The Reformer | Sandals Church (Full Service)

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[Music] what's up guys my name is jackson brunetto i am the college young adults lead here at hunter park and i just want to talk about my community group that we're leading here when i moved here in 2019 from out of state i had no community whatsoever i didn't know anybody i started coming to sandals church for a while i was just a face in the crowd but once i got plugged in with the young adults about halfway through the pandemic it just completely changed my perspective on life completely changed the direction that i was going and it really gave me a community that i could have here apart from my family and everybody that i've ever known this is our group [Music] what is going on you are kicking it with sandals church online that was the story from jackson who attends one of our campuses jackson and all of the people in his community group are seen and known hi my name is jeff and i am the pastor of our online campus as well as our sandals church anywhere locations sandals church is a church that is all about making sure that you are seen and known no matter where you are in the world whether it be at one of our many campuses in california our multiple saints search anywhere locations across the u.s or part of our online global community i want you to know that you matter and and we are all about this vision we are united by this vision of authenticity and desire to be real with ourselves god and others it's this vision that we believe will help people come to know jesus and help people grow in jesus if this is your first time here welcome you are about to have the time of your life and i say that because we care about your life there has got to be a reason why you are here right now and we don't believe that you are here by accident you might be looking for something in life well we want to help you along this journey called life so please let us know how how we can come alongside you by going to next or by letting your sano search anywhere host know or by going to one of those chat hosts right now if you see if you see a section on your device right now or people are chatting let us know or you can type the word new and we will reach out to you well i happen to be married and whenever my wife does something amazing or something that i appreciate which is all the time right praise the lord i will tell her thank you or praise her for what she did well we believe that god does amazing things all the time and and since the beginning of time he's been doing this not only that we appreciate him because we believe that he gave us life so we are going to take some time and tell him thanks by praising him we do this by singing it's one of the ways we worship so please join me as we worship and give god praise and thanks for what he's done psalm 122 says i was overjoyed when they said let us go into the house of the lord so if god's been good to you let's praise him with gladness [Music] i [Music] come on every voice we declared oh [Music] [Music] i love your voice this is true for you come on you have led me through the fire and dark is he's a good father [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] why don't you lift your hands come on [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on let's do that again yeah i've seen that again all my life [Music] if not why are we here with every breathe [Music] the goodness [Music] oh we give you praise [Music] oh god you're [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to me hey thanks so much for singing with us if you just got here i want you to know that you are watching and experiencing sandals church online my name is jeff and i am the online campus pastor hey last week i mentioned that our kids team created a new series and how awesome it was well rather than hear from me i wanted to invite one of our lead kids team members here to explain more oh my gosh what is that pastor josh wow look at this oh my gosh it's kelly it's mrs coyote no way listen me listen if you don't know who miss coyote is that means you're not watching this ain't no skits and that's okay that's good hey kelly we are so excited that you're here you're kind of a big deal i appreciate that but i actually i'm here to talk about something else that is a huge deal that's right and that is a brand new series from sandals church kids and it is called the real deal and this series is a game show style series it's a ton of fun and we're talking about the attributes of god wow that is awesome well well why would this series be so impactful for kids that is a great question there's a couple of reasons first of all this series aligns with the you series where we're talking all about the enneagram and even though we aren't explicitly using enneagram language with our kids it is an amazing opportunity for families to have real conversations about the same biblical topics and secondly this series is really going to help our kids to know and understand who they were uniquely made by and how they can reflect god and who he is through the way that they live their lives come on somebody well hey if you are a parent please take your kids to where they can start experiencing how they are made in the image of god or if you know someone who has young kids then share this link with them that is right thank you so much pastor jeff thank you everybody and we'll see you for the real deal that's right i'm gonna be there i'm gonna be there well we are about to jump into the message with our lead pastor matt brown bringing week two of our 11 week series a series called you taking a look at the enneagram with a grace-filled biblical perspective but before we do that here's a quick message from one of our executive directors melody workman hey everyone my name is melody workman i want to welcome you to sandals church over the next 11 weeks pastor matt will be talking a lot about the enneagram during our new sermon series a series called you some of you may be asking what is the enneagram well it's