15 Hours Straight Painting The Golden Nugget!

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cody's getting his back panel all worked around hillbilly did this little corner super nice he gets a gold star today so we're gonna prime this tomorrow let's show you why we can't pull this body out yeah we're not gonna be taking a bare metal body outside into that stuff that's why we're doing a little bit of body work kind of waiting chilling until it's dry then we're going to wheel it around into the paint shop you total wash your head putting final touches on the taillight pan here so we can get it jammed it's weather permitting let's just roll it to the paint bay we're getting some thresh bondo down for hillbilly to sand we got to start him on flat straight panels only about yay big spots not yay big he's still got his training wheels on now you're standing your fender yes signing my horrible bondo job it'll turn out to be beautiful this part's a beautiful part that i've spread don't look down here so i learned something new make sure you blow the panel off before you spread mud because cody has to re-spread the mud that i spread because i didn't blow my panel off and so it's just flaking off because of the dust so now you moved to working on this one yep only he forgot to blow off park he got the top blown off he just didn't blow off the side but he caught it so we are good to go so the panel that we were i learned to blow it off before spreading the bondo is about done it's got a couple more spots and it'll be nice and smooth okay we're doing a skin coat of glaze we did a skim coat of glaze on this take care of the deep scratches and a couple of the pinholes in that just putting some x down all right we'll let that sit for a few minutes and flash off then we'll put a second and a third coat on tomorrow we sand it and we jam it we got this thing primed all we got to do is guide coat it oh that's a little heavy you don't need that much guide coat that's for sure i just got the point across that's what that did that's it for tonight so it is tomorrow cody's hard at work on the body hillbilly's over there helping him i'm going to show you guys what i'm up to we got to go get the rokon tank out all these parts are ready to get polyester we got the fenders done hillbilly did those and they actually turned out really good so we're pretty happy with it see got it all smoothed up didn't really need much hair it's a little bit across the top a little bit down the back turned out awesome same thing feeling good the grill surround it's all worked out it's moved up nice we got a nice little race track right here that's a nice little bump out uh what we're gonna do on this is polyester it and then we're gonna seam seal this crack down here so it all flows in nicely and it'll look really good on the front of this are these doors all sanded out these ribs those were fun luckily i didn't have to do them built a custom block cut down one of our acrylic blocks to fit inside it's long and can get things straight and work it all out we took our hutchins hustler and we cut it down to one inch so that it'll fit down inside here let's get that rokon tank out and let's get all these parts over there let's do it welcome dinner it was way more dramatic than i had planned on that turned out sweet that looks really good enough geeking like our little stand held yeah it worked out good come on look at this would you just look at it that looks sad that look a real good that looks beautiful just getting all my edges prepped on this hood so that it's ready to be polyester primed and then i'm going to do the same thing on all the other parts just working all the edges before i take them over to the paint booths animal i'm going to blow it all off and then get it over to where i just have to mask it up clean it and polyester it this brace wasn't welded on this inner one so i ran a bead on both sides so we didn't have no vibration and rattling noise now i'm just cleaning up the weld so that way it's nice and smooth i thought i was done then i remembered that these louvers need sanded out you got to whittle them it takes about 30 minutes to sit here and just whittle these don't worry it'll only be five seconds on this video it's starting to hail out there guys so we gotta cover this and get it over there all right so hillbilly grab some plastic let's get this thing plastic then let's get it over there as quick as possible let's just go the nugget week why can't mother nature just cooperate with us dang it oh yeah it's kind of like a bicycle it's like a bicycle when you're a kid and you put it in your tires by the time we get that over in the paint shop it'll be sun shiny and 85 degrees again okay we put it back there now take this plastic bag off what awaits a chunk of plastic for such a short distance i've got a hole here that i need to clean out so i'm just going to grab a round file and then we're moving on to the doors all right on this door it's pretty decent i'm just gonna go and catch all the edges we're not gonna polyester prime down in this little area i'm gonna sand it but we're actually gonna back mask it off because it doesn't need anything down in here besides some primer i'm not going to go down in this handle pocket just try to be strategic about it so the polyester primer what that is is a sprayable filler we rough out our mud work and then we put sprayable filler on it it's equivalent to what glaze coat is so it's going to take care of all the little imperfections and it's going to give us material to block down to get these things straight and then after that we're going to final prime it with a urethane primer and then we'll final sand that and paint this thing this is only the second second video of shark week hope you guys are enjoying what