The Secret Garden (2020) | Full Movie | Dixie Egerickx | Colin Firth | Julie Walters

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(wind blowing) (train whistle blowing) (steam hissing) (bright music) (steam hissing) - Tonight, Dr. Craven, marks the tenth year of your treating the young master. - I can still find no cure for the boy. His ailment is unprecedented. - Shall we expect you again tomorrow then? - The day after. I have business in town. (bright music) (steam hissing) (knocking on door) Are we expecting visitors, Mrs. Medlock? - The Lennox girl is to spend a few days with us awaiting the arrival of her mother and father. - [Mary] I'm here to call on my uncle, Archibald Craven. - [Dr. Craven] Captain Lennox has no right dropping his daughter on our doorstep just so he can go gallivanting about India. There's hardly anything left of it. - Come in Mistress Mary. We've been expecting you. - Was that? Is he? - That was Dr. Craven, Lord Archibald's cousin. He is not the Craven you're calling on. - I'm glad. He seems a dour sort. - You may leave your things here. I'll send Martha to fetch them. Let us find you a room. - My uncle is here then? - Aye, but he'll not be receiving visitors tonight, related or otherwise. I'm told your stay is short. You'll likely not cross paths at all. - Suits me well enough. I mean to travel abroad in a few days and haven't any time for forced pleasantries with distant relations. - Well, aren't you a pleasant one. - I'm told it runs in the family. - [Mrs. Medlock] You may not recall, but I met you once years ago. You were barely the size of a daffy-down-dilly. - [Mary] Where am I to stay? I was told that my uncle lived in a grand estate. - People once called it grand. Not so much anymore. This place slowly went to ruin after your Aunt Lily passed. - I never knew my Aunt Lily. (steam hisses) (Mary gasping) - You were a wee thing and probably won't remember, but your mother's sister was a rare beauty. Misselthwaite couldn't survive her loss. - Misselthwaite? - It's the place you're in, child. Once the grandest of all Craven Industries. Made a rich man out of your uncle, and his father before him. A Craven lives where he works. It is their way. Hundreds of people lived out their lives here. Now, it's all that's left of the Craven empire. (mechanical buzzing) - What is this? There's something staring at me from behind the walls. - Don't tell fictions. Empty pipes and aging walls is all. Now keep up. (steam hissing) Here we are, Mistress Mary. It's the least crumbling of what's left. Make yourself at home, but be glad of the brief stay. I'll send Martha along with your things and a hot meal. (gentle music) (machinery rumbling) (wind howling) For 10 years he's seen to the young master, and for 10 years the young master has remained in that wretched room. - If the boy gives my cousin reason to call on occasion, so be it. - Only your son stands to inherit your empire before the doctor. He may have little motivation to help the boy. (machinery rumbling) (wind howling) (thunder crashing) - Mistress Mary? I'm Martha. I've brought your things. (gentle music) - You may unpack that into there. - You're a funny sort of girl. - Whatever do you mean by funny? (eerie howling) What is that unearthly howl? - The steam vents will soon shut off for the night, so you'll want to settle in quickly and bundle up until morning. - It's too cold. - You'll grow used to it in time. Master Craven hasn't allowed most of the boilers lit since Lady Lily died. (gentle music) - Then I should like to speak to him about that. - I'll take my leave now and be back with breakfast in the morning. - Will Mrs. Medlock return to dress me for bed? - Can't you dress yourself? - I never have in my life. - It'll do you good to wait on yourself a bit. Goodnight Miss Mary. - Goodnight indeed. (gentle music) (sighs) (sighs) - I almost forgot. It's been ages since we had a guest. This is a Craven Industries Comm Box. If you need anything, just push the button and speak your wishes. Someone will hear and come running. - (sighs) That's more like it. - Important wishes only. I'll not run in to tie your boots or braid your hair, but if you need extra blankets or a good story, just ring. (gentle music) (door closing) - What of my niece? I'm told the Lennox girl has arrived unaccompanied. - She is to join her family at the railway depot in three days. I've already informed her that you'll likely not see one another. - Was she agreeable? - In general, no. But regarding that particular subject, she seemed to pay it no mind. - Then we'll speak no more of it until you've informed me of her departure. (steam blowing) (cart rattling) (steam hissing) (light pleasant music) (factory whistle blowing) - [Ben] All rise for work day number 219,672 at Craven Industries Misselthwaite Factory. Scheduled personnel. - What is that? - Porridge with treacle and hot tea to start your morning, Miss Mary. - No. That. That horrible noise. - There was a time this factory had hundreds of workers. The Comm Box talked them awake and talked them to work. There's not many of us left to hear it anymore. - Well, does it do that every day? You must make it stop. - [Ben] Good day. - I suppose it could be stopped. But we've only one full time mechanic left these days, and it's all he can do to keep the steam vents going. Making those announcements is a proud tradition for him. - Give me his name. I should like to speak with him at once. Ben Weatherstaff is the one you're looking for, but good luck tracking him down. - Tracking him down? Send him to me. - You are an odd girl, Mistress Mary. - The staff of Misselthwaite seem painfully unaware of the duties that their stations require. - I'll send Martha by with lunch at noon. You're welcome to dress yourself and walk the nearby corridor, but don't stray too far. (door creaks) (radio interference crackles) (Mary clearing throat) - Seeking