How to use FILM SIMULATIONS on the Ricoh GR III (Ricoh GR IIIx)

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hey everybody and welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is Luke and I started this channel to talk about photography stuff that I like that's about as complicated as it really is if you're wondering why we're filming in monochrome it's not because I'm artsy or moody or dramatic it's actually because the walls in this room are like P yellow and the light is terrible so but you can assume that I'm artsy that's that's fine with me today I wanted to talk about a camera that I really like and a feature that maybe not a whole lot of people are aware of or talking about this is my Ricoh gr3 I recently did a review on it I really enjoyed this had it for a couple months now and one thing that I didn't know when I bought the Ricoh is that it offers a lot of flexibility in terms of picture profiles or film simulations so what a film simulation does is basically allows you to tweak your settings to make a a custom profile basically like a preset in Lightroom that's applied when you take the picture and it's applied to the jpeg file and it's kind of baked in to the jpeg file and so you're you're stuck with it now a lot of cameras offer this kind of functionality my old Sony RX100 has some picture profiles I actually like one of the black and white ones quite a bit my Olympus camera that I'm filming on now has some art filters and they're terrible and I never use them I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I hate them now the biggest film simulation Community you probably already know is the re or the the Fujifilm Community there's a big Community that's very active constantly creating recipes trying to tweak and modify recipes to make them look like old film stock like ectochrome or portrait 400 there's a there's a website and many websites that talk about these recipes Fuji X weekly is one that I used to use when I had my x100f and it's great there's people on it all the time very active Community now Rico as far as the film simulation game goes they do have a community kind of for some reason the the simulations have never really taken off in the Ricoh Community interestingly the same guy who made the Fuji X weekly app made a RICO recipe app that I want to show you in a second but it just it just never really caught on in the same way I'm not exactly sure why that is but I never hear people talk about film simulations on the RICO and so that's what I wanted to do today maybe you haven't heard of this either and I just want to introduce you to the process and maybe this is something that you'll enjoy typically I shoot raw and I like it that way I like the flexibility that it gives me but every once in a while when I want to mix things up I'll put a film simulation on here I'll shoot JPEG and it offers me a good creative mix well welcome to the next day I thought because the light was so bad that I would film today instead but it turns out it's very dark and rainy so if you hear some Rumblings it's not the rumbling of my tummy tum tum that hasn't been fed breakfast this morning it's actually a thunderstorm that's going on outside and there's also a yappy Pomeranian who lives across the street I thought I would take this chance to show you the weekly or sorry the Rico's recipe app this is done by the same individual who makes the Fuji X weekly app and it's really the same really clean beautiful design I really like what he's done here it's just simple it just works so here you'll see on the sidebar here that there's a just a bunch of different recipes Kodak Chrome Elite Chrome analog film now the first half of these recipes in this list are for the Ricoh gr1 and the Ricoh gr2 I have the RICO gr3 so really the bottom of this list is for me so this does a really good job at Showcase pacing some images that are taken with these film simulations so you kind of get an idea of what you're going to get there's a bunch of monochrome ones different different ones that are meant to mimic old film and then just some original ones that are really interesting so there's all kinds of stuff to experiment with here and really well put together and so let me show you this this is at the end of the video I'm going to show you how to input all of this information into the camera it's kind of a it's kind of boring to watch on video but if you're interested in that I will show you how to do it in the Ricoh because it's a little bit more complicated than with the Fuji cameras but anyway it has all this information as far as your your uh your saturation Hue your highlights and shadows contrast and where all those settings need to be in order to achieve you know a similar look so hats off to the guy who created this he did a really really good job and it's free there are a few presets or uh film simulations like this one those that have this little shutter symbol next to them you can see it those are only available if you join the Creator's patreon account for like a dollar a month so if you want some of those definitely uh probably worth a dollar a month so for the last week or so I've been shooting almost entirely jpeg with these film simulations so I've wanted to show you the results that I've been able to get maybe you'll like them and maybe you'll want to try these out actually your results will probably be better because I'm not that good of a photographer but let's take a look at these and I will say that I've got all of these on my new website that you can check out along with my Ricoh