The Science of Hunger, Optimal Health and Body Love with Celebrity Nutritionist Kelly LeVeque

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and I think there is so something to be said about you know blood sweat and tears for a client for your business for the people you work with I mean when I was growing up my dad never said you have to have straight A's he just said I want you to try your best which is almost worse because bad it's it's asking you like what is your best [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everyone of the school of greatness podcast excited about our guest Kelly Levesque in the house I'm so excited to be here I'm excited you here I got introduced to you through my girlfriend Jen who you guys met I think through a training facility through a mutual friend and she keeps talking about you and she doesn't tell me people ever to have on she never recommends anyone but she kept talking about you and I was like yeah I don't know she was insistent so at some point so I'm excited you're here and you are you call yourself a nutritionist or yes wellness coach / no I have a health coaching degree and then I went back to UCLA and Berkeley to get my postgraduate nutrition training done and so yes cool nutrition you work with celebrity clients like Jessica Alba and Chelsea Handler I think I saw on a few other celebrities and you were just talking about before we started rolling that your life is kind of surreal right now right yes you feel like you know six years ago you were not here yeah now you're working with like these huge clients these big celebrities at all like trust everything you say and follow your every word so how did you get here you know Wow where were you six years ago and how did you get here now right well out of undergrad I went into cancer in genetics so I had an 8 year corporate career in cancer in genetics and the whole time I was always talking about health and nutrition and jumping into research my job was in cancer and so I had to read his research every single day and I knew how to decipher a study I knew what a significant p-value was so I would just you know Google in PubMed not on Google but in PubMed the nutritional research and would geek around inside of that and tell my friends what to do at parties that you know have them meet me for like high-intensity training with like fasted little things that I was learning and I think my friends got really annoyed with me talking about it and like why don't you just do it you can have a career in this and it was a saturated space it also wasn't very popular when I was in college because I'm 34 to be an RD a lot of our DS ended up that's a registered dietitian for anyone who doesn't know they ended up working in hospitals dialysis centers and that's not what I wanted to do I wanted to talk about how to feel great I wanted to talk about how to be vibrant and fuel your body the right way I wanted to make it accessible and easy and I felt like a lot of people had a lot of drama or like surrounding food so one of my girlfriend's was like what are you doing you you're from a family of entrepreneurs go out and do it stop like sitting on this you know w not you know getting your regular paycheck and health insurance and that's scary so I decided to start a side hustle so I went back to school at night and used my like corporate paycheck to pay for my website my professional images stayed up late when other people wouldn't I just kept saying yes so it you know fast forward and in September 2015 I was able to transition because I was getting so many enquiries to work with me that I felt say it was felt safe enough and I think it's also there's something so beautiful about having a side hustle because it isn't your main form of income so you're not like a cheesy sales rep and you're not pushing people and I was never signing people up for meeting with me for a package of ten sessions or anything like that I was like I'm gonna earn it every single time like one yeah and it keep selling water yeah and in the beginning I mean my first half a dozen clients I saw for free I wanted their transformations I would give them meal plans work with functional medicine doctors to get blood tests I loved the science so it wasn't just a prescription for everyone it was like what are your symptoms and how do we fix that I think it's important topic is somebody there's a lot of people in health and wellness we're listening health coaches personal trainers that I'm going to listen and most people aren't willing to work free right away sure gotta work for free I think unless you can sell something work for free and get great testimonials whether your health coach business marketing it doesn't matter work for free get a few clients and show incredible results for them yes you I mean you have to bring value and if you think about those five people that I worked with for free and you and they told five friends or walked into a party and looked leaner looked stronger looked more vibrant had clearer skin we're happier we're talking about how great they felt how their sleep had improved how they were being more productive at work how they were even just like maybe a better spouse or mom or dad that paid itself off tenfold I mean it's amazing to me and and those are some of my favorite people because I had to work hard for that and I think there is so something to be said about you know blood sweat and tears for a client for your business for the people you work with because it makes I mean when I was growing up my dad never said you have to have straight A's he just said I want you to try your best which is almost worse because bad it's it's asking you like well what is your best you know yeah you could slide and slack and seize four degrees or whatever but it was worse it's almost like when they say you know I'm not mad I'm just disappointed that's worse so he wasn't saying like here's excellence and we want you to strive for that yeah just give your best yeah it's all geared either way he was testing what I thought was excellent which I thought was pretty powerful so so you straight A's I did I did I'm a daddy's girl and I hey you know say good straight A's no he never did you know and for my sisters and I each of us were different and I'm the oldest of three so you know I set the example but but he was an entrepreneur and I became an entrepreneur and the side hustle was so fun and so my passion and something that I would spend hours researching you know became like a is kind of like a Davis berry where I wanted to get every test done on my own body understand how they worked yeah and I just have always loved it but I didn't you know I didn't want to create drama for other people I wanted it to be really accessible really easy really doable really realistic and I think that's what has become so successful for me when I work with these clients that have high-stress jobs they have to be in a red card in the red carpet maybe they're on TV or in the movies and they have to pro tre excellence and beauty and brains they need the fuel to do that and it doesn't have to be perfect but they need to be consistent and I think consistency sometimes is better than perfection or just being up and down yeah yeah so I mean here's the here's the challenge I have