Ben Weatherstaff. Ben Weatherstaff please respond at once. - [Dickon] Huh? Who is this? - Are you Ben Weatherstaff? I need him to come and silence this box at once. - Oh, do you now? Well, he's a very busy man, Ben Weatherstaff. - [Mary] Where might I find him then? - He's most likely in workshop five, pounding on some pipe or another, and he loves nothing more than visitors. - And where might I find this workshop five? - [Dickon] Just follow the blue pipes, and you'll find him all right. - [Ben] Boy? Stop fiddling with the machines! (electricity crackling) - Hello? Where is this blue pipe? (dramatic music) (machinery clattering) (machinery whirring) (gentle music) Excuse me. Are you the one who can silence the box from waking me? I've two more days before my parents come to take me away from this dreadful place, and I'd prefer to spend the mornings asleep. - You know, I met you once, when you were a wee thing unable to talk. I like you even less now. (air hissing) If you must have it shut off, find the young lad, Dickon. He'll know what to do. - Is your name really Ben Weatherstaff? - It is. Have you got a problem with that and all? - No. - [Ben] Good. - It's just peculiar is all. - Peculiar. I weren't always called such. It's on account of my staff, see. Not that it's got ought to do with you. - Why? What's so special about it? It's nothing more than the fallen branch of a tree. - Oh, is it now? Does every fallen branch of a tree give you the power to call and calm the storm? - You can't possibly be serious. You must think me a child who believes in fairy stories. - Away with thee now. I've wasted enough of my precious time. I've got work to do here can't you see? (footsteps tapping) (dramatic music) - Dr. Craven? We weren't expecting you until tomorrow. - There's been a change of plans. Find the Lennox girl. My cousin will want to speak with her. Immediately, Mrs. Medlock. (machinery clattering) - Well, then where do I find this Dickon? Is he the voice who sent me here? - He is, aye. (machines whirring) Unless you'd rather the boilers die and us all freeze to death, you'll put that down. - Mistress Mary. Mrs. Medlock, she's here! You're to see your uncle right away. (dramatic music) This is as far as I go. (door creaking) - Step forward, girl. - My cousin has brought disturbing news from town. Your parents were on a chartered airship from India and it vanished somewhere over the Arabian Sea. - News has only just reached these shores. (somber music) - I haven't any other family to take me in. Even so, I will leave in three days, as my father and mother promised you. - You'll be cared for here until you're old enough to be on your own. - I prefer not to become a burden. - If your parents are truly gone, then your guardianship falls to me. You'll remain here at Misselthwaite. Now you must go I'm tired. I have a long journey ahead of me, and I'll be gone for several days, but Mrs. Medlock will see to it that you're cared for. (bell ringing) I'd forgotten you. (gentle music) (dramatic music) - Mrs. Medlock. A word, please. - Of course. (gentle music) (machine whirring) - I don't approve of this situation. - How do you mean? - The Lennox family were always financially reckless. It's highly likely they've left their daughter with no inheritance. - The girl hardly sounded as though she wished to remain here. Do you believe she intends to profit by it? - I intend to find out. - Have you told Lord Craven? - Absolutely not, and neither will you. Archibald is too soft. It might not seem so, but he'd have the child in his will if she asked. - Your mother and father must have been very important to book passage on an airship. - I suppose. I hardly knew them. - Hardly knew them? - I've been raised by servants and nannies most of my life. (gentle music) Perhaps my Aya loved me. But she died when I was very little. - Will you stay with us here at Misselthwaite? - No, I shall explore this place while I'm certain that my uncle is gone and leave before he returns. - I do wish you'd stay. I think we might be friends. I've never had a friend. Besides Dickon. - Who is this Dickon? Everyone speaks of him, but he's never around. - Dickon is my younger brother. He's usually off by himself playing in some dark corner of the factory. He wants to be a mechanic like Ben Weatherstaff, but Ben says there'll be no more mechanics here at Misselthwaite. I wonder what Dickon would think of you. - He wouldn't like me. No one does. - How do you like yourself? - Not at all really, but, I never thought of it before. - Stay out of trouble, and ring Mrs. Medlock if you need to. (door creaking) (somber music) - No. Dickon wouldn't like me at all. (machinery whirring) (spacecraft humming) (spacecraft chirping) (dramatic music) (spacecraft chirping) Hello? (gentle music) (spacecraft chirping) There you are! (spacecraft chirping) But how did you get in there? (spacecraft chirping) Wait! (spacecraft humming) (sighs) (knocking on door) (sighs) - You could at least be that young lad, Dickon. He's always begging for one task or another, but then when you truly need him, nowhere to be seen. - I'm beginning to doubt that he exists. - Just you wait for a moment in time when all you want is a little cup of quiet and a just tiniest little sliver of peace, he'll come running along. Just as sure as can be, he'll come running. Well. Is that it, girl? - How does one open a lock when one doesn't have a key? - I've got no time for riddles. I'm busy. - It isn't a riddle. I've discovered a lock. - And there's over a thousand rooms in this factory. - It's a lock in a corridor of yellow pipes. (dramatic music) - You mustn't go poking about in there. It isn't safe. - I wasn't poking about. A flying machine led me there and chirped at me from the other side. - You've met the R.O.B.I.N. (upbeat music) That's good luck. - Met the what? - The R.O.B.I.N. Don't you know? Remotely Operated Binary