just a relational tool that helps us become real with ourselves and it gives us an opportunity to understand what motivates us to embrace how god made us and appreciate others and for you to get the most out of this series i cannot recommend enough that you take a few minutes and go over to enneagram and take the enneagram assessment this assessment will show you your core personality style as well as the influence of other personality traits that are a part of you you'll get your results immediately along with some helpful information about what your scores mean taking the assessment is the fastest and easiest way for you to get the most out of this sermon series we are so excited about everything we're gonna learn together over the next several weeks now let's jump into today's sermon and hear from our lead pastor matt brown this fits me i think it feels like it's encompassing me and it's very like rigid yeah uh i gotta sit up straight as the reformer it's oftentimes hard to find the beauty because i want to go and think about all the things that i need to work on i'm super organized i'm on top of stuff if i say i'm going to be there at 3 50 i'm there at 3 45 but oftentimes i fall short of my own standard and when i fall short of those or others fall short of those my initial reaction is just to critique to fix in this series i want to continue to learn more about myself learn about my wife's style those around me i think it's super important it's just an easy way for me to relate to others i only practiced 40 times hey guys welcome to a series called you and today we're going to talk about style number one the reformer so many people are like i'm not a number you're right last week jesus called you dirt your name is joe dirt trampled dirt rocky dirt thorny dirt the very first human being ever made by god his name is dirt the bible says from dirt you came and to dirt you will return so i don't think numbers should be that offensive amen i think we say okay god and today we're going to talk about the number one but so many people have such a hard time being boxed in and let me tell you something the enneagram doesn't box you in it's going to set you free it's going to allow you to be the person god's called you to be knows you can be sees your future if you just trust him and begin to work on some flaws but so many people say you know what pastor matt i i just don't understand the number thing well let me give you an example that i think will help if you and i were going to have dinner and i invited you over to my house i'm going to give you a set of numbers now those numbers don't tell you who i am but they do help you find me some of you are married to a total stranger and you love your spouse but you don't know your spouse and when you take the assessment and you look at these numbers you're gonna go oh okay i can find you i can understand you and so many of the personality just consequences and struggles and strife that we have they're not personal they're personality and we got to say hey i'm going to love you for how god made you i'm going to help you become all that god has called you to be so they're going to help you find your selflessness and the people that you love that kid that you're disconnected from you're like lord where did that child come from lord i asked for this child but now i need you to take them that child that child you may have a new sense of appreciation for that person and today we're going to talk about the reformer and i think it's so important so many people say well i don't understand the fascination with numbers god loves numbers so much he has a book called numbers and today we're going to talk about the story of the prodigal son now i know so many of you guys you know this story and it breaks my heart that we call this the story of the prodigal son because it's not a story about a prodigal son it's a story of a father who has two sons and let me just tell you something if you're a one today you're the most important in our lives but you're often the most forgotten and just like in the story of the prodigal son we pay all the attention to the praise god right he came back he's alive yeah but he was an idiot and we forget the son that was doing what he was supposed to do but unfortunately listen to me if you have just the slightest bit of one in you i don't want you to miss the party that jesus is throwing in heaven because your self-righteousness will keep you from his righteousness and the older brother doesn't come to the party and he gives in to his anger instead of to the loving grace that jesus christ has given to all of us and to so many people man that have problems with the enneagrams unfortunately listen to me i love you you're a one and you're straining at a gnat while you're swallowing a camel and you're so focused on where everybody else is getting it wrong you're failing to see where you're missing getting it right so let me pray for you heavenly father we pray in the mighty powerful name of jesus that you would do your work the work that only you can do god all the enneagram is is going to show us is where you need to cut and then god we're going to invite you to cut in that area and to bring healing in that area in jesus name help us today father to learn from this story that your son jesus christ taught we pray this in your name and we ask your holy spirit to fill this place in jesus name we pray amen so let's take a look at this famous story that many of us has misunderstood our entire lives to illustrate the point further jesus is talking about your value your value he compares you to a lost sheep he compares you to a lost coin nowadays he would talk about a lost phone amen the other day i lost my phone seconds after using it how is that even possible i'm like i was just using it where is it and unfortunately my phone is black anybody phone black why are they not neon i can't find it anywhere but you all know that when you're missing something that has value that's all you think about and so jesus to illustrate this point further he talks about two