The Saga of Delarius - 6 - A Baldur's Gate 3 Adventure

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Hello everybody welcome back hope you've all had a fantastic weekend so far we're still here short resting yeah I hope that helped trying to make things right in the world of Baldur's Gate 3. as best we can I'm gonna send these to a Starion so he has ways of creating fire that seems like a good idea so last time we got absolutely nuked by some methods and some whoa whoa ads woes I don't know yeah so I think this area is about tapped for us so we're gonna try to continue on I'm gonna head back and dive into the deeps of the underdark big big taste speaking of big big taste I got raspberries today um yummy could I just fast travel there certainly but I'm very curious what my reception is now that all of their leaders are dead need to kill spiders for killing me yeah but I feel like those spiders are just gonna kill me again I just don't feel like I'm equipped for the spiders what can I say okay yeah no they don't like me apparently genocide of their people is uh frowned upon makes sense still yes they could be cooler about it oh he really doesn't like him Eldritch blast so am I gonna have to fight this entire Camp if I step in there probably yeah that's uh it's another couple of gobbos right there I like how it went to a cutscene that's like no and that's like oh that seems like a nice sneaky way in I don't know some of these guys go down in like one or two hits I think this is doable I'll do it my way in range let's go for the one that has 14 health oh Pat's interrupt whatever path is interrupted hey Lanny is it delirious delirious move bye move buddy lesson erupted how what how is it still interrupted how is that path interrupted you got clear shot there and now you got clear shot on both so just kill that one good work Eldritch blast well that's embarrassing uh Bell X Arc think of the 39 months of support happy anniversary to you uh why am I not asleep yet oh well thought I'd drop some bits and say uh that I like your streams much appreciated oh drop by yeah there we go uh bat Vegeta think of the 100 Bitties hey Lanny did you mention uh one of your DBS Embers how Master roshi or Jackie Chun killed monster rabbit gang that Goku left on the moon uh with his power pole yeah yeah I think uh I'm pretty sure I said monster uh monster care is [ __ ] dead in uh one of the dbsembers due to the fact that yes roshi blew up the Moon while he was up there AKA Roshi's got a body count and not just in that way I think nice good kill angry Rose Aurora gaming thing of the hundred bitties I told you way back my wife was pregnant while we gave birth to a beautiful baby boy teeny little redhead boy oh congratulations and happy birthday to the baby boy all right she still doesn't have a spell that she can use but well I'm gonna miss every shot you don't take and sometimes you miss every shot you do [Music] it's nice hiding was apparently successful kinda but not really but kinda headshot choice but to keep going I wish there was a good way to tell what their movement ranges were nine seven I'm gonna go with the one that has seven this is a slightly higher chance of a Kill good call on my way ow [ __ ] let my name we're doing this thank you remember playing dark lines too on the PS2 years ago it's a very different game from dark Alliance I will say that dark Alliance was like more Diablo like from what I remember guess I shouldn't be trying Dex saves on goblins huh this is a higher chance of success so [Music] can't stand on the banister oh that sucks failed oh [ __ ] [Music] foreign wait what shall we cut and run did that not cast whatever where do I go from here where do we go now flourish is a bonus action huh that was fun [ __ ] what had advantage awesome [ __ ] taste my Fury five to fourteen only down nine so far so I'll hold all right she's doing some hard carrying right now my pack to Blade yeah also I decided to switch from Trident to uh rap here because I thought for some reason uh I was under the impression that my packed weapon would go off of my Charisma score rather than anything else but apparently it's still based on what weapon you're wielding and a finesse weapon is definitely better for delarius I get too used to playing monks sometimes [Music] it's another blast my Charisma was hex don't know that's not good I like my charisma give it a shot hey it worked that time foreign I mean I know it's possible to miss I know it's possible to miss there but what time for some bloody work laughs foreign I'm still a nice big hit though let's do it again that's a dead ogre to a nice big old pure wounds on my boy there you go that's a big old cure wounds I'm getting out of here am I playing a multi-class warlock doesn't really multi-class well laughs [Music] did that work historians having a rough day today hey guys want to see a magic trick boom I hope that was fun for you that's a mean crit 55 chance is higher than 50. [Music] see how come she's hitting all these 50s and like 55s but a starry and can't hit a 95 to save his [ __ ] life right now laughs radio no what do you mean not enough resources oh did I use action hide oh my God that's so dumb I'm an idiot [Music] where are all my [ __ ] potions I guess I used all my regular ones thank you and he's blinded kabong butcher fairy fired at least I guess I don't know seriously she was hitting 55s all day and then like all of a sudden she's got an 80 and it's like no just like oh that sucked for the fight let's go finish him demarius wins fatality um this battling really going our way whatever it's the owl bear hello little baby [ __ ] where's my luck again oh I do have a smite fascinating [Music] well that's embarrassing time to talk to the baby mother gone hungry I have a camp you're welcome there Maybe he runs away only time will tell if he'll reappear goodbye little baby creature Center all right I think this place is officially gobbed out or not whoa there's there's still plenty of goblins here that's actually shocking where are they all ah who the [ __ ] just shot me oh foreign then stab him from there it's a good thing delarius is a tiefling that could have killed him have to keep going interesting you're fine see you're good Elder Splash getting pretty good you hit anybody from here now spend all this time getting up here okay all of them are sleeping on the way on my way sneakily and like that we win again places almost entirely gobbed out what happened to that like Shaman that was like running up there did they like fall to their death somewhere did they fall asleep over here a lot of sleepy boys we're gonna take a short rest how do we get up there how many father can I go I see um okay but then that's awkward ah apparently there's a completely