The Root Of Our Sin | நமது பாவத்தின் வேர் | Zac Poonen | Tamil

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we've been thinking about building godly families and godly church they were back to Lisa bayum they're back to like or ammonium cat or the curtain and the Anaconda grow it's good for us to think about the origin of sin in the world they will attend a farming orbit to the end breaker to Nam Cindy put in a little because there we see the root of all the ungodliness in the world Allah hepatic coma reigned among a patron and if we get rid of the root the fruit will disappear we're in on putting you towel and you like Anita whom are in the room see some of us are trying to be godly constantly battling with this sin and that sin and the other sin Emily is silly in the poem on the palm industry pala power thorugh the throne the Parata Condor crop but as long as you don't hit the root if you come out here it will come out there we wrote a good an English a brother worry come on the cunny India cannot put a monkey cannot put a monkey Emily you know it's like supposing you have a sickness which is having all types of source coming out in your body Teodoro Biaggi record a pollen girl is I really don't do girls innovative below and you discover a wonderful ointment that some doctor gives you or the Korean hello Rhine Monty every time you rub it it goes out and the callee me over morning will put some more than the cutting marine debris girl you are very thankful for that ornament on the column pecan Engel mortar cannon table or lightly but then that soul will come somewhere else in your leg or summer can you lay what I'm gonna compliment for the colony on the other then you rock the only when it goes off colony and the couple of the view on the modern they put a nice area comes on your chest or stomach or vitality level again it can come back on your hand the critical ever get it so you keep on using this ointment you're very thankful because other people who don't have the ointment keep on suffering with this pharmacology in the Monica de poder de a la loma laconically member nicob in alignment Miriam's ready the doctor says now they have discovered antibiotic he put the ante we are taking the Salicornia Merlin they are they mainly put somebody a culling Butler you take this tablet for one week in the antibiotic master a warm soft egg will be three times a day overall the moon reveille sacramentum and you're an uneducated person you can't understand how something you put inside your stomach will heal what is on your hand but amazingly put it with a layer but it will lay a coconut manually or you could put a couple at the Opry alguna Marco so the doctors you may not understand it but I'll tell you it will work you come back after one week and tell me doctor and I look at the podium para la loire I'm questioning he takes this for one week varam and the Monday hologram it's gone what is a couple of moola Moreno one year is no problem / - I'm all alone the couple of thing I thought revealing this is a miracle in order our poem it's not a miracle they are portable life till now you were only dealing with the fruit of that disease either what I am on the viaggio react canny order could have done it a material the antibiotic went inside and hit the root of the disease on the antibiotic Amaro the only celebrity in the vrj we're over I never thought any cuter when we talk about victory over sin very often we are dealing with some particular sin there on the outside all the way nobody can dip our thin military equal to the pace number two they really a Cana for a coup D a power wrote about anybody reading I gotta overcome my anger echo bathymetric murmuring a lot according to little my sexual lusting under the poly will take or my telling lies under the poison these are all outward fruit even a little nobody a kind of product like an eagle and you're battling one you get rid of that there's another one you thought about apurate mudita butter in under wondering are you sometimes the same thing comes back again anybody never done a party about my theory my own dough together isn't it good to discover the root of it already a very contemporary personal Aloha that's taught in Scripture house in came in this beautiful universe that God created that was perfect they even put on my own talkin and Aragon under Sarah's written a poem every private citizen in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Adelaide day one 180 boom is the first verse ah da moon Ramadan up the next verse is the earth became corrupt and dark and empty art there was something in a park within the Underland the boomy honor the worm give me mine him you don't know why you do it how did that happen anybody know nothing God doesn't make the earth like that they were on the Bhumi a productive Lane something happened between verse one and two hundred come here and the comas are only criteria you don't want another day you see why is it not written there and engage deportable Lane because this book was written for man in the booth Tamar the money in a car heard about what happened there happened or to the Angels lucuma tell you not on the variants mentioned somewhere else I'll give a written a solo portrayal that is what made the earth corrupt it is not the Bhumi eighty me on a very much you know whenever sin comes it's not really the person that's affected all his surroundings get affected also I put a lot more palm very good on the palms in a number positive part of the multiple layer a suit really embody capitan Adam sinned Adam pumps him was all of a sudden the Lions became violent did he deny Singam at the Quadro my Mary Witten and the snakes became poisonous bamboo mission below them are you today and the scorpion which is very pleasant animal suddenly became poisonous and then I call in the tail Adam we should have a Mary Matalin and sickness and so many problems came because one man seen Oh Ruben even pump CW alive yeah open up on a present so that it shows how terrible sin is it affects all our surroundings Babu Bhangra mana then nobody has sooner lilium Bali particularly so what do you read in the second verse of Genesis is because the Angels sin on me you don't know my son Ahmadi unworthily whole trauma deity was secure the errand does not have to do the wrong CW not even if you read these passages but I would like to show it to the benefit of those who don't know in the past in the 43 other Alleluia none making the polio not mentally co-ceo 28 it's a key we wrote the atomic God the Lord told Ezekiel verse 12 take a lamentation of the head against the king of tyre it's a Kelly wrote Ahmadiyya remember 12 verse 29 I was hurt in a park rocketry and our maybe see des moines airport a mutiny mode room take a lamentation against the king of tires wonderful - Raja we could the Palumbi anunnaki the real king of tyre was the devil who was living inside the earthly king put me on a tear even Raja our internal not miss Osen the Bhumi career Thiru rajala just like Jesus would speak to a demon was inside a person and say what's your name yes if we saw some particularly bad somebody appear and indicate crowd as a bullet he wasn't asking the man he's asking the demon payer and ended on the money mitigate for the Layana on the money in a cool area since Allah the Lord was telling the real king of Tyre is this devil who's living inside this man are we engaging put on the money in a pool of water ground on me on the thigh Raja as I say Satan you had the seal of perfection once upon a time new corner I read alone I what today but a mother might know what you were full of wisdom perfect in beauty in Jana thorn errant the one pour an irregular one you were in Eden before Adam was there have been a total Mohini later in the one there was an Eden in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 Adi mmm one dramedy garment emotionally or alien throw another and long before Adam was created ah do not remember it was this beautiful angel the ruler of angels who is known as Lucifer who was there in those who don't look Alam Sahni when I leave the iron and then I Lucifer in the solar product Cory I do the Hungarian that he was perfect in wisdom beauty position jnanam argue even in the poor no mana head of all the Angels those are become today when I returned and he was a very musical person we read Anna was here in heaven dolly he said hey I'm alone I do not you read