NUTRITION 101 || Body Love, weight loss & optimal health with Celebrity Nutritionist, Kelly Leveque.

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hey guys welcome to your soul sexy where I'll teach you how to create your healthiest happiest sexiest life I hope you enjoyed this video we've got lots of fun stuff planned if you do make sure to subscribe give it a thumbs up and this is actually one of my first videos I'm here with my friend Kelly live Bennett you guys a celebrity nutritionist to people like Chelsea Handler Molly Sims Jessica Alba yeah any other name I don't know some of the first secret yeah I have some NDA's I just started working with Jennifer Garner for her new Feldman's so easy a bush for and she's a new show coming up as well first book called body laugh and I love it it live in balanced way what you want to free yourself from food drama forever girl there's a lot of drama tell me about it so confusing I only got it yeah you know I want to get into food in a second but I also want to talk about just the fact that your book is called body love and I think that that's so timely right now because we live in a society that's so obsessed with body perfection perfection in general and comes from comparing ourselves and other people and I think it's become so detrimental to our mental well-being and our physical well-being that people don't even understand that when you have those thoughts and you're comparing and you're stuck in this Consultative wanting to be perfect it causes literal stress on your body and people don't understand how that's manifesting you know and I think that we've really lost all sense of what it means to be beautiful today because we're focused solely on our outsides so I'd love to hear from you and your opinion what does sexy mean to you yeah well I don't think you can be sexy without a true inner self love yeah for who you are as a person and for your body whatever size it is um I wouldn't say that my body is anywhere near perfection in regards to like what we're seeing on the cover of magazines I have two parts of my body that I really like I have the parts of my body that could be enhanced but the thing is is like I am in a place where I feel really comfortable being naked yeah I love that and it's okay that I have a little cellulite that's okay things aren't like they were when I was a senior in high school but you know that comes a lot with self-love and taking care of myself I think I feel sexy when I make the choices to work out I feel sexy when I make the choices to eat clean I'm more in touch with my body when I'm physically moving it and when I'm in trishing yeah and that doesn't mean that they don't have a cupcake a glass of wine yeah you know what I mean but I make those choices and I kind of weigh out the benefits like do I really want it who am i celebrating and I think that's really important to me because I've clients always ask like what do you do when you indulge in it and I'm like what's the important time for me to indulge like I love to have champagne on my anniversary yeah I'd love to have glass red wine and a nice piece of pie on Christmas or Thanksgiving but I'm not gonna celebrate everybody's fifth birthday party so it's just kind of like prioritizing who are we celebrating and when are we indulging because I think having a glass of wine with your best friends is really different than having a glass of wine at a corporate like networking event where you're nervous yeah like we need to get over those times because if all of those kind of start to go away then you will find that balance yeah so many questions about what it should be what it should not eat and we're flooded with information now people are so confused what do you think is the biggest problem right now in the food industry would you say it's sugar I don't like sugar yeah no I would say that sugar is a big issue I also think that there's a lot of fear-mongering going on on the internet like whether it's to be afraid of gluten or dairy or nice shades or lectins or um fillers or emulsifiers and um and then and there's this whole other side of it where you should be having to work every day apple cider vinegar every day you should switch to matcha it becomes like a to-do list that we don't have enough time to do all the hell syrup get overwhelmed by it yeah I just like the simplicity and I really like light structure I really like understanding the biology because I don't want people to feel bad about stuff like if you decide I want a piece of let's say like gluten-free toast or I want rice with my sushi I don't overanalyze it to the point where I'm like rice is better than the bread or the bread is better than rice I just say I'm making a choice knowing that this at the end of the day will end up as blood sugar in my body and I know how my body's gonna respond to that and I'll just make choices to balance my blood sugar later or I'll work out with you and delay have a smoothie and maybe have a salad of protein and veggies to like and good healthy fats a safe Bowl and then I'm gonna go into sushi night not feeling bad about it but for the most part I feel like people are living a super high sugar diet whether they realize have known when it comes to nutrition I you obviously know I'm really focused on information and preventing disease and sugar we know is one of the biggest culprit so I think it's helpful for people to understand what's actually happening in our bodies when it comes to disease when