different path where are we going apparently delarius knows ah foreign it's not stealing these things are our enemies everybody sneak mode historian lead the way s dead to the world there's a couple of steps a couple of coup de grasses this game have monks it does in fact on Wednesdays I play a monk in the TFS game or we have a group game going let's see we'll stab one at a time here shh a whoa he lived that's brutal well offhanded attack [Music] done oh [Music] now he's off balance [Music] [Music] ain't no Trace good enough anybody else sleeping up here goblins my life amongst among the Conquering hosts from volo's forthcoming guide to Goblin Society as often noted the Goblins are cowardly tending to flee from robust challenges and scattering far and wide if their leaders are failed it's not always so the Goblins of my recent acquaintance fine though uncouth fellows by large have a fiery courage fueled by their love of the absolute from the Mighty magic wielding to the lowly muck troubling Pariah they seem more willing to fight and indeed die for this new God and even the most stalwart devotee of Helm or tempus so far I have been unable to discover the domain or provenance of this embodying deity or emboldening deity but with every hour that passes I come closer to the truth of the matter for now know this priests and trusted devotees of this God even be they goblins are capable of wielding more powerful Magics than even I can conjure all right I think we have de-gobbed holding together can we smash it hold on everybody stand back and we know this place is empty we made sure of that personally I wonder if we can see what's in this door now now that the uh people that were outside of it are no longer outside of it would be embarrassing if it wasn't I mean the only people that could be in here would be down this hallway I'm pretty sure they ran out as soon as everybody's like oh my God we're dying maybe they didn't now what were they hiding I don't want to attack them I know 18. wow give it a shot of Starion don't [ __ ] up that's good enough we got there pretty good haul ing hiding back here this way not really oh but up there maybe hold up I wonder what the next move is you you're stronger leap atop the barrels path is interrupt [ __ ] everybody out of the way for I maneuver things not enough space okay ah she just can't jump on top of barrels I see but what if we moved that one down and put a box on top instead jump on that something over there oh fitting through the thing through a tiny hole that's what he said Dolores can't get up here he has weak baby legs foreign might be something to lock pick inside a Starion what now going to the tiny hole that thing is Tiny and I am not okay too tiny gotcha no I'm just gonna leave you like that I've got a long run laughs guys do not know how to get back down like legit you don't know how to get down came up here all right what now oh now we go this way Swift as my feet can carry me yep place has been properly degopped one more doors open let's go find D gobbing thank you such depth to the Shadows I don't care what others say about the underdark it's beautiful down here I've spent long enough in the dark it gets old let's see what this Minotaur at nothing stupid cow [ __ ] Everybody Run didn't expect those to go off on me I came from the inside foreign crevice not a chance I'll fit in there but a Starion might oh well my entire party was Tiny all right well since the uh defense system decided it wanted to be a dick which I guess maybe I don't know I might have been able to find a way to shut it off probably could have shot the Moonstone or something but whatever we're just gonna take a long rest deep in the cave dog friend hello friend pet it's a good boy good boy scratch the owl Bearer I hope scratch can make friends with the owl bear another step forward oh maybe we shouldn't go up here Gail's looking hungry I had another visit from that dream figure I take it you did too it claims that if we Infiltrate The Heart of the cult that's giving out these parasites we'll find the answers we're looking for gave me another gift too just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me um to infiltrate the colds we must be discreet whatever's at the heart of the cold so we have to find it by any means necessary and while we're at it how many more of these little worms we can Harvest now was there anything else what do you think is waiting for us at the moonrise Towers who knows drow mind flares death hopefully not ours but maybe answers if we can convince the right people to talk looks like you're about ready to tear that monster hunter apart we're not wandering these Wilds looking for stimulating conversations of course my knife was ready the girl are duplicitous I've had my share of run-ins so caution is only natural all right then I had another dream which I suppose means you did as well whoever's reaching out to us truly does seem opposed to the absolute but wants us to embrace the tadpole Venture right into the heart of the cult perhaps we truly have a secret protector or we're walking into a trap God I have a lot of conversation topics with you none of which I care to pursue at the moment another dream another order from that dubious visitor it announced that we will find the answers we seek in the absolute cultists lair and offered another generous gift it tempts us with power it presses its Admiral it's adoration avert your eyes whenever it appears and do not Avail yourself of this new power no matter how alluring you've no idea what damage it could do to us how far into a lithid Madness it could drag us right we'd be fools to refuse it was the one with swords not mind games born of brain worms the ones we fight with his cultists will be no different there will come a battle of that I'm most certain the one truth that fell out of the dream figures conquered lips have you thought about making use of the tadpole's power mark my words this power would be no blessing you might as well ask me to gouge out my eyes for the promise of sight or slice off my tongue for the promise of taste consume all the gate tadpoles you wish I'm not so Craven if we must bear the tadpole person we should also Avail ourselves of their power yeah sure let's give it a shot she's yeah she's gonna be hard to convince on this one let's see if I can do it I'm too good no that's absurd when the tadpole has stretched to every pore and slithered through every vein what am I to do then it won't care if I beg I will be remade in its image faith in vlakit will guide me and my own might will sustain me I have no need of this depraved both of the absolute is dangerous we should take all the help we can get uh yo Lord Dilbert thank you for the Thousand Bitties man hey Lanny sorry I wasn't