The Helper | Sandals Church

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome to sandals church online my name is morgan terrell and i'm the online campus supervisor here hey wherever you are right now wherever you're watching from we are so glad that you've decided to join us sandals church started 24 years ago with this vision to be real with ourselves god and others and for me sandals church has been a place where living that out has brought stronger community and deeper relationships if this is your first time hearing our vision or joining us online we would love to know you and connect with you on whatever your journey looks like so take a second right now to go to next and fill out some quick information for now we are going to spend some time in worship and singing to god this is a time for us to be grateful and reflective of how god is moving however you choose to worship god in this moment do so knowing that you are a part of a global community of people who are joining in with you you know the first time in scripture where we're introduced to the name jaira is when abraham is taking isaac of the mountain and we read that story and we go that feels ridiculous that feels crazy how how would jesus how would god ask abraham to do such a heinous thing was god cruel is he playing a joke but as i was studying this week this week i went to hebrews 11 where it talks about abraham's faith and here's what it says it said it was logical enough for abraham to believe that god would provide in other words abraham had already experienced enough of god's faithfulness that he was willing to walk up that mountain and do whatever god had asked him to do god had already provided for abraham and god had already made him a promise that through this son he would have descendants more than the stars in the sky sometimes our expression of worship is stale because our experience of god is stale but once we experience him once we know his goodness once we can stand on his promises we can move forward we can trust and we can obey because he is jehovah jireh and he doesn't just provide for your financial means he is going to meet you right now and provide for whatever you need in your soul if your spirit is dry call in the name of jehovah jabber to provide a fresh wind if your heart is broken call on jehovah jireh to heal and to counsel into comfort if there's a mountain in front of you pray for jehovah jireh to give you the strength and the courage to walk up that mountain and obey jehovah jair means that he is enough he's enough you feel weary he's enough you feel broken he's enough you feel doubtful you feel cynical he's enough whatever you need he is he is more than enough he's gonna fill in where you're tired with you're broken where you're weary he's gonna give you joy he's gonna fill you with energy and passion and creativity to do the work he's called you to do so as we sing this song as we sing the beautiful name jehovah remember that god is be more enough than i am right now i wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i can do to let you down it doesn't take a trophy to make you proud i'll never be more loved than i am right now going through a storm but i won't go down i hear your voice carried in the rhythm of the wind to call me i you would cross an ocean [Music] [Music] i will be in content circumstance [Music] i don't want to forget how [Music] when the sun goes down [Music] is [Music] [Music] four years forever [Music] [Music] i'm already chosen sing [Music] i'm already loved more than i could imagine [Music] [Music] i know is i [Music] am already [Music] okay [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every circle says [Music] [Music] [Music] hey my name is morgan and i'm so glad that you've decided to join us for service if you're a parent we want you to know that we've started a new sandals kids series called the real deal and it is a game show theme the series is so cool for kids and it's all connected to this idea that they have been made in the image of god get your kids set up right now for their own service if they're around by going to on another device or come back to it when this one is done we are continuing with a series called you today where our lead pastor matt brown is taking us through the enneagram with a biblical perspective but before we hear from pastor matt our executive director melody workman has a quick message for you on how you can take the enneagram assessment if you haven't yet at sandals church we believe that the enneagram is one of the best tools out there for you to become more real with yourself so we've created our own unique enneagram assessment to help you this assessment will show you your core personality style as well as the influence of other personality traits that are a part of you if you are looking for a way to learn more about yourself the people in your community your family or team check out our sandals church enneagram assessment go to enneagram you'll get your results immediately along with some helpful information about what your scores mean however you engage with us we hope that this resource helps you become more real with yourself god and others [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think it's great good looking comfy for me as a helper it it's really important for me to love people and care for them the brokenness is the need that i have to feel needed it's not about what i do for others it's not what i do for work it's about who i am i'm enough i'm his child i love helping people move because i get to love on them i get to care for them but uh like it allows me an opportunity to help them while also like building that relationship at the same time and what