The Rhythm of Love | Sunday Morning Worship | #WalkingInDominion

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we open each service with these two affirmations or statements of belief we call them the shema and the tovah in the shema we affirm that our god is the only true and living god he is one god eternally existent in three persons god the father god the son and god the holy spirit the scripture reference for the shema is found in deuteronomy 6 4 and mark 12 29. our next affirmation is the tova in the tovah we affirm that our name is sealed in the book of life forever the scripture reference for the tovah is exodus 32 33 and revelation 3 5. it is customary for us to lift our hands toward the heavens when we recite our affirmations we recite them twice in hebrew and twice in english i ask that you repeat after me shama israel adonai eloheinu adonai ahad shema israel adonai eloheinu adonai ahad here o israel the lord our god is one lord hear o israel the lord our god is one lord gama hatama tova gama hatama may your name be sealed in the book of life forever may your name be sealed in the book of life forever [Music] good morning everybody praise the lord wherever you're watching i just encourage you this morning to lift your hands give god praise because he's so good his mercy endures forever there's nobody like him he's awesome he's great he's a provider he's all those things and i just encourage you to stand up lift your hands and let's give god praise this morning let's do it [Music] is with me how great [Music] [Music] god is on give god praise this morning that's a good place to put your brain [Music] hallelujah lift your voice to god see how great is is [Music] i praise you lord i'll praise you lord i praise you lord i'll praise you everybody i praise you lord [Music] i praise you [Music] to give you praise and i praise you lord everybody is give lord i praise you lord to the lord [Music] doesn't matter what i'm going through [Music] i'll praise you lord i'll praise you lord despite of what i'm going [Music] in spite of distress my praise is my weapon and i'll praise you lord [Music] i'll lift my hands to give i'll lift my voice to give you praise and i'll praise your lord i'll praise your lord i'll praise you for some of us that's prophetic because sometimes we just go through so much mess and it's hard to open up your mouth and give god praise but i want to encourage you to say i'll praise you lord i'll praise you lord i will praise you lord cause there's nobody like you there's nobody like you there's nobody like you no one will love me the way you do there's nobody like [Music] there's nobody like [Music] [Music] my i praise you lord i'll praise you lord [Music] i'll praise you lord [Music] oh lord our lord how excellent [Music] is [Music] a strong tower makes me safe [Music] there's nobody like you lord there's nobody [Music] there's nobody like yours [Music] there's nobody [Music] there's nobody like [Music] there's nobody there's nobody how do we cry nobody like you nobody like you nobody nobody go singing [Music] sing it with me one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] and none can compare [Music] there's no way [Music] there's you are you are there's nobody oh you're amazing you're amazing guys oh i can't get away from them [Music] he's an extraordinary god he's a healing god he's a delivering god he's a loving god [Music] is [Music] he's a worthy guy providing guys [Music] a wonderful god he's a counseling guy he's a sovereign god he's a sovereign god everything [Music] jehovah [Music] there's nobody like nobody like you just one more time there's [Music] we're glory to god the lord is faithful he's mighty he's amazing he's awesome it's the love of god it's the constraining power of who he is hallelujah we love you we adore you there's nobody like you glory to the name of the lord we glory in his power we glory in his presence we glory and who he is come on let's thank god for that amazing worship again come on and thank god for who he is [Music] lift your hands and praise him give him adoration adore him exalt him let the powers of grace exude out of you to reach to the throne room come on and worship him do something say something that you haven't said or done all week give him praise even in the midst of all of us going through even in the midst of all of us in this weather period god wants to do something amazing for you come on we're absolutely overwhelmingly in love with the almighty we never get familiar with it his mercies are new to us every day hallelujah hallelujah let the grace the glory the power and the might of god be your consistent stay this morning amen amen we're so excited that you tune in with us the lord is faithful and he's kind to us and we so appreciate him too this morning amen amen amen all but we've been talking about the rhythm of love how to operate in this supernatural grid how to walk in the miraculous when i love the miracles wonders that will happen to us and through us will be overwhelmingly impacting us to the grace of god hallelujah hallelujah just shout out love you lord i appreciate you i adore you i marvel at your faithfulness towards us you are my love you are my life you're my song you're my dance i love you abba hallelujah hallelujah glory to god amen amen let's approach this throne i want to say thank you all for continuously supporting us being faithful and all my dominionaires we absolutely love you and miss you amen hopefully you're taking care of yourself in the midst of everything we're going through here with the weather and all of that so god is faithful let's approach the throne of god we thank you father as we approach you with honorary reverence we thank you