The REAL Reason we spent $140,000 on 8K Cameras - ft Corridor Digital

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay sorry about that just with all the stress this camera has put me through over the last six months i needed a quick snack before i get started one moment please [Music] the ripjaws km 570 mechanical keyboard from g-skill features full rgb a simple design cherry mx switches and more check it out now at the link below now red cameras are inherently difficult to review because their modularity allows nearly unlimited different configurations so i'll focus on the build that we chose for flexibility today and easy adaptability for more specialized rigs in the future we ended up with more first party accessories than many users because my personal experience and anecdotal evidence suggests that third-party accessories can lead to compatibility issues down the road and at least if we experience a device failure there's only one contact we need for support something we did end up needing more on that later as for audio when linus did his original unboxing for the weapon we had planned to use the off hollywood omod but after a few weeks it would be generous to say that for 2500 it wasn't giving us the audio quality we expected so when beachtek offered to send us their new dxa cine and dxa alexa we were really excited to find a solution that didn't compromise on quality or workflow synchronizing audio in post is fine for feature films but it's a nightmare for our rigorous daily release schedule the dxa alexa is our daily driver now thanks to its two full-size xlr inputs and phantom power but the dxa cine is smaller gives you the same fine control with hardware buttons and is much less expensive if you're running and gunning with powered mics like sennheiser's avx system or something that doesn't need power like a rode video might go okay enough about audio let's talk about the most obvious reason you want to buy this camera the sensor in the weapon body or brain as red likes to call it their helium sensor shoots at a whopping 81.92 by 4320 at up to 60 frames per second but the benefit of this is not immediately obvious to the average person it's not about publishing at 8k for the dozen or so people out there with ak displays it's about flexibility in post being able to stabilize and punch in with a very minimal loss in image quality is great and for vfx work it can be an absolute godsend but don't take my word for it hello you're probably wondering what the heck i'm doing here my name is nico and i'm part of a channel called corridor and we shoot a lot of stuff on the red cameras and linus and brandon asked me to actually talk about resolution because these cameras shoot up to 8k but tvs only go up to 4k so why shoot in the higher resolution if no one has a display to watch it there's actually a couple useful things that it does or that enables a filmmaker to do for example when you shoot ak footage you can zoom into the footage reframe it crop it pan and scan without any noticeable loss of sharpness up to a certain point of course but you can zoom in 150 180 sometimes even 200 and you can't tell that it was zoomed in david fincher actually does this quite a bit on house of cards it's one of the ways he can get those perfect symmetrical compositions because in post they'll go in and reframe the frame to make it perfect another thing you can do with the extra resolution is get better motion tracking because more resolution means more detail to track more detail to track means more points more points means a better camera solve so for visual effects artists the extra resolution can be nice and finally the thing that i find most useful is down sampling so if you're shooting in 8k and you're delivering to a 4k television well you down sample that 8k 4k that means that you take four pixels and average them out to one pixel for delivery so it makes your image cleaner for example if it's underexposed or you push the color grade quite a bit and it's starting to get noisy that noise starts to disappear and if you're delivering to 1080p and you're shooting in 8k that's a 16 to 1 pixel ratio so you're taking 16 pixels averaging them down to one pixel for 1080p delivery meaning you have a lot more leeway with getting grainy footage or pushing your color grade and maybe it's not perfect but once you downsample it that far it looks really clean so there's a couple different perks for a filmmaker to shoot in a higher resolution and those are just some of them anyways i hope that was useful hope i could help a little bit and i'll give it back to brandon thanks but resolution is actually just a small part of the story here much more important is helium's impressive 16.5 stops of dynamic range the 10 years of work redis put into their color science and the post-production flexibility afforded by the proprietary red code raw file format some of you might not know this but outside of linus tech tips i actually spend a great deal of my personal time shooting shorts web series and pretty stock footage that i mostly don't get paid for but i do it because i love it and i guess that's where the weapon shines for me flexibility every time i take it or it's little cousin the epic w out into the world usually with a ferocious guard dog to keep us both safe it puts