phone numbers should they call if they wanted for you to move [Music] hey guys welcome to a series called you and today we're going to talk about the personality type the helper look we love you helpers we're glad you're here don't be nervous god loves you but i want to start off with jesus today amen let's start off with jesus before we get to you so jesus tells this story in matthew 7 verses 3 through 5. listen to what jesus says the problem is with people okay and this just isn't for twos this is for people but if you're a two i'm wearing camo today because your core sin is camouflaged and you're gonna need some help to see it so in matthew seven verses three through five jesus asks a question why this is a question why do you see the spec that's in your brother's eye why is it that we have such clarity with what's wrong with everybody else okay why do we see the speck in our brother's eye but we don't notice the log in our own eye or how can you say to your brother let me take the speck out of your eye when there's a log in your own eye man what a great picture of our world today we have these people running around with logs in both eyes trying to help people who've got a spec no i can help you i can help you you hypocrite that's jesus's favorite cuss word okay he does it's not positive it's a negative word but it's accurate and what he means is you're fake you're fake that's why our vision is not to be fake with ourselves fake with others and fake with god it's to be real you hypocrite first take the log out of your own eye that's why this series is called you it's not called others it's called you we're going to help you get the log out of your own eye listen to this then whoa you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye you're going to be so much more helpful if you can see accurately and that's what we're talking about in this series how can i see myself better and so many people today they get as soon as they hear the word enneagram they just break down oh my gosh i'm not sure about its origins okay i want to ask you about something else that's far less controversial how many guys know what this is glasses are is this controversial is this demonic this is terrible but christians used to think they were because we didn't invent them they didn't come from us they came from the east and about a thousand years ago nobody knows where they came from when i was a kid i thought it was benjamin franklin because americans we think we invented everything okay we love ben we love him but he probably only invented bifocals which is a fairly amazing accomplishment until you get old like me and you have to wear them and you're like good god why can't i just go blind but but these were invented do you want to know what these were called originally when christians first saw them listen to this it sounds cultic they were called seeing stones right yeah all the christians are like i'm uncomfortable you know you're doing the cross they were called seeing stones and the church preached against them the church told people not to use them here's the problem priests and scribes found them very useful why because if you were a priest and you were a scribe you were oftentimes the only literate person in your entire town and your job was to read very small text on very bad paper to preach the word of god to others and so these seeing stones became essential stones in the church so glasses help you see out the enneagram helps you see in that's all it is that's all it is and i realize we're so terrified to look within but jesus says the problem isn't without the problem is the log in your own eye that you can't see you can't see now here's the thing that we all need to know sixty percent of human beings will need glasses at one point in their life some are like i see fine we'll get old and then call me i used to make fun of my friends we'd surf they couldn't read they couldn't read the the bill when it comes like and now my kid's like dad you're so funny i'm like i can't read it sixty percent of you will need glasses at some point and you don't think it's you you live long enough it will be you 100 of you every single one in this audience every single one of you listening 100 of human beings have a blind spot in each eye that it's a medical fact you're like no i don't yes you do here's the thing is you've learned to adapt to that blind spot your brain is compensating right now as i speak and it's trying to fill in the data that the blind spot creates so your mind is painting a picture that you can't actually see we all have this every single one of us has blind spots physically in your eyes emotionally in your hearts and practically in your behavior okay i got a new car man i love my new car i mean i love part of her i've named her her because the computer voice is a female from australia um i just think australians no matter what they say it sounds better you know i don't want a german voice you are very wrong you know i'm like oh let's chill out you know great turn mate you know you are so attractive you know i mean it's just but my new car has a blind spot detector do you know how many times i've almost been in an accident and my car is like wouldn't that be helpful if god allowed us to be born with a blind spot detector that was offensive you hurt your wife's feelings your children are afraid of you this is why you keep getting fired but our cars are more real with themselves than we are so all the enneagram is and i know i know i know i know you've been on the internet i know and you probably have studied the bible more than me i know you probably read greek better than i do and hebrew better than i do but today's sin is about pride probably not the enneagram