Industrial Node. It's quite the mouthful, so we just call them R.O.B.I.N.s. - There are others? - Oh, Misselthwaite used to be full of them. Mrs. Craven brought them all to life here. Lord Craven shut them all down when the factory closed. But this one, he refused to be shut down and he kept on flying. (Ben chuckling) He's what we call autonomous. - Autonomous? - Aye, it means... It means he does what he wants. Takes orders from nobody. (spacecraft chirping) He knows we're talking about him. He's conceited, that one is, I tell you. Likes to hear folk talking about him. He's curious, too. He always pops his head in here. see what I'm fixing. (factory whistle blowing) Well, save from duty rosters, that'll be the end of my day. Suspect that young maid will be looking for you to fetch you some supper. - Will I see him again? - Aye, you'll see him again. As long as he's of mind to be seen. (Ben sighs) I'd wrap up warm and cozy this eve if I were thee, Mistress Mary. I have half a notion to call upon a northwesterly wind to sing me to sleep. Don't go poking around that yellow corridor. Your uncle sealed that workshop off for his own reasons. - But why? What reasons? (dramatic music) (wind howling) Why would my uncle lock up an entire workshop? - Mrs. Medlock said that's not to be talked about. - But Mrs. Medlock isn't here. - There are lots of things in this place that's not to be talked over. That's Lord Craven's orders. - He's given no such order to me. I've hardly even spoken with him. (thunder rumbling) (steam hissing) - It was Lily Craven's workshop. There was a time when she believed she couldn't bear any children and her heart was broken. As a happy diversion, Lord Craven gave her the space to work in, and she just loved it. She called it her garden. - A garden inside of a factory? - Ben Weatherstaff says it was a mechanical sort of garden for cultivating her inventions. - What kinds of things did she invent? - I only know the bits Mrs. Medlock has told me. I was younger than you when it happened. Years ago, before either of us were born, people grew the most beautiful plants. Full of colors and smells. You could even eat them. But then the wars came, and set the skies on fire. - And the smogs rolled in and made most plants inedible, but what of it? - Well, Lily Craven took it upon herself to create new sorts of things that could grow and thrive, even inside of a factory. - I should like to see this secret garden. - Oh, but you can't. - Why not? (gentle music) - In her haste to discover a way to purify the smog enough to bring life to her garden, Lily Craven hid herself away in the workshop and released a tank of her experimental mixture. (gas hissing) Only, something went wrong, and the air was even more poisonous than what she started with. (gas hissing) When the factory's R.O.B.I.N. drones detected the problem, every door at Misselthwaite was instantly locked shut. By the time the poison vented out of the factory, it was too late. Lord Craven had the room sealed and shut and deactivated all the R.O.B.I.N.s, blaming them for not rescuing Lily. Within a few years, he had given up on all of Misselthwaite. (distant eerie wailing) (thunder rumbling) - [Mary] Do you hear someone crying? - It was the wind wuthering around the factory. You could barely stand up if you were in it tonight. - No, no, listen. It's inside. It's down one of those long corridors. - I shouldn't have told you that story. It's gotten you all worked up. Shall I fetch more hot water for your tea? (person wailing eerily) - There I told you! It is someone crying! - It was the wind. - And if it wasn't? - And if it wasn't, then it was Ben Weatherstaff practicing his storms. Goodbye. (gentle music) (wind blowing) (static interference crackling) - Pardon me, but does anyone know where the crying sounds are coming from? (gentle music) (electricity crackling) - [Ben] Find the red pipes. You'll get your answer. (thunder rumbling) (steam hissing) (dramatic music) (water splashing) (eerie distant wailing) (person wailing loudly) (dramatic music) (water splashing) (tense music) (door creaking) - What are you doing here? - I turned the wrong corner. I didn't know which way to go. - Dr. Craven, I trust you can find your own way out. - I can. - What did I tell you about poking around? - I heard someone crying. - You heard no such thing. Now come along. Back to your own quarters! This is precisely why I instructed Martha to see that you're locked in at night. - Locked in? - How are you to get a proper rest if you're up snooping about the factory at all hours? - You mustn't blame poor Martha! Martha didn't tell me where the crying sounds were coming from. - Of course, she didn't because you heard no sounds. The boredom of a shuttered factory can drive you half mad. Now go to sleep and no more talk of phantom cries, and stay where you're told to stay, or you'll find yourself locked up. (dramatic music) (thunder crashing) (footsteps tapping) - My patient mustn't be disturbed. - The girl meant no harm. She'll not be underfoot. - She that she isn't. - I'll escort you out. - I know my way. (thunder rumbling) - I'll do it just the same. (factory whistle blowing) (spacecraft chirps) (light upbeat music) - All rise for work day number 219,673 at Craven Industries Misselthwaite Factory. Scheduled personnel please report to duty stations by 07:00. The weather is sunny, soon to turn cold and rainy, damp and drizzly. The cafeteria will provide hot porridge and treacle promptly at noon. Tea time will be 15:30. Have all scheduled tasks and duty rosters signed by 17:00 hours. Good day. Running a little bit on the late side this morning, Miss Martha? - Perhaps your watch is a bit fast. - I'm sure Mr. Weatherstaff's watch is quite accurate and our Martha simply got a late start on the morning. - I must say I'm surprised to see you up and about this morning Mrs. Medlock. I'm told it were a bad night