Is a good camera important?? - Pro vs Amateur CHALLENGE

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I was laughing like a madman to virtually everything James and Colton did. This video is gold 😂

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Dextro_PT 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Seems like Brandon was going for safe shots that he thinks the Pixel can handle and Linus was just struggling by not knowing how to use the camera. I think they both would've done better if they switched equipment just out of being comfortable with the other gear.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/tocilog 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

(15:34) Brandon: "Can i get a spoon?"

(15:36) Judge: "You can work with anything in this room"

(16:57) Linus: went out to use the microwave

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/nuthead6 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

The main thing I feel from this, is it was genuinely fun to watch the struggle mode from both of them. James and Colton were amazing. I can't unsee James in the damn greensuit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Taronz 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

this was so fun to watch. also, the drag race references... loved it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nrcll 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
for years phone manufacturers have been claiming that you no longer need a bulky and heavy mirrorless or DSLR camera to get professional-grade results out of your photography so to test this claim once and for all we've put together what I would call a pretty unique challenge it's going to be me versus Brandon but the fight won't exactly be fair Brandon will be using the pixel 3 the pixel 3 while I will be equipped with the GFX 50 are from Fujifilm a 51 megapixel what's it called medium format format so to put this in perspective guys this is the tool you would use for fashion photography or like taking the kind of picture that would get blown up to the size of a building and Brandon gets a pixel 3 summer break just started but it's never too early to start looking for a new laptop for back-to-school every words in PC laptop is ready for whatever games or school projects you're gonna tackle and you can check out their special deals at the link below [Music] nice I mean like hey that's my only that's the only thing I got going from here like this thing is I forgot how small the pixel is to begin with like hey guys ready for your first challenge yeah I guess so Andy hand them the envelope I feel like I'm on Amazing Race there's one envelopes we couldn't afford to end all right photo challenge number one the action shot for this challenge you will be judged on these three criteria the sense of speed your photo conveys your use of foreground and background contrast the clarity of the action you will have two laps of track to capture a single best photo gentlemen turn on your cameras and May the photo best photo wind turn around okay hang on wait what okay well hold on I don't even know how to turn on the camera so this is a 23 millimeter I think that means it's a prime this is I think my aperture oh my god my camera is ready yeah smart guy you act like you're happy about this but I know you'd rather be using this oh my god this doesn't seem to do focus I don't think this is changing focus I really need to know how focus works also this lens is like fisheye I don't okay I need to change my lens wow that is a big sensor oh that is hot I think I want my longer lens for this one I want lots of background blur okay what do I do hold on a second that goes there no no no red dot - red dot okay I shouldn't help you I shouldn't I got this don't worry white balance is set to underwater who the hell did that were they trying to pop me highlight tone shadow tone what is this inori's reduction - - let's set that to default I don't have a lot of confidence in Linus's ability to take photos at the same time oh I think it's I think it's Auto focus that medium format Fuji I've been using for like three months it's amazing okay I just hold the shutter halfway down I know this uh how do I pick a focus point it's a touch no go away Brandon you aren't helping I'm not gonna help you I just like watching you suffer I'm gonna turn HDR off because I think that for action you don't really need and I'm not not quite sure how the processing will handle the motion blur if James is gonna be running so I really have no idea better to just leave it off oh I have to unlock are we gonna actually do this challenge ever shut up I'm working on it so where do we go I'll let you go first it's all in the hips I'm as ready as I'm gonna be okay I didn't even get a picture I'm gonna have to get out ahead of him [Music] one one laughing laughing okay yeah yeah sure I'm fat so this is one of my images it's a picture of the track at my feet that was really hard like I knew I wasn't gonna know how to operate the camera but the part that I didn't account for was being having to get in position against a moving target I mean I guess that is the challenge is Brandon has the know-how and I have the better equipment okay Brandon you're up three two one go uh see the way he stands up doesn't he deal with that yeah no kidding [Music] [Music] it's my whole strategy of like trying to just wait for the parts where James was in good light didn't work out quite how I thought because I've never done that 400 meters sprint while somebody I'll try to take a photo of somebody and surprisingly that's not that easy to do no I think I'm pretty happy with that last shot that I got because with a little bit of editing and a crop I think it'll look pretty good because I'm getting that nice like texture of the building area and the lines from the track this has also shown me that maybe I should take up running there's a little bit of shape when it comes to that I feel good though like overall like I could have done maybe a little bit better but I'm feeling good okay then it's like a fun house in here is it there's a is that is that the trophy for whoever wins this