it comes to weight gain when we have high amounts of sugar in our diet sure yeah I mean I think that's one of the most important things I can learn so whether it's coming from added sugars in a product or it is just a high refined carbohydrate like a rice flour cracker yeah that might be gluten-free right it's all kind of end up it's blood sugar and so the way it works with carbohydrates and I like to like use my arms yeah see my baby anytime we have a carbohydrate it's going to break down to blood sugar and it's breaking down actually immediately in your mouth with a saliva enzyme and it goes dropping into your stomach and hydrochloric acid and more inventor or dropped into your stomach to kind of unlock the nutrition and break that product down and so carbohydrates break down to blood sugar and blood sugar is absorbed you know it's delivered to your bloodstream and that's actually your blood sugar going up so if you picture yourself having 10 rice crackers in the morning then I want you to picture like 10 mini rice cracker emojis floating in your bloodstream and it doesn't just stay there it's not allowed to stay there if someone has diabetes and they don't release the insulin hormone insulin they have to inject themselves but most of us who are healthy have our pancreas that works and our pancreas releases insulin and you can kind of think about insulin like a ferry boat or the claw from Denny's to get it sent down whatever like analogies are great but basically it's gonna pick up that sugar if it's a like ferry boat and it's gonna dock it in a cell because it can't stay in your blood stream we're constantly bringing our blood sugar up and our body is using hormones to bring it right back down and so where we store our sugar is first its fuel and our liver and our muscles is glycogen so if you were ever an athlete growing up and your parents have like carbo-loading parties yes possibly yeah or if you ran a marathon our triathlete people talk about using gels and glucose to really continue to fuel your muscles and have that fuel available but unfortunately because so many things have sugar from you know tomato sauces and yogurts and condiments and and then on top of that you know even grains and breads and crackers and chips and all of that like it's all ending up here and we're putting it in our liver and putting in our muscles and it doesn't fit there it stores us fat and it's a pretty inflammatory process because it needs to be converted to a triglyceride it needs to you know be delivered via a cholesterol particles of producing a lot of triglycerides you're gonna be producing an elevated amount of cholesterol and then those are gonna go store in fat cells and the worst is is that insulin lasts for a really long time when we eat refined carbohydrates so let's say we had our crackers at 6:00 a.m. and insulin is released it can last somewhere between six and eight hours and insulin is a fat storage hormone it's really good at telling our body we shouldn't be burning fat and we're in a storage state when you have like rice or quinoa or something that is sweet potato something that is wrapped in fiber and slower to digest you don't have that overreaction and the minute you can add a little fat or protein to that or like fiber veggies then you're having real meals then the response to that isn't ooh blood sugar spike and crash it's more of an elongated curve which is a lot what I talked about in the foot it's not that carbs are bad because it if you're active and your muscles are insulin sensitive their fuel first yeah and you have the Rio to store it it's not like you don't like to bucket things good or bad I just like to understand on on a biological level hey if I'm traveling in LA and you and I aren't working out two to three days a week and I'm not getting to SoulCycle or yoga like I'm probably don't have the flexibility to be having three high carbohydrates and the squashes and the starches that I would have if being active with you and most people were sitting at a desk all day nice to six so we're completely sedentary and all your meals include carbohydrates and then we have this constant roller coaster feeling super tired and crashing yeah and just realizing that that's really coming from the sugars it knows the difference between like a cookie cake and quinoa but only in the fact that it just it's the rate at which is being released into your bloodstream so now we know what you really don't eat I'm curious to actually see what you do eats if you care for you get into your fridge I welcome you okay okay so if you've ever wanted to know what a celebrity nutritionist fridge looks like fits it we're going in yeah so we just went broski shopping yesterday so I'm a lot of food in here um but I mean I have like a bunch of kale I'm super obsessed with these I need to I haven't filled them yet but I normally tell them with my veggies it's one of the things they do to make the week easier so sometime this weekend I'll wash and clean my veggies like in here celery I have carrots I have a big cucumber some kale obviously lots of veggies um I really love organic girl everything is triple washed I just yeah washing green yes I don't know anyone believe 2008 anymore never washed um and normally what I do is I'll clean all my veggies with girl than these guys with me are oxo containers with a charcoal filter so it makes your veggies last longer maybe about a week versus like wow you're four days exactly so I'll kind of like clean