is simply a tool you say well where'd it come from where did glasses come from christians didn't invent it but thank god for them it's a tool that has many contributors but really it's a list of seven deadly sins identified by christians thousands of years ago seven deadly sins plus two anger and lying and i think any personality tool that challenges people to look at their sins is a good thing it's a good thing so the enneagram is a tool that can help you identify the problem in your eye the problem you can't see i don't have any problems everybody in your life's like you do you do you do this is why relationships are so tough and jesus wants to change that jesus is looking right at you he's looking right at me and he's saying why can you see matt brown's speck but you can't see your log and the problem is because your eyes point out they point out the enneagram's simply a tool that can help you see listen this what you might need to change that's all so we're going to look at the two today the helper and like i said i'm wearing camouflage today because this sin is the most prevalent in the church but the hardest to see pride masquerades itself as helping serving and doing good it's the hardest to see and unfortunately many of us have been in churches where the pastor when he steps on stage and preaches is stepping into his own sin pride so jesus in luke chapter 10 verses 38 through 42 just a few verses where we get just a glimpse of the life of jesus jesus sees you perfectly jesus knows you perfectly and these are two people that he loves mary and martha he listen to me he loves them both too he loves them but one sees the right thing and one sees the wrong thing in luke chapter 10 verses 38 and 42 as jesus and the disciples continued on their way to a village there was a woman named martha isn't that interesting that god names her by name it's not because he wants to put her down but it's because he came to build her up he knows you by name okay you're not a number i'm the number two you're you but number two's the number two might have a big influence in your life so she welcomed her she welcomed him into her home her sister mary sat at the lord's feet listening to what he taught now this is extraordinary because if you were a woman 2000 years ago guess where you went to college university nowhere you weren't allowed to go you weren't allowed to read you weren't allowed to write it was something that was exclusive for men 2 000 years ago and here's a woman mary who has the opportunity to sit at the feet of jesus with the other disciples this is an exclusive meeting an exclusive group this is the green room pass that you know the the the exclusive party and she gets to sit there and hear the very teaching that the disciples are getting but martha was distracted by a big dinner she was preparing now let's give martha grace if jesus was coming over to your house for lunch today you'd be a little nervous 90 of you would get up right now i don't care what the sermon is you're going home because you know your house looks like the devil cleaned it amen you got to find your bible you don't even know where it is you got to open it up so when he comes through the door he sees the word of god you and your husband are going to fight where's the bible i don't know you should read it you're the spiritual leader this is your fault think think about how intimidating that would be to have the creator of all things in your house and you only know how to make potluck i mean i don't know what it is i mean what does he like to eat oh my gosh you know so she's frustrated and like a lot of twos there there's a lot of pressure that's put on you because you serve and you help when no one else will she came to jesus and she said lord apparently she has a little one in her doesn't it seem unfair to you like lord i know you're the referee but everybody needs angles we all have blind spots lord jesus and currently in your human body so maybe you can't see what i'm seeing my sister just sits there while i do all the work tell her to come and help me to choose the helper but the lord said to her my dear martha now listen to me twos jesus loves you he says my dear martha he cares about her deeply he says you are worried and upset over all these details this is what twos do they worry and stress about the least important things remember that as we walk through this there is only one thing worth being concerned about and mary listen to this is why the enneagram's so helpful has discovered it what are you missing today that jesus wants you to discover some of you are stressing and straining about things that don't really matter if i could go back and be a parent again there were so many things that i stressed about that i would just let go but i would just let go some of the things that i thought were the worst moments when my kids are the funniest things in my heart now isn't it amazing so many of us are being robbed of our present because we emphasize and choose the wrong thing and we wonder why we don't have the marriage we want we wonder why we don't have the relationship with our kids that we want it's because you're missing out look at what mary chooses martha martha jesus loves you but you choose the wrong thing she has chosen correctly and listens and it will not be taken from her you see we live in a society where equality is godly jesus says no no i'm not gonna make things equal she made a wise choice and i'm gonna bless her for it see that's the scary thing about god is he allows you to experience the consequences of your stupidity so many of you think heaven is going to be this socialist paradise you need to reread the gospels because rewards are handed out based upon behavior