Welcome to The Rollin 40's Neighborhood Crip Hood in LA

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stand right here for a few minutes somebody else gonna pull up that's kind of where the older homies hang out with everybody chill be peaceful if you from L.A you know about this Coliseum swimming pool better not wear your fresh shoes up in there gonna come up missing that's what the street feelings really started that man right here in this alley every gang in the city will be on this corner crazy [Music] hey what's going on guys it's a beautiful day out here in South Central Los Angeles we're on the west side of South Central you know what it is man super low okay Dark Side super up in this thing we on the dark side we're gonna take it to the light end this on Crenshaw Crenshaw you know what's up we on 43rd between Menlo and Uber Street and um it's the house I was born in right here man I came from sitting at the hospital to right here you know what I mean and then I didn't leave until 18 17 really you know I'm saying I went to I went to Camp when I was like 17 I turned 18 in there and while I was in there and I was saying my grandma's my family and all that moved up to the Antelope Valley and I said my moms were still in the city but my grandma moved but this was home this was the headquarters you know I'm saying this was great grandma house so when they when they moved from right here it was like the whole family move our apartment was the only one that was upstairs and downstairs supposedly the big one you know I'm saying I didn't realize it wasn't big until I started Living in actual big [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but I mean to us in the hood it was the nice big space to live there wasn't no bar gate on that yard it was no no gate right here once crack came man if it wasn't bolted down it was getting stolen you better believe it I mean so that [ __ ] just drove the whole neighborhood the whole city the whole culture crazy like after that [ __ ] it wasn't even no culture left like it was just zombies out here and the kids was Little Pirates you know what I'm saying but yeah man 43rd man that's where it all started I used to be out here like as a young like popping Willies on this curb right here that's where I learned to pop Willies at you know what I'm saying I would ride all I ever want to do is get to this corner so I would ride to the corner say what's up to whatever older cats was down there AAA and then ride back fast as I can and try to do the highest Bunny Hop I could right here on this damn curve bust my head a million times you got going man documenting this [ __ ] you know since my young [ __ ] DC you know what I'm saying real young active out here yeah you know the truth stand right here for a few minutes somebody else gonna pull up you know what I'm saying it's like the highway yeah it'll take you all day to get down Vernon you know what I'm saying chances baby yeah you got it I mean I'm on the back blocks anyway man free all my Youngs man I grew up in this alley right here man this one this is where the street feelings it really started at 18 streets was everywhere else it used to really really go at it right behind my house right now we're on King Boulevard I was saying right here by the Coliseum we're on King of Vermont we call this the ark once you get you know between Normandy and Vermont because this is where the dark and the park come together you know I mean and um the homeless people out here doing their things you ain't watching now pow wowing you know what I'm saying like men do camaraderie you know the camaraderie is what keep us together so you feel me [Applause] one little spot where we be at you know I'm saying we can spread all around we got a big Hood you know oh yeah nice games and all that crack right here just the doc lot we call this the doc lot really you know what I'm saying my boy doc like really the one that solidified this as a safe haven for the homies you know what I mean so hey that's why we call this the doc lot you feel me so other than that you know what I'm saying we just be chilling man we're gonna be out here tripping you know I'm saying we know all the people all the old ladies no matter what race it is you know what I mean make sure everybody's straight right here make sure little homies ain't driving nobody or snatching purses and no [ __ ] like that over here you know what I'm saying keep them focused on Big Money legal [ __ ] though you know I'm saying that's the focus man we're trying to get legal money if we get legal money then how it's going to be illegal to be the Crips can't be illegal to be the Crips if we doing illegal [ __ ] you know I mean so that's what we on they gonna be aiding watch they're gonna be hating they be hating on my boy Hood Vlogs man y'all better know that yeah we were documenting you know I'm saying real life they don't like that man they want everybody to believe that that illusion that they got out there this real life out here man you know I'm saying dirty concrete and all that you feel me designer shoes on dirty concrete on top