with we have a lot of different health people that come on and there's so many different extreme diets or just extreme like this is the way to do it if you want to be lean shredded strong whatever it is you're skinny and for me I just feel like what there's got to be something that's easy for everyone yeah follow but everyone's like swears by their way like you said you've tested a lot of these things it sounds like you tested fast and you've tested probably paleo and keto and all these other things you're assuming right tested it at all so what's what works what's the most effective thing to have a healthy whole holistic life and body sure well I think first of all I think they all work and I think a lot of them are really the same like if we take yeah if we take paleo we take Mediterranean and we take kids and we take keto simply like if you really look at the speeds with cheese or whatever yeah you can look at the biology of it and simplify it to the inputs which is what I do in my book is I talk about protein fat fiber and greens like green vegetables things that are deep in color and phytochemicals and nutrients to fight basically oxidative stress but it really comes down to like ditching the drama and saying okay Louis would you rather have bison over wild salmon cool you can have that it's gonna break down to amino acids in your body that are going to be used for muscle growth that's going to be used to synthesize collagen that's gonna turn off for hunger hormones in your body and cool let's not go tit for tat over what's better and why they both have omega-3s and if you're sourcing good quality food we don't need to like have a fight about it right and and I think that's where people get caught up is they look at health in a silo and they read one article that says they need to add turmeric or acai or matcha to something and then all of a sudden they're having all these weird tonic yeah yeah yeah exactly so for me it's really I worked with people to turn off hunger hormones and and we do that what does that mean not being craving food all the time yeah because the new research is showing hungry yeah and there's new okay we can fix that not all the time but yeah yeah well so how do you fix it if you if you're hungry all the time they called a hungry hormones yeah you have actually have about eight hunger hormones in your body and they're regulated by different things so for example when you drink fat like in your bulletproof coffee you're releasing colas it triggers the release of cholecystokinin which calms hunger if you we have fat yeah yeah and then if you have like fiber or something that stretches your stomach like the physical stretching of your stomach it calms the production of Grillin which is another really strong hunger hormone so your fiber and fat yeah fine yeah then yeah not eat for a week and you're fine right and then there's protein and protein turns off a number of hunger hormones and for example neuropeptide why we crave carbohydrates when we don't have enough protein so then we add protein and we're not craving donuts and pizza and love pizza and doughnuts I mean they're great challenges here's my challenge I just will have like a whole pizza and then I want to have more because I'm it's never satisfying enough sure I mean like unlimited donuts well until I get sick and then I'm like why did I just do this because I can't just have a few because I'm not full no but it's it's also you can't there's no off button with those type of fats carbohydrates you just have the release of dopamine which okay you're gonna have that release of dopamine if you do illegal drugs like cocaine or have an orgasm or eat a sidecar doughnut or have a hug yeah or dopamine from a hug or laugh or looking at pictures so you think about the other ways that you can release dopamine but yeah I mean if you're having doughnuts or pizza there's really no off button but if you sit down to like a Texas barbeque you'll probably stop at some point or your body will start sweating right so you know to each their own but yeah I just keep it simple I say protein fat fiber and greens those four things if you put them on your plate together greens for grains greens greens like green leafy greens there's a sulfur-based sugar and leafy greens that feeds provide probiotic bacteria in the gut and there's been some like 5050 research on whether probiotics on the market are actually inoculating into gut bacteria we think that there's a belief that like you're the acid in your stomach is completely obliterating that bacteria and it's not staying alive but we do know that resistant starch and the sulfur based sugar and leafy greens feeds it so you are just a walking ecosystem of gross bacteria Wow let's keep it thriving and flourishing now cooked or uncooked does it matter it doesn't matter no matter how you consume it yes cooked fried hot or cold or anywhere in between doesn't matter yeah use your food yeah well I mean it depends on what you're getting like because people will say oh well I'm gonna eat the vegetables raw because there are enzymes and enzymes help to break down and unlock the natural nutrition in that food or I'm gonna sprout it or soak it because that gets rid of anti nutrients like phytates it helps me absorb those nutrients better or I'm gonna cook it because I don't have the stomach acid or enzymes production because I'm always stressed out and it's hard for me to digest that kind of a thing and eating raw vegetables makes me really bloated so really I mean I this is what I do with my clients all day long I can make a case for why you should do all of those options so let's just get down to like what you like to eat and go back to the basics because we don't yeah like why you should be refocusing your energy on building your business seeing your family you know like being with your friends and obviously like putting high quality food on your plate is super super important and not having to worry and think about when is my next meal or crashing into lunch and trying to make a good decision but you have low blood sugar so you're going for the rap or the pizza or something as opposed to whatever healthy choices right I get out of your own way turn off the hunger hormones balance your blood sugar and live your life should people be testing things blood tests or anything else or do they not need to do that to be able to do this I mean if you want to optimize I'm a big fan of being a lab rat so I love a cyrex food allergy test you can do 180 foods and it's actually a blood and an antibody test so it's looking for antibodies your immune system what it's fighting in your blood versus a prick test yes and I'll cat an MRE mrt testing is the thing with labs is they just have to be reproducible they don't have to be efficacious so the doctor decides whether the lab is useful for them the lab doesn't have to prove that what they're giving you is correct so like an MRT or an al cat test is actually putting like a dried food product on a slide dropping a like a drop of your blood on it looking through a microscope and saying what's happening to the blood cells I mean that is absolutely reproducible but is that telling me if I'm allergic to coffee or gluten or peanuts absolutely not so but that's accessible to a lot of