about that in the subsequent verses here I was not only learning about secret in one translation the middle of verse 13 it speaks of tambourines and flutes parsonage enmity la langue Moodle Andromeda Chrome so he was a very he was the anointed cherub verse 14 that covered the whole place and they're more irritable Khun Danai I wish a come on over to kuru this is now the earthly king this is the demon inside the devil in Korea Raja Allah will apply difficulty episod and you were on the holy mountain of God nay there only a participant Olinda you were blameless verse 15 in all your ways only a vertical a little Emporia turned I in the pnina was something of a signal but an al were 17 your heart was lifted up because of your beauty buzz in are my son today was secret of mana regen Holly only really a mate to me I see there were three things that Lucifer had Lucy break a moon regarding a little bit remember this is an earth that was perfect no sin anywhere under dr. Lola gonna boo me another porno my under the income in the power like everything was holy and pure allow a person to mom to me my under even the Angels were like that those are all important darker and then one person one angel or a dozen or number what did he get on again I created a little bit of pride in his heart than Orion will attend a contingent Mehta main I'm so good-looking none are Agha here crane I'm so clever non booty Sally I'm ruling over millions of angels million katakana those really all are you saying daddy buddy that was the first time that sin came into the world he did on the login' a pom provides it the Moodle Moodle pro basically what is the first sin Moodle permanent does not dirty thoughts and sexual sin also the ending of Pali Hill some of them on a parabola it was not anger Kobo moominland it was pride perming pride in our Beauty our demise his beauty already irregular perving his wisdom on a non-attorney prevent this position already Astana tell affirming three things one regarding girl this is the origin of sin in this universe the under surah certainly doesn't poverty in our bomb tried her main pride in one's beauty warranty irregular per me it could be physical beauty it could be spiritual beauty other said in a program on our curriculum allá de aragón wisdom jnanam could be pride in one's earthly wisdom who be chronically poor americana Bible knowledge holiday whether he will appear American spiritual wisdom the are you Korean honestly para miracle any type of pride you they want to put a lot of pride in one's position erroneous Donatelli Nasrallah column column I am the elder in this church Cooper I am the wife of the elder in the charlatan and supreme authority Imani we can be proud of anything in the shaker table impaired me on one moment fortunately the Lord says under holograph I cast you down and the only not only retain he was cast down Nate Rea thirdly put away an entire that brought fire upon you it is consumed you verse 18 final Thomas Holiday Park Rome at Kuni a who not even in the proper upon you mean I've cast you were seventeen to the ground sorry Leona California and the polynominal was secured in one moment or a channel today from that position God threw him down understand a throne the day when I were in Italy with that he did not lose his gifts and they were angry America only he did not lose his power yeah do you are Theo Wow well let me recover late and when a man is rejected by God or a man even Devon alterna-prom or he may still have a gift of preaching Iran they are pressing karate might even drop our he may still have many many gifts palapala Warangal overcame diversionary Kalam annoying thing is gone on Allah be shaken way with the grace is gone good way for you today if you cannot distinguish between Grace and gifts you'll be deceived kuru become what I'm going to come you know yeah someone of the theory only in the surrounding on one cheek appear when you hear a person preaching don't see whether he is God gives whatever pressing it converted the over angrily record landing in the park about a pebble has got gifts sausage grace is not there karubian gain Lane the anointing which brings grace is gone could it be a condo or a cordial shake my way today if you don't distinguish between that I tell you in this today's Christianity you will be disease either are in the world early under small in Drake Cristo threatening on one cheek every vinegar the devil can preach better than anybody in the world Oleg Atelier are a couple of pieces in near Thiago pressing home on one he was the first person to bring fire from heaven in the Bible where the tenemos la saga para Tyrande kunio-kun on the moodle about miss Osen in the book of Job you hope in booster the lane fire came from heaven and burnt up his cattle barathrum the auctioneering he already automatically I'm a reporter Elijah brought fire from heaven thousands of years later other Gabriel I reckon I can handle like a Peggy Lee Aparna technique on the horse person who brought fire from heaven was Lucifer when he became Satan Bertrand Arcania condo on the Moodle number sat on Amarna Lucy burn there are all types of things that devil can do we saw safale with the mana caringly chamber people who come to me in Bangalore for prayer honey have been goating that you know people from other church where disciplined or aggressive brother Zack you gotta pray for my house all types of funny things are happening there you know the original Apollo with him on a very key and I carrying little nugget not occur the Debbie to marry I want the universal grab the fused to blight will suddenly start burning future at EULA did in the area ramekin early and pigs dung will fall in the middle of our house didn't depart all 110 OD a career girl not only when they were home I said yeah that's the devil oh I know the devil can do all types it's a sea within the carry on love say one etherium he has got power he's got gifts I wanna kill but let me record like a little girl that is how these people who do witchcraft and all put curses on others put it on pollution iam saying darling are they the Sabah theory we can I ask this man what is the reason in a car I'm indicating he said I and my sister have some dispute about this property in the South they accordion a common area saw go that he comes Sunday she has gone to some witch doctor and these things are happening in my home area so go three hour police when he waked or little a boy I want Sunni way to dark oh I didn't say I will pray for your house when we take a beacon on the soul of Allah I said you need to give your life to Christ first mood allows Maria where Kenny under pop over given twice there'll be no protection law all positive Elaine I believe Devon's got tremendous power it's our city harbour even the manova me record inaudible grain here in terminal not in some conference I've seen demon possessed and so powerful you need three four men to restrain them in Jinan particular in Tamil accountants or taken were the pieces but if there was three Munda non-article particular be i'mma tell you to waver tremendous Satan's got tremendous power satanic adiga pollyana wallah me record it so don't think that because somebody has gift and can preach powerfully he's anointed with a little drag a pressing grand within alia were a triple or in any event now God did not take away Satan's give south or near warring late day when I wanted to need a couple even though he left God haven't even able to play whatever I can who say why didn't he do that yen are they ever say you will indicate killer at me I ask you not only cake cream supposing there's a very good friend of yours Monica Ranbir a crab and every four ten years every birthday you went and gave him some expensive Turkey and one day he gets angry with you and leaves you or not only only minnekopa Telegraph becomes your enemy oh yes bro the Mr Graham will you go to him and say please give me back all those 10 years I gave you birthday gifts give it back to the whole community could eat in a court any our girl am trip according Linda Kate fear Allah will you do it you know say we're luck if you don't do it as a sinner where will God do it put in English I usually listen all day when every other save up you give a gift is okay keep it whatever the court I hate cold that is how Satan has got power they put it on satanic of Allah my character is have so many preachers today can cast out demons