San Sequoia Rec Center 🧩 || The Sims 4 Speed Build: Growing Together

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foreign my name is Marie welcome to my channel and welcome to another Speed Build so for today's video I am again building in the new world that came with the growing together expansion pack the world of sans Sequoia and today I'm working on a Rec Center which is a brand new community lot type that came with this pack and oh my goodness this lot is huge it's a 64 by 64 and the I guess kind of like downtown area of San Sequoia and um yeah the lot is huge I think the amount of times I have built anything on a 64 by 64. you can count on one hand because I avoid them with a passion 64 by 64 is way too big it's super intimidating and I don't know what to do um but I really like this location for the rec center so I didn't really want to place it anywhere else and also I just really like the lot and I also really like the challenge so I was like let's do this let's build a rec center on the 64 by 64 and see what we can come up with I basically did the entire exterior of the build on Stream So I had my chat to just uh you know um leave choices up to them and I guess also just kind of decide together what would look good because I didn't have a plan going into this other than I wanted it to be modern so the original Rec Center that comes with the pack is one that's built by Lil simsy and that one obviously is gorgeous um I I really like what she did but also I want to give it my own spin you know I want to try something for myself as well so that is what I did for this one and um yeah it's uh it's huge I didn't fill up the entire lot with the build though we do have a lot of like landscaping and just Pathways and things going around uh which I feel like the landscaping for me was the most difficult part um like filling up the lot with the pathways and things and I also really wanted to uh not clutter the build up too much because it is such a huge lot um there's gonna be so many items the build is big and I wanted it to be able I wanted it like to be very easy easily accessible if that makes sense so if you have a lower end computer or laptop you can still like use it without it being too laggy in that sense so that is what I really try to keep in mind like gameplay um just do not clutter it up too much and not have it be laggy at all so that's kind of what I try to keep in mind and I think I succeeded I think I did well um but yeah like I said I didn't really have any sort of plan going into this at all whatsoever other than it like being modern that is something that I really really wanted to do so I basically just got started by placing down boxes upon boxes upon boxes and kind of like shaping it until the shape became something that I enjoyed I also ended up adding on a little rounded section which my chat was yelling at me for which I understand because rounded walls are glitchy and annoying but I I mean the Builder was feeling was feeling a little bit too angular and I really wanted to break it off with something so I felt like the rounded section actually looked really really good and I kept it and then Chad um also agree with me so I kept it there it was glitchy though with the windows I did cut out some parts of this because otherwise I mean this video is already so long just the bare footage is over 31 minutes um just the speed build portion that is so I'm so sorry my speed builds have been so long for the past few I don't know I want to say months already I feel like my speed builds are very long but it's just what it is I mean I've tried to keep them as short as possible but they just end up being very long so I hope you don't mind I personally always really enjoy longer speed builds I can March them over a few sittings or I'll just watch them when I want to take like one longer break or like during my lunch break or whatever so I personally always really enjoy it but yeah I hope I hope you enjoy the longer ones as well and if not then you can always skip to the very end of the video where I will be giving you a complete tour of the build um which is obviously a bit shorter so then you can still see the completed build that way so that's just a little tip but um yeah I don't know you can see it come together it's very modern I was just kind of going all over the place with this one um what I did for this one was I did the exterior first I kind of shaped the build obviously as well and then I shaped the rest of the log kind of where I wanted the basketball court to go and the play area and the pool and whatnot and then I moved on to the interior actually before I did the rest of the Landscaping which is kind of strange I usually just like to finish the entire like exterior first before I start to do the interior I do always figure out a floor plan though before I get started on the Landscaping because that way I have a little bit more free Freedom maybe I need to adjust like some walls or some like shapes or sizes of rooms and if you have all the Landscaping already in place then that might be a little bit frustrating and annoying because you need to redo some parts um so yeah I uh but assumed basically as I got the floor plan done as as soon as I got it figured out basically I just kind of got started on the interior as well just to finish it basically just to get it out of the way and also I was really just procrastinating the entire landscape because like I said it was a lot of space it was a really big