The Scariest Run Ever Recorded | Repentance on Stream (Episode 245)

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of course we pay out the believers is the easiest believer pay out of my life nine percent doubt look i'm not mad [Music] i'm just disappointed i was talking and we'll get this going here but i was talking to apollo and he was saying like you know he's he's not apprehensive about it it was just like a moment in the conversation for banter as we hit our randomizer i think that's that might be tainted keeper but let's see it's keeper delirium or tainted keeper delirium which keep in mind probably also contains hush [Music] it is it is tainted keeper delirium okay and then i'll just pause here we got a lot of moving parts just relax then i gotta go to the bets will nl accomplish his objective start prediction okay there you go tainted keeper to delirium but what i was gonna say is that uh apollo was like oh i'm uh i only have like a year left of my 20s leave me alone and i was like wait you're like 28 and a half or something right now and he's like yeah and i said i thought you were like 31 and he said what are you talking about and then i realized that the reason i thought he was 31 was because i forgot that i was only 32. like i knew he was like a fixed amount younger than me and that's not changing but i forgot about the fact that i'm 32 and just mentally had calibrated myself to like uh to like being 35 or 36 years old you got to remember like the flow of time is all messed up right now right like i turned 30 wait no i got my math all wrong here i was going to say it turned 30 in in november 2019. that's not true that's when i turned 31. but like i turned 31 november 2019 and then since then we've had like a global pandemic that's lasted forever and also a baby so like i don't even know where i'm i don't even know where i'm at anymore this is uh i before we take anything we're just gonna milk the rest of the floor because i i gotta think about this one consider yourself milked you know i'm thinking dunscap and i'm not sure if that's memes talking or if i genuinely believe that it's got some like it's got a chance but dunce is a bit of a doubter play what what if i just sat in here and farmed up uh infinite coins no thank you if you'll excuse me i'd like to get some infinite coins what if cobalt did that once that's honestly you know that's why i i got a lot of respect for cobalt he's willing to do things that i'm just not willing to to put up with that being said here i am i'm gonna do it to like 50 cents oh you you jerk all right whatever so hp doesn't work as tainted greed contained a keeper right oh hello daniel maximum copium speaking of which we got keeper to delirium here so we gotta get a move on it does but only one hp okay well we'll get one hp you gotta check this man the tower tower is is a very good card squam squam squam squam squam it created a tinted rock would you look at that swallowed penny actually like unbelievable possibly the greatest trinket you could ever ask for now i'm like maybe we should play the eddie room duns camp all right don't worry we're going to get tractor beam this is a a small damage up now and you know what give me some give me some him up tysis as well we're going maximum zane and then this is a health up and then we don't even need this health up that i was fishing for before um we're gonna get another one later no sweat and now we're like totally covered now i don't even know how we killed that enemy just to be honest with you um but we we sneeze to cover the enemies in front of us golden no i didn't even know that tainted greed could create a golden penny like that that's that's crazy yo don't even that's why you got swallowed penny man we're getting so much money when i get out there's gonna be coinage satanic bible will not do anything for us i think it is bookworm minus two really i thought that was okay i thought you guys loved puns isn't that like the internet's thing i used to think you were crazy but now i can see your nuts they get devil deal items from the boss all right is that good i guess it is good because we could afford them but it's such a high setup cost if i and i know money is not going to be an object but like probably but it's kind of an object right now dude we're actually doing like a lot of damage so bloody penny is interesting but we need to be able to hold two trinkets because we're not getting rid of swallowed penny i'm actually i've hit real genius levels that one might be stuck there oh please just work with it just work with it off the back wall off the back wall off the back wall i know i know i gotta make hush okay it's on it's worth it two extra seconds is worth it man for one penny absolutely it's not one penny it's our 30th cent i wouldn't expect you to understand frick man the 30th cent is one of the most important look at this you do extra damage when you hit him into the wall right you really think i won't hit you up against the wall dude you can't touch me whoa whoa okay we ignore deals with the devil we take deals with the angel i really think i won't sneeze you up against the wall go deals with the angel ignore that check the shop again because the first time i went through the shop i wasn't really paying attention um and you know