The Never The Less Life

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licensed to its my worship list I want it right now but I was wrong getting the word you trust me they all did ah unity I didn't get amen Galatians 2 or 20 this sum I mean there's a lot to say but I want to deal with Christ foundation start today I think we're getting too much knowledge not enough growth but a lot of knowledge and see my most of the knowledge is causing folks to for safety foundations boundaries that was said Christendom before I get to give you this word I'm gonna give you well let me stay with this I was studying something else and boy this was loud studies it's really deep it's on my mind but this right here is what we do today and then say growth and what I've seen in the church world is dead [Music] praise is definite but growth is not necessary I mean as long as you praise you okay but you don't have to grow growth is the problem that we're having is that we have folks who are in the house of God and now they're not even in the house of God they just online saying the Lord is calling them to just teach the word on the Internet God called me I didn't search ha's because some of the most lay keyword people because God is not calling you away from his bride he established the church where is the argument what the church is not necessarily the four walls it is it is the institution that was established Bible says in the book of Acts they went house to house that was in charge at the time they gathered in a place where they had a congregation the internet is not a congregation having a chat conference check prairie that's not no human people they may interact it's a fellowship I say all the time you need Church for fellowship so say don't make you worried and isolated you need fellowship man that's the isolation in isolation is when he speaks a lot of the heretical doctors we have comes from a man in isolation some we're thinking the Lord called him away from people the Bible says in the multitude of counsel there are safety God don't call you away amen you might need to just get around some better people but don't think he's calling you to be by yourself for you the only one left you under the Elijah delusion not everybody has about their need to bill and show having kissing some of us are still fresh look humble that is now truth the knowledge of or spirituality we got to go to a lockdown them to find Christ used to be easy I understand the brow Road I thought the brow road was gonna be a road without stretching all the broader world favored Hinduism and hotep ISM and Hebrew ISM and online all kind of stuff but narrow is the way they may give myself on hand maybe a God amen so what i'ma talk about today is called the nevertheless life nevertheless life I am shocked at the depth of research that I see and the lack of food of the Spirit deep in research but no fruit wise but hateful smart but can't stand no back this is what Satan's trick in the beginning was to gain all knowledge and yet never develop the character of the most a decision reason why the most like hurts Adam and Eve because it was his nature in character they were supposed to seek and want to be liked but after the Aidid of the fruit of the tree their life will be spent getting knowledge not knowledge of God but just knowledge are you hear what I'm saying so we have a a generation that knows more Bible that have more books to study there no more websites to go glean from and yet have less developed fruit talk to me we have a generation that could break down marriage backwards and forwards but can't stay married they deeper up with no fruit no non suffers no paces no tears no meekness are you hearing what I'm saying and this is exactly what Satan promised Eve you don't know good and evil but she's not gonna have any power to do god you're only gonna be able to do man's good a man's evil but you won't be able to do God's wheel so you trade God's wheel for knowledge come on talk to me this is one of our greatest problems because you have to wrassle with a member and you try to talk then you got a wrassle that piece of knowledge they get in order to give them the will of God now say grow up this is about growth say growth when you came to Christ it was an invitation to grow meaning that you do not stay on the same level you go from faith to faith glow over the door you keep blowing up and keep growing up how long teeth you keep going to the car bob says when he comes we shall be like him but we shall see him as he is but what am i doing now I'm doing my best to be like him as I see him now the little bit of light I got about him now I'm striving to be like what I see now so I'm not gonna be perfect because I don't see perfectly but once I see him face to face i'ma see how thorough look at how he's standing how you move then I'm gonna be more like him but the little light I got out of his word is what I'm striving to be now are you hearing what I'm saying so say the purpose was growth it was to grow up to become a disciple a discipline one that would use the discipline of the kingdom to develop maturity whereby the Most High could trust us with his other side stuff the whole 19th time are you hearing what I'm saying he has a lot on the other side bro that place that Christ was trying to get them to realize called the Kingdom of Heaven he