The rice cooker chicken dish I could eat all day | Honey Soy Chicken & Rice | Marion's Kitchen

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is it easier more convenient is it tastier on the stovetop or in a microwave that's not a microwave oh my god it's a rascal girl [Music] hey guys we are doing another episode of marion's test kitchen this is where we test out cool techniques gadgets products methods so you don't have to and what are we doing today we're going to be doing a one pot honey soy chicken and rice and we have partnered with panasonic for this episode and we're going to be using their 10 cup rice cooker so this guy has a lot of things so let's come have a look before we get started now this has like 16 auto menus you can choose regular rice you can do brown rice jasmine rice you can do slow cooking soups all sorts of things so the cool thing about rice cookers like this one is that there is a technology used here called fuzzy logic now fuzzy logic is an actual thing because i googled it [Laughter] let me like go somewhere let me just test this out okay hey siri what is fuzzy logic here's some information okay so so apparently fuzzy logic is in logic fuzzy logic is a form of many values [Music] that doesn't make things any clearer okay so fuzzy logic kind of a weird term but it's an actual thing and uh in this rice cooker it means that the power is automatically adjusted so that you get more concise cooking so as the jasmine rice cooks as the brown rice cooks as your soup or your stew or your clay pot rice cooks then this rice cooker can sense when it needs to turn off or adjust the heat you can have fuzzy logic washing machines fuzzy logic fridges i think i'm not sure about that one maybe i'll serie that one later but um all right so i have chosen a really heavy kind of cast iron pot for this one the kind of thicker the better for this on the stove top that way you're not going to get things burning which is you know you don't want that all right now we also want some chicken thigh i really love chicken thigh in these kind of one pot dishes because um they don't dry out as much as the chicken breast and i'm just a legs in class girl [Music] now i want to get the chicken kind of marinating in a few flavors first of all so i'm going to go in with some soy sauce and then i want some dark soy sauce here as well actually i'm using a dark sweet soy sauce and this one is really great to give a nice shiny kind of color i love that now a little pinch of white pepper here and some sesame oil and this is kind of like a marinating step if you like i just want a little bit of flavor right on that chicken okay so you can add any other number of things to this um i'm actually going to add in some chinese sausage because i love those kind of sweet pops of pork in there you could just use like a regular pork sausage if you wanted if you had some chinese barbecue pork that'd be cool too i'm gonna go in with some shiitake mushrooms now i have been soaking them in some hot water for a little bit about 10 minutes or so and i'm just removing the stem from there because the stems stay really hard and firm and chewy they don't kind of soften up so you just want to take those out now i want to keep these mushrooms nice and chunky so i'm just going to cut them in half a few more extra flavorings here i want some garlic some ginger let's give this a bit of a mix and while we're doing all this it's great because the chicken's kind of soaking up some of that soy flavor and color which is great now this next ingredient is kind of a little trick of mine um so whenever i'm doing a chinese style kind of one pot dish with rice and with this kind of soy sauce marinade i like to add just a little bit of corn flour that's corn starch if you're in the u.s and what that does is it kind of thickens up the sauce and the stock and everything we're going to put in there and get some kind of shiny and glossy and yum okay so now let's talk about rice i'm using thai jasmine rice here and i've got two cups of rice so now for some liquids so i want some chicken stock so two cups two cups now for the extra half cup of liquid for each of these you could just go in with another half cup of chicken stock but i'm actually going to use some chinese cooking wine for mine it's a little bit of extra flavor now because i want to give this like a honey soy kind of vibe i'm going to go in with some honey here as well all right so all of our things are now in our pots just going to give it a bit of a stir okay so slightly concerned about the size of my pot for our stove top i think this is this is too smooth isn't it yes okay this guy is fine there's plenty of room there all right we're gonna need a bigger thing [Music] that's better i mean that's that other one it's not gonna work okay so this is what happens when you're testing things out all right so forget what i said earlier about that pot and this is you need a bigger pot let's get this guy turning on i think we'll start off high i think with this because we want to get the liquid kind of boiling this guy we're just going to pop him into our rice cooker now i'm going to select the automatic clay pot mode for this because it's a similar kind of clay pot as like a traditional chinese rice and chicken dish similar to this so would you choose clay pot press start and then this guy's going to take care of himself over here i think i'm going to give this like 10 minutes on high i want that stock to really start boiling but then i want to turn the heat down make sure we don't get burnt rice on the bottom 10 minutes coffee time [Music] all right so i thought it would take ten but it's only taken five thanks mom that was remember rice okay uh all right so let's just turn this off let's come and have a look in here yes definitely boiling okay so forget what i said earlier about 10 minutes we want five minutes uh now it is smelling good though now i want to turn this down to low yeah see i feel like this is already the disadvantage between using you know an automatic function and and the stove top because you just like you just don't know the timing so you've got to be keeping an eye on it coming back and forth or you can just put your mom in charge of keeping an eye on it hey mom can you just stand there and watch that pot for [Music] not me [Music] still a bit longer it's a very good coffee because [Laughter] have when i pressed start there was no time here now i've got a 10 minute kind of countdown which is pretty cool it is better that you don't have to keep checking on that guy it's like having kids like just you know you wish you could just leave them be without having to chase after them your lovely mother [Laughter] look i love my kids but they require a lot of attention just like this guy all right so suspense is over how fun uh the cool thing here is that this has stopped cooking and it's gone straight automatically to this keep warm function so that's really cool because it means i don't have to keep an eye on it it's not going to burn it's just going to sit there and keep warm which is pretty fun but should we have a look suspense is killing me all right oh wow yeah that looks great look at that all right let's get that out of there all right so that's looking pretty good let's see what's happening in here that looks good too so if we have a look side by side we've got most things looking fairly similar here i mean the real test is going to be how the rice tastes so let's let's get in here and have a look i'll try this one first lovely fluffy some grains are a little chewier than others so slightly uneven but good let's have a look at this one let's get in here with the rice definitely a more even cook here the rice for this one is cooked a lot more so it's softer and fluffier i think it would really depend on what your preference rice would be i actually really quite like this much softer fluffier stickier kind of texture yeah i mean they're both really good but i mean i'd give it to the rice cooker just because i didn't have to check on it it's cooked more evenly and this one required a little bit more attention just like my three-year-old okay let's get in here such a comforting dish i love this one one of the things i love about this kind of asian rice dish is the kind of crispy bottom that you get now i was worried that we wouldn't get that with the rice cooker because i thought it might be too smart to let things caramelize on the bottom but look at that look what we've got it's a beautiful amount of caramelization it's sticky that is good stuff so we want to get that out as well now serve our pot version now did we get some look at a little bit of a little bit of caramelization on the bottom i probably could have maybe kept the heat a bit higher at the beginning to get a little bit more of that okay just a little sprinkle there i'm not really a rice cooker girl i typically cook my rice on the stovetop but if i was going to do this dish again i would totally use the rice cooker because it was just so much easier so yum i was i was genuinely surprised like i thought that this would turn out mushy there's no way i thought it was going to procrastinate oh there's no way i thought there'd be crusher on the bottom there is it's great gotta love it not seriously
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 421,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marion Grasby, Marion's Kitchen, Panasonic, Rice Cooker, Claypot Chicken Rice, Homemade, Recipe, Tutorial, Home Cooking, Chinese Cuisine, Meal Prep & Planning, Kitchen Appliances, Gadgets, Honey, Soy Sauce, Chicken Rice Dish, Easy Recipe, Cast Iron, Pots and Pans, Cooking Show, Budget Recipes, Chinese Sausage, Mushrooms, Jasmine Rice
Id: YPiXdNr_O1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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