lost sons one who thinks he's found and one who knows he's lost so the man had two sons listen to me reformers the oldest son and the younger son right so the younger son's in number two the older son wait for it he's first born he's number one i want to share i want you to to know this and to know this about you he says father i want the share of your estate now before you die see praise god if you're poor your kids will never ask for your money because you don't you don't have any you you want half the twinkie now or later see poor people god has blessed you and you don't even know it's why jesus said blessed are the poor because the only thing they fight over is you know seat on the couch that's it but his father agreed listen his father agreed listen to me church sometimes god gives us what we ask for be careful what you ask for so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons a few days later his his younger son packed all his belongings and headed for college no way that's my story okay back to this story and he moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money on wild living right that's what you do when you're young and stupid somebody like i can't give any money to god but i can spend 8.95 on a latte listen to me you need to learn to spend things on money on things that have value and then he finally came to his senses we live in a world today with no sense stop calling it common sense we need to name it uncommon sense and he said to himself at home amen at home even hired servants have enough food to eat but here i'm dying i'm dying of hunger some of you are starving today and god's saying let me feed you but in your pride in your arrogance you re you refuse to turn to him listen what he says he says here i am dying of hunger i will go home to my father and say father i have sinned against you both heaven and you and i am no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as a hired servant that's repentance some of you negotiate with god that is not repentance repentance is god whatever so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off listen to me you want to know who god is you want to know what god is like here it is jesus knows his dad he says here's what my father is like while he was still a long way off his father saw him coming filled with love and compassion not judgment and not rage he didn't say you wasted all my money you see a loving father makes money to bless his sons filled with love and compassion he ran to his son god is ready to run to you if you will run to him today and he embraced him and he kissed him think about all the issues we have with our dads your father in heaven kisses his sons he loves his sons he's not afraid of affection my grandfather went home to be with the lord this year and my grandfather changed many things about the trajectory of my life he gave his life to christ the first person in his family to do so i love my grandpa but when i would love him and kiss him boy he was uncomfortable i love you grandpa give him a kill he just never knew what to do with that because he never knew love from his father you want to change the trajectory of your family men learn the love of your father who is in heaven you may not have had a dead on earth but you have one in heaven listen as he said his son said to him father i have sinned against both heaven and you i am no longer worthy to be called your son but his father said to him quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet and kill the calf we've all been fattening man and all the chick-fil-a cows are like don't repent don't repent that fat that fat calf he been living good huh who's home we must celebrate with a feast listen to this for this son of mine was dead and that's where you are today friend without god you are dead in your sins but he has now returned to life he was lost but now he is found and so the party began yes it's all great right no every party has a pooper that's why we invited you once we love you but you don't like to party you liked a referee meanwhile the older son was in the fields working and when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house this is not how we live in a baptist home that's what he said amen we got to get satan out of here he asked one of his servants what's going on he said your brother is back your father has killed the fattened calf and we're celebrating because of his safe return and the older brother said yes no he was angry some of you are so broken by sin you can't even party with jesus the older brother was angry and he wouldn't go in i'm not going to that sandals church they're happy they need to be miserable like us his father came out remember because he loves both his boys not just the but he loves the responsible one and he begged him jesus is begging you please come back come in come come just come to the party and the son says all these years dad i have slave for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to you see ones do what they're supposed to do and all that time you never gave me even one goat he got the fat calf i can't even have a goat for the feast with my friends yet when this son of yours isn't interesting he's not his brother the son of yours comes back squandering your money on prostitutes i always think that's interesting how did he know what he did with his money where were you son number one you celebrate by killing the fattened calf listen his father said to him look dear son you have always stayed by me everything i have is yours but we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and has come back to life he was lost but he's now found he's now found listen to me reformers i love you and you are a gift to this church and there's no sandals without you you reflect god's goodness you're the sun that stays you're the sun that's there you're the sun that never leaves you're the sun that does what they're supposed to do you reflect god's goodness your motivation god bless you as being good and right my motivation was what can i get away with when i go bowling i need the