The Rise and Fall of Fish Hooks: What Happened?

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this was funded by the good people on slash alpha J show [Music] [Music] quite possibly one of the biggest shows of the early 2010's fishhooks is an interesting show it's generally considered a mediocre show the ratings on many users sites seems to be pretty low and I don't seem to find many of its fans anywhere despite this it went on to have a hundred and ten episodes within a little under four years on the network clearly there was something that this show did that many of us either don't see or don't talk about but we're not there yet so for those of you who don't know and wish to know more about the show fishhooks is a Disney animated series surrounding the trio of Milo Oscar and B having an in typical high school life it's filled with adventure drama and romance all within the environment of a group of connected fishtanks now this is the part why dive into the creator like what I did with the other rise and fall videos ch3 what well respected well talked about Jonah and Vasquez well respected well talked about craig mccracken well respected well talked about noah z jones i'm sure he's well respected but i couldn't find that much information about him so the question generally goes how did he get a show fish tails was an early concept of five different concepts sent to disney at the disney contacted him through his illustrations this short however never fully aired anywhere and can only be seen through a select screenshots that and passed around on the internet because of the success of his illustration career he was able to form the beginnings of fish hooks and in hindsight the talent on this show was huge with this level of talent there can't be that much terrible with the show can there another notable thing about fish hooks is the art style despite not picking up on it when I initially saw it here I noted that it uses a stylized 2d and photo collage style of animation we'd see this more aggressively in shows like pickle and peanut but I don't have too much issue with the art style here granted it's much better looking underwater than well above water I guess now fish hooks was going up against well only one show from what it seems like wander over yonder and gravity falls wouldn't have started yet and the replacements have ended earlier the only other Disney animated show from what it seems like that Fish Hooks was going up against is the juggernaut Phineas and Ferb so Ferb what do you want to do today so it would premiere September 3rd 2010 with its first episode he stays in the picture [Music] as I said fishhook spins the tail of a lot of high school like events like pitcher de Milo and Oscar don't really mind it that much but V is freaking out because of her future projections of how this photo will affect her promising acting career I also think it was pretty clever to have photos sort of represent their characters octopus is hurting people albert is known for being very clear koi is known for just being big and clementa well is voiced by Alex Hirsch which I must see in Villisca Mantha in person I cannot believe this is the voice actor for clementa but speaking of her she's always in the middle of situation she has no real stakin they also plant the seeds for a lot of tiny things that will be expanded on within the series like a good first episode should like these compulsive needs a controller public image in Clementis infatuation with Oscar be ends up sneezing within her photo and while not showing the photo to the audience it's heavily implied that that photo is a photo of B sneezing and she cannot retake it I love the clever shots of the photographer wincing and be freaking out to the point where she needs to be held back by Oscar and Milo so while having a pretty standard setup to the story it has some pretty good attempts at comedy doing out here after the last bill works for me I know the main joke here is the nonchalant reaction of the teacher mr. Baldwin who yes is a male seahorse and yes is pregnant the true comedy here comes from protagonist Milo who subtly sneaks in trash cans don't talk before the giant explosion you just saw because the yearbook photos yes the ones that look like giant slices of cheese that logically couldn't fit within a locker are not in the locker they come up with another plan distract comb antha and steal them from the yearbook office another thing I should probably bring up I should probably do it now before I get it all over the comments section because of the success of Rick and Morty a show that came out after people associate Oscars voice with Morty however he originally use that cadence here and honestly you can go either way with how it fits either character I bring that up because Merlin's performance of Oscar in this episode is marvelous the way he cries when he realizes that his name is the pass code which two questions one the phone clearly shows numbers not the standard letters on the numbers that many flip phones had and also did he move away from clementa before saying this because it's implied that he's still crying at the table anyway I love that scene and they go through this amazingly over exaggerated sequence of avoiding clematis traps at least for the most part and we get to this scene here just don't scream [Music] be you're beautiful be beautiful it's part of your name but I don't look like a movie star beep you just snuck into a yearbook office save me from pearls and lasers flying all over the place all just to get that picture which is PS totally shut up Milo this is a really good first episode it had a lot of comedy the high school element fit in naturally and prominently each of the trio had their time to shine there was some action a few tiny Inklings of romance and we even got a wholesome / heartwarming moment this honestly couldn't have been a better first impression you're probably