The Reason You Need To Run Toward Fear - David Goggins

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so you pass the test you're 17 I'm about yeah about 18 May 18 your passive test take us through the next the next season here so basically now I want to be Air Force pararescueman right and so I could even swim and in Special Operations I didn't even know this there's only 1% of african-americans in spent you know in Special Operations you know totality wise as far as Navy SEALs Army Rangers green berets and let me ask you that system good mall I want to ask what LEDs you hmm to this specific area of service was it random well my grandfather was in the military okay about 30-some years and I was obsessed with the military growing up just obsessed with with the uniform and I knew that that was my way out the military but I didn't know you had to actually be intelligent I thought I was just about push-ups and sit-ups sure sure so to be in the pair you know so to be a pair rescue man they gave you this warning packet there's a warning order and after I passed the ASVAB test they gave me this packet it was like okay like a training packet push-ups sit-ups flutter kicks all these different things the very last page talked about swimming you know I figured I'm pretty - leet swimming is easy I'm negative buoyant so why there's not allowed you know african-americans in Special Ops because over 70% of African Americans are negative buoyant all right which means they sink that's right and it's not due to muscle mass to do the bone dance that's right so now went to the pool I tried to float that's the first thing you had to do as long you know just learn to float I sank like a lawn dart yeah I'm at the bottom of the pool walking about the pool so this lifeguard came over and said hey I can help you out I've taught thousands of people how to swim he tries to help me out I lawn dart DiBona pool again and I come back up he says man you're screwed and I was like wow that's what he started talking to me about negative buoyancy and stuff like that how hard is to stay above water so I put the same work ethic and in my learning as I did in the swimming yeah a few months later I was swimming and then I go off to pair rescue school so my whole thing was I wanted the the military was my way to find selfish I had to start building on something you know and I started building on you know education now I had to start learning how to find mental toughness and this is where I started finding was was in the military but once again God threw whenever life will start getting good for me God would throw a nice anchor and stop me right there so I'm going through pair rescue training and there's this evolution called water confidence and water confidence is pretty much what gets people kicked out special you know Special Forces Special Operations is the water and they try to drowned you pretty much this was not in the warning order so I didn't know anything about water confidence long story short what it is is they put 16 pound weight belts on you whatever they can do to make you uncomfortable in the water so for six weeks of a 10-week program I became very uncomfortable we got down to about 25 30 guys left I was one of them and getting near graduation this program thinking my god I'm about to get through this barely though water confidence is killing me right they took me to medical they they drew my blood and realized I have sickle cell yeah so sickle cells of blood disease and some african-americans have it which is not good no so they took me out training for a week and when you go from being uncomfortable that's your lifestyle you get used to being uncomfortable when you go back to being comfortable your mind says I don't want to go back to being uncomfortable again that's right sounds like I don't want to go back to the water so my whole mindset was I want to get out of this training so I was hoping that they're gonna medically disqualify me from pair rescue program that didn't happen a week later the doc called me in the office said hey guess what man we're gonna put you back in the training I was like okay well I missed a week I got about two and a half weeks left I can do this I went back to the you know to the CEO of the commanding officer he said hey guess what we're gonna start you back from day one and when he said that to me my mind went back to the old David Goggin so I thought I'd changed you know learning learn how to swim learn how to read and write all I was doing was attacking the surface I wasn't getting down into the dungeon of what was really bothering me so whenever like tough times would happen you know any tough time that really tough time that happened I would go back to the sewer of my mind so this happened I went back to Lyon I said hey you know what Co this guy they know the doc didn't know about sickle cell he didn't give me a good reason why it's all about sudden death heart attack stroke I'm not comfortable so he gave me a medical from pear rescue so he allowed me to leave but I really quit I didn't want to go back in the water again right and that's when I went from weighing 175 pounds to 297 in about three and a half years Wow so I did a job called tak P yeah control and fast movers behind enemy lines but that job wasn't a job that I wanted and the spiral of depression you know but trying to find things that I was comfortable doing and whenever you find things that you're comfortable doing you're going away from the journey of life and I was going so far away from my journey you know that my weight showed my whole mindset yeah well we're gonna keep going for it but I want to stay here for a moment because one of the chapters that I've pulled out to talk about is chapter 5 the armored mind yes sir and you talked a lot about negative self-talk yeah and we all have a negative voice some of us deal with it more than others right some of us we deal with it in different times it manifests itself very very different for all of us right here in this story I want to go right back where you left us mm-hmm you lie you get yourself out of that particular service right and then you put on all this weight over three years was it the negative voice how did the negative voice leads you to the weight gain and kind of keep you in the sewer as you say so the most important conversation you'll ever have is the one you have with yourself you wake up with it you walk around with it eventually you act on it and my self-talk was most disgusting self-talk of all time so the sewer of my mind like I said you have to go back in