UFC 263 Free Fight: Deiveson Figueiredo vs Brandon Moreno 1

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One of my favorite fights of all time. These two get after it in the best way

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 169 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AbsolutelyPrimo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol they cut out the 3 minutes of moreno rolling on the ground in agony after getting blasted in the nuts by figgy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Duado πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

People thought Figgy would easily roll over Moreno but I'm glad this was a banger. We don't get fights like this everytime.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 278 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jonsnowKITN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

All time great FLW fight. Jesus can we talk about Morenos chin?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 293 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RLPMMA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rogan and DC are simultaneously the best and worst booth in the UFC. They love to play favorites and craft little narratives throughout the fight (usually done by Rogan and backed by DC), but when a fight gets truly wild they are both fantastic hype men.

If you are looking for actual MMA analysis, it's far from the best booth the UFC can put together, but if you are just looking for an exciting atmosphere and great vibes, I don't think it gets better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/futhatsy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Figgy-Cejudo is the fight I want most in the UFC

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Vaudeville_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shout out to both these guys fighting 3 weeks after their last fight. Savages.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HeadAssBoi17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think this fight proved a lot. Some people thought Moreno wouldn’t have the chin, and he did. Some people thought Figgy Smalls would gas, and he did pretty well. Some people think my dad’s gonna come home, and he probably isn’t.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 101 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DaneGG0303 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BiggerBlessedHollowa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] if i just got over the rules in the back there were no final questions from you blue no final questions from you red if you want to touch cliffs now come out ready to fight an undeniable intensity just came over this entire arena every time this is the last hungry i've been all week john every time every time you have amazing nothing davison figuedo titled defense number two tonight against the assassin baby brandon moreno opens up with a spinning back kick to the body moreno is in green feed edo in the [Music] but look at the head position by figareto that's going to allow him to change his position oh moreno takes his back he just keeps elevating his hips with his legs he never allows you to settle on top of him his jab is like a right hand his jab has been there early on fighters perhaps more aware of how strong the other guy is after that early clinch exchange [Music] not throwing a lot of faints he's making it known that he's moving forward and brandon mourinho is just timing that i mean he's right in front of marina almost disrespectful of his power yeah but you got to watch joe two or three times now figueretto has almost landed that common right hand over the top of the mourinho jab he's got to be careful bringing it back to his face and to his hip when he pops that jab out there moreno brings his hand back down to his hip after he jabs got to be careful yeah you're right oh look at that left hand of the body by figure edo looked like it got right beneath that elbow moreno who lands a short left hand there but figuerato is making it known that he's down to brawl [Music] just doesn't feel the threat but he better respect moreno as you start to fatigue a little bit those punches do a little more damage than you anticipate oh look at that jab snap mourinho's head back [Music] he barely [Music] oh who prevented it under two minutes now to go round one there's that right hand over the top that one he stung him with that one moreno gotta be very careful yeah that's that high kick again [Music] you can expect a crazy pace from these flyweights this fight has already lasted longer than figuero's first defense against alex perez oh moreno is throwing a nice left hand to the body when they come in close he landed it again digging that right hand to the rib cage but you can see the difference in the power when figuerado lands it seems to be a lot more damaging that's with him with every other flyway he's got an extraordinary power for a flyway this is what moreno needs to do though he needs to fight behind the jab because when he loads up to try to hit as hard as davidson does yeah he puts you doing a good job of throwing that jab and throwing a head kick right behind it they've obviously looked at tape they've studied patterns oh right that one barely missed oh there's the elbow from figueretto after he landed to the body i mean moreno has to find a way to get figarrado from walking him down though nothing's more tiring than being going backwards the whole time we've seen this for years when fighters just walk you down and you're on your heels the whole time and exhaustion good jab from the assassin baby what a start a first round let's take a look at some of that action there's a nice jab for moreno catching figueretto as he's moving in there's another jab and now here figuerado comes with the right hand over the top just kind of barely hit him there there's a nice jab from figuereto and here's a big head kick that landed it did that's pretty good actually it looked like he caught the glove live action but that actually landed right on the side of the head significant strikes 31-21 unofficially for figuero moreno certainly had his moments are you ready here we go round two and an early land