THE END OF THE VIKINGS?! - Europe 1100 Mod - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord! - Part 11

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welcome back Vikings to yet another glorious episode of the last Viking we are exactly where we left off last time in Sami land we are very close to actually going to war against the Sami people which I think is high time we did however before we do anything today if you do enjoy this video make sure to go down below leave a like on the video comment not only turn ear your place up there noting so but also to earn the uh a piece of the algo gods and we need them both on the back field today trust me so do that right now thank you I do see a tournament here though you might just go ahead and take a little gounder see what the price is is it worth it male mittens not really do I want to get a h claner not really that's not going to happen in one tournament I do Wonder though she's not pregnant again we do have what one 2 three four children three girls though which is uh you know I guess I should say a blessing and a curse but it's more a curse at least I got one son to take over my kingdom when I die of old age we're going to drop by a couple of these zombie people I think I have max amount of troops right now though so 100 we can have three more let's do some archers cuz why not last time we were doing some uh favors for these guys I don't think currently we have anything uh gang needs recruits that's what we're doing yes so if we see any hideouts if we see any looter bands running around apparently Raiders and that sort is not is not bad enough they're too good they want looters that's all they want only lters which is surprisingly hard to come across I'm not sure where they gathered up in this map in Europe going to take a little bit of a detour here probably just empty land but I feel like some of these places the AI will automatically go and so we might be able to catch a couple of Lo not paying attention we have a village here that's been at anct and no longer up for production we also have another Castle I think some expansions are coming Mountain Bandits so I think they were quite peculiar about one thing boy needs she has you yeah 13 looters so these guys won't do nothing even if we could catch them which I'm highly doubtful we could oh we have a oh no I that a Mountain Bandit hide out since it's in my own territory and we're still waiting for the SII people to go to war against us we might just do it 71% chance what about Sweden 0% nice you know what's best for them I'll wait until Nightfall though we are going to go ahead and do nothing here cuz we ain't got no upgrades thing was just teasing me also having a bit of frame rate problems today not sure why hopefully it Smooths out attack clear selection going to take my wife cuz she's not pregnant so you know don't need to be careful right now as some Nordic Herdman although I could have probably taken some lower tier troops so they could actually gather up some upgrades or XP but I can't see anyways my man this is dark I guess I should be a bit quiet hello Bandits I think one of you forgot this ax oh right on the fire as well kill the evidence I don't think I need to kill it it's already dead kind of thick though not going to lie he I have forgotten my glasses at home lad so you all have to do this for me it is severely dark I don't think I've ever experienced it this dark only th with us is lighting up our way come on oh come on one day I'm going to hit one of these guys one [Applause] [Music] day hey even our wife is still alive she's absolutely tearing it apart she's taking out zero well done wife you're doing very very well just as well as you were doing giving me Sons okay you guys take the right I got the Left Flank yes Odin Odin like that yeah see I had it I had it all the time who's next I swear by the God these hideouts are so stretched out could have bunched them up you know had like an alarm or something go off off and then we all gather together fight the in infiltrators hey what up dogs stop throwing potatoes how your mama told you that it's not nice to waste food I would love to fight you sir but uh see there's a slight problem I can't see you and if I can't see you how would that even be a fair fight anyways my Lads need some some training okay finish them off Lads Green Oh to for [Applause] Glory get him boys nice well done they will all right 7.8 influence that's nice regardless 48 upgrades as well take these guys not the Berserkers some Marchers going take these as prisoners although I don't think they're going to count thank you for the loot no matter if it was our mission or not we still we still got rid of a bunch of pky Bandits oh they have little bit of a village oh of course they do one of the village connected to vulgan I think how close are we to war now let's see the sawy people 80% it's been a while it's been a while indeed she's pregnant now okay let's see 25 how old is your husband 26 okay that's not that bad I don't remember who it was but he was 60 and she was 20 um yeah that was about it just want to say hi you know dropping on my Swedish neighbors soon is going to be our next Target whenever