there and fix things a lot of us are afraid like right now 20 years ago you wouldn't find me on this show I was too embarrassed to tell you I stuttered I lied all these different things getting beat up getting bullied whatever happened but that's where the true transformation starts to happen when you can look at people anybody thousands of people one person and say hey this is who I am and this is where I have to fix myself and this is where it really happened I thought it happened when I was in you know 19 18 years old trying to pass this military test it happened here when I was almost 300 pounds spraying for cockroaches making $1,000 a month and you know people called me dumb people my dad called me so many things not even funny being beat just stripped me of all self-esteem this is when I realized I was alone on this earth yeah I have God on earth and I have to fix everything so this is where I started to develop an indestructible mental toolbox okay so I came home one night after spraying for cockroaches at Ecolab and literally I was praying that Steak and Shake and I would go across the street to 7-eleven I had a 45-minute commute home so I worked an 11 o'clock at night to seven o'clock in the morning okay I had a 45-minute commute home and my my stop would be you know Steak and Shake Chuck and milkshake across the street 7-eleven box of mini chocolate doughnuts and I would eat that on the way home yeah sure when I come home I turn the TV on I take my shake because the box of donuts were I mean they were killed oh yeah I kill those yeah go back to the back turn this you know turn the TV on and take a shower listen to the TV won't take a shower this day I heard these guys on the team talking about Navy SEAL toughest class to 24 so I heard stuff about Navy SEALs you know these are the baddest of the baddest yeah so I come out now watching this show I'm drinking my shake and when you're watching the show of guys who are putting out there and their quit quit and left and right just can't help they're going through hell week they show them go with your first face second face to face and they're dropping like flies I looked in this one guy's eyes who was ringing the bell to quit to put his helmet down on the Navy SEAL training and I saw myself and I saw what everybody said I was going to be which was nothing what I said I was going to be that that conversation you have that's who I was that's why I lied to people to tell them a different version of the truth her I had to make all those lies reality I had to make him real I had I had to become a real person so that's a night I put in my mind that I'm gonna go to the toughest military training on the planet and where it has the most water the thing I was scared of the most I had to go back so all of us run away from our fears her and we boxed ourself in to a lifestyle of this is all we can do come afraid of everything outside this box yeah so I'm comfortable inside this box I jumped the box oh you did it for the first time I laugh mentally I jumped the box and say hey I come here play well what's interesting to me and I want to talk about this for a second because you made a real decision you won't talk about jumping in the fire that night because you're 297 pounds right so there's a lot of hard work that has to be done just to get you ready the engine will be ready that's right to take on the seal trainings right so there was a lot of hard work I want to point that out to our listeners and our viewers just to get yourself to a point where you can do what it is you set out to do and the funny thing about that's not even funny at all there's a good chance I might not even make it right through Navy so I I had to lose a hundred six pounds in less than three months which is insane due to my age due to prior service due to the program was shutting down I tried to get into the special program I was trying to get into I called up recruiters for two weeks and every recruiter was like hey you know what you know no of course you want recruiter named Steven Sal Joe who was in my book I talk about him a lot went out a lot just in that chapter he told me used to come in and he gave me a shot so basically I had to lose 106 pounds in less than three months and that journey alone was very difficult the the amount of ups and downs the amount of the amount of mornings I would wake up and just look at my shoes because my first run was a quarter-mile mm-hmm it was supposed to be four miles right and I walked home right in crowd on my couch so it was here's what I want people to hear sometimes it cuz it is intimidating you just talked about how intimidating how difficult my mountain was just to get a chance afraid yeah it's very terrible fear yes yeah you made a decision it is as simple as us making a decision I'm going to do this no matter what is that essentially what happened that night in the shower you know what it was over a period of time that voice became haunting when I was younger I could get away from it a little bit right when it becomes something that steady this pecks at you yeah all day long no matter what you're doing like if I was talking to you back then I lost 300 pounds sure I could be talking to you in this voice at the same time like what are you doing are you doing man you're a loser where you going man listen this is what you could do your whole life so he'd be talking to me as I'm talking to everybody it was almost like I had two people I'm like good god just shut up just I want to be comfortable I want to be left alone like I don't want to face all these things that that life gave me so you got to a point where you were sick and tired of hearing that voice I was sick and tired not facing the fact that I have I've allowed life to make me feel like a loser mm-hmm and a lot of us allow life to do that yeah and we accept it it allowed us talk about how we believe in God we believe in something higher than us if that is truth you won't allow yourself to feel that way it's absolutely right
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 794,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Reason You Need To Run Toward Fear, entreleadership, dave ramsey, David Goggins, david goggins, david goggins motivation, david goggins interview, navy seal, motivation, motivational video, motivational speech, inspiration, mindset, david goggins speech, david goggins motivational video, mental toughness, personal growth, impact theory, navy seals
Id: a0zIq-yayf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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