lot I was kind of avoiding it at that point so um yeah I got started on the interior before I did the Landscaping but I do really like how the lot like the entire layout of the lot basically came together we have a nice pool this is a limited pack build but it's not only Basecamp in the new pack but I did really try to minimize the amount of packs so basically what I decided to do was I'll only use the packs that come with activities that I think would be nice for this lot and then I'll really try to only use the stuff for that one specific activity so for example I used City living because I really wanted a basketball court but I didn't use City living for anything else and then I also use spa day because I wanted to have a yoga room but I only use spa day for that yoga room section of the build so yoga room and then also like a dressing room and a couple of bathrooms that's what I used that for I also use the backyard stuff pack um because I use that slippy slide Thing by the pool that I really never ever use but someone very specifically requested that on Twitch and I thought that that was actually a really really good idea so I decided to place that by the pool it might be very usable and just also fun for your Sims as an activity so I use that pack and then I also used get together but only for a dance floor we have like one little dance floor there is a party room um in this build like on the second floor a I thought it'd be very useful to have a little room with a bar and like a table and a little dance floor and a stereo just so that you have a space for like parties if you want to celebrate a birthday party if you want to do a family reunion maybe if you want to do a baby shower then that uh room would come in handy and I thought a dancer would be cute in there so I decided to place a dance floor but it's obviously not necessary so basically what I try to do with incorporating these different packs is yes I use stuff from these packs but if you only have the base game and the new pack you can still use it there will just be some activities missing that you might want to replace with something else for example the basketball court you could turn into a second play um playground maybe the fitness room you could turn it into a second Gym upstairs we also have a separate gym downstairs but maybe you want to have a second one upstairs the Dance Floor obviously you don't even need as long as you have a stereo you can just dance so you can just it can just be deleted you might want to a rug something like that but that way it would still be very um usable and everything would be very easy to replace to only make it base game and uh the new pack so basically if you download this with only the new pack installed it will look basically the same um except there will be some activities that aren't there but like easily replaceable like easy to redecorate or fill up with something else I hope that makes any sense I think it does um but yeah that is what I tried to do for this one and uh yeah it's actually it actually turned out really nice I did leave in me fiddling around with the floor plan for this one usually I cut it out especially for very very big builds like this one but I feel like the floor plan is a very essential part of this build to kind of just get a look and feel of what it all looks like um so I hope that comes across that way as well with the sped up footage but like I said already I will obviously be um also touring the build at the end of the video to give you a little bit of an overview of the build and I don't know I'm very proud of this one what it is with Community Lots is I really like them but they are always super intimidating to get started on for some reason and then once I do get started and once I get the hang of what I want to do with it I always really enjoy it and it was the same for this one as well so a Rec Center it kind of like as I was Furnishing and as I was building it kind of made sense to me because at first I was like okay why is this on a 64 by 64 why is this lot so big well now I understand it because of Rec Center basically is just a whole lot of different Community lots and one it's a gym it's an art center um it's a library like it's all these things and it doesn't have to be but I think it does want you to add bookcases actually maybe not it wants you to add uh game like gaming tables and I only use the gaming tables that came with this pack and then I also want you to add some um workout equipment as well but basically a Rec Center oh and it also wants you to play some musical instruments so it's like all these and also by the way art supplies oh my God okay so it is so many different things in one and ideally you would want all these things in its own separate little space its own separate little area and then you also want an area for kids to play and now these days also obviously for infants you want a couple of areas where you could just leave your infants for a couple minutes while your sim goes to the bathroom I don't know um so I placed some baby gates and like um you know just separated little areas for kids to play with toys and the baby gate um and then I think only infants like infants can't escape the baby gate and then the children obviously can and then I think tallers as well so that's a little bit of a hassle still [Music] um so basically just to talk you through the build a little bit you could just uh see me decorate the front desk situation it doesn't really need a front