wash chop and that's great and super easy if I want to throw it on a baking tray and roast something or put together a quick salad because if all the stuff is still in the greens next week you know in the greenbags I literally would be like sweet green watering so that's really helpful and then every single week I probably grab two to three proteins I don't really prep for more than one or two days they got sick of the food by Thursday so um I have some ground beef and some ground turkey and a whole chicken I have some grass-fed steaks from butcher box back here which is a great company if you like red meat because 100% pasture-raised and really affordable like six dollars so what I'll probably do is make some meatballs out of one of those and then another night I'll make some tacos brown beef is so easy and fast Kelly got some amazing recipes you have to check it out on your website oh thanks um and then a whole chicken or anything big I always cook on Sunday it's so easy throw termometer in 170 you're good to go um nut butters I mean like squash earlier this week my husband is hilarious she's be well by Kelly on Instagram door handles and her husband is Steve odd by Chris post about all really crappy dude yeah exact Alicia's food oh so these are chocolate peanut butter protein balls and these are so super easy to make there's company called protein bar mix yeah and they I just found them and I'm really liking them because a lot of teen bars out there actually like carbohydrates sugar bars not for them area so this company you just mix the powder and has like you know if you want the way version or the peach version they have fold they do like our chocolate chips with like nuts and have hearts and stuff like that you just literally add like a nut butter or coconut oil mix it up make little balls it's already love it so always have almond milk berries Christmas beers dad scanner not have those around some photographs that's always quick and easy yeah yeah nobody's gonna believe that's the key keeping it simple yeah so and it really is like if we want to indulge and have a good time like we'll go somewhere for a single serving so getting like a pressed juice to refreeze or beating for a chocolaty cookie or something like that like try not to keep it around as much but yeah we're all out let me keep the dark talk on it that way didn't make it to the weekend oh well I'm super excited so one of Kelly's signature things is perk that for smoothie so we're going to take a moment to have her run us through making a fad for smoothies perfect recipes getting into kind of what the importance of protein fat fiber and greens are yeah let's do it okay so now on to the good stuff the stuff that really matters which again in 2004 protein fat fiber and greens yes so let's just talk really quick about why each of those are super important sure um so together when you eat those four things together whether it be breakfast lunch or dinner you actually regulate over eight hunger hormones in your body so if you have one takeaway of my philosophy it's that I'd like to eat feel full and satisfied and not think about food for four to six hours I don't want to feel like I need to snack I don't want to feel shaky hungry dependent on food needing to pack food plan prep like a lot amazing I wanted to be free yes I wanted to be super easy and what I found for me was that the Fab Four is a light enough structure for me to be able to eat out with friends go to parties where they're providing food and I just look and say to have a little bit of protein don't have a little bit of fat can I still half my plate with veggies and I think that's the biggest problem I'm feeling and I this is what I say all the time cuz we can't see a planner our meals around our meat how do we first start with greens and veggies yeah that's the first big step it's so like it's so so so important it's such a I mean just like phytochemicals nutrients vitamins I mean people are always like how do I lose weight how do I lose weight and it's like if I do a micronutrient test on you you don't have any B vitamins or you're low in vitamin K or like low in vitamin D like we're never gonna get you where you need to go and that's coming from you know the vitamins and minerals that are present in those things that they're eating so when it comes to protein specifically and fat when is it too much I feel like we now we're living in an age where everyone's like protein protein protein and we're eating too much probably yeah people don't realize that like excess protein actually does protein it will turn into sugar yeah yeah yeah definitely there's only a certain amount of protein that our body can digest at one time in one sitting and a good ballpark benchmark for you is 30 grams which would be no more than like six ounces of protein yeah I think that that's a good you know for a woman four to six I do have men about six to eight but sitting down to like a 16-ounce t-bone some of that will be digested into amino acids and kept his protein but your body might convert some of that to sugar called gluconeogenesis is a creation of sugar from other things and that's you know that's defeating the whole purpose and I think also you know it is important to know that we have like a an amino acid pool in our body and it needs to be refilled we have a need for amino acids that we can't synthesize internally like there's a certain number of what we call essential amino acids and you need to get that from