able to catch your first few streams Health hasn't been great recently I'm sorry to hear that excited to watch you play uh Baldur's Gate 3 though you just finished my first play through today congrats hope you're feeling a lot better Lord Dilbert sorry to hear you've been under the weather man and welcome I'm living example of the tadpoles benefits I never felt more powerful depraved or not you're no good to your queen dead you need these talents I'm gonna go with this one because it's way more in flavor for what dilarious is only a 15 this time huh well let's see a roll low roll is a low roll but we got there let's go you might be right I might the gift Yankee have long study gay safe Escape itself was devised from such knowledge the tadpole is perhaps not just a curse it's a weapon I can twist and mold to my advantage very well swallow my disgust and Avail myself of the parasites powers one of us one of us Google gobble Google gobble Oak father's blessings to you uh is that what you went with Aaron you might find a route to Moonlight perhaps I could have done something about both the shadow curse and ceremorphosis aberrations but in my eagerness I put far too much faith in the abilities of areden and his band we didn't even get close seems like you feel responsible for the shadow curse somehow well there's hardly anyone left to share the responsibility with few who witnessed the fall of moonrise still draw breath well Catholic Thorne Unleashed is not something that nature can undo by itself I must do what I can started the shadow curse for years but to truly understand it and stop it I must reach its source how do you know so much about the parasite I studied one up close to the most would care to be to those things a drow attacked me and I defended myself afterwards I was able to examine the tadpole that emerged hideous but fascinating like nothing else in nature I'm glad to say how will the Grove fare without you hopefully I've chosen a successor as first Druid Francesca of the high Forest I sent a bird to summon her are they reliable precisely who indeed she's an owl no and neither do any of the others The Grove needs to move beyond the mistakes of the past what it needs is an unknown quantity an outsider who can enforce the oak father's teachings without bias this is why so I grabbed a rando she will restore Simplicity and Purity to The Grove in my absence very shrewd of you contrary to how some think of us we Druids can play politics when necessary you know how the shadow curse can be stopped obviously he doesn't that's why we're going there perhaps ah but we'll need to get closer before I could put my theory into practice put it from your mom for now once we near the curse then there will be more to be said how faring here at Camp wonderfully if I'm honest The Grove was too comfortable for Michael felt removed from nature my books that I can find all the wisdom they contain out here firsthand you'll find plenty of books before long I keep coming across them everywhere is that so foreign waste I will keep watch thank you I had a feeling time in your company would prove fruitful looks like it's time to feed Gail I've been dreaming of our animatic visitor again he told me our purpose was to take on this Cult of the absolute to infiltrate its ranks and bring it down from the inside she even offered me greater Powers the result of some manipulation of the tadpole's psionic abilities given the magnitude of what we're up against I see no harm in considering the benefit this offer might afford US could be the only way to reach this Source in one piece agreed it must mean that we must use all of our power go the absolute certainly seems an adversary worth holding in its tracks any opportunities for us to indulge our tadpole's capabilities are hardly on the same scale Trifles when one considers the bigger picture that you have a magical artifact you'll be interested in may I yeah let's see give me give me he says ah [ __ ] it go ahead and take uh yeah go ahead and take saloon's chosen good gods and hardly has any effect a Mr have mercy on us all listen I need to speak to you to all of you 'll be unconscionable of me to remain silent must be about to remedy that have to know who I was have to know who I really am yes well I am is a walking shadow of the promise I once held the [ __ ] does that mean call a wizard prodigy from an early age could not only control The Weave but compose it was like a musician or a poet such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself the lady of mysteries the goddess mystra well that's me healed herself to me and she became my teacher in time she became my muse later even my lover wow you [ __ ] a God that's cool telling me you made love to a goddess oh yes oh each other's company body mind and soul but even so I desired more you see no matter how powerful a wizard we Immortals can become we never scratch more than the surface of the weave I want scratch come running up somebody say my name check there are boundaries she doesn't let us cross you every time I was with her stood on the precipice gazing into the Wonders that lay Beyond I sought across her boundaries yeah you did high five pouted pleaded swore my ambition was only to serve her better she only smiled and told me to be contented inconceivable as it seems to me now I shared a bed with a goddess yet I wasn't satisfied so I sort to prove myself worthy to her instead we come now to the Crux of my folly shall I share the story behind it or would you rather head straight to its sordid finale you take the long way around I'm intrigued very well here goes Once Upon a very long time ago a mighty Lord lived in a tower a flying Tower to be precise that's cool I'll save his history for another time but the gist of it is that he sought to usurp the goddess of magic so that he could become a God himself okay almost managed but not quite his entire Empire netherill Came Crashing Down around him as he turned to stone the magic that was Unleashed that day was phenomenal roiling at the Prime Chaos that outdates creation even the weave itself could not withstand the onslaught fractured then shattered and all magic was lost to the Mortal Realms until the day mistra returned she restored the weave reuniting all its scattered shards also I thought till in the course of my studies I learned of a book never ease tone in which a piece of the fractured weave had been sealed Beyond her reach hmm what if I thought what if after all this time would turn this lost part of herself to the goddess I guess he ruled out chocolate and flowers all together again your grand plan was akin to emptying a cup of water in the sea what was the answer to that question the answer was to try the outcome was to fail so this D of raw power