oh my god it is amazing photographer genius hey wait this is a reused trophy this is from nerd sports okay so what is your challenge editorial fashion photography Alan Lord is the glitz and glamour of the photo world you need to use the lights the space and most importantly the star to capture the raw emotion with an outfit conveys and to sell that merch I'm so excited oh my god for this challenge you'll be judged on how much the judges actually want to buy the clothes presented well I think that's a foregone conclusion yeah I think that's decided for us already you have 15 minutes with the star to get three photos of three different merch items that's not a lot of time I'll be honest I'm pretty ready for this next one you only use the lights that are on that set but you can use any props any chairs anything else that you find inside this room I think you should go first this time okay all right go ahead Brendan leave the room oh okay can't watch me use these lights and then you got to watch me go around the track that was different there's no parameters of helpfulness there for me okay : you ready for this put your pants on Oh put your pants on here put this shirt on don't force it to be a sexy shoot see how this goes sexy hold on okay so Colton sit down hold that like in front of me something more interesting than this okay drink from the water bottle like how and then give me like your sexiest like what sexy David Hasselhoff stare hold the Hat like this like grab to it two sides no I just hold on the Swart whoops okay oh you're killing it what's my expression you're about to watch the last episode of Game of Thrones when you were actually excited about it sit button yeah so sit behind this table yeah like a sexy photo table like but you're just in the background think about being the French girl you're the French girl okay cool try wearing three hats so like one now there sure I know there and then just like look up at your head you're like I'm I'm so so awesome wearing three hats this is a new trend you're wearing then your trend of wearing three hats at the same time okay hold this okay yeah there you go perfect Colton hold on and the noise to me come back to me turn back to me here alright that was hard holy crap oh my god this experience was weird because it was with my coworker but I had like I started with all my clothes off wait not all of them I had my boxers anyway so this is just it's just weird I think Brandi did a great job I mean Brandon does his stuff all the time so like he's just a he's a natural-born professional so I love Colton we work together for like four years having him be a model is it is a weird turn to our relationship but no it was fun he's a lot of fun fingers crossed anyway that I managed to pull something that was good off so Brandon better watch out because I spent the last 15 minutes going through the menus of this camera and I wouldn't call myself an expert but I figured out how to change the ISO now so I've got that going for me but now go Oh God look I'm thinking right now I need to figure out how to get you in focus and then we're gonna go from there I'm gonna move this though because he looks kind of too dramatic right now I'm into more like you know bright and fun Colton can you do bright and fun or is it all soulless with you all the time it's all soulless all the time oh my god okay oh boy okay let's cross your arms let's do like give me like a smug smug smile why is the light so low oh my god it's so heavy okay you know what let's go let's do something sensual start unzipping it with one hand then you got the other hand like on the thing so you're kind of you're kind of eye contact eye contact no that looks you look like my disapproving father all right you know give me a give me a DAB who knows the kids like dads hey dad give me like a DAB oh my god this backdrop it's a tiny can you move a little bit to your right here - hold on let's just let's just go like let's just do like more of a like a close-ups no maybe that's not good yeah that's good here's a fun mug yeah fun mud no that's bad it covers your face that's terrible it's a bad idea sandals put these on please okay wait wait wait wait what you need socks no oh give me give me some fun give me like a like a like wow you know that actually wasn't that bad you gotta look at me ah my pants back on ah I don't make the rules man more intensity can you do more intensity oh my god I feel like it's like a mug shot okay ah give me give me like kind of like a hat tip like how you doing ladies Oh God oh my god that's not in focus okay hold on yeah yeah look at the camera a little more smile you have more smile yeah that's just kind of silly is weird it's weird I don't like it I don't like it okay oh look that's not actually bad I want that I want you I don't like my rap albums about it yeah I want you putting the hat on okay all the way off and then like you know what we're going it oh here's okay I haven't I even just wait just wait I just want some of the water give me a classic like billy mays here billy mays here you're like you're having a great time you're a sports ball player oh my god it's something it's horrible you look like it's killing you that'll sell that'll sell okay I want something playful here playful so I want you to splash me with the water splash you have a camera just like like you're having fun middle of the water fight and you'll have your hand on your hips like that you're just like just like oh my god you've got to get the shot I'm gonna I'm gonna get you give me a greatest photo shoot of all time pose so give me the give me the water bottle water bottle pull your arms under the sleeves put the hood on just wait just chill just chill it's all good that's not bad okay and we'll go around in there just like get loose wiggle okay yeah wiggle around okay now look at me and hold still okay right new probe up on my LinkedIn here we go there's a lot of dog stuff on the table that's exciting this is weird does this mean I could have brought my dog to work today challenge number three it's photography aftering still life may seem easy but the Devils in the details for this challenge you were