rails to keep me in the lane amen ones you are the rails you're writing down the score i missed i missed a pin i'm like i hit a pin i hit a pin you want to be good and right and just know this not everybody thinks like you do have you been on the freeway not everybody drives like you do not everybody knows to signal before you turn some people have never seen that they don't know what that is oh my gosh i got a new car it has a computer i think it's an unhealthy one it is constantly telling me keep your eyes on the road make sure you signal touch the steering wheel it's like my gosh drives me crazy but listen to me here's your core need here's what drives you here's here's why you need the enneagram to uncover what's underneath here's your core need it's to be perfect well good luck with that because that'll drive you crazy you're not perfect the world's not perfect only jesus was perfect and this world killed him but guess what you avoid in your need for perfection you avoid criticism it's hard for you jesus says why do you notice the speck in your friend's eye but you fail to see the log in your own here's why ones because you beat yourself up so badly you have to look at the sins of others so that you can have a temporary reprieve from your own criticism your focus is flaws what's wrong what's wrong so many of you if there's a mistake you recorded the wrong verse thank you thank you should have been a common there should have been a period there thank you god bless you thank you for pointing out my flaws but that's all you see in the world listen to me when you're focused on flaws do you ever see beauty if all you see in life is what's wrong when do you get to see what's right i was talking with an unhealthy one in our church who lost his mind because his daughter got a b i'm like b stands for believer and c for christian amen i'm not gonna tell you what a stands for you're you're sinners c's get degrees baby come on but you know what his wife was sitting there with tears in her face and and she said you made your daughter feel so defeated you see oh an unhealthy one can only see the bee he missed the five a's i don't have any tattoos but if i ever had a report card with five a's and one b that's what would be on my chest fifth grade right here i peaked here's your core sin and listen to me here's why ones struggle so deeply coming to the party because we talk about every sin in scripture but this one anger what was the son's response how did he respond my my my dumb brother he's alive he's back we killed the fat and cow i wanted that for me but hey we're all gonna have the barbecue he was angry he's angry james says this that human anchor does not accomplish the righteousness of god anger's like milk it's good for a little bit you leave it out too long and it's nasty it's nasty and let me tell you something some of you need to learn to smell what's rotten in your life and it's anger what's the core fear of the one being flawed and you are here's what's so sad we don't know what happened to number one in our story we know the obvious seven amen he came back he partied he's broke money never meant that much anyways you know the next story was son don't sell that ring don't sell those sandals and don't sell that robe we don't we don't know what happened to the one in our story and sadly for many of us this is our story but there's another one in the bible that we do know how he was changed and god dramatically altered his life his name is saul but he's most widely known as paul you see when ones are unhealthy even though you your core motivation is what's good what's right what's true the problem with that is guess who decides what's good what's right what's true you do and you find yourself in an argument with the father over why you're celebrating this dead son you see reformers when unhealthy when you don't feel safe when you don't feel secure when you don't feel loved reformers can become blinded by anger in acts chapter 9 verse 1 it says but saw still breathing threats of murder against the disciples of the lord he's attacking them he's killing them he's destroying them here's the thing about anger that i found anger is the easiest emotion to express but it's the most difficult to understand why are you angry i'm not angry i've actually said these words before you want to see anger i'm pretty sure we're getting the view of it right now anger can destroy you anger can ruin you i watched a video this week of a police officer who came into work and he was arrested by his own friends because of what he had done to his wife a man who swore an oath to protect and serve hurt the one he's supposed to protect the most and his own friends cut his own uniform off him and cuffed him and took him away that's what anger does anger takes a beautiful wonderful person and before you know it if you're not careful you're killing the movement of jesus when unhealthy ones are terrified of their own sins and struggles right outward focus distracts us from interfere if i can just fix you if i can just fix you then i don't don't i don't have to worry about me and we're constantly looking at everyone else you oftentimes you're the referee you're making sure everyone else is doing it right when tammy and i first got married my wife's my wife's dad was an alcoholic and let's be honest i enjoyed alcohol a little too much in college so she's sad you want to date me no booze so we didn't drink we didn't drink and we went on a vacation oh man we went on our first vacation and if you're young and poor there's no better vacation than that first one it's just awesome because you don't know what it is it's just like wow this is what people do and we took an evening cruise on a boat in hawaii and i don't know that there's any more beautiful place on earth in hawaii sunset out on the boat but we were on this boat we had our kids and they were serving alcohol if you've been in hawaii alcohol always looks fun when they serve it in hawaii it's beautiful colors it's fantastic right it just looks like wow and my kids were like dad we want