has stuff over there that he's trying to transfer or give us give us license to operate in this world now with what he got there but it costs maturity to handle the weight now what he got over it what he got over his glory but glorious weight so in order to handle what he got over there he has to condition us here what you mean condition us if he gives us something from over there and we over here and he don't discipline us for it will become God's which is Satan's promise to the woman that you shall be as God's thinking that now Satan is giving us knowledge from over there too and that's why I me and I think in their God because they they can levitate it they got a little hidden occult acknowledged and they're becoming God now you go you can be God you can be ask gods two different ways you can be ask God by being the son of God will be a little G or you can be filled with knowledge or technology and be y'all notice what Satan is really given its technology all secret societies you see I'm getting into it to another message are you there it's the knowledge of the other side without the Holy Ghost that make you thank you God the other now I'll give you a little bit lower down evil pockets I'll give you some the world is becoming what was the Mayan what was that place the other the place where the Mayans was now that sex was the other people before Maya doubly on time at the place the place was called the place where he was sacrificing people you know those I can't remember now but the world is becoming that place the world is becoming Egypt the world is becoming Babylon the world is becoming Greece the world is becoming Rome what is these cultures what do they have in common they were all given technology from the other side and the cost of the technology was feeding fallen angels with the blood of men that's why all those cultures had to sacrifice and if you don't think Rome was sacrificing under the catacombs of the Vatican Church which was not always a Vatican Church underneath where they would sacrifice to the demons or the fallen angels that gave Europeans the knowledge that the Egyptians and the Mayans had never eat them that Europeans have that knowledge and at the height of the culture it is too much how can I give back to what I'm saying I want I want to give you a little bit of that because all the work now in order for the world to become that now they have to create the climate say the climate now the climate that calls fallen angels to to to to flourish is darkness or seeing or transgressing the laws of the Most High but though is I don't know if y'all remember that I look we've seen it but I'm going to watch in the movie it was called up the Avengers thing was the Avengers and they took this thing and it's what they had some typos in it and they told y'all no Dora was telling Iron Man it was saying if you operate with this little sword it's gonna summon the other world to know that America that that this that this world has reached a certain level of knowledge and ready for a certain level of war and y'all there so basically now I know that's movie but there's a lot of truth behind that stuff they not getting that stuff out of their mind but anyway so that I don't go too deep into that the chaos is needed in order to develop or to or to summon these fallen angels that will eventually begin to into the same thing they've done in Egypt they've done in the Mayans they've done in Greece they've done in Babylon they're gonna do the same thing which is trade men knowledge which our governments of the world are in cahoots with them that's how we got in 40 years we went from analog to digital but before that we were stupid as all that dawg see they make you think we're evolving but we really deepali all that all that technology was there that's why the Mayans had hieroglyphs with guys and straight sous teacher teach them at heart lifts with helicopters and spaceships why because they try to make you think we're deeper because the last liar that Satan is telling is that these beans will show up and they will be the ones that created us just too much but the point I'm making is sin say sin sin release this power come on say sin release his power so every time you sin power is released the power is darkness disobedience to the most high releases a power called darkness come on talk to me if I go technical I'll call it dark matter it's released because what Satan always knew that he has in order for him to rule he has to make the culture on he had to make the culture of God's creation become repulsive to them not just to the Most High but also to the angels and have to work on behalf of men at this time so he so the goal is to cause man the same way Baylin told bait bait Balaam told me like I can't curse him but if but they could curse themselves they must fall from grace or their cup of iniquity must be filled and then the most high will remove his head and that's when the culture of those two the paradigm shift meaning now what was wrong what was right becomes wrong look how close we are to being there that's why the Bible says in the last days they're gonna call wrong right right now they they called Bruce Jenner woman and said Serena Williams was a man how you do that give them young now what I'm trying to show you is the increase of iniquity is what Satan is using to to establish this world