for the young master. - Just pray the worst is over. If he goes, I don't expect Lord Craven will have further use for any of us. - Awake already? You must have been up before the morning announcements. - Yes, however, I believe that the morning announcement was a bit earlier today than usual. - Don't let Ben Weatherstaff hear you say that. And don't let Mrs. Medlock catch you eating off the cart. - I won't! I won't! - It's my day out today. - Your day out? - You didn't think I stayed cooped up inside this factory all the time, did you? - I suppose I hadn't thought about it. - Well, I don't. I'm off to pay my mother a visit. Ring Mrs. Medlock if you need to, and I'll see you tomorrow. Try and stay out of trouble. - No promises. I've heard the R.O.B.I.N. calling after me today and I'm off to find him. Hello? R.O.B.I.N.? (sighs) (machinery rumbling) - I can see a little smile in there. That's all right. (gentle music) (Ben whistling) - Have you seen the R.O.B.I.N. today? - I haven't seen the R.O.B.I.N. today, Mistress Mary. I haven't, no. But I have seen spring. Can you smell it? There you go. - I only smell smog rolling in off the moor. - That little R.O.B.I.N. will start showing himself more and more now each and every single day. All the little beasties will. - What does spring time have to do with anything? He's a mechanical beast, not a natural creature. (chuckles) - Oh, Mistress Mary, we make no distinction here at Misselthwaite. - No distinction? - We make none at all. Back when the boilers were running full steam, there were no limit to the amazing inventions that were brought to life here. - Inventions like what? - It's of no matter now. The boilers have long been cold, and the pipes have been empty. (spacecraft chirping) You hear that? (spacecraft humming) It's the R.O.B.I.N. Do you hear him? (spacecraft chirping) Ah. He's calling after you, Mistress Mary. (spacecraft chirping) You should run. Chase him down. Ask him the questions that you've been asking me. He'll know a fair more about things than I do. Oh, Mistress Mary. You'll need this mask when you're chasing him down. The R.O.B.I.N. pays no mind to the good nor the bad air. He floats wherever he pleases. You, on the other hand, aren't afforded such luxuries. Take it wherever you go. - I shall. - That's a good girl. Now let's see here. Where were you? There you are, you little blighter. - Hello? R.O.B.I.N.? (steam hissing) It's me Mary. Don't you remember? Please come out. (spacecraft chirping) Are you there? Where are you? (spacecraft chirping) R.O.B.I.N., wait. R.O.B.I.N., it's me. It's Mary, please wait. (light upbeat music) R.O.B.I.N.? Are you in here? Where are you hiding? (spacecraft chirping) Here you are. (spacecraft buzzing) (spacecraft chirping) We met before. Don't you remember? (spacecraft chirping) It's me. Mary Lennox. (spacecraft chirping) (dramatic music) (spacecraft chirping) Am I to have it? - Every time things seem a trifle better they take a turn for the worse. We thought it best to call you right away. - Of course, that was the right choice, Mrs. Medlock. (machinery rumbling) What business have you to be snooping about in there? - I happen to live here now. - I instructed you to keep to your quarters. - I was only looking for the R.O.B.I.N. I shall continue to look elsewhere. - I thought the last of those wretched machines had been deactivated. - Well, don't look to me. It's none of my affair what is or is not activated. - Take me to my patient. I've a schedule that must be kept to. If it were my affair, there would be no flying contraptions or unwelcome house guests! (wind howling) (dramatic music) (spacecraft chirping) - You best be looking after Miss Mary. She's family now. See to it she keeps away from trouble. (spacecraft chirping) Well, go on. I'll not stop you from making your rounds. (spacecraft chirping) (thunder rumbling) (brush thuds) (tense music) - Aya! - The thunders of heaven above won't wake you, but a tweak of your blankets and up you shoot. - It's hardly past midnight. Surely you haven't brought breakfast already. - No, Miss Mary. I've returned from my day off and only meant to see that you were sleeping proper. - Well, I was. (mystical music) What do you think? I've brought you a gift. - A gift? It's adorable. What is it? - This is Astrid. - Whatever is it for? - Haven't you ever had a doll? - No. - Dickon gave her me after our first visit to the factory when we were very little. She'll keep you safe. She's a good companion. - No one has ever given me a gift before. (gentle music) - Not even your mother and father? - Certainly not. Won't you miss her terribly? - I'll visit her now and then. She's a bit worn. Your Aunt Lily made her. - How do you know? - That's her mark. She used it on most of her inventions. - Oh. Thank you. (gentle music) - It's Dickon who ought to be thanked. He patched Astrid up from scraps he's collected here and there. Now back to bed with you. I'll see you in the morning. (gentle music) (door creaking) (factory whistle blowing) - [Ben] All rise for work day number 219,674 at Craven Industries Misselthwaite Factory. Scheduled personnel please report to duty stations by 07:00. The weather is sunny, soon to turn cold and rainy. The cafeteria will provide hot porridge and treacle promptly at noon. Tea time will be 15:30. Have all scheduled tasks completed and duty rosters signed by 17:00 hours. Good day. (gentle music) - [Dickon] You found the key. - Who is that? - Do you like the doll? - Dickon. Is that you? - The R.O.B.I.N. told me you found the key. - He showed it to me. - Oh, did he now? He never let on he knew where it was. - Do you understand what the R.O.B.I.N. says? - I think I do, and he thinks I do. I've worked with machines so long, they think I'm one of them. - How did you get in there? Can't you climb out? - Of course, I can, but not here. Meet me in Ben Weatherstaff's workshop. - When? Now? (footsteps