Being Lost is a Great Privilege | Sadhguru

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it is all within us before you realize that or how soon you realize that will lead to either transformation or frustration it may be just momentary for a whole lot of people because people will feel terrified you will see they were struggling in pain this that was happening a few are bewildered what's happening because they never thought this will happen to them okay sad guru i'm going to ask you to move to this poem called human on page 112. oh i like that number [Applause] one one two human human even when at home i longed for home searing pain of longing for home strangely got cured in being homeless when the walls of home dissolved a pristine home unwalled and unfettered devoid of love affection or companions blossomed shall i call it my being [Applause] but this is a poem about home and it is also a poem about it's a poem about a kind of homesickness and then it's a poem about a kind of homelessness and then it's a poem about homecoming and i wanted you to tell us more about that journey because i think in some way many of us have shared that journey but not on the level of not in the profundity that you're talking about it here but i think many of us have had glimpses of that journey is this the blueprint for almost every seeker so i would say there's literally no human being who's not confronted with a thought and an emotion like that but they manage to brush this aside it doesn't bother them enough the pain of not knowing doesn't tear them that's the whole problem they come to terms with ignorance they make a deal with ignorance they will build relationships where everybody will confirm this is the best way to live of comfort companionship love affection these are all things you're seeking i know a whole lot of people have raised human emotions to heavens if you say love they say divine love if you say joy they say divine joy if you say bliss they say divine bliss you don't need any god's help to be joyful loving peaceful as a human being you end up with these qualities so all those who deprive themselves of that they either seek god or they settle for a dog yeah usually because they want a unconditional love this is a demand because the nature of love is such that it's like a flower if you don't watch it for two minutes it'll fall it'll wither and fall right there either you want to let it fall or you have to nourish it every moment or you have to concretize it that means you take a picture and keep it on your phone screen or you institutionalize it with marriage or this or that so essentially well i'm i'm not against any institution because institutions are needed in the world to operate otherwise there will be cures that is a different thing but you cannot institutionalize joy or peace like right now we think united nations is the institution for peace no no you cannot institutionalize peace you cannot institutionalize joy you cannot institutionalize love or anything for that matter institutions are functional instruments in a given society i have at most respect for them because without it people a whole lot of people wouldn't know how to live you need institutions there is a government there's a democratic process there are variety of things all right there are courts there are parliaments well uh ninety percent of the time some nonsense may be happening there but still these institutions are important because without that there will be total chaos so i'm not talking against institutions but institutionalizing things that happen within a human being is a silly effort but is it possible to embark on a journey without this sense of homelessness homesickness see let one human being honestly say when you are with your most loving parents however doting and wonderful they were to you that you never felt this is not where you want to be that is a dishonest human being because love gets tedious fondness gets very tedious comfort gets tedious because the nature of life is it wants to constantly expand if there is no room for expansion it doesn't matter you are kept in a whatever i won't use because everybody uses the word golden palace i think golden palace is totally unaesthetic in my my visual perception i hate golden palace but whatever is the most wonderful palace or as you say shangri-la whatever you will it'll get tedious all the heaven-bound people they don't know how bored they will be within three days in that place of goodness so i'm saying it doesn't matter it's not because there's something wrong with your parents there may be most wonderful people but the very nature of a human being is such only if you are a pet animal if you have reduced yourself to that you're just happy with the meals that you're getting and somebody's fondling you once in a way and you're happy with that for that you must be a pet animal you should not be born as a human being once you're born as a human being it is natural wanting to break barriers so when you're young as a child or a teenager you think barriers means they're all physical before you understand the barriers are not really physical whether you build your own house or you live in your parents house or you live in a slave master's house the house and walls are not the barrier it is all within us before you realize that or how soon you realize that will lead to either transformation or frustration and this home homelessness these year this whole phase of vagabondage of being a nomad you have poems about being a nomad is that also an intrinsic part of every seeker's journey see do not separate seekers and non-seekers everybody is a seeker some quickly compromise some endure