of that you know what I mean they mad they can't stop us from living they can't stop him from showing us living and predators over here we chilling we always been chilling it's family oriented over here I mean we got to go to USC too you know what I'm saying we're messing with them we're gonna get banned from whatever's up here you know what I mean like nah that's a part of the hood you know I mean so yeah they good they come through you know we got tourists that come through and people that come to Rams games and even though they're not there no more but USC games and all that like you know it's a different generation you know I mean like that's why the Raiders left because people used to get robbed it ain't like that over here no more I mean like robbery is the last thing we're thinking about my baby party is on Saturday bring your kids you from the glove and you don't come I'm socking when your eyes all right I'm sucking dick both of them close [ __ ] and I'm gonna wire you so you can't eat no cake you can't have no gummy bear you can't eat no now later cause I'm gonna have your [ __ ] wire tired because it's a stupid [ __ ] okay but you better breed both of them late 80s early 90s like it was a lot of it was a lot of [ __ ] going on around here man a lot of [ __ ] going on like uh you know when I was young I'm saying you walking down Vermont I'm saying movies come through here you better be ready boy whether you gang bang or not you know what I'm saying are you from the hood or not well you better be ready now it's a little different you know what I'm saying because you know it ain't that much [Applause] I'm gonna say it ain't that that many of us out here that much demographics and changed a lot over the years so I've been around here for a minute this right here this little scissors this used to be Goldenberg if you've been around here you remember that Golden Bird I mean you remember Golden Bird period man I don't even think it's I don't even think it's a franchise no more the last one I remember was over on slaw City and west or something like that but I only see Golden Bird no more man with that that Golden Bird used to have this corner popping I used to hang at this Carl's Jr when I was a teenager I'm talking about junior high on through high school we used to hang at this bus stop there were many fighting doing teenage stuff you know what I mean and then even before that we used to be everybody like if you from L.A you know about this Coliseum swimming pool you know I mean this is the old Olympic swimming pool they built this in like for like the 32 Olympics when the Olympics first came to L.A used to go in there swimming but not wear your fresh shoes up in there you see gonna come up missing better not take your chain off put your chain in the little laundry bag no they're gonna take that [ __ ] Hood vlogs yeah you know what's up they know what's up my boy man in front of the right camera you feel me well yeah I mean Coliseum swimming pool Olympics and 84 was up there and all that they kind of rebuilt it and updated it and then now they updated it more because you know they was trying to get the NFL team Rams leaving whatever you know saying we still historical you feel me and um yeah Coliseum right there where the Raiders used to play they building this George Lucas Museum right here this is about to be major you know what I'm saying you know they're not gonna be able to build that right here in the hood without making some science program or stem program for the kids that got to that's gonna be dope right there USC right down here after that I mean they got like entry programs it's little programs if you know but remember that's what they do they hide the information from them we got to go get the information itself Martin Luther King this used to be Santa Barbara Avenue I don't know look it up for me I don't know I I don't know if it was Avenue or not I think it was Avenue I don't remember that much I was a kid but it was Santa Barbara when the King Parade used to come down here like man every gang in the city would be on this corner like it was the craziest like the craziest and then you would see like Godfathers the Harlem Godfathers they'll be in the parade you know with their low riders and everything and it was weird you know what I'm saying because it's Martin Luther King day but it's like gang bang day you know it was it was crazy but that's Los Angeles man you can't have an angel without the devil come on baby so you could tell Grandma raise you you know what I'm saying well you gotta respect your elders out here man I'm real big about my elders man on the real I grew up in the house with a whole bunch of old ladies man and they all died and I'm I'm sad you're sad like I need them right now no bull man I need them bro like I got a whole lot of dead homies and I love and miss my dead homies but I don't miss nobody like I miss my elders bro so you know so you need to better stop disrespecting your elders out there man you see these old ladies man y'all better hold them down for real especially them old ladies man if you know that