running) (pipe clanking) (light upbeat music) (pipe banging) (steam hissing) (machinery whirring) - Good. I was afraid Weatherstaff would be here. - How did you do that? - These pipes go all sorts of places. Since most of them aren't moving steam anymore, I use them. (spacecraft humming) (spacecraft chirping) - What's he saying? - Ben Weatherstaff is headed this way. Come with me. - What? (pipe banging) What is this place? - This is my hideout. I do all my most important work here. - Well, who are you hiding from? - There's no more jobs for mechanics at the factory, and Ben Weatherstaff won't take on an apprentice. But I still like to tinker and make repairs, especially for the R.O.B.I.N. - Would my uncle be angry if he caught you here? - I prefer not to find out. Can I have a look at that key? (gentle music) - It's the key to the sealed up workshop, isn't it? - It's the key to every workshop, to every room, closet, and cupboard in all of Misselthwaite. When I was very little, I used to climb through the vents into that workshop and read your Aunt Lily's notes. She had so many wonderful ideas. Including this key. - What's the matter? - When I grew up a bit, I couldn't fit through the pipe anymore. I haven't been to that shop in a long time. But if this key exists, maybe she created some of the other things. - Martha told me that she tried to create plants. Do you think that she really did it? - We can certainly find out. (mystical music) (lock disengaging) (bright music) - How still it is. This place was her garden. - I never thought I'd see it again. - Is it all quite a dead garden? I wish it wasn't. (dramatic music) - There's still some life here. Look here. The vines are hollow tubes. - It's full of tiny vents. But why? - It's part mechanical. Look. The vines are connected to the central boiler line. (electricity crackles) (machinery humming) (bright mystical music) This is where I found Astrid. - I wish that I could put the rest of her back together, but I've never worked with anything mechanical my entire life. - All we need is a little bit of steam to run through the pipes, and we could get things growing proper again. - But my uncle hasn't allowed many of the boilers lit since my Aunt Lily died. - That's true, but we could solve that problem. - Will you come again and help me to do it? I'm sure that I can help, too. - I'll come every day if you want me. It'll be the most fun I ever had in my life. Shut in here, wakening a mechanical garden. We'll have your doll finished soon enough I expect. (factory whistle blowing) - I have to go. Before Mrs. Medlock or Martha come looking for me. No matter what happens, you would never tell? - Our secret's safe as anything. - Meet me here tomorrow, first thing. We'll spend the day at work in the garden. I've seen Dickon. He showed me his hideout. - I knew you'd cross paths. He's a fine lad. - I'm going to see him again tomorrow. He's helping me finish constructing the doll. - Oh? I know he's got chores for mother tomorrow. He probably won't have time for coming around here. Dickon's had you crawling through the factory pipes, I see. - Oh, yes. It isn't the cleanest way around, I suppose. - I'll take it with me tonight and have it back good as new by morning. - Oh, no, no, that won't be necessary. - Nonsense, I'd never hear the end of it, if Mrs. Medlock caught you roaming around in such a state. Goodnight, Miss Mary. (door closing) (pipe banging) (dramatic music) (machinery whirring) (steam hissing) (dramatic music) (steam hissing) (bright music) (gas hissing) - What was I thinking leaving the key in my coat pocket? Our first day in the garden, and I've already gone and lost the key. What will Dickon say? (person wailing faintly) (thunder crashing) (eerie wailing) (eerie distant wailing) (machinery squeaking) (thunder rumbling) (distant eerie wailing) (electricity buzzing) (person wailing eerily) (dramatic music) - Who are you? - Were you crying? - Are you a ghost? - You don't look as though you've been crying. - I am Colin. Are you a ghost? - I am Mary Lennox. I am not a ghost. - Why are you here? - I live here. Archibald Craven is my uncle. - Archibald Craven is my father. - Your father? No one told me that he had a boy. Why wouldn't they? - Come here. (gentle music) Where did you come from? - My own room. The thunder wouldn't let me sleep. And I heard someone crying, and I wanted to find out who it was. What were you crying for? - Because I can't sleep either and my head aches. Tell me your name again. - Mary Lennox. Did no one tell you that I'd come to live here? - No, they dare not. - Why? - Because I should have been afraid you would see me. I won't let people see me or talk me over. - Why? - Because I am always like this. Unable to walk. My father won't let people see me or talk me over either. The servants are not allowed to speak about me. - What a strange place this is. Everything is kept a secret! Workshops are locked up! Gardens are locked up! And you, are you locked up, too? - No, I stay in this room because I do not wish to be moved around. - Does your father come and see you then? - My mother died and it makes my father sad to look at me. He thinks I don't know, but I've heard them talking. They say I'm not going to live long, which is just as well. I do not want to be a hunchback like my father. I think he knows this and he hates me for it. - He hates the garden, too. Because she died. That's why he locked the door. - Locked what door? - Just a door to a workshop that your father hates. Nothing, really. Why do they think that you won't live? I've seen the doctor here. Can't he help you? - My doctor is my father's cousin. If I die, he shall have all Misselthwaite when my father is dead. I should think he wouldn't want me to live. - Why do you keep looking at me like that? - Do you see the curtain hanging on the wall? - [Mary] Yes. - Go and open it. That is all that I know