desk a front desk isn't really functional in The Sims but I had this like hallway space with the staircase and stuff and like one little bathroom so I figured you know what let's just do a little front desk section just to add a little bit of realism I guess so I created a little desk out of um Island counters with a computer and stuff and just create a little bit of an entryway that way and then we have an archway off through the side leading into this I guess middle part of the build um and I just turned this into like a hangout space so we have a couple couches like a nice seating area where maybe the parents can sit and hang out and read a book while also watch there while they're also like watching their um their kids playing in the little playground area and then we have a little kitchenette over there as well so you can make yourself some coffee maybe like grab a snack or something there's a fridge as well so you can go for some quick meals here and then I also ended up placing a couple of round dining tables I love these round tables that came with this pack by the way they're so cute and all the colorful um furniture from the pack that I hadn't had a chance to use yet I mean I used a lot of it but not like in the very bright swatches but for this Rec Center it actually all very much came in handy which is obviously also what it's meant for because this Loctite came with the pack so naturally the pack came with Furniture to fill up the space and yeah all the bright colored stuff really came in handy for this one because as far as I understand it rec centers are obviously for the entire family but also very much catered towards kids um so you kind of want to like use lots of bright colors make it all very like happy and colorful looking um so that's kind of what I try to do especially here in the kids area I use a lot of blue and yellow blue and yellow is actually a combination that I use a lot throughout this build so also for the exterior um what I did cut out was me fiddling around with the exterior wallpapers but maybe you remember from when we were working on the exterior before I use a lot of yellow blue and then a little bit of light gray to tone it down and I kind of continued that color scheme here on the interior as well um so yeah I think that turned out really really cute and let me know have you already played a lot with this pack and also with this law type let me know what you think I obviously did do a little bit of play testing as well to kind of see how everything worked and I loved seeing it in action there were immediately people running towards the game tables that we will be working on a little bit later um and yeah there was people using the gym and I feel like the floor plan like the routing was really nice for this one as well it's something I always really try to take into consideration is the routing with lots that are this big you really want that to be as efficient as possible I guess with lots of doors lots of archways lots of possibilities for your Sims to Route the place if that makes sense so that's what I try to do um lots of little shortcuts and stuff everywhere so I feel like that uh that makes sense and makes the lot very much usable in that sense but here we have a very large space on the left side of the build and this is the area where we have the rounded walls and this area I was for one most excited for but also it gave me the most trouble because of the round balls I think it was a little bit more difficult I'm not very used to using round walls I barely ever use them so it was a little bit of a challenge to make a layout in this space that actually made sense but basically what I did was for the straight walls I just placed bookcases on either side I used the bookcases with the weird like um shapes Incorporated like the the shape shelves I don't really know what to call them um it's not my favorite Swatch of these bookcases but I love them for the rec center I think they look really really cute and if you want to make like a children's section in a library or something they are perfect for that as well which basically this is not like a children's section of the library but this Library can definitely also be used by children is what I was envisioning so we have bookcases we have a couple of desks with computers in here um there are some like random seating spaces with a couple chairs and a little coffee table if you want to sit down and read a book I ended up placing chess tables in here as well and then that is where the fiddling around started because at first I was going to place easels but then I was like you know what no we'll put the easels upstairs somewhere I'll have a spot for that upstairs so I ended up not placing easels in here but I did end up placing two additional couches in like the middle of the rounded section of the room and I think that that looks really really nice you can just sit there read a book um just hang out for a little bit and we also have some chess tables and then also some bonsai trees because it is basically a sun room with all the windows around I thought that the bonsai trees would look really cute and then I also ended up placing two creativity tables for children in here I was already gonna place them upstairs because I was planning on doing a little arnook there but then I also just ended up placing them in here so we'll have there's four kids creativity Arts tables um total in this build which is plenty but the build is Big so it only