obregón a pressing our el pasaje rock Allah heal the sick we are these silicon important rich powerfully voila me oppressing giggle ah one day they stand before the Lord holiday they will come back and recover Lord we did all these things in your name on everybody normally lumps a dome and the Lord will say go to hell under salut are not I got to go cause you lived in sin any power today one dies very important to understand this any willingly quality Mocambo qiyam godliness is not exercising gifts the namib God Labour Party and mother Warragul I prove it for the lab there are demon possessed people who can speak in tongue he saw some pretty girl and watch it by somebody that is why I'm not impressed by only a Denali non-covered singaporean 11 and lot of the tongues I've heard is all counterfeit honey again on Catania botulinum polio know me girl I speak in tongues not only about Shiva screen 38 years before the tornado honey but she pits not babbling - you few syllables it's a language I speak together what is it illegally wait the owner was allowed that they were all gonna pass equity over the washing his real terms in this counterfeit tongues I will me on our new Bosch he recorded a so poorly on America but even if a person doesn't have done what I asked look for is grace grace is the mark of God being with the person only water money then Italy honey abortion when I'm in love with a llama like could we record on the Catalan kurupi record and it's not only a personal mode with like an oppressive it is pride through which sin came into this world yeah well I got took a lot of power boom one doesn't really matter mind when pride comes I remember there other things come out from there okay mantra wheel improper army can and seen Isaiah chapter 14 yes yeah Pauline on come on the article endured from this bride other things came in the permian de mettre carrying on proper decorative the Lord says to this angel in verse twelve funny animal in the zoo many pound of you how you have fallen from heaven o star of the morning son of the dawn are you got in McKenna here do only any wanna tell in the world I aim why because verse thirteen you said in your heart I will ascend to heaven now and one of the year we win under rule Italy need so night but Iman Thomas along I will put my throne above the stars of God in a single table an eternal Camela who we are to win yes I send verse 14 above the heights of the clouds no no the Manimal nothing really here awareness a night and I will go be like the Most High another one opponent immunity tonight so when with pride comes another spirit the spirit of rebellion against Authority Agha vapor me when were on the / me order Korea a digger Turkey either I agree sacrum ricotta Margaret rebellion against Authority I think erotica my Erica Korea more at our table that is how sin originated a pretend paavam arbiter the pride firm a rebellion against Authority I think our overall um I'm gonna talk I'm Savin Lord says verse fifteen you'll be thrown down to hell Oh nein another train is a lot of power in the pan until I was grown so this is what this is the route it is done where if you don't hit this route you will always be battling with sin I'll tell you that in the way raining will bring out Allah for Allah meeya more like a power thought of karate ask this question brother Zach I'm fighting biting I'm never able to overcome sin Silurian on poor radha kunda halal empower the miracle of really and that's like this man saying the sword comes here i get rid of it here it comes here get rid of it here it comes somewhere else yeah let's assume our gnarling yeah when they were together thing yes come on a link you know they put all your life you'll be battling it till you hit the road in England where a putting your IQ market mood is my Puerto Rican dear Peter and the devil doesn't want you to hit the road Allah Lingle where a putting the coral in the passive room he doesn't want you to know the root of it underneath where in and where they could area could have immigrant why is it so many people who sat in CFC for so many years are still infected with so much of sin against CFC suffer level or under life would come under pakodi ever saucy girl level over power turn on a video put like wise if there are elders who lose their temper en Cocotte a new poll in America are all losing your temper is because of pride the reason hobo particular Marais carnem pyramid none we have Okara mainly even your defeat by sexual lust is because of pride in your poly a chill a very good evening I'll do a permanent carnival the Bible never says God will oppose adulterers or murderers or thieves Carl Aurelio Basara Cara Lee okole Carvalho they were neither color either color in the venom so levelling God opposes those who are proud one at Peter 5 verse 5 one dribble the line down maja reminds I was something a park of the pole at Devon pyramidal or later still in crap nowhere does it say God opposes people who watch internet program pornography or murderers in either luckily about someone a cosplay Parker or lady Onizuka Radha the Corrigan laser crawl in the way they make you my soul overlay your sin comes out of your pride already a problem purnima mathema how very good all the sin in your life comes from one root okay what'll a counterparty donate the power Marie we're living Dharma killer pride where am i and one manifestation is you rebel against the elders other a year war reveille party in heaven Rahl will severely record a MOOC for Elena and interpreter like we heard you don't honor your father and mother at home Karuma tell a dope on him tie him government of Italy in the co-domain you wanna bet against your boss in the office oh no like i said only a male at the area through crete where does it come from I think I know what I gotta do one source what a what amylum pride within a layer in the Oregon appear main pride in your beauty article affirming your cleverness put you solid until epitome in your position donnatella pyramid in your money apparently but what you have accomplished in your life what Kelly's Hadid the southern anonymity remain your Bible knowledge which you boast about me mainly part aggravating or in the wonderful children you have brought up other than Eagle Rolla Terracotta Army on a pillion there are so many things to be proud of I'm a pretty prolific Apollo carrying a little credible and the moment pride comes near me were granted channel or enemy they know the Aymara grab even if you're a believer nice walking down the corrodium are you never forget this what economy America went up there's no partiality with God their departure bother more like God doesn't say oh this is a believer so he's proud I will excuse it Oh even we saw us even put illusory law other pramana God opposes the proud day 1 / me alone kill to recraft see there's a law called the law of gravity movie here we say another no no pramana monday if you go to the roof of this house in the building in the Qatar definitely a coup reckoning all celebrated and you jump down under the decree the law of gravity will pull you down movie it will be simulated in no cuticle law of gravity is not checking is this a believer or is this unbeliever who's jumping movie if we say Buddha Keira always Swasey ila and so is the park on gravity is not bothered whether you're believer or unbeliever evil Swasey Ilam the movie is if we say what kind of magical doctor the cupid yamaguchi talc able to be there are many other laws like this is it one drop Allah from Allah alone do if you keep on eating eating eating and never do any exercise you become fat Ning eroded but you see I'm on sabbatical de algún Davila the Lord is the Lord does not check up are you a believer Nisswa shyly and visually in the prom arm so it's the power for the laws of God do not bother about whether your believer or unbeliever they're only a promoting a little ameen evil swaziland by the so is the powerful for the late you while the laws of the body you get sick Saturday through D a pramana c'mere you learned this one obviously put a million it doesn't matter whether you're believer or unbeliever Swasey obviously and by they work are normal that's why believers get as many sicknesses and believers on watanabe swatching feeling alive Giardino burgers are they Polaris was you like um yah dino burger and if a believer jumps off the roof he will fall down just like an unbeliever Oh