acupuncturists and Eastern medicine Doc's and and people want testing done so they do it but do I think it's the best probably what's the best I like cyrex cyrex yeah Cyrus it's they're looking for antibodies in your blood so they're not putting it on the slide and looking at what happens to the to the cell they're actually looking for markers on immune cells for specific food groups and they can break it down I mean they can break down gluten - or like wheat - gluten and gliadin they can break down dairy to casein way lactose I mean specific you give a vial of blood and all that okay yeah so you have to go somewhere in your doctor your doctor green call for the test I mean I have phlebotomist that can go to my clients home and take blood at their house and sure we could be here let's bring them in I just did a blood test a few weeks ago for insurance policy so ballsy and that I did one a few months ago for because I'm with the US International handball team so like every once a while we'll randomly test it like pee and blood like yeah I used to hate but I still don't like it but it's a lot easier now yeah dude a few times it's like not as bad I hear ya I don't like it though but I never tested for this and I've always wanted to but I've never been able to figure out what's the best test it's very because these ones really like spitting a tube you send it off you prick you'd always think I'm like water yeah alright and he's gonna do anything for me yeah I really do think cyrex is good but you also need to remember that you know antibodies are your body's response to an allergen or a toxin or whatever and they can linger around so sometimes people are have a maybe they have a gluten and like antibodies happening to gluten and they stop eating gluten but those antibodies can stay for about six months in your bloodstream so even if you're not eating really six months it's a long time stop yeah it still be effective for six months exactly and what's interesting is there's some really sick research coming out of USC about fasting so if you do four days of fasting you can go food you mean and Ramez no no no no food for days but it's more of like a this is a clinical fasting for like longevity length of telomeres shrinking your liver you kill off about 60% of your immune cells so those those guys that are fighting gluten or dairy or whatever what you'll they it's called apoptosis it's programmed cell death your body starts going through programmed cell death and it kills off all of these antibodies and then when you refeed at for days you your body completely rebuilt your immune system fresh and clean really yeah so try this I did I did I did it with Chelsea Handler in January way four days yeah no food well we got into ketosis first because ketosis is when your body is feeding off of fat so when you eat fat your liver breaks down fat and produces ketone bodies ketone bodies are the battery operation of your body so if you're eating carbohydrates that's like the gas pedal so you have carbs you have energy like a 16 year old on my gas pedal up and then you crash down right but when your body is feeding off of fat you have this all these stores of fat in your body and then if you're eating fat your liver is constantly producing ketones and then your brain it never has a lack of energy or fuel it's this constant yeah it's a constant flow of fuel and I mean all the stuff coming out in keto it kind of correlates to fasting because a lot of times maybe fast you get into keto ketosis that is but I like to put people into ketosis if they're gonna go do something like that because you will feel flu-like symptoms if you just do it yeah if you just stop eating you're gonna feel like going to ketosis first yeah by eating fat by eating fat and not eating carbohydrates so ptosis is if you're a Prius and your gas or battery-operated gas is carbohydrates and fat is a tones battery yeah so we have to not have gas and then we're body will feed off of of ketones in fact got it so we remove carbohydrates get into ketosis test for that via blood or pee and then say okay now we're gonna go into four days you do the test when you're gonna ketosis yeah I make sure that they're in ketosis then you do the test which tests this the main test you talk oh the food allergy test you can do that at any time not to starve to take a test the test anytime yeah against cyrex cyrex yes and then this other thing is just what to kind of reboot your body it's just some cool research coming out of USC like I would probably never do it more than once a year it's I like food too much days no food is hard well you think it would be but it was weird because we woke up on day 2 and we're like not hungry what's happening oh yeah and we just realized we had a lot more time in the day reading getting emails done like and it was a very beginning of the year so everything was kind of shut down it was right after New Year's and yeah and it's not that's not the norm for me obviously like all I talk about is eating three meals a day eating to turn off hunger hormones not worrying about food ditching the drama and eating what your cells actually need to break down and rebuild so people don't realize this but like how much do you weigh is that okay 45 okay so in your lifetime anyway highway like 130 I don't care in your lifetime you will have weighed nine times that much because you you think that like the cell on your cheek is the same cell but your body completely breaks down and rebuild your well it rebuilds itself about nine times in your lifetime so it really matters what you eat because like if those new cells are being made from old cells and what you're eating I know Mike drop know I mean that's why people who are look younger older when they take care of their health throughout their whole life because they're eating good foods and so they stay younger looking exactly I obviously really love this stuff Wow yeah so this four day fasting thing you did it with Chelsea Handler after day two you're like I'm not hungry I'm fine yeah your body adjusted to it how did they feel after day four well I was like you have an emotional connection to food so I was like what am I gonna have next why any like the meal yeah I know we were in Santa Barbara I pulled in there's an air one in Calabasas on my way back which is like fancier than Whole Foods really all there one over here yeah it's the same story so I just you know got everything yeah it was like well I didn't eat for four days so technically how much money would that have been we'll just spend it all it was it was good it was really I felt great it was just kind of one of those things I wasn't you know you have to be prepared for something like that and I wasn't emotional about it I was just like supporting I had to support Chelsea in this process cuz it's something I told her about maybe in October she's like I really want to do that thing in January okay we'll give it a try I'd never done it either so now what does it do so it helps with the immune system rebuild it helps I'm assuming you lost some weight or yeah I mean and it was I tested body fat percentages inches I had a glucometer I was testing her blood sugar I had a keto meter I was testing her ketones she was making sure she feel good you know you don't I'm not into