Electric Hypercar: Rimac Nevera

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thing I like about it is the science it's effortless it's seamless it's different between a knife and a scalpel you know what I mean yeah because I get in a lot of cars and there's a lot of noise and fury and a little bit of shaking and vibration which is the appearance of speed this feels like a rocket you just saw it it's very good for your back as well because you get you know neck gets stronger yeah yeah so so you're helping you do some Fitness you're fixing your bags you're fixing the environment you're taking care of the whole thing [Music] welcome to the episode of Jay Leonard's garage I think a special episode I always talk about Automotive royalty and this is at the top of the Heap these days this is the remac Navarra this is the latest version of the car this is the production version of the car the one reason I love this car before I even seen it is the fact that it came out as a finished car I didn't hear about a guy's building a car for years and months and it's going to be this it's going to be that it just sort of came on the scene after years of development work and and testing and this is a full production model no excuses you know so many times people bring supercars by here well we're waiting for our certification we can't really we'll have that in a few weeks and of course inevitably usually never comes this is a finished car it is a world car you can drive it pretty much anywhere in the world because there's no emissions to me because it's fully electric I believe it is the most powerful electric car at least to this point what 1914 horsepower I think it's fair to say 2000 horsepower as crazy as that sounds uh it's a beautiful car it's a stunning design you know I like it because it's pretty Timeless this is a car I think you could drive for 10 years 15 years it would still look contemporary you know not not a lot of crazy wings and Scoops all over it just what it needs to get the job done very efficient very clean design and of course I've never seen this color before that's uh that's pretty incredible we have a gentleman here who is one of the developed engineers in the car Miro you're the uh development driver engineer pretty much been involved since day one correct yes that's right that's correct well you've done a beautiful job thank you it really is incredible so how long has this project been in the works this car has been in the works for five years it's a result of hard work of very enthusiastic and gear heads and motorheads in the company people that really love cars that basically put their hearts and souls into it so 1.6 million hours or if we calculated correctly Wow Let's put into this car so yeah and I imagine electricity is moving so quickly now you get to one stage and something's come along which just propels you you forget that move on to the next thing I mean improvements when I look at electric vehicles from just 2015 or 16 it seems like 100 years ago 200 mile range was the end of the world and that was unbelievable so it it must be just trying to keep up with it must be pretty crazy yeah at one point we had to basically stop developing and put the car on the market but yeah technology is developing very very quickly and this right now here is the state of the art of Technology currently available so what we have here is we have four electric motors correct one on each wheel inboard with with yes you know drive shafts okay so uh we have completely independent electric motors right uh toward the front toward the rear um each has its proprietary gearbox with the single speed um that gives us a wide array of possibilities that we can do with the car so for example we have the torque vectoring system which uh because of Motors being independent allows us that we can basically spin one wheel in One Direction three wheels in the other direction whichever way we want right the way we use it is that we use that torque vectoring system to help the car to turn basically so you can virtually make the car longer or shorter wheelbase whichever you want at a given moment and with torque vectoring without it and 2000 horsepower it would just be crazy you'd just be all over the road wouldn't you it allows the car to find out which wheel is getting the least amount of traction and and all just to keep you essentially on the road basically is what it does right correct yeah so um torque vectoring and traction control we have a really really Advanced traction control on this car basically calculate how much torque you can put on each wheel at any given moment so when you're going into the corner the super computer is calculating your steering input your accelerator position all the forces on the car and also currently available grip so um since it's a 2000 horsepower car if you would not have as a sophisticated traction control when you go into a corner if you if you go on the on the accelerator you would start spinning one of the wheels and the car would just start understeering or oversteering whatever we wanted the car to be safe for anybody to drive so also the drivers that are not so skilled but also to give full potential to the skillful guys to guys that are you know really true Gearheads to exploit all the the driving limits so we have five different modes we have different settings in each of the modes so the car has basically five different characters so it can be a really really subtle card that anybody can drive even on a wet Road or it can be a complete tune when you put