we go to war against the swedes again we're barely making any money or I caran still running let's see yeah looks like the majority of them are but maybe if they weren't all running in the same place we might have actually been able to make a little bit of money on it but no we have to be in the same exact spot trade with the same exact people we can have a couple more men we lost a couple in our Bandit excursions uh yes I guess we just walk around and wait now one thing we could do is see if in any of the Norwegian cities if any of the Lords needs help with anything anything I can send my my wife to do to G me in relation would be nice in the next election we are holding on to this Castle but that's about it and the castle is not really woning any money we need a town and I think last time at least I was on the board considering though that merely 10 episodes ago was a broke Farmer Boy I think we've gotten quite far in the world there is nobody in the keep we are going to go to the time though and we are going to get rid of all the Hillman thank you uh we're going to trade as well 1,00 at least we've broken into 100,000 now and we can call in a couple of men let's see how close to war now diplomacy Sami people 7 oh it's going down again how much I swear a the king we need a new king I am almost tempted to declare independence once I get my own town just because I am so done with this cowardice navian King currently he does not deserve to be king I guess you could go up and uh start War ourselves but that is quite risky cuz if War doesn't hold then we'll be left with minus a million influence but then again if we do manage to create war and we do manage to catch oursel a city that might be worth it then we get a couple more options we're going to make our way over to zomi land regardless o that is a zie people Caravan how do we good to die so be it attack Lads oh we started War oh no all right boys these people have done nothing wrong to us except being Sami so charge him and kill him charers forward quickly March now we started the war we need to finish it yeah I hit one guy at [Applause] [Music] least come on go go go go go I'm going to join them join the Infantry charge them boys get them off to the horses there you go you bastard oh come on seriously not so tough anymore are you oh come on he was mine clearly I called that one out what about you nice boots buddy but I ain't going to cut it cang guard okay we got the last Skirmish Horsemen thinking he's going to do something nice well done boys well done exactly how we planned it yeah all right now it's time to Face Reality at least we got influence should only be minus 330 oh wait was it no wait um clear warn the zombie people okay we didn't what we didn't lose any influence over that well say less let's get a couple of reinforcements as many as we can get 16 yeah that's the cheapest one all right we're going to get everybody up here wow okay I guess since we were so close to declaring war anyways that's why they didn't care one thing I should have done though regardless if I was expecting to lose a bunch of uh influence would be to call in an army before I started a war that would be the smart thing to do oh we got a lot of Catans being attacked now this is not good while we're waiting for our army we might just drop by the Swedish town here and sell off the loot we currently have make back some of the loss that evue we're going to [Music] have see trade going to get rid of everything 8K right into my Pock it thank you we can Siege our first zi Village I really actually I want to make my way over this would be my dream city right here Helena the sweds declares war in Norway of course she does why wouldn't she pesky sweds do we have another upgrade or is it just teasing me it's just teasing us all right we're marching we're marching on this city and that is if I can afford to cross though with the Army I'm not sure if we can order of St Michael the swedes what is that the fourth time they've declared war on us and each time we've gone to war we have absolutely crushed them taken their castles taken their cities and they have ended up having to pay tribute I swear yes like in real life they never learn oh they're actually attacking us so that might mean that they're a strong strong Army do the upgrades we can recruit those we can wait can I try and like lure him yes I can stupid there we go stop there I would ask you for your name yeah my name JF surrender or die that's it that's your options buddy 720 versus 433 but the balance of power is not that much in our favor this might be an exciting battle anyways sharpen your axes Lads we are seeking Glory tonight oh and it's a battlefield in the village that's not going to be nice for my cavalry all right we're going to try and get our archers I want to get my infantry here and try and use the open field for my archers oh no it's start over here yeah get out of my way you idiot archers arches at to double infantry move forward March Lads ah I highly doubt actually that they'll even try and come at us move Horsemen move make way make way for the not the king to be king yeah they're going to stay up in the mountains like they they are we outnumber