Robbie's was he came here in the lab daddy was a prognosticator believer is proud God will oppose him just like an unbeliever all the way obviously permian the leopard is day one is it for are they pallavi Swasey premiere a little part doesn't matter who you are if yeah it could be me I am proud God will oppose me no no he'll say nonpareils are there any middle part niara hello I'm sorry see the Bible says wait I'm sorry girl in sin shall not have dominion over you when you are under grace Romans 6:14 Roma Rada Pauline I was he chronic cubicle but turns out power Monday miracle others you say brother Zack sin has dominion over me in England so original sovereign a power man a miracle organization yeah then according to Romans 6:14 you are not getting grace I'm Roma are upon Eisenbud even Engel could be very good Lala no brother I'm getting grace may not be bargaining you think you're getting grace could have a pedigree and any coder Christ says you're if you are under grace sin cannot have dominion over you here a bikini will keep butter not power only all aren't allowed in the park Rome who shall I believe shall I believe God or shall I believe you nonny number without the only number of the Eagles would be true and every man a liar daven a sucky about a in demolition opinion I believe with all my heart in the alarm and more eagerly thought about a number great that if I'm under grace in can not rule over me non-critical but another how many all other it's not it's like saying if there's raining outside and under this roof no drop of rain can come on my body only a money pouring they want record in aren't there I got the colossal cream or assorted money could any man they would rather than this one of the Fallen you understand that everything you continue life I'm under this roof not in the curriculum that it be pouring rain outside not one drop will fall on my body really a you put a memory coating olive wood is so to what end many were rather but if I stand near the entrance and put part of my body outside all I'm learning you are now identical down aren't ia memory in it you know then I'll get little whipped quench I'm not even this is how some people surrendered to God you put it down Silicon Valley they want to come over they don't give everything allow a dream a little to God when jump over little bit is outside when your name cardinal sin gets dominion over their power morally all to go together but is there 100 percent under the roof not one drop can come upon their loot Rikuo Rikuo Ricky Rajamani I promise if you're under grace sin cannot roll over you Ningaloo beekeeper turns out Polamalu merkulov in baku so the second question is you know now they kill me why are you not under grace yeah Engle cribbing however the link that is 1 Peter 5:5 other wonder whether I enjoyed God gives his grace only to the humble they went army honorably come out to make her my alligator you don't get grace because there's some lack of humility in your life oh yeah white leather make Ruby not gonna be great for the lady I'll tell you why you shout at your wife yen money to grill in aluminum not because she is bad money me there's no perfect wife in the world the boom you put on one of my Navy and the army every man and woman in the world I've got some imperfection now get that iconic photograph over money minute come on a she come for Nikora will kind of particularly it's because you're proud that you lose your temper any premier you look nobody not a ton only poor mayor and a copepod agree it's because you're proud that you commit every other sin but I mean I hear incredibly not a ton but I put a policy they going to the crisis because you're proud that you watch internet pornography yeah you do could nobody not let down you need the latter how about someone actually what do you think it is sexual us are they Pagliacci an integral how is it other people with sexual let's never watch internet pornography even once yeah pretty matter or look among the poly it's a war over I could I you need electrolytes in marijuana culturally for common carotid I have also been a young man no no wat even I even the crane I've also got a computer and a camera computer career from the time God filled me with the Holy Spirit but it's Aviano Rowlett evening near a paranormal I was a young man then no no a leaping I didn't until today in brewery I have never once gone to a pornographic site in my life how about someone I caught you rule a in a rumor I couldn't know I kept its internally do you think I'm not tempted now so they probably an integrate law every one of us is tempted like Jesus himself was tempted yes we saw the Gipper table now move on so do you program but if I wanted grace could away tell me what I said Lord will humble myself any extent under Ian Alok window Marlon laminator to the right Amira crane I don't care for the respect or honor of man money model humble myself humble myself humble myself animate art to be run over at art degree in part the grain you'll get grace Nick creepy particular I'm not a special favorite of God come on only nobody is a special automated Emma negotiator Linda Lee if one simple brother who doesn't know much of the Bible humbles himself he gets great really yes ha go there in a way them very early in the stern elaborate and I thought you know I'm creamy but about a great Bible scholar elder in the church you won't get grace if you are proud non way they were an opponent non Suffolk moopan for me I'll care because I gather I want you to understand when we talk about godly home godly live godly church there but you'll work a they were killer put them on there but still have a monopoly from one thing that has to has to be hit like the antibiotic hits the root of the sickness in the viale know da very in the antibiotic Medina point aku the wall and nobody a very nice occupant Oh if one course of antibiotic has not hit the root the doctor says take another course in the antibiotic water raining late at all other than the very Tocqueville in the snarling Alvaro antibiotic wonder - holy crap if the root is it the sickness will go and they we're talk about hotel on the viaggio even in cancer they try to hit the root of it so it doesn't spread and the cancer of yahiko day on the very boy talk he with holiday paranormal sorry no sin is like the Power Move written hit the root very quite accurately then purity will come in your life in your home in your church they are Kelly on the crew motley on the Sibylla Amy what it is from this pride that rebellion against Authority comes in the Permian malama hey Adi guru turkey Mortimer algorithm and you know when we have this pride in the peer America murder we're not satisfied to be alone nominee our hero father K dirty like gather other people also Matala Kuta my city of Rama grown see revelation 12 2014 ovation paneer Adama you can read of Satan pictured here is a great red dragon in verse three very personification money on your mantra mozzarella park rom are the three-year wallets are formed in the park of seven heads and ten horns and all that okay pop here Cumberland RA and what is that from and fast this is the devil not precisely and with this tail he swept away the third of the stars of heaven Anya wanna Telemundo reppin game neva lean on in Rochester I yield to container park Rome in the book of Job we read of the angels as the stars of heaven your brain was totally do the girl wanna the natural diversity so this is a picture of the devil bringing one third of the Angels onto his side I win the soap on a period what is the form again the passaggio moon delay would upon the Doozer electro-optical aground when he became proud in heaven I will partner with you I won't Permian oh never mind I wanted to rebel against God my manaat' tamanna' world did not want to do it alone Danny Agha they say yeah I want to do pom Elaine he got around some of the angels and said let's rebel against those really mature thicken the one on their own accord on muhammad sallah graph that has got a name other corp a recurrence called the lucifer ministry they lucy Peruggia maintainer Khepera that means when you are unhappy with your elder brother when a move or a medium or the sand or smelly and drown you won't sit quiet I mean the up car material you'll go to one brother in the church have a low row notice how the point yes brother what do you think of this elder it's not very good right son in