The scandalous confrontation of Riddick Bowe and Andrew Golota

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Man fuck that guy for giving the low blows.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pablosito 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
I've had some great ones Joe Frazier Jen Norton Larry Holmes and I said you have potential to become the greatest said weight I ever had let's say a whole lot by the end of 1993 riddick bowe nicknamed Big Daddy was doing poorly it was not that there was any complaints about Bo's boxing qualities Eddy future was his trainer and Riddick himself was a talented fighter the career of the famous heavyweight was brought down by the same man who brought him to the top rock Newman America watched the development of the friendship of rock and Renick with no less interest than the series Santa Barbara [Music] no one's cool yo bring it on man Elmo Vega I'm a producer number two worry bezawada was afraid I'm gonna knock you out as a chunk maybe not now buona notte you're not nervous there were scandals intrigues fights provocations sanctions by the World Boxing organizations a copy of the WBC belt in the earn a rise to fame and a crashing failure all of these events were evolved around the names Bo and Newman Riddick was expelled from all leading boxing organizations the WBC WBA and IBF due to the tricks of his manager at the end of the 20th century the World Boxing organization was just gaining popularity the WBO had not yet risen to the level of the other three to gain popularity the young organization formed in Puerto Rico fought to acquire bright and famous fighters the first was Prince Naseem Hamed and the second rejected by everyone else was the former undisputed heavyweight champion Riddick Bowe Bo became WBO champion without any problems will this be enough there's a count going in his first defense he took revenge on his longtime offender the cuban jorge luis gonzalez and then completely knocked out the great event or Holyfield in their third meeting third knockdown Riddick's behavior overall left much to be desired he hit Larry Donald at a press conference before the fight threatened to kill Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis and one evening and refused to defend his WBO title against mandatory applicant Russian Alexander silky explaining that he had never heard of such a boxer the angelic patience of the WBO Advisers came to an end they stripped the bow of his champion belt relatives and friends of Riddick noted dramatic changes in the behavior of the finer the calm and quiet guy turned into a real nightmare a generator of problems and scandals the reason for the change in his character was simple his environment but rock Newman did not despair he found for his ward a suitable option a battle with another rejected boxer the scandalous and at the time still unbeaten polish fighter Andrei Golota and what about Andre he was tall and handsome a favorite of the beautiful half of the population in Poland in a short time Golota achieved outstanding heights in the amateur ring he won the national championship three times and went on to confirm his high status on the world stage bronze medals at the European Championships in Athens in 1989 and the Olympics in Seoul in 1988 and everything would have been fine if it wasn't for one big exception the character of dude was quite specific in 1990 Andrei fought for the honor of a lady in a local bar at least according to his own account a magnificent knockout to the delight of the local public led to five years in prison Golota however was not at a loss escaping just as he fled from Poland to the USA where he conquered another female heart by marrying a beautiful American he received local citizenship the small incident in the hole and was eventually forgotten so what was next having been in the role of Alphonse for a while Andre relaxed and gained several kilograms of excess weight but a man must be in great shape to continue to win female hearts Golota went to the local boxing club on the first night he knocked out three sparring partners was expelled for unsportsmanlike behavior and the employees called the police Andre started to have serious problems however he was lucky the chief trainer was the famous coach Lou Duva who decided to take up the education of this bad guy and bailed him out Andre agreed and in 1992 Golota made his debut in the professional ranked Golota spur formance was enjoyed by the American public but boxing organizations were wary of the puncher from Europe the WBC excluded Andre from its ratings the sanctions were justified in 1995 kalota was waiting for the first serious payout after his knockout of Samson polo the pole fought confidently sending his opponent to a knockdown several times but he himself was shot and was forced to flee with a clinch [Applause] everything would have been fine but things did not end with that one embrace Golota bit his opponents shoulder in round five II knocked out Poole but the WBC did not like the cannibal attack by the poll a year later Andre beat the head of Donnell Nicholson with such zeal that it was a miracle he did not lose his boxing license the New Jersey State Athletic Commission hinted to the heavyweight that the rules of the London prize ring where you could beat an opponent with your legs head shoulders elbows etc are in the past Golota calmly explained in an interview that it was precisely such methods that helped him to defend his honor in his youth it was this fighter that rock Newman found for his ward Riddick Bowe their battle was scheduled for July 11 1996 and was expected with great interest to such scandalous characters in One Ring Riddick was a clear favorite at 12 to one his boxing skills were tested at a high level which could not be said about the skills of the pole [Music] Bo's duel somehow didn't happen right away Big Daddy forgot to practice he entered the ring clearly overweight in the third battle with Holyfield Riddick was not in good shape and against Andre he was 5 kilograms heavier still his attempts to