gr3 review and so if you want to look at them more as as Pairs and together as a group to see some of the color similarities that might be the best way to do it so there's a link down in the description the first simulation that I tried out was Elite Chrome and the reason I tried it was because I really like the classic Chrome on the Fujifilm system so I figured maybe this was something similar so as we look at some of these images here you can see it is definitely a little bit saturated our goat there I took these first couple photos about dusk as the sun was going down my wife and I were taking a a hike there is a mosque up on the hill and we we walked up there for the evening I will say that I think this film simulation borders on being too saturated and during the low light and the night time I really don't like it because I think it makes the images look kinda almost like a painting kind of cheap just didn't look good to me I will say though as we go down towards the photos that I shot the next day about midday I really like it oranges yellows are pretty saturated Blues are pretty saturated but I think really to to a good degree there's definitely a nice pop here and if you're looking for a really colorful image with some good contrast I like this one I could definitely recommend it now the second one was vintage analog this one was one that I really expected to like a lot and turns out that it was it was okay so I took a walk and there are dogs here everywhere in Albania on the roofs of buildings as you can see one looking down at me and then there's another funny looking one popping his head up over the the wall he was barking at me you can notice the the red colors here in the Vespa this was shot you know the lighting wasn't the best but I had to get this candy red color off this Vespa that was sitting in somebody's yard and then here in the the flowers it definitely has some pop to it I like that a lot unfortunately I didn't run into too much red while I was out shooting you may be able to guess from the next photo what time of year it is there were some kids out dressed up and a few trick-or-treating trick-or-treating isn't as big of a thing here but there were there were a couple kids and several kids dressed up on the street there's a I then took the camera down to the old beach as it's called it's not a very touristy Beach the sand isn't quite as nice as some of the other beaches here in Albania with the blues and kind of the beach colors of the Blues and the greens uh definitely a little bit more muted not as much pop and then I had a cat photo shoot there were several cats that decided they were going to pose for me and got one on the wall I got another one in a tree he was trying to run away from me and then one sitting on the dumpster which they love to do you wouldn't think that it would be very comfortable but it's their thing so then it got a very exotic a very rare photo of a pay phone that still exists in Albania I don't know if it works but it's still there and then another cat he was carrying I I think it was a piece of pizza I'm not exactly sure but he was carrying a piece of pizza and he hopped up onto that wall that's above him there in his pretty uh great feat of physical prowess the first the third simulation was Americana color and I think out of the ones that I shot this one was my favorite it just really had a pleasing rendering to me I will say well let's let's take a look at some of these photos so there's these men on this bike here there's some men who go around to the different trash cans around and they collect plastic and cans and then there's an area in town where you can sell it and a lot of them have little bikes like this and you can see there they'll fill up the back with those plastic bottles and then they'll bicycle themselves to the close to the dump where they can sell those got these really lovely flowers again the the reds are really standing out here and also the greens it's got some nice red on that truck I don't know exactly what that company is or what they deliver but I like the contrast with that nice red and then the the fall leaves it gives a nice Autumn picture there we've got another cat on the trash can there's a bicycle shop cycling is really popular here in my hometown the especially amongst the old men like if you're like 70 and over it's basically mandatory for you to have a bike and to ride it around town and to go get coffee with your friends so there's a need for a bicycle repair shop got some big big time pop on that aquamarine blue there underneath the fountain I really like that color and the way it contrasted with those those red flowers in the background this is an indoor photo taken of my seven Artisans 35 millimeter 0.95 so micro four thirds lens then some oranges they are growing on the trees right now you'll see here in this photo of the birds and the man on the moped I don't particularly like the way that this Swan renders the color in the sky it's very oh what is that almost like a like a marine blue and I don't particularly care for that a whole lot so I try to avoid Landscapes to me it just looks a little over processed and and I don't love it but I know that there are some people who really love that look and then the last photo here what's more Albanian than a football goal and some sheep eating on the football pitch I tried out a monochrome film simulation here Moody monochrome I expected to really like it after I took a few shots I didn't love it but as I looked back at those photos I realized that it was growing on me and