you know Manual Arts you know what I'm saying the great toilets you feel me like they always instill the the spirit of work you know what I'm saying the mascot for this school is like a buff dude look like you're standing on the prison yard a toiler with a sledgehammer toil means work if you know your definitions women and uh yeah man a lot of [ __ ] went on with this school man I mean this school is the original REM school this is where the brim started at at this school right here you know what I mean but you know Evolution I mean this whole area involved into the scripture so you know my moms went here my pops went here you know I mean cousins you know I mean all the all the G's that I looked up to they all went here you know I mean like and then back in the day like this is a big big like gang rivalry school because you know saying this was home school from everything from the 20s all the way up to Manchester you know what I mean so a lot of different gangs at this school man it should be some Rowdy [ __ ] right here on this corner right here with this apartment build this used to be the king swap meet before the Rises burned down in the rise this should be king swap me that was the center of all the [ __ ] right there like that's that [ __ ] was Major like you know but it was cracking though I used to love the king swap meet man I was there every day I used to go to the gym everybody used to hang at this school it was in Turkey Grandma used to live right here on the next block in back of this in the back of the school you know what I'm saying you could read this autobiography and see that you know what I'm saying so like everybody who was anybody that came through this Hood man you can't come through the west side of L.A without coming through here when this was predominantly a black neighborhood because right now it's probably like 80 Hispanic you know what I'm saying but when it was like 90 black certain people hung on certain Corners there were certain spots that you did certain [ __ ] like over here where I'm gonna take y'all later you know what I'm saying right here by the Wine Barrel right on that corner when I was little all the all the Winos and all the drinkers used to hang on that corner you know I'm saying a bunch of black dudes hanging right there drinking all day right now it's a bunch of Mexican dudes hanging on that same exact Corner doing the same exact thing like you know what I'm saying like it's like traditions over here that [ __ ] crazy like that [ __ ] tripped me out I see Mexicans you know I'm saying that hang in the same buildings on the same Corners that we used to hang on and they doing the same thing you know what I'm saying they carrying on the dishes we say you can't be mad at that baby you know what I'm saying and they [ __ ] with us tough you know I'm saying we ain't got no black brown beef over here we never had no black and brown beef on the dark never you know I mean if it's ever been an issue with any Mexican gang that was over here just like anything else line it up squabble it out and then that [ __ ] is over but over here like over here with us we got Street Villas over here they [ __ ] with us we [ __ ] with them everything all good and then you know they they enemies is you know saying that they got around here atcs or whatever and all that like hey that's that's you know we stay out of that man right now we on 42nd Place between 42nd and 43rd or Hoover Street and uh it's the wine barrel you know what I'm saying like this hey that's Jody that's Jody hey Jody but uh so you can't tell who you talking to man with these masks on man anything can happen but um yeah why bro man this [ __ ] been here since since forever you know I mean like I used to come here and get my [ __ ] snow cones and [ __ ] when I was a kid man you know what I mean I mean like see look this is what I'm talking about when I was talking about earlier when I say the Winos used to hang right there all the well it was all black people over here look same Traditions man they chilling drinking in the same spot bro and this is probably I don't know how many years apart 40 years apart you know like for real I'm saying now this block this this is my pots my pots came off of this block my grandmother lived on this block this block over here where we was just sat with the other little market out 40s power that's the block my mama came off of you know I mean like [ __ ] man I'm like I'm Generations around here right here on the ancient on 42nd Place between Menlo between Hoover and Menlo I said my great grandma used to live down there man like you know what I mean like this is it right here like just a blueprint right here this is the this we call this the deep dark life started at on this corner right here you know what I'm saying like literally like look over here see where this green [ __ ] at that used to be called uh the Chicken Box you filming usually a little chicken spot and then right there next to it was a pool hall like I used to be in that pool or like three four years old or like a baby you know what I mean I used to be bookie joints up