what i probably say on this one none of that's worth it and we save up for incredible deals in the future little steven is really good to be honest yeah um go ahead and say it go ahead and say it for me to poop on dreamcatcher could save you keys some things aren't worth saving it's not about good items it's about is it worth buying with our limited purchasing power bask in the light of your mercy i've always been saying that man for years i've been telling people to bask in the light of their mercy i probably will take hollowed grounds chad take it from somebody that like mindlessly consumes uh economics podcasts you might think that there's uh only two choices you know do you buy item a or do you buy item b there's a third choice international buy nothing day you almost got me you son of a gun thanks for the free luck upgrade and then just save your money for a a better item in the future and don't die before it shows up because you'll be very embarrassed look at that no problem oh there's more i thought the room was done excuse me where's my money by the way don't don't we get money when we kill enemies i thought wow wow we should just keep getting hit man it's like free luck upgrades this would be a nice floor to really start popping because we're you know 46 cents is one to three items if we can get the items we dream of oh man then it's all coming together dunce camp was a major throw i look forward to to watching your points vanish i i look forward to taking your points from you and giving them to someone who's gonna do better with them what you hate having fun please stop creating enemies look at that hp's returned [Laughter] or the run might be bone now yeah okay you got the first question wrong on your on your lsat might as well just leave the auditorium try again next year you want to be perfect starting now go listen to build the spill there's our money do these books this could be it this could change it for us we save we continue to save you think i'm spending uh 30 cents to get two thirds of the way to bookworm 45 cents for bookworm honestly i'd love to see you if i go to the negotiation room i would love to see you across the table from me so mr me now we're talking a golden trinket chance to spawn a random locust when killing an enemy we can't get a double trinket set up yet okay you start mr me and then you recognize that you got some charges okay so what do you do with these charges don't you know i'm locust well we try to get whole hollowed ground for free and if chad was playing this run they wouldn't be able to make that play because they but on the bright side they'd have uh satanic bible how to jump book of what is it even called book of options nobody even knows what it does because it's pure uh dog doo doo uh but on the bright side you'd have little steven backing me up so you know you'd be in a good spot there no sweat no sweat now here is a little we got a free charge i think we should use our free charge um i'm gonna use it just to try to get this it's all right of of the two items we we got the one that was more valuable for us regardless denied help don't help i don't need it we just need restock mr me chaos and then eventually we get a tractor beam and it's all coming together eddie room it's possible the eddy room just scares me because i think that it's probably set up i mean it's wrist if we get one more hp like from the boss here i would feel comfortable playing the eddie room with two hp the margin for error is is very very low right now i know we have swallowed penny but i'm just concerned that um like much like blood banks like it might not pay out in every situation you can only have two hp what chad was saying you could fill one more container they said you could get to three but no further they lied well you know that's vindicating for me because i have been ignoring most of their advice for the course of the run so fair enough um let me check this for a second invokes the bible effect so it's a free mom kill or the ability to fly honestly again this is what separates me from the way that other people play this game i value the ability to fly more on this floor than a free mom kill later the mom kills already free just don't take damage suboptimal there could be a fly up there just be careful garcon i can't help but notice my returns appear to be diminishing c'est la vie owned extremely owned okay sneeze the coins away sneeze the coins away gulp is sick man gulp changes everything thank you so much for your your help and then maybe now you could convince me to play the eddie room here if it ever doesn't pay out with you know what we do save the devil card if it ever doesn't pay out with a coin on the eddy room we use the devil card to get those four coins i guess we could probably also just use a bomb but anyway thank you so much more coins more coins this is beautiful okay give me coins thank you so much my trinket gulp please my trinket gulp seraphim for 15 cents this time i say yes that's not a bad deal random angel item please there we go um why am i picking up all of these good question quick quick little troll bomb quick little troll bomb quick little troll bomb spawn uriel 30 coins life goes on still pretty good now no gulps is a slap in the face just for the record you know what give me