I liked them more than I thought that I would when I was looking at them on the back of the Rico and and let me just mention that all of these shots are straight out of camera I adjusted the exposure on a few but I've made no other tweaks so what you're seeing here is the final results of just the film simulations and the recipes that are given in the Ricoh recipe app so this is Moody monochrome and I like some monochrome photography now and again got an old Volkswagen bus there and then a this was like a wood cutting shop I imagine that they sell this wood in the winter because there are still a lot of people who have wood stoves and and burn those for heat got a little bee helping to pollinate the flower community then we had an old truck this was just parked on the side of the road near a sheep pen and the cobwebs had grown over it it was like a great orange faded orange Mercedes work truck got some nice nice contrast here between the pillars and the the IV that was growing out of here found myself a shroom that was a nice shroom hidden in the grass and then some some grasshoppers I don't know exactly what those grasshoppers are up to but it made for a decent photo we might have to like blur that photo out I don't know it's probably inappropriate for children and we had a goat he was just staring at me and I was like all right you're gonna get your picture taken because you're a goat had the hay really uh or rather the straw stacked up high in this truck I hope that he was going to make it to his destination I couldn't see what store what the name of that store was I was hoping it wasn't the auto parts store and then one final one of this was actually a small building in the Old velora Airport this was an airport that I think it was a military airport during the Communist days and there's very few buildings left standing there and I guess if you could call that a building then that qualifies now the last film simulation was a really more of an experiment I never intended to make this simulation and it's not in the Fuji recipes app this is one I actually messed up the settings somehow when I was trying to input another simulation and I got this but I was actually kind of kind of pleased with it I called it summer fade because it reminded me of you know those hazy hot summer days even though that from this first photo you can tell it's not summer it's it's it's Autumn but I got these jack-o-lanterns here right around Halloween time someone had done this just Masterpiece graffiti work on this bench in town and what possessed somebody to draw this I'm not exactly sure but it's it's great then we've got a young boy he was modeling for some photos and then we've got my beautiful wife modeling for my my random snapshots you can see me unfortunately in the reflection of her glasses they're standing with my camera and then the giant fish this is like on the main they call it the lungamar or the sea walk and this is a giant fish it's actually kind of like a Fair amusement thing kids can climb up into the fish's mouth and then they fall back down and they exit through the the back of the fish it's kind of cool and kind of creepy at the same time there's this man what he's carrying there is flour he's carrying it into the pasticherry or like the the bakery the sweet shop and I imagine they go through that sub pretty quickly because Bakery is here are huge and they are cheap too so you can get all kinds of great stuff fresh bread fresh desserts made the same day and then um the final picture I've got here is a football team they all pile into this bus every day and they take them away to practice and then bring them back and so they're arriving back at their homes but as I mentioned if you want to see all of those photos kind of together in a gallery kind of view check out the link to the website so the final thing that I wanted to do and probably the most boring part is to take a look at the Ricoh gr3 and how to actually input these film recipes in here and to save them so that you can take your camera out and shoot let's take a look at the Ricoh app and let's input the the uh the recipe how about pulled monochrome red actually no let's do a color let's do a color royal Supra how about that ooh ooh yeah let's do it all right so you might be able to hear the rain pounding on the roof above my head but uh let's talk about how we actually input one of these film simulations into our camera so you turn this bad boy on go to your menu and you're going to go to your camera Tab and then let's see one two three four five six on the sixth screen of that camera tab there's something called image control you're going to click into image control here and it gives you the list of these these simulations that are pre-built into the camera in this case we need positive film so find the positive film item and then you notice down here there's this little gear and a function it says press function for the gear or for setting so we want to use positive film oh there's the Thunder we want to use positive film but we want to adjust the settings slightly so press the function button that's right here also the trash can button and it brings up a list of these these adjustments so the first one here you can see is saturation so according to our recipe we need a saturation of two so let me bump that down next is our Hue we need negative four there we go oops negative four high and low key adjustments we want this to be plus one it's already there so I don't have to make any adjustment um contrast plus four contrast as far as our highlights