torturing people of course not so it was an interesting thing there's a lot of really cool research out of USC on it but yeah it's a one-off how did she feel afterwards I how did you feel I mean it was she was really proud of herself I mean it's one of those things where she would never go do something like that I would never go do something like that and the research was there and it's really nice sometimes especially when I have clients who and Chelsea wasn't a yo-yo dieter dieter by any means but I have had clients that have yo-yo dieted and they lose weight and feel great and then they eat their way back up or drink their way back up into a range that they don't want to be in and I think after a certain number of years the commitment to it and the excitement and really just sticking to something it doesn't last as long what maybe you would do for a month and a half or two months then become six weeks then becomes four weeks then all of a sudden you can't complete something for a week and so it's a short enough period of time where if you have the support or whatever you can commit to it and make it happen and she left with a lot of confidence and I'm I'm all about creating something yeah I'm all about people completing things I'm feeling confident and that's why in my book I talk about like breaking the day up into thirds because people always try to do a wholesale change of their life I'm gonna change everything I'm not gonna eat gluten I'm not gonna eat lectins I'm not gonna eat beans I'm not gonna eat dairy so hard and you're like okay until you go to sushi or until you're on vacation in Paris I'll just do a little bit here right and then that just lends itself to a little let me just eat everything you either blow it out and binge or you lose confidence in yourself and I think they're both detrimental and especially when we're in a world that social media is involved and you know people want to look and feel great and there's a lot of information on the internet and if you can't complete something that's just you not believing in yourself again and again and again and it kills your confidence and I think when it comes to being successful in this world you have to be building up your confidence and believing in yourself the most and it even comes down to your decisions around food so absolutely yeah decisions run everything yeah now why do you think our self-worth is so tied to our body image well I think that we have to address the fact that there is an innate sexuality that people who like Gisele or supermodels or Brady you look at these like fit football players and sexy models and their body is appreciated it is beautiful and we can't knock them down for having that body but we also have to embrace what is our natural figure as well and I think what we what it is is pretty animalistic because men and women are attracted to like you're attracted from the outside first and then the attraction stays from the inside right the outside was what gets you attracted and the inside is what keeps you attracted and it's unfortunate sometimes because people get really caught up in the way that they look and what I try to coach my clients in is not having these goals that are so outside of reality but to really celebrate the wins whether that is gaining two pounds of muscle and being stronger and feeling more energized or clearing a little bit of skin or even just sticking to a plan for a little while that can build confidence around how we feel or maybe you're you know you've worked out and eaten clean for a couple of weeks and you treat yourself to a new romper or a dress or it's the pair of heels I mean it it really can be or you treat yourself to a massage or a facial or whatever it is that like you're into I think it's really important to celebrate your body because so many of my clients will look at these people like a Victoria's Secret model or the insta model in the bikinis and the girls who follow them and they want to be just like them they want that body but the problem is if they don't have that body then they don't feel confident if they don't feel confident they don't feel sexy and then they don't give off that confidence and sex appeal and they it's detrimental to themselves because a lot of guys and think they're attractive and the same goes for guys if they don't put off that they feel confident and sexy then the girl is going to vibe of whatever that aura is or that energy is that they are putting off and that has a lot to do with not being perfect but putting in the effort and like loving what you got and and getting you know taking what you have to the next level whether that's taking yourself to the next emotional level by meditating taking yourself to the next like you know mental level by education and learning and like going to the school of greatness or whatever it is that you are doing to better yourself I think all of those things you do to better yourself can make you more confident in who you are and more comfortable in your skin and whether you're a size 2 or a size 12 you got a rock what you got hmm yeah easier said than done though it is it is but there's a lot of society pressure sure for that and it's it's not going away get off Instagram yeah yeah that's another thing too there they just look at people that you wish you were like exactly I don't judge yourself based on your compare yourself constantly you know exactly there's so much of that you you compare yourself to your community there's a friend of mine Dannic I have a couple of plus-size models yes model eats her mom yeah yeah and she's like she is so beautiful inside and out and like rocks her curves and like I think that's the perfect example of exactly how you should be and I mean she's totally in love and landed a super hot boyfriend and it really has to me more to do with who she is as a person and her self-love really more than any yeah she's got a great energy about herself yeah it shines you know absolutely know some of this genetics so I've got some I got a friend Steve Weatherford who's like literally the most ripped human I've ever met it's just so big and so ripped sure and I'm just like he just was like I think it's genetics he trains harder than anyone I know yeah I'm also like some of that is just genetics hormones all of it yeah he's got a lot of testosterone or human growth hormone there's a lot of things that play there how much sleep is he getting what's his stress levels yeah how do we increase I guess test oz growth hormone naturally intermittent fasting really yeah intermittent fasting scientific research proven those are the two really strong ones really yeah intermittent fasting does yeah there's so many different things that it doesn't do anything for people and other people that swear that it does well you have to remember there's bio and about individuality for everyone but but yeah an intermittent fast can can release human growth hormone and testosterone to hold on to lean muscle mass in a fasted state so that's why people get lean gains in that type of a when they do intermittent fasting when it comes to fasted workouts I think those are the best 40 minute fast workouts like wake up and do a hit training or don't eat anything yeah they're hard yeah because you get that same you get those same results