the mo property not negating a Allah Allah this is no no he's a good brother I'm happy and like robust under so my record in his analysis no use talking to him even at a pace if Raja don't go to another brother you know the seventh-day power do you think of this elder is not so good right in the mo property and only getting a but I also feel under the crane there's a look at can we talk about it I like to spend a little more time with I mean you never gain this one you go around the church and you love you love you love you love you maybe you can pick up one third of the church like the devil it's a simple awaits having a moon delivered upon gaining origin you got a team now first of all I couldn't over Kudo mean even ever you have influenced by your rebellion bonia more at Art at the moon Amado is he'll walk in silica material this is called a Lucifer - it is done Lucifer under William now the in comes before the kill we were together when God saw Lucifer doing all this they lose super a buddy lump say they conducted a different path that was it why didn't he stop him immediately and throw him away yeah no no they often Murthy would turn on a tell you what I could have it how wise God is ya know blowing animal lover God says let him do it I won't say it them let me find out who are the other angels who are unhappy under similar coup de foudre Lemuria and anon can duplicate now why do you think God allows you to go around the church and talk to people and create this unhappiness in who named this happily in the my lobby I saw some laws I'm a collector of a one-day pass only at Union American aircraft God can strike you dead in one moment for destroying his church but he won't do it or a sabe any could afford channa telling only settle not additive nobody he allowed Lucifer to go around the angels collect all of them again follow three Lucy barangay supa kill the lrm circa Briana Madeira when he collected all the discontented angels Honolulu Liam said they won't ever again in one moment got through them all are roerich Anthony Laurie made the olivet are what was the result in never leaving heaven became a better place para la semana they made me only would have my Mario tell me that is why God allows you to go around and gather all the discontented people are given a doula Donna Michaela Cambria nobody can leave the church it's a beautiful garden the church becomes a better place sabe on Linda made me already done my Margaret I have to say thank you brother for your Lucifer ministry so the name of Lucifer within this happen I say they were like a nunnery I don't get upset with him now daddy was a lame if somebody comes to your house yeah gardener but I thought I got a movie to go to granny says listen there are a lot of weeds in your garden when I thought of a partner a a call a record in I want to clean all the weeds I won't touch the good flowers null pootie grill up Donna Martin in the culling lame ottoman and soot Imani putting the grain and Sola grab and you ask him how much do you want like you know coolly went Amanda Kate Kerrigan I'll do it free nearly all of us my sing it in this Luna thank you very much come on Andy right ahead and clean all the ways I am putting in early there are some brothers who got this ministry say let's Agora look in the odium great all the weeds la taille liam putting the Korea William and they do it free that's the best part of it man now they can tell a merit seven the Papa DNA one dollar you know some I say guitar girl and all the weeds are out we have some good flowers in the church now before they call a llama bring a pot any K but until April this habit and the pookal kinda product I say we have to give a word of thanks to all such people Vanessa super ministry lucifer rhodium say the Lark you may not under your a whirring I wonder if God will deal with them terribly one day would annihilate them all over the bank Rama had a whatever I would not like to be anywhere near when God judges them on the final day but I cannot let their only ninety look important on our critical world only for defiling and destroying and trying to harm his church family it's not a good teammates either they could have come when over it so this is the root of sin I was done power through anyway and where does it begin in the human race Manisha workers leg is Armageddon Adam Adam God came to Eve the devil came to e we saw see I wanted to live on that you don't have to listen to God he they're gonna keep say we go to get a wheel a rebel against God they look another my mother taught about God said don't eat of this tree there what you think Annie position the difference tomorrow before you do anything else in this garden Egypt we're in the valley say with Moomba that was allowed on the Moroccan Leah participated we know that Adam was created on Friday well Academy Honda BMW Karima and the seventh day Saturday was a day of rest when he had fellowship with our own Sun Academy are the only part you know David I cannot and on Sunday morning I believe you've sinned night became a colony yeah well palms here fall under done on a boring that's why Sunday morning Jesus rose from the dead are you a ton night to Graham a colony Sweden that to say that Satan's been defeated south on tour Creek ever done and that's why we gathered together on Sundays um are we done I'm not becoming a quorum but sin came I believe on a Sunday sin came to Eden honestly I don't know Eden noted that a power ones and all no denied to him I don't believe the devil wait at one minute to order a new mission good a the south and Carter commentary through determined every not he couldn't touch them and they were in the presence of God for all of Saturday under NASA in a sunny can remove all the DNA present nobody knowledge south on all the trouble you've let them or they went into the garden uncovered and thought of the cool iPhone over the name he came around on now the question comes before the Calavera girlie why did God allow Satan to go into the garden Sartana the totally cool I poverty and they one animal eat our because God wanted man to be tested money then so did you put a money ie they won't worry not why does God allow you to sit alone with your computer and you're tempted to watch something filthy me computer late on yahoo currently a system owner currently part company aji aji to put it God can disconnect the power or spoil your computer at that moment a system on a cart Sheila powerful and current apoyo de cada yen computer repair electronic drone go I pour javi your computer will work perfectly computer for Havana say because God wants you to test you they won a so it the park of Ramona's this man yeah the money to be my servant in the money generally already ready but Rona he knows the Bible and these things and all well but is he fit to be myself yeah they're all in really a common reality bra God will not use a man before testing him or when I'm in a pine but I will show you the powerful Baraka they were already fine but I know all this aluminum that they used to make aeroplanes illuminate their way to Europeans a guitar they test it before using it are they fine same with mine but remember this holy the part I don't use anything without testing it so the camel indore gharana theme on the airplane rock was the confinement I'm a target for making children's toys and all you can reuse any type of material later they're fully attached harmonica define talk whether in the probably one to model of mine but if God has got a great ministry for you I mean they won't look at all pretty worried about honor who he will test you in many areas for many years Paula article Paulo with Emily holy so it's Papa if you pass that to all those tests I'm just holding an alarm in a thirty but what he will basically test you I did put it off however it is really part I'll will you humble yourself anyone I told to IR will you go down before others matter lumen bhajan equal a PO item and try I will you refuse to rebel against Authority Adi got a thing over my mu room worked out I'm saying with Erica mertopia when we are children itself he will test us now I'm playing I recovered at the end of my so - Poppa Willie honor his father and mother so upon him time human government wanna you know many people say I want to walk Jesus a on Easter no no they are thinking of healing the sick and walking on the water and feeding the 5000 already know that alum I had a