even now for being just who you say you are for letting your words penetrate the very [Music] essence of who we are holy spirit we give you the permission do what only you can do and that's bless encourage deliver heal protect this your people let our ears be attuned to what you say let our discernment work we will discern what you're saying to us in jesus mighty name amen amen amen amen well we're rounding up and we'll be wrapping up this love series and walking in love and understanding how to be consumed by the love of god compacted by the love of god walking in intimacy and grace and power and the anointing of who he is we are so excited about you know just falling in love and being in love with jesus whether you ever receive any love from outside forces i want you to know that the love of god is enough for you the love of god is enough for you get your bibles we'll go to our foundation scripture in john 3 16 amen hallelujah glory to god hallelujah the lord is faithful in his tabernacle glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god amen amen amen john 3 16 say for god so loved the world that he gave his only and one son that whosoever believed in him shall not perish but have what everlasting life everlasting life the bible says that god loved us so much get this this is amazing when we talk about the rhythm of love the symphonic movements of god how he would love us consistently uh even before the foundations of the world the bible says that god loved us that his love caused us to enter into an eternal realm that when we accept the love that he has given us we enter into an eternal realm so that means people can say they love god or say they are christians but never enter into the eternal realm okay let's let's work this out the bible says that god so loved the world he gave his son and that whoever believes in him believes in him who believes in jesus and believes that the love that god had towards us was so great that he gave himself you know people look at jesus as a just just as the son of god but jesus is the essence of god in bodily form the bible says he said i have prepared a body for myself to go down into earth and to redeem mankind he so loved us that he says i'll prepare a body for me to go down into i'll spend 33 years on the earth and i'll let the enemy think he has defeated me and i'll stay in the heart of the earth where he come on where he think his kingdom is and i and i'll raise myself back up after three days and i'll i'll put the blood on the mercy seat to appease my anger because there's nobody greater and he says whoever believes that i am so good that i myself would redeem mankind with myself and he says whoever believes that kind of love you you know he says they shall not perish that's an amazing feat that's an amazing journey that this kind of love will move you into any turnaround because you cannot take the sacrifice of jesus without understanding the love of the father oh i wish there's somebody here that's not my message this morning but i want you to get that i want you to get that you can't accept jesus and not accept the love of the father and you cannot accept the love of the father without accepting the sacrifice of jesus the bible says in john 15 13 no greater love has no man than this to lay down one's life for his friend the bible says that the love of god has brought us into this place that we are eternal beings now that we can walk eternal the love of god calls us to have eternal life the bible says that he has he has he has put eternity in the heart of a man who believes him that means your eternity is in the heart of every man that you're going to live eternally but where you live determines what you believe you're going to live eternally in the kingdom of god or eternally in the kingdom of darkness and so this morning i want to talk about something that we don't think about i want to i want to move into this grit of grace into this power where we don't talk about this and i want you to go to galatians 5 and 6 galatians 5 and 6. we're going to see that have you ever wondered why your prayers are not answered have you ever wondered why things are being hindered in your life you prayed you fast you've given and then i want you to see why some of this doesn't work why it doesn't work look what uh the scripture says in galatians five look at verse six for in jesus christ there is neither circumcision that availeth anything nor uncircumcision but what faith worketh by love [Laughter] i want you to see that fave worketh by love that means if i don't have love my faith is not working that means if i have issues with anybody you the bible says in first that's the law of corinthians 13 he says you can you can you can prophesy you can preach you can pray in tongues you can have the tongues of angels you can have all of these works but if you don't have love the bible says you're a tinkling symbol and a sound in brass that means you're nothing that means if that means if i pray if i fast if i give and i still walk in bitterness and anger if i have hatred that i have offense in my heart the bible says is nothing you're nothing and then the bible says that your faith worketh by love somebody say love say it's gonna work by love my faith is going to work by love that means you got you can't struggle in faith you can't struggle you know most of you most people uh struggle in faith because they don't have a perfect love walk okay did you know faith and love are twins that can't operate without each other see we always talk about get faith have faith get faith but nobody talks about love because you know why love is the most underrated message in the body of christ nobody wants to hear about love everybody wants