thinking to yourself man I'd love a hoodie like alpha J's the focus here you probably should be asking how could be take that photo if she was already game prepared to sneeze into that I answer with it's a cartoon so they decide to keep the photo as it was perfectly fine but they nearly forget about Oscar Oscar you tell me B was your girlfriend as you see here they inject a lot of tiny romantic or pseudo romantic moments when it comes to B and Oscar this will come into play later unfortunately for clementa she's out of a man and drives away with be saving Oscar but only acting as if she's romantically involved which Oscar wants to forget overall it's a very fun episode that shows you some of the crazy adventures the main characters are going to tackle so now that you have a feel for the show let's get into the rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you've noticed I take on a different way of tackling each rise for each series that I've talked about so far for Harvey beaks I send it in on the episodes many of us missed for invader zim I focus on the many facets of the show that made it gained a cult following for wander I focus on the first episodes before it hit Disney XD this one is pretty clear and simple if you want to understand why fishhooks became so popular you must understand the three main characters so part one of three Milo so let's do a deep underwater dive of one of the main protagonists what you're doing and look at me a self-described party guy Siamese fighting fish he's a very fun loving loyal impulsive and reactionary sort of character he serves as a comic relief in many episodes his bombastic and aloof behavior serves as sort of a contrast between Oscar and B in the second episode ever fish-out-of-water we get a lot of Milo's treats a lot better than in the pilot war first episode in classic high school series fashion we have an introduction into the story using roll call to introduce the characters of course the one character that's needed is not there as he'll join a story in an over-the-top fashion his lack of self-awareness while a flaw does not hurt his character in terms of enjoy ability for fishhooks to work they wouldn't need a high-energy person that isn't a school bully and he plays that role well being voiced by Kyle Massey we also learn at the teacher mr. Baldwin did not know he can get pregnant but did anyway yay you probably didn't know that male seahorses could get pregnant well neither did hi that's a very interesting thing to lead us into on the second episode however he does call out Milo for being selfish and making everything about himself which leads into a very revealing next scene selfish fish me [Music] selfish and subconscious he doesn't think long term which is typical for his character type you'd expect them to ask for forgiveness before permission and cry for help before thinking about if you would need help in sad situation one thing this episode brings up a little off topic tangent if you will is that you would think in a world full of fish tanks that going outside the tank would have been built up to at least be a bigger deal however the way to portray it here is that it's not a big deal even though they've never ventured that far in their life up to that point it just seems like an idea you would just have to do like what would happen if timmy revealed is very sort but what would happen if Squidward became spongebob and SpongeBob became Squidward but getting back to this specific episode Marlow jumps out the tank without waiting for water suits which is funny because after he does and it feels terribly the show shows us that it would have taken mere seconds or at least a short enough time for them to deliver Oscar and B to repair them and for them the shoot out of the water to rescue him now if you've seen any high school / school oriented show or just had a conversation in high school this is your typical character dishes school to go somewhere cooler and gets caught up in a dangerous ode except they don't appear to be ditching despite having to go back to school in the end so after scolding Milo for being selfish and thinking about himself and what he wants to do all the time they validate his selfish behavior and thinking about himself and what he wants to do all the time by going on the adventure that they initially declined with these water suits they explore around and this is where you see the art style and its fullest potential whether for better or for worse outside the tank ironically enough despite what I said before I think because the non bluish and more complex nature of outside the tank it looks more uncanny and while there always isn't a good thing it does have some great uses like the danger quote unquote within this episode so because of their joy walk be an Oscar are now caught in the danger of the cat Milo can save them but will he I'm a plumber excuse me and you're a princess it's like we're both in this giant video game more on that dynamic later but Milo also realizes that his selfishness is getting other people hurt and even goes as far as to sacrifice himself showing to the audience that he is willing to put himself in danger in order to save his friends if you ever want to know about Milo as a character this is the episode for you now well it's done here in a pretty good way you'll also have episodes like drop see where his selfish behavior can be seen as jerkish he manipulates both Oscar and the whole school into thinking that he's sick in order to get benefits and despite getting what he wanted at first he wants more which leads them into reaping what he sold by being treated like a serious medical case in that episode you can say he was really unlikable which is the point and it also shows that while Milo is fun-loving and optimistic it doesn't overshadow his need to getting things even if that means stepping over a few people in order to receive it in fact in happy