there when I was young this store right here used to be a Korean lady in here named Emma I mean Emma was like she wasn't no different from any black lady over here man like she was from right here you know seeing my grandma my great-grandmother used to send me down here like [ __ ] notes to get her cigarettes you know what I mean and all that sent me down here with uh with three dollars and give me a dollar worth of baloney and a dollar worth of cheese and a dollar worth of ham and you know what I mean and it'll be like that much of each like you know she used to be cheap back then for me and I gave my little my little chips or whatever you know what I mean my little Cracker Jacks or some [ __ ] I remember one time I'm coming from school right I was going to school at Raymond Avenue on 76th and Normandy and I used to walk all the way here straight down Vermont through all of them tons to take me forever because I know everybody and then I get right here my friends is out here playing kicking around a soccer ball right so they kicked the soccer ball to me I'll kick the soccer ball the soccer ball goes to the right go right through these people window right here boy listen I was so I was I just got like off of suspension and [ __ ] you know he was just in trouble didn't I did some more dumb [ __ ] yeah I just was like oh my God I started walking home the man following me home my mama had to take me down here True Value get the man a new window and [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying like all type of shoes to go on I mean this block right here it looked different now because right here it used to be a bunch of trees like you couldn't see [ __ ] on this block hide them trees down there that's how the whole block used to look you know what I mean and uh I used to sit right here and smoke when we was like 16 17s to sit right here and smoke one time I'm sitting right there and you know the enemy's pulled up man little enemy he dipping with a female you know saying he don't even see us I bounce up I see him bang on them and then he like he older than me so he like little [ __ ] like you know what I mean so I bang on him and all that and um he busted you no no no no no when I bang on him I'm walking up to the car a female jumped out the passenger seat she was leaning back like a dude she jump up she started banging scared the [ __ ] out of me sucked the [ __ ] out of her stupid ass wow I'm sad and he's pulled off and he busted you he came back he's like where you from again little homie I'm like where you at like you know where you at like he's like all right I sit down on my tough [ __ ] you know what I'm saying finish rolling the weed now my big homie was smoking with me it was about it was me and like two other homies my age and then the Big Homie The Big Homie literally just told me around the corner like you ain't got to be so extrude out all the time we come around the corner I do this [ __ ] right so I sit back down when I sit down he like there you go with that [ __ ] again I'm like [ __ ] that girl right let's see I know I look up man they came out of the alley on football nine Deep Boy and what's happening I'm like oh we strike out I live right by the alley you know what I'm saying so when we start running I'm turning in the alley I turn around I see the Big Homie Ain't with us I'm like oh God damn it I didn't start it the whole [ __ ] the homie about to die now so I'm like 16. I stop I turn around I'm walking back hella slow I'm trying to find a rock or a [ __ ] a bottle or anything you know what I'm saying like all of a sudden in the ghetto it ain't nothing on the [ __ ] ground right so the dude like he like what's up [ __ ] why you running I'm like man ain't nobody running man like you can get the head up I'm like oh cause the whole time in my head when I'm walking back this is what I'm thinking this is about to be my first year starting on the [ __ ] football team and I'm about to die this is some [ __ ] I'm 16 like you know what I'm saying so when he said you can get the head up I'll lit the [ __ ] up what a head up oh let's do it baby bam get down there drop them he get back up dropped him you know what I'm saying he dropped the third time his homies was like oh no [ __ ] that you know I'm saying they trying to get me so I I'll make a maneuver and I get off onto the sidewalk and one of the dudes had came around the corner in the car tried to hit me I rolled over the car I'm on the sidewalk now so now they surrounded me coming from behind the car and on this right side it's like two of them but on the on the left side it's like five of them you know what I'm saying so and on his right side it's the dude that just jumped out the car knows three of them it's the dude that just jumped out the car another dude and the female again guess what I do sock their stupid ass again wow it ran right through the crowd like but they grabbed me and I'm fighting fighting and I'm feeling some punching in my back so I'm in my head I'm like all right I'm gonna punch these [ __ ] and I'm gonna spin around I'm gonna punch these [ __ ] but I