it into drift mode with ESC off and traction control often you can you know Burn Tires go sideways whatever you want right so you can fine tune it in other words yes yeah and it's a beautiful Design This is this all designed in-house as well yes it was uh it's the work of the design group led by Adriana modri he is also a creation guy he is with the company from the very beginning he's the the guy behind the concept one but we did first time um this is the navera so this is is a different ball game to the concept one the concept one was only eight cars in total and this is 150 unit production so we wanted to to keep the DNA of the company so to keep the DNA of the design but also to to bring something new and fresh into it and as you said to to have it Timeless basically and I I can't remember if Croatia has any Automotive Heritage is this sort of the first major car to be built in Croatia it seems like it was there anything before the war that I'm missing or it wasn't for me Yugoslavia but nothing nothing in this way so we there was a mass-produced car but Croatia didn't have a motoring Heritage basically so I guess what I'm saying is you had to get it right the first time where people going of course yeah you know yeah you don't like the Hugo remember the Hugo okay no we didn't have to go there so that's what I mean so obviously a lot of work and skill when to making this a finished product well it's it's just a stunning design and it really is timeless this could be any time from this 2000 to the next 25 years I think it'll always be a good looking attractive car just because of the aerodynamics of it now the whole the body is carbon fiber and the chassis carbon fiber as well correct correct why say chassis there's no chassis Monaco yeah okay is this all one piece yeah so um the monocook of the car is the single biggest piece of uh of carbon fiber and automotive industry basically we wanted to make it extremely safe and extremely rigid as well so it has a 70 000 meters per degree torsional stiffness so that number to many people doesn't sound a lot but if you if you look that if you take into account that for example a normal passenger car has up to 20 000 if it's already sporty or stiff car cabrals or cabrioles have between 7 and 12 you get a picture how how safe the chassis is okay something I found fascinating because most electric cars they have the sort of skateboard all the batteries flying you sit on top of it and that's good it keeps the center gravity a little bit here you've gone even lower I notice you don't have anything along the side here so it makes getting in and out easier but you have it sort of almost as high as the seat back here almost as if if this had a quote a gas engine it would be right here so the batteries are right there as well and and you have batteries obviously in the front as well so that helps out your weight distribution yeah so the the targets for design were really very strict uh we wanted to have the car low so have a Sleek design so the car is is not not a High car so if you have batteries in the floor that makes the seat go up by let's say a couple of inches so then the roof needs to go up a couple of inches so this way we could keep it low we can also keep the the age Point low down to the center of gravity of the car so you can feel you can have a better driver for you so the battery is put in the car so in a way that it's designed that part of it is in the footwell part in the backbone and then behind the seats this also allows us with the inboard Motors that we keep the the mass quite close to the center of the car which of course is means lower Port polar inertia that of course means better agility of the car it's a low center of gravity low low polar inertia means better performance on the track um you can then play with the mass the way you want and the way you want to position it in the car as well for the design we quite cleverly did the design that we can channel the air around the car but also through the car to cool down the systems we have four different active aerodynamic features on the car so we have the Bonnet flap the underbody flap the diffuser and the rearing that channel the the around the car but also can change the aerodynamic balance of the car and we have the cooling systems in the rear so this on the side that you can see is uh basically a design feature that's a homage to our heritage so it looks like a necktie so if you look at it from the rear towards the front on the side it looks like an active which basically is a creation or origin product oh is that right yeah so during 17th century during the Napoleon Wars Croatian soldiers were fighting with together with him and they had like a necktie and everybody was going down calling them cruds so it went from crowds to kravata which is a necktie which is a Croatian origin so the de kravat goes basically around the car this is something that we also featured on the concept one and it guides the air basically in the into the rear rear cooling system and also through the brakes and the front cooling system and you build your own motor as well uh yeah so all the major components are done in-house we do work with suppliers of course or you know Wheels break stuff like that but the major components are done in-house and this is something that we do with pretty much Tech so we are basically divided in two major groups so one is Bugatti limits which is hypercars right and the other one is pretty much technology which basically supplies the technology not just for us but also for