that but in our house we didn't drink and i told my daughter i said i said honey you can't have that there's alcohol in there and she goes there's drugs in there she's all do they know they're drinking drugs and my daughter before i could even stop her walked right up to this woman enjoying some beautiful hawaiian drink on a sunset with her husband she goes do you know you're doing drugs you shouldn't do that i'm so sorry did you hear the words you shouldn't do that that's what ones do they should on themselves others and god stop shooting on yourself stop it some of you right now you shouldn't have said that but listen to me it was at that moment i realized here's what legalism does legalism says the problem is alcohol the bible says the problem is you you see legalism says the problems out there if we just can clean up this messy earth this messy place then i'll have peace in here jesus says the mess isn't out there the mess is in here next reformers if you're unhealthy remember you feel unsafe you feel unloved you don't feel secure you can be driven by your own sense of justice some of you don't know your your bibles as well as maybe you should but the greatest preacher in in the early church his name is stephen and some of you have never heard of him because he was killed after delivering maybe the greatest sermon ever preached and he was killed by a guy named saul he's still breathing threats of murder against the disciples of the lord listen as he went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at damascus so that if he found anyone belonging to the way and some of you don't know this we weren't called christians yet see paul thought we were a cult and he thought he was doing something that was good right and true and so he was going to stamp out this movement of satan that unfortunately happened to be the movement of god and this is what breaks my heart so many people who are opposed to the enneagram they say that's satanic that's evil somebody emailed me this week and they said the enneagram has the number nine which is evil and i said well how many fruits of the spirit are there last time i checked and i'm right there's nine there's nine listen to me the enneagram can't save your soul but it will show you where your soul needs to be saved and so here's the apostle paul he's making sure everybody's okay he's making sure everybody's doing it right and he's killing the movement of god men or women ladies he didn't care who you were he arrested you that he might bring them bound to jerusalem listen to me things can be legal and still be wrong yeah put down the joint listen to what i just said it's legal bro but it's not helping bro you'll hear that in a second listen to me nothing that numbs you ever changes you you can't get better by numbing your problems you only get better by facing them reformers when they they feel insecure unloved unsafe can be consumed with a critical spirit listen to me church the holy spirit is not a critical spirit and many people think it is and some of you are so focused on what's wrong you're failing to see what's right my wife man i love her man she's god's blessing to me she's like 98 99 score on the one i'm in the low twenties you know she'll change outfits ten times do i look good do i look beautiful yes for the ten thousands billionth time you look amazing and beautiful like i just assume i look good i just you know i just right i mean guys we're deceived man but i'm like you're so beautiful she's like really i'm like yeah exhausting but beautiful beautiful and we were in small group one time and my wife was you know like women do something i just feel ugly and someone in our group high eight goes are you crazy wait i was like no comment but here's the thing ones oftentimes not only are you blinded by your anger but you're blinded to your beauty and you can't see how beautiful you are you see the the sun all he could see was that i missed out on the party the dad says but it's all yours anyways it's all yours and you're missing out on my love for you you're missing out on my concern for you we had to party today because your brother was dead but he's alive he was lost but he's found listen to me god doesn't want you to stay unhealthy god wants you to move in to health and if you have high one and you look at your assessment and you see those negative scores it's going to be like the arrows of satan himself piercing your soul it's okay it's some place to start that's all it is and it says you know what we got some work to do here when healthy here's the beauty about you when you feel safe when you feel secure when you feel loved listen to me reformers reformers can get a vision of jesus you're blinded by your anger you you get a vision of jesus you have an encounter with grace you have an encounter with god's one and only son and listen to me if you're one and you're critical of yourself and you say i'm never going to be good enough i'm never going to get this right when god wanted to change the world he picked an unhealthy one where were the other guys we don't even know god's in heaven who's this guy saul the holy spirit's like he's motivated and god's like i know he's killing us let's recruit him on our team once how powerful would it be if you change teams today instead of criticizing churches why not join one why not be a part of one and you're like wow that church has problems that's why there's room for you when i started channel's church we were gonna be perfect and then like three months in i'm like who started this thing everybody wants to be an acts 2 church right kumbaya we're act 6 church all the sin racism all those issues it's cause we got people in here we're act six buddy we got widows starving it's terrible that's the church that's real life acts 2 is the honeymoon i love you you love me we're in hawaii act six is we got to pay bills you got to go to work what yeah you acts nine three through six as he was approaching damascus on this mission he's going to kill christians he's going to arrest men and women a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him