and choices the helper god bless you i love you reflects god's heart for service helpers we love you without sandals without you there's no sandals church there's no families there's no meals your house would look like a zoo praise god for you so many guys they're going man you're just like martha man you are an unhealthy seven and you need to listen up okay you would live in filth filth your children contract diseases that we've forgotten about because you're so filthy so praise god you married to martha mark 10 45 listen to this twos helpers for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life as ransom for many you reflect the heart of jesus and we need you we need you we thank god for you okay i never have to ask jews to serve at san luis church they already do the rest of you numbers you're all praying about yeah i wonder if i should i wonder if i should become like jesus it doesn't matter what i ask for you're like yeah i'm really gonna consider this time becoming like jesus we're going to get together in our small group and we're going to pray if we should serve like jesus stop praying get off your butt and start serving and give our twos a break but here's the thing twos you reflect god's heart for service that's your beauty here's your brokenness the underlying emotion is shame and here's what you do you're so convinced if you just work hard enough you'll cover your sin oh martha jesus came to cover your sin put down the apron put down the utensils and sit at the feet of jesus and listen to him today romans 10 11 says this listen to paul for the scripture says everyone who believes in him who's him jesus will not be put to shame only jesus can cover your shame what's so wrong with our culture today is we keep telling teenagers they should never feel ashamed and so then they have to lie about it and pretend they don't have it what we need to tell young people is not to be afraid of shame but to with confidence take shame to jesus he's the only one that can fix that you see every child knows the truth there's something deeply wrong and we lie to them there's nothing wrong with you you're perfect the way you are those are lies you're perfectly loved where you are by a perfect god who sees you and loves you as you are but he doesn't want to keep you there he wants to call you out from where you are and he wants to heal your shame and introduce you to the real you he knows you can be so what does shame do shame is motivating you and driving you to feel loved so this is why you work so hard if i just serve my friends if i just serve my family if i just serve my husband if i just serve my boss i'll feel loved no you won't because what you're doing your whole life is you're auditioning for something that christ wants to give you for free and here's the thing twos you will serve serve serve and people will use you and take advantage of you and walk away from you we don't we don't we we don't serve to feel loved we serve because we are loved and so what's the core need when we press down into the two the core need is to be needed so listen to me moms if you're a two you need to really work on this because you're going to totally lose it when your kids walk away and you don't know who you are anymore men when one day they tap on your shoulder i was watching a instagram this week at southwest southwest airlines uh stewardess said i'm 65 years old and they're making me retire he doesn't want to but they're making him man if he's a two his identity is going to be wrapped up in what he does not in who he is and that's going to be really hard and men really struggle when they come alongside hey it's been a good run but we need you to go home and stay home that's really really hard for men it's part of the reason i i think we keep getting dinosaur men that are running for president hey hey hey it's it's been a good run thank you for your service in the 70s and 80s why don't we turn this over to a whippersnapper who's 60. i mean because we're all going to get to a place where we can't take questions anymore you're like you know but what hap why do politicians stay in their offices so long they can't see themselves as anything other than the position they hold and it's not helping them and it's not helping us it's not their motivation is to feel loved their need list their need is to be needed if i don't do this who am i who am i i want you to know this god doesn't need you he does want you let me say that again god does not need you he wasn't in heaven i'm so bored what should we do i know i'll create humans because that'll be fun to watch the just the train wreck over and over and over again he doesn't need you but he does want you and listen to me twos need is a dysfunctional relationship and oftentimes because you feel you're unworthy of love you really like it when kids are little because they need you you have to raise them and train them up to want you because you're worthy of being wanted i love my mom but i don't need my diapers changed anymore if i did that's a problem can you imagine i'm in the middle of the sermon potty break or i was like too late so here's your need to be needed and listen to me you need to be aware of this when you go to a community group you're not going to fit in unless there's something for you to do but community group is not about serving it's about sitting at the feet of jesus and actually discussing what you heard from god this week and for you it's going to be a lot more safe to go do the dishes than it's going to be to be honest about how filthy you feel next what twos do is they focus on the needs of others that's your focus now that's a beautiful thing the bible says contribute to the needs of the saints if you don't