makes sense I guess and then here uh also on the ground floor I wanted this to be like basically like in your face just right there when you enter the build because I feel like the game room um is the main feature for the rec center like that is what it really wants you to have is an area to play puzzles and other games so I ended up placing four game tables two two seaters two four seaters so lots of Sims can play games at the same time and then for the rest of this room I was struggling with it as you may be able to tell maybe not um but I was definitely startling so I ended up placing some shelves on either side like some storage because that's where I was imagining the people of this place like would store all the games for the people to use so a couple of very very big cabinets where all the games would be stored I ended up also placing a TV in here because why not and also with stereo so maybe it might get a little noisy in here maybe you want to delete one of those things or maybe both I don't know um but I thought it'd be a nice addition to that game and uh it'll actually you'll see how it plays out I guess I guess it'll be fine um when I play tested the build no one I actually used the TV in there so which was nice it was nice it was more so to fill up the space we have an extra little hallway and this is where I placed an additional bathroom I at first didn't place a toilet but off camera I added a toilet anyway so this is a uh changing like changing table bathroom basically uh what would you call that like an infant's hygiene room I guess which at the same time also is just a bathroom um for a regular Sims not that infants aren't regular Sims but you know what I mean um so there is a bathroom in there and then also a changing table for your Sims to use uh if they need it and then we moved on to the second floor so here we have a landing area basically where I uh created another area for kids to play like another baby gate area basically and then this is where we have the art corner where I place an additional two creativity tables and then also a couple of easels and then off of this Landing here where I place the sticker like the decal on the wall is where you'll be entering the yoga space But first here we have the second slightly smaller kids play area what I love about this area is that obviously not only infants will be using this space like also children will just kind of autonom autonomously go in here because there's toys and I just think that that is so cute you can just see them like kids of all ages you can just kind of see them I said that really weird I was gonna say kids of all ages and then I said kids of all age and it was really strange um anyway um but you can just see them all playing together in there and it's just so cute and then here we have the yoga space so obviously you need a little bit of a changing room situation it's not actually necessary for Sims to have that but it's just more realistic and but it would be nice to have some showers because yoga does tend to make your Sims very stinky so I feel like it'd be nice to have some showers off of the yoga space as well so that's what I did we also have some showers downstairs in the gym but it's far away from this space of the build like so I I just decided to do some additional showers here as well I wasn't going to at first but then I did it anyway and then here we have the yoga room so we have one instructor yoga mat and then six regular yoga mats for Sims to take the class I don't think a yoga instructor actually spawns um because I did play just a lot and there was no yoga instructor but I might be wrong actually but I don't think a yoga instructor spawns I think my cat is in here hi cat her name is floop um she just came to say hello she also left um so yeah there uh there is a place for your sim Studio yoga and then you can just have your sim click the instructor Matt and hire an instructor that does cost some money I guess but I guess it's fine the same goes for this area so off of The Landing we have this glass door and this is where we have the party space so I decided to add in a little bar so if you wanted to add a bartender maybe you will have like a party here at some point that is just for only adults or maybe like a baby shower or something you might want to add a bartender so I wanted to add that possibility with a little bar so that's what I did here and also another kitchen net so your Sims can grab some snacks and then a nice six-seater dining table well I ended up placing um high chairs on either side of the table as well because maybe you want to celebrate your infant's birthday here or maybe you just want to have a family reunion in here and then you can bring your infants they can sit in the um in the high chairs and then obviously if you are trying to leave enough space to Route around but also to like if you have a play mat in your inventory or a crib in your inventory there might be a way for you to place that in here as well so you can leave your toddler in there if you have some toys in your inventory that you brought for the toddler you can just place that on the floor and have the uh infant or taller play on the floor with some toys so that's kind of what I tried into consideration for this one but I really like this edition of the party room I wasn't going to do that that was not in my original plan for this I did like make an entire list of what I wanted to include because it's a lot for a rec center and if I hadn't