a big smile on my face both during shooting and while reviewing footage later this gear was obviously a huge investment for us as a company but shooting a mix of our daily releases our bigger projects and my personal stuff i've been hard pressed to find something anything i can throw at in the real world that it can't handle and that's ignoring the fun yes i find it fun upgrading the files in premiere even at high compression ratios which helps us save space on red's proprietary mini mag ssds i am super impressed by how much latitude there is especially when trying to pull out details out of dark areas of a scene even at a high iso which is an area where the previous 6k dragon sensors struggled not to mention that as a relatively new red user the ability to change iso or white balance after the fact contribute a layer of flexibility that i am still getting used to however this flexibility is not an excuse for shooting incorrectly in the first place like any piece of professional equipment a red weapon does not make you the next roger deakins sure you can crank the iso to 2000 in an effort to mask your lighting errors with a high quality camera and a lot of people would never notice but to truly get the most out of it you have to be aware that a camera has a native iso where its dynamic range capabilities are ideal and everything lighting makeup nd filters exposure aperture shutter speed everything needs to be balanced to get the right amount of light on the sensor if you want the highest quality digital negative and that's important because with red's new image processing pipeline even users of older red cameras can go back and reprocess the red raw footage with ipp2 for a fairly significant improvement in image quality it's still beta but it shows a dedication to support that i have to admire okay so this is the dream camera that everyone thinks it is right smooth sailing right well actually like any camera nerd i was more excited than i had almost ever been to open a box when it arrived but from day one until now we've had such a laundry list of issues with both of our cameras that i don't have enough time to talk about all of them so i'll just give you the highlights our biggest consistent issue has been with our 960 gig mini max i've heard the arguments defending red's proprietary ssd media it's more reliable and therefore worth the high cost but any ssd can fail and while we haven't actually lost any footage between these stress inducing mounting issues and having four of our 960g mags fail over a span of six months i'm with linus on this one the solution to reliable storage remember this is a camera that might be used for a 50 million dollar production or higher is not three thousand dollar mcat ssds no matter how much pixie dust is in them the actual solution to reliable storage is redundancy two reds credit they offered us a three year warranty upgrade for both of our cameras with two free 960 gig mags as a way of saying sorry your seven inch display mags weapon brain and epic w brain twice had to be r made but just speaking honestly as a customer it's caused delays in our production schedule and hasn't given us the warm and fuzzy feeling that we should be getting when we're buying the best of the best with all of that said however linus might feel about the price tag we clearly haven't boxed them back up for a refund are they overkill for youtube yes but does that mean we will continue to bring you guys videos shot in 8k anyway also yes we aren't going to turn into fanboys but the image quality and flexibility have brought us into the red ecosystem for the foreseeable future one of the worst parts of being a small business owner let's say you uh you're an electrical contractor or something like that is dealing with accounting it's complicated it's time consuming and it doesn't have to be freshbooks is the cloud-based accounting software built for how you want to work it's a simple way to be more productive more organized and get paid faster you can create and send professional looking invoices in less than 30 seconds you can set up online payments with just a couple of clicks you can get paid on your terms including taking deposits through the platform and you can see when your client has seen your invoice to put an end to the guessing games for an unrestricted 30-day free trial just go to tech tips and enter linus tech tips in the how did you hear about us section so thank you guys for watching if this video sucked you know what to do but if it was awesome get subscribed hit that like button or check out where to buy the stuff we feat well where to buy red in the link in the video description also linked in the description is our merch store which you can buy cool t-shirts not like this one and our community forum which you should totally join also let me know in the comments down below if you guys want us to do a video covering our 8k post workflow and any further questions please hit me up on instagram or twitter linked below
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,759,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red, cinema, camera, 8k, helium, sensor, weapon, epic, raw, editing, premiere, shooting
Id: -W6JfiC-QBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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