know who the saints are that's me i'm a saint maybe not in your eyes but in god dies i'm a saint okay and seek to show hospitality we need to look for ways to care for fellow believers and so many of you you don't have it too you're like well i serve my family good for you that's your job that's what you signed up for serving the church is your calling it's your calling jesus says oh you still your family great that's what sinners and tax collectors do people in the drug cartel careful care for their kids they do how are you any different the gospel helps you to learn to love people who aren't your biological family you love your spiritual family and you serve them you serve them if you're a two who here's your core sin and and that's why again i'm wearing camo because your sin is the hardest to discover the core sin is pride it looks so different and it's so unique in each and every one of our lives obadiah is one of the most confusing books in the bible when you read through it you're like god why is this in here it's really short i read through it probably 10 times before i finally parked in the first three verses obadiah's genius is in the third verse he says this to the people of israel you have been deceived by your own pride that's what pride does it lies to you your pride is lying to you pride is what made the devil who he is and that's why he tries to deceive you pride says i can do this on my own pride says i don't need the church pride says i don't need help pride is a liar jesus was not prideful jesus was humble the bible says god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble if you're a two here's what you avoid at all costs your own needs your own needs did you know that even jesus christ needed things like are you more self-supportive and self-sustaining than jesus one of my favorite verses in the bible was when jesus asked the disciples to go steal somebody's donkey just try this go steal a car like a mustang right cause it's a horse and when you're driving off in the police pull up just say the lord needs it that's that's what jesus tells them to say go and take a donkey no one's going to be around it it's never been written just take it well what do we say when we're stealing it the lord needs it okay jesus you've asked us to do a lot of weird things but we're gonna give this one a go but he did need it because the prophet said that the messiah would come into town riding on a cult that had never been ridden if jesus had needs right he could have clapped on clap on and there's a donkey right hey siri give me a donkey can you imagine how i just disrupted everybody's home you know at home all their all their iphones are going crazy hey alexa make that two donkeys um the lord needs it here's the thing martha could only see the needs of others she could not see herself that's the problem with your eyes you only see what everybody else needs martha do you know that the lord jesus can go for 40 days without eating i think he can spend a couple hours at your house without a snack man i love my parents but every time i go to their house they just want to feed me would you want something neat do you want something to drink i didn't i could have gone to fast food i came over here to sit with you mom to sit with you dad to spend time with my parents martha just sit down and talk jesus just came to your house can you imagine the son of god walked in here it's one of the craziest things if you come to israel with me we i can take you to places where we know jesus was wow wow church is built right over the top of houses and martha was gonna miss out on what we would remember forever listen to me twos would martha cook for jesus no one knows it doesn't say because it didn't matter none of that was important what she needed to do was sit down and listen and then say jesus i you know i was gonna cook so you're up he can do it he did it before you know i don't have any fish don't have any bread but go on the kitchen make yourself at home you know listen to me if you live a life where all you do is serve others you will burn out and give up i see this all the time with twos at church they serve week in week out last week i asked our church i said look and just so you so you know man with kovit it's really hard to get people to volunteer it just is people are afraid people are concerned some people have just gotten really lazy it's no longer a habit it's a lifestyle like if you've been doing this for a year this is the new you you know you haven't hit a rut this you are the rut hey so here's the thing is you've got to learn to say how can i help others but you've also got to learn to say what do i need so here's what happens with twos they serve every week they get burnt out they leave the church they're angry with god and they feel used by the church people only use you when you let them and i know it too it is so hard to say no i always feel like i have to have a reason this week i got invited to speak during europe i felt bad i felt bad to go speak to a thousand churches in england it's my daughter's wedding i felt guilty what is that my wife's like yeah you ain't going you ain't going you're gonna be right here serving i don't care what jesus says you're gonna be right here isn't that amazing and you all know what's more important me going to speak to a bunch of people i don't know or me being there for my daughter's wedding we have to learn to say what do i need let me ask you this too what do you need physically do you know how many times i have to ask my wife to help now the truth is she doesn't want my help because i mess things up whenever i'm cleaning she's right behind me she's just clean and clean and clean and clean i walk into my own closet