go we want negative four there we go our contrast in the shadows we want negative three and then sharpness plus one and shading zero you'll notice that we've made all of our adjustments here but there's some additional settings that are shown on the recipe that we need to go in and adjust so we need to go find those and that's where I feel like this can get a little bit tricky and and complicated so we we click OK here we press our positive film good our image control is set now the next thing that it wants us to look for on a recipe is highlight correction so in order to find this we need to actually scroll down from image control to dynamic range correction and this highlight correction is hidden in this menu so here we go we have highlight correction and Shadow correction both of which we need to adjust for this recipe so we press in here and it is on that's what we want so good for our shadow correction we want it on high it's already there I've found that most of these are the same for every recipe but and then the next thing in a recipe peripheral illumination correction where is that oh it's right above so we scroll up one see it there press into this we have it set to on good that's what our recipe calls for now for noise reduction we scroll down a couple oh my light just went out let's go out on a couple of noise reduction here and we want this to be off I'm pretty sure it's already off yep good and then for the trickiest one of all which is our white balance so in order to find white balance we need to scroll up several several screens here to the white balance section there it is Click into this right now I have it set on a custom white balance it says on a recipe to make this shade right so we have daylight shade cloudy uh daylight white daylight color so what we want to shade all right press in there but we want to make an adjustment here it says to our white balance compensation our a b and our GM we need it to be B6 and G4 so what we do is we have shade here but again we have to go to this little gear icon and in order to do that we press our function button or the trash can button so press there and it brings up this little color chart on that way you can see that but then basically you just use your d-pad to make the adjustments so we need B6 so we go back six places and we need G4 up four times so there we go that should be set and we press OK and then OK again on our shade setting so then we have basically at this point got the the recipe oh we've got the recipe completed you can adjust your ISO if you want to we can do an ISO setting you know it says in the recipe to not allow it to go over 6400 honestly I usually just leave it at Auto I'm not usually shooting over 6400 anyway it's not something I worry about and then your exposure compensation so you can shoot this anywhere from EV at zero to EV plus 0.7 usually I put mine uh one stop or a point plus point three that's where I usually leave mine all right so so now we want to save this because if we turn our camera off and uh turn it back on we're not going to have this saved so in order to do that we need to go to our this is also a little difficult to find sometimes we go to this C tab in our menu and we go to save settings click in here now I have three saved items here this is standard Luke which is just my standard profile and I have that set to U1 which corresponds to this little mode dial if we can see it right there so if you turn this U1 it comes up standard Luke and you can save your settings to these different profiles so I usually use U2 and u3 to save my custom film simulations so let's do that what we're going to do is we're going to go here to save settings and then let's save it as let's save it over in box three over the Moody monochrome setting so you're going to go here it's going to ask you if you want to enter a custom name and being a touch screen we can do that let's see what was this called again Royal Supra oil press enter assign settings saved in user mode box to a mode dial yes I do want to do that I want to save that to you number three so I can pull it up anytime that I want data process complete then you're good you're saved so you can go out here to your item go to the right control dial and your preset will be saved and you're ready to start shooting I will say it's a little bit more challenging than it is on the Fujifilm system which might be part of the reason that it hasn't caught on quite as much but once you get the hang of it it's you can be pretty quick so I think this is definitely a moody monochrome kind of day we've got some some serious rain going on well I hope this video was informative and oh there's some lightning and uh let me know if you have any comments about the Fujifilm recipes or I mean the RICO recipes as I get struck by lightning I may not be here to respond to your comments but let me know if you like them if you don't like them or if maybe you've never tried them before and I'd be interested in reading about that because I just haven't seen a lot of content about them so hopefully this has been enjoyable and I'll see you guys sometime for another camera photography review video kind of thing like this
Channel: Luke Taylor - Photography
Views: 165,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ricoh, gr3, griii, gr iii, gr 3, ricoh gr, film simulations, free film simulations, fuji film simulations, picture profiles, creative styles, fujifilm, fuji, better
Id: Yd4OpoJ8_mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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