give me king baby blow this fool up i just wanted some money lebowski uh i know we got to get to hush as well so like it seems like we're going really slow yeah we're actually like i would say we're a floor behind schedule for boss rush but for hush that's not so bad where's the gulp i say leave him man you could take experimental treatment just to feel something uh bad bad item but you know what when i walk into that room i don't see a bad item you know what i see 15 cents saved and now that i think about it it's actually not a bad item i had it confused with the one that uh breaks your game and and possibly deletes your save file but don't worry the update's coming any day now apparently all right we don't even now now we're out of the the the banter hole we can we can say whatever we choose why would why would you spawn the poop all the way up there man why it's coming tomorrow [Laughter] [Music] you see that eddie eddie was posting some obscene stuff on twitter yesterday come on eddie putting your little thumb through your pant leg so it looks like your thingy's showing come on man i i thought we were i thought we were above that i thought we were better than that uh money's on sale baby you know what though we can also just use a charge on it we could get 10 cents for free or we could just use a charge on it and get 25 cents for free let's go whatever it's still a good deal spend first look we have to make hush okay so like here's the way this works whenever i take time to do things and you say go faster i yell at you and say uh i'm better than you at the game so you don't know what you're talking about whenever you tell me to do something i don't want to do i say what are you stupid we have to go faster even if what you're suggesting is better as a time use of your time than what i'm doing for myself already i will i will always listen to myself first it's not a knock on you it's just i i have unshakable confidence in myself even when we lose there's times where i'm like i could still win this owns i don't even want the money we gotta go a little faster don't even need the money okay okay that's that's the item that breaks your game um let's get absolutely funky give me this thank you give me chaos that's not the one that ruins your game either okay well good to know it depends you don't know what game i was talking about i might have been talking about a different game give me a crawl space please that you've never heard of because it lives in canada oh dark judas uh gimme that gimme dad [Laughter] look money money's good we're at least gonna try i know we need to speed up that's why we're not gonna take two too too too long luckily all these coins are gonna spawn very close wow and there were only four of them anyway okay so move a little faster we got to move a little faster the doubters do still have a a plague it's just it's speed based we might not make it the hush i actually i i think that there's a very realistic chance that that'll be risky what would be awesome is a deal with the devil here or a deal with the angel with a very good damage based item hey look at that okay um that is a very good damage based item and see you later necropolis one at 20 minutes so we got basically two and a half minutes per floor i would say don't worry at all about farming up you know money just go faster 2020 on the keeper is literally just a damage downgrade eddie you little fricker -1 damage but it was for free at least you will become a cow on a trash farm in your next life excuse me you didn't pay out with anything is literally the exact scenario i've been worried about well we'll be moving on try it again okay there's two ways doubters win one is you just don't make it in time that's okay you blame the game the other one is you try to go faster and as a result you die hey just kill me kill me kill me make me dog judas then now you're all gonna pay now you're all gonna pay the double damage we still got sneezes we don't care for coins regardless excuse me that's cheating again this was all covered in the terms of the casino as drafted up years ago um we've been through this many times and it says a lot about the personality of the doubter that tries to weasel out of the situation on a technicality you're watching too much better call saul you're not the keeper though uh if the the randomizer simply shows you the character you start as not as the character you're forced to finish the run with you've been watching too much schooled that's the thing man like and i'm not saying this is a school thing necessarily by the way we also have like two hp so just everyone chill out before you think that this is like the easiest win of all time also we have like seven and a half minutes to do three floors and then we gotta do hush and then we gotta do delirium so everyone just chill out like we i had the same kind of people like in my classes growing up that like they would argue like oh well you know the use i know that the rubric said that this was due on the third but in class the other day you accidentally said the 30th so i thought it was due on the 30th so can we get an extension and i'm always like man like at the end of the day we're both gonna do like the same amount of work but you also deliberately took on extra work of like getting into