and he fell to the ground and he heard a voice saying saul saul listen to me once you need to hear from jesus and saul asked listen to me a religious person a devout person a person who loves god devoted his life to god listen to this this is what happens when you're unhealthy he says who are you wait a minute this is the god you're serving and some of you are so busy making sure everything's right you don't realize how wrong your relationship with god has gone you couldn't you wouldn't know god's voice if he spoke to you today you say well i'm busy being religious that's why jesus died to save you from that to bring you back to him who are you and the voice replied i'm jesus the one you're persecuting you see when you're unhealthy you're terrified of your own sins and your own struggles when you're healthy as a one you can become honest and open about your sins and struggles you know what i do i carry a bag of saris on my back you need one i got one pastor matt you sinned i know i know my wife's a one high high one she struggles sometimes i try to help her just say it just i'm sorry i'm like i'm an expert at apologizing i do it all the time i'm good at it if you want to learn how to apologize ask me that's the first hebrew word i learned it means i'm sorry i'm sorry first timothy 1 15 the apostle paul goes from a self-righteous punisher of christians to an open confessor listen to what he says he goes from literally straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel to first timothy 1 15. he says this is a trustworthy saying and everyone should accept it christ jesus came into the world to save sinners and i am the worst of them all that's a healthy one that's a healthy one jesus didn't just die for them he died for you that's what a healthy one looks like you're never going to be perfect that's why we worship the perfect one and let me just challenge you today it's okay to be imperfect it's not okay to try to pretend to be perfect jesus christ's favorite cuss word was hypocrite we translate that word today actor we celebrate actors oh my gosh you were so fake you convinced me here's an award we celebrate hypocrites in our culture jesus christ condemned them he said don't be a faker learn to become real with yourself learn to become real with others and learn to become real with me jesus says you see reformers you can you can become full of compassion and love for people despite their flaws the apostle paul was overwhelmed with the flaws of others some of you are raising two years like you got dirty again yep and they will tomorrow and the next day and the day after that or you could just love your two-year-old as the filthy little monster they are the same way god loves you for the filthy little monster you are god's like that's my monster here's what you do as a one you just have to learn to make an allowance for people's faults do you notice that paul uses the word faults not sins sometimes people just make mistakes they're not sinning against you they're not evil you know what's so wrong with our world politically right now the other side's always evil or they're just mistaken or you're mistaken like we all make mistakes i mean it cracks me up right we're constantly pointing out the flaws of people who oppose us and we're rooting for our side rather than rooting for god's side make an allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you you're like nope no man listen to what he says and remember the lord forgave you so you must pray about for giving up no no you don't have to pray about it you must forgive others cracks me up when my kids were little you know and if you have multiple kids if you have one kid you're cheating it's not really you don't like you know who did it you know who messed it up when you have multiple kids man you have to turn into a doctor an attorney an investigative reporter right you got to find all these things out but when our kids would fight when they were little it was hilarious hilarious right it's always the other person's fault they started it they were in my space first they hit me first you know it's always all these reasons why i can sin dad my favorite fight between my daughters was over their memory verse be kind one to another which turned into a wrestling match it's like i don't think you guys understand what the verse means but it would crack me up because my wife you know she's just she's just so intense on our kids loving each other and getting along right and that's her hope as as as we age and they get older they would love one another so she would make them make it right now apologize and then the other person had to say i forgive you you've never seen a more contorted twisted face in your life it was easier to apologize than it was to say these words i forgive you i was like oh that's good now let's try to say it like we mean it all right it's hard isn't it it's hard because forgiveness is moral perfection it's what god can do that we can't do he forgives us isn't that incredible and so many of you you run around telling the world that you've been we've been forgiven by jesus for all your sins and you can't forgive one sin that's been done to you the apostle paul learned to give grace isn't it interesting that god used a one to become the champion of grace the champion of grace listen to me if you're a one you can be a champion of grace but you have to kill that critical spirit that's inside you and there's only one way to do that and it's what had to happen to paul you got to become filled by the holy spirit that's what changed him he had an encounter with jesus and the result of that encounter was a loss of sight he was blind and listen to me everybody who's listening to this you might invite a friend you might be sitting at home watching this with your spouse and they might hear a bunch of noise and get nothing and listen to me very carefully when jesus spoke to paul he's the only one who understood everybody else thought they heard something felt something thought they saw something paul heard jesus so don't