for the mexican moreno [Music] nice shot by moreno there rayno firing back look at that jab too nicer moreno has been five rounds before a main event the ufc against sergio pettis also went into a fourth round and realizing an lfa title in 2019. good left hand of the body by moreno there he's thrown that combination a number of times he goes to the body with the left hand and the left hook up top oh oh marina with another good left hand of the body well he ate some shots in that last exchange certainly oh look at that jab figareto's jab it's like a right hand yeah it's coming from the hip too joe it's not coming from up top he's got that hand really low and the jab comes up the middle a poster straight out at you there's a nice low kick landed by figuereto as well [Music] yeah three or four now calf kicks landing in this round for the champion look at mourinho's left calf it looks nasty take down for brandon moreno first of the fight beautiful take down now he's got to try to control david you got eye pokes gotta think that they will put them back in that position with moreno in top position joe one would hope so let's see how bad this eye poke is it's crazy too because moreno was in top control figareto seemed to be moving his hips away from him but you don't know what would have happened if he hadn't poked him in the eye so i say start him right back on the ground we're gonna take a look at it here you will be in his guard if you want this position yeah okay okay they're gonna start on the ground yeah he's just he pushes off with a finger right in his eye 100 so jason herzog gave brandon moreno the opportunity to resume this position and he'll take it and this is an even better position for mayor raino because figueretto had his feet on the hips before now he's got him in full guard he's got to work to get the feedback on his create space oh nice scramble oh [Music] both guys appear to land heavy leather there in the pocket oh my goodness these boys are going at it oh my goodness mourinho has landed some shots of his own man but figareto seems so willing to stand there and just trade punches well he knows he's got the nuclear option right moreno has handled the power in the pressure quite well he has he certainly has he really has i mean he has lived up to that mexican fighting heritage and he's sharp he's very sharp he's not intimidated he's not at all he's here to win but man that oh look at that left hand man moreno seemed to eat it without issue he's never been knocked out as a pro well this is one of the things that we discussed when we talked about mourinho how durable he is only time he's been finished was in an exhibition bout on the ultimate fighter by alexandre pantoja trying to draw the reaction figured out so every time you see him move the hands grunt is trying to draw trigger's reaction moreno caught him with that right hand he stunned him yeah that got figaretto's attention put on a pretty good poker face and then you see figareto make a mistake trying to load up and throw the right hand didn't set it up just try to throw it that's exactly what moreno needed there valiant effort by the challenger through nine minutes good low kick by moreno and a nice jab afterwards the longer this fight goes [Music] [Music] because he was hurt a little bit what a pace this fight is being fought at now we'll see oh my god joe if this fight goes longer now we'll see if figareto can carry that championship pace because this is high for a guy that cuts that much weight we'll see if it starts to wear on him what a fight through 10 minutes wow jason herzog acknowledged that last blow to the eye is a clean blow and i'm no doctor i'm not gonna suggest it's a broken orbital but that eye is not gonna be a fun thing to deal with it is it'll keep swelling though because they're going to keep bashing each other in the face trying to effort you a replay on the shot here it is all right here we go third round i think moreno won the second round with the takedowns man i think we're 19 19 boys oh oh my goodness these dudes are going after it when figareto switches whenever he switches stances he goes with the kick look at that moreno caught him with a kick and a punch oh my god nasty body shot but he's swinging wild yeah he's going crazy yeah full power in his shots i don't think he expected moraine to still be here i don't think so either he's telegraphing that kick from the southpaw stance oh my god there it is it don't matter if you telegraph it if it lands like that it is oh my god shot to the body just walks him down he's like the terminator man he just keeps going to the body that hurt him that hurt him to the body figaretto has doled out a lot of punishment here in the first minute of round three lead with the elbow there look at this though mourinho's got control of the clinch i mean that's got to be discouraging though every time he's gotten to that position to this point he's gotten the takedown this time he's struggling a little bit more to get figarretto to the ground but he is in control long as he keeps head position he'll be able to control figuerado against the side of the octagon but when figuerado was trying to take him down he controlled the situation figuedo able to fight for an underhook and get off the fence he can't start loading up now and he's starting to be a little more stationary for figueretto he's in danger when he gets alongside the octagon and he stops moving his feet he's got to continue to move look at the accuracy on the significant strike attempts for the champion there's that moreno jab again just barely missed that head kick again oh my goodness that left hook i mean davidson figuerato goes to the body but look at look at him moreno's there to fight man this dude's got some heart he's all hard oh hard look at that elbow oh my goodness landed a left hook on the break he's not going anywhere [Music] oh man what a chin on brandon moreno ed left hook landed right on the chin oh again many featherweights would have gone down already but brandon moreno is standing on the coin and still in there fighting short lamb with the left hand an hour right for moreno i don't like how figarrado's reaching there oh no super low no no no oh my god the sound of that that was a bad