you're watching all right so i got the last of the edges all done on the second door this one's actually the passenger door now that i look at it so i'm gonna blow all the stuff off dinner's gonna head back over into the paint shop see what those guys are up to we're doing here buddy taping seams off so we can see we'll seal it yeah oh what are you doing cody i'm just debating on climbing in this on the rotisserie and make sure it's tight so it don't take you for a ride hold on tight it'll be fun i know it'll be fun don't try it no i'm good he'll feel like he's on the trails and sound hollow bounce it to the roof i've never been to sand hollow dinner so cameraman is gonna hold this and i'm gonna grab the hood we're gonna try to do this to where you guys can see it now we'll get the rest apart all right so we've got one more door that we need to get over in the booth but it's full of bondo dust so we're gonna lay it over here on the stand and then blow it out and then walk it over there how about i just hold it and you bowl it off while i hold it i got i got a mask you sure yeah all right bring it over here let's blow it off this thing is full of bondo dust close your eyes [Music] we're going to mask the floor because polyester primer makes a mess so we're going to lay out the paper on the ground paper everything on the stand position everything and then we'll clean it wax and grease blowtack and staticate and then polyester primer just like magic floor is masked look at that all that masking worked me up an appetite i think it's just about lunch 30. it's dinner time well it's lunch time but same thing in the big scheme so we're gonna go get some food so stay tuned we've got a lot more to pack into this video yo what are you doing same thing i was doing about 20 30 minutes ago it's masking seams for seam sealer all right well are you guys getting done yet no the internet would have had this done i'm about done with this one steam are you guys getting hungry cause i think it's lunch time all right we're back from lunch we're gonna mask this all out look at that i'm a juggling do two try it now [Music] all right so two and a half hours later now we're gonna wax and grease this attacking static all of it and then we're gonna put the polyester primer down then we're gonna go back to working on the body so much to do we're working extra time [Music] all of you that have no idea what this is this waxing grease remover it removes waxes and greases and different contaminants on the panel so that we don't have fish eyes and other paint issues when we go to spray spray this on it lifts the contamination and we wipe it off all right so we've got all waxed and greased all those contaminants are removed me and hillbilly are gonna head out mix up the polyester primer i've got a brand new gun i'm gonna show you guys because it takes a special gun to spray this this is like spraying filler like that you normally spread with a spreader so that tip is like the size of my pinky that's small i know but a chew drink gun size like a garden hose all right so we got our brand new polygon sata jet 100 bp for polyester check this thing out look at that nozzle humongous tip it is a 2.5 it's huge that's all i know so this is what we use to do spray polyester so this is 100 parts polyester primer to two-part hardener we're weighing it out on the scale so that we hit it just right you don't want to screw this up and blow it tack it static control it [Music] it's time we're going to put down the polyester primer on everything [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i got the first coat down we're gonna wait 10 to 15 minutes and put a second coat on then we're going to do a guide coat and i'll show you guys what that looks like when we get to that point so right now i'm running the seam sealer and the purpose of taping the seams off is so when we spread it get it nice and flat and when we remove the tape it's nice looks like it's factory nice and pretty and everything so now that i got the seam sealed on all the seams or not i don't got it at all seam sealed right now but i got most of it done so i'm filling the tape off so the seam still doesn't keep the tape on and end up filling up all this fresh seam seal once it's hardened [Music] nice pretty crisp line i've got my last coat put down so now i'm going to put a guide coat coke over it what i've done is i've tinted it so you can see the difference this is what the polyester primer looks like this is the tinted primer so that's gonna be my last coat it's gonna act as a guide coat so when we go to sand it off this will show all the imperfections just one last step what i do when we do full panels like this check out how it changes it [Music] all right so we've got it all guide coated polyester primer is on all the parts it turned out good so after this we'll block it all down then we'll put actual primer it's a urethane product over top of it then we'll prep that all down with 600 and then we'll be spraying gold still hard added it seems chilling but it looks like we use this as big dinner's hair gel comment below if you think we should how's it coming good about down at the top just got this door jamb last door down to do and then a couple of welds on that side and i'm just about done so i'll come and help i'll help you do the bottom we're just getting a few little last seams and then we are moving on to the underside all right so we've got the entire inside all seam sealed everything from basically the windows down is sealed up just like it was from factory so now we're going to flip this body we're going to seam seal the underside seams on the welds where paul had to modify the doghouse for the training motor no billy's just brushing the last little bit and we're gonna let it sit overnight dry