of her. - Your mother? - If she had lived, I believe I would not have been ill. I dare say I might have even been able to walk. - She made this doll, too. I believe it was one of her last creations. - Draw the curtain again. I do not want to see her looking at me anymore. - I should go. I've been here far too long. - I want you to come and speak to me every day. (gentle music) - I will come as often as I can. - You must look every day for the locked door. I should like to see that place. - Well, perhaps I might find a way to get in sometime. Perhaps we might find a boy who could carry you in there, and we could go and it would just be kept a secret garden. (gentle music) (machinery whirring) (knocking at door) - Come in. Miss Mary. I've never known you to be up and about so early. I haven't even prepared your breakfast. - I was only hoping to come and get my vest. - Of course, I've just finished mending it. (tense music) (gentle music) Be more careful with important things. - I will. I promise. - And don't let Dickon get you into trouble. He's a sweet boy, but his curiosity gets the best of him. - I found out what the crying was. - You haven't. Never. (interference on comm box) (person wailing loudly) What have you done? (tense dramatic music) (suspenseful music) I'm sorry, Master Colin. I didn't tell Mistress Mary where to find you. - I want Mary Lennox to come and speak to me. - You do? - And you are not to tell anyone. - But Mrs. Medlock ordered me to never-- - Have you to do what I please or have you not? - I have to do what you please, sir. - Has Medlock to do what I please? - Everybody has, sir. - Well, then I order you to bring Mary Lennox to me. (dramatic music) (steam hissing) (factory whistle blowing) - The world's coming to an end. - What is it? - You better come as quick as you can. If Mrs. Medlock find out, she'll think I broke orders and told you. I'll lose my place. - No, you won't lose your place. I'm the one who heard the crying in the night and I got up and found Colin myself. He was glad that I came. - He won't let strangers look at him. - He let me look at him. What's that matter with him? - I wasn't told of him until a year ago. After Lady Lily died, Lord Craven wouldn't set eyes on Colin. (Colin wailing loudly) You better go as quick as you can. (dramatic music) (Colin wailing) - [Dr. Craven] How long does my cousin intend to remain abroad this time? - [Mrs. Medlock] All week, sir. The travel might do his health some bit of good if you ask me. - [Dr. Craven] I did not ask you. - [Mrs. Medlock] No sir. - [Dr. Craven] You say the boy's health is further deteriorated? - [Mrs. Medlock] I'm not qualified to diagnose, but the night terrors are more frequent. Perhaps, if he could be made to walk... - [Dr. Craven] I agree. - Oh? - You are certainly not qualified to diagnose. Any attempt to alter his condition is likely to make it worse. - I should like to see that secret workshop. - We'll have to find a way to transport you there. - You are supposed to find a boy to help carry me there. - I know a boy who may help, but you haven't given me enough time to ask him yet. Besides, I'm not sure that he can carry you all that way. - What is this? - This is my cousin, Mary Lennox. - Sir, I don't know how it's happened. No one would dare tell. The servants have their orders. - Calm yourself, Medlock. She heard my cries and she found me on her own. (dramatic music) (tool humming) - I'm afraid there's been too much excitement. Excitement is not good for you, my boy. - She makes me better. I think we shall have tea together. - He does seem a bit better, sir. - A mere trick of the mind. We must not forget that he is ill. - I want to forget. She makes me forget. - Mrs. Medlock, I expected better control of this household from you. New recommendations will be forthcoming. - Medlock. You may bring us our tea now. Tell me more about this boy you know. (steam hissing) (gentle music) - Dickon! Martha told me that you had chores today and wouldn't make it. - I stayed up all night and finished them this morning. I couldn't stop thinking about the garden. - I couldn't sleep either. I've had the most peculiar adventure. (lock disengaging) (bright music) How did this happen? - I lit an extra boiler. - Won't we get caught? - I made sure the steam we need only comes to this room. - You're a genius. - Ha, tell that to Ben Weatherstaff. (Mary chuckles) So, tell me about your adventure. - I've made a strange discovery. - Stranger than a secret workshop covered in mechanical vines and doll parts? - Do you know about Colin? - What do you know about him? - I've seen him. He demanded that I sit with him this morning. He says that I make him forget about being ill and dying. - And how do you manage that? - Well, I told him about this place. - Will he keep the secret? - I think so. He wants to visit, but I told him that I couldn't see him this afternoon so that I could discuss it with you first. - I think a visit to a place like this might do him some good, but he's not able to walk, is he? - No. I wondered if we might convince Ben Weatherstaff to carry him here. - And spoil the secret? - I suppose it would. - Is your uncle still away? - For another day or two. - Meet me in my hideout tonight. I think I have a more suitable idea for Master Colin's transportation. (door creaks) - I'll not pretend to know what the pair of you is up to with that key, but our Dickon's not seemed happier his whole life. - Yes, I suppose he does seem happy. Doesn't he? (Colin wailing) Dreadful that sounds. He ought to be stopped. - It's his illness, Miss Mary. He can't be held accountable for something he can't control. - Somebody ought to make him stop. He works himself up into hysterics. - Miss Mary, he'll do himself harm! You must come quick! No one can do anything for him and he likes you. - (stomping) I'm dressed for bed! Tell him to gain control of himself! - That's the