i'm a man in my own home i walk into my own closet and it has been redone and she's like well i can't find anything in here well it ain't your closet well here's the sad thing it's always better i'm always like oh that's where that is i had six missing jackets now it's in a jacket section so listen to me twos you know what i need you know what i need i need help you want to know why this is orange cause i washed it myself that's why god gave me a wife help me out keep me alive listen to me twos quit focusing on me quit looking at the orange tag what do you need physically listen to me twos you'll hug your your kids all day long but you need to say mommy needs a hug you need to say to daddy mama needs a break or mommy's going to hurt some people if you want to come home tomorrow and find these children here i need you to physically watch them listen to me if you're a mother with children under five you have no clue you have no idea how close to hell you actually are i mean that's why god makes them cute so we don't hurt them i came home one day from work all my kids are under five i'm like where's mom where's mom she's in the bathroom not go not using the bathroom is the only door in our house that locked and the kids are banging on the door like they've been abandoned i'm like she's in there we're not a family of magicians she didn't disappear but listen sometimes you just say i need a hug that's one of the things that always amazes me at samuel's church people will ask can i hug you to me yeah sure i just draw the line and kissing i know what the bible says hey the bible actually says greet one another with a holy kiss that ain't holy don't kiss me my first sermon i ever preached i got done it was a baptist church those invitation woman came forward give me a kiss right on the mouth in front of the whole church just being biblical pastor i was like oh it was awful but how sad is that that people have a hard time saying hey i need a hug because his twos you're pouring out you're pouring out you're serving and you're serving and you're empty and here's the thing is i've asked my wife multiple times do you need help do you need help and she'll typically lie two or three times no no no no no so i have to find things i can do how am i not going to mess this up because i want the food to taste good too and if i help too much it won't taste good so we don't kiss each other that's one of the commands we update give a side hug all right how about this what do i need emotionally some of you in your marriage you feel worn out you feel like i hear this all the time from moms especially from women some sometimes men but i feel like i'm your maid so what i need is here's what i need from you emotionally i need you to ask me how my day was i need you to ask me what was going on i was home all day with your crazy children that you gave me we need to connect emotionally we need to talk about what's going on and here's the thing i think we do as couples and friends we talk about what happened but we don't talk about how it made us feel okay we don't need a news report what we need is a heart report how are you doing number two what do you need spiritually hey i really need prayer this is a true story i was at my daughter's wedding i was stressed out of my mind our dj goes to samuel's church i went right up to him you should have seen his face i go hey you and the dj was like he goes what and i think i don't know what he thought i was going to say but i need prayer from you right now over me pray true story true story i said we need prayer stat stat make it a good one when's the last time you told somebody i need prayer no wonder you're so stressed out next you have a fear of being unworthy here's what a two says i'm only as good as what i do so here's what your deepest fear is if i don't serve my friends if i don't help my friends if i don't show up to their you know their their moving party and only two show up let's be honest everybody's like yeah i got man i was crazy busy we're afraid that our friends will abandon us if we don't serve them then they're not your friends a real friend can hear no and be okay yeah i can't do that your works can never cover your shame only the work of jesus can't on the cross stop trying to earn your own salvation and just say jesus save me so how can a helper be real with themselves this is key it's good to serve god in your family it's good it's good those are good things never be lazy but work hard and serve the lord here's the key to enthusiastically not because no one else is gonna do it and i guess i gotta do it everybody else is lame and thank god i'm the responsible one that's not the lord that's martha you gotta learn to say i'm gonna do this because i feel called to do this and this is my church and this is my family and i love them and so i'm going to serve but not at the cost of losing myself you can't be all things to all people even jesus could only be in one place at one time think about that you need to serve people not so that you deserve to be loved by them you don't deserve to be loved by god i don't deserve to be loved by god he loves us this is not because of who we are but because of who he is i don't love my wife because what she does i don't love my children because what they do i don't love you because of what you do a lot of you don't serve and i still love you i know you're praying about it you're going to find your ministry i know you've been here 10 years and the lord's working the lord is working but i love you because of who you are because of who you are i love my wife because of who she is i love my kids because they're my kids i love my church because it's my church it's so funny we had we had a baptism