other big manufacturers and you do the carbon sleeve yeah yeah okay so also one of the features when you will see when you open the door is that um we did the carbon tub in a way that uh the Ingress in egress or getting in and out from the car is much simpler and much easier you know it on a lot of sports cars um because of the design of the car the the getting in and getting out can be quite quite an exercise right so with this car it's very simple uh the Seal of the cars or the the side of the of the lower part is very Sleek we managed to do that because we have really really strong doors so uh the basically the the the targets for the crash structure or for the for the crash tests were really really high and we may managed to do quite a lot of it and by doing these kinds of doors and doing that kind of of monocoque we basically allowed the passengers to get in and out of the car very safely and very easy but also to be safe during the the impact yeah I mean it's it's a fascinating concept you have almost 2 000 horsepower and you have a hypercar that requires almost pretty much almost no maintenance right I mean what is your maintenance here you've got regen on the batteries as well correct yes so you're not even from high speeds you're not burning up brakes coming in so you know that type of thing we have 400 kilowatts of of region power okay wow that's quite a lot yeah and how many volts is the motor do you know uh it's 800 watts 800 okay oh yeah there you go that's pretty good and I love the fact that it has a full sort of luxury car interior sometimes people build hyper cars and you forget that they're cars because your spouse is going to ride with you once in a while and if she's going out my hair I hate this car well you're not going to go out of it but I mean I just like the fact that it's got very comfortable seats and it's got obviously all the amenities air conditioning every other thing too and and it also has the boot on the rear you have a 100 liter of reusable space on the rear okay there you go we actually go shopping with this car now pretty pretty amazing can you open that up let's see let's see sure let's see our hundred liters pretty good size there you go yeah all right and the also the cool thing is it it's not getting heated inside so yeah makeup you know dairy products stuff like that can survive yeah you put dairy products back here there you go yeah that's not a Croatian fairy tale it's actually 100 liters here and this moves as well obviously yeah yeah yeah so it moves depending on the modes but also we have it as an air brake so when you when you're braking hard from a higher speed it jumps in the highest position to keep the stability of the car and stability of the rear basically and you have a top speed is it 258 is that what it is which is now do you do you see is there a special key or is that just always available and that's for special events so the car is is limited to 219 miles an hour yeah that's that seems fair I mean it just seems crazy because it's hardly a tire that can even take that kind of yeah all right very good and just shut this by hand okay yeah and it has the soft gloves as well okay oh there you go to pull this out yeah very nice let's take a look at the interior sure as you can see all the the controls for the driver so everything connected to driving of the car is tactile so it's analog so you either Push Pull or turn the switches right we wanted to to do that because the car needs to feel analog because everything you do as a as a human being basically is analog uh whilst all the other controls like the AC Sat Nav whatever else is on the screens so we didn't want to do it it's it's a very let's say digital car because it's electric but on the other hand it feels analog and has to feel analog for the driver so um all the settings you do on on the touch screen and all the things once you've set up for the driving everything else after that is as just analog so you can choose your modes you have three different knobs on the car so three main knobs one is the prnd knob which basically you start and stop the car the other one is the driving mode you change from range crew sport track and drift and you can also have two pre-selected modes so you can customize the modes and whichever you want setup so you put it in drift I assume you're putting more traction on the rear tires and less on the front so you can swing it around is that pretty yes so we we can so since the powertrain is so um independent we can do whatever and what we do basically is we do put a hundred percent of rear available torque uh with zero percent of front but when the car comes to a really big angle we will engage automatically the front torque to basically keep you at a certain angle so kind of a slip angle control we also can um choose the the amount of front or the rear uh torque that you want right so you basically if you don't like a certain setup you can set it up by by your own preferences and basically save it then it almost seems like it got so much power the average person would have no no idea what their limit is I mean I don't think you could the fun thing about own these kind of cars you could have it your whole life and never even come close to finding its limits you know yeah so um what we did basically in each of the modes you have different settings of suspension steering weight um accelerator response and of course the available torque so for example in range mode you're basically using the most of the front powertrain a little bit of the rear powertrain