right humor. You go and scold him. - Give him something new to think of. - As quick as you can. (suspenseful music) (Colin crying) - You stop! (Colin crying) I hate your wailing. Everybody hates it. I wish that everyone would run out of the factory, and let you cry yourself to death. If you scream another scream, I'll scream too, and I can scream louder than you. - I can't stop. - Yes you can! Half that ails you is hysterics. - [Colin] I felt it. I felt the lump. - Keep up. - [Colin] I shall have a hunch on my back just like my father and then I shall die never having walked a step in all of my life. - You didn't feel any lump. There's nothing the matter with your horrid back. Nothing, but hysterics. Sit up and let me feel it. Mrs. Medlock, come and sit Colin up. - Show her. She'll see then. (dramatic music) (electricity crackling) (dramatic music) - There isn't a single lump there. If you say that there is again, I shall laugh. - Do you suppose I could live to grow up? - Of course, you will, if you can control your temper and breathe in something other than the stale air of this room. - I shouldn't hate fresh air if we could find... If Dickon could come and help me move about. - Dr. Craven would never allow such a thing. Mistress Mary, you must come get your sleep out. He'll nod off after a while. - I will put him to sleep. You may go, if you like. - Miss Mary, what was there? What did you see? - I think that I shall sing him a song that I learned from my Aya. Then I'll return to bed. Goodnight. - [Martha] Is Master Colin really going to live? What was it Miss Mary saw? - It is none of our concern, Martha, and if Miss Mary has any decency in her, she'll never mention it. - But she certainly saw something. - And neither will you. (thunder rumbling) - I almost told, but I stopped myself in time. Have you learned anything else about the way into the secret garden? - Yes, I have, and if you will go to sleep, I will show you tomorrow. - I think if I could get into it, I should live to grow up. - Why is that? - It's just a feeling. Do you suppose that instead of singing me your Aya song, you could just tell me what you think it looks like? - Yes. Close your eyes. (gentle music) It has been left alone for so long that it's covered in a strange gray mist. Some of it is dead, but some of it is still very alive, and a R.O.B.I.N. watches over it all. (thunder rumbling) - You're late. - I had to convince Colin that he isn't a hunchback. - I think it's time we get to the bottom of Colin's illness. Have you ever been to your uncle's study? - Once. - And did he have a mechanical chair? - Yes. A very odd sort of chair. - A chair on wheels? (gentle music) (door creaking) Let's get the chair to Colin's room before someone finds us here. (air hissing) (chair rattles) (liquid gurgling) We'll come back in the morning for him. - Won't Mrs. Medlock find out that he's gone? - Martha can handle Mrs. Medlock. Meet me here just after sunrise. - I'll be here. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until then. - Here. I made some notes. Look them over tonight. I think you'll be able to repair the doll on your own. (door creaking) (bright music) (factory whistle blowing) - [Ben] All rise for work day number 219,675. - Dickon. I'm late to meet Dickon. - [Ben] Scheduled personnel please report to duty stations by 07:00. (door creaks) (Mary gasping) - Shh, come on. You're late again. - I know, I'm sorry. - Shh, there goes Mrs. Medlock. (machinery whirring) (dramatic music) - Have you already seen to Miss Mary this morning? - I have, so I've come to look after Master Colin as well. - That will be quite helpful. I've a great deal of preparation to see to before Lord Craven's return. (dramatic music) - The corridor is clear. Mrs. Medlock won't be back this way until lunch time. - Thank you, Martha. (gentle music) (machinery humming) - You can hardly tell he's breathing. - Doesn't anyone know what's wrong with him? How can a boy remain ill for such a long time? - I don't know. (dramatic music) - Who are you? - Colin, this is Dickon. We've brought you a surprise. - What is it? - That's your transportation to the secret place I told you about. (gentle music) - Help me into it at once. (mechanical chair whirring) (mystical music) - Now cover your eyes. All right, open them. (bright theatrical music) - This place seems so familiar, and yet I've never seen it before. (liquid gurgling) (gentle music) If only I were cured, I would explore every single corner. - This place will cure you. - I'm going to walk? - I can't stall Mrs. Medlock any longer. She'll be in Master Colin's room soon with lunch. - This place is full of life. Can't you feel it? - The air is certainly different. It is no longer stale. - Breathe it in. It'll make your legs grow strong. - Dr. Craven says I shall not grow anymore. He says I shall have a hunch on my back and be barely able to move just like my father. - Perhaps none of you heard me. - She's right. We should get Colin back to his room for the day. - We'll bring you back here again soon, and we'll make you walk. We promise. (spacecraft chirping) (light upbeat music) - What is that noise? - That's the R.O.B.I.N. I was telling you about. - I want to meet him. (spacecraft chirping) (spacecraft screeching) (footsteps tapping) - Where do you think you're going, boy? - What have you done to the R.O.B.I.N.? - I finally silenced the last of these little beasts. Your place is out on the moor. You've no right to be here. - Dickon is my guest. - This boy is no concern of yours. You will do well to stay away from him. - Mary is family and she may do as she pleases. Along with her guest. They're going to teach me to walk. - She's bewitched you. Nothing more. Filled your head with dreams of walking about and exploring. - Nonsense. I cured him of his fits just last night. - Leave the medicine to me. The boy was already quite ill, and I'm afraid