tasked with capturing the most appealing photography of drumroll dog food you have ten minutes see at one photo this is literally a silver can with gaff tape that says dog guys we don't even have that much to work with can I get a spoon to like okay anything in the room well I'm gonna use the - dog food dishes you said I could use anything in this room I'm gonna let you do this one first because I I want to just listen from a distance how you deal with because you've never had a dog you have cats I have a dog when I was a kid oh you did okay and it's not complicated I got dog food works how am I supposed to make this look appetizing what now I have to think yet I was actually feeling okay about the last couple of challenges but this one I'm deeply worried about like if you guys gave us a meal that's actually nice that might have been nice okay so maybe we don't have him eating it maybe he's just present and he looks happy so we've got the tail up this looks disgusting I mean can I warm it up I think it'll help sure yeah you don't think warming this stuff is gonna help it's gonna help a lot I need to get all this camera crap off here what am I supposed to do with this see if I remember how to use the bloody camera this smells so bad look at this it's like juicy I'm mixing it I don't think you guys could make this look appetizing either what if I put like a small garnish this is lipstick on a pig if I've ever seen it my battery dead this is not working maybe I do need dog things this is stupid this is like dirty just anything else I can use to like presented this is actually the worst thing I've ever done [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] it's over boy okay oh my god Jesus oh this is gross oh it's hard Jesus Oh Oh God Oh No anyway [Music] hey I'm done falling it you know as good as as appetizing is you can make dog food I mean I have a dog she's small and she'd probably love eating that photo challenge number for the professional headshot one of the most reliable ways to make some quick cash as a starting photographers to offer headshots although it seems easy it demands a steady confident hand which is why you'll be shooting from a moving car you are in charge of directing the subject to produce a pose and expression that we get the most appeal to a potential client you get three drive-bys at twenty kilometres an hour oh god I'm so glad you're going first because I need to figure out how to change my shutter speed wait I have to drive the car don't I yep James loves taking his shirt off I'm gonna ask him to take his shirt off and give me a like a sexy pose is that a headshot though it's a tinder profile picture tinder profile picture we're going for a tinder profile picture yeah sexy pose headshot hey Isis ready to drive and you want the tire on that line in the road right okay I'll do my best friend and no promises though oh my god okay rumours perverts okay so guys that was seven kilometers an hour and I think that's probably pods yeah Oh God okay all right I have three photo I see what Brandon was doing I don't think he was using your strengths you like taking your shirt off right oh so you're uh you're a pickup kind of guy clean but not too clean you've got the button-up shirt but it's over the shoulder oh my god I wish I could just use this right now yeah just oh don't move let's go let's go oh wow [Music] I have a photo hell yeah I don't know which one of us is gonna come up with this okay that was probably one of the hardest photos that I've ever had to try to take like just technically speaking this was not a good performance I'm not blaming you James you did your best you did great James 100% 110% great so you're ready for challenge number five yeah I'm not gonna lie I felt pretty good about the first two the third one I never stood a chance and that last one you're gonna be embarrassed for me how badly I bombed it all right well we'll see how number five goes then as far as I'm concerned this could go either way right now yes it could very much so challenge number five the couples photographer as a photographer it's often your job to capture the important moments in your clients lives for your final challenge you'll have to use all your skills to create a series of beautiful unique and intimate pregnancy photos of the only couple of good all out is that what the pregnant cast was for oh okay that's clever so then you can expense it to work but you get the pregnant cast well people I don't know it this is a kit that exists people clearly want them so you don't do it with a bra on I couldn't have my wife's actual nipples on Colton you're trying to go first okay how long do I have 15 minutes and how many photos do it just one three three photos well the good news is I've already got my camera dialed in for direct sunlight photos here oops that's not what I meant to do dang it okay okay come on over here guys I've got a little clearing here okay I'm just no no no no I'm just here hold on a second I'm just thinking okay yeah okay okay yeah so so you got it yeah this is and that is what happens don't close your eyes you're enjoying this moment I want Mona Lisa smile have you seen the Mona Lisa dude help me help me keep your hands together so it's less obvious how mannish they are and then James the app arm on the belly James you're so proud of her okay we're quirky smile look at me but give me like side eyes that's not side eyes okay you want your like Koi Koi Koi look no look at me your head down at your tummy a little bit but kind of coy okay we're gonna have to work with that okay you're walking away from the life that you once knew with happiness in it you're gonna have children how do I do this hold on forty-five I'm going with 45 I want you guys send it in the fridge move to your left more left walk backwards towards me wow this is the worst okay forget it this doesn't work clear over here over here you guys Colton you're sitting it just shut up city you look about like a pregnant lady trying to sit James support him no no I mean sit behind him actually that's not that good sunbathe yeah can you look happy about the situation I'm happy I was blurry just want one