written it down I would have forgotten something for sure but someone in my chat on Twitch actually suggested a party room with a bar and I thought that was such a good idea because you know how when you organize events through the calendar in gameplay you can select a lot where you want to celebrate or where you where you want the entire thing to take place basically well you could just have it be at the rec center and then you can have your Sims come up here and celebrate here and then here off of the party room we have the music room basically and I decided to go for a tiny stage in here the room itself is only small but I guess it still fits so I decided to go for a tiny a little stage in here with a nice colorful piano I freaking love this piano I hadn't gotten a chance to use the um colorful swatches yet uh so I was really happy to be including them in here it's so so pretty I also included a regular I guess white Swatch of the piano in this room as well so maybe there could be some like piano lessons or something I thought that was cute but we just basically have a tiny stage with a piano some guitars and also a microphone so your Sims can basically do all those activities as well they can do singing uh they can do playing the guitar playing the piano whatever obviously as well so I thought that was really cute and then I also placed some chairs so that you can have a tiny little audience or maybe when your sim is performing jokes by the microphone or whatever um they can have a tiny audience I thought that would be so so cute I don't think I don't know if Sims will actually sit down when they watch a performance maybe they'll just randomly awkwardly stand out there but I don't know maybe they will sit down it's something fun to try I guess and then here we have a balcony as well this is where I ended up placing some of the science tables for kids I totally forgot those existed but then I came across them and I thought you know what let's put them on the balcony kids tend to set the place on fire when they use those things so um I was like you know what let's put him on the balcony I don't know if Sapphire to a community lot is it possible for Sims to set fire to a community lot I actually don't know if that's possible let me know if you know more about this or if you have tried this at all and then for the rest of this balcony I just placed a couple of benches and obviously also a telescope because that I felt like would come in handy um for this I have the space for it so you know what let's just that was kind of like my whole thing when I was building this this lot was like let's try to fit in as many activities as I possibly can without like overusing packs um like skill building items and activities so that is basically what I went with and I think I did a great job you can you can basically do anything here um except for like my coffee you can make coffee but there is no like cafe or restaurant section or whatever um that's not really a thing here but um yeah downstairs here in the basically separated section of the build that is separated from the rest of the ground floor we have a gym uh this was the perfect space for a gym I right from the get-go decided that this would become the gym because it was just perfect we could fit some bathrooms and a changing room in there and uh it would leave us with enough space for all the workout equipment as well so yeah we have quite a lot of machines in here like workout machines we have some treadmills we have a couple of weightlifting machines and then also some punching bags and then I just basically decorated the space with mirrors and um rugs and just some decals on the wall and stuff as well later on I also placed a couple of doors um across from the ones right there by the punching bags basically because of the way I ended up um like shuffling around some stuff on the lot uh so it would be like routing wise it would come in handy to have an extra door basically on the other side um makes it sounds a little bit vague right now but you'll see what I mean when we get to it so here this uh this little type or this pack I should say actually came with its own lockers as well which I thought was so cool they really came in handy for both this area and also the yoga space um so that's where I place them and we have a couple of showers and toilets in here as well it's all very simple like I already said I didn't really go overboard with clutter for this one at all I really try to keep the decorations to a minimum but still try to obviously make it look cozy lived in used like people uh like it's busy and crowded on a daily basis so that's basically what I am what I try to do and yeah here I ended up doing some makeshift planter boxes and I think it turned out really really nice so this is where the struggle began basically we finished the entire interior of the build and this is where the filling up the rest of the lot um started basically and my God it was such a struggle I like how it came together it just took me a long time it took me a lot of sitting back looking at it looking at what I didn't like looking at what I needed more of um so yeah I just it took me a little bit um you won't really be able to tell from the footage obviously because it's all sped up and I paused the recording a lot throughout this build as well because I needed to just figure things out but basically here on the side or in the back I should say we have a pool area with a nice Terrace where I ended up