forgot that when I first walked up I saw a couple of knives and screwdrivers and [ __ ] right so when I spent around the punch on the dudes that was punching me in the back see the knife and like an ice pick with like some with like some red on the edge I'm like oh they even stabbed me in the oh get the [ __ ] out of here I'm I'm about to die like you know what I'm saying bam so now I strike out and run down the alley the homies was over here squabbling with a couple of dudes but once I ran they cause they had ran down the alley and all this like it sounds like a lot but all this [ __ ] took place like within a couple of minutes you know what I'm saying so when they come back down the alley engage with a couple of cats I strike past them running they strike past behind me and I hit my gate like I didn't live there because I wanted to know that I lived there so I climbed my own [ __ ] gate like I didn't live there my great grandmother and my grandmother was in the house all right my great grandmother had just got out the hospital from like a like a aneurysm like a brain type procedure right so when I get to the door I'm like oh [ __ ] like with it I can't maybe I can't scare him a deal right so I'm knock on the door and I try to calm down my great grandmother come to the door she you know old ladies man they know you know what I'm saying so she like what's the matter I'm like nothing Grandma nothing I try to walk faster the homies come to the door they stabbed the grandma ain't about to die see like what the hell like I go in there I go to the you know if you if you if you black and you grew up in the house with them old black ladies you know about that yellow phone on the wall in the kitchen you know what I'm saying so I go to the [ __ ] yellow phone dial 9-1-1 as soon as the lady said oh 9-1-1 emergency I might help you my lung just couldn't talk my lung collapsed like it felt like the best way to describe it is it feel like you got a built-in bong in your chest you know say you know when you hit the bong and then bubbles like that's what it felt like I just dropped the phone like oh yeah this is it I'm about to die I'm out of here like you know what I'm saying so then um so then the ambulance is coming because the ambulance is only two blocks away on Vernon so my grandmother come down the stairs now you know I'm saying she take me outside and see like they taking too long we're about to drive you but when we get outside we can hear the sirens coming so everybody's looking in all directions for the sirens for the ambulance and all that and I just laid down on the [ __ ] sidewalk like I told the homie like I'm I'm sleepy bro and I just lay down because mind you I've been drinking Boonies in Gin all day and when smoking Dodie all day I hit a lovely earlier that day that's a little weed and PCP if y'all don't know hope they don't bloke that YouTube but you know what I'm saying so I'm like extremely tired right now of all this activity you know what I'm saying this is the park right here you might want to get a shot at a park that's kind of where the older homies hang out you know I mean where everybody chill be peaceful they got a lot of community [ __ ] going on up there because in the city do a lot of things up there but yeah like I was saying man you stabbed me and all that and and the ambulance came and and and [ __ ] you know and before I left the block the homies was over there you know what I'm saying you can hear it in the ambulance before I even left the block to hear the activities in the background a couple blocks away because that's how close we used to be to the enemies but because that's just a story of you know I mean the type of [ __ ] we went through growing up over here man trying to sit down smoke some weed and got my dumb ass in a situation you know what I'm saying gang banging man so good is gangbang different nowadays man gang bang on the stock market you know what I'm saying gangbang or somebody's of that somebody's Board Room you feel me go bang on the ballots you know what I'm saying get political with it they go bang on the balance baby you know I'm saying he came bang on the Block you're just gonna get pop I believe when you believe that man I promise you that I just seen it I didn't lived it you feel me yeah so right now we on 48th and Normandy you know I'm saying like I said the hood is huge man the hood is too big for us to walk that's why we're driving around but say I know most Hood Vlog episodes you know saying they gonna walk you through the hood and walk this block and you know all who are too big for that we can't be walking nowhere and you're gonna get your [ __ ] you gonna get something something gonna happen you try to walk too many blocks it is La you know I'm saying it's the capital of random random murders you know saying you will somebody will just pull up and not say nothing but it's mostly gang members man gang members no gang members when they see them man you can see why how [ __ ] walk you know I mean so don't think like you know if you just a regular person that it's just it's not like that you know I'm