as his kingdom now he had another world uh-uh see I'm pulling this other message but I'm not gonna do it to y'all day I'm gonna give y'all this cross I don't have time this is a reason why learning a life of denial learning how to deny the flesh how to overcome the flesh so you don't allow the transgression to cause you to release darkness why are witchcraft coven's and places that are evil why are they so charged with power because people go there and do abominable things that literally release darkness and the height of abomination is too innocent blood this is why they use in it they use the children because the the increase of darkness gives these evil spirits power in that place what darkness has been released that's why certain place you go is this more power for demonic don't be goner are you there and so now instead of it being a witches coven or a city that's evil Satan through the media and music and movies is literally causing men to produce enough evil that the Bible says the world will be covered in darkness once the world is covered in darkness there will be enough power for the man of sin to be revealed this is too much so this is a numbers game say percentages this is a percentage game what has stopped the enemy from doing this in wrong day or a Nimrod day or Egypt day what there was always a righteous seed that would understand understood that we don't get things accomplished by physical war physical war are Satan's people feeding him blood death and chaos is there too much understand that's why I has never been a day where there was no war because those that I believe that are in cahoots or that have the bloodlines they actually use their power and influence to create death murder and chaos because that's what beats these fallen angels you don't believe me the Bible says in Genesis 6 that after these angels the people begin to feed the angels and dinner angels begin to get a taste for human flesh it's what cannibalism comes from culture and how can I get y'all to see better what I'm saying I'm gonna read a scriptural trial now so the church is in a state of civil war the church is about to sleep it's going to fit and that falling away is going to even give the kingdom of darkness more power because even a weak Church can still come in agreement and pray that was what my point was what has stopped the enemy from doing what he's been trying to do it's the church ahoo faith God is against a church no it's the church the church is the one that has the keys of the kingdom that when they begin to speak they don't have to be physically in the other realm we have been given a license to affect that realm standing here talk to me and when we begin to come on one part and speak the will of the Most High it challenges the powers of hell matter of fact it frustrates the Bible says our prayers go up as smoke the smoke clears the heavenlies what these demons spiritual wickedness in high places all oh y'all know what I'm saying I know it's hard to get this okay what what what is the smoke if it's electrical interference if Safety's teaching man technology I mean technology there before that's just too much it's too much is too deep it's too deep see we see because we have been dumbed down you think evolution where he bobbing from dawn to smart we don't realize that all these other cultures which was told oh they know that knowledge now which is know now they've been another planets now say not know the deal you think with youth now how do we go the laws and we hain't been went back to the moon oh no and I'm full of this other messes y'all let me let me I'm full of the sudden man come on talk to me I have to teach us with my powerpoint cuz I got pictures but moths and stuff it's homage anyway now there's too much so what's happening is is say agreement satan is after your agreement come on say my agreement agreement is just like a street light stoplight he's trying to change your register dreams because just like that street light will allow you to go further down this stream once it turns green agreement is trying to get God's people in agreement talk to me which gives him more power to take more ground once enough of God's true people are in agreement with him and you see the heaven every day that's why men deters can't make up this man who's gave way games right eBay right that's that falling away they get in agreement half the church in agreement with racism didn't Trump show us that but once this Agreement happens there'll be critical mass critical mass means this is the power that Satan missing can take to the most high and say yo be for calling me now this is why bathe them new I can't awesome right now because right now they are in agreement with the most high and his own land agree with Mossad ahead of protection will stay around them matter of fact if I try to curse them and the hands is around them that curse will come back to me so what we must do look at this simple walk per se they say no step forward what we must do is get them to fall in love with seeing that building to the drabs of the body the same drag that out of head there with the atom had to get kicked out because he was trouble lustful after the alien of fruit that the most I had to cover him cuz he wasn't got nothing else done because all he could see was the one so let's play on the drive that's the women down there