buddy for this cuddly not a positive ian.selleck aroma I say that he did only for three years are they were wound around what do not say that tell me what he did for 30 years before that damu put on a linear see that he said what was it that the father said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased even retain it sir come on and every American in this holy year they could be Darwin or they go to the Saatchi Poddar you know what the Bible says that he did for 30 years I wanted a marquee way the Minnesota the only one verse in the Gospels which tells us what he did for 30 years and then put on De Laurentiis hidden so luckily I worried about their deaths in Luke chapter 2 other loci you know da Matta Karim it says in verse 51 he went down to Nazareth then he continued in subjects into the house Joseph and Mary you look I don't normally I remember theorem was something a worker was he Grom Nasser if you release in the I would look you purring than that Yoshiko Mary Allah come keep putting her than that that is the only words written about what he did for 30 years for the Haunted locker necessarily the particular a was Ramadan I searched in the Gospels what else he did for 30 years and the model a very NSA the revolutionary theory partner we know there is one more thing because it says in Hebrews 4:15 he was tempted like us in all points now my polar whale of the tiller more swarthy apartments only everyday and non camel you are mine and I would say of a secret so that is the other thing that he did for 30 years other say they no requirement akane faced all types of temptation and you said no no no no and they call I contacted I already love them on and so there Liam Sunday the Wonder chameleon lay in the market or now he never preached a sermon in 30 years was around earlier approximately he's never healed a sick person in the Vietnam started demon in the priests are similar traveling before he could do all that any lumps a monadic father said let me test him with Asuna non so it's the park atop the angel say God he's your son do you test him also those are now hypothesis Ave Maria come on right how are you so it's the path to entomb ah yes um now he has come as a man it has to be tested like any other man before I give him a minister no no Rudy they could open ba da Gama trained them on even a polar me you were even so it's the Park event over a lot of stupid believers who think without being tested God will give me history an egg a patina monomer Swaziland in Italian is the part coming it they were inaccurate a thorough are you see what type of ministry they have be the one I would email come into partner he become elders for a few years and they fall away and Oprah hung as a couple were in the wrong it they don't they're not test it I was worried about our lane and that's why they fall I was unwilling Roger but Jesus was tested for 30 years compose and a block is so Sonia Patara with what element of mine will he submit to Joseph and Mary Jo seifuku Mariana camera near para Joseph and Mary were not perfect no sleeper Mariana poor no one girl Allah Jesus was perfect I need so Poornima Ryan wins this perfect boy submit to imperfect father and the poor naman a pion poor animal of the petrol recruit a me are a miracle part of that is how salvation came to this earth he prayed on in the boom akhira cheap wonders because he did the opposite of Lucifer Lucifer canary da he is to say that if pride and rebellion is the root of sin petronia where kurume muricata humility and submission to 30 is the root of holiness SAR mayim are the gothic aqui para padam don pursuit in Oriya where how is it that Jesus could overcome sin so easily yes yeah pretty powerfully the American dollar because he had hit the root of sin pride and rebellion in his merry way more at ottoman with an eternity a little arrow T and the very overpacking I'm sure he was tempted many times like young boys are to rebel against Joseph and Mary for the demands upon his life yo se poo mario lemieux boy in everything i do bar control in this early hour am overly covered in the past he'll killed those temptations all along the southern yangtze our contribute are the devil says see what an unreasonable thing everybody our guru bar Kirara Linda sleep it's a Sicily in the box it's time for you to back in the game now and your mother is now calling you to help further the done better a patisserie cry in all a run girl at a given time before the Emma Cooper darling say tell her to wait Catherine Anderson it is very difficult for a child who's playing cricket to give up the bat when his turn for batting has come for a pie and they put it on it will never filled it when he present batter I put it to the ground he put a mascarpone you know custom Dyneema Vienna Cleese fielding he'll go quickly field when he gonna dying I'm Ashley that winter one but Jesus turned for batting has come and the mother says come now Oh Lynette I'm Katherine he puts on a bad night but it's a difficulty and American triggered a I'm a super girl it would drop it and go I wouldn a bet I put it away everyone his teammates who say what you're running away like this I'm a team a lot of solo a teammate Salaam Salaam we're in a pretty bad day but you tore dry my mother's called me llama poop tangled they would have made fun of him our aim clearly paneer park you don't know how to say no to your mother I'm out Gillian don't piss piss at any other no Elaine I fear God now I'm a computer program that is why the father said this is my son in whom i am well pleased ah give it on you wouldn't be nice oh come on will a premarital padam on also not my younger days there are many things my father and mother told me to do yeah I'm not till your name correctly same day as Nadia promised earlier I keep putting them I did not even know God those days on they're not Elena they were named theory other then afterwards when I left from other ministry for so many years God kept me under unreasonable elders in churches honey gondola our girl I think of mine in the back a career move put a little a I would like a doctor David an a wait done humiliated me our nice through my party not publicly for the Padilla he and I wanna party cannot refuse to allow me to speak because they saw I had a better gift than them orally Carla made me on a present equally over a marital nobody not any present he giving rather than attorney for nine years you know under lot him and you know what God told me David Athena son Arthur Hema keep your mouth shut aya muddy cold and sit in the back of this hall the holiday penal control and don't ever speak one word against these elders in the mula guru maha worrywart the equal to repay seven they were not godly man / alarmed about you Laura Lana does the church I was attending Allah protects Avila con on a bunker 18 I did that jhana be saving for years not one or two days one day Renta not to allow Paula undergone God is my witness Damon race Archie that in the years when God humbled me even unreasonable elders daven your name I I do my reporter than a muppet in my weight their name sir my particular from the age of 20 to the age of 35 and a half you know the way that I would put the anger away the what I come all types of situations in love with him on a stone illegally he humbled me humbled me humiliated me in a torn apart it tore me apart every nice remember God told me to keep my mouth shut why emoticon isn't so never speak against the elders like you rather my own dream pay $7 even if they are not spiritual now you can sit and discuss with other people about their faults are only a currently but renew can the material would also given down I didn't know why God was taking me through that education he preferred over a part of the khulafa the Union and a contributor aren't energy Theory immoral name but when God started the church in my home in da Whitley they even come Lisa V our meet the burden 38 years ago what you're talking about God and knowing took me with the Holy Spirit they haven't pursued avianna never shade that gave me revelation on the Bible and things I had never understood by the way and I couldn't even out the Cardinal a curative really partially they weren't acquitted in the court Carmita again to open doors for me the minister here and there in game among game I wouldn't say with oscillate on Tyrande anointed me with his word or they walked in elaborate that then I knew up