draped in Romance would convince mistra to take me by the hand and welcome me into a hitherto forbidden domains I was mistaken they obtained the fable book and took it into my study as for what happened next yeah place your hand over my heart let me show you this dude was level one when I met him he has the adventure of like a level like a level 15 dude you feel the tadpole quiver as you realize Gail is letting you in into the dark staring down the corridors inside there are no peaches only a swirling mass of blackest weave patif it's claws it's Unstoppable as it digs through and becomes part of you and gods is it ever hungry how are you still alive thankfully the moment I absorbed the fragment wasn't enough to kill me outright it was only the beginning this nethery's blight this orb for lack of a better word is balled up inside my chest and it needs to be fed as long as I absorb traces of the weave from potent enough sources remains quiet ever to fully destabilize however you're like moroccu but your black hole isn't literal rather worse actually I will erupt I don't know the exact magnitude of the eruption but given my studies of nethery's magic I'd say even a fragment as small as the one I carry and at level a city the size of Water Deep hey you wanna go like 50 miles that way foreign thing we can do we might chance upon a king's collection of magical artifacts around the corner we might cross paths with a miracle around the bend then again we might not all of this it must feel like a betrayal say the word and we'll part ways where would you go once I'd step out of the protective Aura of the artifact it wouldn't be long before the absolute overtakes me I've never let that happen so I'd aim for a swift end I would consume some midnight tears and Venture as deep into the underdark as I possibly could till I Cloud My Eyes Forever with a bit of luck I'd managed to make it to a mine Flair Colony so that when the orb erupts one loud song of Vengeance would reverberate Through The Dark wouldn't be a heroic end a coarsely poetic enough in its Justice cool now I'm keeping him around nice great relief oh I'm a great relief indeed truly are a soul that steals my own from all my new rallied heart thank you I thank you all I understand if you stand against me I'm humbled if you stand with me either way I will do my best not to let you down I stand at a precipice but if you do not give up hope neither shall I I'll fight I'll resist as long as I can now even I am tired of the sound of my own voice let us Venture forth all right then always good to have somebody around who might attract the goddess of magic at some point no owl bear it seems thank you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares stupid Dreams and Nightmares maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just okay this one okay hey [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] [ __ ] indeed no no it's not what it looks like I swear I think it's exactly what it looks like I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to Sanguine hunger why mine how long has it been since you killed someone days hours I've never killed anyone [ __ ] well not the food okay feed on animals balls dear whatever I can get it's not enough not if I have to fight I feel so weak if I just had a little blunt clearer fight's better please a strange sensation courses through you Folds Secrets half revealed I'm gonna get the real truth out of you you some [ __ ] I'm gonna barely get the real truth out of you a shadow swims across your vision and a familiar voice tells you to be calm you are oh he actually got me his mind opens up revealing cracked and quivering memories at their heart you see dark eyes commanding you to feed you open your mouth and bite down not into a tender neck but into the twisting body of a rat the only thing your master lets you eat you ate animals because you were forced to not because you wanted to I yes I ate whatever disgusting them in my master picked so you can see why I'm slow to trust you but I do trust you and you can trust me I mean the first time I met you you tried to rob me or stab me you tried to bite me how can I trust because we don't have a choice what we're going to save ourselves from these worms I need you alive you need me strong please only be a taste I swear I'll be well you'll be fine and everything can go back to normal and I'll let you drink my [ __ ] blood no no of course to leave me to even ask I'll go and find something on four legs tease I suppose not the dog in the morning if you eat the dog you're [ __ ] gone like I will kill you myself you watch him stalk away slumped sulking and ready to kill gosh thank you for the hundred bitties historian has something to say it's better to be about last night morning tonight's little and the bad tasting tasting well I hope there are no bad feelings no but I have questions have you survived out there in the sun oh I have no idea by rights I should be Cinders in this light but we're in the underdark now something keeping me alive standing in the sun wading through a river wandering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now as for my other quirks well we can figure those out in time okay good the dog's still alive figure them out quick I don't want any more surprises no more surprises you have my word I'm just glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time well we all have a monster inside us one sort or another yeah you have you're a walking nuke I trust him he won't hurt us openness and honesty to work together as a team maybe we could get him to wear a bell dissuade any nighttime prowling there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us and there's the sort of Frontiers rarely has anything to say in group convos oh puppy got a muddy butt Wait no that's just shadow wait hold up oh it's just the dog again I gotta pet him goodbye yeah good boy scratch just got back from seeing Strays if you like dogs there's dark humor uh you'll like the movie portrayed animal abuse and Beginnings unpleasant but the catharsis at the end of the movie is satisfying enough it looked fun kind of like an R rated Homeward Bound but I'm not huge into comedies and I typically don't go to theaters to see them especially not alone so I'll hold out until it's on a streaming service give me so much as a hungry look and I'll drive a state through your heart I do so very like spicy food all right so here we are the underdark mushrooms rocks glowing crystals miasmas first and they're everywhere earthquake what's what's happening what hush do you hear it they're coming coming pray for fortitude against the mental trespass control your thoughts it seems I'm not the only one listening they're coming you're coming still breathing despite