their calorie quite heavily though look at that 19 versus 88 oh come on come on horsey we got this second try ah just not enough speed look at you go B is this perfect for my archers though forward what is going on Cavalry forward oh come on horsey come on okay get my archers in that line and then I can get my infantry in the front line footman that way we'll try and tempt him to come out move move let's go boys we got a job to do yeah let's not Peak that more than we have to ehy here we go here they come look at this Army I might have to read my archers closer I'm not sure how far these guys can actually shoot yeah the majority of them are not readying up their bows okay infantry I'll move you guys over here instead how about that I know I just put you guys there forward and we'll get our archers here instead oh we're taking Rus now arrows forward come on archers this is what happens when you don't do your yob they got insane range or what here we go at Lee now they're firing infantry former Shield wall okay Shields up infantry preferably face the enemy forward come on start firing archers why are you guys not firing move move soldiers archers loose archers is it cuz they can't see him through the through the trees or what yeah we're are getting slaughtered Cavalry attack infantry all the Char these guys are useless arrows absolutely useless kill them all they're going to try and stop us with their Cavalry but I don't think that's going to be be enough and we're getting our infantry as reinforcements just don't want to get caught in this it is literally impossible to see what's going on here Arch fire yeah draw your blades or your shivs whatever you got going on just draw it it looks like the tide is turning somewhat though Woodman give him let's go Boys still see a lot of red though are we actually going to struggle this much they high TI your troops all I got to I got to get back on the horse horsey stay away from my horse oh wow they are actually slaughtering us look at that are we getting reinforcements are we getting reinforcements I said reinforcements there we go everybody's charging in which is what I think we need to do go go go go go support your brothers oh no oh thank the SWS solders move we we holy [ __ ] we're losing we are losing badly I didn't even realize you lost 600 men we had 722 huh can I get out of here please please Mr Samy man I know we haven't been on the best of terms and I was about to invade and take your town but I didn't realize you guys were this formidable Warriors okay let's get out here we're getting out of here double time triple time whatever time we need to do it oh my my Lord at least the majority of my party stay Al but that's not really consolidating we got 109 wounded which means that we don't really have that formidable army anymore they had like what 200 oh Ting Ting Vala is being besieged okay you know what I think it's time we go down south and get some easy wins against the sweds just to re bolster not only our ego but also our influence we can call in more troops as long as thing Vala can hold out they have not started the actual battle yet Ransom offer to free don't butcher has arrived how big is this Army okay let's break in uh break it and help the Defenders go ahead with that help it's going to be 450 Defenders there are 781 Swedish Warriors I think we got this one it's just the the queen of Sweden with her Swedish Warriors what are they realistically going to do just wait and see follow sergeants follow your sergeants L do your yobs and we'll get through this unscaved take out the siege Towers the Bing Ram everything you see after a great start though 19 in just one shot do we have a big big bomas big bomba rocks we got normal rocks not good normal rocks what do you have a Ballista nice what are we firing oh there we go that's my rocks right there go for their Bing round boys it is absolutely impossible to see nice oh well at least now we should be able to uh fire at it [Music] longer okay not sure what we damaged there some brain cells perhaps there we go that's perfect I'll take a couple of these thank you and I'll just do like a big a ah I Didn't Do It far enough hey stop that a that's so satisfying wait can we fire at all those archers down there or is that too too close yeah surely that's not going to work yeah that's not going to work I'll take these with me though thank you hey sweets I have a present for you oh yes it's very nice present it's from Ika yeah look at this it will brighten up your day for sure not even close okay we're going to bring one with me I want to get to the other catapult maybe be able to fire straight at all those archers just Bunch together we're doing well so far though 250 to20 let's see those are good [Applause] odds barely anyone left guys why are we leaving why are we lifting them up on the wall yeah look at that they're running run you cowardly dogs so oh they lost about 350 and I bet you they are going to capitulate That's How Strong their their Warrior spirit is you have 800 Warriors all right and you lose 350 and you don't try and get away no you just capitulate you're like oh oh I'm a prisoner now I'll take those 12 troops and I'll take as many prisoners