there is nobody who is not a seeker some seek and forage within their own limitations some want to seek some seek in a safe manner some seek dangerously but there is nobody who is not a seeker everybody is a seeker and therefore this period of homelessness of vagabondage is universal it may not be a period for everybody it may be just momentary for a whole lot of people because people will feel terrified when they feel if they just look at it and see actually you know just the nature of life forget about your home suppose you left somewhere you know i've seen people uh you know when we were children when we were growing up mysore has a dasira exhibition which goes on for one and a half months so this is a place where all the youth will go and hang out and you know there are things to eat and a lot of entertainment shows going on music going on various kind of circus elements and all things going on in this in this exhibition grounds which is hardly maybe 10 15 acres maybe 20 acres of land and full of lights everywhere and shops and stuff is going on every day either children or women or some men they get lost from their families in that crowd maybe 50 000 200 000 people will be milling around and people get lost all the time when the music show is happening one policeman will announce there is a child here by name vikram his father's name is uh this thing his mother's name is this thing he's crying here come immediately hey god damn it we came to listen to music if you brought a child figure out how to hold on to you if you don't figure that out ask him to come and wait at the gate and pick him up there nothing is going to happen all right these are not times where great amount of kidnappings happening anything in my soul nobody kidnaps you in my show at least nobody kidnapped me so this ridiculous thing and grown-up women they're lost from their husband or their family crying in the middle of the road it's a well-lit place the whole damn place is over lit all right there were no phones that was the only thing all you have to do is go near the gate and wait or if you're a car or a motorcycle go and wait there or just stand there let's see if your man wants to find you or not i'm saying they will be even men i have seen grown up men crying loudly because their wife or their child had gone somewhere unbelievable so the sense of being lost nothing you don't have to drop them in the middle of kalahari or something [Laughter] i know myself people will be listening how can such guru speak like this does he know the pain of getting lost in the exhibition i'm saying this is how people are i've seen people in the jungles when some of my friends came with me in the forest not even deep inside just in the borders of the forest somewhere they go here there and they get lost they're just just few meters away somewhere and they can't see us but they start crying grown up boys i've been lost in the forest for days and weeks don't know where the hell i'm going i know if i keep walking some road something will come because i know how wide western guards are at the most 150 200 kilometers if i walk i will come to the coast or to some city but in the meantime you should see how people behave because for them nothing big needs to happen smallest things if they lose their wallet they lose their phone gone everything is gone all right so they don't have to lose their life this is why i said when when a time comes when you're going to lose your body and everything that you know as life either terror will come when they first realize that but slowly as life starts ebbing it gives you a certain anesthetic this is the nature of life because life doesn't just pop out like this it is leaving slowly as it starts leaving slowly you will see there is a kind of an anesthetic there is a kind of comfort that they come to you will see they were struggling in pain this that was happening but as death is slowly coming approaching last few days you see they become peaceful nice some of them even joyful a few are bewildered what's happening because they never thought this will happen to them so being lost is not about a certain situation it is the nature of life it is the nature of life you have been given the intelligence to find out what is the nature of life if you did not have the intelligence if you were like any other creature none of them have those problems they are never lost they are all fine physically they may be lost in the terrain sometimes but otherwise they're just fine they never feel lost this is the greatest privilege that human being has you can be lost just believe me if you cannot be lost obviously you are chained isn't it you're changed of course see these days i've seen especially in the united states people are taking their children with the what do you call this like a dog leash they can pull it there is a thing where you can shorten the leash or lengthen the leash according to the traffic and whatever else is happening a child is running it's on a leash maybe for single mothers it's a convenient way of handling i can understand there are not two three people to run after the child the mother doesn't have the energy of the child because he runs all over the place maybe it's a practical solution i'm not commenting about that but one who is on the leash or a chain cannot be lost isn't it you need to understand being lost is a great privilege because you are not on a chain [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 163,286
Rating: 4.9588146 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, eternal echoes sadhguru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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