that's for long distance cruising suspension is very soft and the aerodynamics are down to give you as low as that drag as possible then as you go up in modes we open up the envelope of available power and also traction control so when you go into let's say Cruiser sport it's a little bit closed down so if you punch the accelerator when you're going through the corner it's not going to you know send you to Oblivion right right it's going to stay exactly where you want the car to stay if you put it into track mode it's going to give you a hint what's happening with the tire so it's going to start understeering and over steering a little bit and then of course drift mode is as you know like if you if you have the confidence to do it if you have the track so you can you can exploit the limits very good it's not a track car it's a GT hyper car but it can perform quite well on the well you know I kind of liken it to the F1 McLaren from 30 years ago it was designed as a road carry down a race car for the road you wind up getting kidney punched and it's just uncomfortable but when you design a road car to be a fast Road car that's really what most people want you want that the sports car handling with GT sort of performance you don't you know you're not going all out on the street you're going to hit a School Bus full of nuns and that's the end of that you know yeah exactly as you mentioned it so finally that you mentioned the the McLaren F1 because for a lot of people in the company that car you know presents a piece of History a very important piece of history and we believe that this car is a game changer because it brings so much new stuff on the market and and basically opens up a new segment of hyper cars and we believe that we are working on something that's going to basically change history in terms of Automotive yeah I think it's great because you essentially you're sort of saving the hypercar image you know people go all those guys they burn fuel they get six miles per gallon they're wasting okay but you don't have that anymore it's electric it doesn't pollute it's environmentally friendly you know I mean so you you kind of kill all those birds with the same Stone so to speak all right well very nice and also what what this brings to to the game aim is that instant power an instant torque so you know that on some cars they are really powerful but you wait for that torque to develop because it needs to spool up the turbos or whatever uh with this kind of downshift is of course with this car you will see it when we will be driving that as soon as you touch the accelerator it's just there it has the maximum torque available yeah well I mean that's a great thing and there's no 600 mile fluid change and you know all those sort of things that you need to do correct and you can also come very late at night home and not wake up half the neighborhood right right and how many miles have you put on these you think so far in development oh it's hard to see um I was trying to calculate that before the show and it's almost impossible I would say well over a hundred thousand kilometers or around 80 000 miles yeah okay um because we have multiple cars and it's you know um some cars have more some cars have less we are testing all around the world basically that's yeah let's close the doors again sure equipment driver what was your biggest obstacle to overcome what did you feel was the toughest hurdle oh well to make it all in one car basically because you have five different modes if they feel completely different you did a bad job so it the car needs to feel as a person basically with all the modes basically it's moods for the car you need to have the steering that communicates to the driver so to get all the feedback from the road how much grip there is available for the of course you don't have the the noise of the engine so how do you you know get the sense of speed to the driver because if you isolate the driver from everything if the NVA just completely zero how do you know how fast you're going yeah so the car needs to communicate to the driver through suspension through the uh through the steering through the brakes as well and also through the modes so the the most difficult part was basically to make it all um feel as a as a basically as a person and getting the feedback is always a very very important thing to me so not just from the guys from the company but of course from mate as as uh as the as the basically the chief engineer because it starts all starts from him and to encapture his his idea of the hypercar but also from other people that jump in in the car that are you know more skilled or less skilled that was very helpful so I think we we achieved quite a lot with this car we are very much on the target where we wanted to be of course I'm a test and development driver if you give me infinite time and infinite resources at the end of the day I'm still going to say like can you give me a couple of days so well you know I love I love the fact that it's essentially one man's Vision yeah you know in the turn of the last century W.O Bentley Lanchester Duesenberg Bugatti they all had their idea what they thought a car should be if you didn't like it go buy something else because they built it for themselves and then you get this homogenized thing where all cars have to be kind of everything you got a Toyota Corolla is a lovely car but it doesn't excite because it does everything very well just nothing unbelievable you know perfect and then you come to this and you have one person's vision of what