saying La is way way more peaceful than it used to be in the 80s and 90s right now you know you could tell it's chill but for the people that still living the life like it's active every day you know what I mean civilians you pretty you pretty much good you know say his white people live over here and everything now man you know what I mean I watch that whole transition because you know when I was little you know I'm saying I saw the last few white people that lived in the Hood the last remnants of white flight what they call white flight I mean but now we got gentrification going on and they back you know what I'm saying but I told the homies in the 90s that that was going to happen you know what I mean I saw it I'm saying but over there on my side where we just came from on the dark side because of the Coliseum and all of that because them trying to get a pro team in La like the gentrification been going on over there since since the late 90s you know what I mean they've been trying to get us up out of there because they want that they want that protein money you know what I mean so but yeah it's a lot of peaceful a lot more peaceful than it used to be I mean so like we finna head down here to Lamarck you know I'm saying to the other side of the hood I mean it's a lot of peaceful black [ __ ] that be going on down there you know what I'm saying it's Africa town baby we buying what we can you know saying black people that is I mean they just lost the bid they didn't even lose the bid bro but I don't know if y'all know but this is the Crenshaw Mall up here and it was it was it's a black organization that pulled together the money to try to buy it so it could be black owned and stay a part of the community because you know that [ __ ] around and turn it into like a Target or some [ __ ] you know so they already turned it into a a [ __ ] Walmart not too long ago or people had got the money together man to to buy it they even bid it as I heard a few million more than the asking price and they just flat out refused them bro like you feel me just flat out refute that's just flat I refused in the community the community was trying to buy a Historic Landmark in their community that they frequent and that we got sentimental you know value for and they was just like no we don't want to sell it to y'all type of [ __ ] see that's what I'm saying they tell you that everything is free in America everything ain't free and everything ain't fair you know what I'm saying it's all about you know who you know and and who you are and where you're from I'm saying we're gonna stalker in Crenshaw right now this is the infamous Liquor Bank you know what I mean I know y'all seen it in numerous movies like baby boy and all that I mean this is this is this is that corner yes I grew up on this side too I went to Audubon I had a big fights and rumbles right here in the middle of the street you know I'm saying as a and and also you know I'm saying I've been down here you know saying working and doing positive [ __ ] like this you know they say community man you did everything if you from over here if you've ever been in the Crenshaw Mall you know that it might have been the only mall or the first at least with a substation the LAPD substation in it man they first put it in there I probably was in like eighth grade or something like that maybe seventh grade but yeah you know what I'm saying as soon as you get into it anytime any type of altercation in the mall they was out there on your ass boy real LAPD ain't no security you know what I'm saying but that's because you know it's king and Prince oh man you got the 40s right here you got the 30s right here you got the bps's right there you know I mean and then it's world famous Crenshaw you got the whole rest of the world coming through here including the city you know what I mean so yeah man it used to be a lot of hectic [ __ ] going on right here but it'd still be cracking but this is where you're gonna get this is the Hub of black culture and black owned business in 1921 it was on the other side of the city on Central you know I mean we didn't take it from Central to Crenshaw you know I mean we didn't let far our black footprint footprint all over the city I mean so even though they're trying to push us out the city they can't because the culture of the city is the culture we created I said along with you know my Brown Brothers out there man you can't can't you can't bla without Mexicans you feel what I'm saying and ain't no L.A without the Mexicans though don't get it twisted got the good jerk chicken cooking over there you know what I'm saying black folks I don't get me money and I said my boy right here you've been having all the classic cars and I've seen the classic foreigns too let's see you know do Chevys you'd be having old sobs and [ __ ] up in there we started off on fig you know what I mean and we ended up on Crenshaw cause it's big show Gang you know what I mean so right now we're in the lot man we're in the Avenues man you know what I mean this is this is where where the homies that that that that really hustle be at