everything okay so I'm pretty sure those are mushrooms talking to us let's be on my way that's neat I've heard Tales of their viciousness viewlet [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you is that a sword slender drow Blade impales the stone before you keeping a silent vigil intelligence feels holy considered the appropriate ritual might be let's see foreign has served me well this blade was a warrior sacrifice to illestry blood can only be honored with blood how the drought script inscribed on the blade flickers and glows it rises from the stone hanging in the air in silent offering I mean I can't use it but blazel can see how does it compare to our uh five to twelve four to thirteen it's a plus one weapon adds plus one to Performance not proficient well that's wonky how about you I thought I thought elves were proficient she only half elf well nobody can use it but we have it and it's worth a lot of money so that's neat [ __ ] best best too close too late this thing needs to disappear I can't see [ __ ] I've entered turn based mode foreign why was it allowed to just do that that was [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] I mean is this a touch spell no 18 meters foreign [Music] [Music] well this isn't going well the 40 chance of hitting with that what do I have to lose my life mostly holy [ __ ] though what the [ __ ] the underdark's [ __ ] scary this is not okay this is your end on your feet without delay having fun of starring having a good time blood hey Lanny so somehow survived that that's that's cool that's cool um I think we need a I think we need a quick short rest already also should have done that earlier thank you then Kaze 3173 thank you for the 38 months happy anniversary no too much and too little about this game I'm beginning to feel the same way I guess we should sneak so we don't make enough noise to summon another Billet this looks dangerous that looks like a Battlefield everybody gets one have a combination get confused by one blown up by the other maybe we should blow them up I'm ready welcome back whatever it takes no time to rest okay everybody just slow down stand back there thank you ah good making its horses these creatures did battle the dwargar oh don't like that I don't like that after what we just dealed with dealt dealt with dealed dealt I wonder if they're chatty swallowed by a chorus of turbulent music through one creature sing many voices the harmony of an entire sovereign come he is here here the choir fades single Melody rises above the others brassy and commanding I am Sovereign wrapped in fungal tendrils hovering is threatening you stay tuned thank you focus on my parasite and connect with the Sovereign that seems lessy than useful nah [ __ ] it the parasite is quiet you feel no bond with the creature okay I'm gonna try to persuade I don't want this thing knowing too much that seems easy enough but just in case we'll add that and don't roll a one that's not a one that's always good fungal Roots weave through your mind seeking your true intent then the sulfuring drones a new Melody cautious but welcoming descend to me let us speak in flesh the persistent music coaxes you forward Sovereign expects look how bright and shiny that one is cool cool I guess we're uh guess we're with the mushroom folk now is this guy leading me the way I'm not gonna pick any mushrooms because that might be somebody's auntie you know I can't tell if it's morning angry I'm just hungry Sovereign stick fingers stroke the corpse at its feet droning Melody greets you as the creature turns its gaze to you I show you a memory watch and listen they look like the aliens from Independence Day dark dwarfs chopping my canid remains that's too bad the suffering song slows to the pace of a dirge it is still in mourning but in truly Lakewood The Sovereign song halts as it measures your worth I sense your resolve find twiga Invaders near Lakes Edge it's the rot destroy them I thought your people feasted on rot I admit I like this one's approach a little genocidal but effective why did these duagar attack Deep Purple swirl into familiar shapes gnomes in mining gear chased by duego I think I remember that guy or maybe I don't I met a deep knob you are refugitive admirable of you The Sovereign says nothing but you hear appreciation in its song I can handle any duagar an illusion comes over you a dweger choking on a cloud of gleaming it will help you exterminate okay the suffering gifts you one more Vision a wall that finds parting to reveal glowing light right and they are yours I like that very well what you doing to that corpse into our enemies flesh if I die down here destroy my corpse don't worry I wouldn't hesitate ladies ladies these spores hold so much power how might I gain this knowledge okay oh I wonder if they have any Traders oh they do his name is blurg Lord Dilbert thank you the additional 500 bitties you're a welcome a hobgoblin but let us observe the customs of the locals the scholars brow tenses his voice spills into your skull the spores connecting mind to mind proud member of the Society of Brilliance At Your Service ah or perhaps not your mind is far more complex than that of the fungi thank you never heard of the Society of Brilliance understandable we are small in number and rarely stay in one place for long my colleagues and I are working to improve conditions in the underdark this need not be such a dire hostile place hey scarecrow sketch thank you for the raid I hope you guys had a great stream over there welcome everybody I just brought you down so deep collecting mushrooms see how much of a ruby you are then you've come to the right place the hybridization among fungi in this circle is truly unique never seen a hobgoblin like you before the feeling is mutual friend I'm not a hobgoblin only passing familiarity with the surface races but I found that there is as much to learn from an individual as there is from a community so it is with the miconits they live in harmonious Unity has a unique personality research in the underdog sounds like a dangerous Prospect were you here when the duer got attacked I observed a fight from a distance combat is not my field of expertise but the miconets handled themselves well enough you have anything to trade well let's go with this one first yes but it has abundant natural resources spores water orbs drillimac I've studied them for years there is rare Magic in the underdark too Fair stress it radiates from the earth warping teleportation and divination magic interesting what have your studies uncovered this is not a wasteland it is a glorious ecosystem every civilization here could Thrive without conflict do you have anything of interest to trade I do enjoy a good bargain stranger anything in my private collection