organic ethereum there were years of preparation that God had to take me through Dave oniony your duty tender than ago under Gloria Tom some of you are failing in that test only the water in the soil authority under cradle you think that you can fight and get a ministry by yourself no now have any Sunday put everything on particular mood even degree you can push your way forward and say I'll get a ministry for myself and I can over worry Amanda Monday no not her Nanaki sentries patrol number diamond and a griddle you may get some ministry said I would even like a curriculum he will stand before the Lord and say Lord I did all this in London compartment did not every Narnia alum see the missile your Lord will say to you understand wha go to hell in Iraq Ithaca Paul but lord I was part of one of the CFC churches under a non C if C sub you later than on bullet DNA yeah I don't care for CFC now and see you say Kodaka reprove the lake I look at your heart now unwinnable at the park ring I saw the pride and rebellion in your heart well they will let you later probably a pure me immortality non-party be careful brothers and sisters salute assembly jock ready I really like the Jews glory the Abraham is our father Abraham and a top understand I use it on many American Idol don't glory that you're connected to see FCC over the third one to clean aligning men apart I went down God looks at those who want to follow Jesus yes sweep in patrol yard is Devon Park Ram let's turn to numbers chapter 16 in Nagin panorama theorem and number 16 we read about Korah Dathan by RAM and on for people in verse 1 in Nachman Panaro near Modena mostly non given equal to Nam was he chrome you see their names on a very particular Cora Cora Dayton a via Tom Dayton and abiram Cora Cora total ROM and on in nomina Romney guru first verse a Balaam and the last one is on currency pair wound for people Nandu better remember the names early appearing in Korah Dathan I thought on a beer on a Balaam and on one they came to Moses for them the non-government leaven dargor along with 250 people they gathered together the road team was very skeptical day this under a real Lucifer ministry they gathered 250 people yeah you know time will vary I will hit the corner girl he do me another Lucy from the William and they assemble themselves against the authority God had placed Dave entangle me the waiter and daddy are at they are a the target and they said to the elders our Anu purely partisan are you think your only holy everybody is holy verse 3 well done perceptive and in every line a lot of a person why do you exalt as if you're somebody special Nina to rely anyway we are together and Moses like a true elder brother who me on over pony Pollard the Momo see I always advise elder brothers to follow Moses example pretty me morally part emotionally mother Tippin but nobody I kid was for he fell on his face non commercial today mostly manga prevalent are I've learned that many times now and Paula sobbing appreciated against a brother I will not fight with you sour in brown butter on Sunday for a morning the Lord will show verse 5 I never friendly Lumias chosen day when you're thoroughly wound our entry our can't be kept Oh God I won't fight with you you think you're a great person go ahead mingle period and agreed movin on Sunday morning good you can call me whatever name you like in a paid event tomorrow morning Elena with a capella I will not fight back Don thrombus on tomorrow morning the Lord will show whom he has chosen Carter yah right here in the wound are under our can't be part the next day other than Allah we read that only three people came wounded bear down on that was 24 Korah Dathan and abiram Korah Dathan abiram verse 24 you know teen on camera what happened to the other guy on the own in another molecule he got some sense that that night hunter you know we're going to put the on account of it and he went to Korra and said don't include me in this group I am NOT going to be quarantined in the Mughal rule a circle or down on poker and believe it thank God for people who initially join in rebellion and last minute they get some sense and pull out our alarm with delay in the muricata co today today cinema delay our Liberty when you put he tell in the valley on the car that they were lookin under he saved his life and his family I want and no di Gio Nintendo kuma team capitaine so now these three people with their families are standing there I mean the moon program tycoon without an interpreter Karkos is said move away from their tents you've already had put our only attending on well I keep on girl nurse 27 they were standing near their tents you know more alarm Fanwood Moses said depart verse 26 from the tents of these wicked men in the Donmar come on a money story acutally whatever like you Pongal 26 you know a domino and so the people pulled back I'll give a general in the collegia and it says the earth opened up its mouth verse 32 and swallowed all of them whom eaten why currently our neighbour am ring gear the intimacy went alive to hell our do you know or the good air we're over what I'm not ready to be sent our girl chapter 26 you know tiara with DiCaro numbers 26 you know whom I wrote the autumn in the other words 10 but Thomasin on the earth opened up and swallowed Cora and the company and the 250 men who were with him whom eaten ye turn the over Allium karaage young ringin in the nalem hakuna you know I am with a very party to the know him verse 11 the sons of korah did not die a lot panoramas not the particular Corrigan Kumar Osaka valeting what happened to them I work in another day they were standing with their father and mother in the tents when Moses said Moses said get away from them evenly with the village you put one in this one number of the Apollo what a good I wonder what another and these sons of Korah in this horror on here playing I don't know whether two or three or four whoever they were endomondo non coplanar I whatever in the theory they said dad we are going to stand with God's man and not with you apart long as they were on a plane order in a couple of God's man their money is not in the program Lord I'll end it sooner Moses is God's man who sit on table your money there I'm very thankful for bringing me up all these years daddy up I'm not cleaning out the garlic and undry I want to honor you when I can I put the brain when you rebel against a man of God although they were money will occur brother my mother taught about number of it I have to say goodbye to you when I cannot goodbye Sola vendôme I'm gonna stand with him none the devil money is not a couple grain there are times when you have to turn stand against your parents calling ultimately what Allah will patrol the Mafia and Engel for him what he would recommend up because you stand with God because they would go to a new cave Andy I would moody would recommend and his people they already apply a load of bread so they quickly ran away a secret of my own and what happened when the earth opened up and swallowed the others they escaped autumn a booming surrender than ye Turan they were little are we're in the water they will stop it conductor when you get time I'm gonna can ever break you mother you must read 11 Psalms that the sons of korah wrote for our gonna be a little later than the puzzle or Sangeetha cleaning las innuendo I'll tell you which those arms are you can write them down if you want in England the secondly is equal to non-random in a solar gain some 42 sang game knock with your ending up to 49 now put that underneath and knock with your mother I accept 44 X up 43 now put the moon drop sang it at the tower at 42 to 49 except 43 now put didn't did not put your mother worry not put the moon tobira that is 7 songs here it is I'm getting a little 43 was written by somebody else not put the motor I'm saying is a very are already not then from some 84 but I guess I'm getting em but the non-game up to 87 yeah but in on the in but you're a well let's not get anger except 86 him but the are eaten some 84 sang in am baton Allah to some 88 sorry some 84 to 88 sangeeta me embody non-linear but chattering except 86 which is written by david in but the Ahram sandy the bottom wher maybe a lump or a converter a now you see what the sons of korah says for the core i can put the rest on 84 verse 10 Thank You them em but the are a party Lord one day in your court is better than a thousand