boiler because you can turn off your heating while you're out which you could do with a heat pump anyway which lowers the average temperature over time and saves a bit of energy however the argument back against that is if you have a steady state heated house with this radiant effect you can actually be comfortable at a lower room temperature so if I was going to blast in heat for two hours in the morning 2 hours at night I might need to heat it up to 23 and then it might drop to 19 and then in the evening I heat up to 23 and down to 19 again whereas with a a heat pump or a weather compensated system we can just have it at 20 continually so any energy saved from turning on and off is counteracted by we keeping the house at a lower temperature so it is just more comfortable as you're walking around you haven't got rooms that you go into quickly get back out because you've kept the door and you want that room nice and cold and the other room's hot the whole thing is just a much more nicer experience in general and the other thing that I mainly like about it is you know when it's sort of just got cold outside you walk in the house and your radiator is a stinking hot you can literally smell the you can smell the heatings on it's the dust in the air that comes out the radiators you know that heatings on it's a much more ambient sort of um comfortable um uh heat uh and and and the the other thing is um the surprise when you go outside and you haven't got a coat on because you didn't know it was cold outside cuz the heating you didn't know the heat experienced that even this morning when I went out I came out to see you in the van and it's actually very annoying is it is it is it softening you up though John are you going to end up being a when you go back to South WS for a visit you won't supposing heat pumps well yeah you got to stay in some place that doesn't have a heat pump you'll be suffering well I know I know I don't know what I'm going to do yeah that's true actually I mean you do notice it when you go into other people's houses the variation and all that sort of thing it it is a different thing and I think um people need to understand that it is is different and positively different but it is different that constant temperature is great and it the way for for homeowners and users to to think of it is just like uh the accelerator pedal on the car we don't want to be revving up in the morning as much as possible and then breaking throughout the day and breaking in different rooms it's just about gentle pressing on you know and easing uh the heat into the property and that's how we um gain our efficiency said at the beginning it's actually always you're trying to do is match the heat losses aren't you and that's what that's what weather compensation does so when it measures the the temperature drop outside the radiators get hotter and start replacing that heat before it's lost so when it's as it starts to get lost it's already being introduced in the house and you've got that constant a really interesting point that's the magic bit that I hadn't appreciate the way the way that we explain it typically to customers is it's a proactive controller rather than reactive so if you've got a thermostat on the wall that waits till it's half a degree a degree below the temperature you want then it turns on the heating you know the file clicks over turns on the heating then it waits till the heat the house is slightly hotter than you need it to be uh between 05 and a full degree hotter you need to be then it turns back off so actually you've got this whole one degree swing going on and on uh if you have a look at John system that's just a constant much more accurate temperature continuously uh throughout time it's a bit boring really I was going to say I got I got the veil on up every time I look at it it's 20° and the current is 20.3 and it's been like that since 23rd of February yeah so yeah yeah so can we all agree that heat pumps are the solution to all of our problems in life happy wife comfortable house lower bills huh yes it's uh it's certainly uh good for a lot of people we could for a lot of homes Roger oh you want to drag me kicking in screaming to the alar of heat pumps I would say as I said before heat pumps can work in the right house the right installation no problem at all my big issue is the government chucking this grant money enticing people in having it done bringing all kinds of people in to the industry who aren't really doing the job properly they're not there for the right reasons they're there just to Take the Money and Run and that's where I said it's a car crash waiting to happen fortunately it hasn't happened like that because we've had a very slow uptake on heat pumps but I think if we have a more considered mature approach to it and some of the housing stock is changed over to heat pumps that'll be a fantastic thing do I see the day when all our buildings are going to be heated by heat pumps I don't and therefore I think horses for hses I'd still say for some people small houses flats they may be better off with a gas boiler as Adam said a long time ago to me if it wasn't for the carbon thing gas boilers would be the perfect solution so that's me that's where I sit with it at the moment and I could talk about electric cars in exactly the same vein they they're good and for a lot of people they're going to work well for some people there is still improvements to be made before they're going to be good for people like me John's house uh is actually on a national league table of heat pump installations Premier Division um you see he is about what's that 6th sth out of I think there's well over 100 installations here all these ones with the little uh heat geek symbol here a heat geek trained and you can see the the the last days sort of scop on the right hand side here so this one's 5.9 that's only just gone on so I wouldn't pay too much attention to that this one's 5.8 which is amazing I know Richard bar very well great engineer um that's ground Source um and I think has 12 Kow one same as mine yeah you can see the of them you can click in and have a look at the data much like um the data for yours you can go and have a look at all of these so you can see how all systems are working oh let's have look at Urban plumers uh he's got a double kneb installation here yeah you can click in and see look he's had up to 7.1 Scot one day which is amazing he a shelf I reckon he's cooking the figures there um definitely 7.1 is that cuz he's got a high temperature unit there or what no what it is is um so it's uh if you have a higher heat loss um you can it's more expensive to install though have two heat pumps of a smaller size and uh you can get higher efficiencies because you've got more modulation range because you can just turn on one when you need one and because of that you can get the efficiencies right up and that also means you can run at even lower flow temperatures so um there's lots to sort of get out this but um yeah JNS is like seventh out of the National League table these go down to you know 2.6 scop you won't really see much heeks down there um we're all up at the other end um yeah so uh to access this on the skill build website you can see the live data here um skill. heat geek and just click into any one of those days to see how it's performing John I've got a proposition here yeah um I think that you're number seven at the moment right and I'm a naturally competitive person so I want to see you rise up that League table so let's get this bit of draft Pro and come over and give you a hand with a draft proofing we do that we video that get that draft proofing done and see if we can get you up there you're not going to be number one you're never going to beat that Urban plumbers cuz he's just mean Roger I thought you were going to say you going to install heat pump in your own house and you going race that way John my my house would never ever come up to scratch because we've got single glaz sash windows cuz it's okay you know it's like Dylan's house listed building he's not all to change Windows there's stuff there that so we haven't we're not totally single glow but we do have single glow rly and as I've spoken about my wife on many occasions who loves all the windows open we ain't going to do it she loves being cold I need not send the misses around there to have a chat with her oh it's easy to make me cold with a heat pump yeah just turn we get we get the best efficiency in the world but turn the thing off and that's it anyway it's great thank you very much indeed guys been a pleasure working with you and I'd just like to say thank you for you for being so open-minded and Dylan skill buer um and John for allowance to come on but yeah for for being so open-minded and allowing us to kind of show what what can be done with heat pumps and that it is down to the engineers uh knowledge and just a bit of training online training can get um these Engineers up to a sort of level where actually we do have a solution here that pays the customer back and saves carbon win-win all round so thank you very much for having us on and thank you very much for letting us in the house and um uh from all of us I suppose thank you very much to the heat Geeks that came out and donated that time amazing job yeah great guys yeah [Music]
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 93,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air source heat pump system, heat pump, renewable energy, heat pumps explained, air source heat pump green homes grant, heat loss, heat pumps, how heat pumps work, heat geek heat pumps, heat geek underfloor heating, heat geek skill builder, green energy
Id: XCMaup9Eosw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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