wait to change tell everybody in your life here's jesus if you hear jesus you change and he was blind so god appeared to a guy by the name of ananias and he said he said saul has heard from me and he is blind and i want you to go to his house and i want you to pray over him listen to me once here's what ananias said lord he's scary he's scary if you haven't taken the assessment yet and you want to know if you're one tonight at the dinner table just ask your family did you guys feel like what pastor matt he was talking about me at all and if everybody at the table goes like this no dad no no i uh no uh no mom you're you're you're a picture of grace like if your kids flinch you're scary this is you anais is like this guy kills people he kills people for their imperfections and and where he thinks they're wrong he arrests his husbands and wives and he abandons children in their homes i'm not gonna go pray for this guy and listen what the lord says ananias i will teach paul what it means to suffer for my name's sake i hope it doesn't take that for god to get your attention so ananias he departed and he entered the house and laying hands on him listen to me once god will use the hands of brothers and sisters in this church who are terrified of you and frightened by you to change you god uses imperfect people to bring about his perfection in you and so many ones it's just me and god just me and jesus but jesus has not called you to be alone he's called you to be with him and his people and i pray for you once that there's ananias in this church that will lay their hands on you and we'll say even though you're scary and you're self-righteous i know god's going to use you to change this church and make sandals a better church and to help sandals accomplish its mission he laid his hands on him and he said brother saul he didn't say now saul tell me your testimony he just assumed the holy spirit was right why don't you start doing that the lord jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the holy spirit the only way to get rid of a critical spirit is to be full of the holy spirit of god and the sevens are like yes yes i've been waiting for this and the ones are like oh no oh no this is where they cut the chicken's head off i knew it was coming no no listen to me you don't have to be weird to worship in the spirit matter of fact if you read first corinthians 14 paul says don't be weird that's what he says it's a matt brown summary stop being weird there's enough weirdos in the world amen we don't need one more for jesus but here's what you need you need the holy spirit of god to wash over you and to change you if you identify with the one or you're like well maybe that's me and that's why the assessment's so important because it shows all of who you are that's why i disagree with so much of the enneagram teaching out there you're not a one or a two or three you're a mixture of multiple styles that god has placed in you for you to discover you so if this is you would you just bow your head and close your eyes and lift up your hands and i'm going to pray for you right now risen jesus would you speak to this beloved son this beloved daughter this number one they've worked so hard they've done it right they've not partied or wasted their life but lord they're consumed with anger they're full of a critical spirit and all they see is flaws spirit of the living god wash these sins away remove this critical spirit from us and fill us with your spirit lord change us like you changed saul to paul make this healing dramatic and powerful today we pray this in jesus holy name amen if you are a former style one on the enneagram or or someone that just resonates with what pastor matt just said i hope that you prayed that prayer so many of you just heard pastor matt say it's just it's just me and god and maybe you feel that way you are trying to do this thing called life or following jesus alone god wants your life to be about you god and others who who are your others pastor matt uses the story in the bible of ananias and how he prayed over saul we want you i want you to have people who who you can share life with who who can encourage you and pray over you this is why we deeply care about you being in a group and maybe for some of you actually starting a group every community group that i have been involved in are community groups that i actually started i found the people that i already knew and started a group and those groups of people have been what i needed when i needed it they are my others if you want to join or start a community group just go to groups you know these messages are helping all of us to discover where we are at and through the lens of the bible it it helps us to take the tool of the enneagram and apply the bible in our lives in fact we have developed a reading plan that has been downloaded by thousands and that people use each day to see themselves god and others in a new way if you give financially to sandals church then i want to say thank you for helping to make these resources available so that people go through the bible and apply it to their lives if you have not given at all to saintel church or maybe it's been a while would you consider being a part of us getting the life-changing words from the bible to so many we have seen time and time again people's lives change because they have had an encounter with reading the bible and we would love for you to be a part of that you can go to or you can give on our sandals church app thanks so much for joining us and making sure hopefully that you are staying connected to us how do you do that all you have to do is go to facebook or instagram or any one of our social medias this week to stay connected with us and we will stay connected to you we'll see you soon you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 1,427
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: e_sVsDrffZQ
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Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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