demolish the pole did not bring results while the 2 straight hits from Golota regularly reached the goal [Applause] [Applause] in the third round Golota showed his opponent a secret trick which he was taught by the harsh realities of the Polish straights a left punch below the belt referee Wayne Kelly rushed to break them up [Applause] he tries to pace himself so you no longer think that he has to jab with it well he's already we've done it that paddle trainer for many years and he's looking to catch him at that left hook [Applause] [Applause] in the fourth round Golota had already quite legally shaken the former absolute champion but thought his opponent needed yet another hit and once again planted a strike below the belt [Music] [Applause] giving him this shoulder to kind of start up those steps up against the whoops [Applause] those and pretty much the same exact [Applause] otherwise this body right that is below in a hidden [Applause] the beating continued at the end of the sixth round he delivered yet another magnificent left punch to the groin [Applause] coming into round seven beau looked like a patient entering a dentist office with a grimace of pain distorting his face Golota shocked his American counterpart once again he rushed to finish him off and did so once more striking with a left punch below the belt Riddick collapsed Wayne Kelly dragged Andre from the defeated rival most teams and his friends came to his rescue including rock Newman and the scandalous Brooks family bernard brooks pounced on Golota the pol who knew first hand the intricacies of hand-to-hand combat answer and a mass brawl began in the confusion they knocked out Golota 74 year old coach Lou Duva and he was taken to the hospital on a stretcher the police were unprepared for the sudden altercation as a result of the riots 22 people were injured in 16 were arrested rock Newman who showed himself in all his glory at the very epicenter of the event was suspended for a year and fined 250,000 by the New York State Sports Commission Riddick was hospitalized with hematomas of the inguinal region and while there he meant the coach of his rival Lou Duva such a nightmare caused a mixed reaction in the media journalists of the rain wondered why did Golota beat below the belt if he was already winning the fight on the cards of the judges and could have finished it ahead of schedule in a completely legal boxing way who pull himself somewhat injured from the brawl didn't give an explanation after these events bow sharply reduced his appearances he avoided questions from journalists about possible battles against Luis and Tyson such fights cease to interest the American public the only thing that spectators and journalists wanted to see was the revenge of Big Daddy and Golota it was no sooner said than done for the desires of the public take precedence all prohibitions and disqualifications were broken by two things that can change everything money and sight on December 14th 1996 Bowen Golota were again in the same ring ridic did not repeat the mistakes of his first battle this time he was perfectly prepared physically however this did not save him Golota was still better beause time was up [Applause] Dipper jab can give him the edge from out here [Applause] in the second round he fell into a hard knockdown [Applause] he's not really sure what he's doing it was the usual thing the referee Eddie cottony scored a point against Andre for a deliberate header in the clinched battle commentators from different countries again and again wondered why is he doing this [Applause] I gotta [Applause] the poll helped nothing back trying to finish off ball but he missed his opportunity and Riddick in desperation rushed all in she shocked Andre in round four delivering a massive series of punches that dropped Andre to the floor in his first ever knockdown in his pro career [Applause] Golota came to his senses and beat his opponent in the sixth round it seemed as if things were going to come to a final conclusion the knockout of Riddick ball in round nine Big Daddy desperately tried to strike glow two on the right side of the head Golota did not like this and he sent the opponent to the floor with three blows to the groin [Applause] thinking disqualification Endre was again disqualified and again bo1 while writhing in pain on the floor and again on the cards of all three judges his opponent was in the lead boat when t9 completed his career he limited himself to mere banal phrases about rest and family his previous loud boasting about battles against Lewis and Tyson were forgotten journalists of the ring suggested that the blows of the poll were the cause of Riddick's resignation and he realized that his time was up or maybe Big Daddy was just trying to maintain his dignity the scandalous poll went into a duel against Lennox in the status of favorite the aura of his fights with beau was so strong that even Lennox Lewis faded against this background the level of Andrej ascended to the heavens two months before the fight with Lennox the ring magazine put Golota in first place in the list of the best heavyweight boxers of our time but in the end the Briton quickly brought himself back to the attention of viewers and experts alike he destroyed Andrei Golota in 1 and a half minutes of the first round [Applause] he's got a lot of time to get through here big right fine though is gonna deep trouble this is almost over the line I cannot think in there down at get it with over [Applause] thanks for watching please press the like button if you enjoyed this video and subscribe to the channel as well see you soon
Channel: The World of Boxing!
Views: 2,515,146
Rating: 4.6971045 out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, Golota vs Bowe Highlights, Andre Golota vs Riddick Bowe Highlights, Riddick Bowe vs Andrew Golota 1, Riddick Bowe vs Andrew Golota 2, Riddick Bowe Highlights, Andrew Golota Highlights, Andrzej Golota, Andrew Golota Low Blows, Riddick Bowe
Id: xmbHbD2dKjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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