he used to be I mean with the F1 it was Gordon Murray review is Mr Rima you know so I I I I enjoy that aspect of it we're getting back to where cars are extremely personal items that people develop for themselves hoping there are other people out there like them as opposed to trying to make something for the masses you know yeah if you develop a track car or if you if you keep developing the car on the track it's going to be a track oriented car right right when you put it on the road it's not going to work right if you do a car on the road specifically and you put it on the track it's not going to work so finding that balance is very tricky and very um dangerous basically because you can get it either way so what we we had the privilege of having a clean sheet of paper this car was started from a clean sheet of paper so we didn't have any takeover parts or any you know the DNA of the company still had to be created which is a beautiful thing to do but also very very um it's a very responsible job if you if you do it wrong as you said it right from the get-go it's the first cards the most important car were you shooting for 2 000 horsepower or 2000 horsepower is just what you came up with when you put all the components together that you wanted it was oh my God look at me it's such an incredible number most people can't even fathom it you know come from the error of three or four hundred horsepower yeah I mean two thousand I mean you know what I'm saying I mean you didn't set out to build a 2000 horsepower car when you were done oh my gosh we got two thousand horsepower do you understand how it usually looks is that mate comes to the meeting with with crazy numbers all Engineers start scratching their heads and they go out from the meeting looking at the floor going like how how are we going to do this five years after that we overachieved the goal so we did have a goal to have acceleration numbers under two seconds to 60 miles an hour we did a 1.85 with the car we did a quarter mile with 8.58 so that's the fastest production car currently on the market so all these things by or you know we had the targets but the the byproduct and the product of the of the whole work was over achieving the targets well I remember when Peak developed the viron for yeah for Bugatti yeah and he told the engineers I want a thousand horsepower everybody like it's crazy he's a crazy man they got you know how many radiators and he said just build it just just build it and at the time a thousand horsepower seemed ridiculous I mean what and now you've doubled that in in less than a decade and a half really speaking of Radiators this has seven cooling systems okay there you go yeah I rest my case there you go you know but I just like the fact that boss comes in and says I want 2 000 horsepower and everybody throws their pencils up in the air and you go back and start all over again but that's great I like that passion I think that's exciting you know I like passion projects and that's what this is well very good can we take it for a ride yes yeah by all means let's do it foreign so very easy to get into so here's your key right so on the key you have the unlock and lock you have your charging the state of charge basically uh you have your charging port in your trunk and also one button that you can program whatever you want into it so usually what we do is we put the key here in the um and basically in the key fob or the and and its place um but if you're going to do a launch I would suggest to take it in your hand or put it in the compartment because it usually flies out and ends up behind the seat Well I'm not gonna do a launch in here that's for sure well let's uh we'll pull it up through the door here let's see we get sure all right so we are now in range mode which is [Music] still quite decent yeah very good that's you know the long cruise mode um as we go along we will go through the mode so you can see how the car changes but with this mode is basically soft suspension low Arrow low drag long distance screws and we also have the there we go we also have the one pedal drive mode so if you want we can switch that on so now when you go off the accelerator you'll feel that the car is just rolling free right but we can also put some region on so you feel that you have like engine braking on a normal car something's impressive is the throttle it's very linear almost every electric car that people come by with some new it's that Herky well as soon as you get out of that initial you'll be okay it's always that it'll stop doing that in a second you know yeah uh whereas you guys have got it right from the beginning you know it's the kind of thing where if you never use the whole throttle you would have no idea what was at the end of it you know yeah which is what I like so this is just getting used to the car a little bit right if if you agree I can switch to um Cruise mode which is basically for let's say uh cruising on the B roads and stuff yeah go ahead okay so now we are 100 100 front 30 rear if I put the cruise at 70 percent front and 30 of rear available power so now if you push the the accelerator a bit oh yeah now you're really cool that's it's a different different beast that's a whole different piece yeah so still the suspension is in a soft settings you have a little bit more feel to the steering and the arrow is a little bit more aggressive right then we have the sport mode and the track mode which go up in suspension as well so now it's really a comfortable comfortable ride it's a comfortable GT car but