moment please okay so I want some playful interaction I want like I want like a like a playful shove from Colton like you guys are like you guys are so you want the baby what it wants the baby try to do this for me okay if you can do this this is my winning picture I want you on one knee like you're proposing you know like got like a playful a playful mock proposal because you're pregnant I have no idea what to do with this background okay we got we got flowers yes thank you model okay okay a little bit closer James can you get sort of unnaturally close like I know you're at like a good distance but yeah just for framing it's just okay okay we're gonna pretend that you're not actually eight months pregnant you like just did it this is your this is your grass bed okay so then your legs are here do you need help getting your legs are out here and you're laying across this lap quickly quickly okay perfect I'm calling that good all right my turn how is it how is it go at least one of your photography subjects today is pretty challenging to work with good luck good luck yeah stand both of you stand like right here look deeply into each other's eyes like eyes if you just love each other yeah no just yeah hold your belly a little bit Colton sit down sit down sit down yeah right now yes you know what you lie down a little okay while you lie down like lie down with your head here I love it all right nice guys okay James stand behind Colton and hold this belly interlock your hands yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's great just great Colton put your put the flowers in your hair James I want a shot of you kissing his belly your your step stand a little bit more towards James okay oh yeah see much too much too much yeah there you go perfect okay both you stand right here I'm just trying to think like this one minute buddy just start taking pictures James Colton stand here James sit sit at his put your head against his belly both you look in my direction cool all right I'm done it's fine this was far harder but I think I actually managed to get a couple shots that I'm pretty happy with so we'll see how honest ed welcome back to LTT scrapyard cupcake drag-racing island we have just made our way through five grueling challenges where our two contestants have faced off using a pixel three and a GFX 50 our adjudicating this panel is three experts in the field first Etzel Yogo second David go Jay haha and third Dennis liao I love charging who will vanquish their foe we'll find out next that's mine I asked Hoffman to enhance it but he said he didn't have time yeah you didn't the end of your photos so I really like the contrast with the track in the green but then the green kind of mixes in with the trees behind him what was I supposed to do what I'm wearing a weird outfit I think that's what you're supposed to use your imagination for you could have gotten a higher shots that lure of the track was behind them you could have gone this is my lowest Leslie I'm just fair the sizing you okay you can't really argue it's done one of the criteria was kind of the whole backgrounds contrast versus the foreground and I think you do's James it does feel like he's posing it doesn't feel like it's quite capturing the subtleties of what Jane was accomplishing on that day the way that the light is hitting his face I don't particularly love and I think I might have chosen a different part of the track I use photographer okay you're not supposed to even know who took which photos so you should probably just judge the photo obviously you took this picture I like the contract after their outfit and a great does that give you a combo now let's move on to Brandon's photo technically speaking I think this one is a better photo than the other one just technically I like yours better I'm not sure if I'm looking at the guy or the stands I wish you could have captured it where the track was a uniform color and there wasn't the blue but overall I think this is actually an excellent photo and the stuff does pretty pop up but it's a little bit dark he looks happier than yours I think where this one kind of fails is that I don't see the merge so I don't know what I'm buying you did a good photo here but I don't think it quite sells the merge to me I would argue that most of the best advertisements just look like people having fun using the thing and are not focused on the product well then it's good you're not judging your own photos you're just not showing much of other products more about accordance face which is not important I think we have a very biased judge in the panel it looks like he's happy and just doing something the problem is I don't know what it is I want to buy interesting idea of having your subject posing the background but I don't see enough of him so I get my like my fancy tickled but not quite satisfied and so it's not a bad photo but don't love this one well I appreciate the logo being visible the Hat on that dark table doesn't tell me anything about how it fits I think it was a waste of having your model in the back and not wearing it I don't like this one either so I really like this photo I think it's lots of fun you use the sandals which i think is excellent I think that's a great use of part of our branding and so I really like this I think there's obviously a little bit of trouble with the exposure the fun more than makes up for it and I'd love this photo kotas face is a little bit hot on his right side told us just a hot guy as a consumer if I see this on your website I wouldn't want to buy this who do I want to buy as a pair of jeans for him to wear this picture actually sells me on something the best from what I've seen so far I can see myself being in that hoodie excellent I also don't wear pants all the time so I think it's a good smile but yeah it's just an OK photo I actually I like this picture among though the others than the best cuz I like the happiness he's praying to me so just watching this picture I want to buy two water bottles while all the other pictures kind of let me imagine myself I would never be going like this with my water ball and I just dreams corporate to me I still like the