birthday puss more on that episode later he completely sells out Oscar to a school bully shocktopus and is upset when he realizes that Oscar considers shocktopus a bigger friend to him than to Milo he doesn't even get his comeuppance within that episode as Oscar saves both his and B's but at the end but again more on that later overall Milo is a bombastic hyperactive fun-loving party animal whose selfishness and short-sighted behavior gets him into trouble especially with his best friend slash brother Oscar [Music] Oscar is a different beast altogether voiced by Justin roiland Oscar is a very nerdy anxious awkward catfish / Siamese fighting fish hybrid who alongside B and Milo is a protagonist of fish hooks Oscar is heavily known for the two things I said earlier and a third thing being very nerdy completely into video games to the point where it becomes an arc for his character and is casually mentioned in a lot of episodes very awkward and anxious mostly due to his worrying cautious voice of reason character type but also for his intense attraction to be third main character who we'll get to later which is referenced in many many episodes of fish hooks so the episode I want to highlight that highlights each of these behaviors is the tale of Oscar fish Oscar white so if you ever wanted to see undeniable proof of Oscars lack of confidence it is shown here in its clearest most concise form as this cautious anxious worrisome fish storms into his room he journals about his totally not self insert sir Oscar fish the brave in this journal dis fish crushed public-speaking took down monsters and was well comfortable talking to lady fish I do think this speaks well to his character as he isn't as social as B or Milo for example and expresses a lot of his emotions to himself I also enjoy how this episode gets straight to the point to give as much time as possible to the rest of the story through her series of mishaps he bangs his head very violently on a stop sign and gets magically teleported to this medieval area it looks very similar to his journal being a very cynical and skeptical person he decides to join in on the weird dream I do have to say I know this is the second time I've said it this area looks really well for the art style that the committed to so from now on you are my love the meek and you shall call me sir Oscar fish the brave man this is so cool while still retaining the fish tank aesthetic it does look like a completely different area which is a good thing the episode operatively tries to piece together B and Milo trying to find Oscar with Oscar doing brave things in a dreamlike confident state I didn't like how they kept switching it back and forth because unlike a musical montage they switch back and forth incredibly fast when you could have combined the links of both ideas into two segments and kept it more understandable for a show as straightforward as fishhooks less is truly more we also end up finding out that Oscar's design is quite common in the fishtank world on a more positive note I didn't enjoy how s Margo was Rapunzel because her character is highly known for slamming up the place as a sea slug and that is sort of implied with Rapunzel's long hair this episode comes to a height when we learned that Oscar is supposed to rescue the princess which funnily is clementa or an equivalent to a character that is when we learned that Oscar is not in a dream in fact did this giant scoop comes out of the sky but your friend started hmm and then he was brought back into some other tank with the castle in it and that sort of breaks Oscar out of his confidence state which makes a lot of sense he was confident before when he knew he wasn't gonna get hurt but he also had a lot of fun and was actually happy Franz that's weird right bro do you see dads racists so what the Oscar look-alikes now buy Oscars side gathered by B and Milo they charge at the dragon which actually moves a lot better than you would imagine for its design and the art style it's not a true battle but more of a comedic one that ends quite quickly and ironically with the stop sign gag once more we learn in this episode that Oscar while nerdy can be brave and does think about be a lot even if it was curved when comment that was revealed to be the princess his admiration for B does come up quite a bit like in episodes like doors floors gorgeous or even though he met the girl dreamed about he couldn't go through with it because despite her being exactly what he envisioned her to be his eyes are still on being we also learned that in assignment babies Oscar can be just as short-sighted as Milo as despite being a great parent he doesn't articulate the words well that he along with the other students are being scammed by a little fish pretending to be a baby it's like that Jimmy Neutron episode but I'm not sure which is worse but speaking of B B is a very outgoing charismatic confident overly dramatic goldfish who attends fish water high with her best friends Milo and Oscar voiced by Chelsea Kane her dream is to become a famous actor what she'll be able to tell within a few episodes as she sees everything through that perspective she acts out roles even if there isn't a play a movie or story going on she'll state lines and she'll reject doing things because they're not in her area of expertise on the whole she is the high school darling teenage girl she's not believed that much by anyone aside from maybe jock tupis sometimes she's very shy around her parents she's seen as very pretty to her male peers and I'm sure if female peers as well she's super popular and it's the co-leader of the girl group of fish within the school and quite frankly it's pretty clear that she's the top lady in the school however rather than showing you an episode revolving around that it's pretty clear that I should show you an episode revolving around the rejection of all of these things because that would show you her