to hear about miracles signs and wonders everybody want to know do you have miracles do you have a prophetic word everybody wants the supernatural but nobody tells you that if you get loved the supernatural is coming in the room if you get love faith is in the room if you get love it's easy to pray if you get loved you'll be healed that the the underrated message in the kingdom is love nobody wants to hear about love unless it is a and it's your soul it is the third dimensional love tell me how to be satisfied tell me how to get my needs met physically tell me how i can feel emotionally satisfied it is that kind of love we're looking for the aeros love which is emotional love we're not looking for the agape love we're not even looking for the philadelphia love which is the brotherly love we are looking for love that will satisfy our flesh and we don't understand that that kind of love always get you in trouble remember last week we said falling in and out of love in cycles trying to figure out and when we take people through deliverance they got this long list of people they've already had sex with why because they think that was love and they loved they loved they gave them the most intimate parts of them why because they thought they were in love because they were stimulated by their bodies and faith cannot operate without love it is twins they are twins that cannot be separated they are siamese twins that cannot and will not be separated and until you walk in love you'll never walk in faith you can never have the faith of god faith is the hand that take the things we need from god everything that jesus purchased for us on calvary can come by faith it's salvation it's healing it's the fullness of the spirit it's the gifts of the spirit it's the mantles that's on your life it is the grace and it is the gifts of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is victory of the world the flesh the devil and yourself and all the powers of the darkness but if i don't have love we can never overcome and that's why the world is in the mess that is in because the body of christ don't know how to love we don't even know how to love each other we've got denominational issues we've got ethnic issues we got gender issues and we wonder why there's so much hatred in the world is because there is no love in the church we say we love each other we say we say here we got this racism and this prejudice in the body of christ and we say we love our brothers but our actions speak louder than our words faith is not working for some christians because they don't have the full understanding about the word of god we've been teaching and we've been taught to say we got to have faith to please god but some times we casually move over teachings that faith work by love god is love god is love come on save faith my faith work by my love no you didn't get it my faith will work by my love not not not you got to hear me not the love of anybody else my faith will work by my love my ability my capacity my measure the strength of my love the longevity of my love the patience of my love the kindness of my love the mercies of my love come on it's going to work it's going to work my faith my faith is going to get in action it's almost like until love is at the forefront of what you do faith will not join love faith will stay on the sidelines with love until love is employed the moment you employ love in every area of your life faith comes alive faith is dormant and dead without love and we taught that and we can say we got faith we got all the confessions y'all know we we we love confessions over here we we love confessing the word saying the word writing our visions having vision boards all kinds of things but we are out of sync with god because we are out of sync with love and our faith will never work hebrews 11 says you know and he says he says this kind of faithful our desire must believe that with god is and that god is rewarded of them that diligently seek him uh hebrews 11. that's not the scripture i quote quote you another scripture but go to hebrews 11 6 he says he says let's go to verse 1. and now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders what obtained a good report but through faith we know the worlds were framed by the what world of god the word of god god could have never framed anything without love he loved his creation god everything god created he said that's good he said that's good that's good you can't say it's good if you don't love it okay we look you can make my mama you say you can make your mouth say anything and that's what we've done in the body of christ we've just said a lot of things the the that the world and he says anything that we see was made out of things we cannot see but by faith abel offered a more uh excellent sacrifice than came by which obtained a witness he was righteous testifying unto god this kind of faith but he had to have a love for god abram had a love for god so he gave him an excellent sacrifice and because cain did not have the love of god he killed his brother on the instance because god's preference was for abel and not cain you can short-circuit your faith by coming on south being jealous of somebody else what happened you begin to kill the person you're jealous of by your disdain for them by your hatred for them you know murder is not just taking a knife or a gun killing somebody murder is having irrational thoughts towards somebody and your thoughts can project evil on others oh it's quiet in here the bible says in verse six he says but without faith it's impossible to please god remember when you see faith you've got to see love so those are twins that cannot be separated so when you see faith you're gonna always