The REAL REASON why you are TRANSLATING in your HEAD? How to think in English

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today we're going to look at a hot topic of debates in the realm of language learning and that is when you are having a conversation in English can you should you stop translating in your head from your own language to English well the short answer is no because we don't translate in your head where else are you going to do it your feet your hands in your ass okay I guess I'm being a little bit flippin here but I know that a lot of you out there get frustrated when you're having a conversation in English because before you say the sentence in English you think of it in your language and then translate and of course by the time you've got the right words out it's too late and the conversation has moved on to another topic while you're sitting there like a lemon waiting for their English sentence to get to your lips but is there anything you can do about it now instead of me telling you stop translating in your head don't do it guys let's have a look at what the sign says what psychologists believe based on research of the human mind and how it works then we're going to look at what you can do to use this science to speak more fluently and learn english more quickly to find out more stay tuned [Music] [Applause] I don't want them to let them talk so can you stop translating in your head when you're having a conversation let's have a look at a scientific explanation psychologists tell us that there are two types of memory in your brain there's system 1 memory and your system 2 memory let me explain let me ask you a question can you drive a car when you first got into a car I bet it was difficult I bet it seemed impossibly complicated you turn the steering wheel and at the same time you indicate check for drivers in the other lanes change gears now when you need all your concentration to tackle a task that's your system 1 memory ok but now you've been driving for a few years bloody easy isn't it you could do in your sleep no frankly I don't recommend that over time it has become automatic not the car your memory I mean you no longer needs to concentrate on the mechanics of driving the ability to do a complex task without thinking about each individual step is your system to memory now if you leave your country and hire a car in a country when they drive where they drive on the other side of the road for example I'm from the UK and they drive on the left there but if I Drive in France they drive on the right so for the first few hours I will need to engage once more my system 1 memory until it reverts to system 2 and it becomes automatic again if you learn to type in the beginning you look at each key and it's slow slow and now clack like like like luck you don't even need to look up a keyboard anymore so fast that steam comes out of your computer that system to when you're learning a musical instrument you move from one note to another slowly and methodically you still make mistakes that system won and now you play with your eyes closed that system too when you're learning new software learning how to skate those system one you learn it becomes automatic you're on system 2 ok I'm sure you can think of hundreds of examples of this so why do you think it's any different when learning a language it's isn't it's exactly the same okay now I want to show you something we're going to cut open a human brain and see what's going on inside ok I don't actually have a human brain I don't have any permission for that and anywhere just get blood all over the carpet would would be a terrible mess so we're going to use a cabbage okay we're going to cut open with a cabbage and let me show you what we find okay you ready for this we find no cabbage leaves actually no let's look a bit closer here we are the inside of your brain okay let's get a little bit closer now you see these black pins the pins here let's call them pins that represents language in your system to memory language that you can recall instantly most of the time your native language now sometimes even in your native language you can struggle to remember a complex word or phrase likewise foreign words can be in your system to memory okay now I don't speak Chinese but I know that Nihao means hello I don't need to translate that every time I want to say hello in Chinese saying with konnichiwa and jumbo cap on crap okay I'm not translating I don't speak those languages now you see the the white drawing pins now when you learn a new word or phrase it goes into your system 1 memory over here ok and every time that you use that word you have to go from system to search for it in system 1 and then bring it back and use it in conversation takes time but big but every time you use that words it go it moves a little bit down along your brain ok towards system 2 so that why it becomes red before becoming black okay so it's on its way from system one to system 2 here we are so moving I learn that new word learn that new word always become red now I'm red become black yeah so imagine you learn a new word flummoxed flummoxed do you know what that means it means confused or bewildered you check the dictionary you learn in your language say Spanish that the closest translation is there's contemptible okay now first time use it in conversation it's difficult the British Parliament seems to be completely flummoxed too late they're talking about something else now they're talking about climate change how to make carrot cake whatever it's too late it took a few seconds get from there today but Karen using flummoxed flummoxed flummoxed moves from a system wand flummox flummoxed to your system to memory flummox and you're using it all the time when the computer stopped working and I couldn't use my powerpoint presentation I was completely flummoxed I didn't know what to say well now I've done it I think I've got it from next so the million-dollar question is how many times do you need to use a word before it goes into your system to memory the answer is seven seven the magic number seems to be seven if you use a word or phrase seven times then it will go into your system to memory roughly speaking of course it differs from situations a situation and person-to-person all those psychologists tell us that this is a fairly consistent figure so how does this help us simply put when you're learning new vocabulary you should use it as much as possible using conversation write it down in your emails your correspondence can you talk to yourself and use it that way yes absolutely you can it doesn't matter just embrace new vocabulary new phrases use them all the time and they will pass from your system 1 memory to your system 2 memory in approximately approximately 7 times ok so go out and use this method and you will no longer be flummoxed by the English language don't tell yourself all that teachers or anybody else tell you that it's a problem translating in your head no this is natural it's normal just take your time and you will move your English from system one to system 2 memory it's a slow process but if you're constantly learning constantly practicing you will get better you will get fluent in English [Music] at least that's the brain imagine just imagine it's a brain that's your dad said brain that's your brain okay cabbage use your imagination it's a brain [Music]
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 64,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop translating in your head, how to stop translating in your head, translation, translating, English, learn English, psychology, system one memory, system two memory, yt:cc=on, LetThemTalkTV, Gideon, English teacher, British pronunciation
Id: NeD5b4XwM1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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