character a lot clearer luckily there is one fishing for compliments [Music] Wow B everyone at school seems to really like you they set up in a straightforward way what I just told you however this saving grace and not making this episode pretty dry and predictable is the other layer of what's going on the swirlies are in town and are selling tickets essentially the swirly's is a Phish style roller derby that is done in a swirling toilet bowl how the owner never found out about this is pretty unknown by the way you would think that this would make a lot of noise but you know I like you have a cupcake you didn't get one because I don't like you what way um I don't know so even though BC's popularity is easy and no big deal despite one person not liking her out of the entire school teachers and staff included that's one too many and that sends her into an overdramatic aggressive stance on trying to correct Albert that's really the only way I can put it because her life mission now is to get Albert to like her and if you've seen episodes like this the structure is pretty standard she tries it doesn't work she tries again it doesn't work rule of threes I don't wear pants but because she's driven which while it helps her promising acting career does make her look likely obsessive in non career situations like with Albert she even gets to the point where she's somewhat jealous of others having a friendship that she does not have the progression from a slight discomfort to total obsession ramped up quick but not in an unexpected way which I appreciate also this is one of the bearable she'll see episodes but more on that later that is a super plus well you may want to rethink that when you see that I brought you [Laughter] oh because one boy who she does not have a romantic attraction to does not like her the reason I'm showing such a contrasting episode to what I mentioned as her overall personality is because both sides make the B if B didn't have this side here the one Nets portrayed very prominently within this episode she dissent just be a more cheerful she'll see but if bein ever had that outgoing happy-go-lucky side she'd become anthem having both sides is what makes her both entertaining as a main character and a well-rounded person who doesn't always have APIs ODEs that show her in the best light it also gives her chances a change into a better character which the audience could appreciate so with Albert being freed against B's will he slips into the toilet and one of the most hilarious moments within the episode this scene here where they try to save him it's actually really cool-looking although B does most of the legwork every scene except this right here it looks really well done this scene here just looks a little lazy with how they're moving ruining the swirlies an event that only comes once a year at least they're part of the fishbowl made an entire audience not like thee you know what I like me I like you you've always been so desperate for everyone to like you and that's so obnoxious so beat would you be my friend this is the only part of the episode where you can raise an eyebrow and go like so - one time dee decides to accept someone not liking her is the time in which you reward her with the friendship that seems a little against the point of the episode but considering that Albert and Bea have friendly and casual moments later on in the series I guess it was just a way to bring it back to the status quo however I feel like that hurts the episodes intention quite a bit also - town is a jerk trope as they're completely okay with a fourteen-year-old fish getting flushed down the toilet for entertainment he would have moments like this with their family like in Queen Bee and also in a career like in hooray for hamster would she's a control freak in a tiny sense when it comes to her image and like in the first episode you see here that while she slowly learns to accept others criticisms and thoughts and not to let it affect her personally that is her inner arc at least throughout the series so with an optimistic cloud but a little selfish ball of blue bombastic energy an overly anxious neurotic nerdy mess and an overly dramatic confident and slightly aggressive promising fish actress there is bound to be many adventures that come along in this high school format however with every rise there is a fall and this show is no different so let's talk about the fall fishhooks went on for a long long time so it's fall is attributed to many many facets of the show and what's around it well I do like the main characters the art style in many episodes there is a reason the show gets a mixed reception so let's dissect these many aspects there isn't that much information on the starter fishhooks but one thing I kept seeing all over is this quote President of Entertainment Gary Marsh said of the show the fishhooks team has created one of the most original inventive animated series on television bringing an ingenious twist to the classic archetypes of high school life I think while that's PR ready and that looks like a nice segment of the show it's highly disingenuous and in some areas you're really stretching the adjectives here fishhooks is nowhere near the most original or inventive animated series even in the early 2010's let alone for television and I wouldn't call the twist ingenious but rather enough fishhooks is enough it's funny enough it looks good enough it's original enough to not be considered a terrible show it doesn't go above and beyond and show something that we haven't seen in animation as the coal here implies a great example of Shark Tale a lot of people see that movie as taking the height of another underwater movie and making one similar but with this gangster aspect people see it as not necessarily needing to take place under water is fishhooks the equivalent not really they do add in concepts that would only work if they were fish and if they