and I think the interesting thing I work with a lot of women and I when when it comes to intermittent fasting it can lend itself to eating disorder type behaviors where then well I haven't been eating for 12 hours now I won't eat for two days and I'm gonna just put a little asterisks on my for day situation that will never happen again this year like I'm not gonna go back and do that that's that was a scientific thing to figure out how it worked for my body do I think it's successful once a year absolutely but I don't practice intermittent fasting unless you know I feel I listen to my body if I'm not hungry I won't eat but a lot of times for me if I get up and eat then I eat better throughout the day really yeah like when you eat within the first couple hours so I have a smoothie it's called the Fab Four smoothie so it incorporates the four things that turn off hunger hormone so protein fat fiber and greens so I'll use either a pea protein or I'll use like a there's actually a grass-fed beef protein right now or a collagen protein so it's not way it's actually seen the bone broth protein the dr. axe I got one of those products the other week yeah I mean it's something like that I'm not picky as long as it's minimal ingredients then all do fat so coconut oil MCT oil avocado whatever 1 to 2 tablespoons depending on how hungry and then fiber Chia flax acacia throw in a tablespoon or two of that and then a big handful of greens and I pretty much limit fruit like if I want to put fruit in and I'll put 1/4 a cup really but you go to these smoothie places in LA first you might as well be having Rose a honestly it's 2 cups of fruit a date a banana and they're like here's a sprinkle of chia seeds and some almond milk yeah like that's gonna put me on a blood sugar roller coaster I'm gonna be crashing ninety minutes later three hours I'm gonna be shaky hangry irritable and no one's gonna want to be around me so there should be no fruit so it just limit it like every meal that you eat should lean more protein fat and fiber to turn off hunger than maybe like pizza cookies cakes wine because that just increases hunger increases blood sugar kind of puts you on that blood sugar roller coaster if you will where you're eating you're crashing you need to eat again I mean if you're eating predominantly carbohydrates you will need to eat like every three hours versus I feel tired yeah an inability to concentrate brain fog full of insulin insulin resistance leading down the road to metabolic syndrome and all of that so but obviously everyone's different and you have to be able to incorporate those things in your life you can't say you're never gonna have them because that's not realistic yeah exactly you said you break your dam in three parts yeah so the first part is the smoothie workout smoothie workout first then smoothie yeah hit workout or lift hangers honestly it's totally dependent on what I feel like food yeah so I'll hit a spin class I'll go to velocity the gym and do some like type of weightlifting I'm not afraid of weights a lot of girls think they're gonna get bulky and I'm like no you're gonna get lean and all of your fat is gonna go so I'm super into lifting I love yoga I randomly got a certification back in the day when I thought I needed to have be everything for everyone I think I can train you I can make a meal plan but and then I just like no I'm a geek on science haha let's stick to what you're good at but yeah really I think consistency more than anything is the most important thing is about 48 hours our muscles start to down so you want to be moving or or putting some tension on those muscles about every 48 hours at Colette police so okay that's part 1 part 2 part 2 is so you get through and then it's talking about lunch to dinner which the three o'clock four o'clock hour can be the witching hour for a lot of my clients where they want a coffee they want around any yeah exactly and so making the right decisions at lunch that aren't gonna make and learning what you need cuz some people can put you know protein fat fiber and greens maybe they're doing like a lettuce wrap burger and a side of broccoli maybe they're doing an arugula salad with shrimp and avocado maybe it depends on the person but you got to think like and try out the types of meals and make sure that you're not super tired after you eat does that means either you're eating too much or you're not eating the right things for you you want to feel energized without feeling tired because when we start to feel tired that's when we reach for the things that we don't really want to eat at 3 or 4 o'clock more candy or something yeah a little bit energy for sure exactly if you like redbull you should switch to Runa that's quite why use a leaf and if you haven't heard of it it's it's a superfood leaf it's like a tea leaf but it has they have a little can like a Red Bull that's how I get the Red Bull people offer it oh really Runa mm-hmm it's like getting smokers to vape but it's still not that good for you is it no it actually is it's full of antioxidants and it's it's almost like a green tea but it's not good for you my brother at least he's stopped smoking a few years ago please like vaping it's like now it's just this I'm like now it's still not good for you yeah I like to replace and then remove depending on the client so like if they're a real ice-cream person I'll be like ok let's switch to this ice cream a lower in sugar and iron exactly look okay already coming in with the answers right so ice cream to coconut ice cream so then like that decadent really just I'd rather have you have a bite of decadent coconut ice cream then go to Yogurtland and leave with like I don't know a sand bucket full of Froyo and that's what I mean you don't need so is there a way to train our brain so just not even like sweets and bad foods honestly the less you eat them the less less you crave them yeah the more you eat them there's maybe like I want more yeah exactly so you can go like 90 days where you're just really not eating them at all yeah a little bit every now and then I feel like coming all in or all out like there's a lot of people just have a one little bite of it ice cream like no give me the whole pint yeah or I'll deal without it sure I think I have I have some like strategies for that and for wine like say for example you go drink so yeah that's easy everyone else it drinks yeah so if you go to a broad and say for example you're like in Italy and you're like Joel ah right so I would say for every city say you're in one place for three days you could have a lotto on the third day so like that way when you don't have it the first day you don't have every single day and then by the last day you're having one after lunch and one after multiple scoops and just go on the plane just like crash you know different for guys especially got men have that have been athletes cuz I mean my husband was the same is the same way like him and his brother talked about his mom bringing home one of those huge containers from Costco with the red handle ice cream and finishing it in like one city was amazing but you guys have you know a lot more muscle mass humor growth Roberto stock testosterone and you can sometimes handle actually a little bit better so um so yeah it's just