placing a grill I thought that would be cute for your Sims to be able to like do some grilling we have some picnic benches on either side of the um of the pool I should say and then here we also have the slippy slide thing that I was talking about in the very beginning of the video that is an item that came with the backyard stuff pack but if you don't have the backyards tough pack stuff pack this will be the only item that you're missing so I guess you could just replace it with something else maybe some more lounge chairs maybe some more picnic tables maybe like a swing set or some extra outdoor play equipment for children I also ended up doing another baby gate area out here as well I thought that would make a lot of sense to have a nice little space for infants to hang out when maybe the parents are going for a little swim um obviously you kind of want to watch your um infants like all the time so you can't just leave them there and go for a swim I guess but maybe you're here with two people and then one of them can just watch the infant for a second the other one can go for a swim I don't really know I don't have kids I'm not a kids person I don't really know how it works but I really try to take everything into consideration I think I think um you can kind of tell and then at the very end I also decided to play some planter boxes because I thought it'd be cute to have a little planter or a gardening area out here as well like a little bit of a community garden space I guess it's not extremely usable because plants don't actually grow on the lot when you're not actively here so if you wanted to use this lot to grow plants or Globe grow crops it doesn't really work work because it will only grow when you're actually here so you can just plant stuff go home and come back the next day that is that is not um unfortunately not how gardening Works in The Sims or it used to at least I'm not sure if they change it but I don't think they did um but still it'd be cute to have a space to work on Gardening Skill and just do some random planting maybe you want to do some family gardening because children can garden these days as well so that would be uh that would be really cute and then here I basically just tried to fill up the rest of the space there are so many picnic benches that I Incorporated throughout this lot so many picnic benches but I just felt like it would make sense because I don't know the rest of the lot kind of feels like one big park or something because we have the playground we have the basketball court um you can't really access the well you you can from the back but that is more like a back entrance I guess but I was gonna say you can't really access the pool without actually accessing the build first which I like that um it felt more realistic to me because otherwise it'd be just open to the front of the lot but I kind of closed it off with a makeshift elongated planter box I guess um so that's what I did but then obviously we have the little back back entrance as well where we have the grill and stuff so you technically can but you would need to walk all the way around I think your Sims will probably still go inside first and then or out through the build to get to the pool which was kind of what I was going for um as well and then for the Landscaping I didn't want to go overboard I really wanted to try and leave some grass patches empty because I thought it'd be realistic and otherwise it would also become way too full and way too messy and way too laggy with all the Landscaping so I obviously did do some Landscaping some like trees and bushes and hedges and things and then here on the side we have a little side entrance into the gym where I parked some bikes which I thought was cute and then also some benches along the pathways and some bins like outdoor bins and stuff but I really tried to go for some like empty grass patches that are supposed to be empty and supposed to look the way they look if that makes sense I I really always like to go overboard with landscaping and make everything look very overgrown and stuff but for this lot it just really didn't make that much sense so I tried to steer away from it and I think it actually looks alright and then I just added a couple of decorations to the roof as well but that is basically it so let's jump into the game and I'll show you the lot in real time so here we have the rec center in the game looking at it again I actually am very happy with how it came out it looks crowded but not overly so and I feel like it's not too overwhelming and I like the colorfulness of it all it's just it looks very happy and that is exactly what I was trying to go for so out front here as you can see we have the basketball court we also have the playground down here with some extra picnic benches as well and then for the rest we just have some makeshift planter boxes and then up here is where we have the main entrance but I'll quickly show you around the back first because back here we have the little gardening section some more picnic benches surprise surprise and then here we have the back entrance to the pool basically so we have a nice pool a children area with a baby gate a splash slippy slide thing and then also some lounge chairs of course and then underneath here we have doors leading inside and then we also have a door leading into the the gym back here so when we go inside through the main entrance we have this hallway front desk situation someone left a book here you can