were underwater but if you're even a decent fan of other shows that happen in school your twists aren't anything big assignment babies is your home at characters get a baby episode milo gets a ninja is your standard character gets a tough friend to be their muscle episode funny fish is your standard character gets in a big fight with a bully and has to somehow survive episode they're not new and their twists aren't anything big revealing or even enough to be considered ingenious the biggest identity while a great aspect of the show is not original now coming from a person who has just praised the show for a while yes I do enjoy the show but I'm not going to ignore the fact that I've seen a lot of what the show offers even back in 2010 I'm sure Nets a classified has done a good quarter of these and that's naive in high school that was junior high what's all this work oh um no thank you now a controversial point but one that needs to be said nonetheless fishhooks doesn't intend to stand on any grounds potentially offending someone with its writing standards or actions now before I go into why I must say this I am NOT saying it absolutely needs to in order to be a good show but what I've noticed about great shows is that they stand on a few rules even if they're heavily debated I consider a regular show to be a great show and that show had people angry about how it handled romance I'd consider adventure time to be a very influential show but that show clearly stood on a comic-book identity spongebob a great show people are angry in the way that some episodes portray spongebob phineas and ferb great show however some of these endings were really stretching the bounds of believability because of its religious sticking to status quo Fish Hooks rarely made me feel any emotion other than contentment slight annoyance on the other side of the spectrum maybe giving a few AHS here and there sure but we'll get into why later it didn't feel like it took any risk or chances the show was extremely safe and it was made to be extremely safe and that sort of tactic especially what the high school element really makes it look like you're setting up the show to reach the widest audience possible with the least amount of personalization to the show it also feels somewhat that it was trying to fill a quota of hashtag relatable Disney shows I've seen this move before from you're my knight knees to your Cleveland shows even if you make your audience sad angry or afraid that at least is some form of a major emotion but just making them happy enough or satisfied enough will wear off and with three seasons I can see why the show was going to go away sooner than later also I didn't want the script to be as long as it is even though it's still extremely long but take this part as a summary of three different sections but the characters also didn't help a lot of them didn't do anything or grow or just evolve and only a few minor characters change like jock to puss Albert and mr. Baldwin in episodes like freshwater five-o Last Man Standing and labor of love respectively not the best long her plan if you want to build a dedicated fan base at least we're the same age Noel fishhook started with no one other than Phineas and Ferb jumping in animation why's that wouldn't always be the case during its September 2010 to April 2014 period wander over yonder gravity falls the new Mickey Mouse show ultimate spider-man Avengers Earth mightiest heroes Hulk and the agents of smash Motor City Tron uprising Avengers Assemble and Kick Buttowski we're all premiering slash going strong and even if they were to go a year more star versus would have premiered when you see these shows it's clear that a few also became more memorable and better received next two fishhooks gravity falls to become a great hit with many of its staff members going on to make shows of their own take matowski would at least give us a fresh at least at the time daredevil cartoon that made it stand out incredibly wander while not on Disney Channel for long as I stated in that Rison fall through an intense cult following because of the quality of the show even for superhero fans despite the quality of some of these shows Marvel fans are being catered to more than ever it's clear that at some point fishhooks stick was going to get old and I like Phineas and Ferb it didn't have much to build on top of to create that foundation of becoming a smash hit maybe fishhooks was on the wrong channel I don't know maybe feels on Nickelodeon it could have become something more we don't know let's switch back to the tarantula for a while there's also the skit that goes at the end of all the episodes revolving around this snake and mouse duo it's a pretty creative idea but it stays as a seed there's no payoff to watching all of this the echos something that happened in one episode and it stands as an extra joke for your buck it's also strategic as if you were looking at this as a way to keep people watching towards the end even with credits this is a fantastic way to do so it's just a harmless joke skin at the end of every episode similar to the puppets in the credits of chowder and if you are looking at this as a way to keep people watching today n this is a fantastic way to do so I wouldn't say that these made the fall of fish hooks but they definitely didn't contribute to the rise and definitely didn't help rescue the fall they also weren't always good so imagine seeing a bad credit skit on top of a bad episode and you'll get a considerable chunk of my viewing experience beyond them being harmless I didn't understand a choice of including them in they cameo in a few episodes but for the most part they don't do much of anything in the grand scheme there's no episode in which they play a major role it's just something tacked on I'm sure there are fans of snake and mouse and I definitely have some of my favorite skits but it's very low on a reason to watch