this weird argument about it like and then you think that you you got one over on them then what's the point of the randomizer it tells you what character you start with what are you talking about um sac alter i'll use man i'll use uh i'll use do i take triple shot on top of this i'm worried it might cause us to just get more abject negative oh you doubters [Laughter] eat we did it put that in your doubt and smoke it oh okay okay okay a little too far okay a little too just a little too far um just a little give me a key i mean we still have to not die our range is a little bit messed up but we're only on necropolis one we also still need to make it the hush which is still like honestly in question but looks a little better now take the cookie tell me you're a doubter without telling me you're a doubter um what is what is what is i gotta know i don't even see what that it would rip off i think it's mom's coin purse high priestess why no gambling there is uh there is gambling dude and now we're getting the hp this is a dream we got five minutes to make it two floors i'm a doubter but i'm not even mad i just like all i all i wish is that and i'm not lumping all doubters into the same category plus this is all a joke regardless but um when i took duns camp the doubters were like haha this runs so much fun then we we find the one scenario where we're able to weasel out of a little bit and some people are like what the integrity of the casino has been called into question now when you deliberately threw the run for the meme by taking dunce cap that's totally fair but then when you escaped that situation via a convoluted series of items that you worked very very hard to get that's not okay by the way get owns we're going to delirium give me polaroid that's going to be such a huge damage buff for us um sure i'll just take roid rage oh man i just want more channel points i mean i gotta say p-i-m-pizzle like you're you're you're a high-roller do you still have like a you still got a bankroll to operate from you were putting 250 250 000 points on doubt on every single bet for like weeks now some of those bets paid out i can't even be mad like you know if it's a strategy that allows you to stay in business then then so be it but you are the omega doubter but i don't look to you as a nemesis my my nemeses are the people who dip out of uh betting and and or believing and doubting the people who try to time the market and go you know uh but this time i think that the odds are just so good for doubt i have no choice what was it key don't care you know if you think you're smarter than the than the prediction market well you know you reap what you sow honey you reap what you sowed i only play the chess odds i dude honestly i got the chess hunger after after rivals yesterday nice try i got the hunger but i wanted like i mean basically i just want levy to sacrifice his career to teach me chess on stream that's probably not fair we as we had some amazing games yesterday i you know when i looked at the game after the fact i was like you know i do want to go into this but if if i can't make it in time then i can't make it in time uh it was my blunder at the end i i mean we were under time pressure for a long uh a long time uh so i i forgive myself the blunder why not [Music] but it was uh it was my blender for sure but i still had an awesome time like and and moreover we won we went 4-2 so i felt great for the the believers um to begin with and we did we came third overall in the money which is crazy out of 16 teams you've also got to remember like and i'm not trying to make excuses like i you know again it was my blunder at the end that cost it but keep in mind you know some of the people that were playing a you know i've been practicing for a long time for future or pre or previous pog champs and then also uh andrea is like the only untitled uh brain in like the entire event so like she's going up against grand masters uh i'm probably one of the like you know three or four best hands in the tournament but she is going up against the brain of like some of the the best chess players literally on planet earth so she did a great job not to mention the other thing is and again like i'm not trying to frame this as if it's a disappointment at all but um give me this is this is a tough one uh set we went four and two we blundered to lose but it's definitely worth pointing out that at least two of the four wins that we had literally never should have happened this is going to be tight i don't i don't want to have the doubters have some comeuppance here we need to focus for a sec but literally like there were there were games where we were like five minutes down and also like a rook down and yet we still got there okay so we have to fight hush it's got to be done this is gonna this is still gonna suck like this is gonna be pretty spicy that's a bad item we just wanted to see a bunch of spirit hearts honestly um i i do appreciate the confidence from people that are like you know get bent doubters but i'm also like it's this is gonna be a little nasty uh out of these i definitely take treasure map a tractor is good with 20 20. uh okay let's let's test that theory a tractor is good with 20 20. hold on everybody stop chatting for a second predicted no how many how