see that I tried to play test it because there's a book on the floor we'll just um we'll just pop it here real quick that's fine so yeah a front desk situation and then here this I was kind of imagining would maybe be like some lost and found stuff maybe a kid left their backpack here maybe these books belong to a Sim maybe this is a basket of like lost and found little toys um I thought that was a cute like realistic idea I feel like a lot of stuff and toys would be left behind in a place like this then back here we have a bathroom and back here we have the other little hallway but over on this side we have the hangout space I love this area so we have a couple of tables and chairs here to uh I don't know just have some food or do homework or just read a book or just hang out a nice seating area over here so you can watch the little ones playing and then here we also have a little kitchenette where you can make yourself some coffee grab some water grab a snack whatever and also a nice crib over here and then through these glass doors we have the I guess you could call it Library section of the build I love the skylights in here it's just the lighting that it gives off is just so pretty so yeah we have some desks here as you can see we have some bookcases basically on either side and I really like these little seating areas with the two chairs the round coffee table and the round rug like everything is very round and then we have a seating spot here kind of in the middle as well and some chess tables just a whole bunch of activities basically and I really like this board with kids drawings on it I think that is so cute maybe there has been like a children's like drawing contest or whatever and maybe these are like all the entries or something I don't know I just think it's really really cute then over here we have that one little hallway and this is where we have a changing table slash bathroom for your Sims to use as well then when we we go upstairs we have this Landing situation that I try to fill in as best as I could so we have another baby or children play area I should say and then also an Arts corner for both adults and children and then over here is where we have the yoga space so a nice spacious changing room and then two bathrooms basically on either side and then a glass door leading into the actual yoga room very very spacious but that's most definitely needed for these things it just takes up a lot of space and I didn't want there to be any routing issues so yeah I try to set it up as spacious as I possibly could and then over here we have the party area I love this one I love these balloons I think these are unlockables actually but I always built with cheats so I can just use them but I felt like it was really helpful to kind of show you that this is supposed to be like a birthday or party or family reunion just kind of area if that makes sense with a nice dining table and also some high chairs its own little kitchenette a bar I also play some uh some gifts back here and then there's some more bathrooms up here as well so just very simple sink and toilet and a nice dance floor I love that it's purple it felt like it added just a nice little extra Touch of color and then over here we have the music room this turned out so cute I could totally see like little children perform what they had learned in the past few weeks during their piano lessons just like kind of up there I thought that'd be so cute and I feel like this area is very useful for Sims as well and then there's another piano and some more books back here I was thinking these would be like music books but obviously they're not but I just I liked the idea and then out here we have a balcony space with some science tables a hangout space over here and a nice um telescope as well for your Sims to use and then down here is where we have the gym very nice and spacious as well we have some charade Mills with a TV and then through here we have the rest of the workout machines as well some mirrors on the wall all and then also a changing room as well as some bathrooms but yeah that is basically it for this lot so the Sans Sequoia Rec Center is now up on the gallery it uses only growing together City living get together spa day and backyard stuff so definitely a limited pack build and it's built on the 64 by 64 where the original Rec Center is also located so if you want to place it in your game then that is where it goes but that is gonna do it for today's video so I really hope that you enjoyed this one you can obviously go ahead and download it off the gallery like I just showed you my name on the gallery is summary Sims you can also follow me on Twitter Tick Tock and on Instagram if you'd like my name on there is summary Sims as well if you're not subscribed to my channel already feel free to do so and if you want to be notified of every single time I upload a video just click that little bell icon and you should be fine I also live stream over on Twitch a few times a week so if you're interested in that go ahead and give me a follow over on forward slash simmery Sims so I just want to say thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in my next video bye foreign
Channel: Simmary
Views: 9,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, speed, build, builds, game, gameplay, sims4, building, house, fun, cute, design, interior, fast
Id: PHA7qsBrNoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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