fishhooks and again definitely didn't help without trying to make this go on too long I at least want to point out a good part in the fall there was a small special towards the end of Fish Hooks where the characters went human in this dreamlike period Milo is self-aware that he always wasn't human and that remains a top concern of his as he goes through living life not in water his goal however is to return to that lifestyle underwater where he belongs it's a pretty creative pair of episodes as it's a two-part episode special they actually do an ingenious twist on the character must maintain party reputation aspect we also do get a breath of fresh air pun somewhat intended as fans of the show get to see characters they grew to love as they're officially in Canon human counterparts I like pool party panic but I feel like it was tragically too late for many people to enjoy I don't think many people even know that this exists because they hopped off the fish hooks hypetrain it's one of those episodes in a series that it feels earlier more fans would have definitely sucked to the show because of the lore Canon and world building aspect but at the same time we don't get many creative episodes like this as I said before it wasn't the goal the goal was to appeal to everyone using the high school format it's definitely unfortunate and I'd love to get to it in a dedicated video sometta you know some of the aspects of the fall I feel as though I've stalled long enough the rest of this video is dedicated to the sea elephant in the room Oscar and being is it so weird to have a shrine dedicated to somebody you like if it's like this one then yes oh maybe we should hold the hands you know for safety reasons you make it sound so easy of course you make everything sound easy it's your gift even though you are the fish girl of my dreams I don't think we're right for each other what I'm trying to say is that I guess I'm still waiting for that certain fish that fits me just right good bye Doris Flores gorgeous Oscar oh my gosh she's so cute what dude I have friends that like me especially me yeah yeah I hope you like that montage because there's way more where that came from Oscar is hinted in nearly every episode that he has a big crush on be to the point where it's pretty much impossible for you to not know the series also late a romance arc dedicated to this idea and since your boy is known for talking about romance episodes for some reason let's dissect this arc so while oscar has never had the courage to tell me how he truly feels about him around season 2 we can introduce to another character from another school and she'll see maybe you're wondering how you can argue for video game well there's the fun factor and coordination [Music] what's your name me I'm Oscar my name is oh that sounded like a syntaxerror I'm captain of the saltwater high Debate team I came over to check out the competition but I didn't realize he was gonna be so you you couldn't say we're going to hang out together after school yes gamers I this is Angela and she'll play a major role in this arc Oscar perceives her as perfect both loving nerds and also having a great interest in video games all seen throughout this episode they spend the first of six episodes I'll be talking about establishing so and I'm sure you're wondering where does all of this leave I just don't want things to be weird between us you know this is a really interesting scene to me because she on one hand is taking this really well but there's a part of me that believes she understands the implications of this and he's taking this a little too well for that to be her true genuine reaction now since we're on the topic it could be because she's pushing those feelings really really far down and not acting upon them Oscar and Angela have a great time on their date they don't play video games because with in this episode it revolves around debate and also character dates other character who they're competing with episode I've seen this around football but also just another common highschool rivalry but surprisingly enough they do avoid the high school rivalry aspect at least for this episode however they introduce doubt in the episode by having oscar losses notes for the debate thinking that Angela took them as she is shown to be extremely competitive however like me so you could win the debate Oscar I don't care about winning or losing the debate anymore I just want to spend time with you and this is going to be super interesting in the love arc episode 4 because it is shown here that she does more than just video games even if video gaming is their primary passion she's the captain remember that of the debate team love scrapbooking and she's in the LARPing or live-action role-playing just remember that anyway the episode ends with them being together be approves of them at the end of the episode to which I'm sorry I just have a tiny bit of skepticism here but anyway love Ark episode 2 guys night out and we learned that Oscar and Angela are becoming a serious and steady relationship however I may need to take the time out for a hypocrite hypocritical and hypocrisy over here Oscar don't you know once a girl becomes your girlfriend she changes out but here would go on a date with s Margo as they have an attraction to each other Milo would go on a few dates including Finn burly palmela hamster Shiloh and literally a mascot of a company called grunion granola and jumbo shrimp here ah you know what that was that was too far I'm sorry I shouldn't call him that so what's his name hmm Oh so jumbo shrimp here Oh we'll get to you in love arc episode 5 this episode while not giving out much information more than that is a fun episode and needed within the arc we actually get their friends reactions to oscar getting serious with angela trying to make this the best night of their lives under the assumption that after this Oscar is not going to have