your food but most people are getting it and I would say if you're having somewhere around 20 grams of protein at each meal which can easily come from nuts and seeds and things or vegetable based protein powders or you know if there's a lot of protein and that would you actually you'd be surprised we don't need to always be thinking about hitting on our 50 grams of protein it's a little bit of an over yeah yeah what about fat because I know people say like one or two tablespoons it's a two each meal but I can eat that entire avocado yeah so I'm so with you I think if it's liquid fat like an olive oil or avocado oil 2tbsp is a great like the size of your thumb it's a tablespoon I always love that right and I got it but that's so small right exactly so two tablespoons of liquid fat when you're cooking on your veggies when you're roasting when you're sauteing when you're adjusting a salad when it comes to complex fats like coconut meat avocado real olives like I slivered almonds nuts and parts on mice on my salad I really am not overthinking it like that's a pretty small avocado yeah I could probably eat the whole thing up on crackers on my salad and I paradise back so if I were to give you like a hierarchy of the things that I want to eat at every meal Benji's always come first yeah right but to get the nutrients out of the vegetables a lot of them for fat soluble phytochemicals and antioxidants are actually more highly absorbed when we're adding facts to our salads so there's a study that came out on absorption and bioavailability of phytochemicals and it increases 300% when you add avocado to its valid which is really great right it's like you're doing all this works like eat clean but you also want it to be available in your body yeah so I would say fat is my second hierarchy I think that like when you're having you know the veggies and the Greens the the fiber and the greens and you're in your food then it would be fat then it would be protein and so I really am NOT a stickler with fat I think it's one of the things that really keeps me full and not thinking about food for fortis unless you unless I feel like a lot of people have the problem of having too much fat too much cards together yeah we can get in trouble yeah I mean avocado toast for day yeah yeah understanding your macronutrients are really important like I think and that's really we don't need to overthink the fat we need to really just think about the carbohydrates and what we've burned and when we have space for and giving our body a break and it's really not giving everybody the break on glucose because we know what to do with glucose it's giving our body a break on the hormones that follow glucose like insulin and then fiber we're all pretty deficient in fiber right yeah average I think the latest average is like we get on a women on average get 13 to 20 grams of fiber in a day and our ancestors got somewhere above 65 grams 80 grams on average and that wasn't long ago I think I'm it should be behaving now um actually the government will tell you 30 grams I would say Tuggle that like flax tea is probably where I'm looking for people to hit because it is pretty hard like you put a couple cups of veggies on your plate and you might get eight or ten and then when it comes to other sources of fiber I'm like how can we add how can we like you know complex fats like avocado or a great source of fiber real all its great source of fiber but when everything is refined and the fiber goes away yeah so that is another reason why when I did create the fab for smoothie which is a smoothie formula that has every all the Fab Four in it and can be fruit free and I actually preach that that's probably the way you should go 80 90 percent of the time because I'm really looking to turn off hunger not take you on a blood sugar roller coaster like we talked about but it's really easy to add fiber to a shake flax Chia acacia fiber psyllium husk depends on the person but there's a lot of ways to do that yeah okay so what do we start with so always start with liquid okay and that's just like a particular thing that I have because everything gets stuck at the bottom okay yeah that's right and also it gives you a good idea cuz a lot of like this is a Vitamix but even like a Cuisinart or whatever it's gonna show you cups so it's a really easy way to like know that you're actually it was always doing it backwards before I mean that works too it wasn't it wasn't lending that well so now I know yeah so we go to I go to about the one and a half or two cup mark sometimes I do a couple of funds week and on another cup of water sometimes I do coconut water sometimes I do you know whatever not trying to make sure they're unsweetened yeah that's a really yeah you know you're trying so hard to be like me the sweetened ones literally sometimes gonna have like 20 grams perfect which is crazy they're just like sugar dates what they're doing this week even when you're I realized for people that like get drinks that like coffee bean or Starbucks if you don't ask they typically are giving you a sweet inversion so you think you're being helpful seeking almond milk think you're not really right I actually have a hack for that what Whole Foods is the only place that does an unsweetened almond milk latte oh so I actually get my coffees at Whole Foods that's amazing yeah and then I would say that be careful at specialty places that are using specifically the barista almond milk it's our barrier yeah it's way