if we put it into track mode which we're gonna do later on you'll see that the car stiffens up a bit and starts to be much more responsive to the to the road basically it does shrink around you because it's a big car but the faster you go the smaller it feels so with this car for example um if you want to launch the car for any reason you don't need to do any special preparation you don't need to wait you don't need to push any buttons it's just foot on a break put on the accelerator you wait for it to just say that it launch control is engaged you go off the brake and the car will launch itself for the durability cycle we did more than 200 launches from zero to 120 miles an hour with zero zero issues so it's not like if you do a certain amount of launches that you know it's going to be a liability or whatever so it's it's quite a durable car and of course single speed yeah it doesn't seem like anybody could make a transmission it could take the kind of torque electric motor to put out do they yeah I remember when Elon came to my garage in 2007 with the very first Roadster I had a two-speed transmission and we nailed it and then it just it just broke it just came apart the shift was so violent it just it couldn't take the tour so then they just went to one speed after that we also started with the concept of two speed gearbox um but dropped out of it because this is just more simple less mass and we made it durable so it can withstand a huge huge amount of of abuse basically so how proud are people in Croatia about this car it's got to be very exciting I mean you know I come from an immigrant family so anytime somebody Italian did something my father you know and every time he did something wrong that's not all that they were not all like that you know so so to me and Croatia being such a small country and most Americans don't know anything about Croatia yeah you know so the idea that there's now a car industry they're building the fastest most powerful car in the world I I think that's terrific I think it brings a whole you know people start watching croatians now oh they must be pretty smart they can open that card I mean I like that I like that it's becoming more and more difficult for us to test the car on the roads because everybody sees the car on the road and starts filming with their phones oh yeah and then then there starts you know going into your lane and then you start running away from them and all these things of course if they film you're going fast you know everybody wants to sell that to the yeah to the media the police in Christ should give you any uh slack because hey your your company and you're great no that's a trick question yeah that's a trick question okay okay you can torture me or you want I'm not going to say yes well that's good but you know what I mean but I I think it's fun I think it's fun yeah when you meet Croatian Americans do they come up hey that's funny everybody's very proud um because the you know it's understatement over achievement basically because you know well see that's what I like that's what I like about this car it's like when the Ford the latest version of Ford GT when it came out nobody saw it until it was finished for us it was um it was a huge challenge because we had to market the car and we had to at the same time develop the car and develop the company because when this project started we were around 100 people or 200 people we are now 1 700 people wow we went through you know series of Investments we went through moving buildings and stuff so this car when it's finished it's going to be done in basically four different locations right because we started in one location was too small transferred to another one that became too small transferred to another one now we're building a campus that we're going to you know transfer everything there you have to at a certain point claim some numbers right and still be realistic about it which was difficult you know Mata said 2000 horsepower everybody was like are you sure it's like it's a lot are you sure we're not you know nobody has done done it before Can it can it be done you know and in the end we we achieved quite a lot and his point was you know pushed to the limits he doesn't accept no for an answer we need to we need to explore things you know picks up very nicely so that screws that 70 percent that's 70 yeah I'm gonna put it in track mode just for a short while did we skip sport yeah I mean sport is just a little bit stiffer suspension and different Dynamics so track is now uh 30 more torque front 30 more torque rear and you can feel that the suspension started to be more stable a lot of convenient in front it's like a cup right hello let's see if they wave they still use the Crown Vics apparently I think that's just uh yeah I I think they're using them a last card I have for cassette player last car produced with a cassette plate do you know that the Crown Vic yeah let's see make sure the cop doesn't make the turn we can put our foot in a little bit in here yeah there you go that's well that's pretty good yeah that's incredible yeah a lot of cars especially electric cars have that bush from the get-go at around 60 miles an hour they start to you know wash off flat not this there's not a dozen so we are averaging from zero to 130 kilometers an hour so that's about 80 miles an hour We're averaging 1.3 G yeah thing I like about it is the science it's effortless it's seamless it's between a knife and a scalpel you know what I mean yeah since this guy gets on my Fender I just tabenate yeah that