that much time left to do his own thing because majority of it will be with his girlfriend it's a fun episode and lightly treads on the Angela ex Oscar arc but it's definitely needed in order to explain it all love our kepis ode 3 Oscar is a playa simply put a misunderstanding episode done right I may add about oscar being perceived as a cheater off the radio and all I get is a stupid saxophone romantic station as Fargo I wonder what would have given s Margo the impression this also isn't a heavy Angela episode either but it does dive more onto the growth side of this whole relationship as the former guys night out it delved more in the guys side so as you would think even though B knows that Oscar would never do such a thing wording is everything you know another girl girl you've known a long time one who could be right here in front of you she could be nearby one of your friends perhaps and nobody would ever know you know would you you know it was such a needed scene and couldn't have been built up to better so as the guys plant the guys night out the girls plan a sting operation to catch Oscar in the act of cheating unfortunately it doesn't go as planned and he wasn't really cheating you guys saw I guess Albert isn't a guy oh wait that's actually in episode 4 a very special lady what would you like the order ma'am anyway they find out he isn't a player and also use swag under ironically but that's for another day be ends up the sky zing as Angela to tell Oscar that he wasn't cheating but just being nice it also ends up Oscar trying to kiss a disguise B and then realizing who really is Angela but we'll get more on that in love episode arc for now of all the episodes this is the second most important episode of the arc however I'll boil it down to its essentials each character has their own problem before prom B is going with Steve Jackson after mustering up the courage to ask but can't seem to have fun when it's clear he isn't around model is trying to find a date as many girls around school are already being proposed to then when that prom he and Randy pinch erson basically did Tobias before Tobias or Logan from Zoey 101 if he was a crab basically they both day hamster twins and no not the one he was originally romantically with lastly Oscar is trying to convince Angela to go to prom but now she doesn't want to go B's situation is interesting to the love our cat lease because despite Oscar clearly being with Angela they plant a few seeds for something major that happens later on I'm gonna go see if I can find Steve oh yeah Steve your date however as perfect of a date he appears that's just the thing he disappears after being locked in the closet for wanting to help clean up a mess which come on dude I'd roast you if this video wasn't as long as it already is B's perfect prom day is turning into a prom nightmare my little sort of problem turns into a solution when he essentially realizes that if he has fun with his date then it's a fun date Oscar however two minutes with me please this is what we agreed to what I want you to be here with me I am with you no no you're not you're just playing your dumb game yeah it turns out to not go so well for either of them what I enjoy about this episode is that while it doesn't make sense in a few aspects they were strong and consistent in pretty much everything ever since the beginning episode they've shown that Angela loves video games she's made that quite clear however Oscar while into video games that's not his entire personality and it's also pretty clear that he would sacrifice video games for the right person also in this episode they keep things really consistent with the characters voices like for example with Chelsea she doesn't sing but kind of just says the lyrics to the song also this entire night would have been avoided if seve Jackson learned how to yell he never yells even if he bangs the door louder and louder and all I wanted was that one dance with you be whoa be whoa whoa whoa Wow and just like with doors floors gorgeous even if this is the girl of his dreams even if this girl is made quote just for him he really just wants be it didn't help that he saw be by herself and with the assumption that Steve Jackson is giving her a good time if there was ever a highlight of fishhooks this would be it this here is what the entire arc is built to in my opinion be rushes out of prom not having a dance or winning prom queen and served milo and decides to drown her sorrows and milkshakes and tacos Oscar also out of a date decides to check up on her this is supposed to be the most important night of our life and I won't let your memories go down this way you will not go without a dance milady because I will give you that dance a dance with you actually sounds really nice I'm not really sure what to do [Music] it's such a great scene because if further blurs the lines of if they are friends or something more it also gives us quite the payoff in this season as by many this is the best of season two this also means yes Oscar and Angela are through I mean they should be compatibility issues however is that ahead box extreme helmet [Music] and that gives us a good segue into love Ark five which is a quick one the entire episode revolves around the aftermath of the prom and jumbo shrimp and Angela dating so when they said what they said before remember jumbo shrimp would do the exact same thing even when he requested permission first they were so tension in the air it's a really interesting episode Angela still has spite for Oscars slip-up and it shows throughout he gets his comeuppance quite thoroughly but Angela never really does even though Oscar wanted to go to the prom with her even though Oscar was given the okay that she'll do whatever it takes to not make prom not awful and even though he only really got to that point because Angela brought a video game helmets a prom I guess Oscars in the wrong from mentioning