here a couple months ago and it was huge baptism huge turnout lots of people got baptized not a lot of people served so tammy and i hung out and we helped clean up the baptism everyone was just like watching me what's he doing i i used to do everything at this church we used to have a trailer where i went and picked it up and drove it to the church so we'd have sound equipment and chairs you know why i quit doing that because i crashed it into a gas station and i almost killed myself and everybody else there and somebody said maybe pastor matt shouldn't be driving the rig i had no idea i've never driven a rig before but somebody needed to do it so i did it's like is there anybody in here that knows how to drive vehicles because i don't i know how to follow jesus not drive things next i must also spend time with god in my family listen in psalm 16 11 you make known the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore you see mary found the right thing at the right hand of jesus there was pleasure forever and jesus is inviting you not just to serve but to actually listen many of you go to church but you never sat in church and you're there and you're irritated because there's not enough greeters there's not enough kids people working with kids there's not enough people in the parking lot there will never be enough because people are sinners and selfish but what good is it you if you judge all the selfish people in their sin and you miss your own sin and in your pride you don't hear a thing week after week after week when god's like hello hello and you're like lord your people are so selfish he's like i know that's why i died to self why don't you join me next be aware of how my pride affects the way i see others we can be so judgmental there's another person not serving there's another person not helping you could help you could help you could help you could help is there something wrong with your legs something wrong with your arms looks like i see two legs two arms i see the same amount of legs and arms that jesus had so if you have a two in your life how can you help them be real with others or how can help or excuse me be real with others how can you do this number one you got to say this you got to declare that you have needs and that's okay mommy cannot do this anymore your husband's like wow i didn't know that that passion was in there i can't do this i can't do this if you're the only sibling that helps and you do the dishes every year you just say i'm not going to be the only one that does dishes i'm going to teach my siblings how to participate and do dishes there's an amazing feast and a cleanup and i'm not all of your servants and you can invite people to help it's okay to have needs paul says and my god will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in christ jesus do you know that the word need occurs 85 times in the bible you know why that is we have needs so here's what you have to do you have to ask for help hey can you help me with this yeah no i'm just gonna get bitter that's my strategy i'm just gonna hate my husband hate my kids hate my friends okay how's that working well somebody's got to do it what be hateful that's satan's job well what sin does he struggle with oh yeah pride next learn to confess the sin of pride when's the last time you said yeah i was prideful i was prideful you know jesus said that it's easy to spot the speck in someone else's eye but you can't see the log that's in your own i got a good friend of mine struggles with pride his grandfather was working in the metal shop and his grandfather said make sure you wear goggles protective goggles when you're working with metal because you could shoot metal in your eye what do you think you didn't wear goggles what do you think happened shot a piece of metal bam straight in in his eye guess what he did do you think he went and asked for assistance do you think he said grandfather i have not listened to your wisdom and i have sinned against thee could you please immediately take me to a hospital i'm in need of medical care this is what my friend did my friend went into the bathroom because he didn't want help and he pulled the medal out of his own eye he told me that story over lunch [Laughter] here's the thing that's so funny he thinks he's fixed the problem no one's gonna notice you got stabbed in the eye so he goes and sees his grandparents and they're like what happened to your eye nothing why uh it's bleeding right and that's just something i don't need the enneagram i'ma get this out myself here's how helper can be real with god listen to this who i am comes from god's love not from what i do let me say that again who i am comes from god's love not from what i do listen to this god will help if i ask the lord's just watching some of you let's see yeah i think she's gonna drown what do you think yeah pretty sure you want help nope okay go ahead how's how's the salt water taste yeah right i got this psalms 86 5 oh lord you are so good and so ready to forgive so unfull of unfailing love for all who what ask for your help i don't need religion it's a crutch yeah you got two broken legs so pray this god help me to ask for help never be ashamed of having needs i know but the ladies on instagram they do it all it's a lie it's a lie god help me to see needs from your perspective god when do you want me to help when do you want me to participate and listen to this last one god help me to depend upon you all right hurry up cause you're listening slow here we go how how to love a helper notice and thank them for their service i don't know if you watched the enemy the enemy oh that was a freudian slip the emmy awards last week i promise you i i didn't mean to say enemy