Just Let It Go | Bob Proctor

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See, the point is, you don't know how  much future you've got. What's gone   is gone. There's absolutely nothing you can  do about it. Some of you have had divorces.   Some of you have probably had bankruptcies. Some  of you've had terrible things happen in the past,   but what's gone is gone. It's in the past.   And to spend your time focusing on the past is  to spend the only thing that you've got, and   that's what's right here, right now, because the  sand never stops running. This is all we've got,   and to spend your time now  thinking of what happened there   is making absolute certain that the future  is going to be the same as the past.   I don't suppose many of us spend  a lot of time thinking about that,   but a lot of us spend a lot  of time making that error.   That's an excellent symbol. All you got is now.  I remember years and years ago, I suffered with   headaches, terrible headaches. I got to the point  where I was taking Bufferin for the headaches.   Then I got to the point where I was  taking Sinutab with codeine for headaches.   There was 16 in the bottle, and I got to the  point where I was taking two bottles a day.   As a matter of fact, most times I didn't even  remember my head not aching, but I was sort of   numb all the time. Of course, with that much junk  in you, I guess you couldn't be any other way.   I remember talking to this chap. I was in the  Hotel Vancouver and I was picking up two heavy   briefcases or suitcases, and I was in a real  rush to get the airport. He said, "What's the   matter with you?" He said, "You look like you're  going to pass out." And I said, "I feel like I   am." He said, "What's the matter?" And I said, "My  head is aching so bad. I feel sick to my stomach.   Now, some of you suffer with this, and I felt  like banging my head against the wall, it was   so much pain. He said, "Go and sit down in that  chair." And I said, "I don't have time. I got to   catch a plane." He said, "Listen, you can always  get another plane. You only get one head."   He said to me, "Do you know what forgive means?"   And by the way he asked the question, I just  thought I probably don't, and I said, "Well,   I don't know." He says, "Forgive means let  go of, completely abandon. Just let it go   unequivocally, no strings attached." Now he  said, "If you want to rid yourself of headaches,   just forgive all the thoughts  that are on your mind   and you just listen to me," and he put me in  a totally relaxed state. I felt better than I   had felt for years. You guys, you're going  to find that your head is aching because   of the things you're not letting go of, and it's  causing tension and it's causing an abnormal   state of vibration in the cells and the brain,  which causes the blood to rush to the head.   As you put yourself in a totally relaxed  state, you simply become programmed to relax.   I know that I would not be able to do what I  do, as often as I do it and as long as I do it,   if I wasn't relaxed. Leland Val Vanderwall said  something when we were sitting having coffee,   and I jotted it down. Every time this guy  opens his mouth, he drops a pearl, and so wise.   He said, "Let us not look back in anger nor  forward in fear, but around us in awareness."   Was there ever depth in that? Let's not look  back in anger. Let's quit thinking in reverse nor   forward in fear, but around us in awareness. I hope you enjoyed this video. We put a lot of   good information up here, and it causes everything  in your life to get better. If you'd like us to   notify you every time we put a new video up,  hit subscribe and then turn on notification.   Check out all our videos, and we will  notify you when we put a new one up.
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 413,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: etLJnnGwtPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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