the wrong woman when you put it in that light you can kind of see why Oscar needed to eat out of that relationship she at least redeems herself like one-eighth of the way by at least acknowledging that she would help Oscar get closer to being with B but anyway the last episode in this arc love arc episode six jesal happens to be the finale we've grown close we've shared laughter and tears through it all we've been there for each other will never forget the good times we've had as friends we finally get B to admit indirectly at least that there may be something there for Oscar and it's not just a friendship she totally rejects this around her parents but to her best friends Chelsea she admits a little more Michael Michael was your friend and now you're dating him I got it that's totally different Michaels hot I'm just looking for you please don't do anything well regret I've been waiting to say this and I might as well say it at the end but I don't think there's been more than one time that I enjoyed Chelsea as a character maybe it's because I've seen many many shell sees in my 20 or so years of living but she's always been annoying unlikable and contributing to the bear minimum maybe that's the point but that doesn't mean I should see her as anything other than an annoyance I'd rather have a fish version of the person who runs a shop but in her place and that doesn't even make sense if anyone has been a good friend to B it's Oscar also literally B points out a contradiction and she clearly doesn't own up to her own double standard and to be quite frank I'm pretty sure the only friends because the story archetype demands it anyway Milo also talks about being the same you see Milo has planted a few seeds of his own in an episode I didn't talk about Milo's magic milkshake is revealed that Milo has a huge worry that his life has peaked and it is no different here he wants things to be the same because he only imagines it as being downhill from here and that's a very interesting perspective as considering Oscar wants to tell me how he feels you can kind of see why he's against that idea I see you gentlemen are interested in one of our fine import the donkeys but I have not shown you the best part the ultimen print fun button [Music] this was our only prank donkey and as you can see it's gone well what in the world then why'd you blow it up I'm sorry but I can't be the only person who thinks that this dude is a full-blown idiot look anyway huh Milo instills fear in Oscar to not tell B and he is a thorn in this idea but for the best question mark you see Oscar is always trusted Milo as a brother but there are times what you need to trust yourself and his flashback really made him realize that also another really fantastic scene and it's totally up there with the prom dance is this scene here this scene here with the weird growing tree has be acknowledged how great of a friend oscar has been this whole time asking why he's been so sweet to her I love this scene because Oscar actually doesn't bow out originally I was gonna talk about how annoying this whole tease has been because it's been after some time where we're waiting for a big payoff but fish prom did just enough as you can see just enough as a common theme here to keep that rants from being a thing also the running time for this video but overall this was an extremely cute scene we also get be confronting your parents on how you should feel all of this comes to a height during Bea's graduation speech where Oscar reveals his feelings he acknowledges them but I'm gonna tell you something it may mean we can't be friends anymore I like you like like like you more than friends I know how you feel I just don't know how I feel yet however she truly thinks about it and among all the moments she realizes that she actually does like Oscar back it's not the greatest payoff they could have done a lot more and there are a lot a lot of B Oscar episodes I didn't even talk about I do enjoyed that there is at least some closure her parents clearly approve knowing of all of this before she did and everyone aside from possibly she'll see are actually happy from this new revelation they share a kiss and finally that is how fishhooks ends you know you wouldn't have thought that a seemingly average disney show would have that much information i didn't but i do have to say if you want to see a pretty decent high school censored comedy that has sprinkles of ARC's and continuity throughout just watch a little of this show and let these fish hook you in i'm alpha j and thank you for watching just a short tidbit before the endcard these videos take a lot of time a lot of research and a lot of work even though they look great now they can look even better with your support please consider it supporting my patreon all of your money goes back into videos like these to make them look better plus there's different perks like behind-the-scenes videos hot takes videos and even getting your own personal review so check it out it is in the description it is in the pin comment if you want to see the entire playlist for the rise and fall videos click here and if you want to see my previous video on the top animation shifts of gumball click here until then special thanks to the patrons of may and until next time take care half out
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 1,697,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney fish hooks, fish hooks review, why did fish hooks end, fish hooks oscar, fish hooks oscar and bea, fish hooks milo, fish hooks episodes, fish hooks series finale, fish hooks disney, fish hooks disney channel, what happened to fish hooks, every episode of fish hooks reviewed, fish hooks season review, fish hooks disney review, disney fish hooks intro, you're watching disney channel fish hooks
Id: 71o4oYmsTnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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