Mitsubishi Standard vs Hyper Heat Pump Systems. Which One is Right for You

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hey guys welcome back to got duck Channel today we're going to be talking about the difference between Mitsubishi electrics standard heat pumps versus their hyper heat heat pumps now this is a common question that people ask whether they should go with the hyper heat route or whether the standard heat pump will be perfect for them uh but this video will hopefully break down some of the differences so you can make an educated decision so let's get [Music] started now before we get into talking about the differences between a Mitsubishi hyper Heat versus mits bishy standard we just briefly wanted to talk about what is a heat bump without getting into the nitty-gritty details um a physics of how the heat pump works the heat pump is just a heating and air conditioning component that allows for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter all by using one component that that sits outside another thing to note before we get into the differences of hyper Heat versus standard is that a ductless heat pump differs from a traditional heat pump that you'd see with a conventional unit or central air unit and the difference is that duckass Mini Splits always use inverted technology and that inverted technology helps minimize unnecessary energy usage that is just costing you money so what is a Mitsubishi standard heat pump Mitsubishi standard heat pump is a heat pump that works efficiently and produces both cooling and heating but a limitation of it is that it begins to lose efficiency and capacity the colder that it gets so for example for a 24,000 BCU unit it'll work super uh efficiently down to around freezing point 32° F and the colder it gets below low that 32° F the less it'll be able to produce meaning that if you have a home or a section of your home that you are designing and you are uh choosing that 24,000 BTUs um outdoor unit based on calculations and that's what it's sized for the coder gets maybe at 17° fah for example your outdoor unit for standard will only produce 17 to 19,000 BTUs depending on your indoor unit uh mix and if your space is sized for 24,000 then you are not going to get the heat that you need and what is calculated for your space the colder that it gets but otherwise if you're in a climate that uh doesn't get that cold it stays above freezing point then the standard outdoor heat pump will be perfect for you for cooling and for heating your now Mitsubishi's hyper heat units are a little bit different the Mitsubishi hyper heat units operate the same way as a standard unit does however they operate more efficiently in colder temperature so let's just say you're an area uh you're in an area that is below the 32° freezing point and you need a heating option uh that will sustain you down to the the negative temperatures like we see in New England or or places in the midwest or in Canada um this hyper heat unit will be able to operate down to those extreme cold temperatures so let's look at an example so a 24,000 BTU uh multizone outdoor unit or a single zone outdoor unit will be rated at 24,000 um at a normal 47° temperature day if it gets down to 5° F which is well below 32° freezing point your your outdoor unit if it's hyper heat is still going to be producing up to 25,000 BTUs of heat for a 24,000 BTU rated system those are great numbers and you can rely on that heat Source even in the coldest temperatures so now that we know what both Mitsubishi hyper heat outdoor heat pumps are and the Mitsubishi standard heat pumps now we can look at uh the both products and compare them uh based on different features and based on different attribut boes to help you make it a choice as to which outdoor heat pump you need for your project so we'll be able to compare the two products by looking at an example and so we'll look at the Mitsubishi MXZ 3C 30 uh multizone outdoor standard unit which is just a three Zone 2 and 1 half ton outdoor unit and we'll compare that to the sister uh hyper heat unit which is the MXZ 3C 30 and a HZ all the hyper heat units end with that HZ to help you indicate and realize that it's a hyper heat unit so we'll look at different uh attributes that will hopefully help you make a decision as to which unit to choose the first attribute you will look at when comparing the standard and Hyper heat Mitsubishi 30,000 BTU multis Zone Outdoors is performance and the first category we'll look at is how these uh units operate in cold climates and what happens to heating capacity the cold rets so as mentioned at 47 degrees Fahrenheit both outdoor units are kicking and working efficiently producing 36,000 BTUs um at 47 degrees fhe but the colder gets obviously the standard unit will suffer so let's look at it at 5° F the standard unit uh at 30 30,000 BTUs rated will only output 19 and some change of BTU heating capacity meaning that it's going to work as hard as it can but it's only going to be able to produce 19,000 whereas on the opposite side the hyper heat unit at 5 degrees Fahrenheit is going to produce 28,400 BTUs so still right around that 30,000 BTU um rate that the um the system is designed for but this is the trick it when it gets down to the negative degrees around - 13 Dees that standard unit is going to be not working at all it's going to freeze out it'll shut off you won't be able to use it at all whereas the hyper heat unit is going to be able to produce 26,000 BTUs of heating um which you could use even in the coldest temperatures the second attribute we'll talk about is how quiet both of these units are now Mitsubishi is known for how quiet their units operate and both the standard and the hyper heat heat pumps are significantly quieter than some other brands especially quieter than conventional heat pumps but for the standard those uh systems tend to be a little bit quieter whereas uh the hyper Heats will be a little bit uh noisier but it's not by much the standard uh heat pump pum will be at 52 DB for cooling and 54 DB for heating whereas the same rated 30,000 BTU hyper heat heat pump will be 54 um dcib at Cooling and 56 at heating so it's very close but the hyper heat units tend to be just a tad bit louder than the standard counterparts third attribute we'll consider is electrical usage a standard multis zone out door um for the 30,000 BTU is only going to require a 25 amp breaker when you compare that to the hyper heat um that one requires 40 amps where the minimum capacity uh for a 30,000 B2 standard is around 22 amps and the hyper heat is 35 amps the fourth attribute under performance is Energy Efficiency now this is what a lot of people look at when making final decision and this is due to um just considering what it's going to cost to run the system on a