about like empowering people to like make a little healthier choices not saying I'm sorry you're never gonna have ice cream again I was like what world would that be okay horrible now let's talk about how you're able to build your brand because there's again a lot of people whether you're business health coach whatever may be any type of coach you build your brand in the powerful way that's specific you've gotten a ton of press I mean your where's all the press here out here I saw you on enews vogue people you know always are the places online that even featured and you get all these celebrity clients Jessica Alba mmm a Russel was the last name Emmy Rossum Emmy Rossum sorry shameless chill oh she's great yeah yeah yeah I never know these pills names but I recognized them yeah yeah and then Chelsea Handler so how are you able to one build your brand build your clientele up and then build kind of like the celebrity brand as well yeah I mean well when it comes to the brand it really was pretty organic it's what I love and I was passionate about so branding design yeah and I feel like from my website to my Instagram to the message that I had which was it's not about perfection it's about having a purpose it's about you know feeding yourself to turn off hunger hormones and kind of I think I was saying what people were dealing with which is yeah if I have a bite of ice cream I want the whole pint - I can you know understand where you're coming from and here are some strategies for that and it was working for people and it wasn't something that they had to go to erawan for every single meal and it wasn't that it was attainable and so I think that that started with a little bit of groundswell the positivity it was fresh it was clean and I was always doing it I was pretty consistent about it sharing information giving information away because I think people are always always asking people to sign up to work with them to get any information but skew free you got to bring value and then people want to work with you privately that's that's how it works so you know I used what was great about having my other career while I was building this business is that I could come to the table professionally I didn't say oh I I'm having a midlife crisis and I don't want to be in cancer in genetics and I quit and now I'm gonna go back to school and then be a nutritionist and try to build this business without any like financial support I was able to say okay maybe we won't take this vacation and I'll take that money or maybe I won't save this month and I'll take that money and build my website the way I want it to be the represent and maybe I'll ask a friend who is trying to be a photographer if she'll take some pictures of my food and I will bust out 12 recipes on a Saturday and share them throughout the week and I gave up a lot of personal time and I gave up a lot of family time and you know I still prioritize things that made me happy like working out and eating clean but I really I wanted it too bad I wanted it so much that I was willing to do it and put in the effort and it paid off so the branding I think is natural because it's what I do and I didn't have to make it up out of thin air it's not like when I went to sell my book in New York that I would I was pitching random ideas I was like I got to sit down and say this is what I use with my clients and it works and I know it sounds crazy but everyone wakes up and they have a shake and one o'clock rolls around and they're not starving so they make better decisions at lunch and they don't reach for the bread in the salad bag and because they ate well at lunch they're not crashing and craving a brownie and a cookie and a coffee and because of that we can kind of plan to give them a bridge snack between lunch and dinner if they need it and maybe we give them something emotional like you know something that's chocolate protein type of a figure that it's yummy and makes you feel good but doesn't make you crash into dinner and then they make better choices there and it isn't something where I'm forcing them to say weigh your chicken and measure it I got to explain all of the success that I've had with clients and they were like great let's write a book about it and so it's so authentic to the last six years of my life now and the clients you know hundreds of clients that I've worked with that it's easy to talk about yeah and I think people are always constantly trying to build their business by scent by building their message before they work with clients and I think what ends up happening is you start working with clients and you see what people what what is the theme what are people you know maybe all kind of commiserating about what are that what are the problems that they're having and what are you know like how is that the same and how can you help fix that how can you always be helping and that's I was kind of looking at where we were failing and saying I can help and this is the strategy to do that and it's not you know really difficult right so accessibility and ease of use and positivity I think and not asking people to change their whole day but just say just the first third right move for 30 minutes okay you don't feel like moving walk your neighborhood for 30 minutes have your shake go on with your day that's all you have to do and then I get emails calls texts EMS oh my god I'm telling my friends they're doing the Fab Four smoothie too and it's really positive so do we talk about the third part of the day the third part of the day is making sure that you do not over indulge after dinner which the hardest yeah well when people leave for work and they grab a nonfat latte and a kind bar and they're counting their calories and then they get to lunch and they have a salad without their dressing and then they get to their quest bar like rx bar whatever one hard-boiled egg at like four and then dinner happens and they're like okay we're ounces of chicken and broccoli you're like starving after that so I try to take it from a cone shape day where you're eating a little bit at breakfast too a lot at the end of the day and I try to make it a flat bar or you're eating about the same throughout the day but you're using those inputs to turn off hunger biologically and calm those hormones powerful what's the biggest transformation you've seen in one of your clients I have two clients that come to mind one lost 60 pounds one lost 50 pounds and what's so amazing to me as it's their lifestyle now what was just something they were willing to try in the beginning is now you know I'm on their insta stories and they're at berries or you know at the sweat garage and then they're grabbing a smoothie after whether it's at earth bar beaming or they're making it at home and there's just so much confidence and like they give off someone they're just so vibrant and their careers have excelled because of it and I feel like it affects so much of their life it just makes me really happy like I'm really grateful to get the opportunity to change someone's life like that it's it's really powerful for me mm-hmm it's cool yeah I mean health is everything without it we make poor decisions that are alive in our relationships our career everything yeah I think it starts with our bodies and how we feel about ourselves