outside Thank You the member chiapoe taniwha sacrum I am NOT a particular move regarding Scylla marine olivine I would rather stand at the door or the house of my god than dwell in the tents of wickedness with my parents in order origami a code or Emily I was some wild for the Falkland Emily always and was that pedal a car through for the a terrible Devane now you get some meaning when you read these before then the second et voici tumors are our thumb opium and what he says in some 42 as the deer pants for the water so I hunger after you Mon out of the need or a want it the cousin of the colon or the Octomom a no cargo to the ending it today what he says in Psalm 84 like the bird has found a place in your altar that's where I look for lordy Murray every angle and a lair everybody clear the under any other whatever non-water grain read eleven Psalms thinking about the background and you'll have such a meaning been an evening leading the contain the pollen over sandy general evening Elvis if the particle upwards and earlier thirty or forty six sank in an apathy are even if the earth shakes we will release we will not be disturbed God is our refuge and strength who me Adam Duvall out of Nellie Moreno l'm they won an electronical America nobody not seen it our only penny not occur they parted our debts they would not have survived if that ancestor their fathers one of the sons of korah hadn't not stood for God what eigen rien with the relay our girl they couldn't cut through the understand all the children would not even have lived out a Aprilia you way through through Kodama target you know that when you stand for God your children are blessed mingle they only control nearly a million at the newcomer they only pull a lot of the Capitol Hill when you rebel against Authority even your children suffer Ningaloo Adi Arthur P either Cooper do they want April import a Custer partner when it comes to God's Authority they're really Armand over more than even a wife has to say to her husband or a money we could have been taken only partly to live and I'm going to stand with God now they don't even cup over him if you're going to rebel against Authority I'm nodding article either Monica long word of any coupling I want to protect myself and my children now on any even in a particular path cocky when two wives be subject to your parents to your husband's but under the Lord Carter a cold mingle portion will quickly pretty a window it's not that you blindly subject your husband I think accrued autonomous I'm only a personally but even different are led the fusions 5:22 a based around zeroth render what is it saying again Isola Patrick wives be subject to your husband's no wives be subject to your husband's as to the Lord my name you Lee for sure if you keep putting little money will a Carter I could keep rigor to the ball is above your husband on economic America catalytic Radha so if your husband tells you to do something against the Lord you listen to your head Xavier Carter guru Alma who will carry them only a kind of a mnemonic we say yes on all other clinical puberty at every lane children playing Lane chapter 6 verse 1 automata are one drama so not obey your parents obey your parents in the Lord for a key keeper deal in diverse animal a patrol car that will be putting early supposing your husband tells you to bow down to an idol only a convent only we could I forget that father tells you to bow down to an idol only Appa Polly a party we could have a warning and a sonogram you do what the sons of korah did what I already put the redness neither are they say you know dad I love you I found one in a secret but the Lord is above you oh no molecular hey and I came along at the underground say to your husband I love you my husband and Rekha now table in a secret in the solenoid God is above you on a low mana Khemia I have cut that is but I have to listen to God now an hour if you still go to comment on there is a foolish submission booty in Amarna water keep it a little covered in your parents tell you to marry an unbeliever but IV so RCA Dome CLU land is not a paternal sonogram is not the time to obey your parents when God's Word says something else they would have our theorem tae-sun number the better okay keep our Ukrainian Air module and everywhere it says in the Lord in the Lord Li generally make Carter a cool car circle in this level you know that there is one authority above your husband and above your parents when a patrol camara her male can overcome a lack of a rowdy got a miracle in develops algorithm and the only time you can in a church for you know when you when you're married you cannot give up your husband here to be with him forever mingle through Manama here darling allowed an innate human column not they went to mingle put in the pond Woody Allen and when you are a child you cannot leave your home you have to live there or play I recover the petrol roads on water when Timothy able to perform any other but it's different in a church sobbing I carry with us on a church when you find the elders are not obeying the Lord what is severely move poor girl they look you pretty Emily underneath pecan doll you don't have to rebel against them Ningaloo oh my is it cut every Lane thank you very much I'm leaving saga rain will come by an entry done this happy with the program you're not permitted to leave your home as a wife or a child monavie yahoo already playing on the kumite with the polder k anima dealing but you can leave a church all of the sub earring will do the poem because they are not obeying God in darling girl demonically but engage people you stay that church and create rebellion on a massive Elliott tongue here in the golden Engel more erotic relational you are following Lucifer Opry on Lucifer - but really you need to see do you think when Jesus sat as a little child in the synagogue okay there were like today yesterday not heard come on London let's say when he was 20 25 years old I work you know that you don't enter a godly man in Nazareth under nasty little name whom the devil killer or money then he's sitting in the synagogue however they wanted to pan on the crap you think everything was going on well over there okay lumps woman under their neck in a gridlock but the father said your hour has not yet come to leave this synagogue unison on that there were actively opposed it come they really know where will he come I don't when it came he left and they ready whenever they would announce that synagogue and they wanted to kill him I put it in there were light the porter bring out a Columbia he might that he left he didn't stay inside and create problems in the synagogue I'm gay yeah well I dunno pretinho never to only a boy with that would have been the spirit of Lucifer I put here in the holiday Lucifer Navy Islander where did Jesus freeze yes you're not pressing it nationally in the streets mountains here and there yes who pressing into the lamp diabolical along a millennial am really impressing it sometimes they preached in the synagogue and very often very soon they don't him to get out so let's imagine is definitely Rossini par seeker maha near only a poor human so he would work he left I would point out he didn't stand there and cause a rebellion under one day I would either either totally I've seen some brothers in a CFC churches nobody seems in several a cellar a party about 100 percent the spirit of Lucifer about a neutral or Lucifer DRV record I tell them why don't you leave the children go and go outside if you think the Lord is with you yeah we'll go to London England in Dalian the stop you take the Pope could have a vice sit here and create problem getting you can't even oppress anyone rocky condo cradle dear brothers and sisters I mean I saw was resolutely godliness begins with killing the root of Pride and rebellion we remain more at our terminal during a very cool Rhonda's on new book the army Kenneth let's pray now Jimmy Pope Heavenly Father para lo Pido may help us to understand the truth under were in a certainly willingly cooling liquid regime and to come to true godliness me Jana dear particularity Rock pray in Jesus name it's phenomenal Jimmy Graham Qaddafi army
Channel: CFC India
Views: 4,878
Rating: 4.8657718 out of 5
Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: 5RI90UpJIj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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