daily basis so if you compare the 3 C30 standard versus the 3c321 versus the CR2 of the hyper heat is 18 but if you look at uh some of the metrics um like the eer to the hyper heat edges out the standard unit now all these things might all these metrics might seem uh very minute um but the differences um do make a difference and I'll tell you why really the difference comes down to whether something is energy STAR certified or not and if they are then energy STAR certified products can qualify for utility rebates and tax credits Tex credits that are available uh for the next 10 years and so the hyper heat um even with just the small differences of energy efficiency ratings the hyper heat is energy STAR certified while the standard unit is not and this makes a difference this could mean up to a th000 plus dollars of savings to go with the hyper Heat versus the standard now every single model number is going to be different we're just looking at the 30 ,000 BTU units and so for this one the hyper heat is uh the better uh more efficient unit to uh to look at but you have to do research and your goist team can help you make those decisions on a Case by case basis depending on the size uh that you are looking at another attribute to consider when choosing between standard and Hyper heat is installation complexity so using our example the 3 C30 standard and H heat the installation process is almost identical um there's hardly any difference but something to consider is depending on the size that you're looking to install the install could look a lot different for standard multizone outdoor heat pumps um you don't have to use a distribution Branch box up until after 42,000 bcus whereas for hyper heat um multizone outdoor units um the branch Box start at 36,000 BTUs which is a fairly common size so when you start to use distribution and Branch boxes um that just increases the complexity of the installation which could increase labor costs um as well as just having someone that absolutely knows what they're doing uh when it comes down to putting everything together making sure it works correctly the last attribute we're going to talk about is where the rubber meets the road it cost what do both of these cost and which one is more cost efficient uh versus the other so for a standard multizone outdoor 30,000 vtu heat pump uh it's going to be much cheaper than a 30,000 BTU hyper heat unit price difference between the hyper Heat and the standard is typically around $800 now we're recording this video in 2023 three and so prices will always change and most likely they'll only go up um but the percentage of cost most likely will remain the same now it's up to you to make a decision of where you want to spend money whether you spend money um and uh spend more upfront to get hyper heat uh to get you U comfortable Heating in the coldest temperatures or if you live in a quarter climate that doesn't go below 5 degrees Fahrenheit but might hover between five 5 degrees Fahrenheit to around 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter uh then a standard might work well for you but you'll be spending more money on your utility bills month to month in those quarter days so it really depends on where you want to spend the money depending on the climate that you're in whether it's in the initial equipment purchase or in the utility bills of uh running your product in the quarter months now that we've taken a look at a three C30 standard and Hyper heat and we've compared the two products now we can come to a place where we can make a decision which one should I go with now why would you choose a hyper heat system most likely people that are choosing hyper heat systems are living in climates that could have the potential of going below 5° fit so they want to make sure that they're going to have consistent heat from one heating source and they're not going to have downtime and the second um option or the second group of people that would get hyper heat each time is if they don't have a secondary backup heat Source like a boiler or baseboard heaters or something um along those lines so that could sustain you uh through some of the colder parts of the year now most people that choose standard units are people that uh one don't live in climates that get relatively that cold uh good example of this are the Pacific Northwest um Andor the South um of the Eastern uh eastern coast um they don't get particularly cold they do get cold but it's rare for them to get below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and so a standard outdoor heat pump would suffice in those uh in those areas and the second subset of people would be um whether they live in colder temperatures um but they have a boiler system or a furnace that can um back them up in the coldest temperatures they like that heat Source um they find it more comfortable and so they still want to have that in their home while having an Efficient Electric option when it's uh anywhere between um 60 to 32° and they want to heat their homes with an electric source so in conclusion when comparing the Mitsubishi standard outdoor units to the hyper heat outdoor units there are so many factors to consider and we only touched on some of them we there are other factors that we probably didn't even mention but you need to make the choice that's best for you um whether that comes down to energy star certification make sure you get rebates and tax credits um or if you just live in a climate that gets colder than 5 degrees Fahrenheit you want to make sure that you have a heat source that operates down to um sub uh zero temperatures so regardless we are here to help at got duck list to help you make the right decision for your family and or business um we are here to to help with calculations uh and just support you throughout the process if you have any questions feel free to leave your comment below or give us a call or chat through our website and our team is happy to help if you liked what you saw here in this video please feel free to subscribe and like this video so that we can continue to make great content content about Mini Splits as always thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Got Ductless
Views: 19,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mitsubishi, mitsubishi standard vs hyper heat, hyper heat, heat pump, mitsubishi mini-split, mini-split, hyper heat vs standard heat pump, what is heat pump, inverter technology, hyper heat technology, heating capacity, standard vs hyper heat, efficiency, installation complexity, cost comperison, why hyper heat, why standard heat pump, mminisplit, ductless, ductless mini-split, right for you, mini-split electrical usage
Id: 7JGOOks32S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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