is to your liking you got okay yeah you got some stuff you got some stuff and a lot of gold appreciate that part because I got a bunch of stuff from a witch that I need to sell gotta keep that in case I run into Ethel again I had less stuff to sell than I originally thought I'm not sure if selling silver is the correct thing to do considering like I might be able to I don't know craft [ __ ] with it I don't know how any of that works I've yet to find use for rope which is sad there's so many uses for Rope game doesn't give you a lot Bloodstone oh yeah it's like full-on potion ingredients boots of genial striding where's movement speed is unimpeded by difficult terrain that seems nice circlet of blasting gives you scorching Ray it's a short sword the baneful favored weapon this weapon is plus one bonus damage and attack rolls uh baneful Bond unhit possibly Bane your target Bang a Starion could use that but [ __ ] them where again's life gain when your rare gains Lightning Charge is they also gain three temporary hit points where I can see in the dark up to 12 meters whenever you burn an enemy you gain two turns of heat psychic Spark psychic missiles shoot an additional uh psychic missile shooting additional Dart whenever you cast magic missiles nobody in my party cast that just yet kind of like the circle of blasting [Music] as well get rid of As Much Junk as I can single uses of bonus action a hint of blood lingers around the stopper enough to make your mouth water I can sell them some mothers loading the loathing and saying yeah I'll just sell them all of The Hags ingredients just looking at those I I don't know what to do with these but thank you then we'll even it out a little budding [Music] oh yeah I want these give me every healing potion you have forever please very well I have mushrooms to catalog let me get away from that seems Angie there we go now I have a fancy zappy zap crown hey Starkiller how you doing yes imagine the uh bustle of the city's Marketplace the wide creature cringes overwhelmed by the throngs it reveals its own home in reply a humid Cove filled with decaying myconid Corpses lovely God destroyed my my sovereign that's too bad I have heard the song cleanse that where God wrought I join you absolutely this dude's a [ __ ] unit are you sure can you make yourself useful becomes your ally I raise it he's a necromancer mushroom very well remain in England [Applause] follow we cleanse the Lord together that's a fun time so you're gonna keep making that noise God damn it I might need to burn my second short rest already everybody's still so [ __ ] wounded all this scaffolding looks like the work of humanoids a camp that's abandoned foreign kind of rough when everybody fails the perception check what I guess so look I made a promise to the mushroom Folk oh these guys are strong time frame you I'll [ __ ] him [ __ ] a Starion ha somebody needs to learn what 80 percent means I mean I guess I need to learn because apparently I just don't know Chase all right let's see here animating Sports release spores at a corpse animated as a Spore servant under your command permanent only affects one target at a time no effect on corpse blah blah blah holy [ __ ] 12 to 52. I mean is he too big to get through that [ __ ] door die so your carcass can rise Eldridge blast hey Shadow heart I'm ready everybody saves on sacred flame we'll do it my way I mean not enough movement that guy's perceptive is [ __ ] nah [Music] [Music] ah my brain that looks like a long way down become flesh slaves silenced huh stand on that done this guy's my strongest fighter right now he has double attack all right how did you say that you're in a silent bubble nice prick nice crit let's just give you a nice [Laughter] idiot oh [ __ ] oh he a big boy now wait why don't you have any attacks or like bonus actions being weird Shadow heart what come here this guy's weird like yeah psionic blast who's healing word you little [ __ ] oh they're gonna have some fun down there [Music] comes easy these days these boots have seen everything SEPTA talking donkey well [ __ ] where's his defense so high what are you affected by like what's this red aura oh guiding bolt all right well whatever yeah God damn it one Health time to strike and give him a nice shove well that was worth a shot Andy's blinded good psionic blast I don't know who did that but I got him oh my God oh time for a big mama Jam Target must be prone for that huh that's too bad nobody's allowed to talk here oh my God [ __ ] off bro there he's dead I can't see [ __ ] I have anything that unblinds me attack rolls on blinded creatures have Advantage let's see what can I use while I'm blind that's AOE yeah no not really I'm gonna try to Crown a Madness ooh crowning what do you mean must be humanoid step forward crown of Madness 18 meters 18 meters enemy me I guess I have to see them is that like what I'm getting at here we go that'll do oh death's cold oh thanks no foreign survives this I mean he's a big beefy boy he should well all of their biggest threats are dead survival is all that matters I still have a 72 chance to hit on disadvantage all right follows me everywhere thank you oh he actually has the ability to bite people now Anita foreign [Music] [Music] can't bite the undead the right is cleansed calm we must speak oh was that all the rot crown of Madness ain't [ __ ] in this game it feels like it though doesn't it I've used it so many times and it just sucks dick and not in like the cool way like in the way where it's like really bad at it [Music] in the age of gods there may be no spawn eliminates the other sovereign what benefit do you offer make it worth my while you'd turn on spot who gave you shelter [Music] work off flourished I stand to score for help yet it cowered in The Grotto and let my people be slaughtered well help me grow a mighty piece of the reward s this [ __ ] just called me a smooth bran to devour it make it worth my while division [Music] yours to sing three Scrolls in all IES and your foes fearful Melodies of peace peace even in war are you just offering me spell Scrolls and I'll have no part in this this ain't my this ain't my [ __ ] is my right it is my right it's delicate harmonies turn to scrapes and scratches [Applause] that's not a good idea for you you have like no Health left oh he has lots of health left oh boy we had a well it was worth a shot not enough movement it's a ranged attack good job historian God's work historian tonight good hit good hit are you [ __ ] dumb hold on choice but to keep going there we go let's go ahead and uh come flemo death death can't tell if I want to kill that guy or that guy first probably this guy and we'll see about shoving you too heavy that makes sense he's he's a big fella ah [ __ ] he can do