they that you get them to go down into these million nights their curse they sell once they curse they self the Most High who is holy who is righteous who hates singing and they will become detestable remember in Noah's day when the Bible says that God said I wish I never may know repenting you have a main man why because of the the unrighteousness he looked down and saw I can really go deeper than what they were really doing but he looked down and saw the violence the wickedness the sacrifices was doing and he didn't want no more how you doing he done it again Moses went up on the mountain come down with the with the law they down her naked dancing around hits enemy dancing around his enemy that same enemy bale of Molech it's a saying God be worshiping now but they came down and saw them dancing naked naked s part of savings this why are we already done taking your clothes off it's a spirit naked around this cab the Most High got mad and said I'm gonna kill all up but the intercessor Moses said no sir and he said most I saw the nation with you that's I know all morning Moses is a great man he's a great man cuz had he been even like me I would have said a nation call Stephen that sounds right that's that's right are you there but Moses cared about the reputation of the most had more he said what I've done what's Egypt gone safe these people who you revealed your power and showed you a was of an elder to God only to get your people out in the witness and kill them oh you gonna make your enemies more powerful in the mocking of you all I said a great man I care about your reputation you can t find people like that nowadays I can talk about your reputation I don't even let you do something stupid that's what leaders are look look at it okay now Lord thank you baby [Music] now this is having these little white pieces all those living all right now the other so now now know what I'm really trying to talk about is say my immaturity produces Satan atmospheric mechanism say my immaturity this is the reason why you have to be knowledgeable say knowledgeable did you know the more knowledge you have of God the greater grace you growing in meaning he gives you more grapes based on your knowledge of young the Bible says you can add to your faith you can even add to grace by the knowledge you have of God now what I want to let me show you something going delay see God too lazy to say say say Lord grow me up I don't want to be a producer of darkness verse of verse 20 how am I going to grow up I am crucified with Christ this is the reason why Satan hates repentance he hates humility humility breaks his power immediately that's why it's hard to deliver folks this prideful why do you think before naming the leopard got delivered Eliza told him go down and dip in the dirty water he was too proud but he had to go now I put his miracle his breakthrough his deliverance in a place of total humility that's why some of you can't get a breakthrough you're too prideful he keeps telling you to do things that's going to call people see you ain't all that that's what he's been trying to get him a sieve anyway are you there no matter how godlike you are the most high was so a fatal flaw in you it's very important that men see your weakness that's why Paul said I must glory in my weeds but if I ever make you think this stuff's coming from me then I will be in competition with the one that sent me and if I may if I'm competing with him you'll remove his grace from me and without his grace the enemies he'd be keeping off for me already that's why I dare to be prideful the enemy's you don't even know the enemy's each even off of you that's people with niches of you video stuff of you today ready to put on the Internet's up and it covers you how dare you now come to the house of God and get mad mothers the praise is too long if you knew what he was [Applause] hallelujah it's only bad his grapes any of us that made any of us today no knowledge if it was about knowledge then you'd never guess a because he said well didn't he know me I came looking for you you mean Oh God as a matter of fact I first have you heard God you didn't need Noah's God you were just as Ignotus Sam you whenever when the most higher called him they jumped up and ran to Eli many of you when the pulse has calling you start wanting the weed and running the drinks liquor and girls didn't know what that boys lost put him in his grace loving-kindness and tender mercies that's why I didn't look there are people who who you got to make prays daily they up in church looking at two light years I cannot get I get I get first before cuz I've know you either don't know him or you about to go do something that's gonna make you doing you really don't want to have to go through nothing just don't make you no way [Applause] the multi hates a proud look now look since I've to live with myself let me get back to them if they are inclusive ah this is how stop producing darkness on my job you take the bosses you the darkness all in the car darkness in the bedroom got going out you blaming everybody else is you but you have never learned that so truth posture is to be crucified your true posture is to be looking down on everybody and everything that's ever done anything that you would say forgive them oh that's graduation yeah even the one that molested you the one that broke your