and we're painting it in the mountain so when you paint it or you leave it like that so i'll do it like this then i'll flip it to the other side get the whole bottom and then i'll get the firewall it's gonna be gold awesome all right so we've got everything seam sealed me and hillbilly and dinskenator ready it's getting late i'm hungry i'm hungry guess what we're doing tonight movie night taking our wives on dates they deserve it we'll be back tomorrow it is another day we're back here working on the golden nugget body the plan is to paint the inside and underside of the golden nugget and the firewall all right all the parts are done parts are cured out from all the polyester primers so we're just going to pull them out wheel this body in get the rotisserie all masked and then we're going to start epoxy so that little hopscotch over this ramp right out a lot of sand dander's going to grab the air blower we're going to try to blow it out of the booth now we're going to start the process of getting this thing jammed out by the end of the week this will be back on the frame all we have to do after that the final bodywork on the outside final prime it and paint it so thanks for your patience we're doing it as quick as we can look what demary found more laffy taffy what do you call a picture of a bookcase a shelfie a chili what does a ghost call their partner a ghoul my boo my boo oh so two and a half hours later i'm ready to wax and grease so i've got to go inside outside top bottom everything it's gonna be a little bit of a process we'll show you the first little bit and then i'll just get it all done so with huge projects like this i like to break them into sections so it doesn't seem so big i'm using this microfiber because it doesn't lend but this is still pretty rough but i want lint to come off of it [Music] so we've got all waxed and greased hillbilly came in to help me out it's our day off he was willing to come in and help me as we're boxing it we gotta spin it so he's gonna help support that next we're gonna blow attack and static it get this thing ready for epoxy all right we're doing something a little different we're gonna tag team this literally i got hillbilly with the two court pressure pot attached to his belt i've got the gun we're going to epoxy this sucker we got to stay close together because the hose is only three feet long wish us luck this is a big job [Music] and after just the gun [Music] oh did i ever mention i've never used a pressure pot before [Music] [Applause] all right so what we're gonna do now we're gonna actually rotate the body we're gonna do as much underside inside group as we can then we'll switch it over to the other side and get all the spots we missed [Music] sweet it's looking good for the first coat now i'm gonna go inside a lot to do in there this is sweet i can get it everywhere [Music] we're going to rotate this the other way just make sure we got all the spots and let it last for 15 minutes so we've got our first coat of epoxy all put on took a little while that's a lot of nooks and crannies i'm going to let it flash for 15 minutes put a second coat on then i got to wait an hour before i can put any base coat on it on the video it'll be two seconds first gallon down we got two more gallons we've got to paint the outside of the nugget we got to paint the roacon and we got to paint the trailer our first super expensive gallon is gone get this mixed up get it in the gun and we're gonna get this thing gold it's that time time to make the inside and the underside gold [Music] i'm not used to spraying base coat with a pressure block so i'm figuring out how to adjust it while i'm spraying it [Music] all right so we've got the majority of the underside first coat down we're gonna flip it to the other side so that i can get all the underside finish and then i'm going on the inside [Music] we're about halfway through the inside we're gonna fill back up come back in and shoot it all and then we'll have the first coat done [Music] all right so i've got the first coat down it took about an hour to spray all this just because it's so tedious you gotta spin it and move it in the right position but it's looking good so i'm going to let this flash off for about 10 to 15 minutes and i'm going to go and i'm going to put the second coat down then we're going to be putting on the clear coat and really bringing this color to life 12 hours later we're ready for clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we've got it all cleared up got two coats looking awesome we're on hour 15. so two of us working 15 hours a lot of work but it's sure paying off this looks awesome so we're headed home we need to talk let me tell them yeah all right last video we spammed you with infomercials we were trying to be funny apparently it didn't come off very comical like we thought it would we're sorry to those of you that sold our hats out and bought all the shirts and stickers and patches thank you you literally just supported the channel for an entire month the golden nugget build is expensive but with your guys's help it really lightened the load to where we don't have to focus so hard on trying to come up with money to pay for this you guys helped thank you all right so we've been super busy this last week we've gotten a ton of stuff done all those hundreds of hours have finally paid off we've got a super expensive paint on the inside of the nugget we cannot wait to spray the outside but that's in another video as always we appreciate you guys if you like this video go check out this video bye
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 509,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DE1gjms5YuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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