many points did you put on that no i just want to know i just want to i just want to talk okay i'm gonna re-roll the moon card hide him hide him i want to re-roll the moon i want to re-roll the moon card just want to reroll okay what what the hell does this do that's literally one hit i'd rather have virgo instant wind portal turns negative pills into positive pills you peace ten bombs remain we will we will take montezuma incredible we're gonna fish for a crawl space let's go what um okay believers don't look okay believers don't look very many stat improvements lost mom's knife but very many stat improvements to be honest with you i wasn't confident that we were going to beat um i think i think we would have beat hush pretty easily i wasn't confident that we were going to beat delirium though so i i think the missing though was actually a reasonable take i thought that might happen there yes yes kidney stone yes yes okay so what what are we fishing for uh one amazing re-roll when we go down to the next floor that's it the damage is actually like this this run is exceptional we really couldn't have asked realistically for a a stronger uh hush run here on the on the missingno reroll mr mesics i'm going to put him out there he'll probably be responsible for about like .7 of the damage overall that we're doing on this fight but sure why not let's let's get him out there regardless he's doing his best it's all about kidney stone like i don't even think if our shots prior to kidney stone don't land i don't care as long as it makes it better for us to dodge he's actually doing a ton of damage i just i'm i'm a doubter there i'm a doubter on on mr mesix you know what i'm most scared of here is accidentally like hitting uh q on the keyboard but now i'm like i'm in my own head about it buy me some time please that's fantastic there we go but think about how good the hermit card will be on the next floor if we accidentally walk into delirium too early what that was my own tear i don't i don't know what's happening but i have become a a different gamer i just for the first time in my life i know we got kidney stone i'm ready for it i'm ready for it for the first time in my life i believed that i could make those dodges and and whether you believe you can or you can't you're right sometimes mr me i need your help never mind screw you what an incredible fight okay um down to the next uh floor down to delirium [Laughter] this is the most important role of the game right here we could win or lose right now it's much worse but like to be honest we were not gonna get as good as we had on the last floor um so i can't really be too mad about that it seems okay it doesn't seem bad i shot an enemy and they turned into poop i didn't know such a thing was possible again we were never going to get a run as good as our previous one so like i'm happy we got like maybe fruit cake is that what's going on here so we get potentially good tier effects if we can't just have a static good tier effect you're killing mega fatty in a reasonable amount of time that's that's an okay sign it's not incredible but it's okay and then we'll farm up the whole floor the whole floor i mean and i just got to say to like the doubters like if you if we win this run like we earned it so all of your bellyaching embarrassing media the media is always talking about doubters believers copium i just want a pog okay fair enough you just want a pog here you go here's your sign i can't believe i guess we'll see it in the recap this week if the recap is being posted [Music] well we don't need mr music give me a red candle um we might we might take mr me into the overall like into the hush fight i don't know if it works that well but we'll see but red candle is like certainly better for now we have we have blanket maybe we do have blanket okay so that's helpful um but i really feel like the most underrated joke of the week if i could put my own plus two minus two on it is fake larry the cable guy making jokes about uh mock chicken that's the gimme there i really felt like that was uh a joke that chad did dirty where i was like let me get this straight when i was a kid i ate mock chicken all the rich kids made fun of me because they were eating real chicken now i'm eating real chicken they're eating beyond chicken and they're making fun of me still these are both great i've i feel like a four and a half volt mr me means we could create many mysteries on mr me doesn't stack okay never mind then let's go i mean it's a great item i was i'm trying to think of like a a way out for us here so it does okay well either way i mean you can't lose on based on that item selection you know that if we lose it's more based on the situation we find ourselves in regardless that joke is really good and is really clever and honestly like you guys don't know what you're talking about quite frankly what a shot that hurts okay i did forget the penny let's go back and get that penny extreme skip the dishes energy we'll just skip the dishes energy is like this a real joke again i i know i keep you know playing the same song on this one but you got to remember like you know i grew up in an era where people like laughed at things that were funny now you just laugh at something like when you agree with it and it's a totally