heart but give them visibles has it all they become it like me let me get some stuff from the other side nothing I can trust and go get ribbing cuz you know in the state we be in if we was a half the power half the people you know would be there if you just had the power to just how they might be me I mean you can't get in trouble even now as safe as you are and you know that you could just will it be day that's power it seems power his power is so tied to his nature that he must hollow out a vessel hollowing out a vessel it's empty in a vessel of all of you because if he trusts you let me go come on say I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless our ways when you see nevertheless pay attention come on say nevertheless I still deal and yet not i but Christ then liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me this is supposed to be what you say to people this is supposed to be your posture in life I'm not living but it's the Christ that they've been meaning even when people want to praise you thank you but it's never Lee not me the real me is accepted as the day is long and if I start living out of me you might get cussed out because that's what I would do so anything good that you got [Applause] it didn't come from me but it's the Christ that liveth in me this is the problem there a lot of lot of saints can't even say that's the Christ is living in there hallelujah come on go to Luke let's go Boogaloo I'm gonna stop this darkness in my life and being a producer I don't want Satan to be comfortable around me you know I don't want him to know I can count on daytime for a good old customer riding around when I need it I won't even know that about me I don't want him to know I I can count on giving the gospel I can keep like I think I can release darkness Reb I going in do y'all see that's what did you see see untrue so find one crucified life will produce darkness wherever it goes are you there this is the reason why I'll get there Luke 22 now jump down Luke 9 Luke 19 will go back Luke 9:23 come on say Lord force me throw up growing up it's not age growth in the kingdom of God is how much character of Christ development that's what Brody is how much character of Christ on development that's why the ultimate growth Christ said greater love has no man than to lay down his life ladies love greatest broke you can have that's the reason why your graduation will always be can you forgive somebody that was dead wrong but do you need your rights come on do you need a judge and need your rights or can see some of y'all problem is most of stuff that you're suffered you suffer cause your soul disease but when you really start living in righteousness you start getting persecuted for doing nothing at home that's why even even even even Peter I mean even Stephen in the book of Acts had to say the same thing forgive them they ain't know they don't know what they do that's suffering for righteous sake this is what he's trying to get us all to I know there why is this important come on Oh Lord why I just put cuz you gonna have to leave this earth not you want to leave this body and you have to have the correct posture to die you better have the correct spirit when you die because we are nothing he's training me to be able to let lay down this body in the right spirit forget them father see they know not what they do so in this life he gives me plenty of opportunity to be offended to be better to be walking on forgiveness to give revenge to be angry and every time I overcome that he said does a crowd that's a reward being rewarding you for the little stuff you think he's rewarding you for the time you shoulda went off you shoulda let him happy [Music] [Applause] but you say forgive them father they know not what they do now you have rewards in heaven if you get your rights on earth you will have none in the next life that's why you have to deny your rights here just too much let me go here come on this see see see you know I love preach on Hebrew life preach on but who we are preach on busy brilliance whatever I want preach on the platter which is alive I said it preach all know reach honor the Mandela faith brings y'all this smooth deep teeth preach on it preach on up we didn't agree John Wyer word of what the plan is really uh see if retreats are water the Brotherhood us the Saturday preached the free zone prints up read great they never asked me preach on my wicked way reach on how fly on the way from God preached Ohama seeing I'm allowing read so how much darkness is in me reach on the wickedness of my heart they never won't that word I got for some videos on YouTube the ones that got 100,000 hits hundred thousand hits it of all it's all messages about booyah Hebrew is realizing witchcraft meaning which is what other people are doing to me they don't they make a be the witch [Applause] but I got mrs. owner I got mrs. owner that I call faith eros no hits on these messages so I almost I said people to see the title oh that ain't gonna be no this is gonna deal with me but let's move on they don't want those messages no don't know Louis views it's only news are high when it deals with stuff that's not dealing with me but what you don't realize is no matter how fast our Father is how big his universe is how many galaxies that planets he has created he still understands the greatest thing in