as I can we are going to take the high ones though just one a couple too many huh there we go 43 upgrades though odic Berserker uh Archer Archer thank you oh 38,000 what taking range damage that sounds good I was going to give a good one to my wife this one long war sword is that better than what I have no it's not is it better than what my wife has she has a tapered blade we're going to give her a Lamar half thing all right we're good uh we're going to we're going to leave the settlement and we're going to try and Chase these Swedish meatballs down help yes and troops thank you I don't think yeah you wouldn't have done it without me I know all right so now we got some good loot replenish some of our influence and our strength let's see who can we call in who should we let go a you're very cool we're going to let you go uh a zero to call in call in as many as we can need to March back up on those Sami people I still have a pickle to pick with those guys this guy's going to try and raid one of our villagers no he's not okay surprising I guess we could go ahead and take uh sunala instead though probably a smarter way to go about it anyways and they're swed so they're not going to be as hard to fight even if they are hiding behind the wall we have a SE skill upgrade Gourmet or sound reserves 10% troop upgrade cost or minus 10% or double the morale bonus from having diverse food in your party we are going to add some more into medicine ah it's turning winter we're still waiting for a couple of troops to arrive going take the long way around so we can recruit troops on the way not sure if uh 400 odd Warriors are going to be enough to take a whole town we might we might need some more reinforcements 441 am I going to be able to hang on to this uh War band though that's also the grand question 4 47 it all depends on how many Defenders there are there's a guy is 12 hours away who's that is that oh the pole is that the weirdo who has the young wife now I think that's the son of the weirdo 827 Defenders ah yeah I I'm not sure that's going to work give me recruits thank you take that fortunately they gave us nothing though the influence I was hoping for I guess one thing we could do is try and starve them out wait let's wait for what a p there he is got eight more upgrades all right 557 got find out if that's enough besiege the town all right so we could starve out 269 of their troops but that's still going to be way too many for us to fight what else can we take that's nearby vulgan I'm not sure we're going to be able to cross though with our army and I don't want to March all the way down to Sweden either okay let's try and see if we can cross over here take aami City that's my my dream City Phillip good evening all right this is not going to work so there was a war band we don't have enough influence to wait but if the war band has left if we can get as many as possible to leave 855 still 800 it's still in the 800s do we have a Sami Castle we can take how much is it going to cost me 10 influence if any of these pesky sweds would fight us but they're too screed [Music] oh come on fight us [Music] then all right we're going for it we're doing a hell marry but even if we uh are able to cross and able to lay Siege there's going to be too many Defenders we are not able to maintain a Siege due to my low cohesion we could try and meet this guy again [Music] though uh force them to give you Goods oh they're going to oppose us that's going to gain us 2.8 influence that's not going to be enough [Music] C oh come on just fight us already you whooped us earlier can I let you go f he's going to run the other way you cowardly swine Hal if you respect the all right we are going to try we just sent away 87 men we barely have the numbers but from previous uh encounters with these guys I will not underestimate them this time and I will refuse to charge at them unless they charge at me Cavalry forward just split up my cavity that should have been the first thing I did arrows move infantry forward all right let's go boys Cav move it does look like they're encroaching on us though yeah they are infantry forward AR move all right switch places attack get your Shields ready [Music] in former Shield W Shield up all right right flank looking nice they're standing still soon as we're done with the right flank I'm going to pull my Cavalry back Horsemen forward get back Archer Move Get The Archers a bit closer forward we are not underestimating them a second time bman stand up archers move right cavalry rer [Music] forward are they riding on the roofs oh I hit a shield nice come on caly get him infantry move oh yeah they're mashed in here oh there they are that's their whole whole War band right there okay as soon as we're done with these guys four PL it down to three there we go move C get out of here SC scad archers [Music] move Horsemen give him H for don't give them hell just go over there going to try and get my archers here maybe they can pick some of them up get out of here horsey [Music] archers forward why are you going that way Horsemen forward why are you going that way you idiots Cavalry kill them all archers move all right get over here they have started to advance