you've made matters infinitely worse! Escort these two away from here! I will see to Master Colin myself. Immediately! (dramatic music) - How did you fix her? (spacecraft chirping) - We found the missing pieces in the secret garden. Then Dickon loaned me the tools I needed. (Colin wailing faintly) - I'll be able to repair the R.O.B.I.N. I just need to bring him back to my hideout. - What about poor Colin? I thought the trip to the garden would do him some good. - Maybe it has. (Colin wailing loudly) - We must be missing something. - Don't blame yourself. Even Dr. Craven hasn't been able to cure him. (Colin wailing loudly) - Should I go and help to quiet him? - It will probably make the doctor even angrier. - I'll take my chances. (Colin crying) (Colin wailing) (machinery creaking eerily) (footsteps tapping) - You. He worked himself into hysterics claiming you promised him a garden that would heal him and make him walk! - I made no such promise. - His fragile health couldn't handle the emotional pain. You've killed the boy. (somber music) Of this I am certain, you are to blame. No one is to enter the boy's room! My cousin will return tomorrow and deal with all of you. - I didn't know. (door slams distantly) I was only trying to help him. - Martha, see Mary to her room. Stay with her tonight. Find Dickon and send him home. This tragedy will destroy Misselthwaite. - Aye. No question. It shall. (door creaking) - I have to go. (gentle music) Please don't try to stop me. You know that I didn't kill Colin. - Stay until your uncle arrives. He won't blame you. Colin's been ill his entire life. - Dr. Craven blames me! He'll convince everyone that it's my fault. Stay here until the morning. Tell them that I was gone when you woke up. - Be careful. And write to me. You're the only friend I've ever had. (gentle music) - I will. I promise. (gentle music) (gentle music) (somber music) (dramatic music) - Looks like getting hit jogged a lot of memories in that bird brain of yours. (spacecraft chirping) (spacecraft humming) What's this? (dramatic music) It doesn't look like that man ever really liked you very much. (spacecraft chirping) (spacecraft chirping) - Dickon. Dickon. Something terrible's happened. Young Master Colin he died. Dr. Craven's blaming Mistress Mary. They're sure to drag you into this by morning, you mark my words. You need to leave the factory right now for your own sake. - I have to find Mary. - What? What you not hear me, boy? The worst has happened. It'll ruin us all. - Dr. Craven is a liar. Check the R.O.B.I.N.'s memory. I need to find Mary. (spacecraft chirping) (dramatic music) Where's Dr. Craven? - Where's Colin? - Colin? Colin. - Mechanical. Look. I should have known it when he showed me his back! I saw my Aunt Lily's flower on the back of his neck! - Lily Craven created her own mechanical son, of course. - So he can't have died. But why would Dr. Craven lie to us? - The R.O.B.I.N. showed me everything. Dr. Craven is behind all of it, Lily Craven's death, Colin's illness. - All of it? - With no one to stand between himself and Lord Craven, he would inherit all of Craven Industries. - No, but my uncle is alive, and well. - I suspect that's only because he wanted to take care of everyone else first. - (gasps) He never was pleased to have me here. - If Colin is a mechanical boy, maybe we can fix him. - But I've just come from his room. Dickon, he isn't there! - Dr. Craven must have hidden him somewhere. Dr. Craven sealed it up all over again. Colin must be in there. - You said that this opens every lock in this factory? Let's hope you're right. (locks disengaging) (bright music) Dickon, what do we do? - He's the most complex machine I've ever seen. - We have to fix him. - Looks like he was never completed. I don't think we can bring him back. (somber music) - No, there must be a way. If this whole secret garden was built by Colin's mother just to bring him to life, she must have left behind a way to complete him. If you're right, then Dr. Craven will be after me as well. Keep my uncle safe. - I will. I promise. (somber music) - I have to go now. Dickon will look after you. (somber music) (Mary sobbing) - Miss Mary, you must leave now. Your uncle has returned. (electricity powering up) (air hissing) (mechanical whirring) - I am Colin. I am alive. - The doll was Lily Craven's final piece. It must be his true power source. - [Mary] He should be able to walk. (dramatic music) - [Martha] Excuse me. (dramatic music) (spacecraft chirping) (suspenseful music) - Good morning, Dr. Craven. - Let's have a cup of a tea and a chat, shall we? (thunder crashing) (machinery humming) - Father. I'm Colin. (gentle music) - I thought I'd lost you. I thought this place held only death. - It came back to life because of Mary and Dickon. I'm going to live forever and ever and ever. - Show me this garden that your mother loved so well. I want to see everything. (bright upbeat music) (bright theatrical music) - [Ben] All rise for work day number 219,676 at Craven Industries Misselthwaite Factory. By order of the young Master Colin, scheduled personnel please enjoy a day out. - [Dickon] The cafeteria will provide hot porridge and treacle promptly at noon, alongside Jammie Dodgers and tea. - [Ben] Boy, how many times must I repeat myself? Stop fiddling with the machines. (gentle music) (bright uplifting music)
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 6,604,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, trailers, movies, Films, christian Movies, God, Jesus, Dixie Egerickx, Colin Firth, Julie Walters, The Secret Garden movie, The Secret Garden full movie, The Secret Garden feature film, The Secret Garden, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: sWfgTiJ3sCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 53sec (5393 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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