his heart is you so even though he could tell you what they did on Mars and how the planet rate half blew up dead his name the fatter there's the belt of the Saturn where it says planet was called a Pepsi so you want to know that because he's a personal God [Music] the only thing gonna get you to meet him is to personally seek him now not to know him like your mother or like a nation not the norm like black folk African folk or Jewish for but the know him yourself so he cares about the little things nothing ain't nothing to a God as big as he is ain't that awesome that's that messed me up when I thought about this guy is upholding all things through the word of his power the Bible says he hummed the earth he hummed the world I don't nothing the slug it out said beat and keep holding this guy they got all the planets this discard yes got all power in his hand and he's worried about how I treat my brother how I treat my mother he's right about how I treat my wife what about the little insignificant thing that happened to me when I'm gonna tell you that God is calling me David said did you get over that little thing why are you so worried about me even the angels came and said what it's me that you are mindful of them why are you so focused on this little weak frail thing because he's committed you don't know what needs to be a son or daughter to be in the family of God can I go on I don't know I know I had to be going you know I gotta go Luke chapter 9 the other lutely verse 23 come on say no more darkness in my life come on say nevertheless it's my new world did you know that's how yes when you grow when you do what you didn't want to do anyway when you decide I don't want to do it but who say it won't do got anything to do with doing something you ain't got a won't to do it all the time I talk to my sauce and I look at them I say I know what in my mind I know they don't want to go out there what but that ain't I'm gonna do it won't we do ain't got nothing to do we're doing you mess up the kids when you let them do what they wanna do I won't eat that what won't do got to do with you being hungry you know what you're not hungry enough not hungry enough I know how to put this in saran wrap put it back in the frigerator what you want to do today Luo man 23 and he said to them oh if any man will come after me let him deny himself come on say himself and take up his cross daily and follow me greatest scripture one of the greatest scriptures that delivered me because it made me realize that I was gonna have to do something about my life that it won't be no automatically walk in the park he does throw grace on me no sir he said I had to do something and that was to deny me I had to take and go against the urges and lust and grabs of this flesh and the side that his wheel was better than what I wanted have you decided that yet and do decide that his will is better than what you want or are you trying to manipulate God to give you what you want over his wheel i said his wheel it's better than what you want and if you were to listen to his wheel you will have less knots and more money because when you do some outside of his wheel you got to pay for it it costs you say growth comes through the knife rope comes to self-denial that's how you grow you know we're on our 80 day fast yes I said 80 days [Music] no y'all Wonder Twins at night yes 80 days no 80 it's 80 man save me yeah I looked at the calendar I decided we should beat Oliver this is doing this is the witching season you do no September October November this is all which months when they do their highest rituals so I said we better not stop before oh well I'm gonna stop a while I mean they high as they say ten and Christmas Day we got to go on group so the 80 day is the leaven November wonder what the next day would be just right [Music] why are we doing that because this is a breaking season to break your flesh [Music] you'll do everything you want to do learn to deny yourself how they're doing and he said oh let him deny himself say deny himself and take up his property and take up his cross say my problems now I want to mature with you real quick I want you to grow quickly because I must reveal to do what your cross is your cross if you have a cross and you're not carrying it then your cross is your crutch instead of you being nailed to it you hold it like a crutch your crutch is what you use for sympathy when you get it people people get in your life you start throwing up your crutch and that's what that's we know it's not just that it's really your cross the cross are things that we cannot change it's ordained suffering in Christ was trying to tell Peter no sir I got a date with what Danes suffering Peter said no sir he try to rebuke Christ Christ said get behind me Satan you trying to keep me from my ordained suffering the glory that I had before I'll get again if I despised the shame of the ordained suffering so really what Peter was doing was being selfish trying to keep Christ to himself and Christ said if I go to the cross I deliver the world what's better so I'll have to despise the fact of what they don't do to me and what I got to go through to be who I'm called to be you will never be who you call to be using the cross as a crutch did y'all hear what I say so what is your crop your crops is what you do what you use for sympathy minute