that again I guess I should have known that ow [ __ ] actually tried to say instas kill Ed yeah I had Advantage so I can't interrupt [ __ ] off and find the shot of Starion this [ __ ] has advantage on the shot one place is worth the cost flourish I cannot excuse me let's see increasing allies movement speed by 50 they don't provoke the opportunity attacks do I actually have to go to them to give them the maneuverability this is dumb oh hi holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what is this guy made out of the starring you better not [ __ ] this up why is that thing still alive I need you to get to these people and lift them up Starion foreign first of all going to have to attack him and then 50 percent damn [Music] God damn she dies a lot foreign fight let's go who still has a scroll and we got a scroll of okay she had one I'll use her scroll on her what do you mean blocked stuff why is the targeting so finished I gotta point it at that ass there we go foreign are these the Scrolls you were going to offer me all right well that was fine I need to find a way forward I can't reach Lurgan how am I supposed to get his [ __ ] that's too bad stupid Lurgan all right what about May chank and magehand reached Lurgan magehand go to Lurgan Megan magean float fly Mage hand bring Lurgan to me grab Lurgan you're right there magehand let's grab him man [ __ ] Lurgan as bad as it could have I feel like I should flag long rest here because this is uh Eukarya gift Yankee Relic whoa hi I will have an explanation or your head walk away now I won't warn you again these [ __ ] it it's about the artifact isn't it fun this cannot stand heirloom plunder from some conquered realm or like this artifact is the only thing keeping us from becoming slaves to our parasites be glad I have it stop squabbling remove your s is not your concern nonsense you're just finally showing us what you really are a river to the Bone spare your indignity every word that spills from your mouth is worth less than the last I mean she has been the one that we've used all of the res Scrolls on what this is even about thinks I have something important to her people she's deluded clearly I mean you actually do though she look do I have any skill checks I can do here because I agree with Shadow heart the artifact is protecting us we need it with us it's called common sense again stop this incorrect judicious bloodletting settles feuds and Roots out the week they're deceitful do you hear this tripe our lives are at stake and she won't to turn on each on each just you and me any ideas how we settled this the Comfort light that's not I mean I'd get to prove you wrong and thrash you I love it Shadow heart you're not marshally as competent you'll need it [ __ ] it you had every chance to look the other way but here we are like okay you chose this justifications coward if anyone up guys come on come on come on I think I'm gonna have to inspire this one very on that 20. ability let me up and I'll show you Shadow heart's clearly in control here you should cooperate Lazelle sir render a disgusting notion you're about to get your throat slit you have those to go around already what would you have that we be friends let's not get ahead of ourselves but imagine what we might achieve if we channeled some of that hostility back at our real foes instead of each other they wouldn't stand a chance okay good I'm glad everybody had a chance to work that out dog wants to talk through a ball held firmly in his mouth fetch time animal handling is charisma I thought it was wisdom interesting I'm I'm using inspiration on this don't even care I'm using inspiration yeah we got it he relinquishes the ball It is Well chewed and slick with drool I don't even know where you got it but I'm so happy to have it avidly shuffles on his paws ready to chase after it I really wish I had speak with animals on but I understand scratch his tongue lulls out happily his tail wagging even faster I better have the ability hold on throw where's the ball where's the ball where's the ball where's the ball the ball okay okay here we go I mean we can't re am I that weak hey Lanny okay go get it wow that thing's heavy yay we're playing fetch good game good game this is a good game I like this game I can throw a ball for dog I want to travel with Gail for a bit but I'm not sure who I dropped from my party the problem is I kind of take up the spot that Gail would take surprised I can tolerate Lazelle all right it's just like here's the thing she wouldn't be in my party if she weren't such a like dedicated like she if she weren't my dedicated tank all right I could respect as a sorcerer but then I'm definitely taking Gail's spot because he's a wizard he's a damage dealing caster foreign leaving camp back to the circle oh wait hold on Hey Driver so have we buried the hatchet lays out no why would I bury a weapon is it broken it's a metaphor glut's dead holy [ __ ] what's that hooked horror servant Jesus Balin where are you What's your deal seems the shrooms are letting in more people every day you see a fella on his own on your way in dwarf balance his name why would I lie about this can you describe him blue tunic that's a stick I haven't seen him right never mind need help finding him I could look for him for a price please I know better than to promise coin to a stranger he'll find his own way out or he won't fair enough longer what a Bladen come all the way down here for nothing you're pragmatic I like that do you have anything to sell nope nope stop stop just talk to the lady again well show me your wares oh you got lots of Wares and healing potions version of mind reading greater healing simple toxins Hill giant strength all six of these I can never sell the ball let's take a look at your do you have anything that's not actual armor your weapon attack also deals two acid damage Neato ring of jumping level 1 transmutation spell where heels a poison creature is also no longer poisoned that's neat Amulet of restoration healing word mass healing word oh that sounds useful corrosive flail in hand only but what's corrosive about it that seems like it could be really useful Mass healing word special especially yeah I know corrosive means acid but it shows nowhere that it does additional acid damage I'm gonna get that foreign let's go talk to the sovereign elegy cheerless as the new moon I do regards slain the rod has been purged music shifts still melancholic but now streaked with hope a New Harmony serenity I name you peace Brewing up I had a name already but thanks fragrant spools waft through the air your heart swells with bliss with your every breath smells like cinnamon buns freely you may take the guardian gate is open go and claim your reward but before this I have another Boon to