The Rise Of Skywalker BUT It's Just Lazy Writing

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and it confirms the worst somehow Palpatine returned [Music] yo yo shitty day oh he done for sure do seconds later Chewie what about him what how he's alive he must have been a they've given up no I don't believe you believe that we sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crate nobody came a few moments later [Music] right you have his power no his granddaughter you r'ragh Palpatine like right now they're fine I had a vision of the throne of the Sith and who was on it Rena and me [Music] which told you to protect you your recife I promise I'm the spy once you the darkside is in our nature [Music] surrender to it what are you most afraid of myself because you're a property where you would too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I died
Channel: Nutsa
Views: 3,324,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, the rise of skywalker, crack, tros, edit, star wars crack, the rise of skywalker crack, rey, ben solo, kylo ren, jj abrams, sequel trilogy, reylo, the force awakens, the last jedi, palpatine, mandalorian, crack edit, sw crack, star wars edit, reylo crack, rise of skywalker crack, ros crack, tros crack, the last jedi crack, the force awakens crack, SW crack, tlj crack, tfa crack
Id: 9ZU62zmJwDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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