at us I think infantry charge [Music] so where calry can make a difference a lot of hoping now [Applause] huh we're deadly close battle AR charge charge at them boys with whatever you got it's too close for comfort oh that's the archers I am not going to get caught in a wild B oh come on oh that's a lot of archers our infantry is doing all right I think oh that's the enemy line that's not my line would have been perfect if I would have just kept my archers there now though could have picked them apart Arrow archers forward [Music] come on archers Archer move ah we are losing this battle [Music] hey come on archers we're all praying for you [Music] now why am I seeing more red okay I see some green this is good who is taking you out got any ammo oh come on [Applause] boys oh their archers are are absolutely slaughtering us okay everyone Retreat again we have to retreat the zi people are Savage no wonder we didn't want to start war with them oh and we have to fight them to the death that's unfortunate I was hoping to try and get away you don't have enough men that's yeah that's very unfortunate I guess we'll go down blazing then me all right boys this is it this is where we make our stand this is where we make archers for this is where we earn our ples in Odin's Hall infantry forward make a name for yourself stand against tyranny although we're in their land these are mere details Bowman hman forward hold as long as you can oh this is not a lot of men is it what can we do [Music] infantryman move well we can plug the [Music] Gap knock your arrow that is not what I told you guys to do infantry forward from where I said two lines plug the gap yes I did something all right boys here we go brace brace Grace Cavalry cavalry charge yes you got one I'm not sure if I earned my place in Odin all with that outting hey we took out four at [Applause] least all right well I kind of saw that one coming didn't uh really expect the 27 Lads I had no matter how good Warriors they are I did not really expect them to be able to stand a chance against this the somi people we next time we meet the somi we need to either have two to one odds so twice as many troops or a lot better of an army I think they just have higher tier troops compared to us I guess at least we're making almost 3K a day now well 1300 oh they they are really just rubbing it in aren't they they're taking me to the town that I was about to March towards and it was barely defended now it's 700 but it was only like 350 before the Army arrived medicine we have another one plus 15% healing rate while in a party morale is about 70 or plus 20% healing rate when resting in settlements yeah look at this 388 I'm making 2,800 a day now why would I even try and get away where am I going to go away too seriously I don't remember where I left my ships [Music] I'll just wait here for a couple of days break my money and wait to uh I can maybe Escape but is literally almost impossible to get away from here because I need to get to the ferry point and then cross through an [Music] enemy yeah you want to tell me who you are um what do you have to say I to negotiate for gold only mercenaries serving onami people ah whatever oh yes bring me aboard the fairy please oh and away from here thank you very much over there you're going over there sir ause and wait for the better offer oh come on at least he hasn't thrown Us in the uh City yet but I bet he is okay at least now we're back the so no man come on dude I can't walk on water that's right Eric we [Music] can't maybe he knows I can't escape while I'm water oh nice uh so let's see we are hurting okay yeah we need to get rid of something otherwise we're going to get caught again we're probably going to get caught [Music] anyways oh [Music] no hold oh come on a well I ain't going down surrendering again 531 is what needs to take me down will be my guest I'll see you all in Valhalla oh looks like the frame rates are going to take me first though what is going on okay slow down horsey get out of here have a good life this is the end of my journey come on then you crusty swines I'm right in front of you I'll take every single one of you [Music] on come on then [Music] come on need 500 of you to take me down huh I can do this all day all night baby oh come on dude what a party pooper absolutely disgusting behavior is this the end of Eric is this how it all ends or will he one day manage to escape find out in the next episode if you want to see it though make sure to leave a like comment not only to any your place in od soul but also to PC go Gods guess we didn't have them with us on the battlefield today a lot of grave mistakes and a lot of losses were taken however we keep our chin high and keep on fighting on that note I'll see you all in the next one bye Vikings
Channel: Petaaz
Views: 3,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord playthrough, mount and blade 2 bannerlord 2022, gameplay, reaction, react, reacting, first playthrough, playthrough, epic, battle, huge, viking, vikings, norwegian, norway, bannerlord, mount and balde, firsttime, 2023
Id: OUoIim9HDs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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