when people get it allows molesty oh I'm handle mom didn't have no father it's not like to tell people that but when your motive is to pour sympathy with what you should be getting Laura for it's not the defeat but for the victory the victory is I despised the shame of this and we don't do it anyway and now I'm better and not bitter I have a delivery power now that I didn't have before so now when I see this is the reason why this opiate heroin thing ain't gonna get fixed because they made it they crutch they won't lock them up they won't shame them they made it a crutch and because it's a crutch they'll never understand that if this if I change the crutch to the cross crucified what do you mean I was a fat my right to be on but you society has given me a right back color disease meaning this is something that just happened to me and I have no control over but when I use it as a at the cross I'll nail it oh hopefully see anything that you won't carry becomes your crutch and that's what wants people away from you into my getting mention some hours and you never come on oh my god maybe like my ex-husband did my ex-wife did it and people here this person's that's all so see what that in terms to me is when I hear you using your cross as your crutch and as we know you're gonna try to get me to carry your cross so then you're gonna be taking out on me what to effuse to carry and you can be forcing me into your damaged vacuum of the life to suck the life out of me try to support you as you refused to be the liver or a few to be eaten y'all won't hear what I'm talking about [Applause] if you didn't have the power to carry it price will never gave it to you I said you got the power to get up this is what I like about Christ and I'm no minute II I wouldn't like right the Christ was not sympathetic in that way only to those who couldn't do for himself but when he walked up on the man at the Pool of Bethesda what are you doing ain't no man who come home that's on the communit so y'all need to get good get up don't want her no more you don't talk to people let's get up out of it so you can be happy if you get on up you ain't the only one with the boss you ain't the only one bit molested you ain't know them up in abandon you ain't gonna love big bird they don't want to have no father you have no mother [Applause] [Applause] meaning when you will follow up Christ you have no right to be sick you have no right to use what has happened to you as an excuse for not making it if your destiny was predicated oh you being good and feeling good out of time you never gave your suffering Paul said when he got the revelation that I got to know him the power of his resurrection and in the Fellowship of his suffering he trusted me to suffer before the foundation of the world he says they would do it the Bible says when Christ was getting crucified and I said a fiver says if please God to prove him because he knew what he put in him that he ain't on betrayed me because of the suffering but Viper self-appointed your mother's belly I knew you you asked to be her yeah you asked to come to get the greater reward the greater what world wants to have to split and living we clash and still hold on that's why the Bible says you shall judge angels but they got all that power and they can behold the presence of God they better serve Him but you don't even see them yet you believe he trusted you to suffer while your life was the way it was trusted you you know I didn't need it to make it didn't need a daddy to make it I wish I had it but I didn't need it they're not making anything if you're not having a mother would have affected your destiny here to get your mother you get you what you needed to make it his will is more important than your pain his will is more fun than your suffering that's why David said it was good that I had been afflicted I'm glad I went through what I went through I was a new God on the level that I know I'm oh I wouldn't love it defense I love I wouldn't over gain what I overcame the list of my head is based on what I didn't get you'll see out watch it yeah you see out what you don't got what may be a good father was that I didn't have a good father I saw that what I didn't stand on your feet Holland majority is learned to accept the suffering in your life realizing you're never grown if it was all good he trusted you that's why number one thing thou hates complaining yeah it's complaining when we begin to complain we begin to be in the calling the question the ability of the Most High he knew what he did when he brought you here he understood what you needed hallelujah hallelujah that's why I thank him now hallelujah I was a great preacher for a long time I was great because I had the knowledge I was good to say like a I was good because I had knowledge of the Bible but I became great when the suffering came in my life it made me not boring in the knowledge but I look into a glory in the application because no longer was it good just to impress you about what I knew I had to take what I knew and apply like ointment to my own life then my preacher became great if you ever be anything it'll be because you embraced your crops you stopped crying about what you did to get what you don't get yeah I think this color you're waiting this video arranged Islam that's foolishness you're talking about external things that