see love you're gonna always see love and so you can say it like this by by without faith and love is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and he's awarded them that what diligently did diligently effectually seek him by faith and love noah being one of the things of god what caused noah to build the ark he loved god and he loved his creation so you cannot see faith without love and you can't see love without faith oh my oh my perfected love brings faith perfected faith brings love and you cannot operate you can't say i'm standing in faith but i still got something against so-and-so or i can't talk to so-and-so or i'll never go back there i hear people say i'll never go back to church i'll never go back and it's the very institution that god started why because you are the church you come on yoski the building is a representation of what's devoid on the inside of you and the lack of you wanting to be in the building is that i can't find nothing in me that will be agreeable with god that will make me go back to a place that he called me you might not go back to the place that you felt you were wounded but there has to be somewhere that you find yourself where you're fellowshipping with the saints are y'all hearing me and so god has given all of us a pause so we can get our hearts right somebody shout say my faith work by my love my faith work by my love my love works my faith [Laughter] when abram by faith and love abraham when he was called to go into a city at verse 8 the bible says he went out not knowing where he should go guess what it was faith and love if he didn't love god he wouldn't have moved if he and this is amazing because frost abram had no history with this god but he moved by faith and because of love nobody would move unless you they felt something called love i've seen people move from amazing jobs amazing properties amazing places and go to a desolate place because of love because of that love they had faith that when they get there they were going to make money they didn't care they didn't have a car they didn't have anywhere to live and that's just love just love just sowing what they thought was love come on it caused their faith to kick out and they had faith in the wrong thing sometimes that faith that love that's connected to your faith will cause you to do crazy things you you've got to diligently labor to get in love not only faith but you have to get your loved one it's almost like scales you can't help your faith up here and your love walk down here and opposite you can't be i love everybody and then you ain't have no faith there some is twins they ain't going nowhere that means i love god i'll move i love god i won't do this i love god so much my faith won't let me do that i can't do that i can't say that why it is anti-god if you've always been trying to figure out how to make your faith operable if you thought it was just another formula for success that you could say things get your mental ascent we know you have to have your mind right you you got to move from this endless cycle of legalism where i try to get god's hand without his face i want god's hand but i don't want his heart i want his blessings but i don't want to adhere to his commandments i don't want to do what he say do and we are in uh we are in a cycle of religiosity and familiarity where we've discounted god we don't reverence him in his word no more even from the pulpit we've made it about success and about blessings and if you don't have anything that looks like success that means you don't have any faith if you're not living in a particular house driving a particular car we've relegated our blessings and faith on what we can acquire and some of you can get that by a mental ascent but where is the love you got this house and you don't love there's no love there you're driving a new car but no love why anything to get any kind of success other than god's way we are doing it it's quiet in here it's impossible to please god without faith and love we've been pleasing our flesh we've been pleasing ourselves but we have not pleased god we have not pleased god uh hebrews 10 38 says now the just shall live by faith and love remember i said anytime you see faith you got to see love because the bible said faith worketh by love that's the formula if i want to see myself in every area of my life walking in faith acquiring the things that i have faith of he says faith worketh by love whoa what makes faith work my love what makes my faith work is my love and on on the flip side of that what makes my faith lot work or my fear work is my hatred towards something oh my god you start attracting what you fear because the other side of faith is fear and hatred most of you fear because you've got some kind of hatred or deficit in you and so you start fearing things you fear that this person don't like you so you put a hedge around your heart and you won't let them in because of fear and now you are creating fear and when fear comes hatred comes and you start hating yourself because you refuse to allow somebody else in when you don't allow people to love you properly you have self-love that cause is depression depression is self-worship that means i love me more than i love others and i start looking at me and looking at my deficit and because i don't want to be honest with me that i've got some deficits i'll make my deficits the combative place that in that that's between me and you and now i got an issue with you because i refuse to be healed and my faith can't work for me because i don't really believe in me because i don't really love me and most folk can't have faith because they don't love themselves say my faith worked by my love and if you don't love