maybe that was the holy spirit i don't know but i watched the emmy awards last week and wasn't it interesting that only the help had masks on the celebrities don't need them but the help the little people you know why that isn't our culture we don't value service we worship a servant we need to thank and appreciate servants when you pick up your kid today you know the children's ministry that you've never served in you've never been beyond the door your kid probably pooped on themselves others and if possible god you might have you we might have had a three diaper you know five alarm fire in there would you say thank you instead of being irritated because they can't find your kid cause he's running around like a terrorist would you say thank you thank you thank the greeters that come to church that show up to help you find where you need to go thank the people to help you park instead of you're number one you know thank them thank you for serving thank all the people who make sure that you can watch this video that you can hear this music oh it's too loud well maybe you should help bring the volume down no i think complaining is the christian thing to do here's the thing have a two say what's the one thing i can do for you one thing and watch them squirm watch them squirm i just hover around my wife okay i'm gonna be right here something like well i asked once in 1984 and she said no i just ask and i hover because i know she'll be bitter i know i know she's gonna be like well i wanted you to be more creative in the way that you asked so i just i just kind of just like hover you know i touch her repetition she knows i'm still there try to stay out of the way you know listen to this here's why we need to serve because i'm not serving you i'm serving my god i'm serving my god that's why you need to serve at church you're not greeting you're not working in kids ministry you're not helping with production you're not parking cars you're serving god it's a beautiful thing next invite them over when you don't need something done you they're gonna freak out hey we're just gonna hang out oh oh [Music] just invite him over i have a friend who's the two his name's tim i said come on over what are we gonna do i said i don't know we'll drink a beer which is larry's i can't drink beer because i'm allergic gluten hey god made me fragile don't make fun of me so you drink a beer i'll watch i'll help you open it next asks ask them to stop and tell you how their time with god and family is going you see some of you you servants you got a boat you got a house you got a big yard so you could spend more time with your family but those things take time away from your family so pray about it and let's close with this if you're a two god loves you i love you but how are you connecting with god and others i know you're serving but don't spend your life like martha missing out on the greatest moment of mary's life if you're not careful not only will you miss the moment but you'll make others miss it to serve don't miss out on this god loves you i love you we appreciate your service and we love you but we also want to know you we also want to experience you we also want to enjoy you because you are god's gift to us let's pray together heavenly father we pray in the powerful mighty name of jesus lord that you would just open our eyes to where pride has infected us regardless of our number or where we identify ourselves as and god take this pride away help us to be as real as we possibly can with ourselves with one another and god with you bring healing in our life and help us to see that god we are loved not because of what we do but because of what you've done for us we pray this in jesus holy name amen taking a moment to reflect on those that have served us and loved us in different seasons brings so much gratitude to where we're at as pastor matt mentioned serving really is our calling if we follow jesus even right now take a moment to thank your chat host or your community group leaders these teams and more are demonstrating that service to the family of god week in and week out it's a beautiful thing and we want to say thank you right now if serving is something you've considered but haven't yet acted on i want to invite you today to serve sandals church there's a place for you whether that's remotely or at your local campus we can't wait to help you figure out what that fit is for you head to real team to find out more about what opportunities there are this series has already begun reaching people all over the world we've seen a 38 jump in views from just the last two weeks which tells us that people from all over the world are discovering what it means to be real and they are joining us on this journey if you give financially to sandals church then you are a part of making this happen and if you haven't partnered with us before let me invite you today to help out financially you can help our church and ministry by going to right now hey thank you again for joining us in service today we pray that god goes before you in the week to come and that his presence is made known to you each and every day we'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 4,110
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: bible, christian, christianity, christians using the enneagram, church, enneagram, enneagram occult, enneagram personality test, enneagram styles, enneagram test, enneagram types, faith, god, jesus, pastor matt brown, road back to you, sandals church, self care, self discovery, self love, spiritual, spirituality, typology, enneagram type 2, enneagram 2
Id: SYvav504uqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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