you know what I'm saying like you don't mean nothing well the whole hood is like that let me take that back but you know the homies over here you know what I'm saying really be getting to the money man you know what I'm saying that's that's what we all try to be about man getting this legal money man so it's a lot of talent in the Crenshaw district and that's the side we own right now you know what I mean so like I said you see homies up here hanging peacefully little girl got a truck out here she ain't the only one with the truck she ain't the only one that pull up and yeah that's where we at baby 43rd Lambert I mean historical [ __ ] it's the homegirl Joy I say it's my boy tiny Rick girl f5p tiny Rick man all day you feel me but um yeah man she out here doing her [ __ ] you know we always got a support man I don't care what to say you gotta support your folks man don't think he ain't gonna be able to come to the hood that's always a goal no matter what I don't care if I become 100 millionaire if I can't come back here it ain't worth it it's not a real La ice cream truck if you ain't got this you ain't got chili cheese nachos and all that it's not a real La ice cream truck if you ain't got this though really right here chili Fritos you gotta have at least have the chili Fritos to even get any type of stamp of proof you gotta have your locals and your tacos Locos you feel me with all the hot mess they [ __ ] in there it don't matter you know what I'm saying we you know I'm saying we had Levert this is after town it's blackity black over here but like I said can't be La without messes you feel me it's got everything on this [ __ ] real La Ghetto nachos you know what I'm saying I just got the plain joints you know I mean I ain't gonna go too big right now off we just chilling man we ain't looking for no [ __ ] man we're just waiting on that legal paper man where's them checks out you know what I mean let's walk around here man see what's going on in Africa town man we African you feel me see my sister out here getting their legal money I'm trying to tell them how much legal money we be getting out here [ __ ] rocks okay you see we all the way on the other side of the hood but we still on 43rd man remember what I told you you know what I'm saying now we're on 43rd dagner you might recognize this spot blue truck pull up right here a lot of times you know I'm saying shout out my boy blue I mean and yeah see my sister out here what you gotta see she got the protection down there got the killer dog protection she got the sage going on you know what I mean peace get to get the cooties up out of here we'll be back all right you know what I'm saying that's that black Excellence right there you feel me man that's what we do right here is the district hello man how you doing assistant hey what you got going over there Chris hibo fish sandwich fish shrimp tacos building right here 43rd dagner no man yeah got the food trucks out what you filming today that's a bet call you the 40s all right it's all love man I'm from New York so so you need to go to New York sometimes [ __ ] Brooklyn we from Brownsville it was about the Cyprus yeah me and my homie you're from Brownsville bro and it's been like this for a long time it's always been like a cultural hub for black people on the West Side the whole city really but especially on the west side you know what I'm saying so you know world famous Crenshaw district and all that and uh these businesses been around here fighting to survive man you know they building a train right here they're trying to push us all out man justification is really real right here like they raising the rent like I said they just refuse our people buying them all you know I mean yeah the police came through here the other day trying to say that they saw somebody running through here when nobody ran through here just to try to shut stuff down they complaining about the barriers like this is a village right here is you know I'm saying Africa Town AKA lemur Park Village you feel me so ain't nothing gonna happen over here that we can't handle you know I'm saying all the [ __ ] happened on the outskirts of this area right here you know what I'm saying nothing happens right here man and every Hood around here respect that you know what I mean so yeah man this is a real central part of the hood right here you know Taco Mayo is right there on the other side of this parking lot they're rebuilding the Maverick Flats over there I'm saying we got the home girl right here with Fat Daddy's right here on second half we got uh who else uh what's my girl name down there uh uh five star we got the home girl that five star down there I mean it's a lot of black owned businesses around here bubbling doing their thing if we walk to the corner this is where they shot Martin Lawrence movie Thin Line Between Love and Hate man that's probably one of the most significant things that people recognize this little corner front it's probably been here since this was an all-white neighborhood you know man a lot of this [ __ ] been over here since the 20s 30s as we moved in in the