yourself i know we've been talking about loving god and loving others but if you don't love yourself you've got to love yourself enough to say i refuse to let anybody take me through anything come on i'm going to get healed myself i'm going to love myself in any area of my life in any space in my life in any dimension of my life if you are two or 32 i'm gonna love every bit of me with the short hair the long hair i'm gonna love every bit of me with money in the bank without the money i'm gonna love me house or no house i'm gonna love me why because when i love me i love what god put on the inside of me i love he says you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of god that means when he made you he went through the processes of thinking everything strategically through you to you for you and god says i love you with an everlasting love and if god can love me right where i am even when i was in my mess in my unformed sin in my un obscene form he loved me he told jeremiah before i formed you boy i love you before i knitted you i love you before i gave you purpose i loved you before i gave you destiny i love you and when you can reciprocate or receive the love of the father for you then there is nothing outside of you that will ever be able to destroy what's in you it is the love of god that's been shed in my heart by the holy ghost it's the holy ghost loving you through me it's the holy ghost that loves me because it's the holy ghost that causes me to love me it's the holy don't tell me you're full of the holy ghost and don't love yourself don't tell me now i'm not saying you'll be selfish but i'm talking about there's a love that we have now that when we fall in love with him we step into this newness of life where i love me i love i don't need your accolades to make me feel loved i don't need your actual service to make me feel loved i don't need your gratitude i don't i don't need your gifts i don't need your affirmation i welcome them if they come if they don't i'm still good with you why because i've learned how to love god in me and love myself [Music] i am no good to you when i don't love me i said i'm no good to me when i don't love me i'm no good to you when i don't love me i'm no good to anybody i'm no good to the kingdom when i don't love me why because i'm supposed to be the reflection of the perfection of who he is how do men know who i am that bible says by your love by your love let's go to this last this last scripture it's the love of god say it's my love working my faith say it again is my love work in my faith it is my love the bible says that jesus was moved by love and he healed them he was moved by compassion he was moved by this and he he healed them it is the love of god it's the love it's the love of god oh my god look at first john 3. look at look at look at verse 11 and i'm through say this kind of love has to be action so that that means i'm gonna love you that my faith is gonna believe god for good things for you it is my faith look what he says for hearing the message that you learned from the beginning that we should love one another that we should love love why if i can't love you my faith don't work i want you to get that in your spirit faith and love is sun means twins that refuse to be separated oh can you pray for me brother [Music] you know why most peop prayers people people pray for you don't work because they don't operate in love i don't look for the most anointed person i look for the person who exude love they might not be articulate they may not have revelation they they might not even have a mantle but if they love i know their prayer gonna work that's why i always get the little mothers i said can you pray for me because i know they got absolute love some the mothers in the church they got absolute love and they they not deep some of them they might not say the right things but because they love their faith in their and their prayer is going to work why because they love don't don't don't i i you don't have to pray for me all you big prayer war all you big ones who say i've been interceding for you but you can't speak to your neighbor you have no capacity to love your love is not an action we can't see it look what he says not as cain who was that wicked one who slew his brother and wherefore he slew him because even his own works were evil [Music] marvel not my brother if the world hate you they're gonna hate hate he said marvel not my brother if the world hate you we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren he said the way to be crucified and pass from death to life is the way you love your brother most of you are going to be challenged and being challenged by your loved one and that is crucifixion people like i want to know the resurrection power of god but you can't know the resurrection unless you've been crucified [Music] and god challenged you in your love walk by people [Music] by people [Music] and you got to love the ones that that are not easy it is amazing that sometimes right when you get to your greatest breakthrough right on the premises of your miracle your financial breakthrough somebody comes to challenge you in your love walk somebody comes to see if you go and the enemy makes sure that you you fail this test because now he has to pay you what's do you and he don't want to pay you so he makes you fail the test and then he looks at god and says see they're not worthy of that somebody cuts you off somebody talks about you somebody steals from you somebody says something and it short circuits your love walk now your faith doesn't work in every prayer you pray now he said we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren he that loveth not his brother abideth in death