have nothing to do with your destiny anything that would have hinted you from your destiny he would've gave it to you for the Bible said he would never put more on you than you can bear so you got what you need to make it right now come on leap your hands father we thank you for the cross in our life the suffering that calls us to become fortify we could have quit a long time ago but it was the little crosses we was bearing we thank you for the book we thank you for the suffering that we pray that it may go away but you left us in it long enough to the belt fruit because you knew the real trial of our life is bigger than this although I fought the lion and the bear Goliath is what you prepared before so thank you for the test and the trial I went through thinking that I didn't give up that if I wasn't disciplined enough aids would have told me for my destiny if I didn't get disciplined enough I'm a back slate if I did get disciplined enough I don't walk away from you but it was a little test and the trials that qualified me to stand with you [Music] even though I know you didn't you don't do sickness but I thank you for it I wouldn't a new you on that level I wouldn't understand the guy that sticketh closer than a brother I wouldn't have had the faith I got now I probably would have died cuz I wouldn't have no I wouldn't have no ability to withstand anything if it wasn't for that hallelujah I thank you for the rejection I'm glad they didn't accept me I'm glad they walked away from you you said if my father forsake me you take me up I don't have time to do it I'll to call the day but I'm gonna pray pray for you right where you because the day you should have a heart of gratitude today your heart should be grateful you might not your money might not have changed what you're going through might not have change but what should it change was your perspective when you see it now that she was blessed to struggle he was blessed to Wanda he was blessed because in the midst of now I with me never wanted to go through the valley of the shadow but if I would have went through the valley I wouldn't to know that thou on with me I wouldn't have felt that rock or that stamp comforted me I wouldn't understood that was a table that you prepared for me in the presence of my enemies but it took the valley of the shadow of death but meet on the stage of my lip your hands to the Lord hallelujah father we thank you for your grace we thank you that you loved us enough to cause us to have great rewards we thank you for every trial thank you we repeat for complaining father I repeat for complaining I repeat for because I many times I ask you to pull me out but you knew what was best for me o weary eyes could not see you're better than me in this old world but elba me [Music] how their Lu father thank you for your power you're rearranging hearts and destinies right now come on we receive what you're doing right now we receive a God whatever you gotta do whoever you gotta move whoever you gotta use I accept your wheel for my life right now I accept your wheel but my life right now for my Latta she'll be better she'll be great up then my past come on it's not over for me hallelujah father we give you all the glory we give you all the praise thank you for the fresh work that you have began in me today and because you started it you will finish it come on you will finish it come on in Jesus name we pray come on get it all the best crazy guy [Applause] [Music] come on turn keep somebody oh hello hallelujah amen after that you can be seated quickly we're gonna take about offering quickly Usher's come quickly hallelujah hallelujah give me the envelope raise your hand we will serve you that's alright don't forget September the 10th we're gonna be having our 16th annual past Oreo anniversary at know is the event center a place with an up thank you [Music] yeah it's in our bulletin and no one's event or there's it up a little and nobody bit place it won't be a black tie of me any minute so please dressing your best if you can't afford a black tab has come amen all about partners if you're watching you I invited to come and celebrate amenda 16 years of what God has done invented his ministry what he's done in my life through my life amen also we are currently on that 80 day fans I know it's a 60 but we own a today fans this fast is from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. it meant 6:00 p.m. 6:00 in the evening the 6:00 in the morning a man it's a half a day past 12 hour past but this is good fast how many y'all felt it's a good bang hey man it's a real advance a man we're gonna be on it for a while and then this is the season where churches should be masked and ran going into the fall months 4 months out of witching months I know you don't know that but I'm telling this but they do the greatest work that's why everything bad happened in September September 11 Oklahoma City bombing most of the stuff bad September's insane does his greatest work they manage so we plant we praying amen we won't be spiritually shot and aware they're here this time
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 47,100
Rating: 4.9192939 out of 5
Id: 5LxXPhnP6SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 46sec (4186 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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