one oh oh oh oh oh oh one point oh he's not playing around i mean he's not playing around with you happy i kind of i i you have to account for how it could impact the fight moving forward oh yeah has that has that been established as a rule yes that is in the scoring that you have to determine that it's not just whether it's inadvertent but whether or not how can the guy continue it most certainly impacts him for sure for sure and jason herzog in trying to level that playing field that's the point one other thing figuerato had a chance to recover because he was getting tired yeah he was slowing down because he was winging all these big power shots now he gets his first take down tonight right so he might be able to earn this point back by winning the round and have it nine nine nine it's only nine yes under a minute here to go round three radio's trying to set up that guillotine you know he's got a great guillotine mourinho back up to his feet though look at this total strike numbers favorite moreno here in round three yeah he's fighting a great he's fighting a great round and that's two rounds back to back where brandon moreno has fought a great round he's doing real good right hand by mourinho and that's a big stretch nice and that's a massive strike at the end of a close round by the challenger oh it's very interesting now joe because we said if if figaretto wins around you go nine nine but if it goes the opposite direction that's a 10-8 round for moreno right and if you won round two now you got the guy up i mean how would you score that john talk to me i don't i don't even know how to i can't even add it up i mean it would be 29 27 for moreno going into round number four that was up two rounds wow that's how important that point deduction was there if we won round number two and we're talking into the championship rounds we may be seeing figareto slow down more because of this crazy wig cut and the fact that he's on two weight cuts in three weeks yes which is nuts i mean this is now you're entering into a very dangerous territory for the champion where you you have no room for error anymore right you have no room for error anymore as you go into round number four and he just got tagged with a big right hand then a big left hook and even though brandon moreno made weight twice in three weeks as well you know he went to bed on weight the night before the weight he does the difference much easier for him all right we do not have open scoring we don't know what the judge's scorecard said we don't know no but we can tell you we have arrived at the championship rounds round four is upon us flying knee appeared to land of the body for figureto [Music] and it's hard to tell if figuerado is aware because he always fights with a real sense of urgency right nothing has changed for this young man but he always fights like he's just walking you down to kill you i'm just so impressed with mourinho's durability yeah he's taking some big shots man oh my goodness oh my god oh my goodness that's that left body shot right hand man again look at that oh my goodness oh moreno the assassin baby the assassin baby came to fight another left hand lands for brandon moreno oh moreno wobbled him with that kick moreno biting his time here a minute into round four champion lands a big right hand oh look at that beautiful job by moreno he went from the takedown defense right into his own offense and now he has davis figured down again in top control with actual control notice the difference between davis and figueretto in round one elevating the hips and get away right away to right now almost accepting the bottom position for a little bit and look at him breathing heavy the momentum has solely gone into the challenger's corner right now in the championship rounds oh man this is crazy this is crazy have a sneaking suspicion we might see these two run it back at some point down the line but still about eight minutes to go tonight right hand by figure eight on the break oh good defense by moreno oh nice shot by the champ body head whoo nice shot by the champ but he's gonna have to go to work champ's gotta go to work oh that uppercut beautiful combination by figareto and moreno somehow keeping his wits about him here comes davidson walking down the challenger that lead elbow he has thrown it many times again oh my goodness oh man figurines hurt these dudes this is crazy what a fight oh my goodness vigoretto appears compromised a little fatigue moreno eats another jab oh right here oh right hand by the champ oh they're oh my goodness moreno spot the war of attrition got to think he's finally earned some respect with these powers look at that jab by moreno [Music] numbers close in round four unofficially oh man oh he is just winging these punches but look at that another take down by moreno oh my goodness oh my goodness so a couple huge rights from figaretto and moreno immediately counters and puts him on his back one minute to go round four i mean this is big for brandon moreno huge to get another takedown and this time away from the side of the octagon that's the second take down this round where he's actually gained control and spent some time in the top position against davidson figareto but make no mistake about it davidson figuerado had some success this round himself he did but these two takedowns are big they're big in a championship fight if you're a guy that is big for a weight class and you cut a lot of weight defending and having to get up after getting taken down five times is a big deal that left hand couldn't have felt good moreno trying to add to it here figueretto back oh oh oh oh my goodness this is a crazy oh but look at brandon moreno dudes pressing figaretto is hurting round four and brandon moreno looks fresh [Music] 20 minutes down five to go my god what a fight what a fight look at this exchange look at that left hook boom right hand left hook i mean and then the champion fires back but look at him wobbly left hook oh my god look at these exchanges this is crazy watch this take down oh we see where to shoot it look at the body figured out just hitting the bottom look at this moreno gets the clinch slams him down gets on top what a fight brandon moreno might be ahead on the score this is chris