oh my god can we see the word of god how can you say that you love god and hate your brother the bible says that if you don't love your brother you operate and abide in death that means everything in your life has death earmarks everything in your life begins to die everything in your life begins to decay why because the bible says you have no love for the brethren [Music] now we see what our whole ministries are drying up in why pulpits will never come back and why whole denominations are drying up because we don't have love for the brothering and the bible says that death abides when you don't love your brother seek whoever hated his brother is a murderer that's what the scripture says you are a murderer and the bible says that murderers cannot enter the kingdom of god that's why he says i'd cast out devils in your name i healed the sick he says depart from me for i never knew you because you love the gifts you love the anointing and you love the crowd but you never love me and you never love the brethren you love what the brethren could do for you you love what the brothering and the sisters could bring you you love the accolades you love that but you never really loved them you never got in the trenches with them you never felt their pain you never went walked with him you never gave out of your necessity you never you never gave out of your abundance you never he says if you hate the brothering you are a murderer and no murderer have eternal life abiding in them hereby perceive we the love of god because he laid down his life for us we all lay down our lives for our brethren look at verse 17 but whosoever have the world's good and see if his brother have need and shut up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of god in it [Music] sattva [Music] lift your hands right there i feel he says if you don't know how to love your brethren you are a murderer why because you deny access to the faith of god that he put on the inside of you to operate do you know everything that's on the inside of you by the kingdom of heaven god put in there not just for you but on the behalf of others [Music] he did it for jesus came to the earth for us his whole life was about others your whole life gotta be about others though you love yourself and though you love god on the inside of you but everything god has given me it is uh uh it is subject to be given to somebody else i don't hold there anything that i have that god can't take and you give it to somebody else the car the house the clothes the jewelry whatever he says that's why it's easy beautiful shutter it's either they love him hey tamasha it's easy to be a giver when you love god it's easy because whatever he has is mine and whatever i have is his and i absolutely love him and he loves me and we reciprocate our love and he'll say give he'll say dude i was i was in the line in the grocery line the other day and uh it was it was uh coming up to valentine's day and and the little checker in the in the store we were in and it was crowded people the weather was getting crazy and it was crowded and and the little checkout lady she was like um she was talking about how she was going to get her groceries and all of that and i heard the holy ghost say buy her groceries he wanted me to show her love that there was something in her italian she caught my shirt over that needed to see the love of the father and i just slipped the money in her hand [Music] and you and you could see the tears in her eyes she needed to feel the love of the father that i heard another story where this pastor kept hearing this lady's name from his home country and he just kept hearing her name and he hadn't spoken to her in years and the lord says find her and get in touch with her today find her on the other end the lord had told her to go to the market she had no money she had no food see the love of god won't let you discount the voice of god the love of god will make you obey him immediately it's the love of god it's nothing i won't do for you come on you can talk the love language for god that ain't nothing i won't do for you i love it with my whole heart i'm absolutely unapologetically in love i'll show everybody it'll be public displays of love pda agust public displays of affection i love you everywhere i go and he said he found the number and called her she was standing in the midst of the market with no food no money and he says what you doing he said she said the lord told me to come to the market i have no food he said the lord told me to call you he said give me your account information i'm sending you money now it was the love how did god want to love her he could have rang down manna he he could have he could have let her find some money but he was displaying his love through somebody else y'all didn't hear me the reason i love him that's how much my [Music] that's love it's amazing love jesus went to calvary to save to save a wretch like me that's love that's love that's the overwhelming impacting love of god it's the love of god that constrains me father we thank you for the love that you show us continuously endlessly joyously victoriously we thank you even now that any hatred bitterness resentment fear that we've had any unloving ways any murderous ways that we've had we ask you to forgive us wash us in your blood we come back to the grid of grace for loving view for loving your creation father remove the spirit and the stain the stammer the the residue of a murderer every place that we've murdered your creation cause murder to the brother when we ask you to forgive us wash us in your blood we come back to our first love and we love through your eyes we love through your heart we love through your power through your