so health is everything in my pine sweat garage that's in West Hollywood right yes I met the founder a woman who she right I haven't actually been but okay that's wondering what it is she was like you gotta come I was like I don't know what this is it sounds like a I don't know there's a lot of cool little like hit train yeah of course garages popping up here and there so let's talk about how you got the I forget I think I went off-track here how did you started getting a celebrity clients how did you get the credibility or the ins or what did that look like because I think a lot of health coaches business coaches want to have kind of those celebrity clients sure they came from a number of different sources I would I would say I'm a serial networker and not yeah not like I'm looking to get something out of people I'm always looking to provide value and like I said yeah just hey like we can work together even if our businesses are totally different like the jewelry that I'm wearing which is from a company that wanted to share it my blogger event so we you know they I was like I gave them a platform to all of these influencers and said yeah sure come on in I don't care you set up a table it's we're just gonna do some yoga yeah yeah you know and now and we have a great relationship and their we grabbing my smoothies and I didn't ask them to do that it's not totally on brand for a jewelry brand to Instagram smoothies but you know you just it's it's it's not about being on a solo mission to the top it's about all boats rising together and yeah so for for me the celebrity clients came from an effort number of different ways Mike Alexander is a friend of mine he trained Jessica Simpson for daisy dukes so he gets actors and actresses ready for movie roles so my first client with him was Eve Hewson Bono's daughter and she was getting ready for the knick which is the Showtime show she was in and Mike wanted some better results so he just brought me in and said why don't you sit down with Eve and talk to her about food and I did that for free that was five and a half years ago or four and a half I guess and and then she got great results so then he got a contract with the x-men kids so Evan Peters and Ben Hardy then when they he was getting signed on to do their training he put a clause in there that I had to work with them and this is my rate and well you as a trainer you want your clients to see results and if they're not dialing in the food doesn't matter at all and and and and that's something where I think I can be pretty motivating for people and work a program that they can get excited about and then see results right because they're doing the smoothie and then they're seeing some results so then they get excited and they want to know well what do I do for lunch and what did I do for dinner when we break up that day into thirds it's you get they get hungry for knowledge of what's next what's next what's next and we just pushed a little bit further a little bit further a little bit further and all of these little things that they're doing that become habits are easy because they're habits yeah so that's cool and then when it come came to Jessica Alba this is an interesting story I actually was asked by Target to come to an event and it was an influencer event at the Lombardi House which is just a you know pretty white house in Hollywood that they throw events at and Target was launching a product line and there would be 50 influencers there at a caterer with a build-your-own beautiful like quinoa protein bowls and gift bags and all of that and of course I said yes cuz I say yes to everything I've I've learned that I need to stop over committing and and really prioritize what's important yeah I think we were starting out you need to say yes everything yes exactly and you know they set up a furniture event yet for me and I was supposed to be an experience for the influencers like they could sit at this little chair next to me and ask me health questions didn't really advertise it right for the employees I think they thought I was an antisocial blogger never heard of before like a sign says like free health advice exactly so I was sitting there twiddling my thumbs waving to people saying hi I'm pretty friendly and but they didn't get it so you know the party's starting to wind down and I stand up I'm like maybe I'll go to stand by the food and help people like build their bowls and talk about the nutrition and microgreens and you know the zinc and tahini and all whatever and then they thought I was the caterer so they're like oh this food's great can I get a card not the caterer but then it's winding down and Lauren Anderson who was Jessica Alba's makeup artist at this party and one of her friends from junior high came up everything's winding down they're like well you should get your food before you leave right you know and so she's filling her bowl and I'm filling mine because it's kind of the end and and I go to sit down she's like do you mind if I sit here and sure first person to sit here all day and we have a conversation as she's dealing with a few things health-wise some inflammation she's a makeup artist so it's in her fingers in her hands and like that's interesting you might have an allergy to something you know we should we could absolutely get some testing done and we could talk about a plant and you know an anti-inflammatory plan for you and then she had some body composition goals and so we're chatting for about 45 minutes and she said actually can I just set up a real appointment I said absolutely let's do it and so the next week I saw her four weeks later her symptoms were gone she is feeling amazing she's yeah Jessica all day like oh this is amazing so she's talking about me to Jessica and about six weeks after meeting after meeting Laura and I had the email introduction to Jessica that was like this is my soul sister from childhood and you can help her and she wants to meet with you and then after I met with Jess that was yeah and she had great results like she lost 11 inches so 11 inches yeah I mean well you take an individual charm an inch off each leg and you know like hips and waist and she has a phenomenal figure you know so we sit down and like what are your execution but we all have our fit range and our maybe like our comfy range call it and she just wanted to you know she can't be everything she is so professional so successful a great mom a great has like who's gonna say has been a great wife she obviously is a beautiful actress so they're you know I think it's really nice to outsource some of your life and like pick the things you're good at so it's hard to coach yourself on everything exactly accountable to yourself in every area yeah it's really challenging yeah okay we do it for one or two things sure but if you have to like check your food check your work check your finances your relationships it's a lot yeah absolutely and if you're not that great at it it's probably worth outsourcing and you can put your your your energy somewhere how did you somewhere else that's gonna be more successful for you and so I was so excited to help her and we've been working together for you know almost three years and she is my og is what I call her my Original Gangster and she like definitely lights