this is crazy rogan this is crazy annika i mean he easily could be ahead here the jabs are yours in the fight yours well the point deduction potentially looms large fifth and final round a lot of mathematics there 27 a piece in round four at the end of these five minutes we will have a ufc flyway champion will it be the incumbent the brazilian or will brandon moreno deliver a belt for mexico oh man this is a very i mean this fight is so close so close and so wild got to reopen the fight of the year nominations it seemed to be won back in in march but now with the way that these two killers are fought johanna and waylee have some company i don't think we could have a fight of the year anymore too many good ones yeah they're great he's setting up that kick whenever he switches stances he goes southpaw he sets up that left body kick there it is again and moreno just keeps on coming he's going to be sore in that midsection tomorrow oh yeah john you you just watch brandon moreno his his warrior spirit kind of takes over when he takes a big shot from davidson figuerato and this is not something davidson has really had to deal with in his ufc career a guy that just will not back down a guy that will not be intimidated and joe fair to acknowledge the cardio of figaretto a lot of people felt like maybe his style wouldn't hold up over five rounds it sure does john i mean not just hold up but hold up in a war yes where he's throwing full power shots for five rounds and davidson figuerato is throwing it he's as powerful right now as he was in round one he has not slowed down the cardio has not failed him yeah he gets tired but everybody gets tired over 25 minutes i mean he's exploding over and over and over again well i don't know what moreno's thinking here because his activity has really waned in the fifth round dc i think moreno might have a hurt forearm or moreno may believe that he's up he has to continue to fight because you never know going into the fifth round what you have to do joe i think you're right that left left arm there's a huge hematoma on that left forearm i think his arm might be broken he ate those power kicks and blocked him solely with that left forearm you gotta kill you gotta use the other arm to get it to your arm you can see it now that's on the right side you see that left forearm oh the left look at the left side yeah yeah that low oh my goodness it's jacked you see that divot over the top of the muscle there oh i think his left forearm might be broken yes oh yeah you can see that big gap right there right one not in great shape but but you see by the way he's holding his hand he's not clenching his fist anymore well oh yeah juan manuel marquez marco antonio barrera and the rest would be proud of this effort but yeah not much output through three minutes here in round five from moreno yeah all the great champions he just threw it and it hurt would be very proud of the effort tonight but davis of figareto is fighting a really good fifth round yeah i think his left arm is broke folks he's still throwing it though which is crazy and blocking with it moreno tucking the chin pressing forward all the heart from moreno down the stretch when he finds his most successes when he throws in combination j.a hard to hear you for the first time in a year it's crazy right i know there's no crowd and it's still deafening in here see every time he goes to throw that punch he grabs his forearm afterwards like he's putting the bone back in place well he had a lot of success with that left arm early right the left body shot the left hook he's through it again that was very important for him and if he's compromised that takes away a big weapon of his less than a minute now to decide this one how in the world is it so loud up in here some urgent coaches trying to bring home a world title oh he just stung him mourinho back [Music] significant strikes 108 104 for figaretto unofficially figaretta with a nice moment late big ground strike there what a fight for the flyweights davison figueretto and brandon moreno go the 25-minute distance what a fight just an incredible fight an incredible fight and there's a jab and look at the left hook by figueretto there's that beautiful jab by figuereto there's a high kick that connected to the top of moreno's head we go into round two mourinho with a left to the body and the left to the head figuerado with a big right hand over the top figurine with a right hand over the top big elbow by figure eight on the left hook by moreno there's that front kick to the body big left hand by figuereto now this one out chihuahua the championship rounds takedown by moreno big uppercut by the champ and a left hook behind it mourinho comes back left hook right hand left hook right hand left hook i mean what a slobber knocker i mean that fourth round was round of the year man these guys went after now let's take a look at the left arm here here's the high kick look at this boom he checked it and he checked his arm right afterwards oh yeah he hit the guide arm he kicked on the opposite side and hurt the guide on him that's crazy it shows you the power of david's figure he we heard the power it's pretty substantial and i just read dana white's lips he just said to brandon moreno that was the greatest fight in the history of this division i would agree with that oh absolutely these guys are amazing it was amazing all right the official decision one final time tonight i don't know bruce buffer ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judge's scorecards for a decision derek clearly scores the contest 47-46 oh sally yamato scores it 47.47 and junichiro camigo scores it 47-47 ladies and gentlemen this fight is a majority draw and undisputed ufc flyweight champion of the world davison deus degeno
Channel: UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship
Views: 3,632,211
Rating: 4.8581333 out of 5
Keywords: ufc, 263, ufc 263, free, fight, deiveson, figueiredo, brandon, moreno, first, ufc 256, full, draw, majority, five, rounds, las vegas, 2020, december, june 12, flyweight, title, championship, highlights, mma, ultimate fighting championship
Id: hYDa0u9wBvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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