might in jesus mighty name shout amen amen amen amen amen hallelujah when i love i step into the eternal graces of god when i love my faith works when i love my prosperity works when i love my prayer works when i love my tongue works when i love he says if you speak in tongues and have not love you're nothing your tongue is nothing you're nothing your prayer is nothing your fasting is nothing if you don't have love i don't care how good you are if you don't love you're nothing i don't care how much money you have i don't care what title you're nothing and the only way you can become something in the kingdom of god is learning how to love and what's amazing is we don't know how to love [Music] but the bible says that the holy spirit has already put love in our hearts and the day you make jesus lord of your life is the best day of the rest of your existence you're going to walk in love and they're going to be days you're going to be challenging your loved one but you're gonna have total victory when you learn how to allow what he did for you to move through you to others it was the love of god that overlooked your sins it was the love of god that overlooked your transgressions your iniquitous patterns it was your the love of god that overlooked your hatred for him it's the love of god right now that is pulling you constraining you settling you i want to give you that opportunity open the door to love you want to love again you want to be free you want your faith to work open your heart to love again the greatest love you'll ever experience in your life is the love of the father come on repeat this prayer after me father come in the name of the lord jesus christ forgive us wash us [Music] we found love when we found that we believe that jesus died rose and ascending on our behalf thank you for loving us in jesus mighty name right now you've made him lord of your life you open the door to your heart there's a number on the screen i want you to call [Music] ministry partners is gonna take your call and simply help you through the process amen so many of you hundreds literally hundreds or hundreds of you have called and say i want to be a part of our church see when you in love music do something to you even when you're in the natural love there are love songs that just fool you their souls that's in your spirit and in your heart there's certain rhythms that'll make you start thinking call the number on the screen we would love for you to be a part come on the bible says that god love any gay don't tell me you love me and don't give don't tell me you love me and you won't obey don't tell me you love me and you won't walk with me you want to hear to my principles that you don't want or like what's in my house everything that i have is god's everything he owns according to my obedience my love walk in my faith i can have oh we miss that [Music] he has given us an inheritance but based on how we cooperate with love how we walk in faith depends on how much of the kingdom we can access and you can never access the kingdom that secures your destiny in wealth and riches if you don't have love don't you know your prosperity is tied to loving somebody else that god will prosper you so you can love somebody else by your giving and we can't properly love the father unless we show you show him that we are free in our giving he loves a cheerful giver several primary ways you can give you can go to giblify dominion world in marion arkansas that's love that's love hallelujah you can call the number on the screen [Music] you can go to 1-866-579-5807 to the cash app is dollar sign dr sharon nismo now there's a sharing nesbit out there but that's not me it's dollar sign doctor sharon nesbit then the last way is po box 41 marion arkansas you can mail it in p.o box 41. mary in arkansas [Music] it's for you and i that's love that's love come on lift your hands father thank you for loving us that you gave and because we love you we can hear so i tithe an offering we spill him at the feet of our high priest jesus where in heaven he receives him there we thank you now for the blessing of the tithe and the offering we love you with an everlasting love we hold on to the love that's been shed in our hearts by the holy spirit i want you to shout five times with me i'm abundantly supplied and say this in every area of my life i'm abundantly supplied in love come on i'm abundantly supplied i'm abundantly supplied i'm abundantly supplied i'm abundantly supplied i'm abundantly supply in jesus mighty name amen amen amen amen amen remember it's the love that works siamese twins are faith and love that refuses to be separated i'll be up praying in the morning i want you to pray with us faith and love your faith is gonna work by your love and your love will make your faith work in jesus name thank you for joining today's virtual worship experience are you looking for a church home we'd love to have you join our dominion family if you're interested in joining dominion we invite you to call us at 1-866-579-5807 or visit us at and one of our ministry partners will be reaching out to you soon you don't have to wait until next sunday to hear from us again stay connected with us across our social platforms on facebook youtube or instagram to keep up with all that we do power up with prayer on mondays at 5 30 a.m virtual worship experiences on wednesdays at 7 00 pm and of course sundays at 8 30 a.m all times are central have a supernatural week [Music] play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Sharon Nesbitt
Views: 1,468
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: mqyy7hjaVQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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