up my life and I asked her for a quote for my book and she offered to write the foreword it was just one and done and then of course she walks out people are like what are you doing and then she's friends with Molly Sims and just friends with Chelsea Hampshire and then you know Jessica goes to Shawnee for her facials and Shaunie does you know sees Emmy Rossum and so girls opens up yeah my head all week wack so I like it yeah what do you think is something you wish everyone knew more about you or your wisdom I think it's really important for me to know that I'm super passionate about something and I'm never going to tell someone I'm always going to go back to their research and work hard for them no matter who they are obviously I have celebrity clients but I also have people that are scraping together money to see me because they've been following me for three years and they're dealing with an autoimmune disease or maybe they have chronic acne and I care so much about maybe to a fault like I you know when you get a negative comment or or someone's mean controlling you on the internet or something you know I just I care so much like I really care how people feel when they work through my program I care that they know I'm like cheering them on and that I am so grateful every day to do this job that this is my career mmm it I am in a dream world a little bit that every yes up until now has led to this and that this gets to be the career for the rest of my life makes me really emotional and really excited and really and that I just want people to know that I care and if it's not working for them like send me an email let me know I'm I am open open to constructive criticism and I want to be better I always want to be better I want always want to continue to learn I'm not just gonna throw out this book and say this is what I've learned about the fab you know my fab for protein fat fiber and greens at every meal if new research comes out and I'm not right you'll be the first person to hear about it like when things are are that I've preached research is always constantly changing and so if it changes I stand behind my word that I will always be the first to let you know hey remember that one time I told you guys to do this well this study came out and I think people get really excited about their brand and stand behind it no matter what new researches or try to hide it or cover it up or whatever especially in health and nutrition and that doesn't lend to trust trust is caring passion constantly working constantly studying and if something isn't right being the first to tell them hmm I love it and the book is called body love living balanced way what you want and free yourself from food drama forever you bet and it's out now you guys can get it anywhere it's on your website what's your website be well by be well by it's on Amazon Barnes & Noble everywhere write books or so there you go and what is your social media handle everything I actually was able to snag be well by Kelly on Twitter Instagram snapchat everything be well by Kelly be well final few questions for you this is called the three truths so you said you've heard a couple episodes so three truths if this was your last moment to share three things you know about how does have a great life or all the lessons you've learned in life and there are three things that you could share with the world and that's all they would be able to remember you by do you want to have the books the video is nothing online people would have you but except for these three truths what would you say are yours I would say the life your life is the lens and with which you choose to view it through because we can be positive and we can be negative or we can be competitive or we can be you know lift other people up and I think if you choose the lens that is glass half-full that everyone's cheering you on and that you know you can be successful then that's what will happen so choose the positive choose the rose-colored glasses because if this is you know one chance to live your life be positive about it yeah that would be one mm-hmm my second thing would be following dreams no matter what it is be absolutely persistent believe in yourself obviously my parents were like an RD now you'll end up at a dialysis center why would you do that but believe in yourself like look inside yourself and say what am i passionate about it's not too late as I was in my mid-20s I thought oh well I'll just be in cancer in genetics for the rest of my life like I'm already so old why would I go back to school I was so young you know it's never too late to follow your passion and follow your dreams and you have to say yes and keep taking those steps forward every single day to do that mmm and if you don't if you take those days off where you say I'm not good enough I'm not going to push towards that passion to make it a life then you won't be living it yeah and then I think the third thing is tell the people you love that you love them and don't you know don't just tell them show them like physical touch hugs laughs like see them show up for them don't just like their pictures on Instagram like be there be present because I think life is so fleeting and a lot of times I get caught up as an entrepreneur my mom will text be like hey babe how's it going heard you got GMA for August like great mom you know like but I just show up for her and if you like I'm so excited or pick up the phone and FaceTime her and say it celebrate it because we got to celebrate each other and we got to show up for each other and if we're doing it alone it's it's not the best life I agree so good three trees mine I like them before final question Kelly I want to acknowledge you I'm a-gonna Knology for the way you show up and how much you care because I can really tell you care a lot about all the people you work with whether they're celebrities big names or they're just people who are looking to live with their life I appreciate your diligence to understand the research to the highest level and nerd out on it I appreciate your ability to package it in a way so people can understand it and it's relatable for people and it's not too challenging and I appreciate your commitment to continually staying on people until they've their best life sound acknowledges for that yeah thank you do I get to acknowledge you back you nourish me afterwards okay so make sure you guys go pick up body love definitely go get it I'm excited to check it out more myself and last question is what's your definition of greatness trying your best and that's that's from my dad there you go you gotta try your best and set your own bar like Kelly thank you so much my pleasure thanks for having me appreciate it you
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 90,161
Rating: 4.8804698 out of 5
Keywords: lewis howes, the school of greatness, kelly leveque, body love, jessica alba, celebruty nuritionist, chealsea handler, motivation, success, podcast, 2017 book, interview, 2017, as seen on ellen, ex footabll player, woman, how to be happy, canon dslr, adobe premiere, greatness, international, health, fitness, what to eat, health coach, food hacks
Id: p6VwZub-khQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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