ask of you you have cut out the dwegar blight but not its source in your mind's eye Spore shows you a drow striding among Mike and it dead he hunted us hunt him in turn me his head and I will know my circle is safe that's a damn shame we killed glut do you see you're racking up quite the body count I ask a boon and will give you bring him death and return I suppose I don't need to tell him about guts or glut or whatever the [ __ ] his name was until I mean he's dead his name doesn't matter after I partake in his interesting drought poison you're a starian have some of that what's this the cover proudly announces this book to be flumpf mating rituals adorably disgusting [Music] investigation or nature recall what you know of this title plus a D4 what do I know about flump's [ __ ] Underdog phoner as a topic much written on but this title has never appeared in any collection you've seen interesting the scrutiny proves too much the lurid text melts away before your eyes an illusion aha what remains are simple instructions written in a spare hand forging adamantine amongst the Sharons dwelled The Gnome sillo of yali whose talent for Wizardry were known from candle keep to source air under his tutelage the Sharons built the Great Forge which could heat mithril with such Vigor as to turn it to adamantine with this astonishing medal they could mold the finest blades in armor yet the jewel of yali's eye was not to for not the forge itself but the protector he conjured from the magma to guard it a construct said to be so mighty that no blade could fill it and no spell could pierce it ingredients raw mithril ore and proper mold place the ore and mold into their respective Chambers pull the lever to lower the hammer and prepare the ore for smelting open the valve to allow lava Into The Crucible and drop the hammer again to forge the product icy metal Pegasus feather great furnace of cream Forge that should be worth a lot more if it like had to be hidden what's in the sack an ignoble hat fight shuttle your skills are improving my skills were just fun to begin with you can save the compliments girls for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] it I'm drinking the wine I have this is Randy's young dexterity and Charisma checks while I'm drunk okay I mean I guess that was Treasure you essentially gifted me with another Quest I've slain galat it's schemes it was scheming to slaughter your circle your throat tightens and relaxes the air is Serene your mind untroubled the songs we sing now carry your spirit I first named you peace bring up I now name you kin Spirit Well I'm becoming more shroomy I think the creatures can communicate telepathically with one another oh that's nice how long does these last seems like potentially forever doesn't say till long rest well we gotta drought a hunt now oh who brought his ass back here what's over on this thread foreign saucers have anti-magic fields wow the underdark is massive God I wonder how long they spent just designing the maps in this game like I've designed a few dungeons for my players but this is next level [ __ ] let's explore this Camp a bit more isn't that the stuff I need for the blighted village it seems that way anti-magic Weaponry huh oh look a fast travel point ones that I don't want to deal with frankly most water creatures in d d are uh [ __ ] awful I'm sorry shattered doogar shattered is that a leoplorodon yeah let's just hop on the boat a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters I heard that I ain't getting on the boat before I save The Craft yeah I don't like that sound it's a magical Liopleurodon oh hey we got a neighbor what's up fellow sailors what are you doing on gexroft gex huh is that that who this belongs to worse Geck who are you well foreign [Music] let's go with deception I'm pretty good at that we have no guarantee that he had a parasite so I think we got there I believe he's dead the sergeant would be pissed about her boots come on let's get to the shore you're the one telling the sergeant what happened the rest of you sure keep patrolling I'll be heading back with this one yeah yeah stay with me alone stay with me alone silence until the lights of a camera through the mug hey yo Outlaw uh Outlaw torn thank you so much for the prime sub sorry I missed that earlier hope you enjoy the emotes the ad free experience and one of the most wonderful communities on the face of the internet welcome to the lanomaniacs greatly appreciate the support with twitch Prime Empire King thank you for the raid hope you had a good stream well this is [ __ ] intricate Cloud sideways you [ __ ] time you showed up we got trouble spit it out Sergeant finally choked on true Soul nears prick drug note the [ __ ] Soul caused a rockfall trapped tighter than a ring on a fat finger you're [ __ ] me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him Sergeant's arm is falling off for all the gnome slaves she's been beating hi who's the Hoon greyman another slave for the Dig I am Lazelle daughter of gith defender of blacketh were they talking to you specifically oh that one's feisty Irene's Gonna Knock the snot right out of her I am a true soul and you will treat me with respect that's so I yeah how about that huh stirrings in your head the dwargar is not infected yet your minds resonate oh I'll be you ain't [ __ ] felt the tingle your [ __ ] so Chum owes us a load of coin you want through make a donation I'm not giving you a single coin unclog your hole sitting around gotcha [ __ ] Soul ain't settled up soon there'll be hell to pay for the lot of you cult boggers whoa we must do the favor of freeing him first chill [ __ ] chill Lazelle they're listening all right it's gone well but for tonight I think I gotta call it uh tomorrow I do plan on being on at five o'clock I am not sure how everything is going in California so we may or may not be running the ties to find tomorrow if we are not we'll be playing Baldur's Gate 3. uh if we are then we got a murder mystery to solve should be a fun time and hey we gotta level up hell of a way to end I got hit by a tropical storm and an earthquake I know and Caitlyn's like flying in tonight I hope she's safe I hope everybody in SoCal is safe especially if like you're around that area stay safe but for now I am going to peace out we will open up next time uh with whatever we're doing here but I hope you're all staying happy and healthy out there thank you so much for popping in and I will catch you guys tomorrow have a good night everybody
Channel: Lani Arcade
Views: 1,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3lMFpkMsjj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 39sec (9759 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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