idea of this photo I think it's fun to be playing with the water bottle and I think it's important to sell merge with fun not just style and I think you did a good job getting a good performance out of Colton as an ad for the water bottle this is kind of terrible I think it's actually out of focus his eyes kind of look a little dead or scary or something yeah I don't think you nailed it on this photo the logos and the designs actually really popped with his face he's like really surprised that he got this free shirt or something this photo again feels like it's a salesman holding up one thing that he wants me to buy it happens to be that in fairness to Brandon but it doesn't make me want to buy it it doesn't make me picture myself wearing it and I actually thought that could have been a towel actually this picture is amazing you can see the fleece after he looks pretty tasty I know I'm not supposed to eat pet food but they are selling it to me and I'm not sure if it's actually pet food but it it looks good when you microwave the food during the challenge I was a little concerned for your sanity but you proved me wrong and it actually made it kind of come together and look a little more appetizing you're trying to tell the audience that the stock where you have too much going on this I like the other colors that contrast with the bowl and the food but it does seem kind of distracting and the food doesn't look like food I like the pose I like the arm crossing it looks like he's trying to sell me a house or maybe trying to sell me renovation services that are probably consider buying the lighting is a little bit off I think it lose his eyes but I think you did a really good job considering you're sitting in the back seat of a car and so good job I would not buy a building from this guy he looks a bit Shady the framing so K could be better unlinked and maybe that work so I love this photo maybe for the wrong reasons I think you were going for tinder profile you succeeded I think using the pickup as a background instead of trying to find a neutral space was a strong choice for Tina profile yeah you can see a lot of other pictures like this but you might be single forever because of such a douchey look like for a one-night stand you seems like a pretty good choice a relationship probably not I want to print this on a canvas I want to put it up in my house I want to make this a movie poster I want to make it the cover of my 17 love songs of 2004 album and so overall as a set I think it's good there's so much diversity they look they're having fun and man that last photo is excellent I love it you can feel that moment just quiet and happiness the marriage is good is working out I wouldn't ask for the full refund but I might ask for a discount because it's a little bit over suppose if I were pregnant or my partner was pregnant who really cares if like a picture is perfect but has no emotion this has all of the emotion and it's good enough this one ended up being by far my best photo we are gonna print it on a disk plate I think this is a really strong set and as individual photos you might have beaten Linus on any of them except for the last one that one's so good but as a set they're kind of like OneNote I love the colors I think like the exposure is good I think the emotion of this is pretty good but then they're in the same and so now I can see more of the world and I like this field but it's kind of the same photo just like zoomed out as a set it doesn't tell the story Lance's pictures I like for about a married couple but this couple looks like are not getting divorced I don't feel that happiness however the client I think it's the wrong emotion it makes me feel like they just got some bad news that they're they're going to lose the babies thank you so much for your photos excellent job to both of you and so good job guys thank you gentlemen while you untuck backstage the judges will deliberate their answer and come back with the winner browsing the Internet can be risky business so why don't you protect yourself and browse anonymously with a hidden IP private Internet access is an affordable way to do just that they make the websites and services that you use online think that you are some anonymous person in some different location piao various levels of encryption and a ton of features like their internet kill switch that will automatically cut your connection if you get disconnected from your VPN involuntarily they've got unlimited bandwidth and reliable service with over 3,000 servers in 32 countries and you can try it risk-free with their 7 day money-back guarantee they've got apps for Windows Mac Android and iOS and you can connect up to five devices at once on each account check it out at LM d GG / p IA linus - we're gonna have that linked below we have deliberated long and hard and we have come to a decision this was much closer than anyone expected and you both did an excellent job but the winner of today's challenge is lioness very one-sided competition honestly like your photo of James I liked way more than mine if we'd had double the amount of time I think he would have crushed me on every single challenge I was crazy lucky more than once even around the track yep that was the one action shot that I had that was remotely in focus Brandon your punishment is to take a photo of Linus with this trophy with your pixel three all right thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video you can hit that button but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description I can tell you guys now it's not the entire story but a better tool does help also down there is our merch store which has cool merch like the stuff you saw in this video and of course what I'm wearing right now as well as our community forum which you should totally join
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,357,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camera, photo, showdown, challenge, model, merch, store, fujifilm, gfx, google, pixel, pixel 3, photography, wedding
Id: PaJQpgWV9f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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