higher sugar so that it phones because the baristas want it to look like a regular latte but that's based on the sugar like in real milk it's let the lactose sugar they are creating the film or just make it at home yeah okay so we got the almond milk now what have you put in then I go for protein okay so this is a vanilla collagen based protein it's like so yummy for those of you that don't know a primal kitchen I'm obsessed they have the best dressings and mayo that's made from avocado oil so it's actually super healthy yeah it's great delicious so their collagen serving is actually two scoops I would just look on the back anytime nutrition facts will tell you if it's serving to get your 20 grams of protein is one or two serves so this is two most of the like the plant-based your collagen ones are two yeah it's the way that's just the 101 exactly so I always go protein fat fiber greens perfect easiest way to remember so the spot smoothie has avocado as the fat i'll eat it the owner is just so he's the whole half in there so if it's small one like this from Whole Foods I'd say a half if it's like the Costco gargantuan size we saw the Pato a quarter is a good a good amount then we're going for fiber so this is a Chia and flax blend I like chia seeds flax seeds like I said acacia psyllium husk if you do get a blended or a ground flax or Chia though please keep it in the refrigerator because the oils are then opened up and they can oxidize with heat and there's no so one is two tablespoons of fat one to two tablespoons of fiber so there's our protein fat and fiber and then we're gonna go greens so how do you have 5 grams of fiber there right or don't you put oh for two tablespoons so yeah we're getting only 5 grams of fiber so you can see that's like yeah you're expecting to get so much power and it's yeah a little here a little there this is where we get more fiber right here a big handful of greens and you're probably going gross yeah these taste like a salad good blender really helps but it also really helps it's been like such a clutch move for me it's adding a half of a lemon of an organic lemon juice it's gonna cut through all the bitterness of those greens and if you really don't like gradients microgreens is a great way to go 14 times the nutrition a very small handful you can throw it in it still would taste like a vanilla I use a lot of frozen spinach and frozen spinach or just spin it in general you can add to literally if you're having like a chocolate shake a chocolate protein shake and you won't taste it and honestly that's great because you don't have to add the ice it isn't diluted the flavor are still really strong and also like talked about the meal prepping if you just have a couple bags of frozen spinach in your freezer you don't have to worry about the the videos going bad or yeah you don't want to throw away all right all right we're plugs in let's make sure it's not on high and this is your spa smoothie right this is my smoothie I sometimes add Persian cucumber to this and I sometimes add mint to this but it really you know it's the avocado that makes it creamy it's the lemon that cuts the greens so delicious let's see how you like it oh my god that's so good seriously especially is amazing I've never heard this is my first Kelleys spa smoothie oh yeah I would say the fresh lemon a good protein it's really about the protein for the base flavor so proud of you everything they've accomplished and before we go I have one question to ask you and that is if you were to give your top three secrets to living a healthy happy sexy life what would that I would say for me movement it's really really really important and not necessarily like breaking my body down but doing something that I need like I do need yoga really a centering it help it's a stress reliever for me so movement becomes a stress reliever for you I think that's really good I would probably make this more important than movement which is the relationships yeah I think it can be especially nowadays we getting our phones we in our computer we grow or we're not seeing our friends and we're not connecting with our families and and just like take in a minute and that's where the magic how the way thumbs and then I would say obviously as a nutritionist trying to find balance and he clean doesn't mean you live in this last box of perfection but instead just really think about adding to your life instead of I can't eat this I can't eat that it's more enriched instead of deprived and live off of eating do not be honest I think that's destructive so yeah love that well also I'm so glad you let us invade your home yeah first episode and I hope you guys enjoy this episode again if you do please make sure to subscribe give it a thumbs up and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sierra Nielsen
Views: 30,816
Rating: 4.9274192 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, nutrition 101, healthy eating, nutrition, nutritionist, jessica alba, healthy, motivation, body love, kelly leveque, how to lose weight, weight loss tips, wellness, your soul sexy, sierra nielsen, fitness inspiration, macros, celebrity nutritionist, protein, diet, how to be happy, fitness, health, weight loss motivation, lose weight fast, carbs, insulin, glucose, carbohydrates, low carb diet, do carbs make you fat, how to meal prep, celebrity diets, sugar
Id: zgIKkVeuVB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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