in the late 50s and 60s and all that you know we utilize this area for culture on creating cultural [ __ ] to people dying you know so I got homies that died right here in this park you know I'm saying FIP a little Spades a little Spade died right over there man like you know but at the same time it's been a lot of Life created right here too you know what I'm saying like that's the circle of life yeah this is it man this is where we from man you know what I'm saying that's why I gotta this ain't one of them hoods where I could just show you one block and you can understand the hood you know what I mean like you got to see this whole Hood pick the Crenshaw they even know you know the history that's over here man like I said [ __ ] anybody in the comments could you baby you ain't from the west side of L.A and not come through here you came through these photos [Music] been on Vernon Avenue reviews on the west [Music] uh they'll be having the uh the yoga the Lemur part yoga let's see if they're having the poetry and I'm saying maybe having all type of spoken words [ __ ] they got the food truck Fridays you know what I'm saying like that not me and they still trying to push us out but and we ain't going nowhere even when all the people don't if it ain't no more black people over here we'll be coming back to this park living somewhere else and take it over the park every day and push us out the hood be crazy we got a few shops in the hood and Alton you know I'm saying the oh my God a couple shots downtown we got home with shops on Melrose you know I mean and we got home girls with Burger stands and restaurants and [ __ ] in the hood man like you know we trying to build man we trying to do you know what they cheated and send our parents out of I mean I don't know if y'all know but crack was on purpose that was that was chemical warfare I mean they cheated our our parents out of their inheritance with that [ __ ] so we gotta take it back I mean well Rick Ross say build the block or buy back the black guy buy back the block hell if we're on King and Vermont right back where we started it's my boy her mom's truck right here man you want tacos burritos Mariscos you know what I'm saying you want fish you want Ceviche you know what I'm saying cocktails he got all that man I'm telling you won't whatever he got he got it you got it he got it you know what I'm saying but yeah you know what I'm saying like the hood don't stop right here though the hood stop at the freeway you know what I'm saying like I said we across the whole west side back in the day you know I mean when they first started having taco trucks on the street you know saying early 90s or something late 80s something like that you know what I mean my boy her mom used to be over here by Bell sales you from South Central you know what's up with bell sales you know I'm saying West Side connection used to rap about Bell sales all the time you understand but he used to be over here but then they put a bus stop over there so he had to move over here you know in the gas station but you know the gas station show them love you see he got a whole structure built over here and all that but I mean it's the everyday thing he's probably gonna be here for another 30 years you know what I'm saying that's what it is when you're a staple in the hood though when you're stable in the hood and you doing good in the hood gonna show you that love you know what I mean it's anybody you feel me so yeah yeah I love the hood the hood love me back we here with hood Vlogs you know what I'm saying like I said in the beginning it's your boy super low AKA Dark Side super well guys that's ended the video big shout out to Super look for showing us his hood it goes all the way to Fig and little Pacific but we start right here in Vermont went all the way to Crenshaw I hope you guys enjoyed this video I used to break my Zips down and all downs we used to take turns on the ground that was then you couldn't see my vision couldn't comprehend what I was contemplating major Money Motivated so of course I elevated to manage me ripping the dark side like that again gotta keep a steady hand no panicking said we was flipping cookies out the door like flipping the floor out of a Ramen kit and I ain't like the spot we were standing in so a [ __ ] had to Pivot and certain [ __ ] was with it but certain [ __ ] was living I told you imma do it [ __ ]
Channel: HoodVlogs
Views: 442,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hood, HoodVlogs, HoodVlog, hood vlog, hood vlogs, vlog, worst hoods, is la safe, most dangerous hoods, dangerous hood, hood documentary, hood movie, Crip, Crips, LA Crips, LA Crip, gangs, Crips gang, crip hoods, la hoods, Los Angeles, Rollin 40's Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 40’s, Rollin 40s, Rollin Crips, Neighborhood Crips, Neighborhood Crip, Brims, Brim, Crenshaw, Crenshaw District, Leimert Park, South LA, South Central LA, USC, Los Angeles hoods, Los Angeles gangs, LA, history
Id: k9KFU-jo5fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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