different vibe so i'm trying to like find a way to to be between the two soul of kane oh hello thank you thank you so much i very much appreciate this hey you took my other key you all right so we're still back here um let's let's go ahead and suck up one of these items i'm kind of hoping it's a speed upgrade it is a speed and a damage upgrade that's about as good as it could be there and mr me made one last sacrifice a true team player i love it yo key beggar this would be an incredible time for for your own redemption if you started paying out with great stuff blindfold i don't know if you can see my uh existing trinket because my face is there you you may or may not be able to but uh at present i have the cancer trinket which is why i'm like it's very very tough for me to to dump that for some extra invincibility i'm of the opinion we pop the soul of kane [Music] on this room we get we get two payouts from it please please the ultra secret room oh oh okay okay okay that's that's pretty good that's a pretty good get all right it's not a run win but that's really good actually it is literally only one hit um i thought i thought it would give us more tears we're at the cap fair enough still i mean you gotta admit it was it was a pog moment that one goes out to the people who just wanted to pog thank you for the spirit heart this is just like the first game of rivals yesterday you know we're down eight points according to the engine it's been uh 50 moves and we say you know what uh a lot of people would just resign right now they'd say i just want it to be over and we say we say no we say we're giving it our all we're sticking in there sometimes low percentage things happen all the time we have the hermit card so we can't afford to go through this it's still not automatic we need to play a little out of our gourd on the uh oh i popped it just literally panicked but it did save us a spirit hard that's not as bad as it seems actually in fact i think i might even argue that it's good uh that's true we do have blanket we could have absorbed one hit but look at this tinted rock reaction time was crazy no i literally just like i saw the shot coming in and i just mashed my left hand into the keyboard i wouldn't describe that as like uh reaction time this is just pure panic if this wins and and i know that this would you know it sounds like obviously i have a bias here um but this would honestly be one of the one of the craziest wins we've ever had do you know how many like you know one in two chances we had to get right in a row like missing no into a good run into a half decent run you know down to the next floor we only live because key beggar pays out with a golden chest which happens to contain latch key we got the hush with 10 seconds left yeah i mean there's this is a pretty special one well would you look at that yeah yeah take it take it that's for you oh keller golden brim bombs keller brimboard [Music] this is a youtube game regardless i don't know what you mean but basically all the isaac runs make it to youtube the the only one that didn't over the course of like the last month is uh one that i did where i was like can we beat the whole we had like 17 minutes to fill and i was like i wonder if we can beat isaac in 17 minutes and then we just did soul of eve i i have a i harbor a suspicion that uh soul of eve is not gonna be as good on delirium as we want it to be but i also harbor the suspicion that we could be wrong how do you know keller brimbour i mean you're talking to one of the people who championed the lord of the rings shadow of mordor the first game that's ever existed with the nemesis system [Music] why because the game was uh pog city that game sucks that's where you're wrong the story sucks i i wouldn't i wouldn't disagree with you in the slightest on that also the final boss fight is truly horrible but the mechanics were a lot of fun okay sure i guess i'll just be too slow to run away from you we have some invinci we got to pay closer attention to the invincibility here it's kind of hard to see how many bosses are there little spooky okay don't forget to use your golden brimstone bombs it's not illegal to fish for cards wow those are actually doing so much damage that was just i i put myself in that position there is a card up there there's so the birds are still chilling man help me it's a lover's car that's useless what huge huge bomb terrible damage get in there but a huge bomb okay what's the game plan drop bombs use use peace you peace drop bombs use golden candle which is not a real thing use use the candle to protect you use the candle [Music] candle protection got space keep keep use them i got hit but i lived act of contrition ended up doing it one hp left oh man that was a wild one that was a wild one perhaps the most wild of all the ones pay out the believers and slash marker oh equals equals thanks for the gifted subscriptions thank you slash marker uh isaac casino two we're going to take a minute
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 44,554
Rating: 4.9489274 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 6ZSzZ80ROL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 17sec (3197 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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