never gets old yeah hilarious it's very good for your back as well because you get you know neck gets stronger yeah makes your back so yeah so so you're helping you do some Fitness you're fixing your back you're fixing the environment you're taking care of the whole thing well the most impressive thing is how as a unit it feels because I get in a lot of cars and there's a lot of noise and fury and a little bit of shaking and vibration which gives the appearance of speed but it just seems It's not this feels like a rocket you just sort of and it doesn't feel intimidating even in trouble when you when you push the throttle down the car just goes where you're pointing at all no not at all you always feel you're in control you don't feel like this thing is getting noise what you could could do very easily and the ride is comfortable so you can you can use this car as an everyday car getting in and out is easy it's easy to drive it's it's very fluid I go to Home Depot put some Lumber in the back yeah fill the bookshelf oh yeah yeah roof rack and stuff what is the worst thing you can do to an electric car like for example you know if you have an internal combustion engine car uh don't nail it when it's cold you know what I'm saying um there's there's nothing you can do to basically damage the car in those terms so you don't need to wait for the engine to to heat up or the components you can be harder from the get-go on the car um you don't need to you know pre-prep the battery to do any kind of track driving or any kind of launches it's just ready to go I guess the worst thing you do is let the battery run down in it yeah of course if you park it for what two months would the battery be dead or pretty close no you have of course you have the the 12 volt battery right you can maintain like all of your cars but um the high voltage battery doesn't doesn't really matter as long as it's around 30 percent you're good right the systems the systems on the car are taking care of the car so you cannot overheat the battery you cannot overheat the system you cannot do damage to the car because it will protect itself as soon as you you start to overheat some component it will reduce the power or limit the speed or whatever so it's quite clever in those terms so I guess it works best in an ambient temperature of like 74 degrees Fahrenheit that seems to be about where most batteries like to be yeah but it has the cooling of the battery with an AC compressor so with an AC system so it cools down the battery by itself or Heats it up if you if you need it I think it's great it's not intimidating at all I can see spending weeks in jail driving and the name also suits the car the the character of the car so the name Nevada comes from a creation name that's a Creations characteristic for Croatia a storm that is that comes very quickly and you know you cannot predict it it's um it's it's a lightning charged yeah um and it goes by very quickly and after that you just left with like really clean air and quick clear clear weather something I always liked on some electrics or paddles here for regen when it says touching the breaker because there's no regen on the brake the regen is just off throttle correct no you have region on the brakes oh you do yeah so we have a Break by wire system and region works with the base brake all the way through the ABS so as soon as you touch the brake you're firstly first breaking with the with the region and then you're engaging as well the the hydraulic brakes but if I go into settings and put you into region law for example now when you're off of the accelerator the car is decelerating and putting some charge back to the battery and then of course puts your brake lights on right yes and you have it in lower high so this is something that you you know but it resembles engine braking but it's actually much more efficient and it also takes stress of the of the base brakes when you're driving on the track for example or something do you like it with one pedal drive or better when you when you go off that uh you know six one half a dozen the other I like I'm so used to off throttle coasting because I do it on a gas car yeah it's a quote kind of save fuel yeah whereas it is you're actually putting fuel in but yeah so the ease of driving it is what's really a pleasure even with a third of this power it would be yeah compared to let's let's say other you know hyper cars um if you can compare it because you know the power is very high and it's an electric car all right compared to an ice car what it does is that you have instant torque Instant Power right um You don't have like heat issues like you do on some of the cars um you can you can drive this car day to day you don't have an uncomfortable clutch or or torque converter or something like that that's you know clunking the car making it unpleasant to drive because a lot of those cars have a really solid powertrain because it needs to be because of the immense power whilst here is just seamless you can use it as an everyday car very comfortable very easy to use as you said it and you can you know you can have a really really high performance drive out from it I can feel a torque vectoring working yeah you know I was on my F1 McLaren a couple weeks ago and what about 70 I just downshifted the third and I nailed it I started to slide across the highway I went oh Jesus yeah yeah it can be a handful yeah yeah and when we were developing the car from scratch when we didn't have the traction control or the torque vectoring it was quite difficult to drive quite intimidating right because like you know all the pro drivers will say I switch everything off not exactly with this kind of car because we didn't have any traction control and you go on power you spin the wheels to 200 you know miles an hour plus um and there's literally zero control at that point or if you drive it in in the wet um with the traction control yeah with the traction control it can you know it controls the car for you but you can also you know open it a little bit you can you can play with the car you can drive it on the limit and of course you can if you want switch it switch it off [Music] well I love the fact that the design is timeless you know it's a nice clean sheet of paper design it's not it's not boring it's not Dull it doesn't have all kinds of stupid scoops and everything all over it though you know just makes it look like how old are you you know and it's all bespoke so you know there are no takeover parts from you know other big manufacturers or other big suppliers so this is what I love I love VC I think this is really brilliant I think this is really and it has a nice tact and feel to it you know it's it's metal you turn it you and that's obviously made in-house does it resemble to in performance to any of the cars that you have yes very much so uh the P1 McLaren the F1 did you work for other car companies at one point before this no before this I was a moderate journalist actually oh really yeah credit gets to build a car that's pretty good there you go yeah see how you like it now not so much fun being on the other side yeah I knew what I don't want to do do you come from a motoring background was your dad in the business or anything like that no actually actually no so my background was like I I always enjoyed you know cars and racing and stuff I actually met mate at the racetrack that's how we you know known each other much before the the even the BMW uh conversion to an electric car right so um he was doing he started the company or he started to do the the BMW first and the conversion I was doing the formula student at that point and we kind of you know exchange contacts about you know this guy does the Machining this guy does this this guy does that he worked at BMW no no he worked uh he he was on the couch in college oh at the same time when I was so he started the conversion like in his home garage like a just a you know a project like a fun project for himself and in the end he found out that you know he realized that 90 almost 90 percent of the car was his build from powertrain you know drive train suspension all these things then he decided to do a car of his own well it's done a wonderful job you know it's it's amazing because I always say this in 1915 in America there were 350 car companies and gradually every year lost to three percent and so you wind up with just three or four and into the 90s it looked like it's only going to be there'll be General Motors Ford Volkswagen and Europe on it and nothing else and now suddenly you have McLaren you have Tesla you have you guys you have lucid you have all these car companies new independent each with great ideas bringing stuff to Market that would normally take years if a major manufacturer is doing because why Rush we're selling them with that why Improvement you know what I mean so that's what's great oh I think it's impressive congratulations my friend thank you thank you for bringing this in such an honor to have you here and it was a real thrill to drive it is really impressive you know we don't pick cars you don't like so people say why don't you trash some things well if we don't like it we don't do them and we like to do that I know how much work goes into developing something like this so it's impressive to me that you can get it built at all and how many cars have you built you must have built 25 30 40 50 how many do you have yeah so we've built 18 uh prototypes before these right eight uh 11 of them when did the crash testing right 11 11. wow yeah 45 crash tests all together I thought you could crash tests on a computer now you actually have to physically crash this still so this car is globally homologated so we are homologated for us for Europe uh that we're going to be homologated also for Asia so we're basically just waiting for it to happen but we all done all the tests everything is done so um yeah we've these are this is the first production car um we have done two more demo cars we have done the uh first customer car and we are ramping up the production So the plan for for this year is to produce 25 cars um and then we're gonna ramp up the production to 50 cars a year and where where's your biggest Market not the American U.S yeah well I think it'll be a big success it's very impressive thanks for bringing it by I I know the the viewers are really excited this is the car everybody's been asking to learn more about and I'm glad I got a chance to drive it and I can honestly say it's one of the most exciting cards I've ever driven so thank you very much thank you very much it's really really great hey we'll see you guys next week I hope you like this as much as I do [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 995,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimac, Nevera, Mate Rimac, Croatia, hypercar, supercar, electric car, EV, car porn, exclusive, 0-60, luxury car, future, Bugatti, drift mode, rare cars, gearhead, engineer, test driver
Id: 7BuQuvFm90w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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